Thought Tool
Thought Tool
Thought Tool
Thinking Process
Table of Contents
Thinking continues to go unassisted
Why do we think in the first place?
Cognitive work your electronic devices can’t help you with
A toolbox for the mind
Explain Everything
MindNode and XMind
Mural and Miro
Notes on iOS & Android
Uncharted waters ahead
“Here’s what I still can’t get right,” said my colleague, an Airbus engineer, as he sketched
frantically on a flipchart trying to find a solution to a problem. As I watched him drawing, I realized
that he reminded me of all the great minds that must have gone through the same process of
problem-solving on paper in the past: the Wright brothers inventing their Flyer, Freud developing
his psychoanalytic theory, or even profound Leonard da Vinci thinking up futuristic contraptions
that contemporary technology was not yet ready for.
My friend at Airbus was essentially trying to develop insights simply by doing. He was engaging in
mental activity known by science as visual thinking. Once the insights he so passionately sought
were attained, he had all the CAD and planning tools in the world to switch to execution mode. Yet,
while ideating, he nevertheless defaulted to good old-fashioned paper for a session of messy,
structureless, out-of-the-box thinking. When engaged in visual thinking on a flipchart, his
supercharged mobile devices laid useless, silently conceding that there was nothing they could do to
help him…
If this sounds familiar to you, keep reading.
The computer revolution supplied us with software capable of executing ideas. From spreadsheets to
CAD software, we’re tooled up to execute any idea regardless of its complexity or scope. But what
supports you when a thought is still just a half-baked concept?
Why do we think in the first place?
Most existing jobs don’t require you to think up new ideas on a daily basis. Much more often than
not, we’re asked to act within a familiar framework, ideally without changing a thing about it. But
this changes when it comes to almost any job that uses the adjective ‘creative’ in its description. In
so-called creative jobs, neither tasks nor their results are so obvious anymore and need to be thought
up on the go.
The truth is that, even in regular jobs, we tend to think up novel ways of doing things due to nothing
more than boredom or curiosity. To do this, we can draw from the powerful resources of abstract and
critical thinking. Yet, somehow, software tools or apps supporting creativity and critical thinking
seem to be something that the computer revolution left for later.
“it’s not that we think up something first to apply or execute later, but rather we grasp the essence of
what we’re doing only while doing it.”
A toolbox for the mind
If understanding is developed by doing, our often cloudy thinking could use some support
in drafting, making connections, predicting and interpreting. Fortunately, it’s not like all digital
tools are too rigid by design to help us in those tasks — there are several tools that let you start from
scratch and create a structure to build on. Let’s try to map this new territory. Here is an utterly
incomplete list of ten tools for the job:
This tool comes from the bestselling author behind the recently published Creative Thinking
Handbook that you can find at every airport bookshop these days. Think of Ayoa software as a
crossroads between mind-mapping and project planning tools. Yes, it helps to develop ideas (even
collaboratively) using a node-based structure that makes use of so-called ‘radiant thinking’ (from ‘to
radiate’ meaning ‘to spread or move in directions from a given centre’) This type of tool allows for
associative thought flow and the automation of follow-up tasks. Ayoa comes with a subscription
offering a free tier to get you started and a 13.20 EUR/month version for more advanced use.
Cmap started as a result of research conducted at the Florida Institute for Human & Machine
Cognition. The software allows us to construct, navigate and share knowledge models represented as
hierarchical concept maps. This approach removes mindmaps’ innate centrality limitation and allows
us to critically visualize and develop verbal arguments to scaffold effective argumentation with
underlying reasons. The use of this technique might seem limited at first glance, but it finds ground
in numerous assessments, producing tangible results in the increase of critical thinking skills.
CmapTools is a donation-based free software
Explain Everything
An interactive whiteboard thought up by innovative educators, who in turn were led by the author of
the recently published book Make Yourself Clear. Explain Everything is a platform that helps to turn
ideas into understanding by allowing for multiple ways to develop and communicate them. A thinker
may start from scratch and develop their ideas using all the benefits of this object-based, recording-
enabled and collaboratively supercharged equivalent of a traditional whiteboard. This online/offline
Swiss-knife perfect for any thinker’s tool belt comes at the price of 6.99 EUR/month with discounts
for educators.
MindNode and XMind
MindNode is a visual brainstorming iOS-exclusive that on its surface seems to be just one of many
apps for leveraging the power of mind mapping. However, the power of this thinking tool comes
from the fact that map nodes are versatile enough to contain hand-drawn sketches, formatted text,
tags or even tasks, allowing you to do simple project-planning. MindNode offers delightful mind
mapping possibilities on iOS, while XMind is its slightly less-polished cross-platform alternative.
XMind costs $5/year for 3 devices, and MindNode is a little less expensive at $2.49/month.
Mural and Miro
Both Mural and Miro define a new category of productivity tools for visual collaboration that make it
easy to do brainstorming and planning in a business environment. While cloud-first software is just
fine for a corporate environment with large screens and great connectivity constantly available, these
are not the type of tools you can carry around on your mobile device to ideate on the go. Each invites
the messiness of an open canvas, where materials can be stored, discussed and, thanks to integration
with planning and communication tools, used to start the execution process. Both come with mobile
apps allowing users to access cloud boards. Mural starts at $12/user/month, while Miro is a
freemium with an $8/user/month price tag.
Notes on iOS & Android
It should be no surprise that this list of thinking tools includes the simple note-taking apps that come
with your phone. The reason is simple — having them at your fingertips at all times makes it
supremely easy to jot down ideas at any time. Both Apple and Google have made it simple to mesh
text with visuals, and you can create sketches or organize and prioritize items on simple to-do lists. A
free, digital equivalent of a restaurant napkin perhaps, but think of how many of the brilliant ideas
started that way!
Rationale is a software for argument mapping, designed to build critical thinking and writing skills.
While supporting thinking through arguments it is mostly used as a pedagogical support for the
development of critical thinking skills. The concept behind the software has been founded through
five years of university research. Rationale Basic comes from in Amsterdam and
costs 30 EUR/month.
Scapple was created by the team behind the go-to app for writers, Scrivener. It is an add-on to
support the process of coming up with storylines and interconnected ideas. As a completely freeform
tool, Scapple makes it possible to write and rearrange text snippets with ease to produce concept
maps, flow maps or any visual representation of a storyline. It is limited to point-and-click interfaces
of Mac and Windows computers and costs $18 (one-time purchase).
Uncharted waters ahead
The list above is, as I mentioned, incomplete. One thing remains certain, however — apps
supporting thinking will continue to evolve. This belief is substantiated by the trend we are
currently observing — in both cognitive science and the evolution of technology. The sciences have
grappled with comprehending thinking for decades, yet now, in the 21st century, new research in
neuro-related fields (neurophilosophy, neurologic, neurolinguistics, the list goes on) is gradually
starting to provide software creators with clues on directions the tools they create should go to
successfully help thinkers.
Another trend is coming with the visible shift in the types of screen technology we use as well.
Portable devices are starting to resemble paper much more than before. Departing from keyboard and
mouse and moving on to tablets has become a natural medium used to express ideas, much like we
did on napkins long before the computer revolution ever happened.
With all these advances, we only seem to have begun to build a toolbox for supporting idea creators.
And this means that, thankfully, the list of tools above will gradually expand. These are good times
to set off into uncharted waters, so sail on, thinke