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AP Psych Syllabus 2024.2025

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Advanced Placement Psychology

Teacher: Mrs. Audrey Ploesser

E-mail: aploesser@corjesu.org

What Can I Expect From My Teacher?

I will challenge you to value and appreciate the study of


I will encourage you to take responsibility for your


I will foster a classroom environment where all parities

demonstrate respect.

I will strive to help you reach your full academic, emotional, and social potential.

I will help prepare you for the Advanced Placement Psychology Test

Brief Description of Course : AP Psychology introduces students to the systematic and scientific study of the behavior and mental

processes of human beings. Students will learn psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with each of the major

domains of psychology. They will also learn about the methods psychologists use to explore the process involved in normal and

abnormal perceptions, thoughts, feelings and actions. This course is designed to prepare students for the AP exam.

Text: Myers, David. (2024) Meyers: Psychology for AP: 4th edition. Michigan. Worth.

Materials Needed

Consistent use of OneNote binder – paper notes will be allowed for vocab if desired.

Support Materials: Barron's AP Psychology Review - not necessary to purchase, College Board Website

Academic Guidelines: This is an Advanced Placement course. It requires a significant amount of reading and writing. The

amount of material covered is extensive. Be prepared to learn in class and to do much independent work. Expect to outline the

chapters using objectives for each unit, work with extensive vocabulary, and keep a chart of main theories and research. You will

have AP style tests that include multiple choice items and Free Response Questions. Other assignments may include writing and

or mini-experiments/class demonstrations.

Academic dishonesty, intentional or unintentional, will not be tolerated. This includes any use of AI software to aid in academic

work. Phones and smart watches are expected to be disengaged during the entirety of class unless instructed by teacher. During

assessments, phones and smart watches will remain face down on desk until the entirety of the class is over. Cheating, copying,

and plagiarism will result in a zero, parental contact, and a possible note in your file.
Social Studies Department Artificial Intelligence (AI) policy:
Students who use AI in the following ways violate the Cor Jesu Academy academic honesty policy:
 Completing assignments and other coursework with AI that they were asked or assigned to complete independently

 Creating content with AI that they then present as their original work without including proper citations

 Using AI in any other fashion that violates class-specific guidelines

However, since Artificial Intelligence is an evolving technology that high school and college students already use, learning to use its various tools in a scholarly and responsible manner is essential. Learning to use those tools
effectively can also help students and teachers to learn more, and more effectively. So:
 We will work together to improve input and prompts for AI generators, knowing that clarity and context maximize the quality of outputs.
 Students should recognize that AI responses frequently contain inaccuracies and must learn to fact-check responses and never rely on AI-generated content alone.
 Teachers and students ought to expect reliable AI to provide sources for its information. And when using AI as a permitted educational tool, all learners must credit it as a source in a proper MLA (or
other respected style sheet’s) format.

A student’s violation of the use of AI as suggested by the teacher could result in penalty of their grade or otherwise addressed by the administration.

Students will be able to apply psychological concepts to their own lives.
2. In studying the major core concepts and theories of Psychology, students will be able to define key terms and use these terms in their everyday vocabulary.
Students will be able to recognize psychological principles when they encounter them in everyday situations.
Students will evaluate psychological theories using the tools of psychological research. They will become aware of the

danger of blindly accepting or rejecting any psychological theory without careful, objective evaluation.
Students will build on their reading, writing, and discussion skills
6. Students will leave class having a better understanding for the human brain and therefore, more respect and care for all humans.

Writing objectives
 Students will learn to write AAQs and EBQs as deemed by the College Board.
 Students will learn to complete timed-in-class writings with confidence and increasing success throughout the school year.
 Students will be able to weave in college level psychological vocab into their notes and written assessments with ease.
General Expectations

Phones will remain on the top right corner of each student’s desk from the start of class until it is over. They are not permitted to

leave the room with the student for any reason, unless discussed by the teacher.
 Come into class, every day, with an open and curious mind
 Be here on time, in your seat, ready to learn when class starts.

Be prepared with your materials and assignments each class period.

Stay on top of your assignments so as not to fall behind.

This is a college level course and you must show personal responsibility for your own learning.
 Engage in the material. The more you connect to your content, the better you will do.

Be respectful, courteous and willing to engage with your classmates.

Attendance and Absences

You are expected to be in class on time and ready to learn. If you are absent, you are responsible to look up your

homework or class notes and see the teacher as appropriate.

 You do get participation points for being in class and engaged. Your participation grade may reflect absences regardless of reason, depending on the situation.
 If you miss class and return to school, you will be expected to turn in your work (test or otherwise) upon returning to school that day.
 If there is a pattern of absences connected to assessment days, there could be penalties within the grading of those assessments or further with our administration.

It would be wise to limit your field trips and college visits for this class. You are expected to turn in work as if you are in

attendance that day. You will be expected to turn in work you missed the next class. Plan ahead and communicate with

your teacher and you will be fine!

With the exception of extended illness and/or extended absences, ALL assignments will be due within one class period

after returning to school- pending the absence was not preplanned or something like a doctor’s appointment. If the

student returns to school the day they missed class, they will still be responsible for turning in their work that day they

returned to school.

CJA Student Handbook States: If a student misses more than 25% of a class, she may not receive full credit for the course. After missing 25% of a class, it is at the discretion of the administration whether the student should be
required to retake the class, resulting in a failure of the course.

College Board Units

***Advanced Placement Test for Psychology: Friday, May 16 , 2025 - 12:00 p.m.***

Ploesser Content Layout: Use of Textbook

Content Assessment Mod # % of AP exam

Unit 0: Scientific Foundations Unit Test Mod 0.1-0.6 Throughout all of exam

Unit 1: Biological Bases for Behavior Unit Test, practice writing Mod 1.1-1.5 15-25% of exam

Unit 1.5: Sensation & Perception Group Project Mod 1.6-2.1b (part of unit 1)
Mini-Unit Test

Unit 2: Cognition Unit Test Mod 2.2a-2.8 15-25% of exam

Unit 3: Development Indv. Project Mod 3.1-3.6b 15-25% of exam

Unit 3.5: Learning Mini-Unit Test Mod 3.7a-3.9 (part of Unit 3)

Unit 4: Social Psych & Personality Unit Test Mod 4.1-4.8b 15-25% of exam

Unit 5: Mental & Physical Health Indv. Project Mod 5.1a-5.5d 15-25% of exam
Writing Assignment

Disclaimer: This class is meant to be a safe space for discussion about the very essence about how humans develop and interact and shift psychologically over time. There are times things we discuss in the class may be
uncomfortable for people, depending on each one of your own personal experiences. It is impossible for me to know what topics will be hard for which students, and in an effort to be sensitive to all of you… IF at any point a topic or
discussion point is hard for you, please reach out to me and let me know so I can help you and make sure the classroom remains a space where you can learn and feel confident in who you are meant to be. I am personally so glad you
are here and can’t wait to learn alongside you.


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