Lex Rex BNSS Test- 1 to 62

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~ The Law is King ~

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Test Paper – BNSS, 2023 (Section 1 to 62)

Duration – 1 Hour

Monthly Batches Available for- Mentor-

 Law Subjects Nitin Soni
 Judgment Writing with Evaluation (Assistant Professor)
 Essay (Hindi & English) with Evaluation B.Tech., LL.B., LL.M., UGC-NET
 Weekly Mains Test Series with Ph.D. Scholar
Evaluation Interviews Appeared-
- Law Papers RJS 2022-24, RJS 2020-21,
- Essay (Hindi & English) RJS 2018-19, JLO 2023, JLO 2019
Lex Rex Judiciary Classes - 8764033966
Question No. 1 [3 Marks]
When can a police officer use handcuff while making the arrest of a person?
Whether such power is in contradiction of any judgment?

प्रश्न संख्या 1

किसी व्मक्ति िो गियफ्िाय ियिे सभम िोई ऩुलरस अगधिायी हथिडी िा

प्रमोि िफ िय सििा है ? तमा ऐसी शक्ति किसी ननर्णम िे विऩयीि है ?

Lex Rex Judiciary Classes - 8764033966

Question No. 2 [3 Marks]

Whether an arrested person, who has been examined by a medical officer,
can be examined again?

प्रश्न संख्या 2

तमा गियफ्िाय व्मक्ति, क्िसिी गिकित्सा अगधिायी द्िाया िाांि िी िा िि

ु ी

है , िी दोफाया िाांि िी िा सििी है ?


Lex Rex Judiciary Classes - 8764033966


Question No. 3 [3 Marks]

Which procedural law would apply to an FIR registered after enforcement
of The Bharatiya Nagrik Suraksha Sanhita, 2023 for offences under Indian
Penal Code, 1860 committed before 01.07.2024? Explain with relevant case

प्रश्न संख्या 3

01.07.2024 से ऩहरे किए िए बायिीम दां ड सांहहिा, 1860 िे िहि अऩयाधों

िे लरए बायिीम नािरयि सुयऺा सांहहिा, 2023 िे रािू होने िे फाद दिण िी

िई एपआईआय ऩय िौन सा प्रकिमात्भि िानन

ू रािू होिा? सस
ु ांिि

ननर्र्णि विगध सहहि व्माख्मा िीक्िए।


Lex Rex Judiciary Classes - 8764033966


Question No. 4 [3 Marks]

What are the classes of Criminal Courts under The Bharatiya Nagrik
Suraksha Sanhita, 2023?

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प्रश्न संख्या 4

बायिीम नािरयि सुयऺा सांहहिा, 2023 िे िहि आऩयागधि न्मामारमों िी

श्रेर्र्माां तमा ह?


Lex Rex Judiciary Classes - 8764033966

Question No. 5 [4 Marks]
What do you understand by ‘Community Service’? For what offences a
person can be punished to perform Community Service under Bharatiya
Nyaya Sanhita, 2023? What will be the duration of Community Service?

प्रश्न संख्या 5

ु ानमि सेिा' से आऩ तमा सभझिे ह? बायिीम न्माम सांहहिा, 2023 िे

िहि किसी व्मक्ति िो किन अऩयाधों िे लरए साभुदानमि सेिा ियने िे

लरए दां डडि किमा िा सििा है ? साभद

ु ानमि सेिा िी अिगध तमा होिी?

Lex Rex Judiciary Classes - 8764033966

Question No. 6 [4 Marks]

A passerby Kailash sees Mohan was beating Suresh with stick and has
broken his left leg. What actions can be taken by Kailash to save Suresh?
Whether Kailash can arrest Mohan?

Lex Rex Judiciary Classes - 8764033966

प्रश्न संख्या 6

एि याहिीय िैराश ने दे खा कि भोहन, सुयेश िो डांडे से ऩीट यहा था औय

उसिा फामाां ऩैय टूट िमा है । सुयेश िो फिाने िे लरए िैराश तमा िदभ

उठा सििा है ? तमा िैराश भोहन िो गियफ्िाय िय सििा है ?


Lex Rex Judiciary Classes - 8764033966


Question No. 7 [6 Marks]

Distinguish between the following-
(a) Cognizable and Non-Cognizable offences
(b) Bailable and Non-Bailable offences
(c) Summons case and Warrant case

Lex Rex Judiciary Classes - 8764033966

प्रश्न संख्या 7

ननम्नलरर्खि भें अांिय फिाइमे-

(अ) सांऻम
े औय असांऻेम अऩयाध

(फ) िभानिी औय अिभानिी अऩयाध

(स) सभन भाभरा औय िायां ट भाभरा

(a) Cognizable and Non-Cognizable offences

(अ) सांऻम
े औय असांऻेम अऩयाध


Lex Rex Judiciary Classes - 8764033966

(b) Bailable and Non-Bailable offences
(फ) िभानिी औय अिभानिी अऩयाध


(c) Summons case and Warrant case

(स) सभन भाभरा औय िायां ट भाभरा


Lex Rex Judiciary Classes - 8764033966


Question No. 8 [6 Marks]

Explain any three in view of the definitions provided under The Bharatiya
Nagrik Suraksha Sanhita, 2023-
(a) Investigation
(b) Electronic communication
(c) Victim
(d) Audio-video electronics means
(e) Bail

प्रश्न संख्या 8

बायिीम नािरयि सुयऺा सांहहिा, 2023 िे िहि दी िई ऩरयबाषाओां िे

भद्देनिय किन्हं तीन िो स्ऩष्ट िीक्िमे -

(अ) अन्िेषर्

(फ) इरेतरॉननि सांसि

ू ना

(स) ऩीडडि

(द) ऑडडमो-िीडडमो इरेतरॉननतस साधन

(म) िभानि

Lex Rex Judiciary Classes - 8764033966

(a) Investigation

(अ) अन्िेषर्


(b) Electronic communication

(फ) इरेतरॉननि सांसि

ू ना

Lex Rex Judiciary Classes - 8764033966

(c) Victim

(स) ऩीडडि


(d) Audio-video electronics means

(द) ऑडडमो-िीडडमो इरेतरॉननतस साधन

Lex Rex Judiciary Classes - 8764033966

(e) Bail

(म) िभानि


Lex Rex Judiciary Classes - 8764033966

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