Table of Contents
President's Message 5
Editor's Note 7
Comparative Advantage and Competitive Advantage: An Economics 9
Perspective and a Synthesis
Satya Dev Gupta
Exporting B2B Solutions: The Impact and Contribution of Using Social 23
Ziad Abdelmoety and Spiros Gounaris
The Role of Attitudes and Ethicality on Branded Video Games 41
(Advergames) Acceptance
Joaquin Aldas-Manzano, José Martí-Parreño, Carla Ruiz-Mafe and
Lisa Scribner
Are we talking the Same Language? Challenging Complexity in 49
Country Brand Models
Fabiana Mariutti and Ralph Tench
Economic Aspects of Milk Production in Organic and Conventional 63
Specialised Dairy Farms in Poland
Marcin Żekało
Announcements 73
Published by
The Business & Law Research Division &
The Economics Research Unit of
The Athens Institute for Education and Research
Athens Journal of Business & Economics
A journal of The Business & Law Research Division & The Economics Research Unit of
The Athens Institute for Education and Research
ISSN NUMBER: 2241-794X
President of Editorial Board of ATINER's Publications
Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, President, ATINER
Editor-in-Chief of ATINER's Publications
Dr. George Poulos, Vice President of Research, ATINER &
Professor Emeritus, University of South Africa
Editor of this Journal
Dr. Christos Sakellariou, Vice President of Finance, Athens Institute for Education and
Research (ATINER) & Associate Professor of Economics, Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore.
Editorial and Reviewers' Board of this Journal
Dr. Panos Petratos, Vice President of ICT, ATINER & Associate Dr. Rogelio Ladron de Guevara Cortes, Academic Member, ATINER &
Professor, Department of Computer Information Systems, California Professor-Researcher, University of Veracruz, Mexico.
State University (Stanislaus), USA. Dr. Georg Dutschke, Professor and Researcher, Universidad de Sevilla,
Dr. Michael P. Malloy, Director, Research Division of Business & Law, Spain.
ATINER & Distinguished Professor of Law, University of the Pacific, Dr. Vasilios Filios, Academic Member, ATINER & Professor of
USA. Accounting, University of Patras, Agrinio, Greece.
Dr. Sharon Claire Bolton, Head, Management Research Unit, ATINER Dr. Guthlac Nkem Kirk Anyalezu, Professor, University of Phoenix and
& Professor and Head, the Management School, University of Stirling, Austin Community College, USA.
UK. Dr. Max M. North, Professor of Management Information Systems,
Dr. David A. Frenkel, LL.D., Head, Law Research Unit, ATINER, Director of Visualization & Simulation Research Center, School of
Professor, Carmel Academic Centre School of Law, Haifa & Emeritus Engineering Technology & Management, Southern Polytechnic State
Professor, Guilford Glazer Faculty of Business and Management, Ben- University, USA.
Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel. Dr. Panayotis Zamaros, Academic Member, ATINER & Professor,
Dr. Peter Koveos, Head, Accounting & Finance Research Unit, Academic Counsellor, University IFM, Switzerland.
ATINER & Professor of Finance, Syracuse University, USA. Dr. Srinivasan Kannan, Additional Professor, Sree Chitra Tirunal
Dr. John Roufagalas, Head, Economics Research Unit, ATINER & Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, India.
Professor of Economics, Troy University, USA. Dr. Rajendra Kumar Saxena, Academic Member, ATINER & Head,
Dr. Cleopatra Veloutsou, Head, Marketing Research Unit, ATINER & Department of Sociology, Government Dungar College, India.
Senior Lecturer in Marketing, Department of Business and Dr. Mahalaya Chatterjee, Associate Professor & Director, Centre for
Management, University of Glasgow, Scotland. Urban Economic Studies, University of Calcutta, India.
Dr. George Saridakis, Director of Doctoral Programmes, Kingston Dr. Nick Marudas, Associate Professor of Accounting, Department of
Business School, Kingston University & Professor of Small Business Business and Economics, Stetson School of Business, Mercer
and Entrepreneurship, Kingston Hill, Kingston Upon Thames, UK. University, USA.
Dr. Jayanta Kumar Parida, Dean & Chairman, Department of Dr. Mehdi Abedi, Assistant Professor, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran.
Commerce & Management Studies, Utkal University, India. Dr. Hamidreza Alipour, Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University,
Dr. Moha A. Abdullah, Professor, Faculty of Economics and Iran.
Management Sciences, International Islamic University of Malaysia, Dr. Elena Bundaleska, Assistant Professor, University American College
Malaysia. Skopje, Skopje.
Dr. Guthlac Nkem Kirk Anyalezu, Academic Member, ATINER & Dr. Jayanta Kumar Dwibedi, Assistant Professor, BKC College, West
Professor of Economics, University of Phoenix and Austin Community Bengal State University, India.
College, Austin Texas USA, USA. Dr. Leng Ho Keat, Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological
Dr. Michael Barbas, Academic Member, ATINER & Professor, Sharda University, Singapore.
University, India. Dr. Ho Keat Leng, Assistant Professor, National Institute of Education,
Dr. David Chaplin, Academic Member, ATINER & Professor, Singapore.
Northwest Nazarene University, USA. Dr. Esin Sayin, Assistant Professor, Adnan Menderes University, Turkey.
Dr. Hyung-Jai Choi, Professor, Korea University-Sejong, Sejong, Korea. Dr. Alka Chadha, Visiting Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of
Dr. Jadvyga Ciburiene, Professor, School of Economics and Business, Management, India.
Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania. Dr. Dimitrios Syrrakos, Senior Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan
Dr. Satya Dev Gupta, Professor, St. Thomas University, Canada. University, UK.
Dr. Vandana Gupta, Professor, Faculty of Finance & Accounting, Dr. Navid Mollaee, Lecturer, University of Applied Science and
School of Management, Delhi University, India. Technology, Iran.
Managing Editor
Ms. Afrodete Papanikou
Athens Institute for Education and Research
8 Valaoritou Street, 10671 Athens, Greece
Phone: + 30 210 3634210 Fax + 30 210 3634209
Athens Journal of Business & Economics
Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2015
Table of Contents
President's Message 5
Editor's Note 7
Comparative Advantage and Competitive Advantage: An Economics 9
Perspective and a Synthesis
Satya Dev Gupta
Exporting B2B Solutions: The Impact and Contribution of Using Social 23
Ziad Abdelmoety and Spiros Gounaris
The Role of Attitudes and Ethicality on Branded Video Games 41
(Advergames) Acceptance
Joaquin Aldas-Manzano, José Martí-Parreño, Carla Ruiz-Mafe and
Lisa Scribner
Are we talking the Same Language? Challenging Complexity in 49
Country Brand Models
Fabiana Mariutti and Ralph Tench
Economic Aspects of Milk Production in Organic and Conventional 63
Specialised Dairy Farms in Poland
Marcin Żekało
Announcements 73
President's Message
The current issue is the first of the Athens Journal of Business and
Economics published by the Business & Law Research Division &
The Economics Research Unit of the Athens Institute for Education and
Research (ATINER).
The Head of the The Economics Research Unit is member of the Editorial
Advisory Board. The Academic Members of the research unit are
members of the Editorial Board and will assist the editor and the Editorial
Advisory Board with the peer reviewing of all submitted papers.
Currently, the academic members of the five research units consist of
over 100 international experts from about 50 countries.
Gregory T. Papanikos
Athens Institute for Education and Research
Editor's Note
About AJBE