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BSED ENGLISH 1B October 22, 2024

Activity 1

 R.A 9512
 National Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008
 This Act provides for the promotion of environmental awareness through
environmental education, which shall encompass environmental concepts
and principles, environmental laws, the state of the international and local
environment, local environmental best practices, the threats of
environmental degradation and its impact on human well-being, the
responsibility of the citizenry to the environment, and the value of
conservation, protection, and rehabilitation of natural resources and the
 Republic Act 9512, the National Environmental Awareness and Education
Act, establishes environmental awareness education in schools so that
students likewise would be aware of the need for the protection of natural
resources. This law promotes participation in community activities of
things such as tree planting and cleaning exercises. Environmental issues
are an important part of students’ learning process because many topics
are associated with burning problems like climate change, waste disposal,
and others. The law also creates partnerships between local governments
and citizens in the unity of coming up with good environmental programs.
In general,. 9512 enables people and communities to participate in the
protection of the environment proactively.

 R.A 9513
 Renewable Energy Act of 2008
 Seeks to encourage the production and realization of independent energy
sources. This law promotes investments in renewable energy like solar,
wind, hydro, and biomass energy, helping in energy security and secreting
energy. Thus it facilitates the creation of renewable energy infrastructure,
for instance, through tax incentives and grants to both local and foreign
investors. Also, the Renewable Energy for Rural Communities Act, or R.A.
9513 helps endorse the formulation of a framework on renewable energy
technologies that can lessen the impact of fossil-based energy sources
while minimizing emissions of greenhouse gases. Finally, the act helps
unleash a cleaner and sustainable energy future for the Philippines, the
environment, and the economy as well.
 RA 9513—Renewable Energy Act of 2008 also serves society by
enhancing environmental consciousness and environmentalism because
of the development put into natural energy. The law again motivates those
communities to use renewable energy sources such as solar and wind to
power their utilities instead of fossil energy sources, hence decreasing
CO2 emissions and air pollution. This act also provided funding towards
information campaigns and programs that create public awareness on the
virtues of renewable energy, enabling people to make informed choices
on the shift to clean energy. For instance, the community-based
promotional events that educate people on solar power products like solar
panels help residents learn how to tap renewable energy in their homes.
In the end, the main elements of R.A. 9513 serves to promote
sustainability consciousness and an active approach towards its

 R.A 9275
 Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004
 R.A. 9275 committed to preserving water sources and maintaining water
quality to be a source of fresh water for the people of the Philippines. Due
to the formulation of water quality standards, community involvement in
the protection and conservation of water sources is enhanced through
 Republic Act 9275 is the Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004, which aims
to support the increase in environmental consciousness, hence the
formulation of standards of quality of water. Through this, the law
mandates local government units to oversee the water bodies around
them in a bid to know where the pollutants are arising from and how best
to deal with them. Other campaigns required under the act include
informing the populace on the use of clean water and correct waste
disposal. For instance, local campaigns may involve some activities, such
as the removal of weeds in rivers and lakes, involving the citizens in the
protection of their water sources. Altogether, R.A. 9275 promotes public
awareness on the protection of water sources for the future generation
and personal responsibility in the conservation of the environment.

 R.A 9003
 Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000
 Republic Act 9003, also known as the Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act of 2000, is primarily enacted to establish and enforce an
effective, efficient, and visible system to manage solid waste in the
Philippines. This law outlines a general approach to waste management
and encourages the implementation of methods such as segregation,
recycling, and source reduction. It requires local government units to
prepare an adequate plan for the management of solid wastes where the
public shall be involved in waste management programs. Information,
education, and communication activities are also used. The channel
involves explaining publicly to individuals as well as the communities the
correct way to dispose of used products and the advantages of recycling.
In this way, the RA 9003 reduces landfill waste and, at the same time,
promotes the communities for environmental management.
 RA 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 is very
important in increasing awareness and protecting efforts in the
Philippines. Local government units are required to prepare SWM plans
that promote various activities such as segregation and recycling of
waste. For instance, social participation projects involve producing training
sessions in which local communities are trained on how to compost
organic waste so as to minimize disposal of organic waste to the common
landfill. The act also encourages clean-up campaigns, neighborhood
cleaning, and other activities that create and inform the public on littering
and its effects. In turn, R.A. 9003 ensures that through promotion of an
environment of responsibility, other people and I are able to contribute to
the management of wastes as well as the environment we live in.

 R. A. 8749
 Clean Air Act of 1999
 The Act provides for the creation of a national program of air pollution
management focusing primarily on pollution prevention; for the promotion
of mass media communication in order to create social awareness and
active participation in air quality planning and monitoring.
 RA 8749, otherwise known as the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999, is a
large step in raising consciousness and ensuring the protection of the
environment, especially through air quality standards and cleaner air
programs. This it does through information, education, and
communication projects that aim at making citizens change their ways of
contributing to pollution through polluting the air. Local governments are
required by the law to develop and adopt air quality management plans,,
and as part of its implementation, they engage the community in activities
such as tree planting and pollution observation. Further, it creates
incentives for the growth of public transportation networks and
discourages the use of self-owned cars in daily transport. With
implementation of the provisions of R.A. 8749, citizens are held
responsible for proper air quality and, in turn, the health of the society, as
illustrated below.

 R. A. 8435
 Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997

 Republic Act 8435 is also known as the Agriculture and Fisheries

Modernization Act of 1997. This law aims to enhance the productivity and
competitiveness of the agriculture and fisheries sectors in the Philippines
through modernization and sustainable practices.
 Republic Act 8435, or the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act,
has provisions that enhance environmental sensitivity and promote
rational use of resources for the environment. For example, the law
promotes sustainable agricultural practices that discourage the use of
toxic chemicals on farms and in the environment. It also encourages
scholarly activities in areas such as integrated pest management and soil
conservation technologies for the environment. Also, R.A. 8435 promotes
community-based retraining and education programs for farmers and
fishermen who learn the effects of their work on the environment. It can be
concluded with the fact that through the adoption of these principles in
sustainable development in agriculture and fisheries, the law inculpates
responsibility to the communities so that they protect the conservations of
natural resources for generations to come.
 R. A. 6969
 Toxic Substances, Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990
 Republic Act 6969 is also known as the Toxic Substances and Hazardous
and Nuclear Wastes Control Act of 1990. This law regulates the
importation, manufacture, processing, distribution, use, and disposal of
toxic substances and hazardous wastes in the Philippines to protect public
health and the environment.
 The Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control Act of
1990, otherwise known as Republic Act No. 6969, is part of the country’s
green movement and protection. As it deals with the management of
dangerous substances during handling and other hazardous wastes, it
relays information on the hazards relating to such substances to the
public. For example, the law instructs industries on how to declare and
handle the hazardous wastes they generate in a way that corrects
behavior in industries. In addition, the public education programs under
this act make sure that the people in the society are informed on the risks
associated with the substance and how to dispose of them. However,
there is indication that the R.A. 6969 will introduce a sense of
accountability in as much as it is needed, especially to the health and
ecology of the environment.

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