Unit 4 POM- Updated as on 22-10-2024
Unit 4 POM- Updated as on 22-10-2024
Unit 4 POM- Updated as on 22-10-2024
Module Number:4
Production and Operations Management
To equip students with an understanding of the Project planning and quality management and help
them in solving practical problems faced by the business managers related to quality planning
Production and Operations
Learning Objectives
investment and dedicate their resources to assess and improve their quality.
Production and Operations
Learning Outcome
1. It helps in understanding the concept of Quality Management and its application in business practices
2. It provides the reasons and solutions to overcome issues of quality planning with the introduction of new
3. It will equip the students and managers in assessing the different methods of quality assesment which will
Production and Operations
• Dimensions of quality
• Deming’s 14 principles
• Quality circles
• Poka – Yokes
• Zero Defects
Dimensions of quality
Juran’s quality trilogy
Deming’s 14 principles
Quality circles
Poka – Yokes
Zero Defects
Bird’s view of SPC
Production and Operations
Definition of Quality
Quality is defined as the degree of responsiveness of products and services to meet customer
expectations. Quality is mainly concerned with developing the products and delivering them and
providing quality of service, improving process, improving the quality of systems, quality of
delivery, quality of people which includes workers , engineers, managers, and executives.
Quality is used by organizations as a way of assessing its products and services and compare it with
its competitors.
Production and Operations
Definition of quality
• Transcendent definition: Quality is something which can only be perceived but can’t be
communicated like smartness, beauty.
• Product based definition: Quality is the features and attributes of the product.
• User based definition: If a user is satisfied by a product, the product has quality.
• Manufacturing based definition: If a product has not design fault, then the product has quality.
• Value based definition: If the product delivers high value when compared with the price paid, then
the product has quality.
Production and Operations
Dimensions of Quality
Production and Operations
Dimensions of quality
Garwin has given 8 dimensions of quality:
• Features: Features are concerned with the secondary attributes or features of the car. Like in
case of hospital it includes its parking space, ambience, machinery etc.
• Conformance: Conformance is concerned with analyzing the product with its pre
specified standards or specifications. Example: If a part is right is per the standards.
Production and Operations
Dimensions of Quality
• Durability: Durability is concerned with the product life
• Serviceability: It is concerned with how easily can the product be repaired. It refers to the
speed and how competent is the product which is repaired.
• Appearance: It is concerned with the aesthetics and look and finishing of the product.
• Image: It refers to how does the consumer perceive the product and the brand image.
Production and Operations
Juran’s quality trilogy
Juran trilogy is a practice used to manage quality in organizations around the world. Quality management has
three basic processes:
• Quality Planning
• Quality control
• Quality Improvement
Production and Operations
Production and Operations
Juran’s Quality Trilogy
• The first part of Julan trilogy is ‘quality by design’ and focuses on developing something new. While
developing a new product, there can be some defects which can only be cured by reworking. As we can
see in the diagram, more than 20 percent of the work needs to be done due to defects. This cost is called
‘cost of poor quality’.
• Going ahead, the operation team keep working on removing defects. The managers try in controlling the
quality of the project and try that the product does not gets worse. As we can see in this figure there is a
sudden rise of 40 percent in failure level. This is mainly due to factors like power failure, machinery
breakdown or human mistake.
Production and Operations
Juran’s Quality Trilogy
• This phase is called Quality Control phase and managers take corrective action to bring back the
error level back to the planned chronic level of 20%.
• The third phase is called quality improvement phase and error level in this phase is brought down
to below than chronic level of 20%. Special strategies like six sigma are used here to bring error
level much down and improvement in the product.
Production and Operations
Deming’s 14 principles
Every organization is now planning to improve its quality and reduce down its defects in manufacturing.
This trend was brought in by Dr. Deming and Japanese manufacturers were the first to use Deming’s
principles in their operations. Companies like Toyota and Sony achieved great success in terms of improved
quality and reduction in costs.
14 principles are:
• Don't just do the same things better – find better things to do.
• Predict and prepare for future challenges, and always have the goal of getting better.
Production and Operations
Deming’s 14 principles
➢ Adopt the new philosophy.
• Don't just find what you did wrong – eliminate the "wrongs" altogether
Production and Operations
Deming’s 14 principles
➢ Use a single supplier for any one item.
• Quality relies on consistency – the less variation you have in the input, the less variation you'll
have in the output.
• Look at suppliers as your partners in quality. Encourage them to spend time improving their own
• Analyze the total cost and not just the initial cost of the product.
• Use quality statistics to ensure that suppliers meet your quality standards.
➢ Implement Leadership
➢ Remove fear
• Provide support and resources so that production levels and quality are high and achievable.
• Measure the process rather than the people behind the process.
Production and Operations
Quality Circles
• Quality circle is a group of workers who work on similar tasks, and who meet often to discuss and
analyze all work related issues. It is an employee participation method where they meet voluntarily.
• It is team-building philosphy which helps in improving work environment, development of team spirit
and improvement in work culture.
• QC is used by many industries in India like Reliance, TATA, Kirloskar brothers etc.
• QC helps to build trust and mutual understanding between the members of the team which leads to
increased dedication towards the work and thus leads to increased productivity.
Production and Operations
• Kaizen is a Japanese term which refers to continuous improvement in business process. It engages all
the employees and helps in making working more productive and job more safe.
• Kaizen focuses on changing for the better. The objectives of kaizen quality control, just-in-time
delivery, standardized work, the use of efficient equipment, and the elimination of waste.
• Kaizen works on improving the operations in the company. Kaizen believes that every employee has
stake in company’s success and thus each should try to bring betterment to the business.
Production and Operations
Five S of Kaizen
• SEIRI - SEIRI means Sorting Out. Employees should sort out the operations and process in the
organization as “Necessary”, ”Critical”, ”Most Important”, “Not needed now”, “Useless and so on.
Teams should then focus on the most essential items instantly and pospone the less important tasks.
• SEITION - Seition means organizing the items and documents at their own place so that no time is
wasted in searching for the items.
• SEISO - The word “SEISO” means shining the workplace and keeping it clean.
• SHITSUKE- Employees need to respect organization’s policies and adhere to rules and regulations.
Self discipline is essential.
Production and Operations
Poka Yokes
• Poka Yoke is a work standardization technique which is mostly used by manufacturing and service
industries. It is used to prevent errors and eliminate defects at the first stage. This technique helps to
improve efficiency in industries.
• Poka Yoke means mistake correction or avoiding defects in the process as early as possible. Poka Yoke
is a part of Lean manufacturing which is used to avoid mistakes. It is used to eliminate defects by
preventing, making corrections and bringing into focus human errors while they keep occurring.
• A car driver is adviced to press the clutch pedal (a process step – Poka-Yoke) before starting the
engine. This process is utilized to cure any unintended movement of the car.
• Another example is a car with an automatic transmission, which has a switch that requires the vehicle
to be in “Park” or “Neutral” before it can be started.
These serve as behavior-shaping constraints as there are actions that must be performed before the car is
allowed to start. This way, over time, the driver’s behavior is adjusted to the requirements by repetition
and habit.
Production and Operations
Zero defect
• Zero defect is a management tool used in organizations for defect prevention. It continuously motivates
the employees in developing the habit of not making mistakes with a desire to do the job perfectly at
the first time.
• It is based on the philosophy that workers take up the responsibility of controlling the quality and
preventing defects and gain zero defect.
• Adopting zero defect philosophy in an organization can sometimes prove to be expensive if it is not
adopted with care as it can raise costs in continuous inspection and handling of products.
Production and Operations
Components of Zero defect
The philosophy of ZDQ functions by combining four elementary components:
• Point of Origin Inspection: Only Point of Origin Inspection helps to eliminate defects. It examines
the process conditions before processing is done and errors can be eliminated with instant feedback.
Corrections are made before defects occur. It differs from traditional inspections as it catches errors,
gives feedback before processing & hence, there is no risk of making more defective products.
• 100% Audit Checks: It is Point of Origin Inspection on every piece. It does not rely on sampling. It
does not assume that defects will statistically occur & hence prevents defects.
Production and Operations
Components of Zero defect
• Immediate Feedback: ZDQ sends the operator a signal and alarms the person that an error has
happened! ZDQ Inspections is equal to immediate feedback. It minimizes the time it takes to carry out
corrective action when abnormalities appear.
SPC involves use of statistical techniques to control the variations in quality which can arise during
A process is said to be in statistical control when all special causes of variation have been eliminated and
only natural (or common) cause variation remains. On a control chart, this is illustrated by data that falls
within control limits and by the absence of non-random patterns or trends.
Production and Operations
• Operations management deals with approaching day-to-day as well as strategic business issues
systematically. Project management deals with planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling
resources to achieve specific goals.
• The purpose of this module is to describe the variety of options available for quality control in
manufacturing, based on the inputs of technologies and markets, which might be familiar,
completely new, or somewhere in between.
• This module focuses on the actions a firm needs to take while manufacturing to reduce down its
defects. The module introduces a number of issues concerned with the development and how to
increase productivity.
Production and Operations
Self Assessment Question
Answer: a
Production and Operations
Self Assessment Question
Answer: c
Production and Operations
Self Assessment Question
Answer: d
Production and Operations
Self Assessment Question
Answer: a
Production and Operations
Document Link:
dimensions-of- Eight Dimensions of Quality
Dimensions of Quality quality/#:~:text=The%20eight%20dimensions%20are%20perfor