Sabre 2023 Sustainability Report

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03 Introduction 38 Social
04 Letter from our CEO 39 People
06 Our Sustainability Strategy 44 Inclusion and Diversity
12 Business Overview 47 Supplier Engagement
48 Community Engagement and Corporate Social Responsibility
16 Governance
17 Our Board 50 About This Report
20 Risk Oversight and Management 51 Disclaimer
23 ESG Oversight and Management 53 Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Report Index
25 Information Security and Data Privacy 59 Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Report
28 Key Governance Policies

29 Environmental
30 Our Facilities and Initiatives
32 Migration to the Cloud
34 Driving Sustainable Travel
36 Climate Risk
37 Environmental Performance Metrics

2023 Sustainability Report 2


I am proud to introduce this inaugural Sustainability Report for Sabre, following the publication
As our travel ecosystem continues of our ESG Executive Summary Report earlier this year. We have made considerable progress in
to change, I strongly believe there our corporate sustainability journey during 2022-2023, including:
are tremendous opportunities • Establishing a dedicated ESG team: We formalized the roles of our Chief Communications
for Sabre to address the evolving and Corporate Responsibility Officer, added a dedicated Global Director of Sustainability
demands of the travel marketplace. and a Head of Sustainability Communications, and established an executive-level council to
We operate in a huge, dynamically oversee Sabre’s ESG priorities and disclosures.
changing industry, where customers • Expanding our sustainability program: We engaged an external consultancy to help us
demand modern technologies that strengthen our current ESG management practices and develop a roadmap to implement
deliver innovation at pace and a more comprehensive, focused sustainability strategy. With this external support, we also
scale, but responsibly. With that evaluated our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, including identifying the most significant
comes significant opportunity to Scope 3 emissions categories and assessing other environmental data sources, to better
grow our business, and I believe measure and more accurately track our impact, which in turn, will guide our efforts in
a strong, clear sustainability decarbonization.
proposition underpinned by a • Strengthening our data tracking capabilities: We onboarded an enterprise software
focus on environmental, social and solution to help enhance the quality, reliability and future auditability of our sustainability-
governance (ESG) practices will related data and reporting.
further enable Sabre to realize • Aligning with relevant ESG frameworks: We aligned this inaugural report with leading
this opportunity. reporting standards and frameworks, notably the Sustainability Accounting Standards
Board (SASB) and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

2023 Sustainability Report 4

Sabre continues to value the day-to-day engagement we have with our stakeholders – including our
customers, team members and investors – to help focus our sustainability program and priorities.
As Sabre continues its technology transformation, we are helping to enable the future of travel while
focusing on effectively addressing our sustainability principles. As you will see in this report, some of
the initiatives that are core to our technology transformation are also designed to reduce our climate-
related risk and help position Sabre for a low-carbon future. These decisions are made with input from
our stakeholders and thoughtful oversight from our Board of Directors.

During this period, we have had to make challenging decisions, too. As announced in May 2023, we
made the difficult decision to reduce our total employee and contractor base. I have immense respect
for all my Sabre colleagues around the world, and this decision was not made lightly; however, I am
confident that these decisions will better position us for the future. As discussed in the Social section
of this report, we fully recognize that our employees are our greatest strength and endeavor to enable
them to thrive at Sabre.

Looking ahead, this report reflects only the beginning of our sustainability journey, and I am excited to
continue sharing our progress on this front. President and Chief Executive Officer

2023 Sustainability Report 5


Sabre seeks to integrate ESG principles into

the foundation of our business to better
serve all of our stakeholders — from our
people to our partners, from our customers
to travelers around the world. As a leader in
the travel technology space, we recognize the
opportunities and responsibilities we have
to advance global sustainability efforts. As
we look to the future, we aim to contribute
to decarbonization efforts within the travel
industry and are committed to acting
responsibly and intentionally to better enrich
our communities.

2023 Sustainability Report 6


Celebrate the diversity of our people to reflect
the world we serve.

Make our impact meaningful while helping to preserve our
planet for future generations.

Use technology and collaboration to build a path to
prosperity, helping to enable a better future for all.

2023 Sustainability Report 7

Enhance the well-being of our employees, putting them first
• Create a positive, nurturing and creative environment where all
of our employees can flourish, develop and innovate to their full
• Inspire and encourage our people to adopt positive and
responsible living practices, for the good of their health and the
planet’s health

Advocate for the well-being of people throughout our supply chain

• Ensure we are working with suppliers that treat their people as
we treat ours

Help to better the well-being of millions of people touched by

Sabre’s business
• Support crises and causes touched by travel
• Advocate for better and equal access to employment and
education for disadvantaged and minority groups around the world

2023 Sustainability Report 8

Make Sabre’s impact on the planet positive
• Reduce Sabre’s carbon footprint, including its scope 1 and 2
• Reduce Sabre's scope 3 emissions

Use our technology to help reduce carbon emissions of the global

travel industry
• Promote the sustainability benefits of our existing technology for
the travel industry
• Look at ways in which we can actively pursue environmentally-
focused technology

Advocate for and accelerate the industry’s transition to clean travel

• Facilitate and take part in industry-wide discussions on moving
to a greener future
• Promote green technology and clean travel initiatives

2023 Sustainability Report 9

Help enhance the livelihoods of billions of people around the world
through responsible travel
• Through the power of our technology and connections, enable
people to make responsible travel choices so that travel can
remain a force for good for decades to come

Foster an environment that enables the brightest and greatest

technological innovation for common good
• Harness technological innovation to lead to better outcomes for
the global travel industry
• Take a collaborative and innovative approach to creating
technology that can help make travel more sustainable

Help our customers and stakeholders to thrive through responsible

development and investment
• Use our unique position in the travel industry to help our
customers reach healthy profitability through positive impact
• Engage in partnerships and alliances that help create long-term
sustainability and prosperity for the travel industry

2023 Sustainability Report 10

Sabre views
sustainability and ESG
management as a key
area of focus, and we
are laying important
foundations to enhance
our risk management,
data collection,
oversight approach,
reporting and targets.

2023 Sustainability Report 11

At Sabre, we create global technology solutions that take on the biggest opportunities and most complex challenges in travel. Our technology is
the intelligence behind airline and hotel reservation networks, airport check-in kiosks, online travel sites, travel agent terminals and scores of other
mobile apps and travel solutions. Positioned at the center of the travel ecosystem, our platform enables our customers to connect people
with experiences that matter.

Dating back to 1960, Sabre was born out of a joint initiative between Sabre offers the travel industry’s broadest range of technology
American Airlines and IBM to create the world’s first computerized solutions, including data-driven business intelligence, mobile,
airline reservation system. We have now evolved into a technology distribution and Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions, used by travel
ecosystem that touches almost every stage of a traveler’s experience suppliers and buyers to plan, market, sell, serve and operate their
and aim to be the premier global technology platform in travel. businesses. Headquartered in Southlake, Texas, USA, Sabre serves
its customers through cutting-edge technology developed in facilities
Today, Sabre is investing in a technology transformation that will located around the world.
advance the intelligence behind our products and services, enabling
us to create a new travel marketplace in a cloud-based environment.
We are committed to helping customers operate more efficiently and
offer personalized traveler experiences by leveraging next-generation
technology applications such as artificial intelligence, machine
learning and real-time data and analytics.

2023 Sustainability Report 12

Sabre currently operates two main business segments:


Distribution: We operate a travel marketplace for travel suppliers and As a leading technology provider for the hospitality industry, our
travel buyers. Our broad set of solutions integrate with our global Hospitality Solutions business provides software and solutions,
distribution system (GDS) to facilitate travel by efficiently bringing through SaaS and hosted delivery model, to hoteliers around the
together travel content such as inventory, prices and availability from world. Our SaaS solutions empower hotels and hotel chains to
a broad array of travel suppliers, including airlines, hotels, car rental manage pricing, reservations and retail offerings across thousands of
brands, rail carriers, cruise lines and tour operators. This system is distribution channels while improving guest experience throughout the
accessed by a large network of travel buyers, including online travel traveler journey.
agencies, offline travel agencies, travel management companies and
corporate travel departments.

IT Solutions: We offer a broad portfolio of software technology Sabre is committed to providing our customers
products and solutions to airlines and other travel suppliers and with products and services that help them promote
provide industry-leading and comprehensive software solutions responsible and sustainable travel, while driving
that help our customers better market, sell, serve and operate. Our down industry emissions; advocating for sustainable
products include reservation systems, commercial and operations business practices in travel and tourism; making a
products, agency solutions and data-driven intelligence. Our positive impact on our people and the communities
reservation system enables end-to-end retailing, distribution and we touch; and minimizing the environmental impact
fulfillment by providing airlines with a platform to house, enhance and of our global business operations.
personalize the customer experience.

2023 Sustainability Report 13


As of December 31, 2022 (unless otherwise stated)

$2.5B 6,300 51
2022 Revenue Employees Globally Offices Globally
As of October 2023 As of October 2023


300M+ 630M+ 42,000+

Total Direct Passengers Boarded Properties Served
Billable Bookings in 175+ Countries

2023 Sustainability Report 14

At Sabre, we believe that understanding the needs and expectations of our stakeholders is crucial to our ESG strategy. We are committed to transparent,
consistent communication and engagement with our key stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, customers, travelers and business partners,
among others. Throughout the year, we engage with investors and other key stakeholders to gather and incorporate their insights and feedback into our
ESG programs and practices. This feedback is shared with the Governance and Nominating Committee and the Board of Directors.





2023 Sustainability Report 15

At Sabre, we recognize the importance of robust
corporate governance practices and clearly defined,
accountable oversight in safeguarding the long-term
interests of our stakeholders.

Sabre’s corporate governance framework is designed

to support the Board of Directors’ ability to effectively
oversee the company’s strategy while appropriately
managing risks and promoting accountability,
transparency and ethical business practices.
As of 11/30/2023

Sean Menke Gregg Saretsky Kurt Ekert George R. Bravante, Jr.

Executive Chair Lead Director President & CEO

Herve Couturier Rachel Gonzalez Gail Mandel Phyllis Newhouse

Audit Committee
George R. Bravante, Jr. (Chair)

Governance and
Nominating Committee
Gregg Saretsky (Chair)

Compensation Committee
John Scott, III (Chair)

Karl Peterson Zane Rowe John Scott, III Wendi Sturgis

Technology Committee
Herve Couturier (Chair)

2023 Sustainability Report 17


As of 11/30/2023


Independent 0-3 Years

Non-independent 4-7 Years
10 3
>7 Years


4 Women
4 50s

Men 60s
8 8

2023 Sustainability Report 18


Our Board is composed of a diverse group of highly engaged and The Board of Directors remains focused on regular and thoughtful
qualified directors who we believe possess the skills and experiences refreshment to maintain a high level of experience and diversity
necessary to successfully oversee our business. The Board of of perspectives. Our goal is to ensure that we are continuously
Directors believes that having a mix of directors with diverse and bolstering the efficacy of the Board’s oversight abilities.
complementary qualifications is fundamental to its ability to
effectively carry out its oversight responsibilities. As cybersecurity continues to be an increasingly critical topic for
companies in our industry, we recognize the importance of having the
When evaluating candidates for nomination as new directors, experience and independent oversight necessary to help us oversee
the Governance and Nominating Committee considers a number and manage information technology and cybersecurity threats to
of attributes that it has identified as critical to the Board’s ability our business. To that end, our Board of Directors has members
to support Sabre’s strategies and business and ensure effective with significant cybersecurity experience, further expanding its
governance. The Governance and Nominating Committee also capabilities.
considers diversity of race, ethnicity, gender, age, education, skills and
cultural background when evaluating director candidates.

2023 Sustainability Report 19


We recognize that our ability to continue conducting business in the

interests of our stakeholders is reliant on our ability to effectively
oversee and manage the potential risks impacting our business.

We maintain a robust governance structure, both at the board level

and at the enterprise level, to help ensure that potential risks are
appropriately identified, monitored and mitigated.

2023 Sustainability Report 20


Risk oversight at the Board level is distributed across our full Board and each of its key committees. Our Board of Directors has the primary responsibility
for risk oversight of Sabre as a whole. In addition, the Board has delegated specific oversight responsibilities to the following committees:


The Governance and Nominating Committee oversees risks The Compensation Committee is responsible for evaluating Sabre’s
associated with corporate governance, including Board leadership executive compensation program, taking into account Sabre’s
structure, succession planning and other matters. It oversees Sabre’s business strategy and risks to Sabre and its business implied by the
strategy, initiatives and engagement with investors and other key compensation program.
stakeholders relating to ESG matters. ESG initiatives are reported to
the Committee and provided to the full Board on a quarterly basis.
In coordination with the Audit Committee, the Technology Committee
AUDIT COMMITTEE is responsible for periodically reviewing, appraising and discussing
With the Board, the Audit Committee oversees Sabre’s risk with management the quality and effectiveness of Sabre’s information
management; financial and accounting-related risks; compliance with technology security, data privacy and disaster recovery capabilities.
legal and regulatory requirements and internal control over financial
reporting; evaluation of enterprise risk issues; procedures with respect
to risk management; and plans to mitigate cybersecurity risks.

2023 Sustainability Report 21


Sabre maintains an enterprise risk management (ERM) program, which reports to our Chief Legal Officer and provides quarterly reports
which includes regular assessments of various significant strategic to the Audit Committee.
risks, including possible emerging risks. These assessments occur on
at least an annual basis. For more information about our management of climate-related risks
and opportunities, please refer to our TCFD Report in the appendix of
As part of the ERM process, Sabre’s leadership team (vice president this report.
and above) is asked to rank various risks faced by Sabre in terms
of likelihood of impact to Sabre as a whole, significance of the
impact and expected timing of the impact. The assessment includes
consideration of a broad spectrum of risks, including risks relating to
our business and industry; risks relating to technology and intellectual
property; risks relating to economic, political and global conditions;
and risks relating to our financial condition.

Identified risks are assessed through our ERM program. The results
of these assessments are shared with our Disclosure Committee and
the Audit Committee, with quarterly updates provided to the Audit
Committee regarding management’s approach to addressing the top
risks identified. We also maintain a dedicated compliance function,

2023 Sustainability Report 22



Sabre views sustainability and ESG management as a key strategic

focus, and oversight of ESG matters is a Board-level responsibility.

The Governance and Nominating Committee is responsible for

overseeing our ESG strategy, initiatives and engagement with
investors and other key stakeholders related to ESG matters. The
Governance and Nominating Committee oversees our ESG program
and receives a report from our Chief Communications and Corporate
Responsibility Officer on our ESG initiatives, on behalf of the ESG
Council, at each quarterly meeting. This information is shared with the
full Board at every quarterly Board meeting.

2023 Sustainability Report 23


To support our priorities and strategy development around ESG

ESG initiatives discussed at each
matters, Sabre recently expanded the mandate of our Chief
quarterly Board meeting
Communications and Corporate Responsibility Officer to lead Sabre’s
ESG strategy development and execution. Sabre also recently
appointed a dedicated Global Director of Sustainability and a Head of
Sustainability Communications to drive Sabre’s ESG strategy forward GOVERNANCE AND NOMINATING
across all stakeholders. COMMITTEE

Sabre has also formed a cross-functional, executive-level ESG Council

to resource and implement a strategic action plan across data Quarterly reports provided to the Governance and
management, risk management, policy review and development and Nominating Committee on ESG initiatives
enterprise reporting activities.


2023 Sustainability Report 24


At Sabre, we recognize the importance of maintaining strong

cybersecurity measures to effectively identify, manage and mitigate
the risks associated with doing business in today’s environment.

Sabre’s enterprise information security policies and standards are

designed to provide administrative, logical, physical and technical
controls that seek to protect the security and confidentiality of
information and assets, protect against reasonably anticipated threats
or hazards to the security or integrity of these information and assets
and protect against unauthorized access to or use of information and

As we continue our technology transformation, we are investing in

and continuing to bolster our existing security processes to help
ensure that we are able to effectively mitigate cyber risks during the
completion of our technology transformation efforts.

2023 Sustainability Report 25


Sabre policies are aligned with ISO 27001. The information security Further, Sabre is a PCI DSS Level 1 Service Provider and a PCI
requirements set forth in our policies have been selected based Participating Organization. An assessment is performed annually by a
on our overall business strategy and objectives and relevant legal, third-party Qualified Security Assessor to validate Sabre’s compliance
statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements. As these factors with the PCI DSS. All Sabre systems that handle, have access to, or
are expected to change over time, policies are reviewed and evaluated otherwise store, process or transmit cardholder data on behalf of our
at least annually. customers are in scope for this assessment.

Sabre engages third parties to perform independent assessments of

its cybersecurity capabilities on a periodic basis. Annual assessments
• Onsite PCI assessment for Sabre systems that handle, have
access to or otherwise store, process or transmit cardholder data
on behalf of customers
• SOC 1 Type II report for our SabreSonic CSS Reservation system
• SOC 1 Type II report for our Radixx Solutions information
technology and airline hosting systems
• SOC 2 Type II report for our GetThere Online Booking Solution
• SOC 2 Type II reports for our Hospitality Solutions Community
CRS and Enterprise CRS
• NIST Cybersecurity Maturity Assessment

2023 Sustainability Report 26


Sabre has an established security and data privacy awareness and The Audit Committee reviews Sabre’s cybersecurity and other
training program that includes topical and role-based training, monthly information technology risks, controls and procedures. In addition,
simulated phishing campaigns and interactive discussion forums. We the Technology Committee, in coordination with the Audit Committee,
have partnered with third-party cybersecurity experts experienced in is responsible for periodically reviewing, appraising and discussing
global compliance training to develop relevant educational content. with management the quality and effectiveness of Sabre’s information
technology security, data privacy and disaster recovery capabilities.
All Sabre team members and contractors are required to complete
security and privacy training when hired and to renew training annually.
Team members are also required to acknowledge annually, in writing,
that they will comply with Sabre’s business ethics, information security
and data protection policies.

2023 Sustainability Report 27

Our commitment to being a responsible global leader and corporate citizen helps define Sabre not only as a great company, but one with great
purpose. Our company policies, both with regard to our own commitment and governance, as well as with regard to our considerations with our
suppliers, partners and other stakeholders are available on our website. These policies are reviewed on a periodic basis.


Our Corporate Governance Guidelines describe the key roles and Our Supplier Code of Conduct outlines our commitments,
responsibilities of our Board of Directors, including specific leadership communication and cooperation and codes of conduct for ethical
responsibilities, board refreshment mechanisms and director business practices, social behavior and environmental behavior, along
expectations. with expectations of our suppliers, partners and other stakeholders.


Our Code of Business Ethics outlines the way we conduct business Our Privacy Statement explains how Sabre manages personal
around the world every day, as well as the strong safeguards that we information, including when such information is collected, and how
have in place for individuals to raise good faith concerns. Sabre stores and protects personal information.

2023 Sustainability Report 28

At Sabre, environmental principles are integrated within
our company and business operations. As a leading
technology provider to the global travel industry, our
efforts to reduce our direct environmental impact
include a focus on efficiency measures at our facilities
and mitigating the footprint of our data centers.

Sabre was one of the first companies in any industry to design and build a LEED campus as our corporate headquarters, and we continue to incorporate
energy and water conservation and waste reduction practices into our operations.

We maintain offices in multiple countries around the world, and we seek to model best practices across our global facilities to ensure ongoing energy,
carbon, waste and water efficiency and reductions. These include the use of natural lighting, low-energy fluorescent lighting, low-or-no water appliances
and low-water, heat tolerant, all-organic native outdoor landscaping and the broad use of recycled materials in our buildings. Our commitment to
sustainability extends to our employees as well—we expect all employees to perform their duties in line with our sustainability principles.

We believe that sustainability is not just

an option, but a responsibility, and we
are continually striving to find new ways
to reduce our environmental impact and
promote a healthy workplace.

2023 Sustainability Report 30

These initiatives are just a few examples of our commitment to sustainability as we continue to explore new ways to reduce our environmental impact
and create a healthier work environment.


• Eco-friendly cleaning and paper products • Eco-friendly cleaning products
• Lighting and HVAC in unoccupied mode after hours • 100% LED lighting
• Automatic window shades on a schedule to limit the amount of • Clearly labeled waste bins for different types of materials
direct sunlight and heat • New water dispensers that provide filtered, high-quality
• Printer toner cartridges sent back to vendors for recycling drinking water
• Motion-detecting sink faucets in all restrooms and break rooms • Increased amount of outdoor air supplied to the building
• Waterless urinals in men's restrooms • New air conditioning units that use less energy and provide more
• Trash segregation and recycling compactor onside for plastic, efficient cooling and heating
glass, metal, paper, and cardboard • Environmentally friendly refrigerant gas
• EV charging stations


• Eco-friendly cleaning products • Eco-friendly cleaning products
• Kitchen towels and toilet paper processed from waste paper • 74% of energy supplied to office generated from renewable
• Motion-detecting lighting in all areas sources
• Waste segregation and composting • Waste segregation for paper, plastic, glass, general waste, and
• Reusable office kitchen supplies (e.g., coffee mugs, water sanitary waste
glasses, utensils) • Reusable office kitchen supplies (e.g., coffee mugs, water
glasses, utensils)

2023 Sustainability Report 31


Since 2017, as part of our technology transformation, Sabre has

been making a strategic shift away from a historically mainframe-
centric transaction processing environment toward a secure cloud-
based processing platform. From a customer perspective, migrating
to the cloud offers greater localization for customers around the
world and helps reduce the impacts of extreme weather compared
with our legacy data center locations. From an environmental
perspective, we are able to leverage the efficiencies of cloud
architecture, thereby reducing our carbon footprint, while providing
enhanced stability and world-class security.

Through migrating the majority

of our data centers to the cloud,
we expect to have a meaningful
reduction in our carbon emissions.

2023 Sustainability Report 32


As part of its goal to achieve net-

zero emissions across its value
chain and operations by 2030,
Google has an ambitious clean
energy goal to operate its data
centers on 24/7 carbon-free

In 2022, we closed our last Sabre-operated data center and

successfully migrated approximately 15,000 servers to GCP. By the
end of the second quarter of 2023, we had migrated 73% of our total
compute capacity to GCP and fully decommissioned all 15 of Sabre-
In January 2020, we announced a multi-year strategic partnership
managed data centers. By the end of 2023, we expect to reach 90%
with Google pursuant to which we have been working together to
of our total compute capacity in GCP. We are on track to complete
migrate our IT infrastructure to Google Cloud Platform (GCP). GCP
our tech transformation by the end of 2024.
is significantly more energy efficient than our data centers, which we
expect will result in a noteworthy decrease in our carbon emissions.

2023 Sustainability Report 33


As a travel technology company, Sabre is uniquely positioned to

provide customers with sustainable choices to meet their travel needs.
Our goal at Sabre is to design products and services that provide
value while lowering our own environmental impact and to help our
travel suppliers and retailers significantly reduce their environmental
impacts. Some examples of our sustainability-related products:

Sabre’s Network Planning & Optimization suite includes a variety of
products to assist airlines in planning and optimizing their routes,
operations, and other core decisions, including products designed to
help airlines:
• Improve fuel efficiency by matching demand and capacity
• Reduce ferry flights by promoting optimal crew changes
• Minimize airport congestion, thereby reducing on-ground fuel
• Calculate optimal center of gravity for airplanes, reducing required
engine thrust and ultimately reducing fuel burn

2023 Sustainability Report 34

Sabre Red 360 provides access to a full spectrum of information for SynXis Central Reservation System enables a single system of record
booking travel, including data from Google’s Travel Impact Model, that includes options for online travel agencies and global distribution
which displays CO2 emissions estimates for each flight. systems to access a hotel’s existing sustainability efforts, highlight
environmental features in Triptease’s Price Check tool, and add
Schedule Change helps identify travel options that minimize sustainability-based amenities to hotel bookings.
passenger disruption, taking into consideration shorter elapsed flight
times and departure/arrival times that are as close to the original SynXis Retail Studio is a solution for hoteliers to further personalize
flights as possible to minimize unnecessary layover expenses. the travel experience for guests, providing a retail platform through
which hoteliers can also manage certain environmental initiatives
such as less frequent linen and towel laundering and including carbon
offsets or philanthropy for environmental charities in their retail

2023 Sustainability Report 35


We understand that physical risks such as inclement weather, For more information about our management of climate-related
natural or man-made disasters and the effects of climate change, risks and opportunities, please refer to our TCFD Report.
along with the potential costs and impacts of transitioning to a
low-carbon economy, can impact our business. We also recognize
the role we play in protecting our planet and helping to reduce
the effects of climate change. Thus, when assessing strategic
initiatives, we have not only considered the physical and transition
risks associated with climate change but also the opportunity for
Sabre to contribute to climate change mitigation efforts.

For example, our 2017 decision to begin to shift strategically away

from a historically mainframe-centric transaction processing
approach toward a secure cloud-based processing platform was
driven in part by the fact that many of our legacy data centers
were located in an area of the United States particularly prone to
severe weather incidents. Transitioning to the cloud minimizes
our exposure to potential extreme weather events that can have a
significant impact on our ability to continue serving our customers.
Additionally, with this initiative, we saw a strategic opportunity for
Sabre to significantly reduce its environment footprint.

2023 Sustainability Report 36


We understand that we can only effectively manage what we can Through this process, we have identified six of the 15 GHG Protocol
measure, and over the past year we have embarked on a thoughtful categories as relevant to Sabre: Category 1 (Purchased Goods &
approach to collecting and tracking ESG-related data within our Services); Category 2 (Capital Goods); Category 3 (Fuel and Energy
business and operations. This has included onboarding an enterprise Related Activities); Category 4 (Upstream Transportation and
software solution specific to ESG management and reporting. Distribution); Category 6 (Business Travel); Category 7 (Employee
In addition, Sabre engaged a third-party consultancy to assist in
determining the data sources required to calculate Scope 1 and 2 GHG GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS
emissions and to conduct a Scope 3 screening in accordance with SCOPE 1 EMISSIONS 2022
the World Resource Institute/World Business Council for Sustainable Due to current data collection
Development (WRI/WBCSD) GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting Total Scope 1 limitations, no Scope 1 emissions have
been calculated for the year in review.
and Reporting Standard. Our methodology for calculating our GHG SCOPE 2 EMISSIONS
Data only collected from largest six offices. 2022
emissions is aligned with the WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol’s Corporate
Total Scope 2
Standard. (Location-based method) 3,488.20 CO2e - MT
Total Scope 2
(Market-based method) 3,488.20 CO2e - MT

Our six largest offices are located in Southlake, TX; Montevideo, Uruguay; Krakow,
Poland; Richmond, United Kingdom; Bengaluru, India; and Singapore, Singapore.

2023 Sustainability Report 37

At Sabre, our employees are our greatest strength, and we appreciate the importance of creating a rewarding work environment. We are committed to
ensuring that our employees feel valued and safe in the workplace and providing the necessary resources to help them thrive.

GLOBAL WORKFORCE (As of December 31, 2022)


2,365 Europe United States 2,365 32%

United States
1,921 APAC 1,921 26%
APAC Europe 1,864 24%
All Other 1,311 18%
1,311 Total 7,461
All Other

2023 Sustainability Report 39


We believe that in order to deliver excellence to our customers, it’s We have also contracted with Comparably, a workplace culture site
essential to foster growth, purpose, and connection among team and corporate brand reputation platform, to help our employees easily
members. Our people are the driving force behind making travel provide feedback.
happen, and as such, we prioritize employee engagement and culture
at Sabre. Additionally, we prioritize providing employees with internal
recognition for their hard work and encouraging them to recognize
Our employee engagement strategy is centered around four pillars of peers, teams and departments to help promote engagement and
global engagement that provide a variety of opportunities to develop satisfaction. A key part of our talent retention program has been to
professional skills, build community and engage in meaningful create specific benefits for early-career, mid-career and late-career
activities that connect team members with their passions and employees. Sabre also offers competitive salaries and generous paid
interests: time off, which allow us to hire, incentivize and retain high-caliber
• Inclusion Groups which support diversity and inclusion employees. Our commitment to our employees was recognized
• Communities of Practice which bring employees from similar in 2022 with the Best Company Culture and Best CEO awards by
professional disciplines together to foster development, Comparably, based on direct feedback from employees. Sabre was
innovation and collaboration rated in the top 50 of these categories among 70,000 companies.
• Clubs which help create a sense of community among our
employees and facilitate social interaction
• Support Networks which provide peer support on topics such as
health and wellness

2023 Sustainability Report 40



I do good work: of participants
strongly agree/agree 67%

I have a clear and meaningful role

and feel valued for contributing
79.7% 23.8%
of participants
strongly agree/agree
7.6 years

I have received candid, positive

or constructive feedback within 78% 12.4%
the last 30 days:
strongly agree/agree

2023 Sustainability Report 41


At Sabre, we are committed to ensuring the health and wellbeing Sabre has also integrated health and safety throughout our global
of our employees, and we work to provide the necessary resources offices. Each of our six main corporate offices (Southlake, TX;
to help ensure that they thrive at Sabre. Our work-from-anywhere Montevideo, Uruguay; Krakow, Poland; Richmond, United Kingdom;
program provides employees additional flexibility in their working Bengaluru, India; and Singapore, Singapore) has an employee
environments and in turn creates less stress, a better work-life balance responsible for health and safety, and safety training is unique to each
and increased productivity. This allows us to create an environment region. We believe we go above and beyond government regulations
that delivers empowerment, innovation and performance. and work to create an environment where all of our employees
feel safe.

As a global company, Sabre also provides employee benefits specific

to certain regions. For example, our UK employees receive a cycling
benefit for purchasing bikes or accessories, and our India employees
have created a cycling group that organizes events to promote team
member wellness. Our U.S. benefits cover travel costs of up to $4,000
per year, per member and eligible dependents, for any covered medical
service that is not available within a 100-mile radius of the employee’s
home. This benefit is in addition to the health insurance and other
well-being benefits we provide for our employees. The benefit will help
ensure that our employees are not saddled by medical debt and that
geography does not impede the quality of one’s health care.

2023 Sustainability Report 42

We offer the following mental health resources to employees
and their families at no cost:
• Sanvello is an app that provides clinical techniques to
reduce the symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression. We are committed to empowering our employees and work to provide
• Global Employee Assistance Program provides free the resources and support our employees need to thrive. Sabre has
counseling sessions. partnered with Udemy, which allows our employees to learn valuable
• Headspace provides tutorials on how to manage sleep,
skills and apply them to the real world. Sabre employees have access
stress, mindfulness and focus.
• Talkspace is a platform with licensed therapists who are to Google’s training library, and Sabre is second only to Google
available 24 hours a day. in the number of team members who are Google Cloud Platform
• BurnAlong provides on-demand mental, physical and
(GCP) certified. Sabre is the second largest Google Cloud training
financial wellness classes.
consumer behind only Google itself. Additionally, our partnership with
Workday has allowed us to develop career progression plans for each

Additionally, after a year at Sabre, employees have access to our

tuition reimbursement program which provides $5,250 per year for
personal and professional enrichment, and in 2023 we've begun
building out the technical side of our company and creating a larger
set of career options. Sabre’s training and development programs are
also an integral component of our talent retention program.

2023 Sustainability Report 43


As a global company with 51 offices around the world, we believe person feels welcomed, respected, supported and valued. We
that inclusion and diversity (I&D) is critical to our success and that recognize that the meaning and focus of diversity differs by region,
different perspectives create innovative products and services. and thus our diversity efforts are guided by local leadership.
Sabre is dedicated to shifting the needle forward as we embrace
and continue to work towards greater diversity. We are committed
to providing a workplace free of discrimination and sexual
harassment, as well as harassment or discrimination based on race,
color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, marital status, age, sexual
orientation, gender identity characteristics or expression, genetic
information, physical or mental disability, pregnancy, medical
condition or any other basis protected by law.

Sabre celebrates partnership, encourages collaboration and

applauds individuality. At Sabre, we are working to create an
environment where everyone feels safe to bring their most authentic
selves to work. We often say that “Inclusion is global, and diversity
is local,” as inclusion serves as the foundation for which we
support diversity. Wherever you work at Sabre around the globe,
you experience our inclusive culture – an environment where each

2023 Sustainability Report 44

Our I&D strategy, shaped by input from the Executive Leadership We currently have the following Inclusion Groups:
Team, I&D Council, and engaged team members, focuses on three
key areas: our business, our team members and the communities in
which we work. It works to support our Strategic Framework and
Ascenders BGOLD
Priorities, established in 2022. The I&D Council meets bimonthly to Professional Success Network Black Generations of Leadership and
Development Network
ensure the I&D strategy is embedded across the organization. Our
Director of Inclusion and Engagement, supported by Sabre
leadership and executives, oversees the consistent execution of the
strategy and initiatives. Individuals with Disabilities LGBTQ+ Network
Empowered at Sabre

Several company-wide initiatives have been launched, such as

incorporating pronouns in email signatures, supporting women in
leadership and piloting a disability program. We teamed up with VETERANS WCN
Global Veterans Network Women’s Career Network
Global Disability Inclusion, LLC to uncover our strengths and areas
of opportunity in disability inclusion. Capturing real time data from
team members with and without disabilities enables us to continue
to build upon our winning inclusive culture. WIT LIT
Women in Technology Latinos in Tech

Inclusion groups, each with at least two Executive Sponsors at the Sabre is also proud to announce that it has received a score of 95
helm, raise awareness, provide development workshops and build out of 100 on the 2023 Human Rights Campaign's (HRC) Corporate
community. They empower team members to shape Sabre into a Equality Index (CEI). The HRC, a foundation that advocates for
workplace where they can be their true selves, feel a sense of equal rights for LGBTQ+ employees, creates its annual CEI to
belonging, and perform at their best every day. help companies benchmark their performance related to LGBTQ+
workplace equality.

2023 Sustainability Report 45

(As of December 31, 2022)

Full Time Employees (FTE) 89.5%

Part Time Employees 2.5%
Contractors 8.1%


(As of December 31, 2022)

Male 61.3%
Female 38.2%
Other/Undeclared 0.5%


(As of December 31, 2022)

White 56.5%
Black/African American 4.4%
Hispanic/Latino 11.4%
Asian 25.6%
American Indian/Alaskan Native 0.4%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0.0%
Two or More Races 1.6%
Not Disclosed/Not Available 0.1%

2023 Sustainability Report 46


Sabre takes a holistic approach to engaging with our suppliers Sabre also recognizes the importance of supplier diversity, as we
and actively works to hold them to the highest ethical, social and believe that an inclusive supplier base can provide access to a wide
environmental standards. Our Supplier Code of Conduct outlines the range of capabilities and perspectives that can only strengthen our
minimum standards for conducting business in a safe and ethical ability to deliver excellence to our clients.
manner. We expect our suppliers to conduct their business in full
compliance with all international, national and local regulations
and to refrain from bribery, corruption and human rights violations.
Some of the environmental considerations we require from our
suppliers include a written environmental policy that addresses CO2
emissions, waste, energy, water and wood and paper management,
an individual or team to be responsible for environmental
management and an understanding of the risks and impacts
associated with their products.

Additionally, our Code of Business Ethics requires our suppliers

to comply with our expectations for social and environmental
sustainability. We understand that our impact extends beyond our
own operations and work to ensure that the companies we engage
with are held to the same standards as our employees.

2023 Sustainability Report 47



As a global company, Sabre recognizes the importance of giving Since 2003, Sabre has donated over $20 million to charitable
back to our community and providing our employees with an organizations. Sabre Poland was recently recognized by U.S.
opportunity to do so as well. We do this by encouraging employee Ambassador Mark Brzezinski for its efforts to help the war
volunteerism on company time through one paid day off per quarter in Ukraine.
for community volunteering. Since 2003, Sabre employees have
logged more than 300,000 volunteer hours as part of Give Together,
our global corporate social responsibility (CSR) program.

2023 Sustainability Report 48


In October 2022, Sabre Uruguay team members came together to

support the local community during the Give Together Volunteering
event at School #157 - Villa Garcia. 317 team members volunteered
2,536 hours to completely transform and remodel the school over two
days of teamwork and collaboration. The improvements and work
benefited approximately 1,000 children who attend the school. Sabre
is committed to improving educational environments for children and
students' access to a better learning space.

317 2,536

2023 Sustainability Report 49

“Materiality” and other similar terms are used throughout to refer to topics that reflect our ESG priorities. We are not using these terms as utilized under
securities laws or any other laws of the United States or other jurisdictions that apply these terms in the context of financial statements and financial


Certain statements in this report are forward-looking statements or achievements to be materially different from any future results,
about trends, future events, uncertainties and our plans and performances or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-
expectations of what may happen in the future. Any statements that looking statements. The potential risks and uncertainties include,
are not historical or current facts are forward-looking statements. In among others, the impact and extent of the recovery from the effects
many cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terms of the global COVID-19 pandemic on our business and results of
such as “guidance,” “target,” “on track,” “outlook,” “expect,” “believe,” operations, financial condition and credit ratings, as well as on the
“confident,” “well-positioned,” “momentum,” “trajectory,” “opportunity,” travel industry and consumer spending more broadly, the effect
“will,” “milestone,” “inflection point,” “prospective,” “focus,” “strategic,” of remote working arrangements on our operations and the speed
“commitment,” “upside,” “optimistic,” “long term,” “position,” “goal,” and extent of the recovery across the broader travel ecosystem,
“objective,” “pipeline,” “path,” “plan,” “progress,” “likely,” “future,” dependency on transaction volumes in the global travel industry,
“trend,” “anticipate,” “will,” “forecast,” “continue,” “estimate,” “project,” particularly air travel transaction volumes, including from airlines’
“possible,” “may,” “could,” “should,” “would,” “intend,” “potential,” or the insolvency, suspension of service or aircraft groundings, the effect
negative of these terms or other comparable terminology. Forward-
looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties Continues on next page >>
and other factors that may cause Sabre’s actual results, performance

2023 Sustainability Report 51

and amount of cost savings initiatives and reductions, the timing, related to the current military conflict in Ukraine, risks arising from
implementation and effects of the technology investment and other global operations, reliance on the value of our brands, the effects of
strategic plans and initiatives, the completion and effects of travel new legislation or regulations or the failure to comply with regulations
platforms, exposure to pricing pressure in the Travel Solutions or other legal requirements, including sanctions, use of third-party
business, changes affecting travel supplier customers, maintenance distributor partners, risks related to our significant amount of
of the integrity of our systems and infrastructure and the effect of any indebtedness, the effects of the implementation of new accounting
security incidents, failure to adapt to technological advancements, standards and tax-related matters. More information about potential
competition in the travel distribution and solutions industries, risks and uncertainties that could affect our business and results of
implementation of software solutions, reliance on third parties to operations is included in the “Risk Factors” and “Forward-Looking
provide information technology services and the effects of these Statements” sections in our most recent Quarterly Report on Form
services, implementation and effects of new, amended or renewed 10-Q filed with the SEC, our most recent Annual Report on Form
agreements and strategic partnerships, including anticipated savings, 10-K filed with the SEC, and our other filings with the SEC. Although
dependence on establishing, maintaining and renewing contracts we believe that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking
with customers and other counterparties and collecting amounts statements are reasonable, we cannot guarantee future events,
due to us under these agreements, dependence on relationships with outlook, guidance, results, actions, levels of activity, performance or
travel buyers, collection, processing, storage, use and transmission of achievements. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance
personal data and risks associated with PCI compliance, our ability on these forward-looking statements. Unless otherwise stated,
to recruit, train and retain employees, including our key executive all information in this Report is as of December 31, 2022. Unless
officers and technical employees, the financial and business results required by law, Sabre undertakes no obligation to publicly update or
and effects of acquisitions and divestitures of businesses or business revise any forward-looking statements to reflect circumstances or
operations, reliance on the value of our brands, the effects of any events after the date they are made.
litigation and regulatory reviews and investigations, adverse global
and regional economic and political conditions, including, but not
limited to, recessionary or inflationary economic conditions, risks

2023 Sustainability Report 52


The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) is an independent, private sector organization with a mission to develop and disseminate
sustainability accounting standards that help public corporations disclose material, decision-useful information to investors. For additional information
on the SASB Standards, please visit

To support investors and stakeholders, Sabre has provided the following disclosures based on the SASB Standard for the Software & IT Services sector.

ACCOUNTING METRICS (As of December 31, 2022)



(1) Total energy consumed, (2) percentage TC-SI-130a.1 We do not currently track this data but are continuing to evaluate a
grid electricity, (3) percentage renewable process to do so in the future. In 2022 we onboarded an enterprise
software solution to help enhance the quality, reliability and future
auditability of our sustainability-related data and reporting, and we are
laying important foundations to enhance our risk management, data
collection, oversight approach, reporting and targets going forward.

(1) Total water withdrawn, (2) total water TC-SI-130a.2 We do not currently track this data but are continuing to evaluate a
consumed, percentage of each in regions process to do so in the future.
with High or Extremely High Baseline Water

2023 Sustainability Report 53

ACCOUNTING METRICS (As of December 31, 2022)



Discussion of the integration of TC-SI-130a.3 We recognize the role we play in protecting our planet and helping to
environmental considerations into strategic reduce the effects of climate change. Thus, when assessing strategic
planning for data center needs initiatives, we have not only considered the physical and transition risks
associated with climate change but also the opportunity for Sabre to
contribute to climate change mitigation efforts.

For example, our 2017 decision to begin to shift strategically away from
a historically mainframe-centric transaction processing approach toward
a secure cloud-based processing platform was driven in part by the fact
that many of our legacy data centers were located in an area of the United
States particularly prone to severe weather incidents. Transitioning to
the cloud minimizes our exposure to potential extreme weather events
that can have a significant impact on our ability to continue serving our
customers. Additionally, with this initiative, we saw a strategic opportunity
for Sabre to significantly reduce its environment footprint.

In January 2020, we announced a multi-year strategic partnership with

Google pursuant to which we have been working together to migrate our
IT infrastructure to Google Cloud Platform (GCP). GCP is significantly
more energy efficient than our data centers, which we expect will result in
a noteworthy decrease in our carbon emissions.


Description of policies and practices TC-SI-220a.1 Privacy Statement

relating to behavioral advertising and user Our Privacy Statement explains how Sabre manages personal
privacy information, including when such information is collected, and how Sabre
stores and protects personal information.

Continues on next page >>

2023 Sustainability Report 54

ACCOUNTING METRICS (As of December 31, 2022)



Description of policies and practices TC-SI-220a.1 Sabre does not engage in the practice of behavioral advertising directly
relating to behavioral advertising and user and we prohibit any third parties from using third-party cookie information
privacy for behavioral advertising. We incorporate behavioral advertising risks
in our internal privacy impact assessments. Additional information on
this topic is available in our Privacy Statement and associated Cookie
Number of users whose information is used TC-SI-220a.2 Not currently available.
for secondary purposes

Total amount of monetary losses as a result TC-SI-220a.3 Not currently available.

of legal proceedings associated with user

(1) Number of law enforcement requests TC-SI-220a.4 Not currently available.

for user information, (2) number of users
whose information was requested, (3)
percentage resulting in disclosure

List of countries where core products or TC-SI-220a.5 Not currently available.

services are subject to government-required
monitoring, blocking, content filtering, or


(1) Number of data breaches, (2) TC-SI-230a.1 Not currently available.

percentage involving personally identifiable
information (PII), (3) number of users

2023 Sustainability Report 55

ACCOUNTING METRICS (As of December 31, 2022)



Description of approach to identifying and TC-SI-230a.2 Sabre’s enterprise information security policies and standards are
addressing data security risks, including designed to provide administrative, logical, physical and technical controls
use of third-party cybersecurity standards that seek to protect the security and confidentiality of information and
assets, protect against reasonably anticipated threats or hazards to the
security or integrity of such information and assets and protect against
unauthorized access to or use of information and assets.

Sabre policies are aligned with ISO 27001. The information security
requirements set forth in our policies have been selected based on our
overall business strategy and objectives and relevant legal, statutory,
regulatory and contractual requirements. As these factors are expected to
change over time, policies are reviewed and evaluated at least annually.
Sabre engages third parties to perform independent assessments of its
cybersecurity capabilities on a periodic basis.

Further, Sabre is a PCI DSS Level 1 Service Provider and a PCI

Participating Organization. An assessment is performed annually by a
third-party Qualified Security Assessor to validate Sabre’s compliance with
the PCI DSS. All Sabre systems that handle, have access to, or otherwise
store, process or transmit cardholder data on behalf of our customers are
in scope for this assessment.

Sabre has an established security and data privacy awareness and

training program that includes topical training, role-based training,
monthly simulated phishing campaigns and interactive discussion
forums. We have partnered with third-party training providers experienced
in global compliance training to develop relevant training content.

All Sabre team members and contractors are required to complete

security and privacy training when hired and to renew training annually.
Team members are also required to acknowledge annually in writing that
they will comply with Sabre’s business ethics, information security and
data protection policies.Please see the Information Security and Data
Privacy section on page 25 of this report for more information.

2023 Sustainability Report 56

ACCOUNTING METRICS (As of December 31, 2022)



Percentage of employees that are (1) TC-SI-330a.1 (1) 4%

foreign nationals and (2) located offshore (2) 31.7% (U.S.); 25.8% (Asia Pacific); 0.3% (Canada); 27.1% (Europe,
Middle East, Africa); 15.1% (Latin America, Caribbean)

Employee engagement as a percentage TC-SI-330a.2 Results from Sabre’s 2022 Engagement Survey:
• I am recognized at Sabre when I do good work: 75.1% of participants
strongly agree/agree
• I have a clear and meaningful role and feel valued for contributing to
Sabre’s success: 79.7% of participants strongly agree/agree
• I have received candid, positive or constructive feedback within the
last 30 days: 78% strongly agree/agree

Percentage of gender and racial/ethnic TC-SI-330a.3 We do not currently disclose gender and racial/ethnic group
group representation for (1) management, representation by employee category. Below, we have disclosed our
(2) technical staff, and (3) all other global gender diversity and U.S. race and ethnic group representation.
(As of December 31, 2022) (As of December 31, 2022)

Male 61.3% White 56.5%

Female 38.2% Black/African American 4.4%
Other/Undeclared 0.5% Hispanic/Latino 11.4%
Asian 25.6%
Other 2.0%
American Indian/Alaskan
Native 0.4%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific
Islander 0.0%

Two or More Races 1.6%

Not Disclosed/Not Available 0.1%

2023 Sustainability Report 57

ACCOUNTING METRICS (As of December 31, 2022)


Total amount of monetary losses as a TC-SI-520a.1 Not meaningful; as noted on page 99 of Sabre's 2022 Form 10-K,
result of legal proceedings associated with monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with
anticompetitive behavior regulations anticompetitive behavior regulations totaled $3.05 for the year in review.


Number of (1) performance issues and TC-SI-550a.1 Not currently available.

(2) service disruptions; (3) total customer

Description of business continuity risks TC-SI-550a.2 Not currently available.

related to disruptions of operations

ACTIVITY METRICS (As of December 31, 2022)


(1) Number of licenses or subscriptions, (2) TC-SI-000.A Not currently available.

percentage cloud-based

(1) Data processing capacity, (2) TC-SI-000.B (1) 417,703 vCPU

percentage outsourced (2) 100%

(1) Amount of data storage, (2) percentage TC-SI-000.C Not currently available.

2023 Sustainability Report 58


The Financial Stability Board’s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) has developed a voluntary, consistent climate-related financial
risk disclosure for use by companies in providing information to investors, lenders, insurers and other stakeholders. For additional information on TCFD,
please visit

Sabre’s TCFD report is organized around the framework’s four main tenets, which are governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets.



a) Describe the board’s oversight of climate- The Governance and Nominating Committee is responsible for overseeing Sabre’s ESG strategy and
related risks and opportunities initiatives and engaging with investors and other key stakeholders related to ESG matters.

The Governance and Nominating Committee receives a report on our ESG initiatives from our
Chief Communications and Corporate Responsibility Officer, on behalf of the ESG Council, at each
quarterly meeting. This information is shared with the full Board at every quarterly Board meeting.

We recognize the role we play in protecting our planet and helping to reduce the effects of climate
change. Thus, when assessing strategic initiatives, we have not only considered the physical and
transition risks associated with climate change but also the opportunity for Sabre to contribute to
climate change mitigation efforts.

2023 Sustainability Report 59



b) Describe management’s role in assessing Sabre recently expanded the mandate of our Chief Communications and Corporate Responsibility
and managing climate-related risks and Officer to serve as an internal champion for ESG, leading Sabre’s ESG strategy development and
opportunities execution. Sabre also recently announced a dedicated Global Director of Sustainability, who is
responsible for growing Sabre’s sustainability program and cementing Sabre’s commitment to
playing a leading role in enabling sustainable travel, and a Head of Sustainability Communications,
who is focused on building Sabre’s reputation as a purpose-led organization among key

This new oversight includes the formation of a cross-functional, executive-level ESG Council to
resource and implement a strategic action plan across data management, risk management, policy
review and development and enterprise reporting activities.

As noted above, The Governance and Nominating Committee receives a report on our ESG
initiatives from our Chief Communications and Corporate Responsibility Officer, on behalf of the
ESG Council, at each quarterly meeting. This information is shared with the full Board at every
quarterly Board meeting.


a) Describe the climate-related risks and As noted above, we recognize the role we play in protecting our planet and helping to reduce
opportunities in the short, medium, and the effects of climate change. Thus, when assessing strategic initiatives, we have not only
long term considered the physical and transition risks associated with climate change but also the
opportunity for Sabre to contribute to climate change mitigation efforts.

Our revenue is highly dependent on transaction volumes in the global travel industry, and
we recognize that there are various climate-related factors that may have a temporary or
sustained disruption to leisure and business travel, including: changing attitudes towards the
environmental costs of travel; and inclement weather, natural or man-made disasters and the
effects of climate change.

Continues on next page >>

2023 Sustainability Report 60



a) Describe the climate-related risks and As a leader in the travel technology space, we recognize the opportunities and
opportunities in the short, medium, and responsibilities we have to advance global sustainability efforts. We seek to make our impact
long term meaningful while preserving our planet for future generations:

Make Sabre’s impact on the planet positive

• Reduce Sabre’s carbon footprint and move toward using only renewable energy sources
• Implement supplier management program that requires certain ESG standards

Focus on creating technology that can help reduce carbon emissions of the global
travel industry
• Put our planet at the heart of each of our existing and new technologies

Advocate for and accelerate the industry’s transition to clean travel

• Facilitate and take part in industry-wide discussions on moving to a greener future
• Invest in and drive green technology and clean travel initiatives

b) Describe the impact of climate-related Technology is enabling travelers to make better choices when they travel by surfacing more
risks and opportunities on business, sustainable accommodation options, flights with a lower carbon footprint or rail alternatives.
strategy, and financial planning As we look to the future, we aim to contribute to decarbonization efforts within the travel
industry and are committed to acting responsibly and intentionally to better enrich our

As noted above, when assessing strategic initiatives, we have not only considered the
physical and transition risks associated with climate change but also the opportunity for
Sabre to contribute to climate change mitigation efforts. For example, our 2017 decision to
begin to shift strategically away from a historically mainframe-centric transaction processing
approach toward a secure cloud-based processing platform was driven in part by the fact
that many of our legacy data centers were located in an area of the United States particularly
prone to severe weather incidents. Transitioning to the cloud minimizes our exposure to
potential extreme weather events that can have a significant impact on our ability to continue
serving our customers. Additionally, with this initiative, we saw a strategic opportunity for
Sabre to significantly reduce its environment footprint.

Continues on next page >>

2023 Sustainability Report 61



b) Describe the impact of climate-related In June 2023 Sabre announced a partnership with Google allowing us to integrate Google’s
risks and opportunities on business, Travel Impact Model to display the carbon footprint of flights on our systems, an important
strategy, and financial planning step in bringing sustainability information to the mainstream for corporate and leisure
travelers and advance the travel ecosystem toward a more sustainable future.

c) Describe the resilience of Sabre’s Sabre is in the process of growing our sustainability program and reviewing opportunities to
strategy, taking into consideration better position the company for a low-carbon future. We are still in the process of developing
different climate-related scenarios our climate change strategy.


a) Describe the organization’s process of Sabre maintains an enterprise risk management (ERM) program, which includes regular
identifying and assessing climate-related assessments of various significant strategic risks, including possible emerging risks. These
risks assessments occur on at least an annual basis.

b) Describe the organization’s process As part of the ERM process, Sabre’s leadership team (vice president and above) is asked
for managing climate-related risks to rank various risks faced by Sabre in terms of likelihood of impact to Sabre as a whole,
significance of the impact and expected timing of the impact. The assessment includes
c) Describe how processes for identifying, consideration of a broad spectrum of risks, including risks relating to our business and
assessing, and managing climate-related industry; risks relating to technology and intellectual property; risks relating to economic,
risks are integrated into the organization’s political and global conditions; and risks relating to our financial condition.
overall risk management
Identified risks are assessed through our ERM program. The results of these assessments
are shared with our Disclosure Committee and the Audit Committee, with quarterly updates
provided to the Audit Committee regarding management’s approach to addressing the top
risks identified. We also maintain a dedicated compliance function, which reports to our Chief
Legal Officer and provides quarterly reports to the Audit Committee.

2023 Sustainability Report 62



a) Disclose the metrics used by the We understand that we can only effectively manage what we can measure, and over the past
organization to assess climate-related year we have embarked on a thoughtful approach to collecting and tracking ESG-related data
risks and opportunities in line with its within our business and operations. This has included onboarding an enterprise software
strategy and risk management process solution specific to ESG management and reporting. This enterprise software solution will
help enhance the quality, reliability and future auditability of our sustainability-related data
and reporting. We look forward to continuing to enhance our reporting on these metrics in the

b) Disclose Scope 1, Scope 2, and if In 2022, Sabre engaged

appropriate, Scope 3 GHG emissions, and GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS an external consultant to
the related risks. help us determine the
SCOPE 1 EMISSIONS 2022 data sources required to
Due to current data collection calculate our Scope 1
Total Scope 1 limitations, no Scope 1 emissions have and 2 GHG emissions
been calculated for the year in review. and determine material
SCOPE 2 EMISSIONS Scope 3 emissions
Data only collected from largest six offices. 2022 categories in accordance
with the World Resource
Total Scope 2
(Location-based method) 3,488.20 CO2e - MT Institute/World Business
Council for Sustainable
Total Scope 2 Development (WRI/
(Market-based method) 3,488.20 CO2e - MT
WBCSD) GHG Protocol
Our six largest offices are located in Southlake, TX; Montevideo, Uruguay; Krakow, Corporate Accounting
Poland; Richmond, United Kingdom; Bengaluru, India; and Singapore, Singapore. and Reporting Standard.
Our methodology for
calculating our GHG emissions is aligned with the WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol’s Corporate

Through this process, we have identified six of the 15 GHG Protocol categories as relevant
to Sabre: Category 1 (Purchased Goods & Services); Category 2 (Capital Goods); Category 3
(Fuel and Energy Related Activities); Category 4 (Upstream Transportation and Distribution);
Category 6 (Business Travel); Category 7 (Employee Commuting).

c) Describe the targets used by the Not currently available. In 2022 we onboarded an enterprise software solution to help
organization to manage climate-related enhance the quality, reliability and future auditability of our sustainability-related data and
risks and opportunities and performance reporting, and we are laying important foundations to enhance our risk management, data
against targets collection, oversight approach, reporting and targets going forward.

2023 Sustainability Report 63

3150 Sabre Drive Phone +1 682 605 1000
Southlake, TX 76092

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