Farah Isam
Ms Hiyam ElSaadi
28 May2024
“Gender equality is the goal that will help abolish poverty that will create more equal
economies, fairer societies and happier men, women and children.” – Graça Machel. Gender
discrimination is where one is favored over the other due to their gender which portrays
inequality between girls and boys or women and men. This is a violation of the right to gender
equality as stated in the universal declaration of human rights. Gender equality is a fundamental
human right and essential for peaceful societies, full human potential, and sustainable
development. Empowering women also boosts productivity and economic growth. Challenges
facing the application of gender equality requires thorough progress assessment and following up
its implementation.
In 1979, the General Assembly introduced the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), which is like an International Bill of Rights for
Women. This convention has 30 articles that clearly explain what discrimination against women
is and provide a plan for countries to follow to end it. It also tackles how culture and tradition
influence gender roles and family relationships, and it was the first human rights treaty to
recognize women's reproductive rights. UN Women helps countries set and meet global
standards for gender equality by collaborating with governments and civil society to create and
implement effective laws, policies, programs, and services that benefit women and girls
worldwide. Many individuals and organizations are actively working to challenge and change
social norms that disadvantage women. During crises, such as pandemics, significant changes
can happen, and it is crucial to recognize that women are not merely victims. They deserve equal
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By ensuring women's voices are heard and their roles
are equal, we can foster more inclusive and effective solutions for global challenges. UN Women
helps countries set and meet global standards for gender equality by collaborating with
governments and civil society to create and implement effective laws, policies, programs, and
Status of fighting for gender equality. There has been progress over the last decades, but the
world is not on track to achieve gender equality by 2030. Women and girls represent half of the
world’s population and therefore also half of its potential. But gender inequality persists
everywhere and stagnates social progress. On average, women in the labor market still earn 23
percent less than men globally and women spend about three times as many hours in unpaid
domestic and care work as men. At the current rate, it will take an estimated 300 years to end
child marriage, 286 years to close gaps in legal protection and remove discriminatory laws, 140
years for women to be represented equally in positions of power and leadership in the workplace,
and 47 years to achieve equal representation in national parliaments. In 2024, no country has
fully achieved gender equality, with some nations showing no progress since 2015 and others
seeing a decline in women's rights. Achieving global gender equality at the current pace will take
131 years. Many women live under restrictive abortion laws, and even established rights like
abortion can be revoked, as seen with the U.S. Supreme Court's reversal of Roe v. Wade in 2022.
In other words, the feminist struggle will either be international or it will not be.
Promoting gender equality and tackling gender inequality. Gender inequality remains a
millions face extreme poverty without better job opportunities and support. Fewer women hold
top jobs, like in government and management—only about 27% of lawmakers, 36% of local
leaders, and 28% of managers are women. This lack of different viewpoints makes it hard to
make good policies. Over 340 million women and girls might live in extreme poverty by 2030.
That's about 8% of all women and girls living on less than $2.15 a day. We need to help them out
of poverty by giving them better jobs and support. Not enough women are working compared to
men. Only about 61% of women who could work are, while it's 91% for men. This makes it hard
for the economy to grow and for society to move forward. In 2019, women only made 51 cents
for every dollar men made at work. Lack of women in leadership, Poverty and lack of economic
opportunities, Workplace discrimination, and inequalities are the main things that commit to
Gender equality means that the rights, responsibilities, and opportunities of individuals will not
depend on whether they are male or female, handicapped or able-bodied, young or elderly, white
or black, or from rural or urban settings. Women are entitled to live in dignity, safety, and
security. The 1979 CEDAW convention addresses discrimination against women and promotes
gender equality, with UN Women aiding countries in implementing effective policies and
ensuring women's equal participation in decision-making and crisis recovery. Despite some
progress, gender equality is still far off, with big gaps in pay, unpaid work, and leadership roles.
At the current rate, it will take 131 years to achieve, needing a global effort to protect women's
rights. Many women face hardship due to a lack of leadership and poverty which is why the
process of achieving gender equality has been hard but the fight to make this goal happen will
never stop.
Works Cited
De Paula, Nicole. “Gender Equality: The Formula to Accelerate Implementation of the 2030
“Gender Inequality Around the World in 2024: Special Report.” Focus 2030,
Martin. “United Nations: Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment.” United Nations
Sustainable Development, 19
Oct. 2023,
Women –