Q1. Which one of the state is ruled by a regional party? (1)
(a) Odisha
(b) Haryana
(c) Madhya Pradesh
(d) Rajasthan
Q2. Why did Indian government liberalise trade regulations in 1991? (1)
(a) Government wanted foreign exchange equivalent to Indian currency.
(b) Government wanted to maintain good relations with western countries.
(c) Government wanted Indian producers to compete in the world market.
(d) Government wanted to provide socio-economic justice to all.
Q3 In which of the following regions is the participation of women in public life is the highest?
(a) Nordic countries (1)
(b) Asian countries
(c) European countries
(d) Arab states
Q4. The Portuguese and ………………….. conquest and colonisation of America was decisively under way by
the mid-sixteen century. (1)
(a) Egyptian
(b) Indian
(c) Chinese
(d) Spanish
Q5. Which of the following is a DEFINITE indicator of the successful implementation of democratic
government? (1)
(a) Free economy dictated by market forces.
(b) Provision of basic amenities to the citizen.
(c) Establishment of union financial institutions.
(d) Establishment of institutions to protect people’s right.
Q6. Rihand Dam is located on river Rihand, a tributary of…………………..river. (1)
(a) Sutlej
(b) Son
(c) Brahmaputra
(d) Godavari
Q7. Match the following. (1)
Column (A) Column (B)
(1) Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra (a) Apples, Pears, walnuts and Apricots
Which of the following element depicts in the painting seem conflicting when presented together?
(a) The British soldiers and British colonies spread in both east and west.
(b) The variety of animals and costumed figures depicting countries and their people.
(c) Britannia, the personification of Britain, seated on top of the world and the words federation written
at the top of the painting.
(d) The word ‘Freedom’ and ‘Fraternity’ written at the top and atlas, depicting human labour holding the
world upon his shoulders.
Q18. Which of the following option best signifies this caricature? (1)
Q30. How did ideas of national unity in early nineteen century Europe allied to the ideology of Liberalism?
How did Greek war of independence mobilise nationalist feelings among the educated elite across Europe?
Q31. “Banks play an important role in the economic development of the country.” Explain.
Q32. “Self-help Groups help borrowers to overcome the problem of lack of collateral” Examine the statement.
Q33. Explain any Five Features of Federalism.
‘Democracy is an accountable and legitimate government.’ Support this statement.
Q34. The Jikji of korea is among the world’s oldest existing book printed with movable metal type. It contains
the essential features of Zen Buddhism. About 150 monks of India, China and Korea are mentioned in the book.
It was printed in late 14th century. While the first volume other book is unavailable, the second done is available
in the National Library of France. This work marked an importanttechnical change in the print culture. That is
why it was inscribed on the UNESCO Memory of the World Register in 2001.
(34.1) Mention the significance of the Jikji in the history of printing
(34.2) Why was the Jikji inscribed on the UNESCO Memory of the World
Register in 2001 ?
(34.3) How does the Jikji contribute to the understanding of Zen Buddhism ?
Q35. Recent evidence suggests that the groundwater is under serious threat of
overuse in many parts of the country. About 300 districts have reported a water level
decline of over 4 metres during the past 20 years. Nearly one-third of the country is
overusing their groundwater reserves. In another 25 years, 60 per cent of the country
would be doing the same if the present way of using this resource continues.
Groundwater overuse is particularly found in the agriculturally prosperous regions of
Punjab and Western U.P., hard rock plateau areas of central and south India, some
coastal areas and the rapidly growing urban settlements.
Q36. A dam is a barrier across flowing water that obstructs, directs or retards the flow, often creating a
reservoir, lake or impoundment. Dam refers to the reservoir rather than the structure. Most dams have a section
called a spillway or weir over which or through which it is
intended that water will flow either intermittently or continuously. Dams are classified according to structure,
intended purpose or height. Based on structure and the materials used, dams are classified as timber dams,
embankment dams or masonry dams, with several subtypes. According to the height, dams can be categorised
as large dams and major dams or alternatively as low dams, medium height dams and high dams.
(1) The place where the Indian National Congress Session was
(2) The place where Gandhiji organized Satyagraha for indigo plantation