Social media addiction
Social media addiction
Social media addiction
This chapter deals with the objectives, hypothesis, sampling details, the
design, tests and scales used for the collection of data, procedure for conducting
the study and the statistical methods to be used for analysis.
The following objectives were laid down for the present study-
II. To analysis the role of social media addiction to determine teenagers’ level
of well-being.
III. To study the variance in male and female teenagers’ level of well-being in
relation to their status of social media addiction.
II. To compare the social media addict teenagers with non-addict teenagers on
their measure of emotional expression.
II. To study the effect of social media addiction on teenagers’ death anxiety.
III. To study the effect of gender on death anxiety in relation to status of social
media addiction among teenagers.
d) To study the teenagers’ body image.
I. To study the difference between male and female teenagers in their body
II. To analysis the role of social media addiction to determine teenagers’ body
III. To study the variance in male and female teenagers’ body-image in relation
to their status of social media addiction.
II. To compare the social media addict teenagers with non-addict teenagers on
their measure of psychological counselling need.
III. To find out the difference between male and female teenagers in their need
of psychological counselling in relation to status of social media addiction
among teenagers.
Emotional expression
Body Image
Death anxiety
g) Male and female teenagers will not be significantly different in their level of
h) Social media addict teenagers will be poor in their level of well-being as
compared to non-addict teenagers.
i) Male and female teenagers will be significantly different in their level of well-
being in relation to their status of social media addiction.
j) Male and female teenagers will not be significantly different in their emotional
k) Social media addict and non-addict teenagers will not be significantly different
in their emotional expression.
l) Social media addict male and female teenagers will be inferior in their
expression of emotions as compared to social media non-addict male and female
n) There will be no significant difference between social media addict and social
media non-addict teenagers in their level of death anxiety.
o) Male and female teenagers of social media addict group will be significantly
higher from male and female teenagers of social media non-addict group on their
measure of death anxiety.
r) Body image will not be significantly different for gender in relation to their
status of Social media addiction.
s) Male and female teenagers will not be significantly different in their need of
psychological counselling.
u) Social media addict status and gender will not be significantly interacting to
determine teenagers’ needs of psychological counselling.
v) Cognitive behavioural therapeutic module (CBTM) will be significant
intervention for social media addict teenagers’-
Emotional expression
Body Image
Death anxiety
PHASE-1: This phase was intended to ascertain the effect of gender, social media
addiction status and its interaction as well as on all psychological Variables namely
social media addiction, well-being, emotional expression, death anxiety, body image
and psychological counselling need.
PHASE-2: This stage was meant to analyze the significance of cognitive behavioral
therapeutic module (CBTM) through personal counselling as therapeutic intervention
to reduce social media addiction and its associated adversity on psychological health
aspects includes social media addiction, well-being, emotional expression, death
anxiety, body image and psychological counselling need for social media addict
Sample details for both phases are described as follows-
PHASE-1: The total sample was comprised of 120 respondents, their age range of 15
to 19 years from various academic institutes situated in Udaipur city of Rajasthan,
India. Purposive sampling Technique was used to constitute the sample as teenagers;
those reported their involvement in social media activities were selected for the study.
The sample was made up with two sub-groups namely social media addict group
(n=60) and social media non-addict group (n=60) based on their score on social media
addiction checklist by Chouhan and Joshi (2016). These both sub-groups were
consisted of equal number of male (n=30) and female (n=30), hence the whole sample
consists of four experimental groups as depicted follows-
Figure 3.1
Sample Distribution
Male Female
N = 60 N = 60
PHASE-2: 12 respondents from the social media addict group were selected for
therapeutic intervention.
Figure 3.2
Variables treated as independent and dependent in the present research are
Independent variable
1. Gender (A)
Male (A1)
Female (A2)
2. Addiction Status (B)
Addictive (B1)
Non- addictive (B2)
3. Therapeutic Intervention
Cognitive Behavioural Therapeutic Module (CBTM)
Dependent variable
Emotional expression
Death anxiety
Body image
Psychological counselling need
Research designs subsequently used for both phases were-
2X2 factorial Group Design : To compare the social media addict and non-
addict teenagers in relation to their gender either male or female on their measure of
social media addiction, well-being, emotional expression, death anxiety, body image
and psychological counselling need Independent Group Design was used as depicted
Table 3.1
2×2 Factorial Group Design
Table 3.2
Pre-Test Post-Test
Aspects to be studied Intervention
Score Score
Emotional Expression
Death Anxiety
Body Image
Table 3.3
Chouhan &
Well-being Well-Being Index
Sharma (2015)
Well Being Index (WBI): Well-being Index (WBI) was used to measure well-
being level of Respondents. This scale is developed by Chouhan & Sharma in 2016.
The scale consists of 50 statements of which 32 statements are positive and 18 are
negative. This is a five point scale with 5 alternative responses; Always, Often,
Sometimes, Rarely and Never. Test-retest reliability was calculated as .71 whereas
high validity was determined by face and content validity (Appendix-C).
reliability and cross validity were calculated as .84, .76 and .81 respectively for
this scale. (Appendix-F).
Psychological counselling needs scale (PCNS): Psychological Counselling
Need Scale developed by Chauhan and Arora in 2009, was used to identify
Psychological Counselling needs of adolescents. The psychological counselling
needs scale consists of 25 statements with 21 positive items and 4 negative items
on a five point likert scale. High score on PCNS indicates higher need of
psychological counselling. The split half reliability coefficient was found as 0.90.
Validity of the PCNS was calculated by the product moment method and found
as 0.82. (Appendix-G).
Procedure to collect data for both phases of the present study was described as
follows -
The data was collected from the respondents (N= 120) on the measure of social
media addiction, well-being, emotional expression, death anxiety, body image and
psychological counselling need. The schools to be visited for the pilot study, and
permission was sought out from the respective Principals after discussing the purpose
of the present study. Accordingly, a schedule was fixed in each school and the
respondents from respective classes were approached. These respondents were
screened on social media addiction checklist developed by Chouhan & Joshi (2016).
Those scored above 20 were included in social media addict group and those scored
below were assigned under social media non-addict group. Each group was made with
equal number of male and female teenagers. Hence total four experimental groups
were formed.
tests and scale sample was given instructions to fill their responses, respective to each
test and scale.
“This schedule consists of general information about yourself and your family like
your name, address, school, parent’s occupation, their education, income, Members in
your family and also information regarding your use of internet and social media
activities. This information is purely confidential and is being elicited from you just
for research purpose. It is request to you to be honest to fill the information.”
“This check list consists of 40 statements. There are two alternative blocks given for
“Yes” and “No” answer. No answer is right and wrong. Responses will remain strictly
“This scale consists of 20 items. Each item has two option ‘yes’ and ‘No’. You are
required to read each item carefully and give your response by make a tick () on
anyone between yes and no. Though there is no time limit but you are required to fill
your response as soon as possible.”
Death Anxiety Scale (DAS):
“This test consists of 20 items. Each item has two option ‘yes’ and ‘No’. You are
required to read each item carefully and give your response by make a tick () on
anyone between yes and no. Though there is no time limit but you are required to fill
your response as soon as possible.”
“Each statement has five options namely – Always, Often, Sometimes, Rarely and
never. Read each statement safely and tick () any one option you find most suitable.
No answer is right and wrong. The information will be kept confidential.”
Response on scales and tests were scored as per standardized scoring method
respective to each test which is described as follows-
Zero for No response in case of positive statement and it is reversed for negative
statement. The positive items are; 1,3,4,8,13,14,16,18,19,21,22,24,25,26 and 29. The
negative items are; 2,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,15,17,20,23,27,28 and 30. High score obtained
in scale are an indicative of high skill of emotional expression.
intervention of 8 to 10 sessions of personal counselling which is conducted for 6
months as per schedule fixed for each school.
Administration of Tests-
After establishing “Rapport” with the respondents the data was collected from social
media addict respondents (n=12) in before and after implemented therapeutic
intervention. All outcome measures (Tests/Scales) were administrated, instructed and
scored with same method used in phase 1.
The obtained data was analyzed under descriptive and inferential analysis as follows-
Descriptive analyses
This analysis comprised of mean (M) and standard deviation (SD) with graphical
representation for gender (Male & Female) and Social Media Addiction Status (SM
Addict & SM NON-Addict) on measure of well-being, emotional expression, death
anxiety, body image and psychological counselling need was analyzed.
Inferential Analysis
Two Way ANOVA; was used to see the effect of Gender & social media
addiction status on teenagers’ level of well-being, emotional expression, death
anxiety, body image and psychological counselling need.