and studied to determine the extent of secu- value problem is defined over an infinite do-
rity violations in the system. main, the eigenvalues bunch together to form
a continuum or a continuous spectrum. This
continuity equation axiom that charge concept is of fundamental importance for
is a conserved quantity. In point-form, the open waveguides either of electromagnetic
continuity equation is stated as or acoustic type.
control system (1) the entity compris- controllability condition for nonstation-
ing the controlled process and the controller. ary discrete system a condition found
Control system is influenced by the environ- in some dynamical systems. A linear dy-
ment of the process both through the free in- namical nonstationary discrete-time system
puts to the process itself and through any cur- is controllable in an interval [k0 , k1 ] if and
rent information concerning the behavior of only if the controllability matrix
these free inputs that is made available to the
k1 −1
(2) an arrangement of interconnecting ele- F (k1 , j + 1) B(j )B T (j )F T (k1 , j + 1)
ments that interact and operate automatically j =k0