Carlo- Drainage Design Calculations

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No SA-JER-AR301-SECO-341001
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Doc. No SA-JER-AR301-SECO-341001
Rev No 0
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a Time of Concentration

b Intensity Rainfall



a Flow Depth

b Flow Velocity

c Discharge Quantity


a Minimun Design Velocity

b Maximum Design Velocity




a Area

b Wetted Perimeter

c Hydralic Radius



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Tc = Tc(1) + Tc(2) ( in mins. )

where: Tc(1)= Travel time of surface flow (mins.)

Tc(2)= Travel time of flow in pipes from junction-junction (mins.)

* Tc (1) = (3.26(1.1-C)(D)1/2)/ (S)1/3 (in mins. )

C = The runoff coefficient ( Table 1 -see below)
D = Distance to the most remote point (m) (see Cl. 1.1.a2)
S = Slope (% ) (see Cl. 1.1.a3)
Note: Min Tc =10 mins. ( REF. SAES-S-030 Cl. 4.2.4 )

* Tc (2) = L / (60+V) (in mins. )

where: L= Length of pipe (m)
V= Pipe flow velocity ( Manning Eqt'n ) (m/s)


Table 1 (REF SAES S-030 Cl. 4.5.2)
Character of Drainage Area C
Pavement, Roads & Parking Lots 0.9
Compacted marl or open rocky Areas 0.80
Commercial or Community Services Areas 0.70
Residential Areas 0.60
School Sites 0.50
Parks And open Sandy area 0.3

-The max surface travel of any liquid to a catch basin shall not be
greater than 15 meters

a.3 *SLOPE (S) (REF. SAES-S-020 Cl. 4.6.3 )

- The max. slope to catch basin shall be not less than 1.5% or 15mm/m
- The max. drop to catch basin from high point of paving shall be 200mm

b) RAINFALL INTENSITY (I)= K/( t+b ) ( REF. SAES A-112 Notes 3 )

Freq. b
SI Units Customary Units
5 yrs 2443 96.20 27.50
10 yrs 2941 115.80 24.90
25 yrs 3420 134.60 23.70
50 yrs 3810 150.00 21.00


The storm return frequencies for saudi aramco facilities and types
drainage systems shall be 5 years. 3
1.2 RUNOFF QUANTITY ( REF. SAES-S-030 CL. 4.5.2) 4

- The runoff quantity for each drainage area shall be determined by the use of the
Rational Formula:
a). Q = 0.002755 x C x I x A (Dranaige area less than or equal to 4.048km2)

a). Q = 0.003 x C x I x A x (S/A) x 0.25 (Dranaige area more than 4.048km2)

where: C = Runoff coefficient for the drinage area. ( Table 1 -see above)
I = Designed rainfall Intensity (mm/hr) (see Cl.1.1.b)
A = Area contributing runoff to the sewer (hectares)
S = Ave. slope of ground in drainage area (m/305m)


a) FLOW DEPTH : (2/3) D (REF. SAES-S-030 Cl. 4.6.5)
. Piping design flow depth shall not exceed 2/3 of pipe diameter


V = 1/n x R ²/³ x S ¹/² (m/s)

where: n = Roughness Coefficient (Table 2- see below)

R = Hydraulic mean radious (A/P) (m) ( see Cl. 2.0 below )
A = Cross section area of pipe at flow depth (m2) (Cl. 2.1.a)
P = Wetted perimeter of pipe (m) (Cl. 2.1.b)
S = Hydraulic slope (slope of the pipe) (m/m)

Table 2 (REF SAES S-030 Cl. 4.6.1)
Surface n
Vitrified clay or RTR Pipe 0.013
Concrete or Steel Pipe 0.015
Pave Streets with curb and gutter 0.015
Concrete lined open channels & box culverts 0.016
Constructed open channels w/ concrete side slopes 0.019
Constructed open channels w/ concrete earth slopes 0.023
Constructed open channels w/ rip rap slopes 0.027
Smooth natural stream channel 0.040
Rough or rocky natural stream channels 0.050


Q=AxV (m³/ sec)

where: V = Average velocity (m/s) ( See Cl. 1.3.b )

A = Cross- Sectional Area of Pipe (m)


a). MINIMUM DESIGN VELOCITY : Vmin = 0.90 m/s ( REF. SAES-S- 020 Cl. 4.5.1)



Table 1- Piping Material Selection (REF. SAES L-132 Page 12/13) 5

Temp Velocity
Environment Basic Material
(deg C) (m/s)
1-49 0-2.4 PVC
50-70 0-2.4 CPVC
Water, Utility (raw) 1-70 0-5.0 RTRP (FRP/GRP)
0-120 0-3.0 Cement-Lined steel
1-99 0-1.2 Copper
1-120 0-3.0 Cement-Lined steel
1-50 0-5.0 RTRP (FRP/GRP)
Water, sea/saline 0-50 Table 2 90-10 Cu-Ni
0-50 0-10 254 SMO S/S
0-50 0-3.6 Steel


a) Sublaterals shall have a minimum nominal pipe diameter of 200mm

b) Pipe shal not be reduced in size in the direction of flow
c) Min Dia of Storm drain pipe (except building/ Road Crossing shall be 300mm )

2.1 Hydraulic radius of pipe

Piping design flow depth shall not exceed 2/3 of pipe diameter
(REF. SAES-S-030 Cl. 4.6.5 )

l A2
0.5D 0.167D 0.5D
A1 θ A1

2/3 D

a) Area
θ = 90˚ - cos-1 ( 0.167D / 0.5D )
= 90˚ - cos-1 ( 0.33 ) = 19.51174 ˚

l = rθ = πDθ/360
A1 = rl/2 = Dl/4 = D/4 x πDθ/360 = πD2θ / 1440 = 0.0426 D2
A2 = 1/2 x 0.471D x 0.167D x 2ea = 0.0787 D2
A3 = 1/2 x πD /4 = πD / 8 =
2 2
0.3927 D2

A = 2A1 + A2 + A3 = 0.5565 D2

b) Wetted perimeter
P = 2l + πD/2 = 2πDθ/360 + πD/2
= (2πθ/360 + π/2) x D = 1.9113 D

c) Hydraulic radius
R = A / P = 0.5565 / 1.9113 = 0.2912 D

Table 2- Trench Width (REF. SAES-S-070 Cl. 9.14)

Type of Pipe Nominal Pipe Size (mm) Min. Width Trench(mm)
Thermoplastic 90 and under 300
Thermoplastic 110 and Over O.D. + 300
RTR 250 and under O.D. + 300
RTR 300-600 2 x O.D.
RTR Over 600 O.D. + 600
Cast Iron Soil All O.D. + 400
Ductile Iron All O.D. + 400

Table 3- Min Cover Over Top of Pipe (REF. SAES-S-070 Cl. 9.14)
Type of Pipe Nominal Size and Serivces Minimum Cover (mm)
Thermoplastic Sewers, Gravity Flow 900
Thermoplastic Pressure pipe under 100mm size 600
Thermoplastic Pressure pipe 100mm and larger 900
Thermoplastic Irrigation, under 90mm size 300
Thermoplastic Irrigation, 90mm and larger 600
RTR Under 150mm size 600
RTR 150mm and Larger 900
Cast Iron Soil Typical 900
Ductile Iron Typical 900
Note: 600mm under paved roads


AREA 1 8684.49 m2
AREA 2 13737.74 m2
TOTAL 22422.2 m2


AREA 3&4 24050.23 m2
TOTAL 24050.2 m2

OVERALL TOTAL 46472.5 m2


- The Drainage network area shall consist of but not limited to catch basins, manholes,
trench and underground pipe works.
- At catchment area, maximum travel time of any liquid to catch basin shall not exceed 15 m.
- At catchment area, max drop catch from high point of paving to catch basin shall be 200mm.
- The flow from one (1) catch basin shall not run into another catch basin, but shall be contained
within the sealed and vented sewer system all the way to disposal facilities.
- A Standard catch basin shall be provided for each 0.0315 m3/s of effluent flow within a plot area.
- Flow velocity shall not be less than 0.90 m/s to minimize deposition of liquids and accumulation
of water at the bottom point and for self cleansing.
- Invert of the outlet in the MH shall be at least 25mm lower than the invert of the lowest
incoming sewer in the MH. Whenever the total available fall is limited, the outlet may be raised
until the invert is flush with the lowest inlet invert.
- Manhole intervals shall not be more than 90m for any mains, regardless of size.
- Sewer system shall not be located in areas where their acess for any modification or maintenance 8
purposes is made difficult such as under foundations, bases or slabs.
- Sealed and vented Manholes shall be used for oily water sewers.
- Drainage System desinged at cumulative storm water flow based on a 5-year return frequency.
Runoff coefficient ( C ) = 0.9 (REF SAES S-030 Cl. 4.5.2) Paving Slope Min=1.5 % ( REF. SAES-S-020 CL. 4.6.3)
Roughness co-efficient (n ) = 0.013 For RTR Pipe (REF SAES S-030 Cl. 4.6.1) Max. Level Diff (HPP-CB) 200 mm (REF. SAES-S-020 Cl. 4.6.3 )
Design depth of flow in pipe = 2/3 D (REF. SAES-S-030 Cl. 4.6.5 ) Max Distance Bet. Manholes 90 m (Sewers)
Max Distance(High point -CB) 15 (REF. SAES-S-020 Cl. 4.6.2 ) Flow Velocity (v) Min= 0.9 m/s ( Ref. SAES-L-132 )
Q= (0.002755 X C x I X A) I = K/(t+b) (SAES-A-112 Note 3) ( By Manning's Eqt'n.) Design Flow Depth= 2/3 D

TIME OF CONCENTRATION K= 2443 V = 1/n x R ²/³ x S ¹/² A= ### D

Tc1= (3.26(1.1-C)(D)¹/²)/(S)¹/3 b= 27.5 Q= A x V P= 1.9113 D
note: Min Tc= 10 mins t= Tc1 Pipe Slopes(S) = h/L R= 0.2912 D
Time Of Concentration
Line Catchment Area Rainfall Intensity Design Flow Pipe Sizing Invert Levels REMARKS
( mins)
Paving(m2) Runoff Tc1 I Lenghth Inlet Outlet
Tc2 Q S V Q Type Q V
[C] ( Surface Tc K b (mm/h (m) D (mm) R=A/P (EL ± (EL ±
From To Unpaving ( Pipe) (m3/sec) (%) (m/s) (m3/sec) Check Check
) ) m) m)

L1 228.5 0.9
CB1 MH 1 0.0 - 1.0 0.2103 1.2 2443.0 27.5 85.1 14.8 0.004821 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.49 PIPE OK OK
L2 228.5 0.9
CB2 MH 1 0.0 - 10.0 0.1676 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.9 11.8 0.003675 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.47 PIPE OK OK
L3 228.5 0.9
CB3 MH 1 0.0 - 10.0 0.1591 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.9 11.2 0.003675 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.47 PIPE OK OK
P1 0 0.9
MH1 MH2 0 - 10.2 0.4964 10.7 2443.0 27.5 64.0 27.4 0.010880 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.51 -1.60 PIPE OK OK
L4 228.5 0.9
CB4 MH 2 0.0 - 10.0 0.0909 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 6.4 0.003682 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.44 PIPE OK OK
L5 228.5 0.9
CB5 MH 2 0.0 - 10.0 0.1279 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 9.0 0.003678 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.45 PIPE OK OK
L6 228.5 0.9
CB6 MH 2 0.0 - 10.0 0.0909 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 6.4 0.003682 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.44 PIPE OK OK
P2 0 0.9
MH2 MH3 0 - 10.7 0.5439 11.2 2443.0 27.5 63.1 30.0 0.021608 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.62 -1.71 PIPE OK OK
L7 228.5 0.9
CB7 MH 3 0.0 - 10.0 0.6677 10.7 2443.0 27.5 64.0 47.0 0.003626 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.68 PIPE OK OK
L8 228.5 0.9
CB8 MH 3 0.0 - 10.0 0.1421 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 10.0 0.003677 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.46 PIPE OK OK
L9 228.5 0.9
CB9 MH 3 0.0 - 10.0 0.0909 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 6.4 0.003682 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.44 PIPE OK OK
L10 228.5 0.9
CB10 MH 3 0.0 - 10.0 0.1506 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.9 10.6 0.003676 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.46 PIPE OK OK
L11 228.5 0.9
CB11 MH 3 0.0 - 10.0 0.0909 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 6.4 0.003682 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.44 PIPE OK OK
P3 0 0.9
MH3 MH4 0 - 11.2 0.2991 11.5 2443.0 27.5 62.6 16.5 0.039350 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.74 -1.79 PIPE OK OK

Page 9 of 27
Time Of Concentration
Line Catchment Area Rainfall Intensity Design Flow Pipe Sizing Invert Levels REMARKS
( mins)
Paving(m )2 Runoff Tc1 I Lenghth Inlet Outlet
Tc2 Q S V Q Type Q V
[C] ( Surface Tc K b (mm/h (m) D (mm) R=A/P (EL ± (EL ±
From To Unpaving ( Pipe) (m3/sec) (%) (m/s) (m3/sec) Check Check
) ) m) m)

L12 142.0 0.9

CB12 MH 4 0.0 - 10.0 0.6621 10.7 2443.0 27.5 64.0 46.6 0.002254 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.68 PIPE OK OK
L13 142.0 0.9
CB13 MH 4 0.0 - 10.0 0.1108 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 7.8 0.002287 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.45 PIPE OK OK
L14 142.0 0.9
CB14 MH 4 0.0 - 10.0 0.1151 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 8.1 0.002287 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.45 PIPE OK OK
L15 228.5 0.9
CB15 MH 4 0.0 - 10.0 0.0426 10.0 2443.0 27.5 65.1 3.0 0.003687 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
P4 0 0.9
MH4 MH7 0 - 11.5 0.1650 11.7 2443.0 27.5 62.4 9.1 0.049471 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.81 -1.84 PIPE OK OK
L16 228.5 0.9
CB16 MH 5 0.0 - 10.0 0.3424 10.3 2443.0 27.5 64.6 24.1 0.003658 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.54 PIPE OK OK
L17 240.0 0.9
CB17 MH 5 0.0 - 10.0 0.3611 10.4 2443.0 27.5 64.5 25.4 0.003840 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.55 PIPE OK OK
L18 240.0 0.9
CB18 MH 5 0.0 - 10.0 0.1506 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.9 10.6 0.003861 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.46 PIPE OK OK
L19 228.5 0.9
CB19 MH 5 0.0 - 10.0 0.1506 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.9 10.6 0.003676 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.46 PIPE OK OK
L20 228.5 0.9
CB20 MH 5 0.0 - 10.0 0.0369 10.0 2443.0 27.5 65.1 2.6 0.003687 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
P5 0 0.9
MH5 MH6 0 - 10.4 0.4804 10.8 2443.0 27.5 63.7 26.5 0.018413 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.58 -1.66 PIPE OK OK
L21 228.5 0.9
CB21 MH 6 0.0 - 10.0 0.1108 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 7.8 0.003680 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.45 PIPE OK OK
L22 174.3 0.9
CB22 MH 6 0.0 - 10.0 0.3197 10.3 2443.0 27.5 64.6 22.5 0.002792 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.54 PIPE OK OK
L23 240.0 0.9
CB23 MH 6 0.0 - 10.0 0.0824 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 5.8 0.003868 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.43 PIPE OK OK
L24 166.0 0.9
CB24 MH 6 0.0 - 10.0 0.0824 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 5.8 0.002676 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.43 PIPE OK OK
L25 228.5 0.9
CB25 MH 6 0.0 - 10.0 0.0824 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 5.8 0.003683 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.43 PIPE OK OK
P6 0 0.9
MH6 MH7 0 - 10.8 0.3771 11.2 2443.0 27.5 63.1 20.8 0.034642 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.68 -1.74 PIPE OK OK
L26 166.0 0.9
CB26 MH 7 0.0 - 10.0 0.0824 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 5.8 0.002676 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.43 PIPE OK OK
L27 228.5 0.9
CB27 MH 7 0.0 - 10.0 0.0824 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 5.8 0.003683 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.43 PIPE OK OK
P7 0 0.9
MH7 MH9 0 - 11.7 0.5971 12.3 2443.0 27.5 61.4 36.0 0.090121 400 0.11648 0.3 1.0049 0.0895 -1.86 -1.97 PIPE N.G OK

Page 10 of 27
Time Of Concentration
Line Catchment Area Rainfall Intensity Design Flow Pipe Sizing Invert Levels REMARKS
( mins)
Paving(m )2 Runoff Tc1 I Lenghth Inlet Outlet
Tc2 Q S V Q Type Q V
[C] ( Surface Tc K b (mm/h (m) D (mm) R=A/P (EL ± (EL ±
From To Unpaving ( Pipe) (m3/sec) (%) (m/s) (m3/sec) Check Check
) ) m) m)

L28 228.5 0.9

CB28 MH 8 0.0 - 10.0 0.3026 10.3 2443.0 27.5 64.6 21.3 0.003661 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.53 PIPE OK OK
L29 240.0 0.9
CB29 MH 8 0.0 - 10.0 0.1620 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.9 11.4 0.003860 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.47 PIPE OK OK
L30 240.0 0.9
CB30 MH 8 0.0 - 10.0 0.2841 10.3 2443.0 27.5 64.7 20.0 0.003848 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.52 PIPE OK OK
L31 234.0 0.9
CB31 MH 8 0.0 - 10.0 0.2017 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.8 14.2 0.003760 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.49 PIPE OK OK
L32 245.2 0.9
CB33 MH 8 0.0 - 10.0 0.1563 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.9 11.0 0.003944 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.47 PIPE OK OK
P8 0 0.9
MH8 MH9 0 - 10.3 0.5747 10.9 2443.0 27.5 63.7 31.7 0.018746 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.55 -1.65 PIPE OK OK
L33 228.5 0.9
CB33 MH 9 0.0 - 10.0 0.1208 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 8.5 0.003679 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.45 PIPE OK OK
L34 228.5 0.9
CB34 MH 9 0.0 - 10.0 0.0966 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 6.8 0.003682 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.44 PIPE OK OK
L35 234.0 0.9
CB35 MH 9 0.0 - 10.0 0.0966 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 6.8 0.003770 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.44 PIPE OK OK
L36 228.5 0.9
CB36 MH 9 0.0 - 10.0 0.0966 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 6.8 0.003682 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.44 PIPE OK OK
P9 0 0.9
MH9 MH11 0 - 12.3 0.3938 12.7 2443.0 27.5 60.8 25.7 0.122735 450 0.13104 0.3 1.0870 0.1225 -2.00 -2.07 PIPE N.G OK
L37 185.0 0.9
CB37 MH 10 0.0 - 10.0 0.0668 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 4.7 0.002983 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.43 PIPE OK OK
L38 221.0 0.9
CB38 MH 10 0.0 - 10.0 0.1648 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.9 11.6 0.003554 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.47 PIPE OK OK
P10 0 0.9
MH10 MH11 0 - 10.2 0.3698 10.5 2443.0 27.5 64.2 20.4 0.006466 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.49 -1.56 PIPE OK OK
L39 221.0 0.9
CB39 MH 10 0.0 - 10.0 0.1648 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.9 11.6 0.003554 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.47 PIPE OK OK
L40 185.0 0.9
CB40 MH 10 0.0 - 10.0 0.0583 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 4.1 0.002984 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
P11 0 0.9
MH11 MH34 0 - 12.7 0.3359 13.0 2443.0 27.5 60.3 23.5 0.135274 500 0.1456 0.3 1.1661 0.1622 -2.10 -2.17 PIPE OK OK

L41 131.0 0.9
CB41 MH 12 0.0 - 10.0 0.2046 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.8 14.4 0.002105 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.49 PIPE OK OK
L42 217.0 0.9
CB42 MH 12 0.0 - 10.0 0.1279 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 9.0 0.003493 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.45 PIPE OK OK
P12 0 0.9
MH12 MH13 0 - 10.2 0.5085 10.7 2443.0 27.5 63.9 28.1 0.005516 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.51 -1.60 PIPE OK OK
L43 191.0 0.9
CB43 MH 13 0.0 - 10.0 0.1279 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 9.0 0.003075 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.45 PIPE OK OK
P1 0 0.9

Page 11 of 27
Time Of Concentration
Line Catchment Area Rainfall Intensity Design Flow Pipe Sizing Invert Levels REMARKS
( mins)
Paving(m )
2 Runoff Tc1 I Lenghth Inlet Outlet
Tc2 Q S V Q Type Q V
[C] ( Surface Tc K b (mm/h (m) D (mm) R=A/P (EL ± (EL ±
From To Unpaving ( Pipe) (m3/sec) (%) (m/s) (m3/sec) Check Check
) ) m) m)

MH13 MH14 0 - 10.7 0.3905 11.1 2443.0 27.5 63.3 21.5 0.008513 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.62 -1.69 PIPE OK OK

Page 12 of 27
Time Of Concentration
Line Catchment Area Rainfall Intensity Design Flow Pipe Sizing Invert Levels REMARKS
( mins)
Paving(m )2 Runoff Tc1 I Lenghth Inlet Outlet
Tc2 Q S V Q Type Q V
[C] ( Surface Tc K b (mm/h (m) D (mm) R=A/P (EL ± (EL ±
From To Unpaving ( Pipe) (m3/sec) (%) (m/s) (m3/sec) Check Check
) ) m) m)

L44 180.0 0.9

CB44 MH 14 0.0 - 10.0 0.1392 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 9.8 0.002897 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.46 PIPE OK OK
L45 175.6 0.9
CB45 MH 14 0.0 - 10.0 0.0568 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 4.0 0.002832 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
L46 230.7 0.9
CB46 MH 14 0.0 - 10.0 0.4333 10.4 2443.0 27.5 64.4 30.5 0.003684 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.58 PIPE OK OK
L47 230.7 0.9
CB47 MH 14 0.0 - 10.0 0.0568 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 4.0 0.003721 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
P14 0 0.9
MH14 MH15 0 - 11.1 0.3717 11.5 2443.0 27.5 62.7 20.5 0.021211 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.71 -1.77 PIPE OK OK
L48 230.7 0.9
CB48 MH 15 0.0 - 10.0 0.4120 10.4 2443.0 27.5 64.4 29.0 0.003686 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.57 PIPE OK OK
L49 230.7 0.9
CB49 MH 15 0.0 - 10.0 0.0980 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 6.9 0.003717 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.44 PIPE OK OK
L50 230.7 0.9
CB50 MH 15 0.0 - 10.0 0.0980 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 6.9 0.003717 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.44 PIPE OK OK
L51 230.7 0.9
CB51 MH 15 0.0 - 10.0 0.0554 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.1 3.9 0.003721 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
P15 0 0.9
MH15 MH16 0 - 11.5 0.4224 11.9 2443.0 27.5 62.0 23.3 0.035399 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.80 -1.87 PIPE OK OK
L52 192.0 0.9
CB52 MH 17 0.0 - 10.0 0.0554 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.1 3.9 0.003097 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
L53 230.7 0.9
CB53 MH 17 0.0 - 10.0 0.4120 10.4 2443.0 27.5 64.4 29.0 0.003686 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.57 PIPE OK OK
L54 230.7 0.9
CB54 MH 17 0.0 - 10.0 0.0469 10.0 2443.0 27.5 65.1 3.3 0.003722 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
P16 0 0.9
MH16 MH17 0 - 11.9 0.4224 12.3 2443.0 27.5 61.4 23.3 0.045339 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.89 -1.96 PIPE OK OK
L55 192.0 0.9
CB55 MH 18 0.0 - 10.0 0.0554 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.1 3.9 0.003097 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
P17 0 0.9
MH17 MH18 0 - 12.3 0.5385 12.9 2443.0 27.5 60.5 29.7 0.048220 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.99 -2.08 PIPE OK OK
L56 255.0 0.9
CB56 MH 14 0.0 - 10.0 0.1492 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 10.5 0.004103 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.46 PIPE OK OK
L57 230.7 0.9
CB57 MH 14 0.0 - 10.0 0.1037 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 7.3 0.003716 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.44 PIPE OK OK
L58 230.7 0.9
CB58 MH 14 0.0 - 10.0 0.1202 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 8.5 0.003715 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.45 PIPE OK OK
L59 230.7 0.9
CB59 MH 14 0.0 - 10.0 0.1193 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 8.4 0.003715 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.45 PIPE OK OK
P18 0 0.9
MH18 MH19 0 - 12.9 0.4605 13.3 2443.0 27.5 59.8 25.4 0.062275 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -2.10 -2.18 PIPE OK OK

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Time Of Concentration
Line Catchment Area Rainfall Intensity Design Flow Pipe Sizing Invert Levels REMARKS
( mins)
Paving(m )2 Runoff Tc1 I Lenghth Inlet Outlet
Tc2 Q S V Q Type Q V
[C] ( Surface Tc K b (mm/h (m) D (mm) R=A/P (EL ± (EL ±
From To Unpaving ( Pipe) (m3/sec) (%) (m/s) (m3/sec) Check Check
) ) m) m)

L60 230.7 0.9

CB60 MH 19 0.0 - 10.0 0.0554 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.1 3.9 0.003721 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
L60a 262.5 0.9
CB60a MH 19 0.0 - 10.0 0.2216 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.8 15.6 0.004216 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.49 PIPE OK OK
L61 262.5 0.9
CB61 MH 19 0.0 - 10.0 0.0298 10.0 2443.0 27.5 65.1 2.1 0.004237 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.41 PIPE OK OK
P19 0 0.9
MH19 MH20 0 - 13.3 1.0449 14.4 2443.0 27.5 58.4 63.0 0.073210 400 0.11648 0.3 1.0049 0.0895 -2.20 -2.39 PIPE OK OK
L62 262.5 0.9
CB62 MH 20 0.0 - 10.0 0.1506 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.9 10.6 0.004224 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.46 PIPE OK OK
L63 262.5 0.9
CB63 MH 20 0.0 - 10.0 0.0540 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.1 3.8 0.004234 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
L64 262.5 0.9
CB64 MH 20 0.0 - 10.0 0.0540 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.1 3.8 0.004234 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
L65 262.5 0.9
CB65 MH 20 0.0 - 10.0 0.0398 10.0 2443.0 27.5 65.1 2.8 0.004236 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
L66 262.5 0.9
CB66 MH 33 0.0 - 10.0 0.0540 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.1 3.8 0.004234 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
P20 0 0.9
MH20 MH33 0 - 14.4 0.7347 15.1 2443.0 27.5 57.3 44.3 0.091875 400 0.11648 0.3 1.0049 0.0895 -2.42 -2.55 PIPE N.G OK
L67 230.7 0.9
CB67 MH 21 0.0 - 10.0 0.3211 10.3 2443.0 27.5 64.6 22.6 0.003695 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.54 PIPE OK OK
L68 230.7 0.9
CB68 MH 21 0.0 - 10.0 0.0852 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 6.0 0.003718 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.44 PIPE OK OK
L69 230.7 0.9
CB69 MH 21 0.0 - 10.0 0.1421 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 10.0 0.003712 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.46 PIPE OK OK
P21 0 0.9
MH21 MH22 0 - 10.3 0.1668 10.5 2443.0 27.5 64.3 9.2 0.011036 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.56 -1.59 PIPE OK OK
L70 230.7 0.9
CB70 MH 22 0.0 - 10.0 0.3197 10.3 2443.0 27.5 64.6 22.5 0.003695 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.54 PIPE OK OK
L71 230.7 0.9
CB71 MH 22 0.0 - 10.0 0.2231 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.8 15.7 0.003704 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.49 PIPE OK OK
L72 230.7 0.9
CB72 MH 22 0.0 - 10.0 0.0384 10.0 2443.0 27.5 65.1 2.7 0.003723 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
L73 230.7 0.9
CB73 MH 22 0.0 - 10.0 0.1137 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 8.0 0.003715 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.45 PIPE OK OK
P22 0 0.9
MH22 MH23 0 - 10.5 0.3807 10.9 2443.0 27.5 63.7 21.0 0.025605 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.61 -1.68 PIPE OK OK
L74 230.7 0.9
CB74 MH 23 0.0 - 10.0 0.1137 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 8.0 0.003715 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.45 PIPE OK OK
L75 230.7 0.9
CB75 MH 23 0.0 - 10.0 0.0710 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 5.0 0.003719 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.43 PIPE OK OK
P23 0 0.9
MH23 MH24 0 - 10.9 0.4260 11.3 2443.0 27.5 63.0 23.5 0.032809 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.70 -1.77 PIPE OK OK

Page 14 of 27
Time Of Concentration
Line Catchment Area Rainfall Intensity Design Flow Pipe Sizing Invert Levels REMARKS
( mins)
Paving(m )2 Runoff Tc1 I Lenghth Inlet Outlet
Tc2 Q S V Q Type Q V
[C] ( Surface Tc K b (mm/h (m) D (mm) R=A/P (EL ± (EL ±
From To Unpaving ( Pipe) (m3/sec) (%) (m/s) (m3/sec) Check Check
) ) m) m)

L76 230.7 0.9

CB76 MH 24 0.0 - 10.0 0.1137 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 8.0 0.003715 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.45 PIPE OK OK
L77 230.7 0.9
CB77 MH 24 0.0 - 10.0 0.2719 10.3 2443.0 27.5 64.7 19.1 0.003700 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.51 PIPE OK OK
L78 230.7 0.9
CB78 MH 24 0.0 - 10.0 0.1762 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.8 12.4 0.003709 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.47 PIPE OK OK
L79 230.7 0.9
CB79 MH 24 0.0 - 10.0 0.1563 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.9 11.0 0.003711 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.47 PIPE OK OK
L80 230.7 0.9
CB80 MH 24 0.0 - 10.0 0.2643 10.3 2443.0 27.5 64.7 18.6 0.003700 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.51 PIPE OK OK
P24 0 0.9
MH24 MH32 0 - 11.3 0.5802 11.9 2443.0 27.5 62.0 32.0 0.050554 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.80 -1.89 PIPE OK OK
L81 199.0 0.9
CB81 MH 25 0.0 - 10.0 0.3495 10.3 2443.0 27.5 64.5 24.6 0.003185 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.55 PIPE OK OK
L82 179.0 0.9
CB82 MH 52 0.0 - 10.0 0.0867 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 6.1 0.002885 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.44 PIPE OK OK
L83 230.7 0.9
CB83 MH 25 0.0 - 10.0 0.0625 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 4.4 0.003720 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.43 PIPE OK OK
L84 165.0 0.9
CB84 MH 25 0.0 - 10.0 0.1506 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.9 10.6 0.002655 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.46 PIPE OK OK
L85 230.7 0.9
CB85 MH 25 0.0 - 10.0 0.0540 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.1 3.8 0.003721 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
P25 0 0.9
MH25 MH26 0 - 10.3 0.4442 10.8 2443.0 27.5 63.8 24.5 0.015888 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.57 -1.65 PIPE OK OK

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Time Of Concentration
Line Catchment Area Rainfall Intensity Design Flow Pipe Sizing Invert Levels REMARKS
( mins)
Paving(m )2 Runoff Tc1 I Lenghth Inlet Outlet
Tc2 Q S V Q Type Q V
[C] ( Surface Tc K b (mm/h (m) D (mm) R=A/P (EL ± (EL ±
From To Unpaving ( Pipe) (m3/sec) (%) (m/s) (m3/sec) Check Check
) ) m) m)

L86 230.7 0.9

CB86 MH 26 0.0 - 10.0 0.0824 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 5.8 0.003718 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.43 PIPE OK OK
L87 263.0 0.9
CB87 MH 26 0.0 - 10.0 0.1861 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.8 13.1 0.004227 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.48 PIPE OK OK
L88 230.7 0.9
CB88 MH 26 0.0 - 10.0 0.1321 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 9.3 0.003713 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.46 PIPE OK OK
P26 0 0.9
MH26 MH27 0 - 10.8 0.4895 11.3 2443.0 27.5 63.0 27.0 0.027202 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.67 -1.75 PIPE OK OK
L89 230.7 0.9
CB89 MH 27 0.0 - 10.0 0.0554 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.1 3.9 0.003721 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
L90 156.0 0.9
CB90 MH 27 0.0 - 10.0 0.1137 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 8.0 0.002512 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.45 PIPE OK OK
L91 230.7 0.9
CB91 MH 27 0.0 - 10.0 0.0483 10.0 2443.0 27.5 65.1 3.4 0.003722 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
P27 0 0.9
MH27 MH29 0 - 11.3 0.6617 11.9 2443.0 27.5 61.9 36.5 0.036683 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.78 -1.89 PIPE OK OK
L92 246.5 0.9
CB92 MH 28 0.0 - 10.0 0.1492 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 10.5 0.003966 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.46 PIPE OK OK
L93 230.7 0.9
CB93 MH 28 0.0 - 10.0 0.0882 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 6.2 0.003718 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.44 PIPE OK OK
P28 0 0.9
MH28 MH29 0 - 10.1 0.4986 10.6 2443.0 27.5 64.0 27.5 0.007577 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.91 -1.99 PIPE OK OK
L94 230.7 0.9
CB94 MH 29 0.0 - 10.0 0.0568 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 4.0 0.003721 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
L95 175.0 0.9
CB95 MH 29 0.0 - 10.0 0.1250 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 8.8 0.002817 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.45 PIPE OK OK
L96 230.7 0.9
CB96 MH 29 0.0 - 10.0 0.0583 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 4.1 0.003721 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
L97 246.5 0.9
CB97 MH 29 0.0 - 10.0 0.1733 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.8 12.2 0.003963 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.47 PIPE OK OK
P29 0 0.9
MH29 MH30 0 - 11.9 0.1577 12.1 2443.0 27.5 61.7 8.7 0.057765 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -2.02 -2.05 PIPE OK OK
L98 175.0 0.9
CB98 MH 30 0.0 - 10.0 0.0923 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 6.5 0.002820 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.44 PIPE OK OK
P30 0 0.9
MH30 MH31 0 - 12.1 0.4134 12.5 2443.0 27.5 61.1 22.8 0.060414 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -2.07 -2.14 PIPE OK OK
L99 258.0 0.9
CB99 MH 31 0.0 - 10.0 0.1605 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.9 11.3 0.004150 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.47 PIPE OK OK
L100 229.0 0.9
CB100 MH 31 0.0 - 10.0 0.0455 10.0 2443.0 27.5 65.1 3.2 0.003695 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
F31 0 0.9
MH31 MH32 0 - 12.5 0.5860 13.1 2443.0 27.5 60.2 41.0 0.067680 500 0.1456 0.3 1.1661 0.1622 -2.16 -2.29 PIPE OK OK
F32 0 0.9
MH32 MH33 0 - 13.1 0.5731 13.7 2443.0 27.5 59.3 40.1 0.118234 500 0.1456 0.3 1.1661 0.1622 -2.31 -2.43 PIPE OK OK
F33 0 0.9
MH33 MH34 0 - 15.1 0.6835 15.8 2443.0 27.5 56.4 54.0 0.210109 600 0.17472 0.3 1.3168 0.2638 -2.57 -2.74 PIPE OK OK

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Time Of Concentration
Line Catchment Area Rainfall Intensity Design Flow Pipe Sizing Invert Levels REMARKS
( mins)
Paving(m )
2 Runoff Tc1 I Lenghth Inlet Outlet
Tc2 Q S V Q Type Q V
[C] ( Surface Tc K b (mm/h (m) D (mm) R=A/P (EL ± (EL ±
From To Unpaving ( Pipe) (m3/sec) (%) (m/s) (m3/sec) Check Check
) ) m) m)

F34 0 0.9
MH34 MH35 0 - 15.8 0.8566 16.6 2443.0 27.5 55.3 75.0 0.345383 700 0.20384 0.3 1.4593 0.3979 -2.76 -2.99 PIPE OK OK

Page 17 of 27
Time Of Concentration
Line Catchment Area Rainfall Intensity Design Flow Pipe Sizing Invert Levels REMARKS
( mins)
Paving(m )2 Runoff Tc1 I Lenghth Inlet Outlet
Tc2 Q S V Q Type Q V
[C] ( Surface Tc K b (mm/h (m) D (mm) R=A/P (EL ± (EL ±
From To Unpaving ( Pipe) (m3/sec) (%) (m/s) (m3/sec) Check Check
) ) m) m)

AREA 3 & 4
L101 209.2 0.9
CB101 MH 36 0.0 - 10.0 0.4234 10.4 2443.0 27.5 64.4 29.8 0.003341 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.58 PIPE OK OK
L102 230.6 0.9
CB102 MH 36 0.0 - 10.0 0.0867 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 6.1 0.003716 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.44 PIPE OK OK
L103 230.6 0.9
CB103 MH 36 0.0 - 10.0 0.3907 10.4 2443.0 27.5 64.5 27.5 0.003686 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.57 PIPE OK OK
L104 230.6 0.9
CB104 MH 36 0.0 - 10.0 0.0867 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 6.1 0.003716 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.44 PIPE OK OK
L105 230.6 0.9
CB105 MH 36 0.0 - 10.0 0.1392 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 9.8 0.003711 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.46 PIPE OK OK
P36 0 0.9
MH36 MH37 0 - 10.4 0.3354 10.8 2443.0 27.5 63.9 18.5 0.017916 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.60 -1.66 PIPE OK OK
L106 230.6 0.9
CB106 MH 37 0.0 - 10.0 0.1463 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 10.3 0.003710 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.46 PIPE OK OK
L106a 230.6 0.9
CB106a MH 37 0.0 - 10.0 0.0470 10.0 2443.0 27.5 65.1 3.3 0.003720 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
L107 222.7 0.9
CB107 MH 37 0.0 - 10.0 0.4390 10.4 2443.0 27.5 64.4 30.9 0.003556 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.59 PIPE OK OK
L108 213.3 0.9
CB108 MH 37 0.0 - 10.0 0.1165 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 8.2 0.003434 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.45 PIPE OK OK
L109 213.4 0.9
CB109 MH 37 0.0 - 10.0 0.0486 10.0 2443.0 27.5 65.1 3.4 0.003442 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
P37 0 0.9
MH37 MH39 0 - 10.8 0.2448 11.0 2443.0 27.5 63.4 13.5 0.031758 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.68 -1.72 PIPE OK OK
L110 234.6 0.9
CB110 MH 38 0.0 - 10.0 0.2216 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.8 15.6 0.003768 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.49 PIPE OK OK
L111 232.7 0.9
CB111 MH 38 0.0 - 10.0 0.1307 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 9.2 0.003746 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.46 PIPE OK OK
L111a 231.9 0.9
CB111a MH 38 0.0 - 10.0 0.1790 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.8 12.6 0.003728 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.48 PIPE OK OK
L112 194.7 0.9
CB112 MH 38 0.0 - 10.0 0.1463 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 10.3 0.003133 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.46 PIPE OK OK
P38 0 0.9
MH38 MH39 0 - 10.2 0.7433 11.0 2443.0 27.5 63.5 41.0 0.014079 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.49 -1.62 PIPE OK OK
L113 231.9 0.9
CB113 MH 39 0.0 - 10.0 0.1463 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 10.3 0.003731 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.46 PIPE OK OK
L114 231.9 0.9
CB114 MH 39 0.0 - 10.0 0.1691 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.9 11.9 0.003729 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.47 PIPE OK OK
L115 275.9 0.9
CB115 MH 39 0.0 - 10.0 0.1790 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.8 12.6 0.004435 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.48 PIPE OK OK
L116 213.2 0.9
CB116 MH 39 0.0 - 10.0 0.1463 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 10.3 0.003430 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.46 PIPE OK OK
F39 0 0.9

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Time Of Concentration
Line Catchment Area Rainfall Intensity Design Flow Pipe Sizing Invert Levels REMARKS
( mins)
Paving(m )
2 Runoff Tc1 I Lenghth Inlet Outlet
Tc2 Q S V Q Type Q V
[C] ( Surface Tc K b (mm/h (m) D (mm) R=A/P (EL ± (EL ±
From To Unpaving ( Pipe) (m3/sec) (%) (m/s) (m3/sec) Check Check
) ) m) m)

MH39 MH47a 0 - 11.0 0.6345 11.6 2443.0 27.5 62.4 35.0 0.060583 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.75 -1.85 PIPE OK OK

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Time Of Concentration
Line Catchment Area Rainfall Intensity Design Flow Pipe Sizing Invert Levels REMARKS
( mins)
Paving(m )2 Runoff Tc1 I Lenghth Inlet Outlet
Tc2 Q S V Q Type Q V
[C] ( Surface Tc K b (mm/h (m) D (mm) R=A/P (EL ± (EL ±
From To Unpaving ( Pipe) (m3/sec) (%) (m/s) (m3/sec) Check Check
) ) m) m)

L117 231.9 0.9

CB117 MH 40 0.0 - 10.0 0.0838 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 5.9 0.003737 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.44 PIPE OK OK
L118 231.9 0.9
CB118 MH 40 0.0 - 10.0 0.0781 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 5.5 0.003738 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.43 PIPE OK OK
P40 0 0.9
MH40 MH41 0 - 10.1 0.5457 10.6 2443.0 27.5 64.1 30.1 0.007368 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.46 -1.55 PIPE OK OK
L119 231.9 0.9
CB119 MH 41 0.0 - 10.0 0.0938 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 6.6 0.003736 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.44 PIPE OK OK
L120 231.9 0.9
CB120 MH 41 0.0 - 10.0 0.1051 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 7.4 0.003735 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.44 PIPE OK OK
L121 231.9 0.9
CB121 MH 41 0.0 - 10.0 0.0923 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 6.5 0.003737 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.44 PIPE OK OK
L122 231.9 0.9
CB122 MH 41 0.0 - 10.0 0.0824 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 5.8 0.003738 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.43 PIPE OK OK
P41 0 0.9
MH41 MH47a 0 - 10.6 0.4786 11.1 2443.0 27.5 63.3 26.4 0.021921 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.58 -1.65 PIPE OK OK
L123 227.5 0.9
CB123 MH 42 0.0 - 10.0 0.2643 10.3 2443.0 27.5 64.7 18.6 0.003649 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.51 PIPE OK OK
L124 247.9 0.9
CB124 MH 42 0.0 - 10.0 0.2145 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.8 15.1 0.003982 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.49 PIPE OK OK
L125 227.5 0.9
CB125 MH 42 0.0 - 10.0 0.0654 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 4.6 0.003668 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.43 PIPE OK OK
L126 242.8 0.9
CB126 MH 42 0.0 - 10.0 0.2032 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.8 14.3 0.003900 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.49 PIPE OK OK
P42 0 0.9
MH42 MH44 0 - 10.3 0.4279 10.7 2443.0 27.5 64.0 23.6 0.014999 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.54 -1.61 PIPE OK OK
L127 208.1 0.9
CB127 MH 43 0.0 - 10.0 0.3182 10.3 2443.0 27.5 64.6 22.4 0.003334 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.49 PIPE OK OK
L128 234.1 0.9
CB128 MH 43 0.0 - 10.0 0.0398 10.0 2443.0 27.5 65.1 2.8 0.003777 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
P43 0 0.9
MH43 MH44 0 - 10.3 0.6327 11.0 2443.0 27.5 63.5 34.9 0.006966 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.52 -1.62 PIPE OK OK
L129 231.6 0.9
CB129 MH 44 0.0 - 10.0 0.0511 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.1 3.6 0.003736 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
L130 230.6 0.9
CB130 MH 44 0.0 - 10.0 0.0511 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.1 3.6 0.003720 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
L131 227.5 0.9
CB131 MH 44 0.0 - 10.0 0.0654 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 4.6 0.003668 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.43 PIPE OK OK
L132 230.0 0.9
CB132 MH 44 0.0 - 10.0 0.2032 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.8 14.3 0.003695 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.49 PIPE OK OK
L133 230.6 0.9
CB133 MH 44 0.0 - 10.0 0.1719 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.8 12.1 0.003708 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.47 PIPE OK OK
P44 0 0.9
MH44 MH45 0 - 11.0 0.3989 11.3 2443.0 27.5 62.9 22.0 0.039901 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.64 -1.71 PIPE OK OK
L134 230.6 0.9
CB134 MH 45 0.0 - 10.0 0.0455 10.0 2443.0 27.5 65.1 3.2 0.003720 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK

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Time Of Concentration
Line Catchment Area Rainfall Intensity Design Flow Pipe Sizing Invert Levels REMARKS
( mins)
Paving(m )2 Runoff Tc1 I Lenghth Inlet Outlet
Tc2 Q S V Q Type Q V
[C] ( Surface Tc K b (mm/h (m) D (mm) R=A/P (EL ± (EL ±
From To Unpaving ( Pipe) (m3/sec) (%) (m/s) (m3/sec) Check Check
) ) m) m)

P45 0 0.9
MH45 MH46 0 - 11.3 0.1650 11.5 2443.0 27.5 62.6 9.1 0.043481 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.74 -1.76 PIPE OK OK
L135 230.6 0.9
CB135 MH 46 0.0 - 10.0 0.0639 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 4.5 0.003719 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.43 PIPE OK OK
P46 0 0.9
MH46 MH47 0 - 11.5 0.2665 11.8 2443.0 27.5 62.2 14.7 0.047037 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.79 -1.83 PIPE OK OK
L136 230.6 0.9
CB136 MH 47 0.0 - 10.0 0.2714 10.3 2443.0 27.5 64.7 19.1 0.003698 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.51 PIPE OK OK
L137 230.6 0.9
CB137 MH 47 0.0 - 10.0 0.0540 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.1 3.8 0.003719 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
P47 0 0.9
MH47 MH47a 0 - 11.8 0.3590 12.1 2443.0 27.5 61.6 19.8 0.054085 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.86 -1.92 PIPE OK OK
L138 230.6 0.9
CB138 MH 47a 0.0 - 10.0 0.1321 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 9.3 0.003712 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.46 PIPE OK OK
L139 213.3 0.9
CB139 MH 47a 0.0 - 10.0 0.1321 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 9.3 0.003433 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.46 PIPE OK OK
L140 213.3 0.9
CB140 MH 47a 0.0 - 10.0 0.0767 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 5.4 0.003438 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.43 PIPE OK OK
L141 293.2 0.9
CB141 MH 47a 0.0 - 10.0 0.0909 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 6.4 0.004724 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.44 PIPE OK OK
L142 293.2 0.9
CB142 MH 47a 0.0 - 10.0 0.1009 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 7.1 0.004723 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.44 PIPE OK OK
F47a 0 0.9
MH47a MH50 0 - 12.1 0.4752 12.6 2443.0 27.5 60.9 33.3 0.155364 500 0.1456 0.3 1.1661 0.1622 -1.94 -2.04 PIPE OK OK
L143 231.9 0.9
CB142 MH 48 0.0 - 10.0 0.2074 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.8 14.6 0.003725 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.49 PIPE OK OK
L144 231.9 0.9
CB144 MH 48 0.0 - 10.0 0.0781 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 5.5 0.003738 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.43 PIPE OK OK
P48 0 0.9
MH48 MH49 0 - 10.2 0.4768 10.7 2443.0 27.5 64.0 26.3 0.007357 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.51 -1.59 PIPE OK OK
L145 231.9 0.9
CB145 MH 49 0.0 - 10.0 0.0867 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 6.1 0.003737 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.44 PIPE OK OK
L146 231.9 0.9
CB146 MH 49 0.0 - 10.0 0.1861 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.8 13.1 0.003727 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.48 PIPE OK OK
L147 231.9 0.9
CB147 MH 49 0.0 - 10.0 0.1861 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.8 13.1 0.003727 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.48 PIPE OK OK
L148 231.9 0.9
CB148 MH 49 0.0 - 10.0 0.0781 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 5.5 0.003738 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.43 PIPE OK OK
P49 0 0.9
MH49 MH50 0 - 10.7 0.4895 11.2 2443.0 27.5 63.2 27.0 0.021886 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.62 -1.70 PIPE OK OK
L149 293.2 0.9
CB149 MH 50 0.0 - 10.0 0.1066 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 7.5 0.004722 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.45 PIPE OK OK
L150 293.2 0.9
CB150 MH 50 0.0 - 10.0 0.1804 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.8 12.7 0.004713 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.48 PIPE OK OK
L151 213.3 0.9
CB151 MH 50 0.0 - 10.0 0.0548 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.1 3.9 0.003440 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK

Page 21 of 27
Time Of Concentration
Line Catchment Area Rainfall Intensity Design Flow Pipe Sizing Invert Levels REMARKS
( mins)
Paving(m )2 Runoff Tc1 I Lenghth Inlet Outlet
Tc2 Q S V Q Type Q V
[C] ( Surface Tc K b (mm/h (m) D (mm) R=A/P (EL ± (EL ±
From To Unpaving ( Pipe) (m3/sec) (%) (m/s) (m3/sec) Check Check
) ) m) m)

F50 0 0.9
MH50 MH51 0 - 12.6 0.4202 13.0 2443.0 27.5 60.3 33.2 0.189198 600 0.17472 0.3 1.3168 0.2638 -2.07 -2.17 PIPE OK OK
L152 145.7 0.9
CB152 MH 51 0.0 - 10.0 0.0881 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 6.2 0.002348 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.44 PIPE OK OK
L153 172.3 0.9
CB153 MH 51 0.0 - 10.0 0.0739 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 5.2 0.002778 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.43 PIPE OK OK
F51 0 0.9
MH51 MH52 0 - 13.0 0.3088 13.3 2443.0 27.5 59.8 24.4 0.193915 600 0.17472 0.3 1.3168 0.2638 -2.19 -2.26 PIPE OK OK
L154 230.6 0.9
CB154 MH 52 0.0 - 10.0 0.0568 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 4.0 0.003719 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
L155 230.6 0.9
CB155 MH 52 0.0 - 10.0 0.0810 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 5.7 0.003717 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.43 PIPE OK OK
L156 172.4 0.9
CB156 MH 52 0.0 - 10.0 0.1421 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 10.0 0.002774 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.46 PIPE OK OK
L157 172.4 0.9
CB157 MH 52 0.0 - 10.0 0.1279 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 9.0 0.002775 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.45 PIPE OK OK
L158 230.6 0.9
CB158 MH 52 0.0 - 10.0 0.0668 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 4.7 0.003718 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.43 PIPE OK OK
F52 0 0.9
MH52 MH53 0 - 13.3 0.6170 14.0 2443.0 27.5 58.9 48.8 0.209060 600 0.17472 0.3 1.3168 0.2638 -2.29 -2.44 PIPE OK OK
L159 230.6 0.9
CB159 MH 53 0.0 - 10.0 0.0540 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.1 3.8 0.003719 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
L160 172.4 0.9
CB160 MH 53 0.0 - 10.0 0.1421 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 10.0 0.002774 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.46 PIPE OK OK
L161 172.4 0.9
CB161 MH 53 0.0 - 10.0 0.1066 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 7.5 0.002777 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.45 PIPE OK OK
L162 230.6 0.9
CB162 MH 53 0.0 - 10.0 0.0942 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 6.6 0.003716 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.44 PIPE OK OK
L163 230.6 0.9
CB163 MH 53 0.0 - 10.0 0.0597 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 4.2 0.003719 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.43 PIPE OK OK
F53 0 0.9
MH53 MH54 0 - 14.0 0.0848 14.0 2443.0 27.5 58.8 6.7 0.224173 600 0.17472 0.3 1.3168 0.2638 -2.46 -2.48 PIPE OK OK
L164 230.6 0.9
CB164 MH 54 0.0 - 10.0 0.0668 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 4.7 0.003718 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.43 PIPE OK OK
F54 0 0.9
MH54 MH62 0 - 14.0 0.4000 14.4 2443.0 27.5 58.2 31.6 0.227503 600 0.17472 0.3 1.3168 0.2638 -2.51 -2.60 PIPE OK OK
L165 227.8 0.9
CB165 MH 55 0.0 - 10.0 0.3424 10.3 2443.0 27.5 64.6 24.1 0.003647 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.54 PIPE OK OK
L166 227.8 0.9
CB166 MH 55 0.0 - 10.0 0.0869 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 6.1 0.003671 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.44 PIPE OK OK
P55 0 0.9
MH55 MH62 0 - 10.3 0.3844 10.7 2443.0 27.5 63.9 21.2 0.007220 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.57 -1.63 PIPE OK OK
L167 290.2 0.9
CB167 MH 56 0.0 - 10.0 0.3140 10.3 2443.0 27.5 64.6 22.1 0.004648 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.53 PIPE OK OK
L168 247.7 0.9
CB168 MH 56 0.0 - 10.0 0.0668 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 4.7 0.003994 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.43 PIPE OK OK

Page 22 of 27
Time Of Concentration
Line Catchment Area Rainfall Intensity Design Flow Pipe Sizing Invert Levels REMARKS
( mins)
Paving(m )2 Runoff Tc1 I Lenghth Inlet Outlet
Tc2 Q S V Q Type Q V
[C] ( Surface Tc K b (mm/h (m) D (mm) R=A/P (EL ± (EL ±
From To Unpaving ( Pipe) (m3/sec) (%) (m/s) (m3/sec) Check Check
) ) m) m)

L169 230.6 0.9

CB169 MH 56 0.0 - 10.0 0.1137 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 8.0 0.003714 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.45 PIPE OK OK
P56 0 0.9
MH56 MH61 0 - 10.7 0.2828 11.0 2443.0 27.5 63.4 15.6 0.019307 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.56 -1.60 PIPE OK OK
L170 230.6 0.9
CB170 MH 57 0.0 - 10.0 0.3069 10.3 2443.0 27.5 64.6 21.6 0.003695 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.53 PIPE OK OK
L171 230.6 0.9
CB171 MH 57 0.0 - 10.0 0.0923 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 6.5 0.003716 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.44 PIPE OK OK
P57 0 0.9
MH57 MH58 0 - 10.3 0.3862 10.7 2443.0 27.5 64.0 21.3 0.007315 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.55 -1.62 PIPE OK OK
L172 147.7 0.9

Page 23 of 27
Time Of Concentration
Line Catchment Area Rainfall Intensity Design Flow Pipe Sizing Invert Levels REMARKS
( mins)
Paving(m )2 Runoff Tc1 I Lenghth Inlet Outlet
Tc2 Q S V Q Type Q V
[C] ( Surface Tc K b (mm/h (m) D (mm) R=A/P (EL ± (EL ±
From To Unpaving ( Pipe) (m3/sec) (%) (m/s) (m3/sec) Check Check
) ) m) m)

CB172 MH 57a 0.0 - 10.0 0.1975 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.8 13.9 0.002373 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.48 PIPE OK OK
P57a 0 0.9
MH57a MH58 0 - 10.2 0.2828 10.5 2443.0 27.5 64.3 15.6 0.002355 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.51 -1.56 PIPE OK OK
L173 239.5 0.9
CB173 MH 58 0.0 - 10.0 0.0682 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 4.8 0.003862 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.43 PIPE OK OK
L174 234.1 0.9
CB174 MH 58 0.0 - 10.0 0.0725 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 5.1 0.003774 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.43 PIPE OK OK
P58 0 0.9
MH58 MH59 0 - 10.7 0.4895 11.2 2443.0 27.5 63.2 27.0 0.017086 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.64 -1.72 PIPE OK OK
L175 221.7 0.9
CB175 MH 59 0.0 - 10.0 0.1179 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 8.3 0.003570 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.45 PIPE OK OK
L176 227.1 0.9
CB176 MH 59 0.0 - 10.0 0.0696 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 4.9 0.003662 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.43 PIPE OK OK
L177 230.6 0.9
CB177 MH 59 0.0 - 10.0 0.1108 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 7.8 0.003714 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.45 PIPE OK OK
L178 230.6 0.9
CB178 MH 59 0.0 - 10.0 0.0483 10.0 2443.0 27.5 65.1 3.4 0.003720 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
P59 0 0.9
MH59 MH60 0 - 11.2 0.6472 11.8 2443.0 27.5 62.1 35.7 0.031102 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.75 -1.86 PIPE OK OK
L179 201.4 0.9
CB179 MH 53 0.0 - 10.0 0.1321 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 9.3 0.003242 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.46 PIPE OK OK
L180 220.0 0.9
CB180 MH 53 0.0 - 10.0 0.0696 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 4.9 0.003547 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.43 PIPE OK OK
L181 242.0 0.9
CB181 MH 53 0.0 - 10.0 0.0952 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 6.7 0.003899 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.44 PIPE OK OK
L182 260.0 0.9
CB182 MH 53 0.0 - 10.0 0.1293 10.1 2443.0 27.5 64.9 9.1 0.004185 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.45 PIPE OK OK
L183 230.6 0.9
CB183 MH 53 0.0 - 10.0 0.1605 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.9 11.3 0.003709 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.47 PIPE OK OK
P60 0 0.9
MH60 MH61 0 - 11.8 0.7433 12.6 2443.0 27.5 61.0 41.0 0.048546 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.88 -2.00 PIPE OK OK
L184 230.6 0.9
CB184 MH 61 0.0 - 10.0 0.1023 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 7.2 0.003715 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.44 PIPE OK OK
L185 230.6 0.9
CB185 MH 61 0.0 - 10.0 0.0909 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 6.4 0.003716 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.44 PIPE OK OK
L186 247.6 0.9
CB186 MH 61 0.0 - 10.0 0.0753 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 5.3 0.003991 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.43 PIPE OK OK
L187 312.3 0.9
CB187 MH 61 0.0 - 10.0 0.2927 10.3 2443.0 27.5 64.6 20.6 0.005005 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.52 PIPE OK OK
P61 0 0.9
MH61 MH62 0 - 12.6 0.3864 13.0 2443.0 27.5 60.4 23.3 0.083139 400 0.11648 0.3 1.0049 0.0895 -2.03 -2.10 PIPE OK OK
L188 230.6 0.9
CB188 MH 62 0.0 - 10.0 0.1066 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 7.5 0.003714 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.45 PIPE OK OK
L189 149.0 0.9
CB189 MH 62 0.0 - 10.0 0.0540 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.1 3.8 0.002403 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
L190 230.6 0.9

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Time Of Concentration
Line Catchment Area Rainfall Intensity Design Flow Pipe Sizing Invert Levels REMARKS
( mins)
Paving(m )2 Runoff Tc1 I Lenghth Inlet Outlet
Tc2 Q S V Q Type Q V
[C] ( Surface Tc K b (mm/h (m) D (mm) R=A/P (EL ± (EL ±
From To Unpaving ( Pipe) (m3/sec) (%) (m/s) (m3/sec) Check Check
) ) m) m)

CB190 MH 62 0.0 - 10.0 0.0540 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.1 3.8 0.003719 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
L191 230.6 0.9
CB191 MH 62 0.0 - 10.0 0.0540 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.1 3.8 0.003719 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
L192 246.7 0.9
CB192 MH 62 0.0 - 10.0 0.0739 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 5.2 0.003977 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.43 PIPE OK OK
F62 0 0.9
MH62 MH65 0 - 14.4 0.3906 14.8 2443.0 27.5 57.7 34.2 0.333421 700 0.20384 0.3 1.4593 0.3979 -2.63 -2.73 PIPE OK OK
L193 230.5 0.9
CB193 MH 63 0.0 - 10.0 0.3890 10.4 2443.0 27.5 64.5 27.4 0.003685 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.56 PIPE OK OK
L194 247.8 0.9
CB194 MH 63 0.0 - 10.0 0.0568 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 4.0 0.003997 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
L195 247.6 0.9
CB195 MH 63 0.0 - 10.0 0.0426 10.0 2443.0 27.5 65.1 3.0 0.003994 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
P63 0 0.9
MH63 MH65 0 - 10.4 0.5874 11.0 2443.0 27.5 63.5 32.4 0.011427 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.59 -1.69 PIPE OK OK
L196 314.6 0.9
CB196 MH 64 0.0 - 10.0 0.1543 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.9 10.9 0.005062 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.47 PIPE OK OK
L197 241.8 0.9
CB197 MH 64 0.0 - 10.0 0.0568 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 4.0 0.003900 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
P64 0 0.9
MH64 MH65 0 - 10.2 0.2834 10.4 2443.0 27.5 64.4 15.6 0.008885 350 0.10192 0.3 0.9193 0.0627 -1.49 -1.54 PIPE OK OK
L198 300.1 0.9
CB198 MH 65 0.0 - 10.0 0.1807 10.2 2443.0 27.5 64.8 12.7 0.004824 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.48 PIPE OK OK
L198a 230.6 0.9
CB198a MH 65 0.0 - 10.0 0.0483 10.0 2443.0 27.5 65.1 3.4 0.003720 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
L199 230.6 0.9
CB199 MH 65 0.0 - 10.0 0.0540 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.1 3.8 0.003719 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
L200 300.1 0.9
CB200 MH 65 0.0 - 10.0 0.0540 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.1 3.8 0.004840 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.42 PIPE OK OK
L201 230.6 0.9
CB201 MH 65 0.0 - 10.0 0.0725 10.1 2443.0 27.5 65.0 5.1 0.003718 300 0.08736 0.6 1.1731 0.0588 -1.40 -1.43 PIPE OK OK
F65 0 0.9
MH65 MH67 0 - 14.8 0.1672 15.0 2443.0 27.5 57.5 16.0 0.372144 800 0.23296 0.3 1.5952 0.5681 -2.75 -2.80 PIPE OK OK

F35 0 0.9
MH35 MH66 0 - 16.6 0.6269 17.3 2443.0 27.5 54.6 60.0 0.345383 800 0.23296 0.3 1.5952 0.5681 -3.01 -3.19 PIPE OK OK
F66 0 0.9
MH66 MH67 0 - 17.3 0.6269 17.9 2443.0 27.5 53.8 60.0 0.345383 800 0.23296 0.3 1.5952 0.5681 -3.22 -3.40 PIPE OK OK
F66 0 0.9
MH67 PIT 0 - 17.9 0.2898 18.2 2443.0 27.5 53.5 30.0 0.717527 900 0.26208 0.3 1.7255 0.7778 -3.42 -3.51 PIPE OK OK

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