4. Nobel Prize Dialogue in Rio and São Paulo 15. Swedish National Day celebration
22. Bridging4Growth delegation visits São Paulo Centerfold. Business Sweden and Swedcham
launch 2024 Business Climate Survey
24. FinnCham Brazil welcomes 26. Mentorship Graduation 28. Advisory Council Meeting
Pertti Latikka as new president on june 5 with Ambassador Karin Wallensteen
8. Embassy Update >> 16. Sweden in São Paulo >> 20. Sweden in Rio >> 24. FinnCham Pages
30. New Members on the Board >> 33. Young professionals >> 43. NBCC pages >> 58. Swedcham News
61. New Members >> 62. Member News >> 71. Innovation Committee >> 72. Finance Committee
74. Legal & Business Committee >>75. Human Capital Committee >> 76. ESG Committee
>> Cover Story
David MacMillan and May-Britt Moser Erika Lanner - Director, the Nobel Prize Museum.
hree Nobel Prize laureates came to Brazil for the Nobel The theme of the Nobel Prize Dialogue was
Prize Dialogue that took place from 15 - 17 April. Under ‘Building Our Future Together with Science.’ During
the theme “Creating our Future Together with Science,” the event, we engaged with various stakeholders
medicine laureate May-Britt Moser, chemistry laureate in discussions about the pivotal role of science in
David MacMillan, and physics laureate Serge Haroche met fostering an equitable society. In the Rio edition,
with other experts and students. The Nobel Prize Dialogue undergraduate and graduate students from various
in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo offered the chance to explore questions Brazilian states had the opportunity to interact with
such as how science benefits society and how society can get the best from three Nobel laureates—a truly inspiring experience
science. Science will inevitably help shape our future, and as our awareness for aspiring researchers. Additionally, we welcomed
of the enormity of pressing local and global challenges increases, we need to students from 13 countries across Latin America and
take time to consider how best to equip ourselves, and future generations, to the Caribbean to broaden the diversity of perspec-
make the most of the opportunity science offers to build a better world. tives. Another session took place in São Paulo, where
The three-day event comprised of an embassy reception, a dialogue in it became evident that the event delivered a power-
both Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, and an event organized at the Federation ful message to all students and young researchers:
of Industries of the State of São Paulo, FIESP. The event was produced by science is crucial for building a strong society, and
Nobel Prize Outreach in partnership with the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. they have the capacity to make a significant impact.
The Nobel Prize Dialogue also convened a meeting
Jonas Lindström, with the laureates and Kajsa Ryttberg-Wallgren
and Malin Jonsson Fredriksson, H2 Green Steel. Crowded auditorium at USP
at the São Paulo Industry headquarters to discuss Prize laureates discussed what they have learned from a life in science. With
current challenges and explore potential solutions. the help of the audience, the laureates also addressed what it takes to remain
These meetings are vital as they remind us why we curious and to choose and tackle big questions, how to overcome the many
engage in and invest in science—not just to enhance setbacks encountered in research, and how to communicate discoveries to
knowledge, but as a tool to address societal needs colleagues, policymakers and the wider public.
and seek solutions. We must indeed build our future At the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo, FIESP,
together with science.Helena Nader, president of the three laureates participated in a high-level event with policymakers
the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and business representatives. Around 200 people attended the afternoon.
On 15 April, a full-day programme was held at The days in Brazil were fantastic. We gained many valuable insights on
Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ). The how science can benefit society, both from speakers and participants. Seeing
venue was filled with almost 750 participants. the laureates and students meet, talk, and interact was inspiring and gives
Undergraduate and graduate students from 14 hope for the future. I am thankful for the cooperation with the Brazilian
countries in the region participated during the day. Academy of Sciences and for all the help and support from the Embassy of
In the morning, participants discussed the value Sweden in Brazil. Sandra Brandin, CEO Nobel Prize Outreach.
of science, how to make the practice of research
more inclusive and how to communicate more ef- Science is like art, it is creative. We are not creative if you are only talk-
fectively with audiences ranging from the public to ing to some people. We need to talk to everybody. May-Britt Moser
policymakers. Interactive discussions then investi-
gated the responsibilities of scientists, the role of Training and nurturing the minds of young people is the best thing a
universities and strategies for transitioning towards country can do. Serge Haroche
a more sustainable world. In the afternoon, discus-
sions focused on how best to work together, both People are suggesting scientists are elitist. This is exactly the opposite
within research institutions and across disciplines of what science is. Scientists are doing everything for the community. They
and sectors, and where science and scientists should are not sitting at the top of the mountain they are sitting at the bottom
go next, asking if there are optimal strategies for trying to make sure everyone can get to the top of the mountain. That´s
focusing our efforts and resources to get the most out of who we are. David MacMillan
science, to help create the future we want.
Almost 1000 students gathered at the Univer- Nobel Prize Outreach has been a partner and friend ever since we worked
sity of São Paulo (USP) for a few hours of conver- together in 2013 and 2014 in the project “the Nobel Prize – Ideas Chang-
sations and dialogue. In a series of moderated talks ing the World”. It was a pleasure to participate in all fully booked events in
designed specifically for the students, the three Nobel Rio and São Paulo this year and getting to know David, May-Britt and Serge
who are all very down to earth people, and with the important message to
all of us to always follow our dreams. We look forward to a third edition in
not too long! Jonas Lindström – Managing Director, Swedcham
Nordic Light 5
At Tetra Pak,
is the strategy.
Packaging with
renewable raw materials
Focus on
Low-carbon Optimized
to recycling circular production
economy. and distribution
Focus on
Production model that reduces
emissions and waste in food
processing and packaging
Minister Counsellor of the Swedish Embassy, Sten Engdahl, and the Mayor
of Curitiba, Rafael Greca
Nordic Light 9
For over 160 years, SEB has been a trusted partner, supporting
corporations and entrepreneurs at all stages and helping them
navigate the complexities of the global market. Today, our focus
is on being the best partner possible in the sustainability transition.
People might call me conservative or even old fashioned, In 2024, the spotlight shines brightly on the burgeon-
but I decided to write this editorial without any AI support ing relations between Norway and Brazil, illuminating
such as ChatGPT or other similar tools. The text might have a path of partnership and progress. At the heart of
some language mistakes, but at least it is written from my this momentous year lies the invitation extended by
heart. This magazine is an all time high when it comes to the Brazil to Norway to participate in the prestigious G-20
number of pages, which is the positive consequence of more Forum, underscoring the depth of their bilateral ties
sponsors (H&M is one new) and Member News than ever! and mutual respect.
The first semester was kicked off by Fernando Honorato As Norway takes its place in G-20 meetings, the Nor-
Barbosa, Chief Economist at Bradesco who gave his wegian Brazilian Chamber of Commerce (NBCC) finds
outlook on the Brazilian economy, and after that we have itself engaged in this dialogue, having been invited to
organized 18 events, an interesting mix of “business and participate in discussions with Norwegian government
pleasure” both “In Real Life” and online. representatives when they visit Brazil. NBCC mem-
The closing event for the semester was the Advisory bers also play a pivotal role, including participation in
Council meeting on June 5 when we launched two unique Engagement Groups such as B20. This unique oppor-
reports, namely the Business Climate survey and the tunity offers a platform for fruitful exchanges, where
report on “Responsible Sourcing”, with the presence of challenges can be addressed, and avenues for improve-
Ambassador Karin Wallensteen and Fabio Feldmann. ment explored.
In April I was fortunate to get to know three Nobel Prize Diplomatic engagement and economic collaboration be-
Laurates, and it was amazing to see how humble and tween the two countries extend further. Norway and Bra-
down to earth they are. At all the Nobel Outreach events, zil’s shared commitment to sustainability and innovation
at UERJ, USP and Fiesp the Chamber was mentioned as a radiates brilliantly. Initiatives such as the Amazonia fund,
partner, which makes us very proud. investments in renewable energy and the green transition
On page 36 you can read an article by Cinthia Cicilio. She agenda, and a conscientious approach to social welfare
had a great year as a student in Uppsala and she says that illustrate the power of collaborative efforts in forging a
her dream came true a lot thanks to the Chamber and our better and more sustainable future for all.
Young Professionals activities. It is so encouraging for me In 2024, a new chapter in the history of Norway-
and my team when we hear that we make a real change Brazil relations is being written—one characterized by
in people’s lives. The Mentorship program we organized is partnership, progress, and sustainability. NBCC stands
also a project that makes a difference and the testimonials proud to witness this historic moment and remains
from both mentors and mentees are really touching. Thank steadfast in its commitment to fostering dialogue, un-
you, Josephine Lindberg, who helped us organizing the men- derstanding, and cooperation among nations through
torship program, and a lot more! We wish you all the best its distinguished members. We aim to maintain our
back home in Sweden! position as a business
Now we are looking for- enabler for Norwegian
ward to the next semes- companies in Brazil,
ter which will be vey busy illuminating the chal-
with Committee events, a lenges and opportuni-
5G Conference, a Career ties in the Brazilian
Fair, an end of year dinner market for all who seek
party and much more! our support.
Nordic Light 11
>> Our Gold, Silver and Bronze Members
Gold Members
Silver Members
Bronze Members
14 JANUARY - JUNE 2024
Swedish National Day Celebration
popularity among Swedes and friends of Sweden.
This year’s celebration was no different and
attracted more than 220 participants to the beauti-
ful Scandinavian Space and Church in the Jardim
Petrópolis district. As tradition has it the celebration
starts with a religious service in the 50-year-old
chapel, this year held by the new flying priest Pierre
Schelander. Following the church service Honorary
Consul Renato Pacheco took the lead in coordinat-
ing the raising of the Swedish and Brazilian flags
together with all the participating children (and
supervising parents). Thereafter the celebrations
continued in the event space, where the hymns were
sung, and Ambassadors Karin Wallensteen (Sweden)
and Irene Vida Gala (from Itamaraty’s regional office
in São Paulo) held their speeches.
Vice-Consul Peter Johansson presented this year’s
uring the last few years Sweden has had some significant musical attraction, Snus Brothers, who had been
historical dates to celebrate. In 2022 the Consulate in São flown in especially for the occasion from Buenos
Paulo celebrated 100 years since its’ opening and instal- Aires, Argentina. Johansson also made a recap of
lation of the first Consul Gustav Stål in the first address in last year’s Swedes of the year, before presenting
the Higienópolis district. In 2023 Sweden celebrated 500 the Swede of the year 2024, who is Luiz Edvino
years of modern democratic state and his Majesty King Carl Hedlund. An interview with Hedlund can be read in
XVI Gustaf completed 50 years on the throne. It goes without saying that this very magazine.
because of that the Consulate, with the kind support of the corporate The Consulate of Sweden in São Paulo would like
sponsors, invested heavily in the celebration of the National Day, which ac- to extend a special thanks to all sponsors, fellow
tually occurs June 6th, but as tradition have it the celebration in São Paulo Consul’s and other authorities and of course all oth-
always takes place on the Sunday before the actual National Day. Maybe ers who took part in making this an unforgettable
this is one of the reasons that the celebration has grown exponentially in day in the colors of Sweden!
From the left: Thomas Matsoukas, General Consul for Greece, Wieneke Vullings, Kari Puurunen Consul of Finland, Martina Hackelberg, Consul
General Consul for the Netherlands, Renato Pacheco Neto Swedish Consul in for Germany and Peter Johansson Vice Consul for Sweden.
São Paulo.
Nordic Light 15
Sweden in São Paulo By Peter Johansson
Honorary Vice-Consul
In this edition we bring two exclusive interviews with two personalities from the
Consulate’s jurisdiction: Luiz Edvino Hedlund from “Casa da Cultura Sueca” in
Ijuí-RS and the new Swedish flying priest Pierre Schelander.
Nordic Light 17
Sweden in São Paulo
The Church of Sweden Abroad has continued a vision to Do you have any special ideas for the activities in
be present in places around the world for people with the Church?
a Swedish identity. Whether congregations out in the A part from celebrating Swedish holidays, I hope we
world are to survive is entirely dependent on whether the can find “get togethers” in the congregation that feel
congregation continues to celebrate divine services and urgent and relevant for people to come to, one idea I have
conduct diaconia. The church’s unique mission is to offer is to have bible and beer, an evening where we read bible
Jesus Christ to people. A congregation does this by cel- texts about life together, socialize and drink a beer.
ebrating services with worship regularly but also through Also hope we can have a regular meeting for families
diaconia. (a selfless love- the call to serve the poor, sick with children, a kind of open preschool once a month
and oppressed) or so. Communion, crafts for the kids and maybe eating
Through the church’s 2,000-year history, one can see together.
that when the church abandons the service’s speech Then continue to meet for services in the chapel and
about Christ, when it abandons diaconia, it fades away conduct diaconia.
over time. I am happy for the board members and know that they
São Paulo and the Igreja Escandinava, have all the have good thoughts and ideas and know more about the
conditions to survive, even to grow and become bigger. context here than I do.
Sweden in Rio By Leticia Santos
Promotion Officer
t the Consulate of Sweden in Rio de Janeiro, One standout moment was the
we’re passionate about strengthening Sweden’s astonishing Nobel Dialogues
presence and leaving a meaningful imprint in hosted at the State University
the vibrant Cidade Maravilhosa. Presently, we of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), where
are actively involved in cultivating partnerships minds converged to explore and
with local authorities, driving forward science celebrate groundbreaking ideas.
and innovation, and extending our support to education, civil We were honored to accompany
society and our fellow consular colleagues. our Ambassador Karin Wallen-
steen in greeting Mayor Eduardo
Paes, emphasizing the crucial role
of international collaboration in
propelling scientific progress and
innovation forward.
In the energetic environment of the G20 summit in Rio, we
actively engaged in different events, including the Women
20 (W20) and Oceans 20 (O20) initiatives, reaffirming
Sweden’s unwavering commitment to global issues.
With zero emissions, we’ll build a
cleaner and more sustainable
future, directly impacting your life,
future generations and the planet.
Nordic Light 21
Bridging4Growth Delegation
visits São Paulo and the Chamber
In mid-April, Swedcham welcomed representatives from Bridging- to our office to discuss what the most meaningful
4Growth and Norrköping Science Park in São Paulo. Bridging4Growth insights and experiences of the week were. Visitors
is an EU-funded growth project running between 2023 to 2025 to concluded that Brazil represents a unique “hid-
increase exports of smart solutions from the Central Baltic region to a den gem” to the eyes of the world, with enormous
selection of new markets outside the EU. potential. We viewed the week as a great success
“It’s been an incredibly knowledgeable visit to São Paulo for both as Nordic and Baltic businesses and organisations
the companies and our project team. We’ve managed to put together a established relevant business connections in Brazil,
great schedule, thanks to the significant help from Josephine Lindberg and aiding future expansions. Visitors also got to experi-
Jonas Lindström at the Swedish Chamber of Commerce.” says Linda Rob- ence the vibrant corporate and social world of São
inson delegation leader and project manager at Norrköping Science Park. Paulo, bringing these positive experiences back to
On Monday we showed the guests around the historical centre of São their own home markets.
Paulo, followed by Ibirapuera Park and a dinner at a traditional barbeque Linda Robinson reflected on the week and, em-
restaurant. Tuesday began with an introduction to the Brazilian market, phasized the significance of in-person interactions
and a brief overview of local tax, customs and labour regulations that when entering a new market: “Meeting face-to-face
companies are likely to encounter when entering Brazil. After a lively net- is invaluable for establishing trust and building
working lunch at Tatu-Bola, a series of lectures were held both by Brazilian relationships. During this trip, we’ve made numerous
business leaders, and Swedish corporate representatives. Startups also new contacts and gained profound insights into the
shared their journey and experience with entering the Brazilian market; Brazilian market.”
what lessons were learnt and how to gain from them.
On Wednesday, the delegation visited Business Finland, where seminars
were held on various topics such as intellectual property and trademarks,
and 1-to-1 meetings were held between delegation members and poten-
tial corporate collaborators. On Thursday, the delegation visited Insper, one
of Brazil’s premier academic institutions, responsible for creating the next
generation of Brazilian business leaders. Our first destination within Insper
was the Entrepreneurship Hub, where we got to hear first-hand experi-
ences of Insper-born start-ups and after that we were granted a tour of
their engineering and computer science facilities. Thursday concluded with
a visit to the start-up incubator Cubo Itaú.
Friday was conclusion day, where we welcomed all participants back
22 JANUARY - JUNE 2024
>> NBCC News
At the tribune Mr. Pertti Latikka, President of FinnCham Brazil. To his left,
respectively, Mr. Jan Jarne - Chairman of the board and Dr. Renato Pacheco
- Legal Director. To his right Mr. Marcio Veronesi - Vice President of Finn- to leverage his experience to create tangible benefits for the
Cham Brazil and Mr. Sergio Chamone - ex-president of FinnCham Brazil
chamber’s members, ensuring that the organization remains
at the forefront of facilitating bilateral trade and investment
n a significant leadership transition, FinnCham Brazil, the opportunities.
official Brazil-Finland Chamber of Commerce, has an- This change marks a new chapter in FinnCham Brazil’s
nounced Pertti Latikka as its new president. The election, ongoing mission to foster strong business ties between Brazil
held during the General Ordinary Assembly, saw Pertti and Finland. This event highlights the collaborative spirit and
Latikka unanimously elected to succeed Sergio Chamone. commitment to excellence that defines FinnCham Brazil’s
Jan Jarne, Founder and Chairman of the Board, officially leadership.
introduced the new Board of Directors and welcomed Pertti La- FinnCham Brazil, a key player in the Team Finland network,
tikka to his new role. The induction ceremony took place during continues to support Finnish businesses in Brazil through a
the latest “Café com a Embaixadora.” range of initiatives, including events, networking opportunities,
Pertti Latikka in his inaugural address emphasized his and strategic partnerships. The Chamber’s dedication to creat-
dedication to enhancing the value of membership and fostering ing a conducive environment for Finnish enterprises in Brazil is
dynamic, cooperative relationships with all stakeholders. “Hav- further bolstered by its institutional affiliations.
ing worked with several industries and keeping business always Looking forward, the business community can expect innova-
in the focal point, I seek to bring substance to FinnCham to a tive programs and enhanced support to strengthen economic
level that members gain true benefit from their membership ties, foster sustainable business practices, and promote the
and we can grow a dynamic and cooperative collaboration with interests of Finnish companies operating in Brazil.
all the stakeholders,” said Pertti.
Latikka’s extensive background in international business For more information about FinnCham Brazil and its up-
development and market entry strategies is expected to drive coming initiatives, visit the [official website] (https://www.
FinnCham Brazil towards new achievements. His approach aims
24 JANUARY - JUNE 2024
Beyond Circularity: Valmet’s Program
to Accelerate Clients’ Green Transition
Recognized as a global leader in developing and supplying project’s implementation focuses on:
advanced process technologies, automation, and services for
the pulp, paper, and energy industries, Finnish company Valmet
launches a new environmental initiative called Beyond Circular-
ity. This R&D and ecosystem program aims to transform waste
and emissions into valuable resources for sustainable growth,
accelerating the green transition of industries. It is based on
Valmet’s technological vision for 2030.
This vision is possible thanks to Valmet’s long history of provid- Systematic Collaboration and Shared Vision
ing solutions that convert biomass into renewable energy and Valmet partners with ecosystem members from universities,
recyclable products such as pulp, paper, cardboard, and tissue. research institutes, and clients, working together to advance the
Among the ongoing research projects is one focused on green transition in the pulp and paper industry and tackle other
underground hydrogen storage, conducted in partnership with challenging production issues. This ecosystem is expected to
the Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT) and the Geo- have over 100 partners in Finland by 2025.
logical Survey of Finland (GTK), as well as a collaboration with The project is partially funded by Business Finland and is
the University of Helsinki to explore innovative carbon capture part of the Veturi initiative, which invites Finnish companies
methods using organic “superbases.” with international operations to address some of society’s most
pressing challenges by increasing investments in research,
How is Beyond Circularity Structured? development, and innovation in Finland.
The program aims to develop process technologies, automa- You can also join this commitment to advancing the indus-
tion, and services to create value by utilizing renewable and try’s business towards a more sustainable future. Find out how
recycled materials, industrial waste streams, and residues. The at
Mentorship Graduation
on June 5!
he Swedcham Mentorship Program is back after the success
from last year. The objective is to create valuable connections,
foster professional development opportunities, and offer ben-
efits for both young professionals and experienced mentors.
The Program began in February and concluded in early June.
Over the course of these four months our 25 mentorship pairs
had at least five meetings and gained relevant hands-on experience, often
at the companies “in loco”. Mentor Olle Widen/Finanzero with mentee
Iza Antunes Lascalla/Assa Abloy.
Our recommended set of questions and topics to be discussed during
meetings were designed to go in both directions, such as; What areas of experience of discussing career matters in equal
your career would you like to develop? What opportunities or challenges footing to your mentors also helps challenge the
do you feel they created for you? What are you passionate about? intimidating experience of being a young profes-
The open-ended and personal nature of the questions also promotes sional. It reminds them that their superiors are
mentors to be more dynamic and passionate about their careers, enabling also only individuals journeying through life.
better outcomes both personally and professionally. For mentees, the The graduation ceremony on June 5 was a night
of inspiration and triumph. The participants were
asked to reflect on the program, offering valuable
perspectives and emotional narratives on what the
meetings had meant for them, both personally and
professionally. Diplomas were handed out to all
participants, and a special prize was given to Alex-
andra Freitas e Beatriz Kallas for their outstanding
dedication to the program. The theme for all their
meetings was the sunflower, which represents
a long life and lasting happiness, but also good
fortune and positive opportunities – a lucky charm
for someone beginning a new career path.
n the 5th of June, in celebration of World Environment lations, supplier training, redesign
Day, Swedcham hosted its first Advisory Council meeting of natural resource extraction and
this year, with the presence of the Swedish Ambassador consumption, among many other
to Brazil, Karin Wallensteen, the whole of Team Sweden topics covered in this unique Hand-
in Brazil and some 50 executives from the larger Swed- book. The launch highlighted the
ish companies in Brazil. The meeting commenced with a commitment of both the Swedish
warm welcome from the chairman of the Advisory Council, Sergio Qui- Embassy and Swedcham to foster-
roga. Following the chairman’s introduction, a report from the Swedish ing sustainable practices within the
Embassy was presented by Ambassador Wallensteen. corporate sector.
The first of two significant launches took place shortly after, featuring A lively roundtable discussion
the annual Business Climate Survey (BCS). This presentation was con- ensued, featuring representatives from participating
ducted by Jonas Lindström, our Managing Director, alongside Andreas companies who shared their unique experiences
Rentner from Business Sweden. The BCS shed light on Brazil’s status as with implementing ESG policies in their supply
the leading source of Swedish-Brazilian corporate success in the Americas, chains. This interactive session was moderated by
revealing high levels of market optimism among Swedish businesses op- Swedcham’s ESG Committee Coordinator, Karin
erating in Brazil. The event then continued with remarks from the Swedish Vecchatti, along with Fabio Feldmann. The discus-
Consul in São Paulo, Renato Pacheco. This was followed by an engaging sions were rich with insights and practical exam-
presentation by Fabio Feldmann, a Brazilian lawyer, politician, and ples, underscoring the importance and impact of
environmentalist. sustainable practices in today’s corporate land-
The second launch of the event was the joint publication by the Swed- scape. Participating businesses also highlighted the
ish Embassy and Swedcham; the Applied ESG Handbook - aguide similarities between environmental and corporate
for responsible sourcing. interests, arguing that these should not be viewed
The comprehensive guide is as separate and antagonistic, but instead as inter-
designed to promote sustain- connected and synergistic. Swedcham would like
able and effective corporate to thank AAK, ABB, Alfa Laval, Atlas Copco,
behaviour and supply chains. Autoliv, Electrolux, Epiroc, Scania, Tetra Pak
Responsible sourcing covers and Quant for their valuable contributions and
sustainable procurement, insights to the Applied ESG Handbook - a guide for
transparency in business re- responsible sourcing
Marco Dorna, Managing Director in Brazil. Alexandre has an LL.B. from USP and an LL.M. in
at Tetra Pak Brazil Tax Law from the Brazilian Institute for Tax Law, as well as
He has over 20 years of business experience an extensive course on Foreign Trade Law at FGV.
in B2B commerce in the FMCG sector. He Alexandre is an ardent football fan and his favourite client
highly values diverse teams as a key factor for during his long career as a lawyer was Pelé, the player
achieving effective and meaningful change; an from Santos who got his international breakthrough in
opinion equally held by Swedcham. Marco- Sweden 1958 during the World Cup. “I would work for
holds a B.Sc in Economics from UNESP, an MBA from FGV, Pelé, without charging because of the devotion I had for
and further studies at the IMD in Lausanne, Switzerland. him. It was very exciting to hear from himself, the Legend,
Marco is very interested in knowing and living other cul- all those stories that we’ve heard or seen about him on
tures as he served for almost a decade in countries such as television or in the movies. I saw how he treated all his
South Africa, Saudi Arabia and Panama. fans, without distinction, always available and polite – a
As a good Brazilian though, he is always on for a good real star but humble until the end.
barbecue with friends (especially if it also involves watch-
ing a Corinthians football match). João Zeni, Director of ESG at Electrolux
João Zeni is Electrolux’s ESG Director for Latin
Jacqueline Lopes, Director of Institution- America, Group Technical Director of Sustain-
al Relations LATAM South at Ericsson ability for the National Association of Manu-
Jacqueline Lopes is Director of Institutional facturers of Electrical and Electronic Products
Relations and Executive Committee member (ELETROS) and Counsel Vice-President of
for Southern Latin America at Ericsson, Board the Brazilian Association for Electronics and
member of TELEBRASIL and SINAEES, Director Home Appliances Recycling (ABREE). He is
at ABINEE and FIESP; and Co-Chair of the In- responsible for developing and implementing sustainability
ternational Chamber of Commerce (ICC). She strategies in accordance with local regulations, business
is educated in International and Comparative Law at USP demands and other specificities. From his initial B.Sc. in
(LL.B., LL.M. summa cum laude), as well as an MBA from environmental engineering, João also post-graduation
INSEAD. She has previously worked in FIESP, Samsung, studies in safety engineering (PUC-Paraná), environmental
BCG and ABN AMRO Bank. analysis and economics (UFPR), sustainability (Cambridge,
Jacqueline is fascinated in foreign cultures and traditions Oxford, Exeter), and marketing (Insper).
and loves travelling. She has visited 65 countries all over In the beginning of his career João spent more than 30
the world, but the list is still long with countries that she is days inside the “Mata Atlântica forest” participating in a
planning to go to. huge global scientific project to evaluate climate change
impact in forests. The experience made him convinced
Alexandre Verri, Partner at Veirano that sustainability and environment would be his passion
Advogados and career.
Alexandre Verri is partner at Veirano Ad-
vogados specialising in Corporate Law and LEAVING BOARD MEMBERS
Mergers & Acquisitions. He is the Managing Swedcham would like to extend a generous thank you to
Partner for the Firm’s São Paulo office and the leaving Board Members; Andreza Rodrigues, André
previously served on the Firm’s Board of Palme, Juliana Barbeiro, and Daniela Fukino. Thank
Directors. He has significant experience in advising and you for your excellent services and dedicated work for the
coordinating efforts for foreign companies doing business Board and for the Chamber!
W W W . H U S Q VA R N A . C O M . B R
Nordic Light 31
Deadline August
Young Professionals
visit to Alfa-Laval
On the 7th of March, Swedcham visited Alfa Laval, a
prominent Swedish fluid engineering manufacturer. Alfa
Laval’s reputation for pioneering solutions in areas like heat
transfer, separation, and fluid handling set the stage for an
insightful exchange between industry leaders and com-
merce representatives. Alfa Laval is a leading manufacturer
of heavy industry equipment with a strong focus on innova- ties, we witnessed firsthand the intricate processes and
tion. Despite their global reach, Alfa Laval maintains their cutting-edge technologies that drive the company’s suc-
headquarters in Lund, Sweden; at the spawn point of many cess. During the visit, discussions delved into not only the
of Sweden’s brightest technical minds from one of Sweden’s technological advancements but also sessions during which
premier engineering institutions; LTH (Lunds Tekniska Hög- executives shared inspiring stories and advice for people in the
skola). LTH is one of the faculties of Lund University, a proud beginning of their careers. Beyond business exchanges, the
member of Swedcham. visit fostered collaboration and unique networking opportuni-
As our group explored Alfa Laval’s state-of-the-art facili- ties among the Young Professionals.
Building a supportive network and the ability to seize every My involvement with
opportunity for connection are constant pieces of advice in the Young Professionals
courses and lectures aimed at students and young professionals network between 2022
on the rise. But the process of finding such meaningful connec- and 2023 was crucial for
tions is not always simple. Human relationships require time my immersion in Swed-
and effort to build, and for young professionals starting their ish culture and for the
careers, it’s difficult to have that long-term perspective. preparation of a compet-
My first contact with the Young Professionals of Swedcham itive application for the
was in 2017, but my participation in the organization’s events Swedish government’s
and activities began in 2022. This journey not only highlights master’s scholarship. I sought to highlight not only my resume
the importance of persistence in building relationships over and experiences but also my genuine interest in the country and
time but also underscores the relevance of being in the right my commitment to sustainable development goals and educa-
place at the right time for things to happen. tional and cultural cooperation between Sweden and Brazil.
In 2017, I attended a lecture and networking event at In Uppsala, where I study Entrepreneurship, I was able to
Swedcham, when I was still an undergraduate student. At that experience the four seasons of Swedish year and admire the
time, I gained valuable insights into Sweden, which I knew little unique beauty of each of them, learning about the culture of
about. Although I kept virtual track of Swedcham’s work over this people who know how to value each period of the year
the following years, it was the ability to cultivate personal con- and what nature has to offer in each cycle. I eagerly await the
nections and be present at the right moments that allowed me arrival of Midsummer, the highlight of the Swedish summer,
to effectively integrate and, consequently, leverage my profes- after recently celebrating Valborg to welcome spring at one of
sional journey. the largest events in the country. Given that Uppsala University
In 2022, I had the pleasure of reconnecting with the Swed- is the oldest university in Sweden, the student celebrations here
cham team, reminiscing about our encounter at the 2017 event are always very traditional and grand.
and inquiring about more information on study opportunities in During almost a year here, I also had the opportunity to keep
Sweden. After five years of professional experience, I was ready in touch with this “network that takes you forward,” meeting
to resume my academic journey, aiming to apply for master’s Jonas Lindström in Uppsala, the inspiring Christina Rickards-
programs and scholarships. son, a Swedish-Brazilian author in Stockholm and Josephine
By a fortunate coincidence, the day after my contact, there Lindberg in Gothenburg.
was an event, and I was invited to participate along with other In this final stretch of the Master’s in Entrepreneurship,
young professionals. During this meeting, I clarified doubts I am excited for the conclusion of my scholarship program,
about the admission the Swedish Institute for Global Professionals. This program,
process at Swedish uni- which awarded 100% full scholarships from the Swedish
versities, understood the government to 8 Brazilian students in 2023, will end our cycle
requirements for schol- as students in the country with a bang: with a graduation
arships offered by the ceremony at the Blue Hall, located in Stockholm, the same
Swedish government, and hall where the famous Nobel Prize ceremony is held. And I
explored details about can’t wait!
the various regions and
educational institutions in Thank you, Sweden, Swedcham and Young Professionals!
the country. Cinthia Cicilio
Al. Franca, 1050 – 10º e 11º andares – 01422-002 – São Paulo - SP Fone: +55 11 3897-4400 / +55 11 3063-6177
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>> Young Professionals
38 JANUARY - JUNE 2024 /finanzero @FinanZero @finanzero /finanzero /FinanZero
A inovação
nos inspira
United. Inspired.
n June, Business Sweden and Swedcham launched the Business climate is lukewarm, but with
2024 version of the Brazil Business Climate Survey (BCS). a positive outlook
The BCS is part of a larger global assessment with the goal After a year of market uncertainties and a new government
to evaluate the business environment in 23 key markets elected, the majority of Swedish companies still see the market
for Swedish companies. A global analysis of the surveyed as neither very positive nor too negative. However, only 4% have
markets will be presented in Stockholm on June 14th, a stronger negative position about Brazil, which represents the
providing an outlook of the world’s business climate and overall lowest observation in the series, marking an overall more opti-
conditions for Swedish expansion worldwide. mistic outlook. In fact, 39% see the business climate as positive,
This year, 54 Swedish companies with local operations in Brazil the third highest figure in the series since initiated in 2016.
participated in the survey, which represents the highest engage- 79% of respondents indicated that they expect to grow in
ment in the series of the BCS. Below, the main takeaways: Brazil in the next 12 months, a relevant increase over the 2023
1. 83% of Swedish companies in Brazil were profitable in assessment, while only 4% expect to see a reduction in revenue.
2023, maintaining the high level seen in previous years However, a lower share of companies (59%) expects to invest in
2. 79% of companies expect to grow their business, and 59% Brazil during the same period. This may represent the idea that,
confirmed new local investments although companies expect to grow and be profitable in Brazil,
3. 39% perceive Brazil’s business climate as positive, 57% as their global organizations are facing challenges in other markets,
regular and only 2 companies (4%) perceive it negative preventing larger local investments. 2023 was the first year in at
4. Taxes, regulation and infrastructure continue to represent least a decade in which Brazil grew (2.9%) above the European
the main challenges to do and run business in Brazil average (0.4%), in terms of GDP. A similar situation is expected
5. 3-4 companies were exposed to some form of corruption in for 2024, with Brazil’s GDP growth forecast set to 2.2%, and the
2023; one company identified human rights violations EU’s set to 0.8% by the IMF.
6. Environmental awareness and the green transition are
growing as important topics in Brazil Trends in Brazilian business
When asked about the factors which will
drive change in the local business climate,
companies granted emphasis on technologi-
cal and customer behavior change, with 81%
and 71% answering that these two factors
will have a greater impact in the longer term,
In another question, the BCS asked about the
companies’ perception over the development of
generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), exploring
the technological change topic. Though only
11% of respondents think that AI has already
transformed business in Brazil, it became
clear that such technology shifts and tools
will have a large impact in the future accord-
ing to Swedish companies. More than half of
40 JANUARY – JUNE 2024
respondents agreed that AI will grant the power to increase
efficiency and improve the quality of products and services, while
supporting the search for new revenue streams. However, AI
will not only have a positive impact over business; 76% of the
companies believe that AI will also intensify challenges regarding
cybersecurity and disinformation.
When it comes to sustainability, 58% of the respondents said
that the environmental impact will be driving change in Brazilian
business in the next years. Moreover, the companies’ assess-
ment over their customers environmental concerns has changed
since 2020. Now, 39% indicate that their customers consider
environmental aspects during their purchases, against 23% four
years ago. This year, only 22% said that customer concerns over
the environment are little or very little, a low record figure for the
BCS. Yet in another question, 46% of companies see that oppor- with the objective to foster knowledge exchange, facilitate for
tunities related to a green transition can be created depending increased co-development projects and secure implementation of
on stronger government action, while 43% already identify great sustainable ready-to-use-solutions”, says Andreas Rentner, Trade
business related to segments such renewables, energy efficiency Commissioner at Business Sweden. Jonas Lindström, Managing
and mobility. Despite the cost sensitivity challenges in the Brazil- Director at Swedcham, adds that ‘the fact that more companies
ian market, preventing local customers from acquiring cleaner than ever before participated in the survey indicates that the
but more expensive solutions, the green transition is already a management teams see the report as a useful tool and tempera-
hot topic for Swedish companies and their positioning in Brazil. ture gauge for business in Brazil. Since the survey became global,
As large Brazilian companies start to set and implement carbon it has added yet another unique dimension where we can com-
neutrality plans, preparations for COP 30 in Belém in 2025 will pare results and investments among many markets, and being
also call for new environmentally friendly solutions. able to do so annually is extremally valuable considering how fast
“We see an increased interest from Brazilian companies to the business landscape is changing”. Team Sweden in Brazil,
discuss innovative solutions to meet their sustainability targets in our different roles, responsibilities and capacities,
and accelerate the green transition. To better meet up on the stand ready to continue support the Swedish industry
demands and needs, we have decided to launch the ‘Sweden- in Brazil to meet the challenges and capture good busi-
Brazil Industrial Green Transition Program’, a program ness opportunities ahead. This through joint actions
and facilitation of new strategic col-
laborations and partnership.
Nordic Light 41
“Building on long-term investor relationships
and ties with best-friend firms in other countries,
Veirano is a powerful organisation with a place
among the absolute best.”
Rio de Janeiro
São Paulo
BRAZIL Porto Alegre
Veirano Advogados
Aguardando matéria
Nordic Light 43
Strengthening ties between
Norway and Brazil
ette Tangen, serving as the Consul General of Norway
in Rio de Janeiro since September 2023, brings both
extensive experience and a significant amount of enthu-
siasm to Brazil. Her focus lies primarily in strengthening
ties between the two countries and positing Norway
as a strategic partner for Brazil in the green shift. In her
capacity, she oversees diplomatic and consular affairs not only in the state of
Rio de Janeiro but also across the nine coastal states to the north, serving as
the primary contact for Norwegian businesses operating throughout Brazil.
Tangen’s mission includes strengthening trade ties and fostering com-
mercial partnerships between Norway and Brazil, particularly focusing
on energy transition and the green economy. Additionally, she aims to
promote the values of environmental and social responsibility, which are
already strong trademarks of Norwegian investments in Brazil.
Team Norway
At the core of the trade promotion efforts is “Team Norway”, a collec-
tive effort led by the Consulate General, under Tangen’s guidance. Team
Norway Brazil compromises key entities such Innovation Norway (IN),
Mette Tangen
the Norwegian Government’s official trade promotion organization, the
Norwegian Seafood Council (NSC), Norwegian Energy Partners (NORWEP),
Abran (the Norwegian Shipowners Association’s representation in Brazil),
Robust Commercial Partnership
The commercial partnership between Norway and
the Norwegian Brazilian Chamber of Commerce (NBCC), as well as the
Brazil is robust, with nearly 250 Norwegian companies
Norwegian Embassy in Brasilia.
actively operating in Brazil. According to the latest
Investment Report, Norwegian companies invested
Leadership in Energy Transition
a total of US$7.3 billion between 2021 and 2022,
While Norway’s role as an oil and gas producer presents complex chal-
bringing the total investments to almost US$40 billion.
lenges, the country is committed to carefully addressing these dilemmas
A notable focus for the increase in investments was the
and taking the necessary actions to foster a sustainable future. Norway
renewable energy sector, which saw a six-fold increase
and Norwegian companies will be part of the solution, making substantial
to US$1.18 billion during the same period.
contributions to this ongoing revolution. As such, the green energy transi-
“Brazil emerges as a highly competitive and
tion is a top priority for Norway, also in Brazil.
promising market for advancing clean energy and
“The long-term partnership between Norway and Brazil holds immense
sustainable products,” remarks Tangen. “The strong
potential for the global energy transition,” emphasizes Mette Tangen.
foothold of Norwegian companies, coupled with
“Norway, renowned for its leadership in decarbonization technology and
their cutting-edge solutions supporting industries in
expertise, is committed to collaborating with Brazil on this transforma-
the green shift, including offshore wind, hydrogen
tive journey. In close cooperation with the Norwegian Embassy in Brasilia,
production, clean fuels for maritime transportation,
under the engaged leadership of Ambassador Ruud, we are dedicated to
sustainable fertilizer production, and carbon capture
unlocking this potential.”
Nordic Light 45
Oil States showcases new and field-proven
technologies that empower upstream
companies to adapt and thrive
il States International, Inc. (NYSE: OIS), a global provider of manu- floating infrastructure expertise to advance offshore wind
factured products and services for the energy, industrial and mili- projects to water depths up to 150 meters – far beyond
tary sectors, introduced multiple, new award-winning technologies conventional nearshore sub-30 meter water depths. With
at the 2024 Offshore Technology Conference (OTC). a mature supply chain in place, the FTLP can be delivered
The new Super Good Hole Charges, offered through GEODynamics, are specially today – using local content – without investing billions of
engineered for use with the Eclipse™ gun to offer a smaller hole with more pen- dollars into new manufacturing facilities.
etration compared to Big Hole charges. Super Good Hole Charges provide a supe- The award-winning Managed Pressure Drilling-Ready (MPD)
rior alternative to Big Hole or Deep Penetrating Charges for wash out situations. Jack-Up Riser System meets the growing need to safely drill
The Company’s 2024 OTC Spotlight on New Technology® Award winners – high-pressure, shallow offshore surface wells cost-effectively.
the ACTIVEHub™ platform with ACTIVELatch™ and the Swift DW2 Ratchet Featuring built-in automation capabilities, a controls pack-
Anti-Rotation (RAR) Connector – advance safety and efficiency to offer a age, umbilical and topside equipment, the system offers
competitive advantage in the field. ACTIVEHub with ACTIVELatch enables improved safety as well as higher deployment speed.
operators to remotely monitor and automate the opening and closing of valve The field-proven Top Entry Access System (TEAS) and
positions to provide an efficient, safer and more environmentally friendly Articulated Top Entry System (A-TES) significantly reduce
wellsite. The Swift DW2 RAR prevents connector breakout, substantially reduc- downtime in stuck pipe scenarios and mitigate safety risks.
ing the risk of damage TEAS allows wireline access to drill pipe or tubing through
to wells, drill ships and the gooseneck connection in the top drive while preserv-
semi-submersibles. ing the ability to use the top drive to pull and torque the
The award-winning OSI pipe. A-TES enables direct alignment of the wireline entry
Renewables™ FTLP™ sub with the drill pipe axis, allowing unrestricted entry of a
Floating Wind Platform wireline tool string into the pipe.
solves key economic, Oil States International, Inc. is a global provider of manu-
logistic and manufactur- factured products and services to customers in the energy,
ing challenges currently industrial and military sectors. The Company’s manufactured
hindering offshore wind products include highly engineered capital equipment and
initiatives. The FTLP lever- consumable products. Oil States is headquartered in Hou-
ages Oil States’ more ston, Texas with manufacturing and service facilities strategi-
than 40 years of fixed cally located across the globe. Oil States is publicly traded on
offshore and deepwater the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “OIS.”
n April 2, 1984, Domingues e key strategy. By adopting cutting-edge software,
Pinho Contadores was founded as process automation, and artificial intelligence, we
a small accounting firm with just are constantly pursuing new ways of adding value
nine employees and a handful of to our clients. This commitment is evidenced by a
clients. Now, standing as one of specialized Products and Innovation department,
the benchmarks in the industry, the staffed by experts focused on developing technologi-
company celebrates 40 years of a journey marked cal solutions.
by numerous achievements. Furthermore, we invest continuously in employee
Since its inception, DPC has been defined by its and leadership training and development programs.
commitment to ethics, quality, organization, and Through an initiative aptly named ‘Academia DPC’,
attentive customer service. we ensure that our staff remains always up-to-date,
The firm has established offices in Rio de an effort that is directly reflected in the quality of
Janeiro, São Paulo, and Macaé, employing 570 our services.
staff members across these locations. Its portfolio With a diverse and committed workforce, solid
comprises around 600 clients – 60% of whom are values, and the trust of numerous businesses,
multinational companies –, that operate in various Domingues e Pinho continues its mission of foster-
industries, such as Oil and Gas, Energy, Telecom- ing growth for everyone around it. This includes
munications, Navigation, Port promoting personal and professional development
and Airport Services, Finance for its team, and providing steadfast support, secu-
and Resource Management, rity, and peace of mind to clients throughout their
Information Technology, Legal establishment and ongoing operations in Brazil.
Services, and Education. Conscious of our role in society, we also support
Over the years, DPC has social and cultural projects focused on education,
expanded its service portfolio to innovation and technology, through the firm’s social
address the diverse challenges and environmental responsibility program – ‘DPC
faced by its clients. Currently, Transforma’.
the company provides BPO and As we celebrate this milestone, we also look
consulting in accounting, tax, forward to a future filled with new opportuni-
payroll and finance, and many ties. Committed to driving progress, we dedicate
other solutions for companies ourselves to developing solutions that cater to the
and also for individuals, includ- evolving needs of our clients and the market as we
ing advising for expatriates. move forward into a new era.
In our quest for even higher
efficiency, embracing digital
*Luciana Uchôa is CEO at DPC
transformation has become a
Nordic Light 47
Inauguration of Kongsberg Maritime’s
State-of-the-Art Training Center in Niterói
in the opening of the center illustrates our
e are thrilled to announce the grand opening of shared pursuit of excellence and continuous
Kongsberg Maritime’s state-of-the-art training improvement,” acknowledged Eivind Alling,
center in Niterói, Brazil. To celebrate this momen- SVP Services Americas and Head of Kongsberg
tous occasion, nearly 70 guests representing more Maritime, Inc. “Without the collaboration of our
than 30 key customers and offshore industry part- personnel and their dedication to providing top-
ners joined us at the facility’s opening ceremony on quality training and support, this achievement
April 4th. Establishing the new training facility represents a significant would not have been possible. With the training
milestone for our organization in Brazil and demonstrates our commit- facility now open, we look forward to welcom-
ment to education and to enhancing safety and improving operations. ing more individuals to the center and further
nurturing the culture of curiosity and innova-
The new facility offers the following features: tion that has been demonstrated throughout
Our center can accommodate 39 students at a time, ensuring this journey, which is the lifeblood of achieving
an optimal learning environment. safer and more efficient industry practices.”
We boast five well-equipped classrooms, each designed
to facilitate effective training sessions.
his year, the celebrations for Norway’s
Constitution Day began early on May 16th
in Rio de Janeiro, where members of the
Norwegian community, business leaders, and
Brazilian officials gathered to honor the 1814 signing
of the world’s second oldest written constitution. The
Norwegian Consulate General in Rio and the Norwe-
gian Brazilian Chamber of Commerce organized the
“Ocean Connection: Norway and Brazil – Partners for
Blue Sustainability and Green Maritime Solutions”
seminar, focusing on the blue economy and maritime
sector decarbonization. Distinguished guests, including
Felipe Peixoto, Daniel Leppert, and Rafaela Guedes,
presented insights on marine economy initiatives, en-
Nordic Light 49
DNV celebrates 50 years
of operations in Brazil
The 50th anniversary milestone was marked in April 2024
with celebrations for employees and customers.
By Fernanda Sarmento*
ity efforts.
stablished in Norway in 1864 to safe-
guard life, property, and the environ-
ment, DNV is present in more than 100
countries. Since opening its first office
in Brazil in 1974, DNV has grown to
become a trusted partner to several
industries, providing risk management and as-
surance services and solutions across different
sectors, such as maritime, oil and gas, energy,
healthcare, and food.
To celebrate the 50th anniversary, DNV hosted
an event in Rio de Janeiro on April 10, 2024, with
the presence of esteemed guests, including clients,
authorities, employees and the DNV Group CEO *Fernanda Sarmento is Country Chair of DNV
Remi Eriksen. Brazil and Director of South America - Maritime
Today, DNV Brazil has nearly 300 employees
The Brazilian Special Regime (REB) is not also
n the end of April, the Brazilian Government presented to the provided under the Bill of Law 68/2024, which
Congress the main bill of law for regulation of the tax reform on the currently allows PIS and COFINS tax reductions on
transaction taxes approved by the EC 132/2023, numbered as “Bill of dockage and on the importation of vessels parts
Law 68/2024”. and pieces.
In a nutshell, the tax reform creates a Dual VAT (CBS and IBS) and BBC, TCP AND RENTAL AGREEMENTS. Al-
a Selective Tax (IS), that will gradually replace five of the existing though Bill of Law does not specifically address the
taxes in Brazil (ISS, ICMS, IPI, PIS and COFINS) between 2026 and 2032. taxation of bareboat and time charter agreements,
As of 2033, only the CBS, IBS and IS will be in place. the tax basis of the CBS and the IBS includes rental
CBS and IBS will apply to local and import transactions, exportations and operational lease operations, which have simi-
should be exempted. The IBS and CBS will be added to the price (and not lar nature. Therefore, we may expect that bareboat
embedded within it), which will have the same taxable events, tax base and time charter agreements and rental and lease
and tax regime. Credit on previous transactions is broader, provided that of equipment will be subject to CBS and IBS.
the supplier paid for the taxes on the relevant transaction and that the In the overall contract chain, it may not represent
acquired goods, services or rights are not destined to final consumption. an increase in taxation. But, as CBS and IBS may be
IS, in turn, applies to goods and services harmful to health and environ- anticipated when the company hires the vessel or
ment, including highly emission vessels to be defined in further legislation. rents the equipment, it may affect cashflow and/or
Below we will cover selected topics on the potential impacts of Bill of trigger the redesign of the tax model under com-
Law 68/2024 to the maritime sector: mercial contracts.
ACTUAL TAX BURDEN. CBS and IBS rates are not yet defined, but the Bill of Law 68/2024 is under appreciation at
Government estimated a total 26.5% rate (8.8% for CBS + 17.7% for IBS) Congress, and soon Congressmen and sectors may
The basic rationale is not to increase the overall taxation but with the try to contribute to the regulation.
standard rate for all operations (goods, services or rights), it is expected an
increase to the tax burden on the service sector current taxed by the PIS,
COFINS and ISS and on the operations/licensing of rights, especially if the *Marcelo Siqueira and Patricia Azevedo are
companies are not able to accrue for a significant amount of credits. This lawers at Kincaid.
Nordic Light 51
Statkraft consolidates space in the
renewable energy market in Brazil
fter a year of acquisitions that gave the company a new the year. Birgitte Ringstad Vartdal was announced as
scale, making Statkraft one of the largest wind energy the new CEO, after Christian Rynning-Tønnesen left
generators of Brazil, 2024 is being an important year of the position after 14 years. She was already working
consolidation, turning Statkraft one of the main companies in the company as Executive Vice President.
of Europe in the renewable energy market.
The company will soon start the construction of its first Strategic Action for the Future
hybrid projects. The implementation will take place in the state of Bahia, at Statkraft is one of the members of Business 20
the Ventos de Santa Eugênia and Morro do Cruzeiro complexes, wind en- (B20), the business community of the G20 govern-
ergy assets located in the region. It is expected that the plants will start op- ments. In this edition, the theme is ‘Inclusive Growth
erations in 2025 and inject about 228 MW (275MWp) of solar photovoltaic for a Sustainable Future,’ and an action council and
generation. These projects will have a new technology coupled to the hybrid seven task forces were established. Among them,
electric power generation system, a battery storage system with BESS tech- the company actively participates in two: ‘Energy
nology, which aims to optimize energy generation and provide more flexibility Transition’ and ‘Ethics and Compliance’.
to the parks. During the construction phase, the company expects to generate
1,500 jobs. In total, the investment will reach R$ 926 million. 2023: The Year of Acquisitions
In the first months of 2024, the company inaugurated the largest The Brazilian market is considered strategic by
enterprise of the Group outside Europe, the Ventos de Santa Eugênia Wind Statkraft. The company completed the acquisition
Complex. Also located in the interior of Bahia, the Complex has an exten- of two wind farms, owned by EDP Renováveis, in
sive area of 489.18 hectares, where the 14 wind parks are located, totaling Rio Grande do Norte, and made other moves to
91 wind turbines of 5.7 megawatts of power each. Renewable energy pro- expand and strengthen its market position, such as
duction is expected to reach 2,300 Gigawatt-hours (GWh) per year, enough the purchase of 18.69% of its capital that previously
to supply 1.17 million Brazilian homes. belonged to Funcef.
The company also announced a PPA with the Norwegian company Scatec, Statkraft also completed the purchase agreement
ASA, from a 142-megawatt (MW) solar plant in Minas Gerais, scheduled to of Enerfín, the renewable subsidiary of the Spanish
start construction in the second half of this year and commercial operations company Elecnor, and inaugurated the Ventos de
are expected to begin at the end of 2025. The contract has a duration of Santa Eugênia Wind Complex in Bahia. In these last
10 years, with the negotiated volume equivalent to 75% of the energy that two actions, the company added to its portfolio nine
will be produced by the park, which will be built by Scatec. This is another wind farms in Rio Grande do Norte and Rio Grande
operation that reinforces the solidity that Statkraft offers to its customers and do Sul, and another 14 from the inauguration in
occurs after a year of records achieved by the commercial area in 2023, with the interior of Bahia, which is the largest enterprise
a traded volume of 63 TWh and a growth of the client portfolio by 197%. of the Group outside of Europe. The company is
For the remainder of the year, Statkraft aims to contribute even more to consolidating its recent growth actions.
the advancement of the Brazilian renewable energy sector. The Morro do Still in 2023, Statkraft also announced a partner-
Cruzeiro wind park, also in Bahia, is in the final stages of construction. The ship with WEG S.A for the supply and installation
project is an extension of the Brotas de Macaúbas Complex, also located in of a 7MW wind turbine at the Brotas de Macaúbas
the region. Still planned for 2024, the park will generate about 386 GWh of Wind Complex, in the state of Bahia. This is the first
renewable energy per year, enough to supply 190,000 homes. onshore wind turbine of this size – and the largest –
Statkraft Group announced organizational changes at the beginning of to be developed and manufactured in Brazil.
ne of the biggest challenges Society and the Planet cur-
rently face is to address the growing food demand amidst
the devastating climate impacts that are multiplying
around the globe. This new reality is leading to significant
changes in the food value chain, where the adoption of a
sustainable production that provides food security while
preserving the environment has become imperative.
Since the beginning of their history in 1905, Yara, a global leader in
crop fertilization, has been developing a legacy of innovation and col-
laboration, helping several generations of farmers to grow food and build
prosperous communities. To do so, we share our know-how and efficiency
while producing high-tech crop nutrition solutions that are in line with our
ambition to “grow a nature-positive food future”.
Our goal is to become net zero by 2050 and to reduce the carbon
emissions from our operations by 30% by 2030. With this target in mind,
we invest in several research fronts to provide not only smart solutions for
the crops, but also decarbonization initiatives for the fertilizer production,
Francielle Bertotto
agricultural connectivity and new revenue models in farming.
An important movement of our Company in Brazil is directed to the to recover degraded areas, converting them into
decarbonization of farming with Yara’s low and ultra-low carbon fertilizers. better quality pasture which consequently leads to
We already have signed a preliminary agreement with Cooxupé, the world’s higher quality cattle.
largest coffee cooperative, to reduce the climate footprint in coffee production The solution for these challenges includes
while increasing the crop yield and quality. This strategy is fully connected to undoubtedly a more productive, sustainable and
the current scenario in farming, as farmers are increasingly looking for fertiliz- regenerative agriculture where the farmers are paid
ers that provide the main nutrients for their crops while keeping greenhouse not only for what they produce but how they pro-
gas emissions low, helping thus to develop a regenerative agriculture. duce it. Yara is watching over this movement and
In turn, sustainable practices require research and science-based ac- focuses on initiatives to decarbonize agriculture
tions. Across the country, we are conducting over 150 scientific projects based on science and know-how.
involving approximately 50 educational and research institutions. The aca- The system needs to become more resilient, the
demic work pays a huge contribution to the development of techniques soils’ health and biodiversity on Earth need to be
and solutions that lead to an increased yield, quality and sustainability of restored, something that we only achieve by driving
the crops, as they are tailored to the local reality and challenges. the inclusion of several actors of this value chain,
In parallel, Yara is also partnering with companies of the food industry. so that we can solve these urgent global issues
There are 90 ongoing projects around the world working on initiatives together and in collaboration with the farmers.
aiming for sustainability in the food production, with special focus on
reducing emissions. In Brazil, for instance, we recently announced an *Francielle Bertotto is Sustainability
agreement we signed with Minerva Food’s MyCarbon to develop actions Manager at Yara
to increase sustainability and profitability in the agribusiness. The goal is
Nordic Light 53
Brazil is enhancing its oil spill surveillance
with Norwegian technology.
By Alexandre de Carvalho*
As part of the project, the Miros system will be
ith the energy industry focusing more on oil spill matured and installed with a cloud-based add-on
prevention and early oil spill detection, primarily to the monitoring software currently in use offshore
driven by new rules from the local regulator, IBAMA Brazil, thereby allowing data to be safely shared
around the integrity of OSD alarms and monitoring, with multiple stakeholders in real time.
the Brazilian key players are looking to Norway for Today, Miros is offering its “Sea-State-as-a-Ser-
new technology and innovative solutions. vice” (SSaaS) to the Brazilian market. The SSaaS is
One of the Norwegian companies that is having success with selling an all-inclusive, scalable subscription plan including
its solutions for oil spill detection in Brazil, is Miros - a trusted provider of Miros dry, IoT-enabled sensors, and the Miros Cloud
real-time systems for oil spill detection and for supporting response and service for easy data access.
surveillance operations. This plug-and-play subscription plan is a cost-
During the last 8 years, Miros has been represented by Belga Marine - efficient advantage for clients who can get access
an M&O Group company with Norwegian owners, and during this period, to the software without making big investments
an increasing interest has been shown in the solutions offered by the immediately.
company from Asker in Norway.
In 2018, Petrobras signed with Miros the world’s largest X-band radar- *Alexandre de Carvalho is Head of Business
based OSD™ surveillance and response contract to date, including 8 Oil Development – Belga Marine
Spill Detection Systems.
The new head of Energy Division
of DNB visited South America in April
atrine Blystad was appointed head of
the new Energy division of DNB Bank´s
Corporate Banking in October 2023.
Up until then Katrine was the Executive
Vice President of the Risk, Data & Port-
folio Management division in Corporate
Banking. Katrine also has more than 10 years of
relationship banking experience, covering the energy
sector. Katrine has the overall global responsibility
for energy customers in DNB, including Oil & Gas,
Renewables & Clean Tech.
Katrine started her visit in Santiago - Chile where
DNB Bank has a large participation in the renewable
energy market which is predominantly financed in
US dollars. She was hosted by Beate Hoffmann, head
of DNB Bank South America based in Santiago and
Emilio Fabbrizzi, head of Americas Renewable and
Katrine Blystad
Infrastructure of DNB Markets, based in New York.
DNB Bank has been doing business in Brazil since able energy. Today approximately 2/3 of our portfolio
late 70´s and looking for opportunities in Brazil´s is within renewable energy and this is also where we
energy market since 2016. On the financing side, will continue to grow our portfolio going forward.
despite most of the financing in Brazil been done One of three pillars of DNB’s strategy is to be
in Reais, DNB together with IDB Invest, structured a driving force for the transition. By 2030, we aim
in 2020, the first ever USD financing for a solar pv to contribute NOK 1 500 billion to sustainable
project in Brazil based on a long term PPA index to projects through financing and facilitation. And we
USD, followed by another long-term financing in are well underway. Most of our sustainable projects
USD the subsequent year and incorporating a small are within the energy sector. We also launched our
tranche in Reais. On the non-lending side, DNB Transition Plan in 2023. The plan describes the vari-
through its investment banking division, advised a ous principles, priorities and levers we have at hand
client on the sale of wind project owned in partner- to play our part in achieving the decarbonization
ship with Petrobras to a Brazilian private equity firm targets we have set for 2030.
and recently DNB advised a client on the acquisi- The global community will face several dilem-
tion of the 49% stake of Hydro Rein, Norsk Hydro mas on its journey towards net zero. As a financial
renewable subsidiary which has a large part of its institution, we need to strike a balance between a
assets in Brazil. fast transition and a just transition. We also need to
“Within Energy, we have a global strategy, based strike a balance between these considerations and
on following core clients in international markets. As the need for energy security during the transition.
the largest bank in Norway, we have a proud history Our strategy is to work together with our customers
supporting both with Oil & Gas clients and large hydro- through the transition – and to finance and advise
power/utilities. We now see that many of our tradi- on real-world decarbonisation, rather than exiting
tional oil & gas clients are investing heavily in renew- carbon-intensive sectors”.
Nordic Light 55
The Norwegian-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce would like to extend a warm thank
you to its Platinum and Gold Members. If you have any questions about membership in
the NBCC, please contact Johnar Olsen:
If we invest in the Ocean,
we invest in the Future.
Nordic Light 59
>> Swedcham News
Bowling Night at
Shopping Vila Olímpia!
On the 16th of May, Swedcham hosted a bowling
night in Shopping Vila Olimpia. Representatives
from varied organisations and important corpora-
tions were among the attendees. SEB’s Vilhelm
Dhejne ultimately emerged as the night’s grand
champion after gruelling hours of fun competi-
tion, drinks and snacks. Congrats Ville!
Strong. Agile. Evolutionary.
Swedish innovation for protection, partnership and prosperity.
Nordic Light 61
>> Member News
Nordic Light 63
>> Member News
Gripen undergoes tropical gine at lower altitudes and all systems under extremely hot and
humid conditions, ensuring adequate cooling of the systems,
testing in northern Brazil pilot comfort, and overall aircraft behaviour in such conditions.
The campaign was successfully completed, consolidating an-
For approximately 20 days, the Gripen E 4100, used in Brazil’s de- other step in the global development and certification cam-
velopment and certification campaigns, was once again subjected paign of Gripen E.
to extreme weather conditions. The climate tests were conducted
in Belém and Salinópolis, in Brazil’s Northern region. The fighter
was exposed to hot and humid conditions, with temperatures
reaching approximately 35ºC and humidity of 85% at sea level.
The campaign also included transonic regime flight tests and an
evaluation of the radar altimeter functionality. Transonic is the
transition range from subsonic to supersonic speed, approximate-
ly Mach 0.8 to Mach 1.2, or 980 km/h to 1,470 km/h at sea level.
The tests aimed to assess the performance of the fighter, its en-
Nordic Light 65
>> Member News
Unlocking Leadership
Excellence: UGL Course
Debuts in São Paulo
Tibah, in partnership with Här och nu, proudly an-
nounces the inaugural offering of the renowned Under-
standing Group and Leader (UGL) course in São Paulo,
Brazil. Hosted amidst the lush embrace of the Atlantic
Forest at Ronco do Bugio, this transformative experi- Sandvik’s ‘opt-out’
ence promises to elevate leadership prowess and foster
dynamic team synergy. recycling program
Originating in Sweden in 1981 under the Swedish
Armed Forces, UGL has since become the most re- Sandvik’s Carbide Recycling Program supports customers’ drive
nowned leadership training program in Scandinavia. to mine more sustainably and demonstrates Sandvik’s commit-
Now, bridging continents, this initiative marks a pivotal ment to delivering on the ambitious sustainability goals to halve
moment for enterprises that work between Swed- CO2 emissions by 2030.
ish and Brazilian cross-cultural collaboration. As the Tungsten, a key component in cemented carbide, is a scarce and fi-
first UGL course in Brazil, it nite material. And the recycling of carbide drill bits is an important
empowers global organiza- part of making the mining industry more sustainable. Making tools
tions with Scandinavian roots from recycled carbide requires 70 percent less energy and emits 64
to imbue their teams with the percent less CO2. It also reduces nitrous oxide emissions.
same innovative leadership Sandvik aims to collect 90 percent of its own used bits by 2025,
paradigms. and other manufacturers’ used bits can also be recycled within the
scope of the new initiative. This will make it easier, faster, and safer
For more information and to recycle dull drill bits with a new patent pending method that
registration details, visit will reduce emissions from transportation by 93 percent. The company is determined to lead the industry into a new era,
Contact: Pedro Gimenez, fully committed to embedding circularity across an essential
Founder of Tibah component of the mining industry.
COP 30, which will be held in Brazil, is a symbolic In the private sector, we all have a fundamental role to play
event that can unify and mobilize more private and, in this sense, there are already ways out that have
economic agents in the search for alternatives to been tested and are being tested to achieve this goal. One
combat the climate crisis and its consequences. of the main avenues is to look at business through the lens
of the circular economy, which seeks more efficient man-
The climate issue and its already damaging effects on agement of existing natural resources, prioritizing more
people’s daily lives is one of our society’s most urgent and durable, reusable, recyclable, and renewable inputs.
important questions. And, especially in Brazil, there is a Social and environmental sustainability is definitely on our
unique opportunity for engagement on the near horizon: agenda. Specifically, within a company, it is not just an-
the COP 30, which will be held in Belém (PA) at the end other department. Or it shouldn’t be. It is the basis of all
of 2025 and opens up a vast field of opportunities and their planning.
incentives for different economic and social agents to take
an active part in the fight against global warming and its *Marco Dorna is president of Tetra Pak Brasil. To read the
productive and social consequences. full article, visit
In this context, the private sector has a fundamental role abilidade-n%2525C3%2525A3o-%2525C3%2525A9-
to play, and together with public authorities and the third apenas-um-departamento-dentro-das-marco-dorna-gcsaf/
sector, it cannot shirk its responsibility and, above all, act. ?trackingId=%2FnIXSxUjSQS%2BB99Y9x7x5Q%3D%3D
Nordic Light 67
>> Member News
Volvo CE launches
electrical machines in Brazil
With the local launch of two compact electric ma-
chines – Volvo L25 Electric and Volvo ECR25 Electric,
Volvo Construction Equipment expands its global
offering of electrical equipment.
“As part of this decarbonization journey, the goal is for 35%
of our global sales to be electric machines by the end of this
decade”, assures Luiz Marcelo Daniel, president of Volvo machines become ideal for work in noise-sensitive areas.
CE in Latin America. The first tests in Brazil proved that the Volvo L25 Electric, the new compact loader, has an operat-
Volvo L25 Electric compact loader and the compact ing weight of 5 tonnes and a load capacity of 1.7 tonnes. The
excavator Volvo ECR25 Electric operate faster than their Volvo ECR25 Electric compact excavator has an operating
diesel equivalents. In addition, with electric drive systems, the weight of 2.7 tonnes.
1) UNFPA. Maternal mortality ratio in Brazil increased by 94% during the pandemic.
UN Population Fund alerts to a serious setback.
2) “Risk factors for postpartum hemorrhage: can we explain the recent temporal increase?”
or the year 2024, the World Intellectual Property Organization
(WIPO) has highlighted the intersection between intellectual
property (IP) and the seventeen UN Sustainable Development
Goals on its agenda. This approach encourages us to reflect: how
can IP be a catalyst for the development of innovative solutions,
recognizing the crucial role played by inventors, researchers and
creators in building a more sustainable future?
In this scenario, the telecommunications industry assumes a funda- per second than in previous product versions, low
mental responsibility in the search for solutions that transform society in latency communication and a much greater number
a sustainable way. From patents and copyrights to trademarks and trade of devices connected to 5G networks.
secrets, intellectual property protection drives innovation, fosters the de- Energy performance challenges were addressed, re-
velopment of new technologies and services and – consequently – drives sulting in a more energy-efficient 5G product portfolio.
social and economic development. By connecting the pillars of IP, sustain- A practical example is the development of an autono-
ability and telecommunications, we envision devices that not only connect mous transport system in Sweden, which is not only
millions of people in the future, but also minimize environmental impact. safer and more sustainable, but also uses 5G network
As Ericsson celebrates its centenary in Brazil this year (2024), it reiterates technology. Almost 10 years of research and develop-
its commitment to sustainability as one of the main foundations of its global ment were dedicated to establishing a business model
operations. Its Corporate Social Responsibility practices are integrated into its that offers sustainable and connected transport, using
business model, as evidenced by the joint issuance of the Sustainability and autonomous and electric buses, reducing downtime
Corporate Social Responsibility report, together with the annual financial and providing better value for money.
report. In November 2023, the company issued a €500 million green bond Patents, research and intellectual property play a
to finance initiatives in energy efficiency and renewable energy. key role in many other activities carried out by Erics-
As part of its transition to a circular economy, the company is committed to son globally. Intellectual property protection is the
reducing emissions in its supply chain, setting targets for its top 350 suppli- foundation of this progress, encompassing a range
ers in line with the 1.5°C ambition by 2025. Business travel has been limited. of legal rights that protect intellectual creation and
And promoting an increase in the volume of product take back, in addition encourage the research, development and imple-
to selling of refurbished equipment, are also part of the company’s initiatives. mentation of new technologies. Ericsson’s vision for
These actions were recognized by Ericsson’s inclusion in the EU Taxonomy for 2024 and the next 100 years is to enable a smart,
Sustainable Activities in 2023, bringing its share of Taxonomy-eligible turnover sustainable and connected world through technolo-
to 38%. Other companies such as IBM, Tesla and Natura also have sustainable gies that are innovative, scalable, easy to install and
sources in their solutions and invest in research on the topic. adopt, that not only reduce risks, but also create
At Ericsson, around 15% of global annual revenue is directed to Research positive impacts for the entire society, offering ef-
and Development (R&D), totaling tens of billions of dollars in recent years. ficient solutions to global challenges.
The company holds more than 54 thousand patents, which are incorporated
into its solutions and licensed by companies in various sectors, from Min-
*Edvaldo Santos is coordinator of
ing to Healthcare. Recent research by the company has resulted in solutions
the Innovation Committee.
for more energy-efficient technologies, even with higher capacity in gigabit
Nordic Light 71
>> Finance Committee
fter flatlining growth in the second half of last year, sures as core inflation was 4.1 per cent, just within
momentum should pick up in 2024. Tighter fiscal policy the BCB’s tolerance range. Headline consumer prices
will go some way, but not enough, towards meeting fresh however fell to 3.7 per cent y-o-y. We expect inflation
fiscal rules. Recent uncertainty over inflationary pressures to be 4.1 per cent in 2024 and 3.8 per cent in 2025.
persuaded the Banco Central do Brasil (BCB) to remove Heightened uncertainties around inflation pressures
its forward guidance, and the pace of rate cuts will slow prompted the BCB to remove its forward guidance at
down from hereon. We expect GDP growth of 1.8 and 2.0 per cent, as its most recent monetary policy meeting month when
well as inflation of 4.1 and 3.7 in 2024 and 2025 respectively. it cut the policy rate by 25 basis points to 10.50 per
The Brazilian economy grew by 2.9 per cent in 2023, well above what cent. This still leaves a relatively high ex-ante real rate
was initially expected. GDP growth was especially strong in the beginning at (adjusted for 2024 inflation forecasts), well above
of the year, largely thanks to the agricultural sector. In the second half, the 4.5 per cent neutral rate per the BCB. The BCB’s
sequential growth flatlined, partly because the agricultural boom receded. rate-cutting despite an outlook that does not show
Brazilian activity appears to be rebounding in early 2024. We expect inflation reaching target is largely driven by the central
0.5 per cent q-o-q growth in first quarter of this year and forecast y-o-y bank’s currently high real interest rate rather than by
GDP growth of 1.8 per cent and 2.0 per cent in 2024 and 2025, re- favourable inflation dynamics. We expect the end-of
spectively. Household consumption and investment will likely drive the year policy rate to reach 9.25 per cent. Tighter global
expansion this year, whereas exports and agriculture − which led growth financial conditions amid higher for longer Fed rates
in 2023 − should contribute less in 2024. indicate upside risks to our forecast.
The proposal of a new fiscal rule to replace the unloved spending cap On the political front, Brazil will host the Group
was one the larger economic news stories coming out of Brazil in 2023. of 20 (G20) summit in mid-July. This will bring
The government is yet to convince markets that it will deliver on this rule, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s views on inter-
however. Consensus expectations point to a primary budget deficit of 0.75 per national relations to the forefront, and he will need
cent of GDP in 2024, which is outside the tolerance band around the zero-deficit to strike a fine balance. During the past year, Lula’s
target. Given pressures for more spending and subsidies due to the upcoming statements on topics such as the Israel-Gaza war
municipal elections, we do not expect the government to meet the budget target. and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have risked put-
Underlying inflationary pressures have yet to dissipate. For one, Brazil’s ting him at odds with the White House, especially
labour market remains strong. The unemployment rate regarding his views on Israel should Donald Trump
ticked up to 7.9 per cent in March, which is well inside win another US presidency.
the range of unemployment that could be considered Municipal elections in October pose incentives to
inflationary. Wage growth remains above the pace of boost public spending, which could run up against
inflation, possibly as tighter credit conditions have yet fiscal rules unless they are altered. The president’s
to cool retail sales and service growth. The uncertainty interference in the financial and investment deci-
over the drivers behind the recent surge in wage sions of state-owned enterprises remains a risk to
growth has been flagged by the BCB. We investor sentiment.
expect unemployment to remain below 8
per cent this year, providing little aid to the *Erik Meyersson is Chief Emerging Markets Strategist
disinflation process. Strategy & Economic Research
The more recent April inflation data Large Corporates & Financial Institutions / SEB
also showed signs of continued pres-
>> Legal & Business Committee
will be introduced as a kind of surcharge on the
fter being discussed for 30 years, the Brazilian Tax Re- production, sale or import of goods and services
form was approved in December 2023 by Constitutional harmful to health or the environment, replacing the
Amendment 132/2023. In 2024, complementary laws will IPI. Examples of such products include cigarettes
be enacted to detail the application of this constitutional and alcoholic beverages. The selective tax will be a
amendment. federal competence, with collection shared with the
The aim of the reform is to simplify the Brazilian tax other federal entities. Only after publication of the
system, improve the business environment and boost economic growth. complementary law will it be known which goods
To this end, the tax reform envisages replacing five sales taxes (PIS, will be taxed by the selective tax.
Cofins and IPI, which are federal taxes, and ICMS and ISS, which are state As for the IBS/CBS rate, there is still no definition
and municipal taxes, respectively) with a non-cumulative Value Added Tax of what it will be. According to the latest estimates
(VAT), i.e. levied only on what is added at each stage of the production of by the federal authorities, the rate could reach
a good or service, excluding amounts paid at previous stages. 27.5%. The amendment guarantees that the tax
As a result, there will no longer be different ICMS legislation for each burden will not increase but will remain stable.
state, but a single law. This is a great achievement, given that Brazil has The transition period for the unification of taxes
27 states, each with its own complex legislation. Replacing these 27 taxes will last seven years, between 2026 and 2032. From
with a single law, which also covers the more than 5,000 municipal ISS 2033, the states’ ICMS will be abolished.
laws, will greatly simplify life for taxpayers. According to the proposed schedule, in 2026
The model also puts an end to the so-called “cascading taxes”, there will be a test rate of 0.9% for the CBS (federal
considered a historical problem in the Brazilian tax system, as it allows VAT) and 0.1% for the IBS (VAT shared between
full non-cumulativeness, with tax credits for all taxes paid in the previous states and municipalities).
stage, without limitations. In 2027, PIS, Cofins and IPI will cease to exist,
The Brazilian VAT will be a “double VAT”, divided into two parts: the and CBS will be fully implemented. The IBS rate will
Contribution on Goods and Services remain at 0.1%.
(CBS), which is a federal compe- Between 2029 and 2032, there should be a
tence; and the Tax on Goods and gradual reduction in the ICMS and ISS rates and a
Services (IBS), which is a competence gradual increase in the IBS until the new model is
of the states and municipalities. The fully implemented in 2033.
CBS will replace PIS, COFINS and IPI. Analysts believe that this tax reform, when fully
The IBS will replace the ICMS and implemented, will bring improvements to the Brazil-
the ISS (Municipal Tax on Services). ian economy comparable to the economic stability
With the reform, taxes will no brought about by the Real Plan in 1994. Brazilians
longer be levied at source (place of are hopeful about its benefits, but its implementa-
production) but at destination (place tion will also be complex and challenging, as it
of consumption), a change that aims involves major changes and a whole new system to
to end the so-called fiscal war - the be studied and applied.
granting of tax incentives by munici-
palities and states to attract business
investment. *Julia de Menezes Nogueira is Tax Lawyer at PNST
According to the reform, imported Advogados, PhD in Tax Law from PUC São Paulo.
products will have to pay VAT in the
In any case, the biggest challenge will be under-
midst relentless technological advancement, the Human standing GEN Z’s needs and adapting to them. To
Resources area is being currently challenged with the succeed leadership may need to become more versatile,
transformative potential of Generation Z. agile and creative when engaging with this generation.
People born between 1995 and 2010, known as GEN Z, As those young professionals want to grow immedi-
represent appr. 21% of the global population and are a ately and continuously, and one is for sure: if feeling
significant portion of the Brazilian workforce. According to stuck in their roles, they will probably quickly look for
recent data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics IBGE new jobs and spread their impatient wings anew.
- GEN Z represents appr. 23% of the Brazilian population and occupies Well, considering that a large part of this genera-
around 23 million local jobs encompassing operational, analytical and tion grew up with parents who may have opted to
strategic roles. remain for a lifetime in a secure but unhappy job
Also known as Digital Natives, Centennials and Post-Millennials - this - full of dissatisfaction and without the courage to
generation refers to young people who have grown up surrounded by tech- change (or at least try…) … we may start under-
nological innovations that have revolutionized communication, learning and standing why GEN Z professionals are not willing to
working methods – being the first digital generation of humankind. follow these working models, which are still to be
Having honed their resilience by navigating - and often directly expe- seen in the marketplace.
riencing - the multifaceted challenges of economic downturns, political Therefore it is essential that companies offer a
instability and climate change - those issues influence the core of their vision and purpose embedded in clear values,
perspectives and priorities. guarantee development plans and provide tools
As savvy technological individuals - they use a differentiated digital to maximize performance. Our GEN Z knows
skillset for problem-solving, constantly (and naturally!) adapting their that there is life beyond work! They are equipped
life constructs. Besides this technological affinity, GEN Z stands out for to be productive from anywhere, so the flexibility
solidarity, showing strong empathy for social causes, justice and a sense offered by remote/hybrid working models will be
of equality. This commitment to values and social responsibility is key to retain them.
often reflected in their expectations while seeking to work in organizations, Fostering collaborative environments is impera-
which may positively impact our society and environment. tive, as conventional models favoring isolated “silos”
GEN Z individuals differ from their previous generation (Millennials), by became obsolete. Offering continuous training will
tending to a more realistic perception. They will prefer visual content -like be pivotal as it enhances company performance, but
Instagram and TikTok - while Millennials will lean also boosts employee motivation and dedication.
towards written content like Facebook and Twitter. Redesigning workspace, structures and adopting
They will naturally consider “online opinions” and flexible mindsets that prioritize: well-being, per-
highly appreciate the possibility of work- sonal growth, inclusion and diversity- are crucial
ing where and when they want, aiming to strategies to attract top talent today.
find meaning and purpose in their work. For this generation, achieving a balanced work
In light of this scenario, it is not surprising life dynamic is not only important, but rather a
that the Human Resources area will need to in- sine qua non condition.
novate and implement new strategies to attract Leaders, are you ready to rise to this challenge?
GEN Z -talent - especially when trying
to develop and retain those profes-
*Carol Böttcher is coordinator of
sionals on the medium/long-term…
Swedcham’s Human Capital Committee.
and the challenge already starts
Nordic Light 75
>> ESG Committee
de água.
de Engenheiros contratos e
especializados. processos
O registro do produto é automático e não representa aprovação ou recomendação por parte da SUSEP.
Reciclagem inclusa:
para o futuro da mineração
Uma situação de ganho mútuo.
Nordic Light 77
NordicLight The joint-publication of the Swedish-Brazilian and the
Norwegian-Brazilian Chambers of Commerce.
Business Swedcham has a Business Center with all the possible infrastructure and equipment to organize
events. Its adjustable rooms are an excellent option for members as well as non-members, who
Center need a place to organize their meetings, courses and happy hours, among other events.
All the environments offer internet access, WI-FI and multimedia equipment. The Swedcham
Business Center includes a spacious auditorium (60 people) with multimedia equipment for
hybrid events. You can also rent our space for Happy Hours and other social events. For more
information, send us an e-mail at or call 11 3066-2550
Paz no trânsito começa por você.
Adriano Benvenutti
Presidente da Transben