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Dated: 22/06/2024


Branch: Hisar,Haryana
Ph. No.: 01821-250038

To Whom It May Concern

It is to cer fy that we are having Current A/C 1813008700002891 with us the A/c is in the name of
Shri Shyam Industries, Hisar Prop.Sukhbir Singh S/O Ram Singh ,Resident of Kimara,Hisar,125047
Present Balance in the A/c as on date I.e 22.06.2024 is Rs.1,39,58,550.92(Rupees One Crore Thirty
Nine Lac Fifty Eight Thousand Five Hundred Fifty and Ninety Two Paisa only)

For Punjab Na onal Bank


कॉप रे ट कायालय: ॉट नं बर-4, से र-10, ारका, नई िद ी-110075 दू रभाष : 011-28075000,28045000 वे बसाईट :
Corporate Office: Plot No.-4, Sector-10, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075 Telephone : 011-28075000,28045000 Website :
पंजाब नेशनल बक की िनशु 24 घंटे कालसटर सेवा म आपका ागत है Punjab Na onal Bank welcomes you to toll free 24 hours call center: 1800 180 2222/1800 103 2222

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