Summary of Learning (1)

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Date Printed: July 3, 2024 Madison Whyte

Learning Update

Attendance Reported up to: July 3, 2024

Reynolds Secondary
Madison Whyte 3963 Borden St
Victoria, BC
PEN: 131209850
V8P 3H9
Grade 10 250-479-1696

School Message

Updates to the Ministry of Education and Child Care reporting policy require at least 5 updates regarding your
student’s learning throughout the school year. You will receive 4 written Learning Updates (Report Cards) and at
least 2 informal learning updates which could be a conference, email or call from a teacher. For students in
grades K-9, the Provincial Proficiency Scale and descriptive feedback will now be used to explain where a student
is at in their learning and how they can improve. Students in grades 10, 11 and 12 will continue to receive letter
grades and percentages to ensure successful transition to post-secondary. They will now also receive descriptive
feedback on their written Learning Updates to clearly explain where they are at in their learning and how they can
move forward. They will also receive a graduation status update on the last Learning Update of every school year
in grades 10, 11, and 12. Students in all grades will self-reflect on the Core Competencies and set goals for
themselves. This student-centered reporting practice gives every student input into their learning and helps them
keep growing throughout their lives. The graduation status update and student self-reflection and goal setting
can be found in the Parent Connect and Student Connect portal. For more information, please see our school
website under Parent Info/Assessment and Reporting Information.

COMPOSITION 10 Term 1: 82% (B)

Course Dates: 05/09/2023 to 29/01/2024 Term 2: 69% (C+)

Final: 76% (B)
Miss Nicole Steeves

Attendance: Absent: 0 Late: 0

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Date Printed: July 3, 2024 Madison Whyte

CREATIVE WRITING 10 Term 1: 82% (B)

Course Dates: 05/09/2023 to 29/01/2024 Term 2: 69% (C+)

Final: 76% (B)
Miss Nicole Steeves

Term 1 Comments: Madi continues to develop her writing in this course. She is successfully working at her own
pace with Miss Funk providing feedback along the way. Madi has shown creativity through interesting characters
in a variety of genres. When she gets to the editing stage of her writing, I would like to see her enhance the
impact of her writing by experimenting with literary elements and devices. Keep up the good work, Madi!

Term 2 Comments: Madi successfully completed an adapted English program where she focused on the core
assignments. This allowed her to work at her own pace while still interacting with and collaborating with others in
the class. She seems to thrive in class or small group discussion where she can share her ideas with others. I was
very proud of her when she was the first one to present her book review. She did a great job.
Madi seemed to enjoy the film studies unit we did second term. She is quite creative and authentic with her
character dialogue. I hope she continues to write beyond this course. I recommend she start keeping a journal at
home to practice and develop her writing style.

Attendance: Absent: 6 Late: 22


Course Dates: 13/08/2023 to 10/08/2024 Term 3: W

SIDES-South Island Dist Ed Final: W

Angela Kleine-Buning

Term 2 Comments: Madison, as of January 26, 2024, you have completed 5% of course content in FPC Math 10.
For your current and up to date course progress please go to the Brightspace Grades tab. Parents and guardians
can see the course progress by accessing the Brightspace Parent & Guardian Portal. For more information and
instructions on account creation, visit
Please don't hesitate to contact me at if you have any questions.

Attendance: Absent: 0 Late: 0


Course Dates: 13/08/2023 to 10/08/2024 Final: PROFICIENT
SIDES-South Island Dist Ed
Pat Chambers

Term 4 Comments: Congratulations on successfully completing your Online course through SIDES.

Attendance: Absent: 0 Late: 0

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Course Dates: 05/09/2023 to 29/01/2024 Term 2: 80% (B)

Final: 80% (B)
Kelsey McKinnon

Term 1 Comments: So far this semester we have done a variety of activities including volleyball, flag football,
rugby, badminton, and fitness testing. We will continue to play more sports and explore the attributes of a healthy

Madison, it has been a pleasure getting to know you this semester. You have demonstrated an open mind to
trying new things. You are always available to help out with the equipment. Recently, you have shown an interest
in the Fitness Studio which will be a great place to gain more familiarity with. You are great at being a leader
amongst your peers and helping get everyone organized. Moving forward in the semester we will continue to
work on active participation during team sports. I understand that this PHE is not your favourite subject but I
appreciate your efforts to maintain a positive attitude and try your best.

Term 2 Comments: Madison, it was a pleasure getting to know you this semester. For a person who does not like
Phys. Ed. I am sure impressed with how you overcame your detest and participated to the best of your abilities.
You demonstrated patience, inclusivity, and leadership on a consistent basis. You were always willing to help with
setting up and taking down equipment or help with organizing your peers. I hope moving forward you continue to
find new ways that you enjoy being active

Attendance: Absent: 9 Late: 0

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Date Printed: July 3, 2024 Madison Whyte

SCIENCE 10 Term 3: 87% (A)

Course Dates: 01/02/2024 to 27/06/2024 Term 4: 89% (A)
Final: 89% (A)
Ms. Laura Collie

Term 3 Comments: This term students studied laboratory safety skills, chemical names and formulas, chemical
reactions and acid-base chemistry. In this term students have developed fundamental laboratory skills through
participation in hands-on lab activities. Students are currently studying DNA, protein synthesis and genetics. In the
second term we will continue our study of biology, and end the semester with physics and earth science.

Madi you have demonstrated a good understanding of the concepts covered in class to date. I have really
appreciated your great questions and willingness to check in on your understanding of the new ideas. You have
worked well in lab groups and have shown that you can complete labs efficiently and effectively. I would
recommend that you continue using your study guide to define vocabulary and summarize key concepts as we
finish up the course to ensure that you are well prepared for the final exam in June. Keep up the great work!

A detailed breakdown of individual assignment, quiz and test marks is available on the Google Classroom. If you
have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at

Term 4 Comments: This term students studied biology and physics with a focus on conducting safe, practical
investigations and the development of study habits for future science classes. A detailed breakdown of individual
assignment, quiz and test marks is available on our Google Classroom.

Madison you have displayed a good understanding of the concepts covered in Science 10 this term. You have
worked hard in class each day to ensure that you were all up to date with all of your assignments and
assessments. You excelled in lab activities where you carefully followed procedures, solved problems and
communicated your results clearly. I really appreciated your contributions in class during discussion and activities
as well as your support of others. Enjoy your summer break and see you in September!

Attendance: Absent: 7 Late: 0

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SOCIAL STUDIES 10 Term 3: 91% (A)

Course Dates: 01/02/2024 to 27/06/2024 Term 4: 91% (A)
Final: 91% (A)
Vanessa Wittstruck

Term 3 Comments: Throughout the term students focused on using inquiry skills to gather, interpret and analyze
ideas and data with the topics of cultural identity, WWI and the interwar years. Madison has demonstrated skills
within the proficient to extending range this term as evidenced by discussions, assignments, and other learning
experiences. Madison is actively engaged and considerate in the classroom, communicative with the teacher, and
reflective in her work. She is building her assessment skills to better understand significance of events and ideas
and locate them within a broader context of time periods and global events. Throughout the term, some
adjustments have been made to assignments' length to support Madison; however, her commitment to engaging
fully with the content and course expectations has fueled her ability to complete assignments in a timely manner
reflective of the criteria and beyond. I would encourage Madison to continue engaging her inquiry skills in the
upcoming semester to find connections between the course content and particular events, ideas, or people that
peak her interest.

Term 4 Comments: Madison is an actively engaged and considerate learner, communicative with the teacher,
and reflective in her work. This term, Madison worked hard to demonstrate her learning in a variety of formats
reflective of excellent critical thinking and analysis abilities. Well done this semester, Madison, and have a
wonderful summer!

Attendance: Absent: 10 Late: 1

TEXTILES 10 Term 1: 90% (A)

Course Dates: 05/09/2023 to 29/01/2024 Term 2: 86% (A)

Final: 86% (A)
Kate Thompson

Term 1 Comments: Madison, you have had a good start in Textiles.You are able to effectively maintain an
efficient and safe workspace. You are aware of others in your area, and offer tools, suggestions, or resources for
their projects. You have had a solid start to the semester, reminding yourself of what you already know, and
continuing to build on those skills. I have been impressed with your willingess to explore potential new ideas, and
your textiles curiosity overall! I encouage you to keep an inspiration board of textile items that you find
interesting, and we can use that to help identify the next projects and skills you would like to learn about!

Term 2 Comments: Madison, you have had a good semester in Textiles. You are able to identify design goals.
Madi, you have worked with a wide range of tools and techniques this year. You are working on having more
professional finishes for your projects, specifically "pretty guts," remember to start slowly, carefully cut out all
pieces and keep them pinned together or in a bag so that they don't get lost. Sometimes it can be helpful to keep
a checklist of the steps of a project and that will help you work in little chunks. You have grown as a sewist, and I
know you will continue to learn with practice!

Attendance: Absent: 10 Late: 12

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Date Printed: July 3, 2024 Madison Whyte

STUDIO ARTS 3D 10 Term 3: 80% (B)

Course Dates: 01/02/2024 to 27/06/2024 Term 4: 86% (A)
Final: 86% (A)
Danielle Anderson

Term 3 Comments: One of the main learning standards we have focused on this term is to intentionally select
and combine materials, processes, and technologies to convey ideas. Madison is currently at a proficient level
overall as evidenced through planning, sketches, observations, and creative exploration. Your sgraffito plate
demonstrates your ability to clearly express ideas and fully incorporate image development strategies in your
projects. Your excitement for learning the wheel is contagious in the classroom. You think deeply about your ideas
for projects. Continue to demonstrate awareness of self and place in the artwork you make. To expand your
practice as a 3D artist I encourage working on technical skills, exploration of new materials and attending art
shows to see what is happening in contemporary art.

Term 4 Comments: This semester, we focused on creating three-dimensional artwork using sensory inspiration,
imagination, and inquiry, while also reflecting personal voice and visually representing our connection to land.
Madison is currently at a proficient level overall as evidenced through development of ideas, refinement of skills
and self-reflection. Your ceramics skills have consistently improved over this semester. Your patience and
reflection have matured your artistic practice. You have been effective in communicating ideas, emotions and
perspectives through form. Your cow plate showcases highly proficient hand-building and decorating techniques,
with clear attention to detail and creativity. For development of artistic skills I encourage you to participate in
extracurricular art activities to further enhance your skills and exposure to different artistic styles and techniques.
Madi, I have really enjoyed having you in my class. You are a great teacher, helping other students when you see
the need. I hope to have you in a future art class.

Attendance: Absent: 6 Late: 8

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Course Dates: 05/09/2023 to 29/01/2024 Term 2: 73% (B)

Final: 73% (B)
Ms. Laura Collie

Term 1 Comments: This term students worked on the development of organizational, communication and study
skills. Each week students completed one or two short assignments related to developing these skills. Each day
students had an opportunity to work on their assignments for other courses and to receive support and feedback
on their work.

Madi, you have worked hard in class each day on both your in school and online courses. I have appreciated your
willingness to help others in the class. A goal for the second term would be to ask more questions and to spend
more time practicing your math as this is something I can help you with while you are here.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at

Term 2 Comments: This term students continued to work on the development of organizational, communication
and study skills. Each week students completed one or two short assignments related to developing these skills.
Each day students had an opportunity to work on their assignments for other courses and to receive support and
feedback on their work.

Madi, you started getting into a good groove with your online math course towards the end of this term which
was great to see. Let's build on that progress in the second semester and push to finish it by the end of June. It
was great to see you gaining more confidence in your math and I appreciated your commitment to sticking with
the online lessons. In the second semester it will be critical to stick to a bit more of a timeline and pace to ensure
that you finish up the course before the summer break. I look forward to working with you again in semester two!

Attendance: Absent: 7 Late: 0

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Course Dates: 01/02/2024 to 27/06/2024 Term 4: 74% (B)
Final: 74% (B)
Ms. Laura Collie

Term 3 Comments: This term students worked on the development of organizational, communication and study
skills. Each week students completed one or two short assignments related to developing these skills. Each day
students had an opportunity to work on their assignments for other courses and to receive support and feedback
on their work.

Madi, you have worked hard in this block on your other courses this term, especially your science and socials
studies classes. I have appreciated your willingness to explain concepts to others and generally contribute to the
classroom. I would encourage you to keep pushing yourself to use the duotang to set and monitor weekly goals.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at

Term 4 Comments: This term students continued to work on the development of organizational, communication
and study skills. Each week students completed one or two short assignments related to the development of these
skills. Each day students had an opportunity to work on their assignments for other courses and to receive
support and feedback on their work. Students would also set weekly goals and track their progress daily. A
detailed breakdown of individual assignment marks is available on our Google Classroom.

Madison, it was great having you in class again this semester. I'm glad that it was a productive space for you to be
able to work on your course work from your other academic classes. In the final self reflection for the course you
listed that you can work well with others and look at things in many different ways. I would agree! It was great to
see you do both at the same time, helping other students and trying to explain concepts in different ways to help
their understanding and strengthen your own. I hope you have a great summer break!

Attendance: Absent: 10 Late: 19

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Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Total

ABSENT 1.0 1.0 4.0 0.4 1.1 2.9 0 1.6 2.6 0.6 0 0 15.2

LATE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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