uk sir 21 12
uk sir 21 12
uk sir 21 12
democracy in the world and hence, free, fair and impartial elections are an integral
element of our political structure. The Constitution makers, in their wisdom,
entrusted Election Commission with the responsibility of conducting elections in
the country. The Bill seeks to provide that the Chief Election Commissioner and
other Election Commissioners will be appointed by the President on the
recommendation of a Selection Committee, which shall consist of the Prime
Minister as Chairperson, the Leader of the Opposition in Lok Sabha or leader of
the single largest Opposition party as Member, and a Union Cabinet Minister
nominated by the Prime Minister as Member. The Bill also provides for a Search
Committee, which will prepare a panel of five persons for the consideration of the
Selection Committee. This Bill must strengthen public trust in the electoral process
and ensure that the integrity of the election system is protected.