47th Ra Bill Chp
47th Ra Bill Chp
47th Ra Bill Chp
Address of Supplier: Sasanberia Nirsa, Post Mugma, Maithon, Dhanbad, Jharkhand 828205
GST Registration No. 20AACCK6205E1Z9
PAN of Supplier PAN:AACCK6205E
General Construction Services of Power plants and its related infrastructure
Category of service
State Code 20 Jharkhand
Rupees (in words) Sixty Five Lakh Sixty Eight Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Nine Only
Certified that the particulars given above are true and correct
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b Depth exceeding 2 m but not exceeding 4 m CUM 46.500 1800.09 345.589 345.589 622,091.303 - 622,091.303
c Depth exceeding 4 m but not exceeding 6 m CUM 46.500 2159.83 - - - - -
d Depth exceeding 6 m but not exceeding 8 m CUM 46.500 2591.52 - - - - -
e Depth exceeding 8 m but not exceeding 10 m CUM 46.500 2980.89 305.187 305.187 909,728.876 - 909,728.876
f Depth exceeding 10 m but not exceeding 15 m CUM 46.500 3278.55 799.123 799.123 2,619,964.712 - 2,619,964.712
g Depth exceeding 15 m but not exceeding 20 m CUM 46.500 3451.10 370.254 370.254 1,277,783.579 - 1,277,783.579
h Depth exceeding 20 m but not exceeding 25 m CUM 46.500 3632.74 284.828 284.828 1,034,706.069 - 1,034,706.069
i Depth exceeding 25 m but not exceeding 30 m CUM 46.500 3823.93 - - - - -
Earthwork in Back filling upto any depth below
ground level around foundations, plinths, trenches,
A107 drains etc to proper grade and level in layers not -
exceeding 300 mm thickness using/with selected
Each layer from compulsorily
compacted excavated
so as to achieve earth
at least 90%
a maximum dry density as per IS-2720 (Part-VII) CUM 118426.200 125.54 37,060.561 500.000 37,560.561 4,652,582.828 62,770.000 4,715,352.828
Each layer compacted so as to achieve at least 95%
b maximum dry density as per IS-2720 (Part-VII) CUM 29606.550 139.65 78,051.324 1,800.000 79,851.324 10,899,867.397 251,370.000 11,151,237.397
Extra over ST No. 101 and 103 to 108 for carriage of
109 material/earth for every 500m or part thereof -
beyond an initial lead of 1km.
Carriage for stacking/ backfilling of serviceable
a material/ earth CUM 10768.415 9.87 38,133.623 38,133.623 376,378.859 - 376,378.859
Carriage for disposal of serviceable/unserviceable
b material/ earth CUM 52777.500 9.87 121,734.100 121,734.100 1,201,515.567 - 1,201,515.567
Earth work in backfilling upto any depth below
ground level around foundations, plinths, trenches,
110 drains etc to proper grade and level in layers not CUM 4.650 282.14 - - - - -
exceeding 250 mm thickness so as to achieve
required compaction
Supplying and fillingwith
upto anyborrowed soil
depth under
floors, around foundations, plinths etc. in layers not
A111 exceeding 300 mm thickness and compacted so as CUM 46.500 1005.85 1,073.262 1,073.262 1,079,540.583 - 1,079,540.583
to achieve at least 80% relative density as per IS-
2720 (Part-XIV) including spreading, watering,
CONCRETE WORK: Providing and placing concrete
200 work including cost of labour, materials (unless -
otherwise specified in BOQ/contract specification)
and equipment for handling, transportation,
Concrete of grade M7.5 (1 part cement, 4 part
201 sand, 8 parts of 40 mm graded aggregate by CUM 2118.819 3867.03 5,202.488 5.894 5,208.382 20,118,178.621 22,792.299 20,140,970.920
volume) as mass filling course, lean concrete,
of grade M10 (1 part cement, 3 part sand,
202 levelling mud mat under and around
6 parts of 40 mm graded aggregate by volume) as CUM 1845.120 3867.03 286.877 94.387 381.264 1,109,361.965 364,997.361 1,474,359.326
lean concrete,
Concrete levelling
of grade M15 course, mud mat2 under
(1 part cement, and
part sand,
203 around foundations/floors
4 parts of at any depth
40 mm graded aggregate below as
by volume) CUM 1787.460 3867.03 38.238 0.228 38.466 147,867.493 881.683 148,749.176
lean concrete, levelling course, mud mat under and
Providing and laying DesignatMixanycement concrete
205 around foundations/floors depth below
conforming to IS:456 & IS 10262-2009 for reinforced -
a concrete
M 25 Grade works with coarse sand and graded hard CUM -
stone aggregate of 20mm nominal size in
a.1 Supply and stacking of sand(12%) 12292.275 518.55 14,715.520 14,715.520 7,630,803.530 - 7,630,803.530
a.2 Supply and stacking of coarse aggregate(25%) 12292.275 1080.32 14,715.520 14,715.520 15,897,507.355 - 15,897,507.355
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Execution of balance works as per the de...
a.3 item(63%) 12292.275 2722.41 14,235.527 166.054 14,401.581 38,754,978.543 452,068.607 39,207,047.151
Providing and laying Design Mix cement concrete of
206 grade conforming to IS:456 & IS 10262-2009 for -
reinforced concrete works with coarse sand and
a graded hard stone aggregate of 20mm nominal size CUM
M 25 Grade -
a.1 Supply and stacking of sand(12%) 3441.000 524.48 2,266.944 36.727 2,303.671 1,188,967.800 19,262.705 1,208,230.505
a.2 Supply and stacking of coarse aggregate(25%) 3441.000 1092.67 2,266.944 36.727 2,303.671 2,477,016.250 40,130.636 2,517,146.886
Execution of balance works as per the de...
a.3 item(63%) 3441.000 2753.52 2,266.944 36.727 2,303.671 6,242,080.949 101,129.203 6,343,210.152
b M 30 Grade CUM -
b.1 Supply and stacking of sand(12%) 162.750 528.88 221.168 221.168 116,971.774 - 116,971.774
b.2 Supply and stacking of coarse aggregate(25%) 162.750 1101.84 221.168 221.168 243,691.196 - 243,691.196
Execution of balance works as per the de...
b.3 item(63%) 162.750 2776.63 221.168 221.168 614,101.814 - 614,101.814
Screed concrete conforming to IS 456 with coarse
212 sand and graded hard stone aggregate 12.5mm/6 - - - - -
mm nominal size on the roof at all level or
a 1:02:04
thickness, drains etc complete as per following. CUM 1315.950 3867.03 93.706 8.896 102.602 362,363.913 34,401.099 396,765.012
Providing and laying Design Mix cement concrete as
214 per IS:456, IS 3370 & IS 10262-2009 for reinforced -
concrete works using graded aggregate for Concrete
a M25
in water retaining/conveying structures including -
a.1 Supply and stacking of sand(12%) CUM 23.250 625.54 46.573 46.573 29,133.479 - 29,133.479
a.2 Supply and stacking of coarse aggregate(25%) CUM 23.250 1303.22 46.573 46.573 60,694.749 - 60,694.749
Execution of balance works as per the de...
a.3 item(63%) CUM 23.250 3284.11 46.573 46.573 152,950.767 - 152,950.767
b M30 -
b.1 Supply and stacking of sand(12%) CUM 18948.750 623.00 646.073 646.073 402,503.479 - 402,503.479
b.2 Supply and stacking of coarse aggregate(25%) CUM 18948.750 1298.00 646.073 646.073 838,602.754 - 838,602.754
Execution of balance works as per the de...
b.3 item(63%) CUM 18948.750 3270.72 646.073 646.073 2,113,123.883 - 2,113,123.883
C M35 -
c.1 Supply and stacking of sand(12%) CUM 18948.750 621.31 24,479.163 24,479.163 15,209,227.097 - 15,209,227.097
c.2 Supply and stacking of coarse aggregate(25%) CUM 18948.750 1294.40 22,584.029 241.182 22,825.211 29,232,823.598 312,186.584 29,545,010.181
Execution of balance works as per the de...
c.3 item(63%) CUM 18948.750 3261.89 22,584.030 241.182 22,825.212 73,666,718.728 786,710.191 74,453,428.919
Dismantling concrete work for all types of structures
215 at all levels including stacking of servicable material - - - - -
to a lead of 500 m and disposal of unservicable
a Plain cement
material concrete
upto of allofgrades
a lead 2 km, cutting of CUM 23.250 1197.70 90.938 90.938 108,916.443 - 108,916.443
FORMWORK: Providing, fixing and removing
300 formwork at all elevations for all structures, as per - - - - -
specifications and including all labour, material,
Fairface formand
scaffoldings work with good
centereing quality
etc. waterasproof
complete per
A301 ply wood with film face of required thickness and SQM 86280.750 564.29 63,609.339 1,558.188 65,167.527 35,894,113.904 879,269.765 36,773,383.670
smooth surface below finished ground floor level
Extra over A301 footings,
for foundations, for depthbase
exceeding 6 m butwalls,
of columns, not
A301(a) exceeding 12 m SQM 24412.500 56.42 11,449.578 153.150 11,602.728 645,985.191 8,640.723 654,625.914
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Extra over A301 & A301(a)for depth exceeding 12
A301(b) m but not exceeding 18 m SQM 24412.500 62.07 3,545.356 3,545.356 220,060.247 - 220,060.247
Extra over A301,A301(a), A301(b), for depth
A301(c) exceeding 18 m but not exceeding 24 m SQM 4650.000 68.28 2,769.929 2,769.929 189,130.752 - 189,130.752
Extra over A301 A301(a), A301(b), & A301(c) for
A301(d) depth exceeding 24 m but not exceeding 30 m SQM 4650.000 75.10 800.588 800.588 60,124.159 - 60,124.159
Fairface form work with good quality water proof
A302 ply wood with film face of required thickness and SQM 28551.000 672.92 5,697.225 297.226 5,994.451 3,833,776.794 200,009.040 4,033,785.834
smooth surface above finished ground floor level
Providing, fixing footings,
for foundations, and removing formwork
base of columns, in walls,
304 outs/pockets and openings (below 0.1 sqm plan - - - - -
area) at all elevations including cutting, formation of
a Upto
all 150 mm
shapes anddepth
all other operations required for EACH 209.250 249.69 604.000 162.000 766.000 150,812.760 40,449.780 191,262.540
Pockets of depths more than 150mm and upto 300
b mm depth EACH 313.875 437.32 305.000 305.000 133,382.600 - 133,382.600
Pockets of depths more than 300mm and upto 600
c mm depth EACH 581.250 804.11 390.000 390.000 313,602.900 - 313,602.900
Pockets of depths more than 600mm and upto 1000
d mm depth EACH 941.625 1282.36 66.000 66.000 84,635.760 - 84,635.760
Pockets of depths more than 1000mm and upto
e 1500 mm depth EACH 20.925 1870.64 8.000 8.000 14,965.120 - 14,965.120
Pockets of depths more than 1500mm and upto
f 2000 mm depth EACH 20.925 2477.25 - - - - -
REINFORCEMENT WORK : Reinforcement work
400 including all labour, material (unless otherwise - - - - -
specified in BOQ/contract specification), equipment,
transportation, handling
Transportation, etc at cutting,
straightening, all levelbending,
as per
403 placing in position at all level, binding in position of MT 6312.375 10670.80 6,163.851 76.588 6,240.439 65,773,221.898 817,255.230 66,590,477.128
steel reinforcements of TMT steel of grade Fe-500D
or 500EQR confirming to IS:1786 including cost of
Roof Treatment works: Roof treatment works
including all labour, material (unless otherwise
500 specified in BOQ/contract specification), equipment, - - - - -
transportation, handling, curing, sampling, testing
etc at all level as per specification, drawings and as
Providing and laying underbed grading plaster with
502 cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 sand) and average SQM 23.250 70.53 436.684 436.684 30,799.323 - 30,799.323
thickness of 15 mm including preparation of
surface, batching, mixing, leveling etc all complete.
Providing and applying PU based water proofing
A506 treatment with one coat of polyurethane or any SQM 1325.250 983.28 1,172.233 1,172.23 1,152,633.26 - 1,152,633.26
other equivalent material based primer with an
application rate of minimum 6 sq.m per litre and
JOINTS AND FILLERS: Joints & fillers including all
600 labour, material, equipment, transportation, - - - - -
handling etc at all level as per specification,
drawings and as directed by engineer - in - charge.
Supplying & installation of bitumen impregnated
601 fibre board confirming to IS 1838 as joint filler at - - - - -
joints in concrete including nailing, coating of both
faces with coal tar pitch/bitumin etc. all complete.
a 12 mm wide joints. SQM 4.650 808.35 - - - - -
c 25 mm wide joints SQM 697.500 1324.67 248.211 248.21 328,797.67 - 328,797.67
d 50 mm wide joints SQM 186.000 2567.54 - - - - -
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Providing and applying polysulphide based sealant
603 conforming to IS:12118 in joints in concrete - - - - -
including cleaning of joints, raking out groove,
a 25mmX25mm
application of primer, scaffolding etc. all complete RM 1860.000 282.14 26.200 26.20 7,392.07 - 7,392.07
b 50mmX25mm RM 46.500 512.09 26.350 26.35 13,493.57 - 13,493.57
Providing and fixing PVC water stops in joints
610 conforming to IS 12200 & IS 15058 all complete for - - - - -
the following: (Bulb or Kicker type)
d 230 mm wide and 6 mm thick RM 8335.125 239.82 4,895.312 37.500 4,932.81 1,173,993.72 8,993.250 1,182,986.97
MS EMBEDMENTS: Embedments including all
700 labour, material (unless otherwise specified in - - - - -
BOQ/contract specification), equipment,
transportation, handling etc. at all level as per
Supply, fabricating and fixing of mild steel
embedments, inserts, pipe sleeves, angle pieces,
701 rungs of various diameters, plates of dimensions MT 4.650 89347.56 12.822 0.212 13.03 1,145,610.98 18,941.683 1,164,552.66
as required etc. including welding, bolting, cutting,
drilling, scaffolding,
Supply, Fabrication,setting etc. all complete.
transportation, delivery at site
and erection, installation and alignment of mild
702 steel foundation bolt assembly conforming to MT 27.900 109600.09 121.848 121.85 13,354,523.27 - 13,354,523.27
IS:2062 and grade 1 of IS:432 in concrete along with
703 nuts, lock
Same nuts items
as above (as per701IS:1363, 1364 BHEL
& 702 with and IS:3138),
supplied - - -
material free of cost
Mild steel embedments, inserts,including loading,
pipe sleeves, angle
pieces, rungs of unloading etc. all complete
various diameters, plates of from
A BHEL store to plant site. MT 2.325 21100.38 60.874 9.691 70.565 1,284,457.92 204,483.783 1,488,941.70
dimensions as required etc.
Mild steel foundation bolt assembly conforming to
B IS:2062 and grade 1 of IS:432 in concrete along with MT 4.650 20687.03 10.852 10.85 224,491.51 - 224,491.51
nuts, lock nuts (as per IS:1363, 1364 and IS:3138),
washers, anchor plates, stiffner plates, protective
Placing, locking and releasing of Vibration Isolation
705 spring modules over the foundation at all elevations Nos 2.325 1331.73 56.000 56.00 74,576.88 - 74,576.88
including providing all assistance under the
GROUTING: of the supplier,
Grouting includingtransportation from
all labour, material
(unless otherwise specified in BOQ/contract
800 specification), equipment, roughening surface, - - - - -
cleaning, ramming, curing etc. at all level , drawings
and as directed
Providing by engineer
& grouting - in - holes,
of pocket charge.pipe sleeves
805 and under base plates of structural steel work/ CUM 46.500 50433.82 15.321 15.32 772,696.56 - 772,696.56
machinery/ pipe supporting structures including
roughening of surface, cleaning, ramming, curing,
Providing and laying 50 mm thick P. C. C. (1 : 2 : 4
with 10 mm nominal size stone aggregates), shall be
807 provided under the raft i.e. over the lean concrete, Sqm 12380.625 523.10 9,200.828 9,200.83 4,812,953.13 - 4,812,953.13
followed by polymer modified cementitious coating
900 in two &layers
DOORS ( slurryDoors,
WINDOWS: mix application ) as per
windows, ventilators, - - - - -
louvers, roof ventilators, rolling shutters,
Providing and fixing single or double steel door partitions
all 35mm
thk flush(unless
design otherwise
A904 shutters
shutter SQM 139.500 6004.09 8.640 8.64 51,875.34 - 51,875.34
comprising ofintwo outer
sheets of 18 gaugespecification),
sheets rigidly connected and reinforced inside
Providing and fixing anodized extruded aluminium
A906 doors (single or double shutter) conforming to KG 232.500 596.74 309.635 151.311 460.95 184,771.59 90,293.326 275,064.92
IS:1948, IS:1949 fabricated from extruded sections
of HINDALCO/JINDAL or equivalent make having
Page 6 of 136
Providing and fixing fire proof steel doors (single
A907 or double shutter) with panic devices shall be SQM 23.250 21508.64 2.880 2.88 61,944.88 - 61,944.88
45mm thk flush design comprising of two outer
sheets of 18 gauge steel sheets rigidly connected
Providing and fixing in position rolling shutter of hot
rolled double dipped galvanised steel lath section of
913 18 SWG tested mild steel strips at 75mm rolling - - - - -
centres interlocked together through their entire
a length and jointed together at the end by end locks SQM
Hand Operated 48.500 2372.85 - - - - -
b Mechanically Operated SQM 97.000 3220.70 - - - - -
c Electrically operated SQM 33.950 3504.27 28.000 28.00 98,119.56 - 98,119.56
Providing, fixing and fitting of glazing of first grade
915 class in steel/aluminium/wooden frames, where - - - - -
ever required, cleaning after fixing including
composite double glazing,
hardware, gaskets, 24 mm thick,
clips, beadings etc. allwith one
i(a) outer 6mm thick tinted heat-reflecting type SQM 24.250 6279.46 - 24.932 24.93 - 156,561.035 156,561.04
toughened glass and one inner 6mm thick clear
toughened glass Brickwork
sealed and including
1000 labour, material (unless otherwise specified in - - - - -
BOQ/contract specification), equipment,
Providing brickhandling,
transportation, work inscaffolding
cement mortar
etc. at all1:6 (1
1001 part cement 6 parts coarse sand) in walls, - - - - -
chambers etc. in thickness varying from 230mm
to 460mm at all depths, places and positions
Using fly ash lime bricks confirming to IS 12894 with
a crushing strength of 75 kg/cm2(including cost of CUM 485.000 5277.55 8.504 8.504 44,880.29 - 44,880.29
cement for brick making)
Providing brick work in cement mortar 1:6 (1
1002 cement 6 coarse sand) in walls, chambers etc. in - - - - -
thickness 230mm at all heights, places and position
above plinth including raking out joints, curing,
Using fly ash lime bricks confirming to IS 12894 with
a crushing strength of 75 kg/cm2(including cost of CUM 873.000 6420.26 462.149 10.819 472.97 2,967,116.74 69,460.793 3,036,577.53
cement for brick making)
Page 7 of 136
Two or more coats of acrylic distemper of approved
brand and manufacture to give an even shade
1304 including a priming coat with distemper primer SQM 5199.685 79.41 2,642.413 2,642.41 209,834.00 - 209,834.00
Providing and applying 2 mm thick Acrylic wall
A1316 putty in two coats over cement plastred surafces SQM 5199.685 85.62 2,642.413 2,642.41 226,243.38 - 226,243.38
including preparation of surface, staging, etc. to
achieve a smooth even surface all complete as per
Providing and applying two or more coats of
A1319 Premium Acrylic Smooth Paint with Silicone SQM 4311.650 195.62 1,898.054 1,898.05 371,297.32 - 371,297.32
additives weather coat paint of approved brand
and manufacture and required shade over one coat
FLOORING AND SKIRTING: Flooring and skirting at
1400 all level including base layer, labour, material - - - - -
(unless otherwise specified in BOQ/contract
specification), equipments, transportation,
Providing and laying 50 mm thick heavy duty
1401 cement concrete in flooring with metallic hardener SQM 15558.800 475.41 - 134.687 134.69 - 64,031.309 64,031.31
pigmented topping 12mm thick uniform graded
treated iron particles in flooring. Under layer of
1700 take pipes at all level including all labour, material - - - - -
(unless otherwise specified in BOQ/contract
specification), transportation, 2 coats of approved
Providing and fixing GI down take pipes conforming
1707 to IS:1239 /IS:3589 of medium duty all complete for - - - - -
following diameters.
b 150 mm Dia RM 242.500 1941.17 217.650 217.65 422,495.65 - 422,495.65
MISCELLANEOUS: Miscellaneous works including all
1800 labour, material (unless otherwise specified in - - - - -
BOQ/contract specification), equipment etc. at all
Providing and
level unless Filling in specified
otherwise trenches, as
plinths, area
per specification,
paving and other underground structures with
A1801 graded stone aggregate of size range 63 mm to 45 CUM 242.500 2133.45 857.071 156.057 1,013.13 1,828,517.72 332,939.807 2,161,457.53
mm in layers not exceeding 275 mm compacted
thickness including
Providing & fixing G.I breaking
boulders to X
A1837 24G for miscellaneous applications SQM 7.275 339.74 95.353 95.35 32,395.23 - 32,395.23
SANITARY: Sanitary work including all labour,
material (unless otherwise specified in
2200 BOQ/contract specification), equipment etc. at all - - - - -
level as per specification, drawings and as directed
by engineerlaying
Providing, - in - charge.(BHEL
light duty non willpressure
issue free of Cost
2208 class RCC pipes with collars jointed with stiff - - - - -
mixture of cement mortar 1:2 including testing of
d joints
600mm etcdia
all complete for following. RM 24.250 2870.84 12.500 12.50 35,885.50 - 35,885.50
e 900mm dia RM 24.250 4922.05 - - - - -
ROAD WORKS: Road works including all labour,
2400 material (unless otherwise specified in - - - - -
BOQ/contract specification), equipment etc. as per
specification, drawings and as directed by engineer -
Preparation of sub grade by excavating earth to
2401 required depth for all types of soil/ rock, dressing to CUM 5820.000 93.10 215.625 215.63 20,074.69 - 20,074.69
camber and consolidating the base including making
good the undulation etc and disposal of surplus
Page 8 of 136
Providing & laying water bound macadam base
course in layers of required thickness with stone
2405 aggregate 63mm to 40mm size(IRC 19 - grading -1), CUM 997.645 2406.72 180.600 30.117 210.72 434,653.63 72,483.186 507,136.82
stone screening and blinding material including
screening sorting, spreading to template and
Dismantling of existing road consisting of premix
2416 carpet, kerb stone/ brick on edge, bitumen SQM 24.250 140.18 480.418 480.42 67,345.00 - 67,345.00
macadem course, WBM, prepairing subgrade to
receive new WBM including camber consolidation
Providing and laying cement concrete of grade M35
A2419 using 20 mm nominal size stone aggregate with CUM 2551.100 4357.97 448.623 448.62 1,955,085.58 - 1,955,085.58
approved admixture (if required) with mechanical
paver, provision
Providing & layingfordry
necessary jointsconcrete
lean cement includingof
2421 grade M10 with 20 mm nominal size graded stone CUM 544.170 3867.03 472.414 472.41 1,826,839.11 - 1,826,839.11
aggregate over a prepared sub-grade including
compaction, finishing, curing etc all complete. (BHEL
Providing and fixing in position MS dowel bar
2422 reinforcement including surface painted with MT 111.550 10670.80 2.177 2.18 23,230.33 - 23,230.33
bitumen and greasing, dowel end caps with cotton
fills etc all complete
Providing, straightening,
as percutting,
placing in
2423 position at any level, binding in position of steel MT 2.425 10670.80 7.274 7.27 77,619.40 - 77,619.40
reinforcements of TMT steel of grade Fe-500/Fe-
500D confirming
Providing & layingtopolythene
IS:1786 including
sheet ofcost of binding
thickness (min. 125 micron), above dry lean
A2427 concrete sub base, before laying of concrete slab SQM 7.275 113.45 1,768.379 1,768.38 200,622.60 - 200,622.60
a. Shotcreting for thickness 50mm and above of
with 6mm MS Reinforcement and welded wire SQM 7043.170 1862.16 328.006 328.01 610,799.65 - 610,799.65
mesh as specified
Providing and applying on the outer surface of walls,
6.3 frames and roof slabs coming in contact with earth, Sqm 28838.100 339.98 15,859.642 15,859.64 5,391,961.09 - 5,391,961.09
polymer modified cementitious coating in two
layers as specified and as per manufacturer’s
Fixing copper water stops in joints of deep
underground structure all complete of 600 mm
6.5 wide water stop fabricated with 22G copper. Rmt 970.000 285.88 445.120 4.800 449.92 127,250.91 1,372.224 128,623.13
(Copper plate shall be supplied by BHEL free of cost)
Provide copper water stops in joints of deep
Extra Item-1 underground structure all complete of 600mm wide Kg 763.000 686.00 763.000 763.00 523,418.00 - 523,418.00
water stops faricated with 22G copper
Gross Total Amount 481,380,249.63 5,566,321.36 486,946,570.99
Page 9 of 136
Form WAM 6
Running Account Bill.47
(Para 4.3.1 of Works Accounts Manual)
Name of the Contractor : M/s Kanwar Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. Dept Bill No. : RA-47 Date : 31.10.2024
Division : Sub-Division : PSWR
Contract Agreeme
LOA ref. BHE/PW/PUR/NTPRT-CVL-CHP-PKG-I/2279 Dated : 09.07.2020 Due Date of Completion as per Agreement:15.08.2022
Date of Measurement: 31.05.2025
On Account payment for work not Previously Measured.
Total Since
of work
Page 10 of 136
Total Since
of work
RATE Payment on the basis of
as per last Quantity as per Quantity executed Payment on the basis of Actual Quantity since last
Description of item Unit Actual measurements since
last RA RA Agreement up to Date measurement up to Date Running Account Bill
Rs. P. last RA Bill
Bill Bill
Page 11 of 136
Total Since
of work
RATE Payment on the basis of
as per last Quantity as per Quantity executed Payment on the basis of Actual Quantity since last
Description of item Unit Actual measurements since
last RA RA Agreement up to Date measurement up to Date Running Account Bill
Rs. P. last RA Bill
Bill Bill
Page 12 of 136
Total Since
of work
RATE Payment on the basis of
as per last Quantity as per Quantity executed Payment on the basis of Actual Quantity since last
Description of item Unit Actual measurements since
last RA RA Agreement up to Date measurement up to Date Running Account Bill
Rs. P. last RA Bill
Bill Bill
Page 13 of 136
Total Since
of work
RATE Payment on the basis of
as per last Quantity as per Quantity executed Payment on the basis of Actual Quantity since last
Description of item Unit Actual measurements since
last RA RA Agreement up to Date measurement up to Date Running Account Bill
Rs. P. last RA Bill
Bill Bill
a joints
12 mminwide
joints.including nailing, coating of both 4.650 - 808.35 SQM - - -
c faces
25 mm with coal
wide tar pitch/bitumin etc. all complete.
joints 697.500 248.211 1324.67 SQM 328,797.67 - -
d 50 mm wide joints 186.000 - 2567.54 SQM - - -
Providing and applying polysulphide based
603 sealant conforming to IS:12118 in joints in - - - -
concrete including cleaning of joints, raking out
groove, application of primer, scaffolding etc. all
a 25mmX25mm 1860.000 26.200 282.14 RM 7,392.07 - -
b 50mmX25mm 46.500 26.350 512.09 RM 13,493.57 - -
Providing and fixing PVC water stops in joints
610 conforming to IS 12200 & IS 15058 all complete for - - - -
the following: (Bulb or Kicker type)
d 230 mm wide and 6 mm thick 8335.125 4,932.812 239.82 RM 1,182,986.97 37.500 8,993.250
Supply, fabricating and fixing of mild steel
701 embedments, inserts, pipe sleeves, angle pieces, 4.650 13.034 89347.56 MT 1,164,552.66 0.212 18,941.683
various diameters, plates delivery
transportation, of dimensions
at site
702 as required installation
and erection, etc. including welding, bolting,
and alignment of mild 27.900 121.848 109600.09 MT 13,354,523.27 - -
steel foundation bolt assembly conforming to
Same as above items 701 & 702 with BHEL
IS:2062 and grade 1 of IS:432 in concrete along
703 supplied material free of cost including loading, - - - -
transportation, unloading etc. all complete from
BHEL store to plant site.
Mild steel embedments, inserts, pipe sleeves,
A angle pieces, rungs of various diameters, plates 2.325 70.565 21100.38 MT 1,488,941.70 9.691 204,483.783
of dimensions as required etc.
Mild steel foundation bolt assembly conforming to
B IS:2062 and grade 1 of IS:432 in concrete along 4.650 10.852 20687.03 MT 224,491.51 - -
with nuts, lock nuts (as per IS:1363, 1364 and
Placing, locking anchor
IS:3138), washers, and releasing of plates,
plates, stiffner Vibration
705 Isolation spring modules over the foundation at all 2.325 56.000 1331.73 Nos 74,576.88 - -
elevations including providing all assistance under
the supervision
GROUTING: of the
Grouting supplier,
including transportation
all labour, material
800 (unless otherwise specified in BOQ/contract - - - -
specification), equipment, roughening surface,
cleaning, & grouting of
ramming, pocketetc.
curing holes,
at pipe
all sleeves
level ,
805 and under base plates of structural steel work/ 46.500 15.321 50433.82 CUM 772,696.56 - -
machinery/ pipe supporting structures including
of surface,(epoxy)
806 with pressure pump for water retaining concrete 4.650 - 1746.48 Kg - - -
structures conforming
Providing and laying 50tomm
thick including
P. C. C. (1 :fixing
with 10 mmcostnominal
of approved chemical,
size stone admixture,
aggregates), shall
807 12380.625 9,200.828 523.10 Sqm 4,812,953.13 - -
be provided under the raft i.e. over the lean
concrete, followed Doors,
DOORS & WINDOWS: by windows,
polymer ventilators,
900 - - - -
louvers, roof ventilators, rolling shutters,
partitions and fixing single
including or double
all labour, steel door
material (unless
A904 shutters
otherwisewith 35mmin
specified (min) thk flush design
BOQ/contract shutter
specification), 139.500 8.640 6004.09 SQM 51,875.34 - -
comprising of two outer sheets of 18 gauge steel
sheets rigidly connected and reinforced inside
Page 14 of 136
Total Since
of work
RATE Payment on the basis of
as per last Quantity as per Quantity executed Payment on the basis of Actual Quantity since last
Description of item Unit Actual measurements since
last RA RA Agreement up to Date measurement up to Date Running Account Bill
Rs. P. last RA Bill
Bill Bill
of work
RATE Payment on the basis of
as per last Quantity as per Quantity executed Payment on the basis of Actual Quantity since last
Description of item Unit Actual measurements since
last RA RA Agreement up to Date measurement up to Date Running Account Bill
Rs. P. last RA Bill
Bill Bill
b complete
150 mm Diafor following diameters. 242.500 217.650 1941.17 RM 422,495.65 - -
MISCELLANEOUS: Miscellaneous works including
1800 - - - -
all labour, material (unless otherwise specified in
Providing specification),
and Filling equipment
in trenches, plinths, etc.
areaat all
1801 level unless
paving and other otherwise
undergroundspecified as per
structures with 3344.560 - 1958.10 CUM - - -
graded stone aggregate of size range 63 mm to 45
mm in layers
Providing andnot exceeding
Filling 200 mm
in trenches, in thickness
plinths, area
A1801 paving and other underground structures with 242.500 1,013.128 2133.45 CUM 2,161,457.53 156.057 332,939.807
graded stone aggregate of size range 63 mm to 45
Providing & fixing G.I chicken wire mesh 12.5mm X
A1837 mm in layers not exceeding 275 mm compacted 7.275 95.353 339.74 SQM 32,395.23 - -
24G for miscellaneous applications
Providing, laying light duty non pressure NP3
2208 class RCC pipes with collars jointed with stiff - - - -
mixture of cement mortar 1:2 including testing of
d 600mm dia 24.250 12.500 2870.84 RM 35,885.50 - -
joints etc all complete for following.
e 900mm dia 24.250 - 4922.05 RM - - -
Preparation of sub grade by excavating earth to
2401 required depth for all types of soil/ rock, dressing 5820.000 215.625 93.10 CUM 20,074.69 - -
to camber and consolidating the base including
making good the undulation etc and disposal of
Providing & laying water bound macadam base
2405 course in layers of required thickness with stone 997.645 210.717 2406.72 CUM 507,136.82 30.117 72,483.186
aggregate 63mm to 40mm size(IRC 19 - grading -
1), stone screening and blinding material including
Dismantling of existing road consisting of premix
2416 carpet, kerb stone/ brick on edge, bitumen 24.250 480.418 140.18 SQM 67,345.00 - -
macadem course, WBM, prepairing subgrade to
receive new WBM including camber consolidation
Providing and laying cement concrete of grade
A2419 M35 using 20 mm nominal size stone aggregate 2551.100 448.623 4357.97 CUM 1,955,085.58 - -
with approved admixture (if required) with
Providing &paver,
laying provision for necessary
dry lean cement joints
concrete of
2421 grade M10 with 20 mm nominal size graded stone 544.170 472.414 3867.03 CUM 1,826,839.11 - -
aggregate over a prepared sub-grade including
Providing and finishing,
fixing incuring etcMS
position alldowel
2422 reinforcement including surface painted with 111.550 2.177 10670.80 MT 23,230.33 - -
bitumen and greasing, dowel end caps with cotton
fills etc all complete as per specification, drawing
Page 16 of 136
Total Since
of work
RATE Payment on the basis of
as per last Quantity as per Quantity executed Payment on the basis of Actual Quantity since last
Description of item Unit Actual measurements since
last RA RA Agreement up to Date measurement up to Date Running Account Bill
Rs. P. last RA Bill
Bill Bill
Page 17 of 136
Form WAM 6 (Contd.) Form WAM 6 (Contd.)
I II 1 The measurements on which the entries in column 7 to 12 of Part I of this Bill (Account of work executed) are based
were made by Sri Ashish Ranjan, Manager Civil and are recorded at pages Pg no-
Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P. of measurement book No. -
Total value of work actually measured as per ( Name & Designation ) recorded at pages : of
1 Account No. 1, Column 10 (A)
Total upto date adhock payment for work
Certified that the methods of measurement are correct and the work has been carried out in accordance with the terms and
2 covered by approximate or plan measurements (B) 2 conditions, schedules, specifications and drawings etc forming part of the contract agreement subject to deviations included
as per Account 1, Column 3
- in the deviation statement (Annexure D).
Certified that in addition to and quite apart from the quantities of work actually executed as shown in column 10 of Part I,
some work has actually been done in connection with several items and the value of such work is in no case, less than the
Total upto date payments[(A)+(B)] 'on account' payments as per column 3 of Part I, made or proposed to be made, for the convenience of the contractor in
4 (C) 486,946,570.99
anticipation of and subject to the results of, detailed measurement which will be made as soon as possible.
Total amount of Payments already made as per
entry (D) of last Running Account Bill No.: RAB-
Certified that measurements by Engineer-incharge and test check of prescribed percentage of measurements by the
5 45 dated: 30.09.2024 forwarded to the (D) 481,380,249.63 4 concerned superior authorities has been carried out
Accounts Office on .
Certified that there are no pending recoveries from the contractor on account of chargable items (e.g. T & P,
6 Balance [ ( C ) - (D) ] 5,566,321.00 5 consumable,material,etc.) issued either by BHEL or by the customer and other recoveries like
power,water,quarter,taxliability towards declaration forms etc.
Certified that with regard to the free issues,regular reconciliation is being done, completed upto 31.10.2024 and there are
Addition on account of GST no recoveries pending from the contractor on account of such issues in excess of requirement for execution of work as per
6 (a) 1,001,938.00 6 contract.
(SGST @9% + CGST @ 9%) @ 18%
TOTAL 6+6(a) 6,568,259.00 7 Certified that there is no pending recovery for damaged material issued free of cost.
Certified that the conractor has fulfilled all the requirements as per contract with reference to statutory obligations
7 Payments now to be made : 6,568,259.00 8 (PF,ESI,Minimum Wages, BOCW,Insurance etc.) support services such as service manpower, computer system, T&P etc.
2.0 Certified that all the measurements recorded in the measurement book have been correctly bill Net Amount Payable Rs. Ledger Head Gross amount
3.0 Certified that all recoverable amounts in respect of materials tools and plant etc. and other
charges have been correctly made vide annexure A to C attached. (Rupees………………………………….……………...……only) Rs. P. Rs. P.
Certified for payment* of Rs 55,66,321/-(Fifty Five Lakh Sixty Six Thousand Three Hundred
Twenty One Only) Payable to Shri/M/s………………. By cheque/cash
Signature of Cashier
Date :
Statement showing tools & Plant issued to the Contractor Sri / MKANWAR ENTERPRISES PVT LTD
In respect of Contract Agreement No: BHE/PW/PUR/NTPRT-CVL-CHP-PKG-I/2279/LOA Dated 09/07/2020
Signature of the Contractor Signature of Executive in Charge Signature of Next Higher Executive
Date: Date : Date :
Statement showing other charges to the Contractor Sri / M/s KANWAR ENTERPRISES PVT LTD
Sl. No. Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount Amount recovered Amount now Remarks
recoverable upto previous bill recovered
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 -
Water charges
2 -
Electricity charges
3 -
Seignoirage charges
4 -
Medical charges
Cost of empty gunny
5 bags and empty -
containers not
6 returned 0
Services of 2 doctor
7 0
8 0
9 Operation and 0
Maintinance od First
aid centre
Signature of the Contractor Signature of Executive in Charge Signature of Next Higher Executive
Date: Date : Date :
Page 20 of 136
Name of the Contractor: M/s Kanwar Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. Contract Agreement No.: BHE/PW/PUR/NTPRT-CVL-CHP-PKG-I/2279/LOA Dated 09/07/2020
Name of the Work: PACKAGE-I: CIVIL & ARCHITECTURAL WORKS FOR CHP AREA AT 3X800 Date : 31.05.2025
Page 22 of 136
Total Total Resion for
BOQ Quantity as Quantity Quantity Quantity Rate as Amount as Amount Amount Amount Difference deviation
Rate as
ITEM Description of item Unit per as Further anticipated Per Per as Further anticipated with
executed authority, if
NO. Agreement executed anticipated on agreement agreement executed anticipated on Excess Savings
Completion Completion any
c.1 Supply and stacking of sand(12%) 18948.7500 24479.163 0.000 24479.163 621.31 621.3132 11773108.5 15209227.0969 0 15209227.1 3436118.6
c.2 Supply and stacking of coarse 18948.7500 22825.211 0.000 22825.211 1294.40 1294.4025 24527309.37 29545010.1814 0 29545010.18 5017700.81
c.3 aggregate(25%)
Execution of balance works as per the de... 18948.7500 22825.212 0.000 22825.212 3261.89 3261.8943 61808819.62 74453428.9191 0 74453428.92 12644609.3
215 item(63%)
Dismantling concrete work for all types of 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0
a structures
Plain cement at concrete
all levelsofincluding
all gradesstacking of CUM 23.2500 90.938 0.000 90.938 1197.70 1197.7 27846.53 108916.4426 0 108916.44 81069.91
b servicable material
Reinforced cement concrete to a lead of grades
of all 500 m and CUM 46.5000 0 46.500 46.500 1736.61 1736.61 80752.37 0 80752.365 80752.37
disposal of unservicable material upto a lead 0 2.325 2.325 59.25 59.25 137.76 0 137.75625 137.76
216 Chipping of concrete in reinforced concrete CUDM 2.3250
217 work,over
Extra cuttingandpockets,
above Stmaking No 216openings
for cutting at of
all SQCM 2.3250 0 2.325 2.325 4.22 4.22 9.81 0 9.8115 9.81
218 levels and
Cutting according
Reinforced all sizesto shapes,
concreteand types
with disposal
mechanised of CUDM 2.3250 0 2.325 2.325 393.59 393.59 915.1 0 915.09675 915.1
tools materials
Core upto
drilling a machine
returnleadofofcut2 etc.
km foras 0 232.500 232.500 115.67 115.67 26893.28 0 26893.275 26893.28
219 Providing and applying curing compound SQM 232.5000
cutting pockets,
(water based) toholes,
of storecores
approved etc allincomplete
slab, beam,as per
220 Providing & laying Plum make cement where ever
concrete CUM 232.5000 0 232.500 232.500 3353.52 3353.52 779693.4 0 779693.4 779693.4
required or foundation as per direction of
222 1:3:6
Cutting ofas
with per manufacturer's
groove graded
of 10mm metal
X 40mm specification.
of maximum
size with RM 4.6500 0 4.650 4.650 52.19 52.19 242.68 0 242.6835 242.68
223 size 40 cutting
Cutting mm andmachine
of existing 25% plums
concrete/ of
in concrete slabpaving size
(total all SQM 46.5000 0 46.500 46.500 2031.46 2031.46 94462.89 0 94462.89 94462.89
150 mm.(BHEL
thickness upto 250mm will supplyincluding Cementfloor free
finsih of 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0
300 FORMWORK: Providing, fixing and 0.0000
A301 & deck sheet
Fairface form if work
formwork any) inside at all
with control
goodelevations room/
quality for
waterall SQM 86280.7500 65167.52675 21113.223 86280.750 564.29 564.29 48687364.42 36773383.6698 11913980.60667 48687364.42
pump house
proof ply A301
woodoras anywhere
with filminside
face boundary
specificationsof required and 11602.728 12809.772 24412.500 56.42 56.42 1377353.25 654625.91376 722727.33624 1377353.25
A301(a) Extra over for depth exceeding 6 m but SQM 24412.5000
not exceeding all smooth
and labour,
12 m material,
surface scaffoldings
below finished 3545.356 20867.144 24412.500 62.07 62.07 1515283.88 220060.24692 1295223.62808 1515283.88
A301(b) Extra over A301 & A301(a)for depth SQM 24412.5000
exceeding floor m level
but for notfoundations, footings,
A301(c) Extra over 12 A301,A301(a), exceeding
A301(b), 18 formdepth SQM 4650.0000 2769.929 1880.071 4650.000 68.28 68.28 317502 189130.75212 128371.24788 317502
A301(d) exceeding
Extra 18 m but
over A301 A301(a),not exceeding
A301(b), & 24A301(c)
m SQM 4650.0000 800.588 3849.412 4650.000 75.10 75.1 349215 60124.1588 289090.8412 349215
A302 for depthform
Fairface exceedingwork with 24 mgood but not qualityexceeding
water SQM 28551.0000 5994.450802 22556.549 28551.000 672.92 672.92 19212538.92 4033785.83368 15178752.95308 19212538.92
304 30 m ply wood
Providing, fixing with film face formwork
and removing of required in 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0
a thickness
Upto 150 mm anddepth
block-outs/pockets smooth and surface
openings above finished
(below 0.1 EACH 209.2500 766 0.000 766.000 249.69 249.69 52247.63 191262.54 0 191262.54 139014.91
ground floor
sqm planofarea) level for
at more foundations,
all elevations footings,
including 305 8.875 313.875 437.32 437.32 137263.82 133382.6 3881.215 137263.82
b Pockets depths than 150mm and EACH 313.8750
upto 300formation
mmdepthsdepthofmore all shapes and all other 390 191.250 581.250 804.11 804.11 467388.94 313602.9 153786.0375 467388.94
c Pockets of than 300mm and EACH 581.2500
d upto 600 of
Pockets mmdepthsdepth more than 600mm and EACH 941.6250 66 875.625 941.625 1282.36 1282.36 1207502.24 84635.76 1122866.475 1207502.24
e upto 1000
Pockets ofmm depthsdepth more than 1000mm and EACH 20.9250 8 12.925 20.925 1870.64 1870.64 39143.14 14965.12 24178.022 39143.14
f upto 1500
Pockets ofmm depthsdepth more than 1500mm and EACH 20.9250 0 20.925 20.925 2477.25 2477.25 51836.46 0 51836.45625 51836.46
305 upto
overmm item depth
no.301 and 302 for curved 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0
a form
Extra work
for Curve for foundations,
Shuttering for footings,
Item No.beams, 301 SQM 2.3250 0 2.325 2.325 112.85 112.85 262.38 0 262.37625 262.38
b walls,
Extra fortrenches, domes, arches
Curve Shuttering for Itemetc No. as302per SQM 2.3250 0 2.325 2.325 134.02 134.02 311.6 0 311.5965 311.6
specification. 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0
400 REINFORCEMENT WORK : Reinforcement 0.0000
401 work including
Providing, all labour, cutting,
straightening, materialbending,(unless MT 23.2500 0 23.250 23.250 83419.11 83419.11 1939494.31 0 1939494.3075 1939494.31
403 otherwise
Transportation, specified
in position at allinlevel,BOQ/contract
straightening, bindingcutting,of MT 6312.3750 6240.43906063 71.936 6312.375 10670.80 10670.8 67358091.15 66590477.1282 767614.6688 67358091.15
mild steelplacing equipment, transportation,
405 bending,
Providing &reinforcements
fixing in of position
Rebar conforming
atin allexisting to
level, 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0
grade 1 of
binding IS:432
position part 1 in concrete
steel including
a concrete
12mm Reinforcement bar reinforcements
reinforcemnet of Nos. 1.0000 0 1.000 1.000 455.66 455.66 455.66 0 455.66 455.66
TMT with
bar steel Epoxyof grade based Fe-500D or 500EQR
b 16mm Reinforcement bar suitable bonding Nos. 1.0000 0 1.000 1.000 719.47 719.47 719.47 0 719.47 719.47
compound of Hilti or equivalent make (HIT- 0 1.000 1.000 1012.90 1012.9 1012.9 0 1012.9 1012.9
c 20mm Reinforcement bar Nos. 1.0000
A406 Supply and fixing reinforcement bar couplers 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0
d (of
25mm approved
dia manufacturer's as per the Nos. 0.9300 0 0.930 0.930 204.55 204.55 190.23 0 190.2315 190.23
e relevant
28mm dia IS code) in position for steel Nos. 0.9300 0 0.930 0.930 310.36 310.36 288.63 0 288.6348 288.63
reinforcements of TMT steel of grade Fe- 0 0.930 0.930 366.78 366.78 341.11 0 341.1054 341.11
f 32mm dia Nos. 0.9300
g 36mm dia Nos. 0.9300 0 0.930 0.930 457.07 457.07 425.08 0 425.0751 425.08
407 Providing, straightening cutting, bending, MT 2.3250 0 2.325 2.325 79248.15 79248.15 184251.95 0 184251.94875 184251.95
408 placing in position
Providing, straightening,at any cutting,
level, binding bending, of MT 2.3250 0 2.325 2.325 83419.11 83419.11 193949.43 0 193949.43075 193949.43
500 mild
placing steel
Roof Treatment reinforcements
in position at any level,
works: in binding
Roof brickwork
treatment in 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0
position cost
works including high of yield
strength and
steel binding
501 Providing and all layinglabour, material
underbed (unless
grading SQM 1325.2500 0 1325.250 1325.250 90.28 90.28 119643.57 0 119643.57 119643.57
plaster with in brickwork
cement in 1:4including
(1 cementcost
BOQ/contract 29159.5
502 Providing and layingmortarunderbed grading :4 SQM 23.2500 436.684 0.000 436.684 70.53 70.53 1639.82 30799.32252 0 30799.32
plaster and
with cementequipment,
average 1:4transportation,
thickness (1of 25 40 mm
A503 Providing and layingmortarroof insulation cement
with :4 SQM 2.3250 0 2.325 2.325 2346.33 2346.33 5455.22 0 5455.21725 5455.22
mm thick preparation
average thicknessof surface,
sprayed, of closed
mm batching,
cell 1172.233 153.017 1325.250 983.28 983.28 1303091.82 1152633.26424 150458.55576 1303091.82
A506 Providing and applying PU based SQM 1325.2500
free preparation
proofing Polyurethane offoam
over batching,
507 Providing and layingwith one
wearing coat
course SQM 1325.2500 0 1325.250 1325.250 740.63 740.63 981519.91 0 981519.9075 981519.91
consisting conforming
of 25or any other
mm to ISplain
thick - 12432
cementPt. III 0 11.625 11.625 723.81 723.81 8414.29 0 8414.29125 8414.29
A507 Providing and laying wearing course SQM 11.6250
material based
consisting of grade
of 20 primer
mmM15 withplain
thick anwith
cement 0 1325.250 1325.250 562.96 562.96 746062.74 0 746062.74 746062.74
A510 Providing and laying Pressed Precast cement SQM 1325.2500
concrete ofgrade
12.5mm M15 size cast with
(1:2:4) inthickness
graded of
B510 Providingflooring
and laying tiles of 20mm
Heat Resistant Terrace SQM 11.6250 0 11.625 11.625 1628.93 1628.93 18936.31 0 18936.31125 18936.31
and size
light of 12.5mm
coloured mmsize
Vitrified castof in
tiles MIN.panels
to IS of
13801 with 15 mm
300X300X20MM from thick 1:4 cement mortar
johnson,varmora,Qutone or equivalent Page 23 of 136
Total Total Resion for
BOQ Quantity as Quantity Quantity Quantity Rate as Amount as Amount Amount Amount Difference deviation
Rate as
ITEM Description of item Unit per as Further anticipated Per Per as Further anticipated with
executed authority, if
NO. Agreement executed anticipated on agreement agreement executed anticipated on Excess Savings
Completion Completion any
C510 Providing and laying cement concrete SQM 1325.2500 0 1325.250 1325.250 709.60 709.6 940397.4 0 940397.4 940397.4
511 chequeredand
Providing flooring
applyingtiles twoof 22coats
mm thickness
of bitumen SQM 1325.2500 0 1325.250 1325.250 136.84 136.84 181347.21 0 181347.21 181347.21
512 and
grade size 85/25
Providing 200x200
and applyingmm per
as conforming
water to IS ( with
IS proofing
702 @ 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0
13801 with 8 mm
1.7kg/sqm)with 1% thick 1:4 cement mortar
a blown
2 Layersbitumen for antistripping
of feltbonding depth material compound
up toconforming
5m below SQM 46.5000 0 46.500 46.500 126.96 126.96 5903.64 0 5903.64 5903.64
to IS:702 of to
forIS 6241 in Basements,
foundation,ducts, wall,
b ground
3 Layers of 65/25
level felt forgrade
floorsdepth beyond 5m below SQM 46.5000 0 46.500 46.500 187.62 187.62 8724.33 0 8724.33 8724.33
ground tunnels
level etcwalls
for below the ground level on 0 46.500 46.500 52.19 52.19 2426.84 0 2426.835 2426.84
A513 Providing and mixing superplastisizer cum KG 46.5000
B514 water
Providing proofing compoundtwo
and applying conforming
component to SQM 2.3250 0 2.325 2.325 823.86 823.86 1915.47 0 1915.4745 1915.47
D514 IS:2645/
Providing 9103
and inapplying
polyamide or cement
Food grade mortar
epoxy sealer
epoxy SQM 2.3250 0 2.325 2.325 936.72 936.72 2177.87 0 2177.874 2177.87
all complete.
coating (having
complying solid to byFDA volume
Ttitle minimum
21, Part 0 46.500 46.500 2315.01 2315.01 107647.97 0 107647.965 107647.97
517 Providing and laying foam concrete blocks in CUM 46.5000
40% toilets/sunken
the ±2%) of minimum
of minimum 400weeds
slab 50 complete
etc. micronDFT DFT
as 0 6.975 6.975 685.05 685.05 4778.22 0 4778.22375 4778.22
518 Anti termite and Anti chemical SQM 6.9750
treatment by dry, clean
engineer soilin
of FILLERS: and dust free
with surafe of
Chloropyrifos 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0
600 JOINTS AND Joints & fillers 0.0000
601 emulsifiable
Supplying all&or equivalents,
labour, material,
installation concentrates
bitumen 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0
(1%) conforming
impregnated fibre to IS
board:8944 allall
at level as toper
IS 0 4.650 4.650 808.35 808.35 3758.83 0 3758.8275 3758.83
a 12 mm wide joints. SQM 4.6500
1838 drawings
filler atand as directed by
c 25 mmas wide joint
joints joints in concrete SQM 697.5000 248.211 449.289 697.500 1324.67 1324.67 923957.33 328797.66537 595159.65963 923957.33
including nailing, coating of both faces with 0 186.000 186.000 2567.54 2567.54 477562.44 0 477562.44 477562.44
d 50 mm wide joints SQM 186.0000
603 Providing and applying polysulphide based 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0
a sealant
25mmX25mm conforming to IS:12118 in joints in RM 1860.0000 26.2 1833.800 1860.000 282.14 282.14 524780.4 7392.068 517388.332 524780.4
b concrete
50mmX25mm including cleaning of joints, raking RM 46.5000 26.35 20.150 46.500 512.09 512.09 23812.19 13493.5715 10318.6135 23812.19
out groove, application of primer, scaffolding 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0
A603 Providing and applying polysulphide based 0.0000
a sealant
25mmX25mm with VOC content limited to 250 RM 4.6500 0 4.650 4.650 282.14 282.14 1311.95 0 1311.951 1311.95
b grams
50mmX25mm per litre as prescribed by GRIHA, RM 4.6500 0 4.650 4.650 512.09 512.09 2381.22 0 2381.2185 2381.22
conforming to IS:12118 in expansion joints in 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0
A604 Supplying and filling in position hot applied 0.0000
b bitumin
12mm X 25mm sealing compund (Grade A) RM 4.6500 0 4.650 4.650 36.68 36.68 170.56 0 170.562 170.56
c confirming
20mmX25mm to IS 1834 including cleaning, RM 4.6500 0 4.650 4.650 43.73 43.73 203.34 0 203.3445 203.34
mixing, heating, pouring/injecting sealing 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0
A605 Supply and instalation of Polystyrene flexible 0.0000
a) board
thick to IS 4671 as joint filler at SQM 4.6500 0 4.650 4.650 1857.65 1857.65 8638.07 0 8638.0725 8638.07
b) joint ofthick
50mm comcrete including nailing, coating of SQM 4.6500 0 4.650 4.650 928.83 928.83 4319.06 0 4319.0595 4319.06
both faces with coal tar pitch /butimen etc. 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0
608 Supplying and filling in position hot applied 0.0000
a bitumin
10mm X 40mm sealing compund (Grade B) RM 4.6500 0 4.650 4.650 39.49 39.49 183.63 0 183.6285 183.63
b confirming
12mm X 25mm to IS 1834 including cleaning, RM 4.6500 0 4.650 4.650 36.68 36.68 170.56 0 170.562 170.56
mixing, heating, pouring/injecting sealing 0 4.650 4.650 43.73 43.73 203.34 0 203.3445 203.34
c 20mmX25mm RM 4.6500
A609 Providing and sealing of joints with premium 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0
a grade
12mmX25mmsilicon sealant ( Silpruf of GE silicons RM 4.6500 0 4.650 4.650 117.79 117.79 547.72 0 547.7235 547.72
b or approved equivalent) including cleaning
25mmX25mm RM 4.6500 0 4.650 4.650 235.59 235.59 1095.49 0 1095.4935 1095.49
of joints, raking out groove, joint filler tapes, 0 4.650 4.650 420.40 420.4 1954.86 0 1954.86 1954.86
c 50mmX25mm RM 4.6500
610 Providing and fixing PVC water stops in joints 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0
d conforming
230 mm wideto andIS6 mm 12200 thick & IS 15058 all RM 8335.1250 4932.812 3402.313 8335.125 239.82 239.82 1998929.68 1182986.97384 815942.70366 1998929.68
612 complete
Providing forand the following:
applying (Bulb approved or Kicker
fire 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0
retardant sealant in joints/openings 0 4.650 4.650 1677.36 1677.36 7799.72 0 7799.724 7799.72
a 25mmX25mm RM 4.6500
b including
50mmX25mm cleaning of joints/openings, raking RM 4.6500 0 4.650 4.650 3302.53 3302.53 15356.76 0 15356.7645 15356.76
out groove, application of primer, scaffolding 0 11.625 11.625 427.44 427.44 4968.99 0 4968.99 4968.99
615 Providing and fixing 300 mm wide Stainless Kg 11.6250
700 steel strips ( Grade SS
MS EMBEDMENTS: 316) over expansion
Embedments including 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0
701 joints
Supply, with
all labour, minimum
fabricating andlap of 50mm
fixing of mild length
steel MT 4.6500 13.0339615786 0.000 13.034 89347.56 89347.56 415466.15 1164552.66418 0 1164556.1 749089.95
embedments, stainless
in inserts, steel
BOQ/contract screws,
pipe sleeves, rawl plugs
angle 121.84774 0.000 121.848 109600.09 109600.09 3057842.51 13354523.2703 0 13354551.77 10296709.26
702 Supply, transportation, delivery MT 27.9000
at siterungsandtransportation,
of various
erection, handling plates
installation etc.and
at 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0
703 Same as above items 701 & 702 with BHEL 0.0000
of dimensions
supplied of mild as required
steel etc.
of foundation includingbolt 1439889.93
A Mild steel material
embedments, free inserts, cost
sleeves, MT 2.3250 70.5646866 0.000 70.565 21100.38 21100.38 49058.38 1488941.70184 0 1488948.31
angle conforming
pieces, rungs ofbolt to IS:2062
various and grade
diameters, etc. all1 10.8518 0.000 10.852 20687.03 20687.03 96194.69 224491.512154 0 224495.65 128300.96
B Mild steel foundation assembly MT 4.6500
conforming from BHEL store
of dimensions
to IS:2062 as
and to plant
grade site.
IS:432 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0
704 Supplying, fabricating, erecting and 0.0000
a in
pipes of along
items inwith
all diameters nuts, lock nuts (as
concrete/brickwall forper
all kg 930.0000 0 930.000 930.000 80.41 80.41 74781.3 0 74781.3 74781.3
kind 1364 and
of works, IS:3138),
including washers, anchorin
b PVC pipes / conduits of all setting
diameters material kg 116.2500 0 116.250 116.250 505.04 505.04 58710.9 0 58710.9 58710.9
concrete, layout, scaffoling, cutting, forming, 0 116.250 116.250 543.13 543.13 63138.86 0 63138.8625 63138.86
c UPVC pipes / conduits of all diameters kg 116.2500
d Expansion anchor fasteners (galvanised) of 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0
8mm Dia make(HRD Universal Fastners) or Nos 4.6500 0 0.000 0.000 81.82 81.82 380.46 0 0 0 380.46
equivalent of safe tensile capacity as
specified below for brick work with
Page 24 of 136
Total Total Resion for
BOQ Quantity as Quantity Quantity Quantity Rate as Amount as Amount Amount Amount Difference deviation
Rate as
ITEM Description of item Unit per as Further anticipated Per Per as Further anticipated with
executed authority, if
NO. Agreement executed anticipated on agreement agreement executed anticipated on Excess Savings
Completion Completion any
ii 10mm Dia Nos 4.6500 0 4.650 4.650 87.45 87.45 406.64 0 406.6425 406.64
iii 12mm Dia Nos 9.3000 0 9.300 9.300 98.75 98.75 918.38 0 918.375 918.38
IV 14MM Dia Nos 11.6250 0 0.000 0.000 111.45 111.45 1295.61 0 0 0 1295.61
e Expansion fasteners (mechanical galvanised) 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0
i of
M8 make or equivalent of safe tensile Nos 2.3250 0 2.325 2.325 166.46 166.46 387.02 0 387.0195 387.02
ii capacity
HST3 M10 as specified below for concrete work Nos 2.3250 0 2.325 2.325 237.00 237 551.03 0 551.025 551.03
with expansion sleeve of stainless steel: 0 2.325 2.325 421.81 421.81 980.71 0 980.70825 980.71
iii HST3 M12 Nos 2.3250
iv HST3 M16 Nos 2.3250 0 2.325 2.325 727.93 727.93 1692.44 0 1692.43725 1692.44
v HST3 M20 Nos 2.3250 0 2.325 2.325 1486.91 1486.91 3457.07 0 3457.06575 3457.07
vi HST3 M24 Nos 2.3250 0 2.325 2.325 2478.66 2478.66 5762.88 0 5762.8845 5762.88
f Chemical Expansion fasteners (galvanised)of 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0
HAS-E5.8 makeM8 or equivalent of safe tensile Nos 2.3250 0 2.325 2.325 450.01 450.01 1046.27 0 1046.27325 1046.27
ii capacity as
HAS-E5.8 M10specified below for concrete work Nos 2.3250 0 2.325 2.325 527.61 527.61 1226.69 0 1226.69325 1226.69
with anchoring rod,nuts,washers,chemicals 0 2.325 2.325 703.95 703.95 1636.68 0 1636.68375 1636.68
iii HAS-E5.8 M12 Nos 2.3250
iv HAS-E5.8 M16 Nos 2.3250 0 2.325 2.325 1187.83 1187.83 2761.7 0 2761.70475 2761.7
v HAS-E5.8 M20 Nos 2.3250 0 2.325 2.325 1891.79 1891.79 4398.41 0 4398.41175 4398.41
vi HAS-E5.8 M24 Nos 2.3250 0 2.325 2.325 2451.85 2451.85 5700.55 0 5700.55125 5700.55
705 Placing, locking and releasing of Vibration Nos 2.3250 56 0.000 56.000 1331.73 1331.73 3096.27 74576.88 0 74576.88 71480.61
706 Isolationand
Supply spring modules of
installation over the foundation
approved 25mm SQM 4.6500 0 4.650 4.650 1960.91 1960.91 9118.23 0 9118.2315 9118.23
707 at all vibration
Providing, elevations
layingdamping including
and fixing providing
rails(52kg/rm) padsall MT 2.3250 0 2.325 2.325 108707.09 108707.09 252743.98 0 252743.98425 252743.98
and guide under the supervision
foundation for of of the
ISG 707 Laying andrailsfixing in rails(52kg/rm)
concrete transformer,
and guide MT 39.5250 0 39.525 39.525 21100.38 21100.38 833992.52 0 833992.5195 833992.52
in concrete and for
including at
transformer, locations
of rails, joining
rail trackall
of 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0
800 GROUTING: Grouting including all labour, 0.0000
including (unlesscutting lugs etc all
rails, complete.
joining of rails,
specified in 0 16275.000 16275.000 615.07 615.07 10010264.25 0 10010264.25 10010264.25
801 Providing and applying Chemical Injection SQM 16275.0000
Grouting etc all complete.(Rails
specification), will
equipment, be
802 Providing &fixing grouting minimum,of pocket 12 mm dia
holes, (NB)
pipe CUM 4.6500 0 4.650 4.650 20998.80 20998.8 97644.42 0 97644.42 97644.42
sleeves under nozzlesurface,
baseof suitable cleaning,
plates, length,
machinery, ramming,
overpipe the 0 4.650 4.650 19559.85 19559.85 90953.3 0 90953.3025 90953.3
803 Providing & grouting of pocket holes, CUM 4.6500
supporting and along the construction joint line
804 sleeves
Providing and &structures
grouting base etc.plate
of withofmix
pocket holes, 1:1
structuralpipe(1 CUM 0.9300 0 0.930 0.930 47039.59 47039.59 43746.82 0 43746.8187 43746.82
steel work/
sleeves :1
and sand ) using
machinery/ non shrink admixture
805 Providing & under
grouting baseof plates
pocket structuralpipe CUM 46.5000 15.321 31.179 46.500 50433.82 50433.82 2345172.63 772696.55622 1572476.07378 2345172.63
sleeves andincluding
work/ machinery/
under baseroughening
plates of
structural 0 4.650 4.650 1746.48 1746.48 8121.13 0 8121.132 8121.13
806 Providing Chemical (epoxy) injection Kg 4.6500
steel work/ including roughening of surface,
807 grouting
Providing and machinery/
with pressure
laying 50 mm pipe
thick supporting
pump forC.
P. water
C. (1 : Sqm 12380.6250 9200.828 3179.797 12380.625 523.10 523.1 6476304.94 4812953.1268 1663351.8107 6476304.94
retaining including roughening of surface,
900 2
DOORS: 4 with &concrete10 mm
WINDOWS: structures
size stone
windows, to 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
IS:6494, including
ventilators, shalland
louvers, be fixing
roof nozzles,
under cost
the of
raft 3945.82
A903 Providing, fitting fixingventilators,
solid core rolling
flush SQM 2.3250 0 2.325 2.325 3945.82 9174.03 0 9174.0315 9174.03
shutters,shutter the aslean
partitions per concrete,
2202 partfollowed
II, labour,
35mm by 8.64 130.860 139.500 6004.09 6004.09 837570.56 51875.3376 785695.2174 837570.56
A904 Providing and fixing single or double SQM 139.5000
thick shutters
homogenous(unlessparticle otherwise board specified
bonded in
905 door
Providing and withfixing35mm single(min)or doublethk steelwith
flush SQM 23.2500 0 23.250 23.250 6713.68 6713.68 156093.06 0 156093.06 156093.06
BWP type
shutterphenolformaldihyde synthetic resin,
A906 door
Providing and comprising
gauge of two
M.S. outer
extruded sheets of KG 232.5000 460.946 0.000 460.946 596.74 596.74 138742.05 275064.91604 0 275064.92 136322.87
18 gauge
shutter steel
presenting sheets rigidly
flush or connected and
A907 aluminium
Providing anddoorsfixing fire surface double
proof on the
steel outside
doors SQM 23.2500 2.88 20.370 23.250 21508.64 21508.64 500075.88 61944.8832 438130.9968 500075.88
and inside
(single stiffened
or double IS:1948, with
shutter) semitubular
IS:1949 with fabricated
panic edge
from 0 11.625 11.625 32164.78 32164.78 373915.57 0 373915.5675 373915.57
B907 Providing and fixing Acoustic Wooden Fire SQM 11.6250
Door sections
shall beof45mm Single thkof/ HINDALCO/JINDAL
Double design comprising
Leaf both or side of 0 11.625 11.625 21508.64 21508.64 250037.94 0 250037.94 250037.94
C907 Providing and fixing automatically closing fire SQM 11.6250
two outer
proof steel sheets
door of 18 gauge
satisfying steelregulations
LPA sheets
wooden rigidlyfire 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
908 Providing and fixing steel windows/ventilator 0.0000
with of
(single or 120
steeldouble min.
sections fire
shutter)as per rating,
with panic
IS:1038,of devices
IS:1361 & 0 279.000 279.000 2353.10 2353.10 656514.9 0 656514.9 656514.9
a Openable type SQM 279.0000
IS:7452be minimum 44mm thk flush design
b fixed typelatest revision including all fittings, SQM 432.4500 0 432.450 432.450 1512.30 1512.30 653994.14 0 653994.135 653994.14
metal beadings, hold fasts, shop and final 0 232.500 232.500 543.13 543.13 126277.73 0 126277.725 126277.73
A909 Providing and fixing anodised aluminium Kg 232.5000
A910 work of Jindal,
Providing, Hindalco
fabricating, or other
supplying equivalent
and fixing of SQM 23.2500 0 23.250 23.250 4857.40 4857.40 112934.55 0 112934.55 112934.55
The systemmake
Aluminium shall befor
composite door cladding
designed frames,
to withstand windows,
(ACP) a in 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
pan shape
wind in
pressure partitions,
solid or metallic
200kg/Sqm railing,grills
or as per etc
of design
approved with 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
911 Providing and of door closers as per 0.0000
shades made and
specification out of
shall4mm be thick
fixed aluminium
to the 1966.56
a Over head hydraulic door closures as per all
,of approved make & quality IS Each 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 1966.56 4768.91 0 4768.908 4768.91
3564 walls or aluminium
of following type : doorframe with 0 2.425 2.425 3261.62 3261.62 7909.43 0 7909.4285 7909.43
b Floor mounted Hydraulic closers as per Each 2.4250
912 IS 6315
Providing and fixing pressed steel frames Kg 24.2500 0 24.250 24.250 150.94 150.94 3660.3 0 3660.295 3660.3
913 fabricatedand
Providing fromfixing 16in gauge
sheet mortised,
shutter 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
a reinforced
rolled drilled
double and tapped
dipped for hinges
galvanised steeland SQM 48.5000 0 48.500 48.500 2372.85 2372.85 115083.23 0 115083.225 115083.23
lath bolts strikes, hold fastsmild
adjustable floor
b MechanicallyofOperated
18 SWG tested steel strips at SQM 97.0000 0 97.000 97.000 3220.70 3220.70 312407.9 0 312407.9 312407.9
75mm rolling centres interlocked together 28 5.950 33.950 3504.27 3504.27 118969.97 98119.56 20850.4065 118969.97
c Electrically operated SQM 33.9500
914 Providing and fixing PVC doors (25 thk double SQM 12.1250 0 12.125 12.125 3334.97 3334.97 40436.51 0 40436.51125 40436.51
915 skin) of sintex
Providing, fixingorand equivalent
fitting ofmake including
glazing of firstall 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
fitting &class
grade fixturesin as steel/aluminium/wooden
per specification, drawing
and instructions
frames, where of everengineer in charge.
required, cleaning after
fixing including hardware, gaskets, clips, Page 25 of 136
Total Total Resion for
BOQ Quantity as Quantity Quantity Quantity Rate as Amount as Amount Amount Amount Difference deviation
Rate as
ITEM Description of item Unit per as Further anticipated Per Per as Further anticipated with
executed authority, if
NO. Agreement executed anticipated on agreement agreement executed anticipated on Excess Savings
Completion Completion any
a 4 mm thick clear sheet glass SQM 48.5000 0 48.500 48.500 1345.84 1345.84 65273.24 0 65273.24 65273.24
e 6mm thick Polycarbonate sheet multi (twin) SQM 48.5000 0 48.500 48.500 2702.97 2702.97 131094.05 0 131094.045 131094.05
f wall
4 mmfire thickretardant
groundand glassultra violet resistant with SQM 24.2500 0 24.250 24.250 1718.27 1718.27 41668.05 0 41668.0475 41668.05
g sealed
6 mm thick opentinted
edges.heat reflecting type float glass SQM 24.2500 0 24.250 24.250 1970.80 1970.80 47791.9 0 47791.9 47791.9
h 6 mm thick clear toughened safety glass SQM 12.1250 0 12.125 12.125 2340.41 2340.41 28377.47 0 28377.47125 28377.47
h (a) 6 mm thick clear reflective toughened safety SQM 48.5000 0 48.500 48.500 2031.46 2031.46 98525.81 0 98525.81 98525.81
i(a) glass
compositeof Saintdouble Gobain(India)
glazing, 24 or mm Asahi
thick, (India)
with oneor SQM 24.2500 24.932245 -0.682 24.250 6279.46 6279.46 152276.91 156561.035188 -4282.59172 152276.91
i(b) equivalnet
outer 6mmdouble
composite make and
thick tinted should
glazing, 24 have
heat-reflecting solartype
mm thick, factor
with one SQM 48.5000 0 48.500 48.500 6279.46 6279.46 304553.81 0 304553.81 304553.81
outer or
thick and
tintedone U-vlaue
fire 3.3W/SQMK,
resistant thick
type clear 0 48.500 48.500 6274.94 6274.94 304334.59 0 304334.59 304334.59
i(c) One outer 6mm thick tinted heat-reflecting type SQM 48.5000
toughened glass
toughened glass and hermetically
one inner sealed
6mm and
thick plane
plain 0 48.500 48.500 4062.92 4062.92 197051.62 0 197051.62 197051.62
k(a) One inner 6mm thick clear float glass and one SQM 48.5000
float resistant glass reflective
hermetically sealed and
l 6 mmglass
outer 6mm
thick hermetically
laminated sealedtoughened
glass and separated glassby SQM 12.1250 0 12.125 12.125 1663.25 1663.25 20166.91 0 20166.90625 20166.91
12 mm
hermeticallythick gap for
sealed and thermal insulation
seperated by 12 mm (only 0 12.125 12.125 2772.09 2772.09 33611.59 0 33611.59125 33611.59
I(a) 10 mm thick laminated glass SQM 12.1250
thick gap for thermal insulation . Glass to be 0 12.125 12.125 2340.41 2340.41 28377.47 0 28377.47125 28377.47
m 6 mm thick clear toughened safety glass SQM 12.1250
n 8 mm thick clear toughened safety glass SQM 24.2500 0 24.250 24.250 3120.54 3120.54 75673.1 0 75673.095 75673.1
o 10 mm thick clear toughened safety glass SQM 24.2500 0 24.250 24.250 3900.68 3900.68 94591.49 0 94591.49 94591.49
p 12 mm thick toughened safety glass SQM 24.2500 0 24.250 24.250 4680.81 4680.81 113509.64 0 113509.6425 113509.64
916 Supplying and fixing weather stripping of RM 72.7500 0 72.750 72.750 197.50 197.50 14368.13 0 14368.125 14368.13
917 approved and
Providing make fixingand12quality
mm thick to BWPdoorsparticle
as per SQM 48.5000 0 48.500 48.500 1869.22 1869.22 90657.17 0 90657.17 90657.17
918 instructions
Providing decorative
and of fixingengineer
veneer in charge
louvered windowand
on SQM 970.0000 0 970.000 970.000 2786.20 2786.20 2702614 0 2702614 2702614
both sides, complete.
919 with
Providing ISMC and fixing 1 in
frame mm aluminium
thk. round framed
MS sheet door
including SQM 9.7000 0 9.700 9.700 4106.64 4106.64 39834.41 0 39834.408 39834.41
sliding fixed
withwith 18Gnecessary
with pressed
frame snap-on-beading
steel louvers, 6884.39
A919 Providing and fixing 12 mm and thick diagonal
double leaf SQM 9.7000 0 9.700 9.700 6884.39 66778.58 0 66778.583 66778.58
automatic ofetc. all
50X50X6 complete.
toughened angle iron,
glass 3 mm
slidingMS6mm gusset
door of 0 2.425 2.425 3367.43 3367.43 8166.02 0 8166.01775 8166.02
920 Roof skylight structure for atrium with SQM 2.4250
thick at junction
Polycarbonate and corners,
andsheet 25
multi mm(twin)dia pulley,
wall 0 2.425 2.425 8798.47 8798.47 21336.29 0 21336.28975 21336.29
A920 Providing and erecting Roof skylight structure SQM 2.4250
fire 4mm&all
retardant necessary
and ultraGlazed arrangement,sensor,
violet resistant
A921 with
Providing thick
fixing embossed
Fully clear Fire Ratedwith
translucent SQM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 9776.96 9776.96 23709.13 0 23709.128 23709.13
partitions openwith
polycarbonate edges IR for
minimum sky both
sheet, light
25mm for approved
side UV coated,
thick 0 1.455 1.455 261520.02 261520.02 380511.63 0 380511.6291 380511.63
922 Providing and fixing electrically operated, self NOS 1.4550
Hermetically 55% lightapproved transmission, solar control,
923 Providing and sealed
operable/closing, fixing ofdouble glass
fully glazed (DGU)
steel door SQM 1.4550 0 1.455 1.455 42282.34 42282.34 61520.8 0 61520.8047 61520.8
with of Fire
120 minutes’ resistant
glass glass
door of of
with minimum
12 mm 4779.56
A924 Providing and fixingfire in rating,
position integrity
Acoustical and
wall SQM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 4779.56 11590.43 0 11590.433 11590.43
thk. tintedcontrol
panelling atglass, all
all Brickwork
heights complete.
120) Automatic
12mm thick with 1.6 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
1000 BRICKWORK: including 0.0000
all thick
compact galvanized
labour, madesteeloutsheet.
from TheHighdoor Pressure 0.00
1001 Providing brickmaterial
work (unless
in cement otherwise
mortar 1:6 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0 0 0
(1 partfly cement resign
inlime 6 brickstreated
parts Kraftsand)
coarse as core
specification), 5277.55
a Using ash confirming to inIS walls,
12894 CUM 485.0000 8.504 476.496 485.000 5277.55 2559611.75 44880.2852 2514731.4648 2559611.75
with etc.lime transportation,
thickness varying handling,
from 4917.82
b Usingcrushing
fly ash strength ofconfirming
75 kg/cm2(including
to IS 12894 CUM 242.5000 0 242.500 242.500 4917.82 1192571.35 0 1192571.35 1192571.35
withofcrushingto 460mm
cement for brickatmaking)
strength ofall depths, places and 5326.93
c Using burnt clay bricks of 50
designation 7.5 CUM 97.0000 0 97.000 97.000 5326.93 516712.21 0 516712.21 516712.21
d cost
Using of cement
nominalburnt for bricks
clay brick making)
of class designation 5.0 CUM 48.5000 0 48.500 48.500 5177.39 5177.39 251103.42 0 251103.415 251103.42
1002 of nominal brick
Providing dimension work in cement mortar 1:6 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
a (1
fly ash6 coarse
lime bricks sand)confirming
in walls, chambers
to IS 12894 etc. CUM 873.0000 472.968 400.032 873.000 6420.26 6420.26 5604886.98 3036577.53168 2568309.44832 5604886.98
b in thickness
Using crushing
fly ash lime230mm
bricks atofconfirming
all75heights, places
to and
IS 12894 CUM 48.5000 0 48.500 48.500 6071.81 6071.81 294482.79 0 294482.785 294482.79
cost ofcrushing
with above
cement for plinth
brick making)
strength of including raking out 6469.63
c Using burnt clay bricks of 50
designation 7.5 CUM 48.5000 0 48.500 48.500 6469.63 313777.06 0 313777.055 313777.06
A1002 cost
of of
nominalcement for
dimension brick making)
Providing Autoclave Areated concrete blocks CUM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 6954.47 6954.47 16864.59 0 16864.58975 16864.59
1003 blocks having
Providing brick dimensions
work in cement of 625 mm 1:4
mortar x 250(1 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
a mm in cement
Using fly ash mortar
4 coarse lime sand) 1: 6in( 1confirming
bricks part Cement
partition walls,
to IS 6 SQM 4.8500 0 4.850 4.850 785.78 785.78 3811.03 0 3811.033 3811.03
parts coarse
12894 etc.
with sand having 115mm
in thickness
crushing modulus
strength at of fineness
of 75 0 4.850 4.850 2346.33 2346.33 11379.7 0 11379.7005 11379.7
A1003 Providing factory made composite SQM 4.8500
places weight
light and position
kg/cm2(including aeratedcost above
of cement
concrete orpanels
of 0 2.425 2.425 6954.47 6954.47 16864.59 0 16864.58975 16864.59
B1003 Providing Autoclave Areated concrete blocks CUM 2.4250
blocks in cement 2 hours of fire
morat 1:4rating,
( 1 cement consisting
4 coarse of 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
1004 Providing brick soling including spreading of 0.0000
sandfiber havingreinforced
modulus cement sheets(25mm min. 4thickmm
a earth,
Using ramming,
fly ash lime bricks of
watering fineness
confirming to 1.1)
IS 12894 in SQM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 637.64 637.64 1546.28 0 1546.277 1546.28
with wall,
of lime chambers
sand complete etc, in excluding
but thickness 596.74
b Usingcrushing
fly ash strength
bricks ofconfirming
75 kg/cm2(including
to IS 12894 SQM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 596.74 1447.09 0 1447.0945 1447.09
cement and for disposal
strength making)
of of surplus earth 643.29
c Using burnt clay bricks of 50
designation 7.5 SQM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 643.29 1559.98 0 1559.97825 1559.98
d cost
Using of cement
nominalburnt for bricks
clay brick making)
of class designation 5.0 SQM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 626.36 626.36 1518.92 0 1518.923 1518.92
1005 of nominal of
Breaking dimension
existing brick work at all levels CUM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 1440.36 1440.36 3492.87 0 3492.873 3492.87
A1005 including
Making openingsplastering, removing
in existing AACtheblock
rubbish workup orto CUM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 1440.36 1440.36 3492.87 0 3492.873 3492.87
1008 aMaking
partition of including
openings 500 m in including
making good
existing transportation,
brick thewallbrokenor CUM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 1659.03 1659.03 4023.15 0 4023.14775 4023.15
partition unloading
wall with etc.cement
including all complete
makingmortar as
good directed
etc.theall 0 2.425 2.425 791.42 791.42 1919.19 0 1919.1935 1919.19
1010 Filling existing brick wall/ partition wall SQM 2.4250
opening atatall all
level levelswith
making plastering,
good 1:6
the 0 2.425 2.425 1094.73 1094.73 2654.72 0 2654.72025 2654.72
1011 Providing and filling brick bats in soak pits CUM 2.4250
etc. complete.
broken edges/surface
all complete. withDamp cement mortar 1:6, 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
1100 DAMP PROOF COURSE: proof course 0.0000
including finishingall labour, to match material with (unless
otherwise specified in BOQ/contract
specification), equipment, transportation, Page 26 of 136
Total Total Resion for
BOQ Quantity as Quantity Quantity Quantity Rate as Amount as Amount Amount Amount Difference deviation
Rate as
ITEM Description of item Unit per as Further anticipated Per Per as Further anticipated with
executed authority, if
NO. Agreement executed anticipated on agreement agreement executed anticipated on Excess Savings
Completion Completion any
1101 Providing Damp Proof Course of following 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
b thickness
50mm thick with 1:1.5:3 concrete (10mm and SQM 151.8050 41.747 110.058 151.805 286.38 286.38 43473.92 11955.50586 31518.41004 43473.92
1200 down
PLASTERING:graded aggregate) Cement withmortar 2% of approved plaster 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
including making of water proofing compound all 214.42
1201 Providing 18mm grooves thick plaster wherever in two required
layers SQM 4311.6500 2947.405 1364.245 4311.650 214.42 924503.99 631982.5801 292521.4129 924503.99
1202 including
Providing all
outside the building/boundary labour,
12mm thick plaster materialwall inside (unless
in cement the SQM 5199.6850 1956.546 3243.139 5199.685 149.54 149.54 777560.89 292581.88884 484979.00606 777560.89
mortar 1:6 6mm
building/boundary onspecified
wall in in
cement BOQ/contract
to a smooth
mortar 1:6in 1118.503 0.000 1118.503 149.54 149.54 145053.8 167260.93862 0 167260.94 22207.14
1204 Providing thick plaster on ceiling SQM 970.0000
on including
finished providing
to a smooth 3mmx3mmafinish size
1205 cement
Providing mortar 1:4 finished
12mm thick plaster to in as
smooth per
walls, SQM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 126.96 126.96 307.88 0 307.878 307.88
drains/culverts all withcomplete.(BHEL
aonpaste of neat willcement supply 46.56
1206 Providing drip course plastered surface @ at RM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 46.56 112.91 0 112.908 112.91
1207 1kg/sqm
all elevations
Forming and for
groove rubbedall
of typesmooth
uniformof work with
from etc. all
as chajjas,
12X12 RM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 35.27 35.27 85.53 0 85.52975 85.53
mm uptoprojections
25X15 will
mm supply
etc. Cement free
in plastered of Cost
scafolding, 421.81
1208 Providing and laying encasement tosurface
box type as SQM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 421.81 1022.89 0 1022.88925 1022.89
beams etc. at complte
pattern, with
using alllath
wooden tools and
battens 0.00
1300 FINISHES TO all levels
CONCRETE with / plaster
PLASTERED 50 mm 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0 0 0
SURFACES: to thickness
the Finishes,
under with layer, including
painting removal
plaster of
(1:4) 27.08 26267.6
1301 Two or more coats of white wash/to concrete,
colour wash SQM 970.0000 0 0.000 0.000 27.08 26267.6 0 0 0
as perchicken wire mesh
IS surfaces
627 including
including allall labour,
labour, 79.41
1304 Two or more coats of acrylic approved distemper brand ofand SQM 5199.6850 2642.4128 2557.272 5199.685 79.41 412906.99 209834.000448 203072.96952 412906.99
material brand
manufacture (unless otherwise specified an in
1305 Providing andto
approved give manufacture
applying antwoevenorshade more toincluding
give of
coats a SQM 242.5000 0 0.000 0.000 117.65 117.65 28530.13 0 0 0 28530.13
acrylic shade coatincluding
emulsion as perpaint specifications.
a priming
astwoper or IScoat
5411 withof 0 97.000 97.000 119.07 119.07 11549.79 0 11549.79 11549.79
A1305 Providing and applying more coats of SQM 97.0000
low primershade
VOC (volatile complete.
organic and manufacture to of
give 337.30
1306 Providing and applying 2 compound)
or more coats acrylic SQM 145.5000 0 145.500 145.500 337.30 49077.15 0 49077.15 49077.15
smooth, hard,
acid/alkali paint durable
resistantas &ISglossy
perpaint 5411 finish
of of overbrand
of approved a coat 0 2.425 2.425 260.55 260.55 631.83 0 631.83375 631.83
1307 Providing and applying two coats Epoxy SQM 2.4250
and shade
colour and
floors, manufacture
walls and to give smooth,
1309 coating
Two orwith suitable pigments
coats of ceiling
fire including
approved resistant SQM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 290.75 290.75 705.07 0 705.06875 705.07
transparent perof
asmore surface to receive
paint and
litredirectionpaint, of 62.07
1311 Two coats (@3.5of synthetic per sqm per
enamel paint coat)
of SQM 970.0000 0 970.000 970.000 62.07 60207.9 0 60207.9 60207.9
as per IS 162
approved The
make epoxy
on all
made paint
from shall be
synthetic a two
french pack
resins polish
and 0 48.500 48.500 92.68 92.68 4494.98 0 4494.98 4494.98
A1312 Providing and applying 3 coats of water proof SQM 48.5000
as per oil
drying ISpaint
348 of
with or flat titanium
rutile oil paint asandpercolorIS 137 of
A1316 cement
Providing and applyingapproved mmdioxide
2 make thick and
Acrylic other
on SQM 5199.6850 2642.4128 2557.272 5199.685 85.62 85.62 445197.03 226243.383936 218953.62864 445197.03
exterior pigments
surface to heights
at coats
all give smooth, hard, durable
1317 wall putty
Providing in two
and applying mmincluding
2over cement
thick white material,
plastred SQM 48.5000 0 48.500 48.500 106.08 106.08 5144.88 0 5144.88 5144.88
cement scaffolding,
punning curing
walls etc including
of surface, primer 195.62
A1319 Providing and applying twoincluding
or more preparation
coats of SQM 4311.6500 1898.054 2413.596 4311.650 195.62 843444.97 371297.32348 472147.64952 843444.97
of etc.Acrylic
to achieve a smooth even surface all
1320 Providing and applying acid alkali and oileven
Premium staging, etc
Smooth to achieve
Paint a smooth
with Silicone SQM 4.8500 0 4.850 4.850 360.86 360.86 1750.17 0 1750.171 1750.17
resistant allhigh
weather as
coat per
of Tile
approved and as 2117.51
1322 Providing & build,fixing solvent GRCfree, self of size SQM 4.8500 0 4.850 4.850 2117.51 10269.92 0 10269.9235 10269.92
smoothing, and manufacture
250mmx75mmx15mm seamless epoxy and required
conforming amine shade
to cured
IS:1237 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
1400 FLOORING AND SKIRTING: Flooring and 0.0000
floor finishat150
in approved microns
design, over primerbase onthickness,
1401 skirting
Providing andall laying level 50size,
mm texture,
including thick heavy duty SQM 15558.8000 134.6865 15424.114 15558.801 475.41 475.41 7396809.11 64031.308965 7332778.03674 7396809.58 0.46999999974
pattern concrete
labour, and colorin on wall cladding upto all
A1401 Providingmaterial
cement and laying (unless
50 mm otherwise
thick heavy specified
metallic duty SQM 4.8500 0 4.850 4.850 461.31 461.31 2237.35 0 2237.3535 2237.35
hardener pigmented
concrete inspecification),
flooring 12mm
without equipments,
metallic 0 4.850 4.850 665.58 665.58 3228.06 0 3228.063 3228.06
B1401 Providing and laying 70 mm thick heavy duty SQM 4.8500
cement graded
concrete treated iron
in flooring particles
with metallic in flooring.
thick duty 0 4.850 4.850 637.37 637.37 3091.24 0 3091.2445 3091.24
C1401 Providing and laying 70 mm thick heavy SQM 4.8500
uniform concrete
cement graded
pigmented treated iron particles
in flooring 12mm
without inmetallic
thickflooring. 0 9.700 9.700 406.42 406.42 3942.27 0 3942.274 3942.27
1402 Providing and laying 25 mm thick heavy duty SQM 9.7000
cement concretegraded
pigmented treated iron particles
1:1.5:3 12mm
(1 cement: in flooring.
thick 1.5 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
1403 Providing and laying polished heavy 0.0000
sand in
duty graded
stone concretetreated
aggregates iron
tiles particles
) flooring
(Carborundum in flooring.
with metallic 0 4.850 4.850 1155.39 1155.39 5603.64 0 5603.6415 5603.64
a Laid SQM 4.8500
topping pigmented
pigment contenttoppingis 3.5ofkg 10per mm50thick Kg of 0 4.850 4.850 1491.14 1491.14 7232.03 0 7232.029 7232.03
b Laid in skirting SQM 4.8500
Cement) of size 300X300X25 thick of approved 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
A1404 Providing and laying interlocking M35 Grade 0.0000
Ab concrete
80mm blocks in paving with approved colour SQM 4.8500 0 4.850 4.850 1172.48 1172.48 5686.53 0 5686.528 5686.53
1406 and pattern
Providing and and should
laying be laid
polished Kotaon stone
the subbase18mm SQM 291.0000 0 291.000 291.000 1458.70 1458.70 424481.7 0 424481.7 424481.7
to bedding thkofFlooring
insand minimum
flooring. 50mm bedthick shallas 2516.75
1410 Marble stone laid Underin 50mm overall SQM 4.8500 0 4.850 4.850 2516.75 12206.24 0 12206.2375 12206.24
1412 average
Providing and with thk18-20mm
laying of18-20mm
1 cement thick : 2 sand
thick marble : 4 stone
polished slabs SQM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 3485.92 3485.92 8453.36 0 8453.356 8453.36
(grade -1)
Granite stone by volume
with ofminium
approved and
30mm brought
color thick
and to proper
texture inof 0 2.425 2.425 3500.03 3500.03 8487.57 0 8487.57275 8487.57
A1412 Providing and laying 18-20mm thick polished SQM 2.4250
1 cementwith
Granite : 2 sand
stone brass/ : 4stainless
of approved stone aggregate
steel by
strips. volume
Under 3168.50
1413 Providing and laying 14color and
to16mm texture in
thick SQM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 3168.50 7683.61 0 7683.6125 7683.61
bed shallwith
polished average
brass/ 30 mm thick
stainless of cement
steel strips. sand
Under 3182.61
A1413 Providing Granite and stone
laying of14approvedto16mm color and
thick SQM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 3182.61 7717.83 0 7717.82925 7717.83
texture shallinGranite
flooring 50 mm thickstainless
of 1 : steel 4 (1
1414 polished
Providing and laying with polished brass/
of approved
Granite color stoneand SQM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 3498.62 3498.62 8484.15 0 8484.1535 8484.15
texture Under
18-20mm inandthk bed
flooring shall
in skirting average
and dado 35mm
withtiles thk steel
6mm of 1 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
1416 Providing laying vitrified ceramic of 0.0000
polished Undervariety bed fromshall
of size average
600x600 55from
plaster mm thk of 1
reputed 0 2.425 2.425 1193.48 1193.48 2894.19 0 2894.189 2894.19
b 10mm thick tiles In flooring SQM 2.4250
c /12
mm thickmanufacturer,
approved cement mortar beddingincluding
thick tiles In skirtingcomplete and dado upto
of 1:3 (1
SQM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 1170.91 1170.91 2839.46 0 2839.45675 2839.46
specific height of cement mortar 1:3 minimum 40mm 0 2.425 2.425 1753.54 1753.54 4252.33 0 4252.3345 4252.33
A1416 Providing and laying heavy duty vitrified SQM 2.4250
C1416 antiskid tiles
Providing and 18-20layingmm thick ceramic
vitrified of size 600x600 tiles of 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
a in
polished thick from
tiles In reputed
offlooring / approved
size 800x800 from reputed SQM 48.5000 0 48.500 48.500 1207.59 1207.59 58568.12 0 58568.115 58568.12
b /johnson,varmora,qutone
10mm thick approved
or equivalent
tiles In skirting and manufacturer
dado upto SQM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 1185.02 1185.02 2873.67 0 2873.6735 2873.67
specific height or equivalent, complete 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
1417 Providing and laying vitrified ceramic tiles of 0.0000
b matt
10mmfinishthick of tilessize In 600x600mm
flooring from reputed / SQM 135.8000 0 135.800 135.800 1224.51 1224.51 166288.46 0 166288.458 166288.46
c approved
7mm thick manufacturercomplete
tiles In skirting and dado includingupto SQM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 1011.49 1011.49 2452.86 0 2452.86325 2452.86
specific height of cement mortar 1:3 minimum 20mm
Page 27 of 136
Total Total Resion for
BOQ Quantity as Quantity Quantity Quantity Rate as Amount as Amount Amount Amount Difference deviation
Rate as
ITEM Description of item Unit per as Further anticipated Per Per as Further anticipated with
executed authority, if
NO. Agreement executed anticipated on agreement agreement executed anticipated on Excess Savings
Completion Completion any
A1417 Providing and laying vitrified ceramic tiles of 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
b matt
10mmfinishthick of size
tiles In 800x800mm
flooring from reputed / SQM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 1238.62 1238.62 3003.65 0 3003.6535 3003.65
c approved
10mm thick manufacturer
tiles In skirting including andunderbed
dado upto of SQM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 1025.60 1025.60 2487.08 0 2487.08 2487.08
cement mortar 1:3 with neat cement slurry etc.
specific height 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
1418 Providing and laying 10 mm thk non-skid fully 0.0000
b vitrified
600X600 mm tiles of make 'MARBONITE' or SQM 145.5000 0 145.500 145.500 1753.54 1753.54 255140.07 0 255140.07 255140.07
Providing and laying of BOSSgraniteProfilestone slab limited'
of or SQM 12.1250 0 12.125 12.125 4377.51 4377.51 53077.31 0 53077.30875 53077.31
20mm in flooring
thickness single and
for wash overbasin 30 mm / 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
1420 Providing and laying Heavy Duty dust pressed 0.0000
a sink slab /facia
300X300 Tiles
mm of of black
7mm or approved
thick of reputed colour SQM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 768.85 768.85 1864.46 0 1864.46125 1864.46
manufacturer 20mm of underbed
approved of cement mortar
and 1:3
A1420 Providing and laying Heavyfinish Dutyshade dust pressed 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
colour including
Ceramic Tiles of43mm
7mm underbed
thick of of cement
reputed 0 12.125 12.125 768.85 768.85 9322.31 0 9322.30625 9322.31
a 300X300 mm SQM 12.1250
b manufacturer
600X600 mm of approved finish shade and SQM 7.2750 0 7.275 7.275 782.96 782.96 5696.03 0 5696.034 5696.03
colour including 43mm underbed of cement
A1421 Providing and laying Heavy Duty dust pressed (grade-5) SQM Ceramic
2.4250 0
Tiles (Matt Finish) 2.425 2.425 size) and
of size 300x300mm(approved 7mm thick of1117.30
1117.30 2709.45manufacturer
reputed / approved 0 (Kajaria,jhonson,varmora,quotone
2709.4525 2709.45 or equivalent) of approved finish, shade and colour. The tiles s
1422 Providing & fixing Acid / Alkali resistant 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
a (Chemical
20mm thickresistant) tiles confirming to SQM 24.2500 0 24.250 24.250 3390.00 3390.00 82207.5 0 82207.5 82207.5
b IS:4457
38mm thick in flooring/Dado and shall be laid over SQM 48.5000 0 48.500 48.500 5050.43 5050.43 244945.86 0 244945.855 244945.86
bitumastic lining of min 12mm thick ( to be laid 0 48.500 48.500 3483.10 3483.10 168930.35 0 168930.35 168930.35
1424 Providing & fixing chemical resistant (AR) SQM 48.5000
A1427 (Acid
Providing/ Alkali)
and fixingbricksdesigner
(75mmceramic thick) conformingtiles of 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
a to
5mm IS:4860
approvedthickcolor in and
the design
floor of neutralization
of size 200x300mmpit. / SQM 2.9100 0 2.910 2.910 1124.07 1124.07 3271.04 0 3271.0437 3271.04
300x600mm on which lining to be applied shall be
b 7mm thick in dado of approved size of reputed SQM 2.9100 0 2.910 2.910 1222.25 1222.25 3556.75 0 3556.7475 3556.75
/ approved manufacturer 0 2.910 2.910 338.57 338.57 985.24 0 985.2387 985.24
A1428 Providing and laying 2mm thick antistatic PVC SQM 2.9100
A1429 flooring
Providing/and skirting of approved
fixing Removable typeshade,as
flooring per SQM 2.9100 0 2.910 2.910 3840.02 3840.02 11174.46 0 11174.4582 11174.46
1430 IS:3462
Providing and
system (raised and laying
fixing asdividing
strips all incomplete.
of of fireof
joints 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
a resistant
Glass instrips
40 mm wide panels
at various ofelevations,
and minimum 600 x 600x 6 mm35 RM 24.2500 0 24.250 24.250 49.38 49.38 1197.47 0 1197.465 1197.47
mm and Laminated
finishing, allstrips
labour, with 1.2 mm thick fire as
b thick.
Aluminium 40material
mm wide etc.
and complete
minimum 3 RM 24.2500 0 24.250 24.250 117.08 117.08 2839.19 0 2839.19 2839.19
thick and specification and instructions of 0 2.910 2.910 2635.25 2635.25 7668.58 0 7668.5775 7668.58
A1431 Providing fixing 15mm thick wooden SQM 2.9100
1432 panel
Providing flooring
and fixing Glass and mossaic skirting tiles atof SQM 2.9100 0 2.910 2.910 4887.91 4887.91 14223.82 0 14223.8181 14223.82
1600 pergo,greenlam
FALSE plain wall surface
CEILING: or equivalent
False of size 24
ceiling mmas
including x 24per all 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
mm x 3.8material
mm of inapproved
colour, color,shade multi-
aa labour,
12.5mm thick GRG boarddesign otherwise
confirming , fixing to in
IS: SQM 24.2500 0 24.250 24.250 754.74 754.74 18302.45 0 18302.445 18302.45
2095 BOQ/contract
with design
galvanised asspecification),
gauge of Engineer-
steel equipment,
load 0 24.250 24.250 1131.41 1131.41 27436.69 0 27436.6925 27436.69
b 12 mm thick GRG board in profile SQM 24.2500
supporting handling, suspension system
A1602 (dome
Providing, fixing andGIlaying
profiled frame (minimum
with galvanised
weight 0.8mm
mineral SQM 13.5800 0 13.580 13.580 1254.14 1254.14 17031.22 0 17031.2212 17031.22
thk and
fiber tilegrid
gauge false size
steel of 600x1200mm.)
ceiling bearing supporting and finished
GIcolour 3037.31
1604 Providing, fixing andof minimum
laying thickness
permanently 15 SQM 97.0000 0 97.000 97.000 3037.31 294619.07 0 294619.07 294619.07
coatedandand finished
aluminium smooth
surface (seamless).
ceilingCeiling of approved with 0 24.250 24.250 1923.13 1923.13 46635.9 0 46635.9025 46635.9
A1604 Providing and fixing Metal False System SQM 24.2500
of ofwith
600x600 perforation
mmstove as 4(of
module mmfinsih
and humid of approved 1742.26
A1607 Providing and Fixing 12mmArmstrong/
thick Gypsum Hunter SQM 13.5800 0 13.580 13.580 1742.26 23659.89 0 23659.8908 23659.89
board in Durlam
plain/ LINEARmake) andfibre SQUARE
which includes type with 1580.02
B1607 Providing and mineral
Fixing 12mm based
thick acoustic
Calcium SQM 13.5800 0 13.580 13.580 1580.02 21456.67 0 21456.6716 21456.67
silicate board andin
board fixing
ofplan GI
HILUX or Clip,
or `C' wall
equivalent withangle in of size
plan 0 4.850 4.850 1594.13 1594.13 7731.53 0 7731.5305 7731.53
1608 Providing & fixing 12.5 mm thick glass fibre SQM 4.8500
or elevation
reinforced grid,
gypsum metal suspension
plastic grid,
board system,
plan curve or 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
1700 RAIN WATER DOWN TAKE PIPES: Rain water 0.0000
in elevation
down take system,withanchor all fastener
at aluminium adjustable
grid, metal 1561.68
1704 Providing andpipesfixing galvanised levelMSincludingdown take all RM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 1561.68 3787.07 0 3787.074 3787.07
labour, ofmaterial system, anchorotherwise
(unless fastener adjustable
1707 pipes
Providing 150
andmm fixingdia-
GI Medium
down take pipesspecified
quality as per 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
conforming BOQ/contract /IS:3589 ofspecification),
all complete. 1941.17
b 150 mm Diato IS:1239 medium duty RM 242.5000 217.65 24.850 242.500 1941.17 470733.73 422495.6505 48238.0745 470733.73
1710 all complete
Providing and forfixing
galvaniseddiameters.ERW steel down 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
c take
273mm pipesODofand medium
4mm thickduty as per specification of RM 1204.7400 0 1204.740 1204.740 3494.38 3494.38 4209819.36 0 4209819.3612 4209819.36
1711 following
Providing diameters.
and making Khurras 45 x45 cm with EACH 19.4000 0 19.400 19.400 1127.98 1127.98 21882.81 0 21882.812 21882.81
1800 average thickness of 3cmMiscellaneous
MISCELLANEOUS: cement concreteworks 1:2:4 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
1801 ( 1 cement:and
Providing 2all
Filling sand:
labour, 4 graded
in trenches, material stone(unless
plinths, area CUM 3344.5600 0 3344.560 3344.560 1958.10 1958.10 6548982.94 0 6548982.936 6548982.94
paving andandofother
20mm nominal in
underground size) over
structures PVCwith
BOQ/contract sheet 1013.1278125 0.000 1013.128 2133.45 2133.45 517361.63 2161457.53158 0 2161457.93 1644096.3
A1801 Providing Filling in trenches, plinths, area CUM 242.5000
paving and stone other equipment
aggregate of size etc.
underground range at63all
structures mm level
withto 0 242.500 242.500 2133.45 2133.45 517361.63 0 517361.625 517361.63
B1801 Providing and Filling in trenches, plinths, area CUM 242.5000
45 mmand
paving in layers
stone other not
aggregate exceeding
of size
underground 200
range mm
structures 63 mm inwithto 0 48.500 48.500 2640.89 2640.89 128083.17 0 128083.165 128083.17
1802 Supply laying approved quality Stone CUM 48.5000
45 mm in
aggregate stonelayers
40mm notsize
aggregate exceeding
of size
in 275 mm
transformer 63 mm yards. to 0 24.250 24.250 2278.33 2278.33 55249.5 0 55249.5025 55249.5
1803 Supply and laying approved quality rounded CUM 24.2500
45 mm in/layers
pebbles gravels notofexceeding
40mm size200 inmm transformer EACH 0 2425.000 2425.000 187.62 187.62 454978.5 0 454978.5 454978.5
1804 Providing and fixing weep holes Retaining 2425.0000
1807 yards.
wall, drains,
Anti termiteetcchemicalconsisting of 100 mm
treatment of dia soilHDPEwith SQM 242.5000 0 242.500 242.500 167.87 167.87 40708.48 0 40708.475 40708.48
1808 pipe sleeves
Laying of earthing with single
mats/rods side
E.C. covering
including forrisers,
with the1% MT 0.4850 0 0.485 0.485 8869.29 8869.29 4301.61 0 4301.60565 4301.61
pipe mouth with
concentration galvanised towelded wire fabric
1809 Construction ofconforming
transportation from
below yardground IS:8944
stores, loading,
earthing andsystemas per each 0.9700 0 0.970 0.970 9941.46 9941.46 9643.22 0 9643.2162 9643.22
IS 6313
pits all
test complete.
per (Plinth
to length, area of
welding, building at
protective 7657.47
1810 Construction of drawing
below / sketches
ground earthingincluding system NO 0.9700 0 0.970 0.970 7657.47 7427.75 0 7427.7459 7427.75
test joints etc. all complete.
per drawing/ (Excavation
sketches providing&
& fixing GI strip
concreting, etc as per drawing
reinforcement, formwork,andproviding
& fixing GI strip etc as per drawing & Page 28 of 136
Total Total Resion for
BOQ Quantity as Quantity Quantity Quantity Rate as Amount as Amount Amount Amount Difference deviation
Rate as
ITEM Description of item Unit per as Further anticipated Per Per as Further anticipated with
executed authority, if
NO. Agreement executed anticipated on agreement agreement executed anticipated on Excess Savings
Completion Completion any
1815 Providing and fixing GI rungs in Kg 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 91.69 91.69 222.35 0 222.34825 222.35
1823 concrete/brick
Providing and laying walls havingfilling
cinder zinc coating
in the of CUM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 2079.42 2079.42 5042.59 0 5042.5935 5042.59
1828 minimum
Providing and 900 placing
completeetc. all
approved directed
quality byof 250 SQM 1.9400 0 1.940 1.940 49.38 49.38 95.8 0 95.7972 95.8
1829 engineer
micron thick
Providing inand
placing duty low density size and
300mmx300mm SQM 1.9400 0 1.940 1.940 1447.40 1447.40 2807.96 0 2807.956 2807.96
1833 polyethylene
75mm thickstacking
Supplying, liner (LDPE)
precast concrete
and films
laying manufactured
150 of
mm grade
thickM-20 CUM 4.8500 0 4.850 4.850 2127.38 2127.38 10317.79 0 10317.793 10317.79
over 50
sand polyethylene
filtermm of&thick
approved resin over cement
quality mortar
behind sand onmesh
retaining 95.353 0.000 95.353 339.74 339.74 2471.61 32395.22822 0 32395.23 29923.62
A1837 Providing fixing G.I chicken wire SQM 7.2750
12.5mm liner at the bed
screening, of reservoir
washing and on side
(wherever 0.00
miscellaneous Fencing applications
and gates 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0 0 0
including watering, all erectingcompaction,
labour, materialdressing, 1965.15
2001 Supplying and in position 2.4 (unless
m high RM 180.4200 0 180.420 180.420 1965.15 354552.36 0 354552.363 354552.36
A2003 otherwise
PVC coated
Supplying specified
erecting inchain in linked
position BOQ/contract
2.4 fencing
m high of RM 12.1250 0 12.125 12.125 2127.38 2127.38 25794.48 0 25794.4825 25794.48
minimum equipment
8 gavanised
gauge chainetc at all level)ofas
2006 PVC coated
Supplying and fixing(including
600mm PVC
high coating
concertina of RM 12.1250 0 12.125 12.125 320.23 320.23 3882.79 0 3882.78875 3882.79
on topsize
minimum 75mm
8 gaugexand 75mm.
(including The diameter ofofthe
2008 Supply, offabrication
boundary wall including
fixing ofPVCmild coating
GI steel )posts
tension MT 0.4850 0 0.485 0.485 92242.39 92242.39 44737.56 0 44737.55915 44737.56
for size
fencing 75mmanchors,
including x 75mm. Theetc
painting diameter
etc. all of the 101570.18
2010 Supply, fabrication and installing inallposition
complete. and MT 0.9700 0 0.970 0.970 101570.18 98523.07 0 98523.0746 98523.07
testing MSConcertinal
Gates out of shall be fromjoists,
channels, tensile angles, 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
2100 WATER SUPPLY: Water supply work 0.0000
A2101 flats, plates,
Providing and pipes,
men, fixing welded
material steel
in position wire
(unless heavy &
otherwise NOS 4.8500 0 4.850 4.850 1005.85 1005.85 4878.37 0 4878.3725 4878.37
duty type including stiffners,
in fixing
chromium BOQ/contract bracings, fabricated
specification), 785.78
2102 Providing and inplated
position (CP)heavy brass dutylong NOS 5.8200 0 5.820 5.820 785.78 4573.24 0 4573.2396 4573.24
neck bib
brass stop cocks
cock etc.
with at rate
of approved all quality
less than as
5 LPMper
including 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
2103 Providing and fixing in position heavy duty 0.0000
brass per minute)
full etc
way all
valveat 45
15mm of sockets,
approved 0 12.125 12.125 536.08 536.08 6499.97 0 6499.97 6499.97
a 25mm nominal bore. NOS 12.1250
quality including all specials etc all complete for 0 12.125 12.125 949.42 949.42 11511.72 0 11511.7175 11511.72
b 50mm nominal bore. NOS 12.1250
following sizes: 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
2104 Providing and fixing GI pipes class B medium 0.0000
a class
15 mm conforming
nominal bore. to IS:1239 pipes shall be RM 48.5000 0 48.500 48.500 366.78 366.78 17788.83 0 17788.83 17788.83
b concealed
20 mm nominal and painted
bore. with anticorrsive paint, RM 48.5000 0 48.500 48.500 410.52 410.52 19910.22 0 19910.22 19910.22
complete for internal works with GI sockets, 0 72.750 72.750 481.06 481.06 34997.12 0 34997.115 34997.12
c 25 mm nominal bore. RM 72.7500
d 50 mm nominal bore. RM 97.0000 0 97.000 97.000 699.71 699.71 67871.87 0 67871.87 67871.87
e 40 mm nominal bore. RM 24.2500 0 24.250 24.250 559.78 559.78 13574.67 0 13574.665 13574.67
2105 Providing and fixing GI pipes class B complete 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
a for
15 mmexternal
nominal work bore.with GI sockets, unions, RM 24.2500 0 24.250 24.250 283.55 283.55 6876.09 0 6876.0875 6876.09
b elbows,
20 tees, nipples
mm nominal bore. etc including trenching & RM 36.3750 0 36.375 36.375 328.69 328.69 11956.1 0 11956.09875 11956.1
refilling, anti-corrosive paint etc all complete for 0 36.375 36.375 397.83 397.83 14471.07 0 14471.06625 14471.07
c 25 mm nominal bore. RM 36.3750
d 50 mm nominal bore. RM 48.5000 0 48.500 48.500 616.49 616.49 29899.77 0 29899.765 29899.77
2106 Providing and fixing 610mmx453mmx6mm NOS 5.8200 0 5.820 5.820 1247.09 1247.09 7258.06 0 7258.0638 7258.06
A2106 thk mirror
Providing andfrom reputed
fixing mirror manufacturer.
600mmx900mmx6mm NOS 5.8200 0 5.820 5.820 1201.04 1201.04 6990.05 0 6990.0528 6990.05
A2108 Mirror
thk mirror
Providing shall and be fixing
from mounted
reputed20 withmirror
mm glass
diameter adjustable
manufacturer, NOS 7.7600 0 7.760 7.760 1253.40 1253.40 9726.38 0 9726.384 9726.38
edge mounted CP brackets with CP screws etc all
2111 stainless
Providing and with
steel towel
fixing teak beading
stainless (600mm andX
steel /minimum
C.P. NOS 7.7600 0 7.760 7.760 434.50 434.50 3371.72 0 3371.72 3371.72
with C.P. thick plywood
mounting backing. all Mirror shall be
2112 liquid
Providing soap fixingbrackets
anddispenser. glazed Dispenser complete.
vitreous shall
wallbe NOS 7.7600 0 7.760 7.760 421.81 421.81 3273.25 0 3273.2456 3273.25
2113 round
Providing andpapereasily
and revolving
fixing with
chromium with removable
plated cover
brasscum NOS 7.7600 0 7.760 7.760 76.17 76.17 591.08 0 591.0792 591.08
cutter fittednozzle and mounted 15on C.P. brackets
A2114 shower
Providing rose &with
100mm CP screws
fixing dia
in with etc.
position sllorPolyethylene
20 mm inlet 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
a dia all
500 complete.
capacity tank, ISI: 12701 of approved NOS 0.9700 0 0.970 0.970 4394.44 4394.44 4262.61 0 4262.6068 4262.61
b make
1000 litresincluding
capacity making all necessary inlet & NOS 2.9100 0 2.910 2.910 8788.88 8788.88 25575.64 0 25575.6408 25575.64
outlet pipes, fixture, ball cocks, valves etc. all 0 2.910 2.910 17577.76 17577.76 51151.28 0 51151.2816 51151.28
c 2000 litres capacity NOS 2.9100
d 5000 litres capacity NOS 0.9700 0 0.970 0.970 43944.43 43944.43 42626.1 0 42626.0971 42626.1
2200 SANITARY: Sanitary work including all 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
2201 labour,
Supply and material (unless
fixing glazed otherwise
vitreous chinaspecified
Wash 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
a in
of approved make specification),
conforming to equipment
IS:2556 EACH 5.8200 0 5.820 5.820 11830.43 11830.43 68853.1 0 68853.1026 68853.1
etc. at
part 4 ofandall level
oval shapeas per specification,
with R.S.glazedor C.I. vitreous drawings
brackets 0 5.820 5.820 11816.32 11816.32 68770.98 0 68770.9824 68770.98
A2201 Supply fixing coloured EACH 5.8200
oval shape white,china15mm wash chromium plated brass
basin 450x550mm 0 2.910 2.910 7991.82 7991.82 23256.2 0 23256.1962 23256.2
2202 Providing and fixing approved vitreous EACH 2.9100
2203 conforming
china laboratory
Providing andto fixing
IS: 2556sink mounted
of sizesteel
stainless over 18 mm thk
kitchen EACH 2.9100 0 2.910 2.910 7183.47 7183.47 20903.9 0 20903.8977 20903.9
sink of sizebeveled edge
610x510x200mm counterconforming
conforming tocounter.The
IS:2556 (part-
to IS: 0 2.910 2.910 6152.21 6152.21 17902.93 0 17902.9311 17902.93
A2204 Providing and fixing wall mounted coloured EACH 2.9100
5) withvitreous
glazed R.S. or C.I.
including brackets,
all fittings chromium
etc. allflushing plated
complete. 7055.09
A2205 Providing and water fixing closet with
white/coloured valve
glazed EACH 2.9100 0 2.910 2.910 7055.09 20530.31 0 20530.3119 20530.31
A2206 system,water
Providing china andfaucet Orissa
fixing ,Toilet paper(580x440mm)
white/coloured holder, open
water EACH 2.9100 0 2.910 2.910 16080.97 16080.97 46795.62 0 46795.6227 46795.62
water solid
efficient closet plastic
flat black seat
conforming andto
glazed plastic
vitreous part
china 3 with 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
2207 Supply, laying and jointing UPVC pipes of class 0.0000
3 asfittings
perdia of including
IS:4985 includingfoot bends,
440x265x355mm rests, low with level
branches photo 12.5
and 0 24.250 24.250 517.73 517.73 12554.95 0 12554.9525 12554.95
a 75mm pipes RM 24.2500
all other control
necessary flushing system
fittings, M.S asholder
per IS: 0 24.250 24.250 682.79 682.79 16557.66 0 16557.6575 16557.66
b 110mm dia pipes RM 24.2500
bats/clamps, cutting and making good the walls 0 48.500 48.500 1096.14 1096.14 53162.79 0 53162.79 53162.79
c 160mm dia pipes RM 48.5000
Page 29 of 136
Total Total Resion for
BOQ Quantity as Quantity Quantity Quantity Rate as Amount as Amount Amount Amount Difference deviation
Rate as
ITEM Description of item Unit per as Further anticipated Per Per as Further anticipated with
executed authority, if
NO. Agreement executed anticipated on agreement agreement executed anticipated on Excess Savings
Completion Completion any
d 200mm dia pipes RM 48.5000 0 48.500 48.500 1516.54 1516.54 73552.19 0 73552.19 73552.19
2208 Providing, laying light duty non pressure 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
a NP3
150mm class
diaRCC pipes with collars jointed with RM 388.0000 0 388.000 388.000 752.20 752.20 291853.6 0 291853.6 291853.6
a stiff
dia of cement mortar 1:2 including RM 24.2500 0 24.250 24.250 970.58 970.58 23536.57 0 23536.565 23536.57
testing of joints etc all complete for following. 0 19.400 19.400 1413.55 1413.55 27422.87 0 27422.87 27422.87
b 300mm dia RM 19.4000
c 450mm dia RM 14.5500 0 14.550 14.550 2193.69 2193.69 31918.19 0 31918.1895 31918.19
d 600mm dia RM 24.2500 12.5 11.750 24.250 2870.84 2870.84 69617.87 35885.5 33732.37 69617.87
e 900mm dia RM 24.2500 0 24.250 24.250 4922.05 4922.05 119359.71 0 119359.7125 119359.71
2209 Providing, laying light duty non pressure NP2 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
a class
150mm RCCdiapipes with collars jointed with stiff RM 7.2750 0 7.275 7.275 431.68 431.68 3140.47 0 3140.472 3140.47
c mixture
300mm of diacement mortar 1:2 including testing RM 7.2750 0 7.275 7.275 569.93 569.93 4146.24 0 4146.24075 4146.24
of joints etc complete for following. 0 7.275 7.275 624.95 624.95 4546.51 0 4546.51125 4546.51
d 450mm dia RM 7.2750
2211 Providing and fixing C.I Manhole heavy duty EACH 4.8500 0 4.850 4.850 7414.82 7414.82 35961.88 0 35961.877 35961.88
2212 cover
Providingof size
fixing circular heavyincluding
duty C.I.frame EACH 4.8500 0 4.850 4.850 6368.06 6368.06 30885.09 0 30885.091 30885.09
2213 from
Providing andmanufacture
cover of 600
fixing mmetc.
square diaall
mouth complete.
with frame
S.W etc.
Gully 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
a all complete.
trap grade 'A'
100x100mm P complete
or S Type.with CI grating, brick EACH 9.7000 0 9.700 9.700 1355.71 1355.71 13150.39 0 13150.387 13150.39
b masonry
150x100mm chamber(Clay
P or S Type. Brickwork in 1:6 mortar, EACH 9.7000 0 9.700 9.700 1431.89 1431.89 13889.33 0 13889.333 13889.33
12mm plaster in 1:6 mortar & 1:2:4 Cement 0 9.700 9.700 1571.56 1571.56 15244.13 0 15244.132 15244.13
c 150x150mm P or S Type. EACH 9.7000
A2214 Providing and fixing SS floor traps size 100 EACH 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 1630.81 1630.81 3954.71 0 3954.71425 3954.71
2216 mm Inlet and
Providing and 100 mm Outlet
installing approvedall complete as
brand single EACH 1.0000 0 1.000 1.000 42489.96 42489.96 42489.96 0 42489.96 42489.96
2217 per
tap specification.
Providing cooler of 80 approved
installing L coolingbrand
capacity all
single EACH 0.9700 0 0.970 0.970 76023.16 76023.16 73742.47 0 73742.4652 73742.47
2218 complete.
tap waterand
Providing cooler ofwhite
fixing 150 Lviterous
capacity all EACH 9.7000 0 9.700 9.700 2561.89 2561.89 24850.33 0 24850.333 24850.33
2219 complete. and
Providing of size
eye and face drinkingall EACH 0.9700 0 0.970 0.970 4558.08 4558.08 4421.34 0 4421.3376 4421.34
2220 complete.
Providingfountain (combined
and fixing unit cast
heavy duty withiron
pipes 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
a conforming
for above
75mm diaand to below
pipesIS: 10592) all complete
ground as perwith
sanitory works RM 14.5500 0 14.550 14.550 1364.17 1364.17 19848.67 0 19848.6735 19848.67
water tight
b 100mm dia lead
pipesjoint, fixing clamps, excavation, RM 9.7000 0 9.700 9.700 1800.09 1800.09 17460.87 0 17460.873 17460.87
filling, disposal etc. all complete for the 0 7.275 7.275 2141.49 2141.49 15579.34 0 15579.33975 15579.34
c 150mm dia pipes RM 7.2750
d 200mm dia pipes RM 7.2750 0 7.275 7.275 2935.73 2935.73 21357.44 0 21357.43575 21357.44
e 250mm dia pipes RM 7.2750 0 7.275 7.275 4175.78 4175.78 30378.8 0 30378.7995 30378.8
2221 Providing, laying spun CI pipes with 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
a conforming
75mm dia to IS 1536 complete for following. RM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 1512.30 1512.30 3667.33 0 3667.3275 3667.33
b (Excavation,backfilling,concrete
100mm dia to be paid RM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 1850.88 1850.88 4488.38 0 4488.384 4488.38
seperately) 0 2.425 2.425 2721.30 2721.30 6599.15 0 6599.1525 6599.15
c 150mm dia RM 2.4250
d 200mm dia RM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 3855.53 3855.53 9349.66 0 9349.66025 9349.66
A2221 Providing, laying and jointing glazed stoneware 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
a pipes
150mmclass SP-1 with stiffmixture of cement
dia pipes RM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 411.82 411.82 998.66 0 998.6635 998.66
b mortar in
200mm the
dia proportion of 1:1 (1 cement : 1 fine
pipes RM 2.4250 0 2.425 2.425 533.08 533.08 1292.72 0 1292.719 1292.72
sand) including testing of joints etc. complete : 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
2222 Providing and fixing HDPE pipes in concrete/ 0.0000
a brick
Upto 75 work
mm diaof following sizes including cutting, RM 1.4550 0 1.455 1.455 328.69 328.69 478.24 0 478.24395 478.24
b fixing
100 mmanddia
levelling in position etc. all complete. RM 1.4550 0 1.455 1.455 431.68 431.68 628.09 0 628.0944 628.09
2223 Providing and fixing suitable water meter NOS. 0.9700 0 0.970 0.970 7821.12 7821.12 7586.49 0 7586.4864 7586.49
2224 (Maximum
Providing and Working Pressurewater
fixing suitable 16 bar; Maximum
meter NOS. 0.9700 0 0.970 0.970 15642.24 15642.24 15172.97 0 15172.9728 15172.97
2400 Liquid
ROAD Temperature
WORKS:Working 60°C;
works Connection
including Flanges
16 bar; Maximum
all labour, 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
according to(unless
ISO, BS 10,
Liquid Temperature 60°C;American Water works
2401 material
Preparation of sub grade byConnection
otherwiseexcavating Flanges
earth toin CUM 5820.0000 215.625 5604.375 5820.000 93.10 93.10 541842 20074.6875 521767.3125 541842
required to ISO, forBSall10, American
types of soil/Water
rock, works
etc. ofas 0 1940.000 1940.000 265.21 265.21 514507.4 0 514507.4 514507.4
2402 Supplying and filling with selected good earth CUM 1940.0000
per specification,
approved toquality
camber indrawings
layers notand
consolidating as directed
exceeding base by
the 300 0 48.500 48.500 770.26 770.26 37357.61 0 37357.61 37357.61
2403 Providing, stacking & laying granular morrum CUM 48.5000
for loose making
mmshoulder thickness good
including the borrowed
using undulation
watering, etc and
compaction 0 24.250 24.250 2302.32 2302.32 55831.26 0 55831.26 55831.26
2404 Providing & laying water bound macadam sub CUM 24.2500
base road
course soillayers
roller totobe arranged
required by thickness
camber theetc
all base 2406.72
2405 Providing & in
laying of required
water bound macadam with CUM 997.6450 210.717 786.928 997.645 2406.72 2401052.17 507136.81824 1893915.35616 2401052.17
crushed instone aggregates
2406 course
Providing layers
& Laying water 90
of required to 40
bound mmwith
macadam down stone
base CUM 24.2500 0 24.250 24.250 2437.75 2437.75 59115.44 0 59115.4375 59115.44
aggregate 19
with - grading
stone -1), stone
40mm 50mm screening
size(IRC to 20mm &
- grading 0 0.485 0.485 62.07 62.07 30.1 0 30.10395 30.1
2407 Providing & applying tack coat of low SQM 0.4850
-1), stone
liquid screening
size stone(IRC
bitumen 19 and
of grade blinding material
-1) screening
80/100 & to IS 43.73
2408 Providing & applying tack coat ofconfirming
low viscosity SQM 0.4850 0 0.485 0.485 43.73 21.21 0 21.20905 21.21
73, material
or 454 ofincluding
as applicable screening,
kg/ sorting,
2409 liquid
Providing, mixing grade
& laying of@10
80/100 bituminous 10 sqmtofor
confirming IS 0.0000 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
macadam WBM
454 assurface
orcourse of including
specified @ scraping,
6 kg/
thickness 10using
sqm for 0 0.485 0.485 584.04 584.04 283.26 0 283.2594 283.26
a 75mm thickness SQM 0.4850
bitumen of gradesurface including
60/70 cleaning
conforming towith
IS 73,
aggregates and binder material including hot
Page 30 of 136
Total Total Resion for
BOQ Quantity as Quantity Quantity Quantity Rate as Amount as Amount Amount Amount Difference deviation
Rate as
ITEM Description of item Unit per as Further anticipated Per Per as Further anticipated with
executed authority, if
NO. Agreement executed anticipated on agreement agreement executed anticipated on Excess Savings
Completion Completion any
b 50mm compacted thickness SQM 0.4850 0 0.485 0.485 389.35 389.35 188.83 0 188.83475 188.83
2410 Providing, mixing & laying 25 mm compacted SQM 0.4850 0 0.485 0.485 228.53 228.53 110.84 0 110.83705 110.84
2411 thick premix
Providing, carpet
mixing & in a single
laying 25 mm course composed
thick semi SQM 0.4850 0 0.485 0.485 284.97 284.97 138.21 0 138.21045 138.21
2412 of suitable
Providing small
and size
applying aggregate
liquid seal premixed
in a single
coat with SQM 0.4850 0 0.485 0.485 77.58 77.58 37.63 0 37.6263 37.63
course composed
comprisingand binder
of an ofusing
application medium of a layer of grade
small setting
size aggregate 0 1610.200 1610.200 322.70 322.70 519611.54 0 519611.54 519611.54
2413 Supplying laying 450mmx250mmx500mm RM 1610.2000
bituminous withbinderbituminous binderof using
2414 deep precast
Supplying and layingusing
concrete kerb medium
300mmx250mmx150mm setting
gradegrade M-20 RM 1775.1000 0 1775.100 1775.100 122.00 122.00 216562.2 0 216562.2 216562.2
PCC 20 at the
mm rate ofM-25
nominal 9.8kg/10sqm
size stone followed
aggregate andby of 159.79
2415 Supply and laying 200mm dia R.C.Cprotection
blocks of grade for edge NP-3 type RM 1148.4800 0 1148.480 1148.480 159.79 183515.62 0 183515.6192 183515.62
Hume20 as perinnominal
pipe detailedshoulders
size stone including
aggregate fixing
and of 140.18 63945.63
2416 Dismantling ofraised
existing road as rain water
consisting of premix SQM 24.2500 480.418 0.000 480.418 140.18 3399.37 67344.99524 0 67345
drainsas as per
per detailed
detailed drawing
drawing including
including fixing
2417 carpet,
Providing kerb 25stone/
mm brick
compacted on edge,
thick premixfixing
bitumen carpet SQM 0.4850 0 0.485 0.485 231.36 231.36 112.21 0 112.2096 112.21
macademcement mortar (1:3) insurfaces
13mm subgrade
thick joints,
2418 Concrete of grade M15 (1 part cement, 3 part to
on course,
existing/damaged WBM, roadprepairing in a single CUM 1529.6900 0 1529.690 1529.690 3419.83 3419.83 5231279.75 0 5231279.7527 5231279.75
course new WBM
sand, 6 composed
parts 40ofincluding
suitable camber
small sizeofaggregate 4357.97
A2419 Providing andoflaying mm graded
cement aggregate
concrete by
grade CUM 2551.1000 448.623 2102.477 2551.100 4357.97 11117617.27 1955085.57531 9162531.69169 11117617.27
volume)usingas with
lean a concrete,
bituminous binder
levelling using
2420 M35
Supplying 20
and mm nominal
filling sand for size stone
preparation aggregateofmud CUM 0.4850 0 0.485 0.485 964.94 964.94 468 0 467.9959 468
mat under
with approved and around
admixture foundations/floors at any
2421 road sub-base/
Providing & laying dry lean(if
sub-grade required)
layers not with
concrete of CUM 544.1700 472.414 71.756 544.170 3867.03 3867.03 2104321.72 1826839.11042 277482.60468 2104321.72
exceeding paver, provision for necessary joints
2422 Providing and fixing in position MS dowel bar so
grade M10 250
with mm 20 thickness
mm nominal and compacted
size graded MT 111.5500 2.177 109.373 111.550 10670.80 10670.80 1190327.74 23230.3316 1167097.4084 1190327.74
as to achieve
stone aggregate
reinforcement atincluding
over 80% relativesub-grade
a prepared
surface densitywith as per 10670.80 51742.71
2423 Providing, straightening, cutting,painted
bending, MT 2.4250 7.274 0.000 7.274 10670.80 25876.69 77619.3992 0 77619.4
placing compaction,
position at anyfinishing,
dowellevel, end curing
caps with
binding etc
in all 0 2.425 2.425 10670.80 10670.80 25876.69 0 25876.69 25876.69
2424 Providing, straightening cutting, bending, MT 2.4250
cotton fills
placing etc allreinforcements
steel complete
at any level, as per ofspecification,
binding steel of 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
grade Fe-500/Fe-500D
position confirming to IS:1786
2425 Providingof & steel reinforcement
installation of bitumenof mild steel RM 12.1250 0 12.125 12.125 169.28 169.28 2052.52 0 2052.52 2052.52
impregnated including cost of binding wire, 19.18
2426 Providing andfibre
filling board of
in position specified thickness
hot applied RM 12.1250 0 12.125 12.125 19.18 232.56 0 232.5575 232.56
2427 confirming
Providing to IS
and 1838
laying as joint
debonding (Grade filler
of specified
strip/tape of RM 12.1250 0 12.125 12.125 102.93 102.93 1248.03 0 1248.02625 1248.03
specified coating
thickness oftoboth
IS 1834 with coal
applying tar
sealant 1768.379 0.000 1768.379 113.45 113.45 825.35 200622.59755 0 200622.6 199797.25
A2427 Providing & laying polythene sheet of specified SQM 7.2750
thickness heating,
(min. pouring/injecting
125 etc all complete
micron), above sealing
perlean 0 7.275 7.275 1172.48 1172.48 8529.79 0 8529.792 8529.79
A2428 Providing & laying 75 mm thick precast SQM 7.2750
concrete sub drawing
base, beforeandlaying
as of
ofsand by of
A2429 interlocking
Providing and concrete
laying pavers
20mm thick grade layerslab
M-35 SQM 7.2750 0 7.275 7.275 69.88 69.88 508.38 0 508.377 508.38
below colour
concrete and
pavers pattern
including as per specification
compaction etc 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
all recommendation
as per of manufacturer.
specification, drawing and as 328.006 6715.164 7043.170 1862.16 1862.16 13115509.45 610799.65296 12504709.79424 13115509.45
a. Shotcreting for thickness 50mm and above of SQM 7043.1700
directed byMS
with Shotcreting
6mm Engineer.
Reinforcement 1354.30
b. for thicknessand 25mm welded wire
without SQM 48.5000 0 48.500 48.500 1354.30 65683.55 0 65683.55 65683.55
6.3 mesh MS
6mm as specified
Providing Reinforcement
and applying on andthe welded
outer wire surface mesh of Sqm 28838.1000 15859.642 12978.458 28838.100 339.98 339.98 9804377.24 5391961.08716 4412416.15084 9804377.24
6.4 as specified
Providingframes and and layingroof slabs coming
underbred grading in contact
plaster Sqm 460.7500 0 460.750 460.750 90.28 90.28 41596.51 0 41596.51 41596.51
6.5 with earth,
copper polymer
mortarwater1:4stops modified
(1 cement
in joints:cementitious
4 sand)of deepand Rmt 970.0000 449.92 520.080 970.000 285.88 285.88 277303.6 128623.1296 148680.4704 277303.6
average in thickness
two layers ofas specified
25 piles mm and as mm
6.6 underground
Providing andstructure
driving all sheetcomplete inincluding
of 600various smt 145.5000 0 145.500 145.500 20240.64 20240.64 2945013.12 0 2945013.12 2945013.12
types water
of ofstop
soil,cost surface, batching,
inclusive allmixing,
ofwith 22G leveling
materials, copper.
like Amount as Per agreement 723499489.8 Total Amount anticipated 756448824.62 112381868.51 79432533.69 0
sheet, plateand shall be supplied by BHEL
plants,anchoring arrangementfree of
labour etc. all complete including removing the
Page 31 of 136
Over All Quantity Abstract For CHP PKG-1 RA BILL-47 (Bill Period-01.10.24 to 31.10.24)
Crusher Wagon Track Road & Total
house tippler Hopper Drain Quantity
a 2009
M for reinforced concrete works with
25 Grade CUM - - 0.000 0.000
coarse sand and graded hard stone
a.1 Supply and stacking of sand(12%) 518.5548 5049.037 5,049.037 2,618,202.211 0.000 2618202.211
Supply and stacking of coarse
a.2 1080.3225 5049.037 5,049.037 5,454,587.940 0.000 5454587.940
Execution of balance works as per the de...
a.3 2722.4127 5308.282 0.000 5,308.282 14,451,334.960 0.000 14451334.960
Providing and laying Design Mix cement
206 concrete of grade conforming to IS:456 & IS - - 0.000 0.000
a 10262-2009
M 25 Grade for reinforced concrete works CUM - - 0.000 0.000
with coarse sand and graded hard stone
a.1 Supply and stacking of sand(12%) 524.4804 1338.810 8.072 1,346.882 702,179.479 4233.606 706413.084
Supply and stacking of coarse
a.2 1092.6675 1338.810 8.072 1,346.882 1,462,873.914 8820.012 1471693.926
Execution of balance works as per the de...
a.3 2753.5221 1338.810 8.072 1,346.882 3,686,442.262 22226.430 3708668.693
b M 30 Grade CUM - - 0.000 0.000
b.1 Supply and stacking of sand(12%) 528.882 221.168 0.000 221.168 116,971.774 0.000 116971.774
Supply and stacking of coarse
b.2 1101.8375 221.168 0.000 221.168 243,691.196 0.000 243691.196
Execution of balance works as per the de...
b.3 2776.6305 221.168 0.000 221.168 614,101.814 0.000 614101.814
Fairface form work with good quality water
A301 proof ply wood with film face of required SQM 564.290 3446.601 0.000 3,446.601 1,944,882.478 0.000 1944882.478
thickness and smooth surface below finished
Fairface form work with good quality water
A302 ground floor level for foundations, footings, SQM 672.920 1108.266 84.340 1,192.605 745,774.148 56753.911 802528.059
proof ply wood with film face of required
thickness and smooth surface above finished
Providing, fixing and removing formwork in
304 ground floor leveland
block-outs/pockets foropenings
0.1 sqm EACH - - 0.000 0.000
plan area) at all elevations including cutting,
Pockets of of
formation depths moreand
all shapes than
all150mm and upto
other operations
b 300 mm depth EACH 437.320 85.000 0.000 85.000 37,172.200 0.000 37172.200
Pockets of depths more than 1000mm and upto
e 1500 mm depth EACH 1870.64 8.000 0.000 8.000 14,965.120 0.000 14965.120
Pockets of depths more than 1500mm and upto
f Supply,
2000 mmFabrication,
depth transportation, delivery EACH ### -4.000 0.000 -4.000 (9,909.000) 0.000 -9909.000
at site and erection, installation and
Transportation, straightening,
alignment of mild steel foundation cutting,
403 bending, conforming
placing in to position MT ### 857.881 0.000 857.881 9,154,276.575 0.000 9154276.575
assembly IS:2062atandallgradelevel,1
of in position
IS:432fabrication, of
in concrete steel
andalong reinforcements
of mild of
nuts, steel
701 TMT steel
nuts of grade Fe-500D
incert, pipe
(as per IS:1363, 1364sleeves,or 500EQR
and IS:3138), MT ### 1.094 0.000 1.094 97,777.199 0.000 97777.199
pieces ,rungs
washers, of various
anchor diameters,
plates, stiffner plates of
protective tape,aspipe
sleeves, etc. including
templates etc.
702 including welding, cutting, grinding, MT 109600.09 61.04 0.000 61.040 6,690,012.816 0.000 6690012.816
threading, drilling etc. all complete.
Same as above items 701 & 702 with BHEL
703 supplied material free of cost including - - 0.000 0.000
loading, transportation, unloading etc. all
completesteel embedments,
from BHEL inserts,
store to plant site. pipe
A sleeves, angle pieces, rungs of various MT 21100.38 21.37 0.000 21.374 451,008.991 0.000 451008.991
Placing, plates
locking of dimensions
and releasing as
of Vibration
705 required
Isolation etc.
spring modules over the foundation Nos 1331.73 56.00 0.000 56.000 74,576.880 0.000 74576.880
at all elevations
Providing and laying including
50 mm thickproviding
P. C. C. all
807 assistance
(1 : 2 : 4 withunder
10 mmthe supervision
nominal of the
size stone CUM 523.10 0.641 0.641 335.438 0.000 335.438
aggregates), shall be provided under the raft
Providing & grouting of pocket holes, pipe
805 i.e. over the lean concrete, followed by CUM 50433.82 13.321 13.321 671,828.916 0.000 671828.916
sleeves and under base plates of structural
steel work/ machinery/ pipe supporting
structures and Fillingroughening
including in trenches, plinths,
of surface,
A1801 area paving and other underground CUM 2133.45 152.7178125 0.00 152.718 325,815.817 0.000 325815.817
structures with graded stone aggregate of
size range 63 mm to 45 mm in layers not TOTAL 53037337.12 92033.96 53129371.08
Page 34 of 136
MEASUREMENT SHEET FOR CHP PKG-1 Crusher House RA BILL-47 (Bill Period-01.10.2024 to 31.10.2024)
Providing and laying Design Mix cement
concrete of grade conforming to IS:456 & IS
206 10262-2009 for reinforced concrete works
a M 25coarse
with Grade sand and graded hard stone
a.1 Supply and stacking of sand(12%)
Qty Claimed Upto Previous RAB 1,338.810
Floor Slab at EL +34.810M
Chute Opening 8 6.400 0.200 0.200 2.048
Removable Opening 2 7.400 0.200 0.200 0.592
2 10.800 0.200 0.200 0.864
Cable Opening 2 6.400 0.200 0.200 0.512 PC-213 DT-
DS pipe Opening 1 3.850 0.200 0.200 0.154 30.09.2024
Debris Chute opening 1 3.400 0.250 0.200 0.170
Opning 2 31.550 0.200 0.200 2.524
Pedestal 44 0.200 0.250 0.200 0.440
Opening 8 2.400 0.200 0.200 0.768
Total quantity 1,346.882
Previous Bill Quantity 1,338.810
Net Payable Quantity 8.072
a.2 Supply and stacking of coarse aggregate(25%)
Qty Claimed Upto Previous RAB 1,338.810
Floor Slab at EL +34.810M
Chute Opening 8 6.400 0.200 0.200 2.048
Removable Opening 2 7.400 0.200 0.200 0.592
2 10.800 0.200 0.200 0.864
Cable Opening 2 6.400 0.200 0.200 0.512 PC-213 DT-
DS pipe Opening 1 3.850 0.200 0.200 0.154 30.09.2024
Debris Chute opening 1 3.400 0.250 0.200 0.170
Opning 2 31.550 0.200 0.200 2.524
Pedestal 44 0.200 0.250 0.200 0.440
Opening 8 2.400 0.200 0.200 0.768
Total quantity 1,346.882
Previous Bill Quantity 1,338.810
Net Payable Quantity 8.072
a.3 Execution of balance works as per the de...
Qty Claimed Upto Previous RAB 1,338.810
Floor Slab at EL +34.810M
Chute Opening 8 6.400 0.200 0.200 2.048
Removable Opening 2 7.400 0.200 0.200 0.592
2 10.800 0.200 0.200 0.864
Cable Opening 2 6.400 0.200 0.200 0.512 PC-213 DT-
DS pipe Opening 1 3.850 0.200 0.200 0.154 30.09.2024
Debris Chute opening 1 3.400 0.250 0.200 0.170
Opning 2 31.550 0.200 0.200 2.524
Pedestal 44 0.200 0.250 0.200 0.440
Opening 8 2.400 0.200 0.200 0.768
Total quantity 1,346.882
Previous Bill Quantity 1,338.81
Net Payable Quantity 8.072
Fairface form work with good quality water
proof ply wood with film face of required
A302 thickness and smooth surface above finished
ground floor level for foundations, footings,
base of columns, walls, columns, pilasters,
Qty Claimed Upto Previous RAB 1,108.265
Floor Slab at EL +34.810M
Chute Opening 16 6.400 0.200 20.480
Removable Opening 4 7.400 0.200 5.920
4 10.800 0.200 8.640
Cable Opening 4 6.400 0.200 5.120
DS pipe Opening 2 3.850 0.200 1.540
Debris Chute opening 2 4.500 0.200 1.800
Opning 4 31.550 0.200 25.240
Pedestal 88 0.200 0.200 3.520
88 0.250 0.200 4.400
Opening 16 2.400 0.200 7.680
Total Quantity 1,192.605
Previous Bill Quantity 1,108.266
Net Payable Quantity 84.340
6.5 Fixing copper water stops in joints of deep Rtr. 285.88 36.700 - 36.700 10491.80 0.00 10491.80
underground structure all complete of 600 mm wide
water AMOUNT.
stop fabricated with 22G copper.(Copper plate - 94,835,620.68 969,587.95 95,805,208.63
shall be supplied by BHEL free of cost)
MEASUREMENT SHEET FOR CHP WAGON TIPLLER RA BILL-47 (Bill Period-01.10.24 to 31.10.24)
Concrete of grade M10 (1 part cement, 3 part
202 sand, 6 parts of 40 mm graded aggregate by
volume) as lean concrete, levelling course, mud CUM
mat under and around foundations/floors at any Qty Claimed Upto Previous RAB 7.917
Grade Slab PCC Between Hydraulic 10.400 6.475 0.075 5.051
room-1 & Side arm Charger-1
1 6.500 3.425 0.075 1.670 PC-01 DT-03.10.2024
1 4.905 2.915 0.075 1.072
Grade SlabB-406
PCC near Hydraulic power -2 2.915 0.500 0.075 -0.219
pack-2 1 10.500 6.655 0.075 5.241
Fan Foundation 1 2.762 1.554 0.100 0.429
PC-04 DT-17.10.2024
deduction -1 0.702 0.694 0.100 -0.049
1 3.627 2.079 0.100 0.754
Side arm Charger-2 south side 1 22.950 4.300 0.075 7.401
PC-08 DT-22.10.2024
Side for Shed Column
arm Charger-2 North side paving -4 1.650 0.900 0.075 -0.445
area 1 9.000 4.800 0.075 3.240
1 9.000 0.560 0.075 0.378 PC-12 DT-23.10.2024
Deduction for Chocker pedestal -1 1.200 1.200 0.075 -0.108
Total Quantity 32.332
Screed concrete conforming to IS 456 with coarse Previous Bill Quantity 7.917
sand and graded hard stone aggregate 12.5mm/6 This bill quantity 24.415
mm nominal size on the roof at all level or
212 thickness, drains etc complete as per following.
(BHEL will supply Cement free of Cost as per TCC)
a 1:02:04 Cum
Hydraulic power pack room-2 1 9.345 6.790 0.074 4.695
Periphery hunch area 0.5 1 33.470 0.150 0.150 0.377
Control Room -1 1 7.100 2.600 0.050 0.923 PC-09 DT-22.10.2024
1 5.850 1.610 0.050 0.471
Periphery hunch area 0.5 1 21.500 0.150 0.150 0.242
Total Quantity 6.708
Previous Bill Quantity
This bill quantity 6.708
Providing and laying Design Mix cement concrete
214 as per IS:456, IS 3370 & IS 10262-2009 for
reinforced concrete works using graded aggregate Cum
C.2 for Concrete
Supply in waterofretaining/conveying
and stacking stru…
coarse aggregate(25%)
Qty Claimed Upto Previous RAB 6,715.429
Control Room-2 Plinth beam
2CRFB1 2 6.900 0.300 0.650 2.691 PC-02 Dt-07.10.2024
2 1.200 0.300 0.650 0.468
Paving & Grade Slab near Hydraulic 10.415 4.800 0.300 14.998
power room -1 north & West Side 1
1 10.415 0.275 0.150 0.430
0.5 2 10.415 0.300 0.300 0.937
1 10.415 0.800 0.150 1.250 PC-03 DT-08.10.2024
1 6.500 3.425 0.150 3.339
1 2.965 1.850 0.150 0.823
1 2.965 1.250 0.150 0.556
Hydraulic Power Pack-2 north side 1 2.965 0.805 0.150 0.358
paving 1 10.500 4.800 0.300 15.120
0.5 2 10.500 0.300 0.300 0.945
1 10.500 0.560 0.150 0.882
PC-07 DT-23.10.2024
1 10.500 1.385 0.150 2.181
Deduction Chocker Pedestal -2 1.200 1.200 0.300 -0.864
Control CableLintel
Room-1 pedestal
beam North & -2 0.554 0.554 0.300 -0.184
south side 1 4.800 0.230 0.400 0.442
Chajja 1 4.800 0.600 0.088 0.253
PC-10 DT-22.10.2024
1 9.300 0.230 0.350 0.749
Chajja 1 10.148 0.150 0.088 0.134
Control room-1 Staircase
Waist slab 2 4.660 1.200 0.200 2.237
Landing 1 1.200 1.000 0.200 0.240
1 1.500 1.200 0.200 0.360
PC-15 DT-26.10.2024
Column C2 1 0.350 0.350 0.925 0.113
LB-1 1 1.200 0.350 0.300 0.126
Trade 0.5 28 1.200 0.275 0.175 0.809
PEC Stand Column 1 0.554 0.554 3.000 0.921
Wagon Tippler VentShaft fan Foundation
Exhaust Fan Foundation 1 2.662 1.454 1.240 4.799
PC-19 DT-30.10.2024
Deduction -1 0.702 0.694 1.240 -0.604
Centrifugal Fan Supply Foundation 1 3.527 1.979 1.290 9.004
Total Quantity 6,778.941
Previous Bill Quantity 6,715.429
Net Payable Quantity 63.512
C.3 Execution of balance works as per the de...
Qty Claimed Upto Previous RAB 6,715.429
Control Room-2 Plinth beam
2CRFB1 2 6.900 0.300 0.650 2.691 PC-02 Dt-07.10.2024
2 1.200 0.300 0.650 0.468
Paving & Grade Slab near Hydraulic 10.415 4.800 0.300 14.998
power room -1 north & West Side 1
1 10.415 0.275 0.150 0.430
0.5 2 10.415 0.300 0.300 0.937
1 10.415 0.800 0.150 1.250 PC-03 DT-08.10.2024
1 6.500 3.425 0.150 3.339
1 2.965 1.850 0.150 0.823
1 2.965 1.250 0.150 0.556
Hydraulic Power Pack-2 north side 1 2.965 0.805 0.150 0.358
paving 1 10.500 4.800 0.300 15.120
Page 39 of 136
MEASUREMENT SHEET FOR CHP WAGON TIPLLER RA BILL-47 (Bill Period-01.10.24 to 31.10.24)
PC-15 DT-26.10.2024
Column C2 4 0.350 0.925 1.295
LB-1 2 1.200 0.350 0.840
1 1.200 0.300 0.360
Trade 28 1.200 0.175 5.880
0.5 28 0.275 0.175 0.674
PEC Stand Column 4 0.554 3.000 6.648
Wagon Tippler VentShaft fan Foundation
Exhaust Fan Foundation 1 2.662 1.454 0.240 0.929 PC-19 DT-30.10.2024
Centrifugal Fan Supply Foundation 1 3.527 1.979 0.290 2.024
Total Quantity 1,030.910
Previous Bill Quantity 974.475
Net Payable Quantity 56.435
Providing, fixing and removing formwork in block-
304 outs/pockets and openings (below 0.1 sqm plan
area) at all elevations including cutting, formation
a of all shapes
Upto 150 mmand all other operations required for
Hydraulic Power pack -1 north side Qty Claimed Upto Previous RAB 164.000
paving Pocket
Hydraulic Power pack -2 north side 2 34.000 68.000
paving Pocket 2 34.000 68.000
Cable Pipe Pedestal 1 4.000 4.000
Exhaust Fan Foundation 1 10.000 10.000
Centrifugal Fan Supply Foundation 1 12.000 12.000
Total Quantity 326.000
Previous Bill Quantity 164.000
Net Payable Quantity 162.000
Same as above items 701 & 702 witn BHEL
703 supplied materials Free of cost including loading,
Mild steel embadments
transportation, unloading , incerts
etc. all,complete
pipe sleeves
A angle pieces,
BHEL store torungs
plant of various diameters , plates of
diameters as required
Qty Claimed Upto Previous RAB 8.761
paving top FOE cable supporting-10mm inse 10 0.040 78.500 31.400 0.031
Total Quantity 8.792
Previous Bill Quantity 8.761
Net Payable Quantity 0.031
Providing and fixing anodized extruded
A906 aluminium doors (single or double shutter) KG Per Mtr WT.
conforming to IS:1948, IS:1949 fabricated from
sections of HINDALCO/JINDAL or
vertical -20067 2 1.98 2.342 9.274
Horizontal-20067 2 3.79 2.342 17.752
vertical -20066 2 1.89 2.415 9.129
Horizontal-20066 3 1.23 2.415 8.911
Joint -16708 14 0.085 0.570 0.678
Windows-1180X1980(W1)-2 Nos
vertical-20067 4 1.98 2.342 18.549
Horizontal-20067 4 1.11 2.342 10.398
vertical-20066 2 1.9 2.415 9.177
Horizontal-20066 4 0.53 2.415 5.120
joint-7108 20 0.085 0.570 0.969
Vertical-20067 4 1.62 2.342 15.176
Horizontal-20067 4 1.41 2.342 13.209
Vertical-20066 2 1.53 2.415 7.390
Horizontal-20066 4 0.69 2.415 6.665
Joint-16708 20 0.085 0.570 0.969
composite double glazing, 24 mm thick, with one
outer 6mm thick tinted heat-reflecting type 1 2.5 1.200 3.000
Frame Vertical-20066
toughened glass and one inner 6mm thick clear 2 2.45 2.450 12.005
toughened glass hermetically sealed and
Horizontal-20066 1 1.16 2.450 2.842
Joint-7108 12 mm thick gap for thermal
by 2 0.085 0.570 0.097
insulation (only single elevation area to be
measured).Outer glass of 6mm thickness shall Total Quantity 151.311
Providing, fixingtechnical
have following and fitting of glazing of Solar
characteristics: first Previous Bill Quantity
grade class
factor 25% orin steel/aluminium/wooden
less, U-value less than 2.268 frames,
where ever required, cleaning after fixing Net Payable Quantity 151.311
SQMK,VLT min 30%: The glass to be used should
915 including hardware, gaskets, clips, beadings
be from the manufacturers of glass like Glavebel etc.
all complete.
(Belgium), Saint Gobain (France) or Fort (USA) Or
i(a) equivalent. The glass should be free from
distortion and thermal stress. SQM
windows(W) 3 1.230 1.400 5.166
3 1.230 0.440 1.624
Windows(W1)-2Nos 2 0.530 1.400 1.484
2 0.460 0.530 0.488
2 0.530 1.400 1.484
2 0.444 0.530 0.471
Windows(W2)-2Nos 1 0.600 1.120 0.672
1 0.690 1.200 0.828
2 0.690 0.295 0.407
1 0.685 1.200 0.822
1 0.600 1.115 0.669
2 0.285 0.685 0.390
Door 1 1.07 0.895 0.958
1 1.07 0.895 0.958
Total Quantity 16.420
Previous Bill Quantity
Net Payable Quantity 16.420
Providing brick work in cement mortar 1:6 (1
1002 cement 6 coarse sand) in walls, chambers etc. in
thickness 230mm at all heights, places and
Using flyabove
position ash lime bricks
plinth confirming
including rakingtoout
IS 12894
a with crushing strength of 75 kg/cm2(including
cost of cement for brick making) Qty Claimed Upto Previous RA 99.430
Control Room -1 1 7.000 0.230 3.400 5.474
2 1.200 0.230 3.400 1.877
2 2.132 0.230 3.400 3.334
Page 40 of 136
MEASUREMENT SHEET FOR CHP WAGON TIPLLER RA BILL-47 (Bill Period-01.10.24 to 31.10.24)
1 5.430 0.230 3.400 4.246
Deduction D1 -1 1.200 0.230 2.500 -0.690
W -1 3.900 0.230 1.600 -1.435
W1 -2 1.200 0.230 1.600 -0.883
W2 -2 1.500 0.230 1.600 -1.104
Total Quantity 110.249
Previous Bill Quantity 99.430
Net Payable Quantity 10.819
A1801 Providing and Filling in trenches, plinths, area pa CUM
Qty Claimed Upto Previous RA 48.420
Hydraulic Power pack -1 North side 14.998
10.415 4.800 0.300
paving & grade Slab 1
1 10.415 0.575 0.230 1.377
1 9.375 1.100 0.230 2.372
1 6.500 3.425 0.230 5.120
1 2.770 0.425 0.230 0.271
1 2.965 1.850 0.230 1.262
1 2.965 1.250 0.230 0.852
1 2.965 0.805 0.230 0.549
1 0.370 0.545 0.230 0.046
fan Foundation 1 2.762 1.554 0.250 1.073
deduction -1 0.702 0.694 0.250 -0.122
1 3.627 2.079 0.250 1.885
Hydraulic Power pack -2 North side 1.476
11.064 0.580 0.230
paving & grade Slab 1
1 10.484 4.800 0.300 15.097
1 10.484 1.085 0.230 2.616
Deduction Chocker Pedestal -2 1.200 1.200 0.300 -0.864
-2 0.554 0.554 0.300 -0.184
Side arm charger -2 South side 1 22.950 4.300 0.230 22.698
Deduction Shed Column -4 1.650 0.900 0.230 -1.366
Side arm charger -2 north side 1 9.000 4.800 0.300 12.960
1 9.000 0.560 0.230 1.159
Deduction Chocker Pedestal -1 1.200 1.200 0.300 -0.432
Total Quantity 131.264
Previous Bill Quantity 48.420
Net Payable Quantity 82.844
Page 41 of 136
Quantity Abstract For CHP - Track Hopper RA BILL-47 (Bill Period-01.10.24 to 31.10.24)
QTY UPTO QTY. IN Amount Upto
ST.No. PARTICULARS UNIT RATE Total Qty Amount. In Total Amoount REMARKS
Previous THIS BILL Prvs RA
this bill
Earth work in excavation in all types of soil
101 including ash which can be excavated by any
means including setting out, levelling, dewatering
a Depth from ground
(but excluding leveltype
special but of
exceeding viz.
2 mwell CUM 111.45 12011.011 - 12,011.011 1338627.18 0.00 1338627.18
b Depth exceeding 2 m but not exceeding 4 m CUM 139.65 19436.556 - 19,436.556 2714315.05 0.00 2714315.05
c Depth exceeding 4 m but not exceeding 6 m CUM 174.92 18761.174 - 18,761.174 3281704.56 0.00 3281704.56
d Depth exceeding 6 m but not exceeding 8 m CUM 218.66 12303.942 - 12,303.942 2690379.96 0.00 2690379.96
e Depth exceeding 8 m but not exceeding 10 m CUM 262.5 9760.217 - 9,760.217 2562056.96 0.00 2562056.96
f Depth exceeding 10 m but not exceeding 15 m CUM 301.89 9502.962 - 9,502.962 2868849.20 0.00 2868849.20
Earth work in excavation in soft rock (rock
103 withoutwork
any in recovery of exacavated - 0.00 0.00
Earth excavation in hard rock materials
requiring in 0.00
the formblasting
controlled of hard stone/boulder)
including wedging, including
line drilling,
a Depth fromrock
weathered ground level butbenot exceeding by 2means
m CUM 165.05 - 0.00 0.00 0.00
pre shearing etcwhich can
as required, excavated
setting out, levelling,
b Depth
dewatering (wherever required), shoring &4 m
exceeding 2 m but not exceeding CUM 198.06 - 0.00 0.00 0.00
c Depth exceeding
strutting (wherever4 required),
m but notdressing
m & CUM 237.68 - 0.00 0.00 0.00
d bottom, all lifts, necessary
Depth exceeding 6 m but notlicenses/statuatory
exceeding 8 m CUM 285.22 3336.294 3,336.294 951577.77 0.00 951577.77
e clearances for blasting, supply, storage
Depth exceeding 8 m but not exceeding 10 m & handling CUM 327.99 613.225 613.225 201131.67 0.00 201131.67
of blasting materials, stacking/disposal of surplus
f Depth exceeding 10 m but not exceeding 15 m CUM 360.79 596.686 596.686 215278.34 0.00 215278.34
excavated material within a lead upto 1 Km,
105 spreading / levelling of disposed materials etc all - 0.00 0.00
complete for following depths below ground level. 0.00
a Depth from ground level but not exceeding 2 m CUM 390.77 - 0.00 0.00 0.00
b Depth exceeding 2 m but not exceeding 4 m CUM 468.36 - 0.00 0.00 0.00
c Depth exceeding 4 m but not exceeding 6 m CUM 561.46 - 0.00 0.00 0.00
d Depth exceeding 6 m but not exceeding 8 m CUM 674.32 2325.534 2,325.534 1568154.09 0.00 1568154.09
e Depth exceeding 8 m but not exceeding 10 m CUM 775.9 4732.698 0 4,732.698 3672100.38 0.00 3672100.38
f Depth exceeding 10 m but not exceeding 15 m CUM 853.49 3215.511 0 3,215.511 2744406.48 0.00 2744406.48
g Depth exceeding 15 m but not exceeding 20 m CUM 1024.59 - 0.00 0.00 0.00
h Depth exceeding 20 m but not exceeding 25 m CUM 1230.01 - 0.00 0.00 0.00
i Depth exceeding 25 m but not exceeding 30 m CUM - 0.00 0.00 0.00
Earth work in excavation upto any depth below
106 ground level in hard rock requiring chiselling - 0.00 0.00
including wedging, line drilling, pre shearing etc as
f Depth exceeding 10 m butsetting
not exceeding 15 m CUM 3278.55 340.169 0 340.169 1115261.07 0.00 1115261.07
required for grading, out, levelling,
Earthwork in Back filling upto any depth below
A107 ground level around foundations, plinths, trenches, - 0.00 0.00
drains etc to proper grade and level in layers not 0.00
exceeding 300 mm thickness using/with selected
Each layer compacted so as to achieve at least
b 95% maximum dry density as per IS-2720 (Part- CUM 139.65 33823.21 0 33,823.210 4723411.28 4723411.28
VII) 0.00
Extra over ST No. 101 and 103 to 108 for carriage
109 of material/earth for every 500m or part thereof CUM - 0.00 0.00
beyond an initial lead of 1km. 0.00
Carriage for disposal of serviceable/unserviceable
b 9.87 25266.518 25,266.518 249380.53 249380.53
material/ earth 0.00
Concrete of grade M7.5 (1 part cement, 4 part
201 sand, 8 parts of 40 mm graded aggregate by CUM 3867 455 454.712 1758384.95 1758384.95
volume) as mass filling course, lean concrete, 0.00
levelling course, mud mat under and around
Providing and laying Design Mix cement concrete
214 as per IS:456, IS 3370 & IS 10262-2009 for Cum - 0.00 0.00
reinforced concrete works using graded aggregate
for Concrete in water retaining/conveying 0.00
- 0.00 0.00 0.00
c M35 Cum - 0.00 0.00
c.1 Supply and stacking of sand(12%) 621.31 11447.882 - 11,447.882 7112720.20 0.00 7112720.20
c.2 Supply and stacking of coarse aggregate(25%) 1294.40 11447.882 177.670 11,625.552 14818167.08 229976.49 15048143.57
Execution of balance works as per the de...
c.3 3261.89 11447.882 177.670 11,625.552 37341781.04 37921321.80
item(63%) 579540.76
Fairface form work with good quality water proof
A301 ply wood with film face of required thickness and Sqm 564.290 26336.28 1085.846 27,422.121 14861296.62 15474028.66
smooth surface below finished ground floor level 612732.04
for foundations,
Extra over A301footings,
for depthbase of columns,
exceeding 6 m butwalls,
A301(a) Sqm 56.420 6712.56 153.150 6,865.712 378722.75 387363.47
exceeding 12 m 8640.72
Extra over A301 & A301(a)for depth exceeding
A301b Providing, fixing and removing formwork in block- Sqm - 0.00 0.00
12 m but not exceeding 18 m 0.00
outs/pockets and openings (below 0.1 sqm plan
area) at all elevations including cutting, formation
304 of all shapes and all other operations required for EACH
making the required shape and size all complete 0.00
as per specification, drawing and instruction of
a engineer
Upto 150 in
depth EACH 209.250 440.00 0.000 440.000 92070.00 92070.00
Transportation, straightening, cutting, bending,
403 placing in position at all level, binding in position of MT 10670.800 1869.00 76.588 1,945.588 19943725.20 817255.23 20760980.43
steel reinforcements
Providing and fixing ofPVC TMT steelstops
water of grade Fe-
in joints
500D or 500EQR
conforming confirming
to IS 12200 to IS:1786
& IS 15058 including
all complete for
610 RM - 0.00 0.00
the following: (Bulb or Kicker type) 0.00
d 230 mm wide and 6 mm thick RM 239.820 3114.05 37.500 3,151.550 746811.47 8993.25 755804.72
Providing and laying 50 mm thick P. C. C. (1 : 2 : 4
807 with 10 mm nominal size stone aggregates), shall Sqm 523.100 5746.01 5,746.013 3005739.40 3005739.40
be provided
Fixing copperunder
raft i.e. over the
in joints lean
of deep
3101 (6.5) underground followed by complete
structure all polymerof 600modified
mm Rtr. 285.880 346.12 4.800 350.920 98948.79 100321.01
wide water stop fabricated with 22G copper.
Supplying & installation of bitumen impregnated
601 (Copper plate shall be supplied by BHEL free of Sqm 1324.670 231.21 231.206 306271.65 306271.65
fibre board confirming to IS 1838 as joint filler
at joints in concrete includinG nailing, coating of
both faces and applying
with coal on the
tar pitch/ outer
bitumin etc.surface
all of
6.3 339.98 10772.49
walls, frames and roof slabs coming in contact with Sqm 0.000 10,772.493 3662432.17
earth, polymer
Provide copper modified cementitious
water stops in jointscoating
of deepin
two layers asstructure
Extra Item- underground specifiedalland as per of
complete manufacturer’s
600mm wide Kg - 0.00 0.00
water stops faricated with 22G copper 0.00
Supply, fabrication, and fixiing of mild steel
701 embadments, incert, pipe sleeves, angle MT 89347.56 6.58 0.054 6.630 587549.55 592374.32
pieces ,rungs of various diameters, plates of
Supply, Fabrication, transportation, delivery at site
702 diamentions as required etc. including welding , MT 109600.09 0 - 0.00 0.00
and erection, installation and alignment of mild 0.00
steel foundation bolt assembly conforming to
Same as above items 701 & 702 witn BHEL
703 IS:2062 and grade 1 of IS:432 in concrete along - 0.00
supplied materials Free of cost including loading, 0.00
transportation, unloading etc. all complete from
A Mild steel embadments , incerts , pipe sleeves angle MT 21100.38 18.24 2.682 20.924 384913.13 56591.22 441504.35
BHEL store to plant site.
Total Amount. 135,996,168.51 2319926.71 138,316,095.22
MEASUREMENT SHEET FOR CHP TRACK HOPPER RA BILL-47 (Bill Period-01.10.24 to 31.10.24)
a IS 10262-2009
M 25 Grade for reinforced concrete CUM - - 0.00 0.00
works with coarse sand and graded hard
a.1 Supply and stacking of sand(12%) 524.480 19.000 19.000 - 9965.13 9965.13
a.2 Supply and stacking of coarse 1,092.668 19.000 19.000 - 20760.68 20760.68
a.3 Execution of balance works as per the de... 2,753.522 19.000 19.000 - 52316.92 52316.92
Fairface form work with good quality water
A301 proof ply wood with film face of required SQM 564.3 447.655 152.309 599.964 252,607.24 85946.30 338553.54
thickness and smooth surface below finished
Fairface formlevel
ground floor work
for with good footings,
foundations, quality
A302 water proof ply wood with film face of SQM 672.920 0.000 57.000 57.000 - 38356.44 38356.44
required thickness and smooth surface
Transportation, straightening, cutting, bending,
above finished ground floor level for
placing in position at all level, binding in
403 MT 10670.8 55.850 55.850 595,959.55 0.00 595959.55
position of steel reinforcements of TMT steel of
grade Fe-500D
Providing andorfixing
500EQR GIconfirming
down taketo IS:1786
1707 conforming to IS:1239 /IS:3589 of medium - 0.00 0.00
duty all complete
150 mm Dia for following diameters.
b RM 1,941.170 72.250 0.000 72.250 140,249.53 0.00 140249.53
TOTAL 2,573,181.49 339,234.11 2,912,415.59
MEASUREMENT SHEET FOR CHP MCC-5 RA BILL-47 (Bill Period-01.10.2024 to 31.10.2024)
Concrete of grade M7.5 (1 part cement, 4
201 part sand, 8 parts of 40 mm graded CUM
aggregate by volume) as mass filling 29.670
course, lean concrete, levelling course, Qty Claimed Upto Previous RAB
Plint beam EL(-)0.500m
Grid No B2 To B6 1 23.635 0.550 0.075 0.975
Grid( A to B) & (3 To 6) 5 4.000 0.550 0.075 0.825
Grid( A' to B) & (2 To 3) 1 2.000 0.550 0.075 0.083
1.0 5.500 0.550 0.075 0.227
Grid (B1 To B2) 1 3.635 0.550 0.075 0.150 PC-162 DT-14.10.2024
Grid (B1 To C'1) 1 9.270 0.550 0.075 0.382
Grid (C'1 To C'2) 1 3.635 0.550 0.075 0.150
1 1.000 0.550 0.075 0.041
Grid (A3 to A5) 1 11.500 0.550 0.075 0.474
Grid (A'5 to A'6) 1 2.770 0.550 0.075 0.114
Plinth Beam
Grid (D3 to D5) 1 14.265 0.550 0.075 0.588
Grid (D to D) & (3 to 5') 2 4.000 0.550 0.075 0.330
Grid C2 to C6) 1 23.635 0.550 0.075 0.975 PC164 DT-14.10.2024
Grid (B to C) & (5 to 6') 1 5.635 0.550 0.075 0.232
2 1.635 0.550 0.075 0.135
1 5.135 0.550 0.075 0.212
Total quantity 35.564
Previous Bill Quantity 29.670
Net Payable Quantity 5.894
Providing and laying Design Mix cement
205 concrete conforming to IS:456 & IS CUM
10262-2009 for reinforced concrete
Execution of balance works as per the
a.3 works with coarse sand and graded hard
de... item(63%)
Qty Claimed Upto Previous RAB 345.436
Footing F11Grid No A-4 1 4.500 5.000 0.700 15.750 PC-158 DT-05.10.2024
Column 1st lift C-5(A-4) 1 0.500 1.000 2.700 1.350 PC-159 DT-08.10.2024
Plinth Beam North Side EL (-)0.500m
Grid (B1 to B5) 1 22.500 0.400 0.600 5.400
Grid (A1 to A5) 1 11.000 0.400 0.600 2.640
Grid (A to B)&(3 to 5) 2 4.000 0.400 0.600 1.920
1 2.000 0.400 0.600 0.480
1 1.000 0.400 0.600 0.240
PC-163 DT-19.10.2024
Grid(A'2 to A'3) 1 5.500 0.400 0.600 1.320
Grid(A'2 to B2) 1 2.000 0.400 0.600 0.480
Grid (B1 to C'1) 1 9.270 0.400 0.750 2.781
Grid (C'1 to C'2) 1 3.635 0.400 0.600 0.872
Grid (C2 to C'2) 1 1.000 0.400 0.600 0.240
Column 12 0.500 1.000 0.600 3.600
Column C5-5nos,C3-01 nos C4-01,C2-01 8 1 0.5 0.500 2.000 PC-165 DT-24.10.2024
Column-4 nos grid A'3, B1,C'1&C'2 4 1 0.5 0.500 1.000 PC-165 DT-24.10.2024
Total quantity 385.509
Previous Bill Quantity 345.436
Net Payable Quantity 40.073
Providing and laying Design Mix cement
206 concrete of grade conforming to IS:456
& IS 10262-2009 for reinforced concrete
a M 25 Grade
works with coarse sand and graded CUM
a.1 Supply and stacking of sand(12%)
Column 2nd lift @8nos above plinth beam 8 1.000 0.500 1.900 7.600 PC-157 DT-05.10.2024
Column C5-5nos,C3-01 nos C4-01,C2-01 8 1.000 0.500 1.900 7.600 PC-165 DT-24.10.2024
Column-4 nos grid A'3, B1,C'1&C'2 4 1.000 0.500 1.900 3.800 PC-165 DT-24.10.2024
Total quantity 19.000
Previous Bill Quantity
Net Payable Quantity 19.000
Supply and stacking of coarse
Column 2nd lift @8nos above plinth beam 8 1.000 0.500 1.900 7.600 PC-157 DT-05.10.2024
Column C5-5nos,C3-01 nos C4-01,C2-01 8 1.000 0.500 1.900 7.600 PC-165 DT-24.10.2024
Column-4 nos grid A'3, B1,C'1&C'2 4 1.000 0.500 1.900 3.800 PC-165 DT-24.10.2024
Total quantity 19.000
Previous Bill Quantity
Net Payable Quantity 19.000
Execution of balance works as per the
de... item(63%)
Column 2nd lift @8nos above plinth beam 8 1.000 0.500 1.900 7.600 PC-157 DT-05.10.2024
Column C5-5nos,C3-01 nos C4-01,C2-01-1st lift 8 1.000 0.500 1.900 7.600 PC-165 DT-24.10.2024
Column-4 nos grid A'3, B1,C'1&C'2 4 1.000 0.500 1.900 3.800 PC-165 DT-24.10.2024
Total quantity 19.000
Previous Bill Quantity
Net Payable Quantity 19.000
Fairface form work with good quality
A301 water proof ply wood with film face of SQM
required thickness and smooth surface
below finished ground floor level for Qty Claimed Upto Previous RAB 447.655
Footing F11 2 4.5 0.7 6.300
PC-158 DT-05.10.2024
2 5 0.7 7.000 PC-158 DT-05.10.2024
Column 1st lift C-5(A-4) 2 0.500 2.700 2.700
PC-159 DT-08.10.2024
2 1.000 2.700 5.400
Plint beam EL(-)0.500m
Grid No B2 To B6 2 23.635 0.075 3.545
Grid( A to B) & (3 To 6) 10 4.000 0.075 3.000
Grid( A' to B) & (2 To 3) 2 2.000 0.075 0.300
2 5.500 0.075 0.825
Grid (B1 To B2) 2 3.635 0.075 0.545 PC-162 DT-14.10.2024
Grid (B1 To C'1) 2 9.270 0.075 1.390
Grid (C'1 To C'2) 2 3.635 0.075 0.545
2 1.000 0.075 0.150
Grid (A3 to A5) 2 11.500 0.075 1.725
Grid (A'5 to A'6) 2 2.770 0.075 0.416
Plinth Beam North Side EL (-)0.500m
Grid (B1 to B5) 2 22.500 0.600 27.000
Grid (A1 to A5) 2 11.000 0.600 13.200
Grid (A to B)&(3 to 5) 4 4.000 0.600 9.600
2 2.000 0.600 2.400
2 1.000 0.600 1.200
PC-163 DT-19.10.2024
Grid(A'2 to A'3) 2 5.500 0.600 6.600
Grid(A'2 to B2) 2 2.000 0.600 2.400
Grid (B1 to C'1) 2 9.270 0.750 13.905
Grid (C'1 to C'2) 2 3.635 0.600 4.362
Grid (C2 to C'2) 2 1.000 0.600 1.200
Column 24 0.500 0.600 7.200
24 1.000 0.600 14.400
Column C5-5nos,C3-01 nos C4-01,C2-01-1st lift 16 1.000 0.500 8.000
PC-165 DT-24.10.2024
16 0.500 0.500 4.000
Column-4 nos grid A'3, B1,C'1&C'2 4 1.000 0.500 2.000
4 0.500 0.500 1.000 PC-166 DT-26.10.2024
Total quantity 599.964
Previous Bill Quantity 447.655
Net Payable Quantity 152.309
Fairface form work with good quality
A302 water proof ply wood with film face of SQM
required thickness and smooth surface
above finished
Column ground
C5-5nos,C3-01 nos floor level for lift
C4-01,C2-01-1st 16 1.000 1.9 30.400
PC-165 DT-24.10.2024
16 0.500 1.9 15.200
Column-4 nos grid A'3, B1,C'1&C'2 4 1.000 1.9 7.600
4 0.500 1.9 3.800 PC-166 DT-26.10.2024
Total quantity 57.000
Previous Bill Quantity
Net Payable Quantity 57.000
Quantity Abstract For TP-05 RA BILL-47 (Bill Period-01.10.24 to 31.10.24)
- - -
a.1 Supply and stacking of sand(12%) 518.55 1294.783 1,294.78 671,415.94 - 671,415.94
Supply and stacking of coarse
a.2 1080.32 1294.783 1,294.78 1,398,783.21 - 1,398,783.21
Execution of balance works as per the
a.3 2722.41 1639.392 111.302 1,750.69 4,463,101.60 303,009.98 4,766,111.58
de... item(63%)
Fairface form work with good quality water
proof ply wood with film face of required
A301 thickness and smooth surface below SQM 564.29 4174.346 99.480 4,273.83 2,355,541.85 56,135.57 2,411,677.41
finished ground floor level for
foundations, footings, base of columns,
Extra over A301 for depth exceeding 6 m
A301(a) but not exceeding 12 m SQM 56.42 - - - -
Page 54 of 136
MEASUREMENT SHEET FOR CHP Conveyor 5 A/B RA BILL-47 (Bill Period-01.10.24 to 31.10.24)
At ground level EL(+) to EL(+)1.356
1 66.500 14.120 1.144 1,074.193
Conveyor-5A/B(N1024.50,E636.978 to
N972.500,E653.778M) From RL 378.744m to
376.744m Balance 60% Claimed in Item no.- 0.4 873.600 2.000 698.880
105a(Hard Rock)
Conveyor-5A/B(N1024.50,E636.978 to
N972.500,E653.778M) From RL 378.744m to
375.725m Balance 60% Claimed in Item no.- 0.4 873.600 1.319 460.911
105b(Hard Rock)
Page 55 of 136
MEASUREMENT SHEET FOR CHP Conveyor 5 A/B RA BILL-47 (Bill Period-01.10.24 to 31.10.24)
GP-28 TO GP-29 EAST SIDE -1 2 3.150 2.675 0.075 -1.264
GP-39 TO GP-41 EAST SIDE -1 3 3.150 2.675 0.075 -1.896
PD9 DRAIN GP-15 TO GP-20 -1 1 18.000 1.450 0.075 -1.958
GP3 TO GP-11 PRE BRICK WORK -1 16 2.300 0.380 0.075 -1.049
GP-90 TO GP-68 PRE BRICK WORK -1 1 46.000 0.380 0.075 -1.311
Sand Pit -1 2 3.100 3.100 0.100 -1.922
GP-42-46(East & West Side) F1 -1 8 3.150 2.650 0.075 -5.009
GP-42-46(East & West Side) F2 -1 2 3.150 2.750 0.075 -1.299
GP-46A,47,48(East & West Side) F1 -1 4 3.150 2.650 0.075 -2.504
GP-46A,47,48(East & West Side) F2 -1 2 3.150 2.750 0.075 -1.299
GP-49,50,51(East & West Side) F1 -1 6 3.150 2.650 0.075 -3.756
GP-52,53(West Side) F1 -1 2 3.250 2.650 0.075 -1.292
GP-51,52,53,54,66,67(West Side) F1 -1 6 3.150 2.650 0.075 -3.756
GP-53 to 65(West Side),GP-52 to 66(East Side) -1 28 3.150 2.650 0.075 -17.530
Less RCC -1 -
RF FOUNDATION RAFT. -1 1 13.000 17.000 0.800 -176.800
TR-3 & 4. (F5) -1 2 3.600 3.600 0.800 -20.736
TR-3 & 4. (F5) -1 2 3.600 3.600 0.800 -20.736
GP-3 TP 7 (F1) 5 NOS .Foundation -1 5 3.000 2.500 0.500 -18.750
TR-5 & 6. -1 2 3.000 3.000 0.700 -12.600
GP Foundation (F1) -1 27 3.000 2.500 0.500 -101.250
TR-2 (F4) -1 2 3.300 3.500 0.700 -16.170
TR-1 (F3) -1 2 3.000 3.000 0.500 -9.000
GP Foundation (F1), GP-
84,85,86,87,88,89 -1 6 3.000 2.500 0.500
GP Foundation (F1), GP-
78,79,80,81,82,83 -1 6 3.000 2.500 0.500
GP Foundation (F1), GP-75,76,77 -1 3 3.000 2.600 0.500
GP Foundation (F1), GP-
71,72,73,74,75,75A,76 -1 7 3.000 2.500 0.500
GP-72 -1 1 3.000 2.600 0.500 -3.900
GP-73 -1 1 3.000 2.500 0.500 -3.750
GP-74 -1 1 3.000 2.500 0.500 -3.750
GP-75 -1 1 3.000 2.500 0.500 -3.750
GP-68 -1 1 3.000 2.500 0.500 -3.750
GP-69 -1 1 3.000 2.500 0.500 -3.750
GP-70 -1 1 3.000 2.500 0.500 -3.750
GP-71 -1 1 3.000 2.500 0.500 -3.750
GP-68 -1 1 3.000 2.500 0.500 -3.750
GP-69 -1 1 3.000 2.500 0.500 -3.750
GP-70 -1 1 3.000 2.500 0.500 -3.750
TRP-02 -1 5 1.000 1.000 0.300 -1.500
F1 -1 5 3.000 2.500 0.500 -18.750
F1 -1 5 3.000 2.500 0.500 -18.750
GP-17,18 -1 2 3.000 2.600 0.500 -7.800
GP-17A -1 1 3.000 2.500 0.500 -3.750
GP-15,16,17,18 -1 4 3.000 2.500 0.500 -15.000
GP-17A,18A -1 2 3.000 2.500 0.500 -7.500
GP 25 (EAST SIDE) -1 1 3.000 2.500 0.500 -3.750
GP-19 TO GP 23 (WEST SIDE) -1 5 3.000 2.500 0.500 -18.750
GP 19 TO GP 24 (EAST SIDE) -1 6 3.000 2.500 0.500
GP -24 TO P 27 (WEST SIDE) F1 -1 4 3.000 2.500 0.500
GP -26 TO P 27 (EAST SIDE) F1 -1 2 3.000 2.500 0.500
GP33 TO GP -37 WEST SIDE F1 -1 5 3.000 2.500 0.500
GP28 TO GP-32 WEST SIDE F1 -1 5 3.000 2.500 0.500
GP30 TO GP-34 EAST SIDE F1 -1 5 3.000 2.500 0.500
GP-35 TO GP-37 EAST SIDE F1 -1 3 3.000 2.500 0.500 -11.250
PD9 DRAIN RAFT GP-02 TO GP-09 -1 1 18.000 1.300 0.150 -3.510
PD9 DRAIN RAFT GP-09 TO GP-14 -1 1 15.000 1.300 0.150 -2.925
F7 FOOTING -1 15 1.000 1.000 0.300 -4.500
GP-28, 29 , 38, 39, 40, 41 (EAST SIDE F1) -1 6 3.000 2.500 0.500 -22.500
GP-38 TO GP-41 (WEST SIDE) -1 4 3.000 2.500 0.500 -15.000
TR-1 (L & R) -1 2 1.300 0.900 2.050 -4.797
TR-2 (L & R) -1 2 1.450 0.900 2.050 -5.351
TR-3 (L & R) -1 2 1.300 0.900 2.050 -4.797
TR-4 (L & R) -1 2 1.300 0.900 2.050 -4.797
TR-5 (L & R) -1 2 1.300 0.900 2.050 -4.797
GP-01 (L & R) -1 2 0.800 0.700 1.000 -1.120
GP-02 (L & R) -1 2 0.800 0.700 1.000 -1.120
GP-03 (L & R) -1 2 0.800 0.700 1.950 -2.184
GP-04 (L & R) -1 2 0.800 0.700 1.950 -2.184
GP-05 (L & R) -1 2 0.800 0.700 1.950 -2.184
GP-05 (L & R) -1 2 0.800 0.700 1.950 -2.184
TRP-1&2 -1 8 0.400 0.300 1.200 -1.152
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MEASUREMENT SHEET FOR CHP Conveyor 5 A/B RA BILL-47 (Bill Period-01.10.24 to 31.10.24)
CS1 -1 1 1.300 1.000 1.200 -1.560
CS1A -1 1 1.300 1.200 1.200 -1.872
TR6 -1 4 0.700 0.550 1.200 -1.848
P8 -1 1 0.550 0.800 1.200 -0.528
GP-7 -1 2 0.800 0.700 1.950 -2.184
GP-8 -1 2 0.800 0.700 1.950 -2.184
GP-90 (L&R) -1 2 0.800 0.700 1.950 -2.184
GP-91 (L&R) -1 2 0.800 0.700 1.950 -2.184
GP-92 (L&R) -1 2 0.800 0.700 1.950 -2.184
GP-93 (L&R) -1 2 0.800 0.700 1.950 -2.184
GP-9 (L&R) -1 2 0.800 0.700 1.950 -2.184
GP-10 (R) -1 1 0.800 0.700 1.950 -1.092
GP-86,87,88 & 89 (L & R) -1 2 0.850 0.700 1.950 -2.321
-1 6 0.800 0.700 1.950 -6.552
GP-82,83,84,85 (L & R) -1 8 0.800 0.700 1.950 -8.736
TR-06 (P-7 L&R) -1 2 1.300 1.200 1.400 -4.368
CS-01 -1 3 1.300 1.000 1.200 -4.680
-1 1 1.300 1.800 1.000 -2.340
RF FOUNDATION P8 -1 6 0.550 0.800 1.200 -3.168
RF FOUNDATION CS1A -1 4 0.550 0.700 2.200 -3.388
-1 -
P1 -1 8 0.800 0.700 1.950 -8.736
-1 6 0.800 0.700 1.950 -6.552
-1 1 0.850 0.700 1.950 -1.160
-1 2 1.250 0.850 1.950 -4.144
GP-75 -1 2 1.250 0.850 1.950 -4.144
GP-68 TO 72 -1 10 0.800 0.700 1.950 -10.920
GP-10 GP-14 (W) -1 5 0.800 0.700 1.950 -5.460
GP-11 GP-15 E -1 5 0.800 0.700 1.950 -5.460
GP-15 GP-16 (W) -1 2 0.800 0.700 1.950 -2.184
GP-11 GP-16,17,17A E -1 2 0.800 0.700 1.950 -2.184
17A E -1 1 1.250 0.850 1.950 -2.072
GP 17,18 (WEST) -1 2 1.250 0.850 1.950 -4.144
GP 18 (EAST) -1 1 1.250 0.850 1.950 -2.072
GP 17A (WEST) -1 1 0.700 0.850 1.950 -1.160
GP 19 TO GP 23 (EAST SIDE) -1 5 0.700 0.800 1.950 -5.460
GP24, GP25, GP26, GP27 (EAST SIDE P1) -1 4 0.700 0.800 1.950 -4.368
GP24, GP25, GP26, GP27 (WEST SIDE P1) -1 4 0.700 0.800 1.950 -4.368
GP19, GP20, GP21, GP22, GP23 (WEST SIDE P1) -1 5 0.700 0.800 1.950 -5.460
GP-28 TO GP-33 (WEST SIDE) -1 6 0.700 0.800 1.950 -6.552
GP 34 TO GP-37 (WEST SIDE) -1 4 0.700 0.800 1.950 -4.368
GP-30 TO GP-31 (EAST SIDE) -1 2 0.700 0.800 1.950 -2.184
TRP-02 BOLT LIFT PEDESTAL -1 8 0.400 0.300 1.600 -1.536
GP-28, 29,32,33,34,35 (EAST SIDE) -1 6 0.700 0.800 1.950 -6.552
TRP-02 Padestal -1 8 0.400 0.300 1.500 -1.440
Bolt Lift Gp-36 to GP-41 (East Side) P1 -1 6 0.700 0.800 1.950 -6.552
TRP-02 Padestal -1 4 0.300 0.400 1.600 -0.768
TRP-02 Padestal -1 4 0.300 0.400 1.600 -0.768
Bolt Lift GP-38 to GP-41 (West Side) P1 -1 4 0.800 0.700 1.950 -4.368
TRP-02 Padestal -1 4 0.300 0.400 1.600 -0.768
Drain PD09 Wall East Side GP-02 to GP-09 -1 2 16.000 0.150 0.465 -2.232
Drain PD09 Wall East Side GP-09 to GP-13 -1 2 14.300 0.485 0.150 -2.081
TRP-01 Padestal -1 4 0.400 0.300 1.600 -0.768
BEAM -1 -
TR-3,4,5 BEAM RCC -1 -
PB-4 -1 3 7.900 0.600 0.400 -5.688
PB-3 -1 2 4.700 0.600 0.400 -2.256
TR-1&2 -1 2 7.900 0.600 0.400 -3.792
Drain PD09 GP-14 to GP-18 Raft -1 1 14.000 1.300 0.150 -2.730
RF Foundation Sand Pit Raft -1 2 2.900 2.900 0.200 -3.364
RF Foundation Sand Pit Wall -1 4 2.900 0.200 0.565 -1.311
-1 4 2.500 0.200 0.565 -1.130
GP 42-45(West Side) F1 -1 4 3.000 2.500 0.500 -15.000
GP 42-45(East Side) F1 -1 4 3.000 2.500 0.500 -15.000
GP 46,46A,47(East & West Side) F1 -1 2 3.000 2.500 0.500 -7.500
GP 46,46A,47(East & West Side) F2 -1 4 3.000 2.600 0.500 -15.600
GP 48,49(East Side),GP 48,49 & 50(West Side) -1 5 3.000 2.500 0.500 -18.750
GP 51,52 (West Side) F1 -1 2 3.000 2.500 0.500 -7.500
GP-66,67(West Side) GP-51,52,53,66,67(East Side) -1 7 3.000 2.500 0.500 -26.250
GP-43,44,45,46,46A Pedestal P1 Bolt Lift -1 4 0.800 0.700 1.950 -4.368
GP-46A Pedestal P1A Bolt Lift -1 1 1.250 0.850 1.950 -2.072
GP-42 to 46(East Side) Pedestal P1 Bolt Lift -1 4 0.800 0.700 1.950 -4.368
-1 1 1.250 0.850 1.950 -2.072
GP-52,53,54,55,56 Raft (East Side) -1 5 3.000 2.500 0.500 -18.750
GP-54,55,56,57,58,59 Raft (West Side) -1 6 3.000 2.500 0.500 -22.500
GP-60 to 64 (West Side) Raft -1 5 3.000 2.500 0.500 -18.750
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MEASUREMENT SHEET FOR CHP Conveyor 5 A/B RA BILL-47 (Bill Period-01.10.24 to 31.10.24)
GP-65 (West Side) Raft -1 1 3.000 2.500 0.500 -3.750
GP-46(A) (East Side) Pedestal P2 Bolt Lift -1 1 0.850 0.700 1.950 -1.160
GP-47 (East Side) Pedestal P1A Bolt Lift -1 1 1.250 0.850 1.950 -2.072
GP-48 to 50(East Side) Pedestal P1 Bolt Lift -1 3 0.800 0.700 1.950 -3.276
GP-62 to 65 (East Side) Raft -1 4 3.000 2.500 0.500 -15.000
GP-57 to 61 (East Side) Raft -1 5 3.000 2.500 0.500 -18.750
GP-46(A) (West Side) Pedestal P2 Bolt Lift -1 1 0.850 0.700 1.950 -1.160
GP-47 (East Side) Pedestal P1A Bolt Lift -1 1 1.250 0.850 1.950 -2.072
GP-48 to 51(East Side) Pedestal P1 Bolt Lift -1 4 0.800 0.700 1.950 -4.368
GP-52 to 55 (West Side) GP-51 to 56 (East Side)
Pedestal P1 Bolt Lift -1 10 0.800 0.700 1.950
GP-56 to 65 (West Side) Pedestal P1 Bolt Lift -1 10 0.800 0.700 1.950
GP-66,67 (westSide) GP-57 to 64 (East Side)
Pedestal P1 Bolt Lift -1 10 0.800 0.700 1.950
GP-65 to 67 (East Side) Pedestal P1 Bolt Lift -1 3 0.800 0.700 1.950 -3.276
Drain PCC- PCC -1 1 279.000 1.300 0.075 -27.203
Drain RCC -1 1 279.000 1.200 0.150 -50.220
Total Drain Cavity Area -1 1 279.000 0.900 0.300 -75.330
Page 58 of 136
MEASUREMENT SHEET FOR CHP Conveyor 5 A/B RA BILL-47 (Bill Period-01.10.24 to 31.10.24)
Same as above items 701 & 702 witn BHEL
703 supplied materials Free of cost including loading,
transportation, unloading etc. all complete from
to plant site. , incerts , pipe sleeves
A angle pieces, rungs of various diameters , plates
of diameters as required
Qty Claimed Upto Previous RAB 3.278
GP-64 to GP-72 Drain wall50X50X6mm 2 11.000 4.500 99.0 0.099
Insert plat 250x200x10mm 204 0.050 78.500 800.700 0.801
Total Quantity 4.177
Previous Bill Quantity 3.278
Net Payable Quantity 0.900 MT
Providing and Filling in trenches, plinths, area
paving and other underground structures with CUM
A1801 graded stone aggregate of size range 63 mm to 45
mm in to GP-27
layers not(Both Side) 275 mm compacted
exceeding 2 1 82.404 3.800 0.230 144.042
GP-27 to GP-35 (Both Side) 2 1 24.000 3.800 0.230 41.952
GP-35 to GP-50 (Both Side) 2 1 48.000 3.800 0.230 83.904
GP-50 to GP-55 (Both Side) 2 1 15.000 3.800 0.230 26.220
GP-55 to GP-70 (Both Side) 2 1 48.000 3.800 0.230 83.904
GP-70 to GP-79 (Both side) 2 1 30.000 3.800 0.230 52.440
GP-79 to GP-90 (Both Side) 2 1 33.000 3.800 0.230 57.684
Total quantity 490.146
Previous Bill Quantity 416.933
Net Payable Quantity 73.213
Page 59 of 136
Quantity Abstract For CHP ROAD & DRAIN RA BILL-47 (Bill Period-01.10.24 to 31.10.24)
Earth work in excavation in all types of soil
101 including ash which can be excavated by any
means including setting out, levelling, dewatering
(but excluding special type of dewatering viz. well
a Depth from ground level but not exceeding 2 m CUM 111.45 826.584 826.584 92122.816 0.000 92122.816
b Depth exceeding 2 m but not exceeding 4 m CUM 139.65 441.367 441.367 61636.902 0.000 61636.902
c Depth exceeding 4 m but not exceeding 6 m CUM 174.92 215.166 215.166 37636.909 0.000 37636.909
d Depth exceeding 6 m but not exceeding 8 m CUM 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
e Depth exceeding 8 m but not exceeding 10 m CUM 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Earthwork in Back filling upto any depth below
A107 ground level around foundations, plinths, trenches, 0.000
drains etc to proper grade and level in layers not 0.000
exceeding 300 mm thickness using/with selected
Each layer compacted so as to achieve at least 95% 139.65
b CUM 935.6464125 935.646 130663.022
maximum dry density as per IS-2720 (Part-VII) 0.000 130663.022
Concrete of grade M7.5 (1 part cement, 4 part
201 sand, 8 parts of 40 mm graded aggregate by CUM 3867 29.035 29.035 112279.216 0.000
volume) as mass filling course, lean concrete, 112279.216
levelling of
Concrete course, mud(1 mat
grade M10 under 3and
part cement, part around
202 6 parts of 40 mm graded aggregate by volume) as CUM 3,867.030 6.297 6.297 24350.688
lean concrete, levelling course, mud mat under and 0.000 24350.688
around foundations/floors
Providing at Mix
and laying Design any cement
depth below
205 conforming to IS:456 & IS 10262-2009 for reinforced 0.000 0.000
concrete works with coarse sand and graded hard 0.000 0.000
stone aggregate of 20mm nominal size in
a M 25 Grade CUM 0.000 0.000
a.1 Supply and stacking of sand(12%) 518.5548 231.973 231.973 120290.713 0.000 120290.713
a.2 Supply and stacking of coarse aggregate(25%) 1080.3225 231.973 231.973 250605.651 0.000 250605.651
Execution of balance works as per the de...
a.3 2722.4127 240.712 240.712 655317.406
item(63%) 0.000 655317.406
Fairface form work with good quality water proof ply
A301 wood with film face of required thickness and Sqm 564.290 1,108.737 1108.737 625649.202
smooth surface below finished ground floor level 0.000 625649.202
for foundations, footings, base of columns, walls,
Transportation, straightening, cutting, bending,
403 placing in position at all level, binding in position of Mt 10,670.800 8.380 8.380 89421.304
steel reinforcements of TMT steel of grade Fe-500D or 0.000 89421.304
laying lighttoduty
IS:1786 including NP3
non pressure cost of
2208 class RCC pipes with collars jointed with stiff 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
300mmofdia cement mortar 1:2 including testing of
b joints etc all complete for following. Mtr. 1,413.550 25.000 25.000 35338.750 0.000 35338.750
d 600mm dia 2,870.840 12.500 12.500 35885.500
Mtr. 0.000 35885.500
Preparation of sub grade by excavating earth to
2401 required depth for all types of soil/ rock, dressing to CUM 93.1 215.625 215.625 20074.688
camber and consolidating the base including making 0.000 20074.688
good the undulation
Providing etc and
& laying water disposal
bound macadamof surplus
2405 course in layers of required thickness with stone CUM 2,406.720 180.600 30.12 210.717 434653.632 72483.186 507136.818
aggregate 63mm to 40mm size(IRC 19 - grading -1),
stone screening
Providing and cement
and laying blinding concrete
material including
of grade M35
A2419 using 20 mm nominal size stone aggregate with CUM 4,357.970 448.623 448.623 1955085.575
approved admixture (if required) with mechanical 0.000 1955085.575
paver, provision
Providing fordry
& laying necessary jointsconcrete
lean cement includingof
2421 grade M10 with 20 mm nominal size graded stone CUM 3867.03 472.414 472.414 1826839.110
aggregate over a prepared sub-grade including 0.000 1826839.110
Providing andfinishing,
fixing in curing
all dowel
Providing, straightening,
2422 reinforcement cutting,painted
including surface bending,
withplacing in MT 10670.80 2.177 2.177 23230.332
bitumen at andany level, binding
greasing, dowel in
endposition of steel
caps with cotton 0.000 23230.332
reinforcements of TMT
fills etc all complete steelspecification,
as per of grade Fe-500/Fe-
500D confirming to IS:1786 including cost of binding
2423 MT 10670.80 7.274 7.274 77619.399 0.000 77619.399
wire, labour, scaffolding, transportation to & from
stores etc all complete as per specification, drawing
Providing & laying
and as directed by polythene
Engineer. sheet
issue free
A2427 thickness
of Cost TMT (min.
per micron),
TCC) above dry lean SQM 113.450 1,768.379 1768.379 200622.598
concrete sub base, before laying of concrete slab
0.000 200622.598
6809323.411 72483.186 6881806.598
Quantity Mesurment For CHP ROAD & DRAIN RA BILL-47(Bill Period-01.10.24 to 31.10.24)
Providing & laying water bound macadam
base course in layers of required thickness
2405 with stone aggregate 63mm to 40mm CUM
size(IRC 19 - grading -1), stone screening
and blinding material including screening
sorting, spreading to template and
Qty Claimed Upto Previous RAB 180.600
Road Near Wagon tippler 1 13.110 5.500 0.200 14.421 (1st &2nd Layer WBM)
1 17.440 4.500 0.200 15.696 (1st &2nd Layer WBM)
Total Quantity 210.717
Page 61 of 136
Quantity Abstract For TP-6 Foundation RA BILL-47 (Bill Period-01.10.24 to 31.10.24)
a.3 Execution of balance works as per the de... 2,753.522 56.4903963 4.515 12,431.38
item(63%) 61.005 155,547.55 167978.94
Fairface form work with good quality water
A301 proof ply wood with film face of required SQM 564 972.146 972.146 548,572.27 0.00 548572.27
thickness and smooth surface below
Extra over A301 for depth
floorexceeding 6for
A301(a) finished ground level SQM 56 179.340 179.340 10,118.36 0.00 10118.36
but not exceeding 12 m
Fairface form work with good quality water
A302 proof ply wood with film face of required SQM 672.9 33.787 83.123 22,736.12 33199.18 55935.30
thickness and and
Providing, fixing smooth surface
removing above
formwork in
304 finished ground andfloor
block-outs/pockets level (below
openings for
0.1 sqmof plan
Pockets depthsarea)
more at all150mm
than elevations
b including cutting,
upto 300 mm depthformation of all shapes 4.000 1,749.28 0.00 1749.28
EACH 437.3 4.000 0.000
Transportation, straightening, cutting,
403 bending, placing in position at all level, MT 10671 117.664 0.000 117.664 1,255,565.87 0.00 1255565.87
binding in position of steel
Supply, Fabrication,
reinforcements transportation,
of TMT steel of grade MT
702 delivery at site and erection, installation 109600.09 5.154 5.154 564,833.27 0.00 564833.27
and alignment of mild steel foundation bolt
assembly conforming to IS:2062 and TOTAL AMOUNT 6,762,384.79 115701.53 6,878,086.33
MEASUREMENT SHEET FOR CHP TP-6 RA BILL-47 (Bill Period-01.10.24 to 31.10.24)
Earthwork in Back filling upto any depth
below ground level around foundations,
A107 plinths, trenches, drains etc to proper
grade and level in layers not exceeding
compacted using/with selected CUM
so as to achieve
a at least 90% maximum dry density as
FromIS-2720 (Part-VII)
RL 378.00m to RL 375.878m CUM
At ground level EL(+)0.378m 38.018 24.518
At EL (+)2.500 36.957 23.457
Average 1 37.488 23.988 2.122 1,908.234
-1 5.390 0.300 0.450 -0.728
-1 5.390 0.300 0.450 -0.728
-1 10.200 0.300 0.450 -1.377
-1 10.000 0.300 0.450 -1.350
TIE BEAM -3 8.700 0.300 0.450 -3.524
-2 3.450 0.300 0.450 -0.932
-3 5.650 0.300 0.450 -2.288
-2 1.200 0.300 0.450 -0.324
-2 3.050 0.300 0.450 -0.824
Page 63 of 136
MEASUREMENT SHEET FOR CHP TP-6 RA BILL-47 (Bill Period-01.10.24 to 31.10.24)
P3,P3A -2 1.000 0.900 0.950 -1.710
P1A (GRID 3C) -1 1.300 1.000 1.500 -1.950
P1A (GRID 4'B) -1 1.300 1.000 1.500 -1.950
P1B (GRID 4C) -1 1.300 1.000 1.500 -1.950
P3A (GRID 4B) -1 1.000 0.900 1.000 -0.900
P3 (GRID 3B) -1 1.000 0.900 1.600 -1.440
P1D (GRID A3) -1 1.300 1.000 2.500 -3.250
P4 (GRID 4A) -1 1.300 1.000 2.500 -3.250
P1A (GRID 4'A) -1 1.300 1.000 2.500 -3.250
TF1 -2 0.980 0.530 0.790 -0.821
TF2 -2 0.800 0.530 0.790 -0.670
P2 GRID B'1 -1 0.850 0.750 0.750 -0.478
P1A GRID B1' -1 1.300 1.000 2.400 -3.120
P1A GRID B 1 -1 1.300 1.000 2.400 -3.120
P1C GRID B2 -1 1.300 1.000 2.400 -3.120
P1 GRID C1' -1 1.300 1.000 2.400 -3.120
P1B GRID C1 -1 1.300 1.000 2.400 -3.120
P1C GRID C2 -1 1.300 1.000 2.400 -3.120
P1A GRID A1 -1 1.300 1.000 2.400 -3.120
P1 GRID A2 -1 1.300 1.000 2.400 -3.120
PB9 -1 1.210 0.800 0.800 -0.774
PB3 -1 1.510 0.600 0.700 -0.634
PB5 -1 1.210 1.000 1.250 -1.513
PB8 -1 5.650 0.500 0.650 -1.836
PB7 -1 5.600 0.530 0.600 -1.781
PB4 -2 3.520 0.530 0.600 -2.239
PB 1 -1 17.650 0.300 0.450 -2.383
PB6 GRID B1 TO C1 -1 3.400 1.000 1.000 -3.400
PB2 GRID A1 TO A2 -1 1.690 0.450 0.450 -0.342
PB1 GRID C1' TO C2 -1 5.390 0.300 0.450 -0.728
PB1 GRID B1' TO B2 -1 5.390 0.300 0.450 -0.728
PB1 GRID B1' TO C1' -1 3.400 0.300 0.450 -0.459
PB1 GRID B2 TO C2 -1 3.400 0.300 0.450 -0.459
PB1 GRID A1 TO B1 -1 5.600 0.300 0.450 -0.756
PB1 GRID A2 TO B2 -1 5.600 0.300 0.450 -0.756
PB1 GRID A2TO A3 -1 8.700 0.300 0.450 -1.175
PB1 GRID B2TO B3 -1 8.700 0.300 0.450 -1.175
PB1 GRID C2 TO C3 -1 8.700 0.300 0.450 -1.175
Total quantity 6566.717
Previous Bill Quantity 4,083.359
Admissible Qty In This RAB 500.000
Providing and laying Design Mix cement
concrete of grade conforming to IS:456 & IS
206 10262-2009 for reinforced concrete works
a M 25coarse
with Grade sand and graded hard stone
a.1 Supply and stacking of sand(12%)
Qty Claimed Upto Previous RAB 56.490
Opening Curb wall EL+7.300m
Chute Opening 2 8.230 0.250 0.200 0.823
Cable Opening 1 2.300 0.200 0.200 0.092
DS Pipe 1 3.500 0.200 0.200 0.140
PC-216 DT-5.10.2024
Debris Chute Opening 1 5.300 0.250 0.200 0.265
8 2.000 0.200 0.200 0.640
Pedestal 14 0.250 0.250 0.200 0.175
Opening Curb Wall, pedestal EL+16.750m
Chute Opening 4 2.850 0.200 0.200 0.456
4 4.000 0.200 0.200 0.640
Pedestal 8 0.250 0.200 0.200 0.080
4 0.370 0.320 0.200 0.095
Opening 2 1.700 0.250 0.200 0.170
2 1.350 0.250 0.200 0.135
8 0.700 0.150 0.200 0.168
PC-219 DT-17.10.2024
8 0.500 0.150 0.200 0.120
Pedestal 2 1.200 0.150 0.200 0.072
2 0.550 0.150 0.200 0.033
2 3.250 0.150 0.200 0.195
2 1.200 0.150 0.200 0.072
2 1.800 0.150 0.200 0.108
2 0.600 0.150 0.200 0.036
Total quantity 61.005
Previous Bill Quantity 56.490
Net Payable Quantity 4.515
a.2 Supply and stacking of coarse aggregate(25%)
Qty Claimed Upto Previous RAB 56.490
Opening Curb wall EL+7.300m
Chute Opening 2 8.230 0.250 0.200 0.823
Cable Opening 1 2.300 0.200 0.200 0.092
DS Pipe 1 3.500 0.200 0.200 0.140
PC-216 DT-5.10.2024
Debris Chute Opening 1 5.300 0.250 0.200 0.265
8 2.000 0.200 0.200 0.640
Pedestal 14 0.250 0.250 0.200 0.175
Opening Curb Wall, pedestal EL+16.750m
Page 64 of 136
MEASUREMENT SHEET FOR CHP TP-6 RA BILL-47 (Bill Period-01.10.24 to 31.10.24)
Chute Opening 4 2.850 0.200 0.200 0.456
4 4.000 0.200 0.200 0.640
Pedestal 8 0.250 0.200 0.200 0.080
4 0.370 0.320 0.200 0.095
Opening 2 1.700 0.250 0.200 0.170
2 1.350 0.250 0.200 0.135
8 0.700 0.150 0.200 0.168 PC-219 DT-17.10.2024
8 0.500 0.150 0.200 0.120
Pedestal 2 1.200 0.150 0.200 0.072
2 0.550 0.150 0.200 0.033
2 3.250 0.150 0.200 0.195
2 1.200 0.150 0.200 0.072
2 1.800 0.150 0.200 0.108
2 0.600 0.150 0.200 0.036
Total quantity 61.005
Previous Bill Quantity 56.490
Net Payable Quantity 4.515
Execution of balance works as per the de...
a.3 item(63%)
Qty Claimed Upto Previous RAB 56.490
Opening Curb wall EL+7.300m
Chute Opening 2 8.230 0.250 0.200 0.823
Cable Opening 1 2.300 0.200 0.200 0.092
DS Pipe 1 3.500 0.200 0.200 0.140
PC-216 DT-5.10.2024
Debris Chute Opening 1 5.300 0.250 0.200 0.265
8 2.000 0.200 0.200 0.640
Pedestal 14 0.250 0.250 0.200 0.175
Opening Curb Wall, pedestal EL+16.750m
Chute Opening 4 2.850 0.200 0.200 0.456
4 4.000 0.200 0.200 0.640
Pedestal 8 0.250 0.200 0.200 0.080
4 0.370 0.320 0.200 0.095
Opening 2 1.700 0.250 0.200 0.170
2 1.350 0.250 0.200 0.135
8 0.700 0.150 0.200 0.168 PC-219 DT-17.10.2024
8 0.500 0.150 0.200 0.120
Pedestal 2 1.200 0.150 0.200 0.072
2 0.550 0.150 0.200 0.033
2 3.250 0.150 0.200 0.195
2 1.200 0.150 0.200 0.072
2 1.800 0.150 0.200 0.108
2 0.600 0.150 0.200 0.036
Total quantity 61.005
Previous Bill Quantity 56.490
Net Payable Quantity 4.515
Fairface form work with good quality water
A302 proof ply wood with film face of required
thickness and smooth surface above finished
ground floor level for foundations, footings, Qty Claimed Upto Previous RAB 33.787
Opening Curb wall EL+7.300m
Chute Opening 4 8.230 0.200 6.584
Cable Opening 2 2.300 0.200 0.920
DS Pipe 2 3.500 0.200 1.400
PC-216 DT-5.10.2024
Debris Chute Opening 2 5.300 0.200 2.120
16 2.000 0.200 6.400
Pedestal 56 0.250 0.200 2.800
Opening Curb Wall, pedestal EL+16.750m
Chute Opening 8 2.850 0.200 4.560
8 4.000 0.200 6.400
Pedestal 16 0.250 0.200 0.800
8 0.370 0.200 0.592
Opening 4 1.700 0.200 1.360
4 1.350 0.200 1.080
16 0.700 0.200 2.240
16 0.500 0.200 1.600 PC-219 DT-17.10.2024
Pedestal 16 0.200 0.500 1.600
16 0.250 0.500 2.000
Opening 4 1.200 0.200 0.960
4 0.550 0.200 0.440
4 3.250 0.200 2.600
4 1.200 0.200 0.960
4 1.800 0.200 1.440
4 0.600 0.200 0.480
Total quantity 83.123
Previous Bill Quantity 33.787
Net Payable Quantity 49.336
Page 65 of 136
Quantity Abstract For CHP- Dust Extraction RA BILL-47 (Bill Period-01.10.2024 to 31.10.2024)
At ground level EL-3.500m 6.750 6.150
At EL-5.500 5.750 5.150
Average 1 6.250 5.650 2.000 70.625
Qty Claimed Upto Previous RAB 138.750
At ground level EL-3.500m 7.800 6.650
At EL-5.500 6.800 5.650
Average 1 7.300 6.150 2.000 89.790
At ground level EL-3.500m 7.200 5.250
At EL-5.500 6.200 4.250
Average 1 6.700 4.750 2.000 63.650
At ground level EL-3.500m 7.050 5.400
At EL-5.500 6.050 4.400
Average 1 6.550 4.900 2.000 64.190
At ground level EL-3.500m 6.200 5.950
At EL-5.500 5.200 4.950
Average 1 5.700 5.450 2.000 62.130
At ground level EL-3.500m 5.450 4.450
At EL-5.500 4.450 3.450
Average 1 4.950 3.950 2.000 39.105
Qty Claimed Upto Previous RAB 457.615
At ground level EL-3.500m 5.150 4.050
At EL-5.500 4.100 3.000
Average 1 4.625 3.525 2.100 34.237
Qty Claimed Upto Previous RAB 491.852
At ground level EL-3.500m 5.250 5.050
At EL-5.500 4.200 4.000
Average 1 4.725 4.525 2.100 44.899
Total quantity 536.751
Previous Bill Quantity 536.751
Net Payable Quantity -
b Depth exceeding 2 m but not
exceeding 4 m
At ground level EL-5.500m 5.750 4.950
At EL-5.600 5.700 4.900
Average 1 5.725 4.925 0.100 2.820
At ground level EL-5.500m 5.750 5.150
At EL-5.600 5.700 5.100
Average 1 5.725 5.125 0.100 2.934
Qty Claimed Upto Previous RAB 5.754
At ground level EL-3.500m 6.800 5.650
At EL-5.500 6.750 5.600
Average 1 6.775 5.625 0.100 3.811
At ground level EL-3.500m 6.200 4.250
At EL-5.500 6.150 4.200
Average 1 6.175 4.225 0.100 2.609
At ground level EL-3.500m 6.050 4.400
At EL-5.500 6.000 4.350
Average 1 6.025 4.375 0.100 2.636
At ground level EL-3.500m 5.200 4.950
At EL-5.500 5.150 4.900
Average 1 5.175 4.925 0.100 2.549
At ground level EL-3.500m 4.450 3.450
At EL-5.500 4.400 3.400
Average 1 4.425 3.425 0.100 1.516
Qty Claimed Upto Previous RAB 18.875
Total quantity 18.875
Previous Bill Quantity 18.875
Net Payable Quantity -
Earthwork in Back filling upto any
A107 depth below ground level around CUM
foundations, plinths, trenches, drains
etc tolayer compacted
proper so as
grade and to in
achieve at least 90% maximum dry
a density as per IS-2720 (Part-VII) CUM
At ground level EL-3.500m 6.750 5.950
At EL-5.500 5.700 4.900
Average 1 6.225 5.425 2.100 70.918
At ground level EL-3.500m 6.750 6.150
At EL-5.500 5.700 5.100
Average 1 6.225 5.625 2.100 73.533
At ground level EL-3.500m 7.800 6.650
At EL-5.500 6.750 5.600
Average 1 7.275 6.125 2.100 93.575
At ground level EL-3.500m 7.200 5.250
At EL-5.500 6.150 4.200
Average 1 6.675 4.725 2.100 66.233
At ground level EL-3.500m 7.050 5.400
At EL-5.500 6.000 4.350
Average 1 6.525 4.875 2.100 66.800
At ground level EL-3.500m 6.200 5.950
At EL-5.500 5.200 4.950
Average 1 5.700 5.450 2.000 62.130
At ground level EL-3.500m 5.450 4.450
At EL-5.500 4.400 3.400
Average 1 4.925 3.925 2.100 40.594
At ground level EL-3.500m 5.150 4.050
At EL-5.500 4.100 3.000
Average 1 4.625 3.525 2.100 34.237
Less PCC
CF33 -1 4.700 3.900 0.100 -1.833
PC-5239 DT-06.02.2024
CF34 -1 4.700 4.100 0.100 -1.927
CF35 -1 5.750 4.600 0.100 -2.645 PC-5820 DT-05.04.2024
CF36 -1 5.150 3.200 0.100 -1.648
PC-5821 DT-06.04.2024
CF37 -1 5.000 3.350 0.100 -1.675
CF39 -1 4.150 3.900 0.100 -1.619
PC-5826 DT-19.04.2024
CF40 -1 3.400 2.400 0.100 -0.816
CF34 -1 4.700 4.100 0.100 -1.927 PC-5833 DT-30.04.2024
CF32 -1 2.900 1.800 0.100 -0.522 PC-260 DT-19.07.2024
Less RCC
CF33 -1 4.500 3.700 0.500 -8.325
PC-5242 DT-09.02.2024
CF34 -1 4.500 3.900 0.500 -8.775
Pedestal P11 -2 0.900 0.900 1.750 -2.835 PC-5819 DT-04.04.2024
Pedestal P10 -4 0.850 0.850 1.750 -5.057 PC-5819 DT-04.04.2024
CF35 -1 5.550 4.400 0.600 -14.652
PC-5834 DT-27.04.2024
CF36 -1 4.950 3.000 0.500 -7.425
CF37 -1 4.800 3.150 0.500 -7.560 PC-5831 DT-30.04.2024
CF39 -1 3.950 3.700 0.500 -7.308
PC-5838 DT-04.05.2024
CF40 -1 3.200 2.200 0.500 -3.520
CF34 -1 4.500 3.900 0.500 -8.775 Pc-5840 DT-08.05.2024
CF35 -4 0.800 0.750 1.650 -3.960 Pc-5846 DT-16.05.2024
Pedestal P11 -1 0.900 0.900 1.750 -1.418 PC-5402 DT-24.05.2024
Pedestal P13 -2 0.850 0.850 1.750 -2.529 PC-5413 DT-07.06.2024
Pedestal P12 -2 0.850 0.850 1.750 -2.529 PC-5415 DT-12.06.2024
Pedestal P12 -3 0.850 0.850 1.750 -3.793 PC-5418 DT-14.06.2024
Pedestal P25 -2 1.500 0.900 1.750 -4.725
PC-5421 DT-18.06.2024
Pedestal P12 -1 0.850 0.850 1.750 -1.264
Pedestal P12 -2 0.850 0.850 1.750 -2.529 PC-5423 DT-20.06.2024
Raft CF32 -1 2.700 1.600 0.500 -2.160 PC-259 DT-19.07.2024
Pedestal P-9 -2 0.750 0.750 1.750 -1.969 PC-267 DT-25.07.2024
Total quantity 392.301
Previous Bill Quantity 392.301
Net Payable Quantity -
Concrete of grade M10 (1 part cement, 3
202 part sand, 6 parts of 40 mm graded CUM
aggregate by volume) as lean concrete,
levelling course, mud mat under and Qty Claimed Upto Previous RAB 14.612
CF38 1 3.200 3.000 0.100 0.960 PC-282 DT-04.09.2024
Total quantity 15.572
Previous Bill Quantity 15.572
Net Payable Quantity -
Providing and laying Design Mix cement
concrete conforming to IS:456 & IS
10262-2009 for reinforced concrete
205 works with coarse sand and graded hard
Execution of balance works as per the
de... item(63%)
Qty Claimed Upto Previous RAB 102.525
Raft CF38 1 3.000 2.800 0.500 4.200 PC-283 DT-05.09.2024
Pedestal P-13 2 0.850 0.850 1.750 2.529 PC-286 DT-10.09.2024
Total quantity 109.253
Previous Bill Quantity 109.253
Net Payable Quantity -
Fairface form work with good quality
A301 water proof ply wood with film face of
required thickness and smooth surface
below finished ground floor level for Qty Claimed Upto Previous RAB 231.623
Page 75 of 136
Quantity Abstract For CHP Tunnel-2 A/B RA BILL-46 (Bill Period-01.09.24 to 30.09.24)
Page 77 of 136
Quantity Abstract For CHP TP-4 RA BILL-45 (Bill Period-01.08.2024 to 31.08.2024)
Supply, straightening,
cutting, bending, placing in MT 10,670.800 90.747 0.000 90.747 968,343.09 0.00 968343.09
transportation, delivery at site and
erection, at all level,
fabricating and
installationbinding in
701 position
alignment ofofsteel
steel mildreinforcements
embedments, of
steel foundation MT 89,347.560 0.041 0.000 0.041 3,652.33 0.00 3652.33
pipe sleeves,
bolt assemblyangle conforming
pieces, rungs ofto
various diameters, plates of
IS:2062 and grade 1 of IS:432 in
concrete along with nuts, lock nuts 109600.09
702 MT 6.326 0.000 6.326 693,301.23 0.00 693301.23
(as per IS:1363, 1364 and
IS:3138), washers, anchor plates,
stiffner plates, protective tape,
Same as above items 701 & 702
pipe BHEL
with sleeves,
supplied templates
material free etc.
703 including
cost welding,
including loading, cutting,
transportation, unloading
grinding, threading, etc.etc.
drilling all all
complete. from BHEL store to plant
Mild steel embedments, inserts,
A pipe sleeves, angle pieces, rungs of MT 21100.38 0.102 0.000 0.102 2,153.29 0.00 2153.29
various diameters, plates of
dimensions & grouting
as requiredof pocket
805 holes, pipe sleeves and under base CUM 50433.82 2.000 0.000 2.000 100,867.64 0.00 100867.64
plates of structural steel work/
Providing pipeFilling
in trenches,
A1801 plinths, area paving and other CUM 2133.45 53.235 0.000 53.235 113,574.21 0.00 113574.21
underground structures with
graded stone aggregate of size TOTAL 7,104,472.263 - 7,104,472.263
MEASUREMENT SHEET FOR CHP TP-4 RA BILL-45 (Bill Period-01.08.2024 to 31.08.2024)
Providing and laying Design Mix cement
206 concrete of grade conforming to IS:456 & IS
10262-2009 for reinforced concrete works
a M 25coarse
with Grade sand and graded hard stone CUM
a.1 Supply and stacking of sand(12%)
Grid 1 to 2 & A to D (EL+15.300) CUM 1 25.500 15.000 0.176 67.129
B' to C' 1 4.500 9.300 0.176 7.345
Deduction for Opening -2 3.050 2.300 0.176 -2.462
-2 2.750 2.300 0.176 -2.220
-4 0.400 0.400 0.176 -0.112 PC-5734 DT-31.07.2024
-1 1.200 1.200 0.176 -0.253
-1 1.000 0.400 0.176 -0.070
-4 0.500 0.500 0.176 -0.176
-2 2.200 0.9 0.176 -0.695
Total quantity 68.485
Previous Bill Quantity 68.485
Net Payable Quantity -
a.2 Supply and stacking of coarse aggregate(25%)
Fairface form work with good quality water Total Quantity 646.073
proof ply wood with film face of required Previous Bill Quantity 646.073
thickness and smooth surface below finished Net Payable Quantity -
ground floor level for foundations, footings,
base of columns, walls, columns, pilasters,
A301 beams, mass concrete, trenches etc. (Please SQM
refer corrigendum-01 dated 21/01/2019)
Footing 2 19 0.075 2.850
PC-5881 DT 29.11.2023
2 15 0.075 2.250
Footing PCC 2 23.5 0.075 3.525 PC-5892 DT 19.12.2023
2 15 0.075 2.250
Footing PCC 1 28 0.075 2.100 PC-5892 DT 19.12.2023
1 15 0.075 1.125
Raft 1 47.150 0.675 31.826
PC-5707 DT-29.05.2024
2 20.300 0.675 27.405
Footing -2 19 0.075 -2.850
PC-5881 DT 29.11.2023
-2 15 0.075 -2.250
Footing PCC -2 23.5 0.075 -3.525 PC-5892 DT 19.12.2023
-2 15 0.075 -2.250
Footing PCC -1 28 0.075 -2.100 PC-5892 DT 19.12.2023
-1 15 0.075 -1.125
Total Quantity 59.231
Previous Bill Quantity 59.231
Net Payable Quantity -
Page 85 of 136
MEASUREMENT SHEET FOR CHP 9B,RA BILL-43 (Bill Period-01.06.24 to 30.06.24)
Providing and laying Design Mix
cement concrete conforming to
a3 IS:456 & IS 10262-2009 for
reinforced concrete works with
Qty Claimed Upto Previous RAB 250.972
TRP-1& TRP-2 4 0.400 0.300 1.200 0.576 PC-6293 DT-04.05.2024
CS1 2 1.300 1.000 1.050 2.730
PC-5701 DT-30.05.2024
P4 4 0.650 0.900 0.750 1.755
Total Quantity 256.033
Previous Bill Quantity 256.033
Net Payable Quantity -
Fairface form work with good
A301 quality water proof ply wood with
film face of required thickness and Qty Claimed Upto Previous RAB 287.919
smooth surface below finished
TRP-1& TRP-2 8 0.400 1.200 3.840
PC-6294 DT-04.05.2024
8 0.300 1.200 2.880
CS1 4 1.300 1.050 5.460
4 1.000 1.050 4.200
PC-5701 DT-30.05.2024
P6 8 0.650 0.750 3.900
8 0.900 0.750 5.400
Total Quantity 313.599
Previous Bill Quantity 313.599
Net Payable Quantity -
Quantity Abstract For 9B RA BILL-43 (Bill Period-01.06.24
QTY to 30.06.24)
Earth work in excavation in soft rock
103 (rock without any recovery of exacavated
materials in the form of hard
stone/boulder) including weathered rock
Depth from ground level but not
a CUM - - 0.000
exceeding 2 m
Depth exceeding 2 m but not
b CUM - - 0.000
exceeding 4 m
Depth exceeding 4 m but not exceeding
c CUM - - 0.000
Concrete of grade M7.5 (1 part cement, 4
part sand, 8 parts of 40 mm graded
201 aggregate by volume) as mass filling course, CUM 3867.03 13.475 - 52,108.23 -
lean concrete, levelling course, mud mat
under and around foundations/floors, at
any depthof
Concrete below
M10 (1floor
partlevel etc. 3
part sand, 6 parts of 40 mm graded
202 CUM 3867.03 11.28 - 43,620.10 -
aggregate by volume) as lean concrete,
levelling course, mud mat under and
around foundations/floors
Providing and laying DesignatMix
205 CUM - -
concrete conforming to IS:456 & IS
a3 10262-2009 forMreinforced
25 Grade concrete CUM 4321.29 256.033 - 1,106,392.84 -
works with coarse sand and graded hard
Fairface form work with good quality
A301 water proof ply wood with film face of Sqm 564.290 313.599 - 176,960.78 -
required thickness and smooth surface
below finished ground floor level for
Extra over A301 for depth exceeding 6 m CUM 56.42 179.34 10,118.36 -
but not exceeding 12 m
Transportation, straightening, cutting,
403 bending, placing in position at all level, MT 10670.80 47.801 - 510,074.91 -
binding in position of steel reinforcements
of TMT steel of grade Fe-500D or 500EQR 1,899,275.22 - 1,899,275.22
Quantity Abstract For SR-2 RA BILL-41 (Bill Period-01.04.24 to 30.04.24)
Total Qty
Total Amount
Earth work in excavation in all types of
101 soil including ash which can be excavated
by any means including setting out,
Depth from ground level but not exceeding
a levelling, dewatering (but excluding CUM 111.45 1859.086 1,859.086 207,195.135 0.000 207195.135
b Depth exceeding 2 m but not CUM 139.65 1137.381 1,137.381 158,835.257 0.000 158835.257
Depth exceeding 4 m 4 m but not exceeding 6
c CUM 174.92 849.677 849.677 148,625.501 0.000 148625.501
Depth exceeding 6 m but not exceeding 8
d CUM 218.66 - - 0.000 0.000
Earth work in excavation in soft rock
103 (rock without any recovery of exacavated - - 0.000 0.000
materials in the form of hard
Earth work in excavation
stone/boulder) includingin hard rock rock
Depth from
requiring groundblasting
controlled level but not exceeding
a CUM 165.05 1199.964 1,199.964 198,054.058 0.000 198054.058
2 m
wedging, line drilling, pre shearing etc as
b Depth
required, exceeding 2 mdewatering
setting out, levelling, but not CUM 198.06 1336.494 1,336.494 264,706.002 0.000 264706.002
Depth exceeding 4 m4 m
required), shoring
but not& strutting
exceeding 6
c (wherever required), dressing the sides & CUM 237.68 484.26 484.260 115,098.917 0.000 115098.917
Depth all lifts, necessary
6 m butlicenses/statuatory
not exceeding 8
d clearances for blasting, supply, storage & CUM 285.22 993.281 993.281 283,303.607 0.000 283303.607
handling of blasting materials,
Depth exceeding 8 m but not exceeding
e stacking/disposal of surplus excavated CUM 327.99 - - 0.000 0.000
10 m
material within a lead upto 1 Km, spreading /
105 levelling of disposed materials etc all complete - - 0.000 0.000
for following depths below ground level.
Depth from ground level but not exceeding 2
a CUM 390.77 751.827 751.827 293,791.437 0.000 293791.437
Earthwork in Back filling upto any depth
b below ground level
Depth exceeding 2maround foundations,
but not exceeding 4 m CUM 468.36 1046.687 1,046.687 490,226.323 0.000 490226.323
plinths, trenches, drains etc to proper grade
c Depth exceeding 4 m but not exceeding 6 m CUM 561.46 210.559 210.559 118,220.456 0.000 118220.456
and level in layers not exceeding 300 mm
d Depth exceeding
thickness using/with6 m but not exceeding
selected 8m
materials from CUM 674.32 - - 0.000 0.000
e compulsorily
Depth exceeding excavated
8 m butearth available 10 m
not exceeding CUM 775.9 269.251 269.251 208,911.851 0.000 208911.851
within a lead upto 1 Km and compacted as
specified including re-excavation of stacked
A107 earth, watering, ramming/compaction by - - 0.000 0.000
manual/mechanical means, dressing etc all
complete.for the following.
From RL 377.095m to RL
At EL (-)4.40m 41.851 16.833
At EL (-)5.50m 41.304 16.286
Average 40% Soft Rock 0.4 41.578 16.560 1.095 301.577
From RL 378.000m to RL CUM
At ground level EL(-) 3.50m 36.180 17.286
From RL 376.00m to RL 374.00m CUM
At EL (-)4.40m 41.304 16.286
At EL (-)5.50m 40.304 15.286
Average 40% Soft Rock 0.4 40.804 15.786 2.000 515.306
From RL 376.00m to RL 374.00m CUM
At ground level EL(-) 3.50m 35.180 16.286
From RL 374.00m to RL CUM
From RL 374.000m to RL CUM
At ground level EL(-) 2.50m 36.025 14.494
From RL 378.000m to RL CUM
At ground level EL(-) 3.50m 36.180 17.286
From RL 374.00m to RL CUM
At EL (-)4.40m 40.304 15.286
At EL (-)5.50m 40.091 15.073
Average 40% Hard Rock 0.6 40.198 15.180 0.425 155.602
From RL 374.00m to RL CUM
Module no-06 F1
1 2 3.050 2.650 0.075 1.212
Module no-06 F2 3.650 2.650 0.075 0.725
1 1
Module no-06 F1 3.050 2.650 0.075 10.305
1 17
Module no-06 F2 3.650 2.650 0.075 1.451
1 2
Module no-06 F1 3.050 2.650 0.075 3.031
1 5
Module no-06 F3 7.050 3.650 0.075 1.930
1 1
Module no-06 F4,F5,F6 8.700 4.660 0.075 9.122
1 3
Module no-06 F1 3.050 2.650 0.075 1.819
1 3
Module no-06 F2 3.650 2.650 0.075 0.725
1 1
Module no-07 F3 7.050 3.650 0.075 1.930
1 1
Module no-07 F4,F5,F6 8.700 4.660 0.075 9.122
1 3
Module no-08 F1 3.050 2.650 0.075 5.456
1 9
Module no-08 F2 5.100 3.650 0.075 1.396
1 1
Module no-08 F1 3.050 2.650 0.075 1.819
1 3
Module no-08 F1 3.050 2.650 0.075 3.031
1 5
Module no-08 F2 5.100 3.650 0.075 1.396
1 1
F4 1 8.550 4.500 0.650 25.009
F5 1 8.550 4.500 0.650 25.009
F4 1 8.550 4.500 0.650 25.009
F3 1 6.900 3.500 0.650 15.698
F3 1 6.900 3.500 0.650 15.698
F6 2 8.550 5.500 0.650 61.133
F5 1 8.550 4.500 0.650 25.009
F2 1 3.500 2.500 0.650 5.688
F1 4 2.900 2.500 0.650 18.850
F2 1 3.500 2.500 0.650 5.688
F1 1 2.900 2.500 0.650 4.713
F1 5 2.900 2.500 0.650 23.563
F1 2 2.900 2.500 0.650 9.425
F2 1 4.950 3.500 0.650 11.261
F1 2 2.900 2.500 0.650 9.425
P1 4 0.650 0.575 2.400 3.588
P1 5 0.650 0.575 2.400 4.485
P1 5 0.650 0.575 2.400 4.485
P1 5 0.650 0.575 2.400 4.485
P1 5 0.650 0.575 2.400 4.485
P1 1 0.650 0.575 2.400 0.897
3 1.700 0.700 2.400 8.568
P2 3 1.700 0.700 2.400 8.568
P1 6 0.650 0.575 2.400 5.382
P2 2 1.700 0.700 2.400 5.712
P2 1 1.700 0.700 2.400 2.856
P1 3 0.650 0.575 2.400 2.691
P1 2 0.650 0.575 2.400 1.794
P2 1 1.700 0.700 2.400 2.856
P1 2 0.650 0.575 2.400 1.794
P1 1 0.650 0.575 2.400 0.897
P2 2 1.700 0.700 2.400 5.712
P1 1 0.650 0.575 2.400 0.897
P2 3 1.700 0.700 2.400 8.568
P1 2 0.650 0.575 2.400 1.794 PC-6460 DT-15.03.23
P1 4 0.650 0.575 0.750 1.121 PC-6460 DT-15.03.23
P1 West Side 4 0.650 0.575 0.750 1.121
P2 West Side 1 1.700 0.700 0.750 0.893
PC-6467 DT-27.03.23
P1 2 0.650 0.575 2.400 1.794
P1 2 0.650 0.575 2.400 1.794
Padestal P1 5 0.575 0.650 0.700 1.308
PC-6477 DT-22.04.23
Padestal P2 1 0.700 0.700 1.700 0.833
F1 Raft 3 2.900 2.500 0.650 14.138
Module 6 & 5 Combined 2 0.650 0.575 2.400 1.794
Padestal P1Padestal P1 PC-6475 DT-10.04.23
Module-05 1 0.650 0.575 2.400 0.897
Module-08 Padestal P1 3 0.650 0.575 0.700 0.785
F1 Raft 2 2.900 2.500 0.650 9.425
F2 Raft 1 4.950 3.500 0.650 11.261 PC-6476 DT-14.04.23
Padestal P1 2 0.575 0.650 0.700 0.523
Qty Claimed Upto Previous RAB 524.431
P1 11 0.650 0.575 1.100 4.522 PC-6271DT-02.03.2024
P1 11 0.650 0.575 1.100 4.522 PC-6272DT-07.03.2024
P2 8 1.700 0.700 0.850 8.092
PC-6273 DT-09.03.2024
P1 6 0.650 0.575 0.850 1.906
P1 6 0.650 0.575 0.850 1.906
P2 7 1.700 0.700 0.850 7.081
PC-6277 DT-15.03.2024
P1 2 0.650 0.575 1.100 0.822
P1 1 0.650 0.575 1.100 0.411
Total Quantity 553.693
Previous Bill Quantity 553.693
Net Payable Quantity -
A301 Fairface form work with good Sqm
quality water proof ply wood with
film face of required thickness Qty Claimed Upto Previous RAB 1,038.630
and smooth surface below
P1 22 0.650 1.100 15.730 PC-6271DT-02.03.2024
22 0.575 1.100
P1 22 0.650 1.100 15.730 PC-6272DT-07.03.2024
22 0.575 1.100 13.915
P2 16 1.700 0.850 23.120
16 0.700 0.850 9.520
PC-6273 DT-09.03.2024
P1 12 0.650 0.850 6.630
12 0.575 0.850 5.865
Total Quantity 1,129.140
Previous Bill Quantity 1,129.140
Net Payable Quantity -
Transportation, straightening,
403 cutting, bending, placing in position MT -
at all level, binding in position of
steel reinforcements
MODULE NO-6,7 of TMT steel of MT 70.318
MODULE NO-5 MT 17.743
Total Quantity 88.060
Previous Bill Quantity 88.060
Net Payable Quantity -
Quantity Abstract For Conv-7AB , RA BILL-39 (Bill Period-01.02.24 to 29.02.24)
Less PCC
PCC CUM -1 10.800 19.375 0.075 -15.694
RAFT 7AB -1 10.725 19.300 1.000 -206.993
Beam FB1 -2 17.600 2.000 0.600 -42.240
Conveyor 4 A/B
From RL 376.242m to RL 374.242m CUM
At ground level EL(+)0.742 29.659 20.159
At EL (-)1.258 28.659 19.159
Average 1 29.159 19.659 2.000 1,146.474
Total quantity 1,146.474
Previous Bill Quantity 1,146.474
Net Payable Quantity -
Depth exceeding 2 m but not exceeding 4
Conveyor 4 A/B
From RL 374.242m to RL 373.242m CUM
At EL (-)1.258 28.659 19.159
At EL (-)2.258 28.159 18.659
Average 1 28.409 18.909 1.000 537.186
From RL 373.242m to RL 372.242m CUM
At EL (-)2.258 26.159 16.659
At EL (-)3.258 25.659 16.159
Average 1 25.909 16.409 1.000 425.141
Deduction for hard Rock (From RL
-1 239.576 0.918 -219.931
373.160m to RL 372.242m)
Total quantity 742.396
Previous Bill Quantity 742.396
Net Payable Quantity -
Depth exceeding 4 m but not exceeding 6
From RL 372.242m to RL 370.242m CUM
At EL (-)3.258 25.659 16.159
At EL (-)5.258 24.659 15.159
Average 1 25.159 15.659 2.000 787.930
Deduction for hard Rock (From RL
-1 239.576 2.000 -479.152
372.242m to RL 370.242m)
Total quantity 308.778
Previous Bill Quantity 308.778
Net Payable Quantity -
Depth exceeding 6 m but not exceeding 8
d m
From RL 370.242m to RL 368.242m CUM
At EL (-)5.258 22.659 13.159
At EL (-)7.258 21.659 12.159
Average 1 22.159 12.659 2.000 561.022
Deduction for hard Rock (From RL
-1 239.576 2.000 -479.152
370.242m to RL 368.242m)
Total quantity 81.870
Previous Bill Quantity 81.870
Net Payable Quantity -
Depth exceeding 8 m but not exceeding
e 10 m
From RL 368.242m to RL 367.925m CUM
At EL (-)7.258 21.659 12.159
At EL (-)7.575 21.500 12.000
Average 1 21.579 12.079 0.317 82.627
Deduction for hard Rock (From RL
-1 239.576 0.317 -75.946
368.242m to RL 367.925m)
Total quantity 6.681
Previous Bill Quantity 6.681
Net Payable Quantity -
103 Earth work in excavation in soft rock (rock
Depth any recovery
2 mofbut
not exceeding 4
b materials
m in the form of hard stone/boulder)
including weathered rock which can be
Conveyor 4 A/B
From RL 373.160m to RL 372.242m (Balance
0.5 239.576 0.918 109.965
50% Claimed in Hard Rock Item no.-105.b)
Page 93 of 136
MEASUREMENT SHEET FOR CHP Conveyor 4 A/B RA BILL-38 (Bill Period-01.01.24 to 31.01.24)
Conveyor 4 A/B
From RL 372.242m to RL 370.242m
(Balance 50% Claimed in Hard Rock Item 0.5 239.576 2.000 239.576
Total quantity 239.576
Previous Bill Quantity 239.576
Net Payable Quantity -
Depth exceeding 6 m but not exceeding 8
d m
Conveyor 4 A/B
From RL 370.242m to RL 368.242m (Balance
0.5 239.576 2.000 239.576
50% Claimed in Hard Rock Item no.-105.d)
Conveyor 4 A/B
From RL 368.242m to RL 368.075m (Balance
0.5 239.576 0.167 20.005
50% Claimed in Hard Rock Item no.-103.e)
Conveyor 4 A/B
From RL 370.242m to RL 368.242m (Balance
0.5 239.576 2.000 239.576
50% Claimed in Soft Rock Item no.-103.d)
Conveyor 4 A/B
From RL 368.242m to RL 368.075m (Balance
0.5 239.576 0.167 20.005
50% Claimed in Soft Rock Item no.-103.d)
Conveyor 4 A/B
From RL 368.075m to RL 367.925m 1 239.576 0.150 35.936
Total quantity 35.936
Previous Bill Quantity 35.936
Net Payable Quantity -
Extra over ST No. 101 and 103 to 108 for
109 carriage of material/earth for every 500m
or part thereof beyond an initial lead of
Carriage for stacking/ backfilling of
serviceable material/ earth
Conveyor 4 A/B
Page 94 of 136
MEASUREMENT SHEET FOR CHP Conveyor 4 A/B RA BILL-38 (Bill Period-01.01.24 to 31.01.24)
Lead from 1.00KM to 1.500KM
Claimed in Item No. 101.a 1,146.474
Claimed in Item No. 101.b 742.396
Claimed in Item No. 101.c 308.778
Claimed in Item No. 101.d 81.870
Claimed in Item No. 101.e 6.681
Claimed in Item No. 103.b 109.965
Claimed in Item No. 103.c 239.576
Claimed in Item No. 103.d 239.576
Claimed in Item No. 103.e 20.005
Claimed in Item No. 105.b 109.965
Claimed in Item No. 105.c 239.576
Claimed in Item No. 105.d 239.576
Claimed in Item No. 105.e 20.005
Claimed in Item No. 106.e 35.936
Lead from 1.50KM to 2.00KM
Claimed in Item No. 101.a 1,146.474
Claimed in Item No. 101.b 742.396
Claimed in Item No. 101.c 308.778
Claimed in Item No. 101.d 81.870
Claimed in Item No. 101.e 6.681
Claimed in Item No. 103.b 109.965
Claimed in Item No. 103.c 239.576
Claimed in Item No. 103.d 239.576
Claimed in Item No. 103.e 20.005
Claimed in Item No. 105.b 109.965
Claimed in Item No. 105.c 239.576
Claimed in Item No. 105.d 239.576
Claimed in Item No. 105.e 20.005
Claimed in Item No. 106.e 35.936
Lead from 2.00KM to 2.50KM
Claimed in Item No. 101.a 1,146.474
Claimed in Item No. 101.b 742.396
Claimed in Item No. 101.c 308.778
Claimed in Item No. 101.d 81.870
Claimed in Item No. 101.e 6.681
Claimed in Item No. 103.b 109.965
Claimed in Item No. 103.c 239.576
Claimed in Item No. 103.d 239.576
Claimed in Item No. 103.e 20.005
Claimed in Item No. 105.b 109.965
Claimed in Item No. 105.c 239.576
Claimed in Item No. 105.d 239.576
Claimed in Item No. 105.e 20.005
Claimed in Item No. 106.e 35.936
Total quantity 10,621.140
Previous Bill Quantity 10,621.140
Net Payable Quantity -
Concrete of grade M10 (1 part cement, 3
202 part sand, 6 parts of 40 mm graded
aggregate by volume) as lean concrete,
levelling course, mud mat under and
Footing RF1 1 20.150 10.650 0.075 16.095 PC-3632 DT-06.09.2023
Total quantity 16.095
Previous Bill Quantity 16.095
Net Payable Quantity -
Providing and laying Design Mix cement
205 concrete conforming to IS:456 & IS 10262-
2009 for reinforced concrete works with
a M 25 Grade
coarse sand and graded hard stone
Execution of balance works as per the de...
RF1 Foundation 1 20.000 10.500 1.000 210.000 PC-5870 DT-7.11.2023
Grid -TR-01 & TR-02 (Pedestal P1 )-1st lift 4 1.400 1.100 2.000 12.320 PC-5873 DT-15.11.2023
Grid -TR-01& TR-02 (Pedestal P1 )-2nd lift 4 1.400 1.100 1.750 10.780 PC-5875 DT-24.11.2023
Wall TR-1 /TR-2 (A-B) 2 7.900 0.600 2.000 18.960
PC-5882 DT-13.12.2023
1 16.000 0.600 2.000 19.200
Total quantity 271.260
Previous Bill Quantity 271.260
Net Payable Quantity -
Fairface form work with good quality water
proof ply wood with film face of required
A301 thickness and smooth surface below
finished ground floor level for foundations,
Footing RF1 2 20.150 0.075 3.022
PC-3632 DT-06.09.2023
2 10.650 0.075 1.598
RF1 Foundation 2 20.000 1.000 40.000
PC-5870 DT-7.11.2023
2 10.500 1.000 21.000
Grid -TR-01 & TR-02 (Pedestal P1 )-1st lift 8 1.400 1.100 2.000 24.640
PC-5873 DT-15.11.2023
8 1.100 2.000 17.600
Grid -TR-01& TR-02 (Pedestal P1 )-2nd lift 8 1.400 1.100 1.750 21.560
PC-5875 DT-24.11.2023
8 1.100 1.750 15.400
Wall TR-1 /TR-2 (A-B) 4 7.900 2.000 63.200
PC-5882 DT-13.12.2023
2 16.000 2.000 64.000
Total quantity 272.020
Page 95 of 136
MEASUREMENT SHEET FOR CHP Conveyor 4 A/B RA BILL-38 (Bill Period-01.01.24 to 31.01.24)
Previous Bill Quantity 272.020
Net Payable Quantity -
Transportation, straightening, cutting,
403 bending, placing in position at all level,
binding in position of steel reinforcements of
TMT steel of grade Fe-500D or 500EQR
Raft ,Pedestal (P1) Beam & wall 57.557 57.557
Total Quantity 57.557
Previous Bill Quantity 57.557
Net Payable Quantity - MT
Pedestal P1 (40dia 1250mm long) 4 8 0.019 0.617
Total quantity 0.617
Previous Bill Quantity 0.617
Net Payable Quantity -
Page 96 of 136
Quantity Abstract For Conveyor 4 A/B RA BILL-37 (Bill Period-01.01.24 to 31.01.24)
Earth work in excavation in all types of
101 soil including ash which can be
excavated by any means including setting
out, levelling, dewatering (but excluding
Depth from ground level but not exceeding
a CUM 111.450 1146.474 - 127,774.53 -
Depth exceeding 2 m but not exceeding
b CUM 139.650 742.396 - 103,675.63 -
Depth exceeding 4 m but not exceeding
c CUM 174.920 308.778 - 54,011.45 -
Depth exceeding 6 m but not exceeding
d CUM 218.660 0.000 - - -
Depth exceeding 8 m but not exceeding
e 10 m CUM 262.500 6.681 - 1,753.87 -
Page 99 of 136
MEASUREMENT SHEET FOR CHP Conveyor 6 A/B RA BILL-37 (Bill Period-01.12.23 to 31.12.23)
Average 1 12.800 26.172 2.000 670.003
For TR 08 From RL 371.00m to RL 369.00m
At RL -4.50m 1 12.300 25.672
At RL -6.50m 1 11.300 24.672
Average 1 11.800 25.172 2.000 594.059
For TR 08 From RL 369.00m to RL 368.425m CUM
At EL (-)6.500m 11.300 24.672
At EL (-)7.075m 11.012 24.385
Average. 1 11.156 24.528 0.575 157.340
For TR 09,10
For TR 11
From RL 378.00m to RL 376.00m
At EL +2.500m 1 10.500 24.462
At RL +0.500m 1 9.500 23.462
Average 1 10.000 23.962 2.000 479.240
From RL 376.000m to RL 374.00m
1 9.500 23.462
1 8.500 22.462
Average 1 9.000 22.962 2.000 413.316
TR-11 RL 374.00 to 372.00 CUM
8.500 22.462
7.500 21.462
Average 1 8.000 21.962 2.000 351.392
For TR 12
From RL 378.00m to RL 376.00m
At EL +2.500m 1 10.500 22.500
At RL +0.500m 1 9.500 21.500
Average 1 10.000 22.000 2.000 440.000
From RL 376.000m to RL 374.00m
1 9.500 21.500
1 8.500 20.500
Average 1 9.000 21.000 2.000 378.000
TR-12 RL 374.00 to 372.00 CUM
8.500 20.500
7.500 19.500
Average 1 8.000 20.000 2.000 320.000
For TR 13,14
From RL 378.00m to RL 376.00m
At EL +2.500m 1 19.300 24.300
At RL +0.500m 1 18.300 23.300
Average 1 18.800 23.800 2.000 894.880
From RL 376.000m to RL 374.00m
1 18.300 23.300
1 17.300 22.300
Average 1 17.800 22.800 2.000 811.680
TR-13,14 RL 374.00 to 372.00 CUM
17.300 22.300
16.300 21.300
Average 1 16.800 21.800 2.000 732.480
For TR-15
From RL 373.00m to RL 371.00m
At EL -2.500m 1 18.288 8.288
At RL -4.500m 1 17.288 7.288
Average 1 17.788 7.788 2.000 277.066
From RL 371.00m to RL 369.425m
At RL -4.500m CUM 1 17.288 7.288
At RL -6.075m 1 16.501 6.501
Average 1 16.894 6.894 1.575 183.436
For TR 16,17
From RL 378.00m to RL 376.00m
At EL +2.500m 1 12.300 19.300
At RL +0.500m 1 11.300 18.300
Average 1 11.800 18.800 2.000 443.680
From RL 376.000m to RL 374.00m
1 11.300 18.300
1 10.300 17.300
Average 1 10.800 17.800 2.000 384.480
TR-16,17 RL 374.00 to 372.00 CUM
10.300 17.300
9.300 16.300
Average 1 9.800 16.800 2.000 329.280
For TR 18
From RL 378.00m to RL 376.00m
At EL +2.500m 1 18.300 12.300
At RL +0.500m 1 17.300 11.300
Average 1 17.800 11.800 2.000 420.080
Fron Side Between GP-4 1 11.350 0.230 0.800 2.088
GP-04 to GP-09 16 2.35 0.230 0.800 6.918
4 2.075 0.230 0.800 1.527
GP-09 to GP-10 2 3.387 0.230 0.800 1.246
4 2.35 0.230 0.800 1.730
Total quantity 13.509
Previous Bill Quantity 13.509
Net Payable Quantity -
Providing and Filling in trenches, plinths, area
A1801 paving and other underground structures with
graded stone aggregate of size range 63 mm
to 45 mm inA/B
layers not exceeding 275 mm
GP-04 to GP-10 1 34.000 8.990 0.230 70.302
GP-10 to GP-11 1 7.521 9.800 0.230 16.952
Total quantity 87.254
Previous Bill Quantity 85.853
Net Payable Quantity -
Total quantity -
Previous Bill Quantity -
Net Payable Quantity -
Earth work in excavation in soft rock
(rock without any recovery of
exacavated materials in the form of
103 hard stone/boulder) including
weathered rock which can be
excavated by means of crow bar, pick
axe, pneumatic rock breaker
attachment with excavator machine
Depth from ground level but not
a exceeding 2 m CUM
TP 9 RAFT AREA 1 575.684 1.036 596.409 AREA
Total Quantity 596.409
Previous Bill Quantity 596.409
3867.03 Net Payable Quantity -
Depth exceeding 2 m but not
b exceeding 4 m CUM
TP 9 RAFT AREA 575.684 0.575 331.018
Total Quantity -
Previous Bill Quantity -
Net Payable Quantity -
Depth exceeding 2 m but not exceeding
TP 9 RAFT AREA 1 22.322 0.756 16.875
Total Quantity 16.875
Previous Bill Quantity 16.875
Net Payable Quantity -
Extra over ST No. 101 and 103 to 108
for carriage of material/earth for every
109 CUM
500m or part thereof beyond an initial
lead of 1km.
Carriage for disposal of
b serviceable/unserviceable material/
Total quantity -
Previous Bill Quantity -
Net Payable Quantity -
Earthwork in Back filling upto any
depth below ground level around
A107 foundations, plinths, trenches, drains
etc to proper grade and level in layers
not exceeding 300 mm thickness
using/with selected so
Each layer compacted materials from
as to achieve
b at least 95% maximum dry density as CUM
per IS-2720 (Part-VII)
TP-09 UPTO PB BOTTOM CUM 1 28.450 20.450 1.875 1090.880
DEDUCTION RAFT CUM -1 26.800 18.800 1.200 -604.608
P1 -3 1.400 1.050 0.600 -2.646
P2 -1 1.400 1.400 0.600 -1.176
P3 -4 1.600 1.100 0.600 -4.224
P4 -1 1.400 1.000 0.600 -0.840
P4A -1 1.400 1.000 0.600 -0.840
P5 -1 1.400 1.050 0.600 -0.882
P6 -1 1.650 1.200 0.600 -1.188
Total Quantity 474.476
Previous Bill Quantity 474.476
Net Payable Quantity -
Concrete of grade M7.5 (1 part
cement, 4 part sand, 8 parts of 40 mm
201 graded aggregate by volume) as mass CUM
filling course, lean concrete, levelling
course, mud mat under and around
foundations/floors, at any depth below
PB1 1 2.700 0.650 0.075 0.132
PB2 1 4.500 0.650 0.075 0.219
PB3 2 0.525 0.650 0.075 0.051
PB4 2 7.700 0.650 0.075 0.751
PB3 1 0.525 0.650 0.075 0.026 PC-409,D-
PB3 1 0.450 0.650 0.075 0.022 10.12.22
PB1 1 1.900 0.650 0.075 0.093
PB2 1 4.550 0.650 0.075 0.222
PB6 1 4.775 0.650 0.075 0.233
PB6 1 4.800 0.650 0.075 0.234
PB5 1 2.300 0.650 0.075 0.112
Total quantity 2.095
Previous Bill Quantity 2.095
Net Payable Quantity -
Concrete of grade M10 (1 part cement, 3
part sand, 6 parts of 40 mm graded
202 aggregate by volume) as lean concrete, CUM -
levelling course, mud mat under and
around foundations/floors at any depth
below finished floor level etc. (BHEL will
P3 CUM 4 1.600 1.100 0.550 3.872
P4 CUM 2 1.000 1.400 0.550 1.540
P5 CUM 1 1.050 1.400 0.550 0.809
101 Earth work in excavation in all types of soil including ash which can be excavated by any means including setting out, levelling,
a dewatering
Depth from (but excluding
ground special
level but type of dewatering
not exceeding 2m viz. well point method), shoring & strutting (wherever required), dressing
From RL 372m to RL 370.224m
At ground level EL(-)3.5m 50.476 55.226 as per drawing
At EL (-)5.276m 46.924 51.674
Average Cum 1 48.700 53.450 1.776 4,622.955
Deduction Area-1 Cum -1 12.050 3.500 1.776 -74.903
At ground level EL(-)3.5m 50.476 47.476 done by KEPL
At EL (-)5.276m 46.924 43.924
Average Cum -1 48.700 45.700 1.776 -3,952.648
Total quantity 595.404
103 Earth work in excavation in soft rock (rock without any recovery of exacavated materials in the form of hard stone/boulder)
a including
Depth from weathered rockbut
ground level which
notcan be excavated
exceeding 2 m by means of crow bar, pick axe, pneumatic rock breaker attachment with
At EL (-)5.276m 46.924 51.674
At EL (-)5.500m 46.476 52.122
Average Cum 0.5 46.700 51.898 0.224 271.447
Deduction Area-1 Cum -0.5 12.050 3.500 0.224 -4.724
At EL (-)5.276m 46.924 43.924
At EL (-)5.500m 46.476 44.372
Average Cum -0.5 46.700 44.148 0.224 -230.912
Total quantity 35.811
b Depth exceeding 2 m but not exceeding 4 m
From RL 370.00m to RL 368.750m
At EL (-)5.500m 46.476 52.122
At EL (-)6.750m 43.976 49.622
Average Cum 0.5 45.226 50.872 1.250 1,437.961
Deduction Area-1 Cum -0.5 12.050 3.500 1.250 -26.359
At EL (-)5.500m 46.476 44.372
At EL (-)6.750m 43.976 41.872
Average Cum -0.5 45.226 43.122 1.250 -1,218.897
From RL 368.750m to RL 368.00m
At EL (-)6.750m 41.976 47.622
At EL (-)7.500m 41.601 47.247
Average CUm 0.5 41.789 47.435 0.750 743.348
Deduction Area-1 -0.5 12.050 3.500 0.750 -15.816
At EL (-)6.750m 41.976 39.872
At EL (-)7.500m 41.601 39.497
Average Cum -0.5 41.789 39.685 0.750 -621.899
Already paid in RA Bill 14
Total quantity 298.338
c Depth exceeding 4 m but not exceeding 6 m
From RL 368.00m to RL 366.00m
At EL (-)7.500m 41.601 47.247
At EL (-)9.500m 40.601 46.247
Average Cum 0.5 41.101 46.747 2.000 1,921.348
Deduction Area-1 Cum -0.5 12.050 3.500 2.000 -42.175
At EL (-)7.500m 41.601 39.497
At EL (-)9.500m 40.601 38.497
Average Cum -0.5 41.101 38.997 2.000 -1,602.816
Already paid in RA Bill 14
Total quantity 276.357
105 Earth work in excavation in hard rock requiring controlled blasting including wedging, line drilling, pre shearing etc as required,
a setting out, levelling,
Depth from dewatering
ground level (wherever required),
but not exceeding 2m shoring & strutting (wherever required), dressing the sides & bottom, all
From RL 370.224m to RL 370.00m
WASTAGE ( E = D - B ) 290.048
Statement Showing Details of Materials issued to the Contractor : M/s Kanwar Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.
Issue Voucher No. Dia of
Stores issue
and date allotted reinforcement
Sl No voucher No steel in mm Quantity issued DETAILS OF DIA WISE ISSUED QUANTITY (IN MT)
by stores to the
and date
Free 8mm 10mm 12mm 16mm 20mm 25mm 28mm 32mm 36mm
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Upto Sep'24 Dia Wise Total Qty 6,723.174 271.400 557.840 305.217 635.628 1,301.174 1,497.994 455.725 1,385.776 312.420
166 251 13.07.2024 8,10,25 42.120 32.300 32.620
TOTAL ISSUED QTY UPTO Oct'24 6,723.174 271.400 557.840 305.217 635.628 1,301.174 1,497.994 455.725 1,385.776 312.420
AGENCY:- M/s Kanwar Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.
REF. WO. NO:-BHE/PW/PUR/NTPRT-CVL-CHP-PKG-I/2279/LOA Dated 09/07/2020
RA BILL-47 (Bill Period-01.10.24 to 31.10.24)
S.N. Location BILL Consumption Date 8mm 10mm 12mm 16mm 20mm 25mm 28mm 32mm 36mm Total Remarks
1 Crusher House 1st RA Bill 11/15/2020 11/30/2020 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 118.63 0.00 0.00 73.59 0.00 192.220
2 Crusher House 3rd RA Bill 12/1/2020 1/31/2021 2.397 79.365 41.213 5.756 115.448 252.588 0.000 0.000 0.000 496.768
3 TP-4 4th RA Bill 2/1/2021 2/28/2021 7.096 0.348 0.384 2.401 50.987 7.195 0.000 10.580 0.000 78.992
4 MCC-2 4th RA Bill 2/1/2021 2/28/2021 7.527 1.227 2.718 5.316 8.851 3.252 21.604 4.450 0.000 54.945
5 Track Hopper 5th RA Bill 3/1/2021 3/31/2021 0.000 0.000 0.000 61.230 213.091 131.581 0.000 0.000 210.492 616.394
6 TR-1,15,16,17,25 ,26,27,29 5th RA Bill 3/1/2021 3/31/2021 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.970 19.007 8.128 0.301 1.151 31.557
7 TP-6 6th RA Bill 4/1/2021 4/30/2021 0.685 2.174 0.000 0.951 0.096 46.718 3.739 46.067 0.000 100.429
8 Track Hopper 7th RA Bill 5/1/2021 5/31/2021 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.205 35.515 21.930 0.000 0.000 0.000 62.650
9 Conv. 6 AB (TR 1 & 2,TR -3,5- 7th RA Bill 5/1/2021 5/31/2021 7.682 0.380 0.000 0.695 9.592 57.807 0.000 9.873 0.000 86.029
10 6,7,15,25,26-27,28,29)
Track Hopper 8th RA Bill 5/2/2021 7/31/2021 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
11 Track Hopper 10th RA Bill 8/1/2021 8/31/2021 0.000 9.417 0.000 19.768 35.515 21.930 0.000 0.000 25.164 111.794
12 Track Hopper 11th RA Bill 9/1/2021 9/30/2021 0.000 15.695 0.000 7.605 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 23.300
13 Conv. 6 AB (TR 16-17) 11th RA Bill 9/1/2021 9/30/2021 5.753 0.471 0.000 15.705 16.072 5.947 0.000 0.592 0.000 44.541
14 Conv. 6 AB 12th RA Bill 10/1/2021 10/31/2021 0.911 0.057 0.259 0.126 12.843 3.125 0.000 0.393 0.000 17.715
15 Track Hopper 12th RA Bill 10/1/2021 10/31/2021 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.750 0.129 5.154 66.030 53.648 0.000 125.711
16 Track Hopper 13th RA Bill 11/1/2021 11/30/2021 0.000 18.834 0.000 9.126 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 27.960
17 Conv. 6 AB (TR 13-14) 13th RA Bill 11/1/2021 11/30/2021 1.051 0.063 0.307 0.126 10.312 0.514 0.000 1.770 0.000 14.143
18 MH-1 14th RA Bill 12/1/2021 12/31/2021 0.326 24.681 0.000 5.190 14.543 108.244 13.665 145.773 0.000 312.422
19 WT 15th RA Bill 1/1/2022 1/31/2022 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.161 0.694 71.184 11.154 153.942 0.000 242.135
20 Track Hopper 15th RA Bill 1/1/2022 1/31/2022 0.000 0.000 0.000 42.250 0.000 0.000 5.185 24.147 0.000 71.581
21 MH-1 16th RA Bill 2/1/2022 2/28/2022 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.489 3.710 25.501 0.000 0.000 0.000 32.701
22 WT 16th RA Bill 2/1/2022 2/28/2022 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 65.200 0.000 65.200
23 Conv.5 AB 16th RA Bill 2/1/2022 2/28/2022 0.000 0.000 0.000 27.132 20.116 6.906 0.000 0.592 0.000 54.746
24 Track Hopper 16th RA Bill 2/1/2022 2/28/2022 0.000 0.000 0.000 25.000 23.474 16.094 0.000 0.000 0.000 64.567
25 WT 17th RA Bill 3/1/2022 3/25/2022 9.650 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 83.797 0.000 93.447
26 SR-02 17th RA Bill 3/1/2022 3/25/2022 4.359 0.000 0.476 10.264 17.054 14.952 0.000 23.212 0.000 70.318
27 Track Hopper 17th RA Bill 3/1/2022 3/25/2022 16.777 27.260 0.000 2.370 17.012 0.000 2.862 0.000 19.027 85.308
28 Track Hopper 18th RA Bill 4/1/2022 4/30/2022 0.000 7.309 0.000 5.047 67.044 0.000 0.000 96.246 0.000 175.647
29 WT 18th RA Bill 4/1/2022 4/30/2022 2.878 3.999 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 35.173 54.235 0.000 96.285
30 Conv. 6 AB 18th RA Bill 4/1/2022 4/30/2022 0.414 10.240 0.000 0.000 12.835 34.840 0.000 6.266 0.000 64.595
31 WT 20th RA Bill 5/1/2022 6/30/2022 0.257 0.000 5.724 1.203 0.499 6.360 0.000 31.556 0.000 45.599
32 Conv.5 AB 20th RA Bill 5/1/2022 6/30/2022 10.470 1.076 0.528 10.318 3.959 0.550 0.000 0.000 0.000 26.902
33 SR-02 20th RA Bill 5/1/2022 6/30/2022 2.268 0.000 2.594 4.589 0.000 8.293 0.000 0.000 0.000 17.743
34 9B 20th RA Bill 5/1/2022 6/30/2022 0.081 0.096 0.000 0.000 0.000 13.997 0.000 1.673 0.000 15.846
35 T2A/B 20th RA Bill 5/1/2022 6/30/2022 0.000 10.652 0.210 5.792 16.861 0.000 13.941 71.221 0.000 118.677
36 Conv.5 AB 21st RA Bill 7/1/2022 7/31/2022 2.180 0.286 0.000 9.985 3.831 0.533 0.000 0.000 0.000 16.815
37 WT 22nd RA Bill 8/1/2022 8/31/2022 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 30.616 0.000 30.616
38 MCC-2 Roof Slab & Beam 22nd RA Bill 8/1/2022 8/31/2022 0.669 9.490 0.617 0.045 1.464 5.079 0.000 0.000 0.000 17.364
39 MCC-2 Plinth Beam 22nd RA Bill 8/1/2022 8/31/2022 1.378 0.000 0.000 0.103 1.270 4.766 0.754 0.000 0.000 8.271
40 DRAIN D13&13A 24th RA Bill 10/1/2022 10/31/2022 1.621 2.268 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.889
41 CULVERT BC6&13 24Tth RA Bill 10/1/2022 10/31/2022 0.000 0.737 1.934 1.478 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.150
42 TP-9 24Tth RA Bill 10/1/2022 10/31/2022 2.747 0.000 0.000 0.630 1.337 58.653 0.000 14.661 0.000 78.029
43 CON 9B 24Tth RA Bill 10/1/2022 10/31/2022 0.812 0.074 0.000 0.664 2.547 2.270 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.367
44 Track Hopper 24Tth RA Bill 10/1/2022 10/31/2022 0.000 50.884 56.966 68.136 0.000 0.010 0.258 9.146 0.000 185.401
45 MCC SLAB 25TH RA BILL 11/1/2022 11/30/2022 0.478 0.000 0.575 0.036 1.216 5.413 0.000 0.000 0.000 7.717
46 TUNNEL 2AB 25TH RA BILL 11/1/2022 11/30/2022 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.973 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.973
47 9B 26TH RA BILL 12/1/2022 12/31/2022 0.000 0.070 0.000 0.606 2.072 5.033 0.526 0.000 0.000 8.307
48 MCC SLAB & STAIR 26TH RA BILL 12/1/2022 12/31/2022 0.168 8.915 0.804 0.000 0.029 0.128 0.000 0.000 0.000 10.043
49 TUNNEL 2AB SLAB 26TH RA BILL 12/1/2022 12/31/2022 0.000 10.652 0.000 0.000 14.142 0.000 0.000 39.470 0.000 64.264
50 MH1 WALL 26TH RA BILL 12/1/2022 12/31/2022 0.012 19.271 2.134 2.178 11.234 6.751 0.000 0.061 0.000 41.642
AGENCY:- M/s Kanwar Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.
REF. WO. NO:-BHE/PW/PUR/NTPRT-CVL-CHP-PKG-I/2279/LOA Dated 09/07/2020
RA BILL-47 (Bill Period-01.10.24 to 31.10.24)
S.N. Location BILL Consumption Date 8mm 10mm 12mm 16mm 20mm 25mm 28mm 32mm 36mm Total Remarks
51 TUNNEL 2AB Zone-II RAFT 27TH RA BILL 1/1/2023 1/31/2023 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.520 9.210 0.000 44.715 18.694 0.000 74.139
52 CON5AB 27TH RA BILL 1/1/2023 1/31/2023 0.727 0.121 0.000 4.161 1.430 0.178 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.616
53 WAGON TIPPLER 27TH RA BILL 1/1/2023 1/31/2023 1.386 2.991 10.684 1.227 101.519 74.589 0.000 20.089 0.000 212.483
54 TP-06 27TH RA BILL 1/1/2023 1/31/2023 7.150 5.156 0.366 1.163 0.101 46.868 3.055 47.869 0.000 111.729
55 CON 7AB 28TH RA-BILL 2/1/2023 1/28/2023 0.000 0.000 0.174 0.000 16.033 2.528 0.000 0.000 0.000 18.735
56 CON 5AB 28TH RA-BILL 2/1/2023 1/28/2023 0.945 0.127 0.000 4.413 1.676 0.231 0.000 0.000 0.000 7.392
57 TUNNEL 2AB Zone-II WALL 28TH RA-BILL 2/1/2023 1/28/2023 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.518 4.659 0.000 0.000 6.068 0.000 12.245
58 WAGON TIPPLER 28TH RA-BILL 2/1/2023 1/28/2023 1.038 0.073 0.000 0.000 14.758 37.147 0.000 1.023 0.000 54.038
59 CON 7AB 29TH RA BILL 3/1/2023 3/31/2023 1.904 5.923 0.000 0.017 0.000 8.439 0.000 3.904 0.000 20.187
60 9B 29TH RA BILL 3/1/2023 3/31/2023 2.433 0.391 0.000 1.617 11.615 -0.711 1.552 0.382 0.000 17.280
61 TUNNEL 2AB Zone-II WALL 29TH RA BILL 3/1/2023 3/31/2023 0.000 7.734 0.000 1.851 2.925 0.000 0.000 6.637 0.000 19.148
62 WAGON TIPPLER 29TH RA BILL 3/1/2023 3/31/2023 4.128 0.015 1.828 0.730 11.499 14.923 0.000 3.354 0.000 36.477
63 Tunnel-2A/B Zone-II Slab 31st RA BILL 5/1/2023 5/31/2023 0.000 7.875 0.000 11.140 9.210 0.000 30.737 6.601 0.000 65.563
64 Wagon Tippler Shed Column Footing 32nd RA BILL 6/1/2023 6/30/2023 14.181 0.000 0.925 10.249 0.000 25.954 0.000 0.000 0.000 51.310
65 Conveyor-5AB 32nd RA BILL 6/1/2023 6/30/2023 2.799 0.335 1.826 11.973 4.990 0.675 0.000 0.000 0.000 22.597
66 Wagon Tippler 32nd RA BILL 6/1/2023 6/30/2023 0.000 0.000 10.000 0.000 0.000 25.000 0.000 35.000 0.000 70.000
67 Wagon Tippler 34th RA BILL 8/1/2023 9/30/2023 0.047 11.216 34.596 13.269 16.017 11.289 0.000 42.313 0.000 128.748
68Crusher House Slab 35th RA BILL 01.10.23 31.10.23 0.095 17.041 17.136
69Conveyor-4AB Raft,Beam,Pedestal 36th RA BILL 01.11.2023 30.11.2023 2.592 0.026 2.429 6.312 11.716 0.000 33.129 1.352 0.000 57.557
70Conveyor-5AB Grade Slab 36th RA BILL 01.11.2023 30.11.2023 3.633 0.000 0.704 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.336
71Conveyor-6AB Grade Slab 36th RA BILL 01.11.2023 30.11.2023 4.262 0.306 0.902 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.470
72TP-04 Grade Slab 36th RA BILL 01.11.2023 30.11.2023 1.048 0.000 0.084 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.133
TP-05 Roof Slab at EL+2.150m 36th RA BILL 01.11.2023 30.11.2023 0.003 1.212 0.158 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.374
73 TP-05 Roof Slab at EL+9.300m 36th RA BILL 01.11.2023 30.11.2023 0.054 3.623 0.560 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.238
74 MH-01 Slab at EL-6.425 36th RA BILL 01.11.2023 30.11.2023 0.201 0.116 0.000 3.216 0.356 0.505 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.394
75 Tunnel-2A/B Grade Slab Zone-II 36th RA BILL 01.11.2023 30.11.2023 1.252 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.252
76 Crusher House Slab 37th RA BILL 01.12.2023 31.12.2023 0.045 17.124 2.714 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 19.883
77 Crusher House Slab(+29.500m) 38th RA Bill 01.01.2024 31.01.2024 0.034 15.487 1.984 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 17.506
78 MCC-2 Transformer Portion 38th RA Bill 01.01.2024 31.01.2024 0.246 1.736 1.625 0.071 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.677
79 Cable restle 39th RA Bill 01.02.2024 29.02.2024 0.414 0.462 0.465 0.114 0.766 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.221
80 Track Hopper 39th RA Bill 01.02.2024 29.02.2024 2.293 7.625 4.972 7.588 0.198 20.121 0.000 16.171 0.000 58.969 5355.546
81 Crusher House Deck Slab 40th RA Bill 01.03.2024 31.03.2024 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.702 31.523 15.323 3.000 0.000 0.000 51.548
82 Conveyor-5AB Grade Slab 40th RA Bill 01.03.2024 31.03.2024 8.614 0.000 1.264 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 9.878
83 MCC-5 Foundation 40th RA Bill 01.03.2024 31.03.2024 1.712 0.148 0.245 6.495 1.473 10.180 0.000 3.048 0.000 23.302
84 TP-6 Floor Slab EL+7.300 40th RA Bill 01.03.2024 31.03.2024 0.017 2.515 0.519 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.051
85 Track Hopper-Beam Wall 40th RA Bill 01.03.2024 31.03.2024 0.527 5.971 13.897 3.233 15.844 4.238 0.000 22.402 0.000 66.112
86 Wagon tippler Beam & Hopper 41st RA Bill 01.04.2025 30.04.2024 0.991 13.792 19.806 27.346 0.000 7.853 0.000 14.006 0.000 83.794
87 Wagon Tippler Slab EL-6.034m 41st RA Bill 01.04.2025 30.04.2024 0.570 0.000 15.458 4.032 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20.060
Wagon Tippler Slab EL-6.034m & Above
88 42nd RA bill 01.05.2024 31.05.2024 6.859 9.694 5.010 3.425 4.884 32.093 0.000 2.443 0.000 64.409
EL-6.034 m
89 MCC-5 Raft & Column 42nd RA bill 01.05.2024 31.05.2024 2.003 0.172 0.199 3.258 5.575 13.328 0.000 0.786 0.000 25.321
90 Coal settling pond 42nd RA bill 01.05.2024 31.05.2024 0.000 0.000 0.000 55.862 90.254 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 146.116
91 Cable restle 42nd RA bill 01.05.2024 31.05.2024 1.839 0.398 3.022 0.541 2.792 0.000 0.000 0.555 0.000 9.146
Crusher House EL +34.810 m floor slab 42nd RA bill 01.05.2024 31.05.2024
92 0.032 16.739 1.914 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18.685
93 Crusher House EL +19.300 m floor slab 43dr RA Bill 01.06.2024 30.06.2024 0.036 17.417 2.671 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20.123
94 MCC-5 Raft & Column 43dr RA Bill 01.06.2024 30.06.2024 0.696 0.063 0.092 2.182 0.084 0.058 0.000 4.052 0.000 7.226
95 Track Hopper-1 Seg-01 Hopper 43dr RA Bill 01.06.2024 30.06.2024 1.707 5.642 3.667 6.764 0.153 14.650 0.000 12.564 0.000 45.147
TP-5 EL(16.45,41.410,51.75,67.00m)
96 floor slab 44 th RA Bill 01.07.2024 31.07.2024 6.474 4.163 11.913 5.509 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 28.060
97 TP -4 Floor Slab EL+15.450m 44 th RA Bill 01.07.2024 31.07.2024 6.967 0.000 1.297 2.358 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 10.622
98 Track Hopper-1 (Seg-01 & 02) 44 th RA Bill 01.07.2024 31.07.2024 8.419 5.920 11.810 1.149 13.315 3.108 0.000 28.150 0.000 71.870
99 CHP Area Road 44 th RA Bill 01.07.2024 31.07.2024 0.000 7.274 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 7.274
100 Crusher House EL+42.250m 46 th RA Bill 01.09.2024 30.09.2024 5.056 13.507 1.737 2.714 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 23.013
101 TP-6 EL+16.750m 46 th RA Bill 01.09.2024 30.09.2024 0.013 2.387 0.484 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.884
102 Track Hopper Seg-04 46 th RA Bill 01.09.2024 30.09.2024 2.371 13.620 1.257 13.326 6.632 24.359 0.000 16.023 0.000 77.589
AGENCY:- M/s Kanwar Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.
REF. WO. NO:-BHE/PW/PUR/NTPRT-CVL-CHP-PKG-I/2279/LOA Dated 09/07/2020
RA BILL-47 (Bill Period-01.10.24 to 31.10.24)
S.N. Location BILL Consumption Date 8mm 10mm 12mm 16mm 20mm 25mm 28mm 32mm 36mm Total Remarks
103 Track Hopper Seg-03 47 th RA Bill 01.10.2024 31.10.2024 1.371 13.620 4.257 10.326 6.632 24.359 0.000 16.023 0.000 76.589
Total Consumption 199.830 555.747 294.958 601.771 1286.842 1378.711 291.379 1383.442 254.683 6247.364
1.561 13.79197 35.26404 31.37842 0.000113 7.85321 0 14.00572 0
20+13 32-13
12-3 12+3
8 10 12 16 20 25 28 32 36
RIV/MRV RIV/MRV Gate Pass Dia of Qty.
No. Date Date Bar (MT)
(MT) (MT) (MT) (MT) (MT) (MT) (MT) (MT) (MT)
DIA-WISE QTY RECEIVED UPTO LAST RA BILL 6,723.174 271.40 557.84 305.22 635.63 1,301.17 1,497.99 455.72 1,385.78 312.42
Total Qty Received upto 30.09.2024 6,723.174 271.40 557.84 305.22 635.63 1,301.17 1,497.99 455.72 1,385.78 312.42
ACTUAL QTY ISSUED UPTO 30.09.2024 6,723.174 271.40 557.84 305.22 635.63 1,301.17 1,497.99 455.72 1,385.78 312.42
THEORETICAL CONSUMPTION UPTO LAST RA BILL 6,202.432 202.98 554.88 304.25 591.93 1,280.21 1,354.35 291.73 1,367.42 254.68
TOTAL THEORETICAL CONSUMPTION UPTO 30.09.2024 6,202.432 202.98 554.88 304.25 591.93 1,280.21 1,354.35 291.73 1,367.42 254.68
TOTAL THEORTICAL BALANCE 520.742 68.42 2.96 0.97 43.70 20.96 143.64 164.00 18.36 57.74
TOTAL ACTUAL BALANCE 342.868 42.03 0.74 0.66 20.02 14.56 104.37 123.16 10.15 27.18
WASTAGE 177.874
% WASTAGE 2.868%
Statement Showing Details of Materials issued to the Contractor : M/s Kanwar Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 Reinforcement steel 6723.174 6,380.31 342.868
Refer annexure A1 for details
Certified that (balance quantity of free issue material as per Col.8 above) is physically available with the Contractor.
Statement Showing Details of Materials issued to the Contractor : M/s Kanwar Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.
I. Structural STEEL
Type of
Issue Voucher No. Structural Steel
Stores issue in mm
and date allotted
Sl No voucher No Quantity issued DETAILS OF DIA WISE ISSUED QUANTITY (IN MT)
by stores to the
and date
1 2 3 5 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Upto Sep'24 Total Qty in MT 115.770 12.200 10.020 10.730 4.580 9.520 1.260 2.290 1.170 8.190 11.610 - 17.160 15.770 11.270
Upto Sep'24 Total qty in RM 30.000 30.000
18 256 27.09.2024 ISMC 75x40 11.490 11.490
TOTAL ISSUED QTY UPTO Oct'24 in MT 127.260 12.200 10.020 10.730 4.580 9.520 1.260 2.290 1.170 8.190 11.610 - 11.490 17.160 15.770 11.270
TOTAL ISSUED QTY UPTO Oct'24 in RM 30.000 30.000
DIA-WISE QTY RECEIVED UPTO LAST RA BILL 116.062 12.20 10.02 10.73 4.58 9.52 1.26 2.29 1.17 8.19 11.61 0.293 - 11.27 15.77 17.16
Total Qty Received upto 30.09.2024 127.552 12.20 10.02 10.73 4.58 9.52 1.26 2.29 1.17 8.19 11.61 0.29 11.49 11.27 15.77 17.16
ACTUAL QTY ISSUED UPTO 30.09.2024 127.552 12.20 10.02 10.73 4.58 9.52 1.26 2.29 1.17 8.19 11.61 0.29 11.49 11.27 15.77 17.16
THEORETICAL CONSUMPTION UPTO LAST RA BILL 43.698 6.84 9.85 1.46 3.76 3.34 0.87 1.86 0.15 4.33 6.52 0.29 4.41 - -
THEORETICAL CONSUMPTION IN THIS RA BILL 6.729 0.05 - 0.60 - - - 0.10 0.12 0.09 3.21 - 2.57 - -
TOTAL THEORETICAL CONSUMPTION UPTO 30.09.2024 50.427 6.89 9.85 2.07 3.76 3.34 0.87 1.96 0.27 4.42 9.73 0.29 - 6.98 - -
TOTAL THEORTICAL BALANCE 77.125 5.31 0.17 8.66 0.82 6.18 0.39 0.33 0.90 3.77 1.88 0.00 11.49 4.29 15.77 17.16
TOTAL ACTUAL BALANCE 75.362 4.97 0.00 8.56 0.70 6.01 0.37 0.27 0.89 3.60 1.49 0.00 11.49 4.08 15.77 17.16
% WASTAGE 3.497%
Statement Showing Details of Materials issued to the Contractor : M/s Kanwar Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.
I. Structural Bolt
Foundation Bolt
Free 36mmx1356mm
1 2 3 4 5 6
Upto Sep'24 Total Qty in Nos - 330 - - - - - -
1 234 10.03.2024 36mm Bolt 330 330 - - - - -