Research Article
Nora Susanti, Jamalum Purba, M. Nizam, Cindy Agnesia, and Astri Devi Br. Pakpahan
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan-20221, Indonesia
Citation: Susanti, N., Purba, J., Nizam, M., Agnesia, C., & Pakpahan, A.D.B. (2023). Formulation and antibacterial activity of frankincense sap extract
deodorant spray (Styrax benzoin). Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia (JPKIM), 15(3), 266–272.
Keywords Abstract
Bacteria Deodorant is a cosmetic preparation used by the wider community to control and reduce
Body odor body odor. Deodorant act as antibacterial and are able to reduce the excretion of sweat in the
Deodorant spray armpits. Frankincense is a plant that contains flavonoids and tannins can act as
Styrax benzoin antibacterial. This aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of frankincense sap
extract as an antibacterial in deodorant spray preparation. Frankincense sap powder is
macerated with ethanol to obtain frankincense sap extract. Deodorant formulations are
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prepared from frankincense sap extract in various concentrations (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%)
and combined with cosolvent, emollient, and solvent. Tests carried out include antibacterial
(Nora Susanti)
testing against Pseuodomonas aureugenisa and Staphylococcus epidermidis bacteria, organoleptic
test, pH test, viscosity test, and irritation test. The test results showed that antibacterial
testing gave the highest inhibitory diameter of 2.63 mm and 5.35 mm which was exhibited
OpenAcces by formulation 5.
Indonesia is a tropical country that is always illuminated by the sun, so the average air temperature is high
enough to trigger sweat production. Excessive sweat production can cause problems, especially unpleasant body
odor (Veranita et al. 2021). Sweat produced from the excretory process that occurs in the body. The excretory
system is needed to maintain body temperature, where the body will remove toxins through sweat, urine and
the process of respiration (Aji and Ashadi, 2019). Eccrine and apocrine glands are sources of sweat. Apocrine
glands contain fat and protein, which cause unpleasant odors if broken down by bacteria, this odor is known as
body odor (Maftuhah et al. 2015).
The use of soap and water as body wash at bath time is relatively less effective to prevent body odor. So that
several other alternative actions can be done, such as using anti-body odor cosmetic preparations (deodorant).
Deodorant is a product that serves to reduce or mask body odor. Deodorant are also antiprespirant, because
deodorant act as antibacterial and are able to reduce sweat excretion in the armpits (Meitasari et al. 2015).
Deodorants show antimicrobial activity by reducing the body's pH which can inhibit the growth of
microorganisms that produce unpleasant odors (Egbuobi et al. 2012).
Natural-based deodorants are hard to find and have not been produced on a large scale on the market.
Indonesia is rich in flora sources and many of them can potentially be deodorants, one of which is
frankincense. Frankincense is one of the nutrient-rich plants that grows in Indonesia, especially North
Sumatra. According to Jayusman (2014) there are 3 types of frankincense in North Sumatra, namely toba
frankincense (Styrax paralleloneurum PERK), durame frankincense (Styrax benzoine Dryand), and feather
frankincense (Styrax benzoine var hiliferum).
Frankincense (Styrax benzoin) is a non-timber forest product with the genus Styracaceae. The level of
phenolics and flavonoids contained in this species are a benchmark for antibacterial activity possessed.
According to Suparto et al. (2019) frankincense (Styrax benzoin) contains phenolic and flavonoid derivative
Sample and Materials
Frankincense gum powder from Parsoburan area, ethanol 96%, propylene glycol (PG), glycerin, dragendrof
reagent, Magnesium powder, Hydorgen chloride (HCl), Iron (III) chloride (FeCl3) 1%, nutrient agar (HIMEDIA),
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), chloramphenicol (Oxoid), physiological Sodium chloride (NaCl) 0.9%, analytical
balance, set of glassware, split funnel, ostwald viscometer 2 mL (pyrex), maceration bottle, aluminum foil,
rotary evaporator, magnetic stirrer, hotplate, bunchner, vacuum pump, autoclave, petri dish, ose needle, disc
paper 6 mm (oxoid), micro pipette 100-1000 чL (eppendorf).
Frankincense sap powder measuring 80 mesh weighing 250 g was extracted by maceration or soaking method
using 96% ethanol solvent with a ratio of 1 : 2. Extraction was carried out for 3 x 24 hours at room temperature
and remaceration was carried out on days 2 and 3 (Chairunnisa et al. 2019). Then the entire filtrate is filtered
with filter paper using a buncner filter and a vacuum pump. The filtrate is separated and concentrated on the
rotary evaporator at the boiling point of the solvent within 4-5 hours (Savitri et al. 2017 modified).
containing solid agar media spiked with test bacteria, DMSO (negative control), and chloramphenicol (positive
control). Then incubated at a temperature of 37 for 24 hours. After 24 hours, the diameter of the clear
inhibitory zone formed was calculated using a caliper (Rizqiyana et al. 2014).
Organoleptic Test
Organoleptic tests are carried out by observing the color, shape, odor, and taste of the preparation. Pipette 5 ml
of product into the vial and observe the color and shape, for odor is done by breathing air over the vial. Sensory
tests are performed after formulation, and reevaluated on day 7.
Acidity or pH Test
Acidity or pH testing is carried out with the help of universal pH indicator. Measurements are made by dipping
pH paper into the product and adjusting the formed color to the available pH susceptible colors. pH testing is
performed after formulation, and re-evaluated on day 7.
Viscosity Test
Viscosity testing is performed with an Ostwald viscometer, where viscosity is calculated using an aqueous
reference solution by measuring the time it takes for a liquid to pass through two predetermined points in the
capillary tube.
Table 2. Interpretation of irritant test results
Reaction Result
No change (-)
Red skin (+)
Red and itchy skin (++)
Swollen skin (+++)
Irritation Test
Irritation tests are also called skin sensitivity tests. Deodorant spray formulations should be checked for
irritating or sensitive to the skin (Voigt, 1995). The tests were conducted directly on 10 volunteers who did not
have skin diseases or allergies, both men and women. The test is carried out using a spray test method where
the test product is sprayed onto the inner arm. Symptoms are observed after 6 hours. The following Table 2
showed the interpretation of irritant test.
The content of secondary metabolites in the ethanol extract of frankincense sap was identified to see the
content of compounds that can act as antibacterials. Alkaloid compounds are able to interfere with the
constituent components of peptidoglycan contained in bacterial cells so that the cell wall layer is not formed
intact and causes cell death. This is what makes alkaloids as antibacterial agents (Haryati et al. 2015). The
results of the identification of secondary metabolites are presented in Table 3.
Table 3. Results of identification of secondary metabolites
Compound Classes Result Information
Alkaloids + Orange color formed
Flavonoids + Formed reddish-brown color
Tannins + Formed blackish-green color
Saponins + Formed foam
+ : Contains secondary metabolite compounds;
- : Does not contain secondary metabolite compounds
Antibacterial activity testing of frankincense gum extract deodorant spray preparation (Styrax benzoin) on P.
aeruginosa and S. epidermis bacteria gave the results of an inhibitory zone around the disc paper in each
formulation with an average inhibitory power of ± 1-5 mm. Davis and Stout in Ariyani et al. (2018) states that
the strength of bacterial inhibition is seen from the size of the diameter of the given inhibitory zone. Resistance
is said to be weak when it has a diameter of <5 mm. If the diameter has 5-10 mm, it has a medium inhibitory
ability. While a diameter of 10-20 mm is categorized as strong inhibitory, and >20 is categorized as very strong.
Based on both Table 4 and Table 5 above, it can be seen that the frankincense gum extract deodorant spray
has a weak bacterial inhibitory ability against the two test bacteria. Some factors that can cause the diameter of
the resulting inhibitory zone also decreased when compared to the diameter of the inhibitory zone of the
frankincense sap extract itself. Decreased performance of antibacterial activity of extracts can be caused by the
addition of other ingredients when making deodorant spray.
The results of antibacterial activity tests also show that deodorant spray is more sensitive to gram-positive
bacteria. This can be seen from the size of the resulting inhibitory zone. S. epidermis has a wider diameter of
inhibition zones than Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This difference can be caused by differences in the structure and
constituent components of the bacterial cell wall (Nurhamidin et al. 2021). The peptidoglycan layer present in
the cell wall of gram-positive bacteria is thinner and the constituent components of the cell wall are complex
because it has an additional outer membrane layer, while in gram-negative bacteria it is thicker. These bacteria
have complex cell wall constituent components because they have an additional outer membrane layer, so it is
easier to penetrate the gram-positive cell wall than gram-negative (Octaviani et al. 2019).
Organoleptic Test
Organoleptic testing of deodorant spray formulations is an assessment carried out using the help of the sense of
sight and smell. This test aims to determine the characteristics of the five formulations of frankincense gum
extract deodorant spray after preparation and after a storage period of 7 days. The organoleptic deodorant spray
test results are listed in the following Table 6.
Table 6. Organoleptic Test Results of Deodorant Spray Products
Test Formula Organoleptic by storage time
Day 7 Day 7
F1 Liquid Liquid
F2 Liquid Liquid
Form F3 Liquid Liquid
F4 Liquid Liquid
F5 Liquid Liquid
F1 Brownish yellow Brownish yellow
F2 Brownish red Brownish red
Color F3 Brownish red Brownish red
F4 Brownish red Brownish red
F5 Blackish brown Blackish brown
F1 Typical frankincense Typical frankincense
F2 Typical frankincense Typical frankincense
Smell F3 Typical frankincense Typical frankincense
F4 Typical frankincense Typical frankincense
F5 Typical frankincense Typical frankincense
F1 Soft and cool on the skin Soft and cool on the skin
F2 Soft and cool on the skin Soft and cool on the skin
Taste on the skin F3 Soft, cold and slightly sticky to the skin Soft, cold and slightly sticky to the skin
F4 Soft, cold and sticky on the skin Soft, cold and sticky on the skin
F5 Soft, cold and sticky on the skin Soft, cold and sticky on the skin
pH Test
Each preparation of deodorant spray gum frankincense extract is tested for pH to determine the acidity of the
formulation that has been made. This test is closely related to the nature of the resulting irritation. Products
that have a pH above the normal pH of the skin will potentially cause dry skin. If the pH of the preparation is
at the normal pH of the skin, it is likely to potentially cause irritation (Ervianingsih and Abd, 2019). All five
formulations have a pH value of 4. Thus, the pH produced by the five deodorant spray formulations has met
underarm pH standards. Zahara (2018) that the pH of underarm skin is different from the physiological pH of
the skin. Underarm skin has a pH of 3.9-4.2 while physiological skin has a pH of 4.5-6.5.
Viscosity Test
Viscosity measurement is carried out with the help of the Ostwald Viscometer tool by comparing the viscosity
of the preparation with the viscosity of water (Riyanta and Febriyanti, 2018). The viscosity values of the five
formulations can be seen in the following Table 7.
The viscosity of a solution is directly proportional to its concentration. If the solution concentrates high,
then its viscosity is high as well. This happens because the concentration of the solution indicates the amount
Susanti N et al. Styrax benzoin
of solute per unit volume (Lumbantoruan and Yulianti, 2016). This is what causes the five deodorant
formulations to have different viscosities.
Table 7. Deodorant spray viscosity test results
Formula Viscosity (cP) ± SD
F1 1.4312 ± 0.23
F2 1.8190 ± 0.23
F3 2.1316 ± 0.88
F4 2.6936 ± 0.23
F5 2.8181 ± 0.00
Distilled water 0.8904 ± 0.00
F5 has the greatest viscosity because the concentration of frankincense sap extract on F5 is also the largest.
Thus, F1 and F2 spray deodorants are the most optimal deodorants, because their viscosity is close to the
viscosity of aquades.
Irritation Test
Irritation tests are made to determine sensitivity and anticipate side effects on the skin. Irritation tests were
conducted on 10 panelists who did not have allergies or skin diseases. The test results have been attached in
Table 8.
Table 8. Irritation test results of deodorant spray frankincense sap extract
Formulasi Panelists' Reactions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
F1 - - - - - - - - - -
F2 - - - - - + - - - -
F3 - - - - - + - - - -
F4 - - - - - + - - - -
F5 - - + - - + - - - -
Information: - : No change; + : Red skin; ++ : Red and itchy skin; +++ : Swollen skin
The test results showed that there was 1 volunteer who experienced irritation in the F2-F5 formulation
preparation and 1 volunteer experienced irritation in the F5 formulation preparation. The reaction caused is
reddened skin in the area sprayed with deodorant spray. The reaction caused is irritation of erythema.
Erythema is a primary irritation that gives an inflammatory reaction in the form of redness on the skin due to
the reaction of the skin to chemicals such as strong alkalis, strong acids, solvents and detergents (Toding and
Zulkarnain, 2015). The onset of erythema in volunteers may be due to a skin condition (Pradana and Nugroho,
The formulation of frankincense gum extract deodorant spray preparation is more optimal in inhibiting the
growth of Staphylococcus epidermidis bacteria with an average inhibitory zone of 4-5.35 mm.
Conflict of Interests
The author (s) declares that there is no conflict of interest in this research and manuscript.
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