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Home Economics Literacy Done

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Semester FIRST
School Year 2023-2024

Societal Vision Objective and Governance Mission

Envisioning a society with industries and institutions
distinguished with the Colegio de la Ciudad de Zamboanga brand The Colegio de la Ciudad de Zamboanga shall be a Local City
of education and training. College faithful to its mandate as a General Comprehensive and
Polytechnic Tertiary Institution which shall provide Education with
Institutional Vision International Standards of Quality and Excellence to its clientele in
A community of men and women trained and committed to Zamboanga City.
General Comprehensive and Polytechnic Leadership by interfacing
academic excellence and commitment in a vibrantly developing
Institutional Outcomes (Goals)
The Graduates of the CCZ shall possess the distinctive traits named as the Three Cs: Competence ( Creative and Critical Thinking,
Fluency and Articulateness, Expertise and Life-Long Learning, Technology and Savviness, Theory and Practice, Leadership and Network),
Character (CCZ Identity and Integrity, Commitment to Social Transformation, Patriotism and Universal Outlook, and Care for the
Environment) and Charity (In Pursuit of Truth and Impartial Love)
COURSE PROGRAMS Program Outcomes: (This course covers the following minimum standards for Teacher Education programs as
stipulated in the PSGs
1. Demonstrate critical and creative thinking skills in the workplace and can innovate, create and formulate solutions to problems, and
advance knowledge (1.5.1).
2. Communicate fluently and effectively (both oral and written) in English and Filipino language (1.6.1)
3. Demonstrate expertise in the field of technology and livelihood education specifically in the use information communication
technologies (lifelong and independent learners. (1.3.1)
4. Demonstrate mastery of theory and practice in teaching and the field of technology and livelihood education (1.1.1)
5. Work as effective leaders with networking qualities and skills in multidisciplinary and multi-cultural groups (6.1.1, 6.4.1,7.3.1).
6. Possesses integrity and adheres to high moral principles and Philippine professional standards steadfastly (7.2.1).
7. Responds to the community needs and build harmonious relationships for social development and transformation (6.1.1,6.4.1)
8. Preserve and promote Filipino and Zamboanga historical and cultural heritage (1.6.1, 3.2.1).
9. Participate in activities that focuses on the preservation and care of the environment (2.4.1).
10. Demonstrate mastery in teaching strategies using Information and Communication Technology that attains the content and
evaluates the learners knowledge. (1.1.1, 1.2.1, 1.3.1, 1.4.1, 1.5.1, 1.7.1)

Class Information Instructor’s Information

Section FSM 2-A Pamela Jean F. Francisco

Schedule Saturday College of Education

Time 8:00-11:00AM Office Hours

Venue L11 Office Telephone 062-992-3933

Term First Email Address franciscopamelajean0@gmail.com

3 hrs./wk. (18 weeks, 54 hrs.
k total)
Pre-requisite Course
None 3 Units
Subject Credit
Course This course is designed to equipped young people with essential practical skills needed in building a family, encompassing basic
Description skills in cooking, gardening, sewing, budgeting and child care. This course can also form the foundation for further studies in areas
related in Home Economics and leading to careers in the Hospitality Industry, Child Care and the Teaching profession.
Course Major Exams
Requirements Summative quizzes
Per unit outputs as specified in the assessment
End of course learning log (reflective journal) and portfolio (compilation of outputs) of each unit.
Grading A. Synchronous B. Asynchronous (Consultation) = 20% c. Pre-test and Post-test = 30%
System Class Standing = 50% a. Projects
a. Recitations b. Assignments
b. Quizzes c. Others
c. Unit Examinations

Program Outcomes
Outcomes Graduates can:

1. The CCZ students, upon graduation, demonstrate critical and creative thinking skills in the workplace and can innovate,
create, and formulate solutions to problems, and advance knowledge (101)
2. The CCZ students, upon graduation, have the ability to communicate fluently and effectively (both oral and written) in
English and Filipino language (102)
3. The CCZ students, upon graduation, are life long and independent learners who are experts in the field of the English
Language- its origin, growth and development, structures, and use (103)
4. The CCZ students, upon graduation, apply skills in utilizing technology in the study of the English language system and
development (104)
5. The CCZ students, upon graduation, demonstrate mastery of theory and practice in articulating comprehensive and
contextualized view of the English language system and development (105)
6. The CCZ students, upon graduation, work effectively as leaders with networking qualities and skills in multi-disciplinary
and multi-cultural groups (106)
7. The CCZ students, upon graduation, have a moral, ethical, and positive value system. They have integrity and they
steadfastly adhere to high moral principles and professional standards (107)
8. The CCZ students, upon graduation, work closely with different social sectors of the society for social and community
development and transformation (108)
9. The CCZ students, upon graduation, help preserve and promote Filipino historical and cultural heritage while also
respectful of other cultures and identities (109)
10. The CCZ students, upon graduation, participate in activities that focuses on the preservation and care of the
environment (1010)
11. The CCZ students, upon graduation, have integrity and steadfastly adhere to truth, high moral standards, and positive
value system (1011)
12. The CCZ students, upon graduation, demonstrate service orientation in their profession and participate in various types
of employment, development activities, and public discourses particularly in response to the needs of the community on
serves (1012)

Course Learning Outcomes

Program Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes: At the end of the semester, the students can:
1 2 3 4 5 6

1. Explain the cultural and economic influences of a family to the society; X

2. Apply the concept of preventing contamination, spoilage and food poisoning to real life situations; X X X

3. Prepare food using the flameless method; X

4. Identify the principles underlying the retention of nutrients when storing, preparing, cooking and serving

5. Demonstrate sewing, mending, ironing, folding and arranging clothes efficiently; X

6. Prepare a simple income statement of the family; X X X

7. Decorate appropriately from simple to special events; X X

8. Explain the proper health, hygiene and herbal meditation for the sick; X X

9. Explain the importance of creating a safe environment for a child; X X

10. Demonstrate critical reflective thought in integrating the various aspects of home economics literacy. X X X

Course Topics/Timeframe

Week Course Content/Subject Matter Week Course Content/Subject Matter

CCZ Mission/Vision Week 10 Mid Term Exam

Week 1 Course Overview

Classroom Policies

Course Introduction and Requirements

Week 2 I. The Family, Home and Society V. Budgeting and Economics

-Philosophy, Role to Societal development Week 11 -Budget, family shopping, spending money wisely, saving, balance
and invest income
-The structure of family units

-Cultural and economic influences of family units

-Positive attitudes for the promotion of healthy lifestyles.

Week 3-4 II.A. Food and Nutrition Week -12- VI. Home Management
-Food in relation to health -Decorate and care for their homes, cleaning and organization,
--Factors affecting food choices and habits and their effect on
health and the environment. -Decoration used in celebrating different occasions

-The functions and sources of nutrients.

-The digestion of food and absorption of nutrients.

-Principles underlying the retention of nutrients when storing,

preparing, cooking and serving food.

Week 5 II.B. Food and Nutrition Week 14-15 VII. Health and Hygiene

-The causes and prevention of contamination, spoilage and -Proper care for sick family members, sanitation, keeping the sick
food poisoning. family member fed, quarantined from the healthy, at-home
treatments for common illnesses, Herbal Gardening and remedies
-Interpretation of food labels.

-Choice, use and care of kitchen equipment for the preparation,

cooking and storage of food.

Week 6-7 III. Cooking Week 16-17 VIII. Child Development

-Flameless Cooking - The significance of good health in preparation for parenthood

-Strategies to cook a balanced meal, food safety, preservation
- Balancing family life and leisure activities with work outside the
-Properly setting a dining table home.

-Hosting a meal - Emotional and intellectual development

- A safe environment for children, within and outside the home.

- The inclusion of children with special needs

Week 8-9 IV. Sewing and Textiles Week 18 Final Exam

-Sewing clothes, Mending, Ironing the clothes, Embroidering,
Weaving & Knitting, Art and Craft, Drawing, Painting, Folding &
arranging the clothes

Learning Plan

Desired Student
Strategies in (3Cs) Guide Questions
Course Content/Subject Teaching and Assessment of Resource
ncies (indicate BTIs)
Time Frame Learning
Matter Task s
At the end of each
topic and semester the
students can:

Week 1 Rubric score sheet Books,

 CCZ Mission/Vision  Demonstrate of class Portfolio,
 Course Overview critical Individual Critical Thinking 1. How can you participation Internet,
 Classroom Policies reflective participation in class become an Video
 Course Introduction and thought in discussion instrument to Recorder,
Requirements integrating the achieve the Projector
Collaborative mission and Vision
various aspects and Laptop
of home Grouping of the college?
literacy Getting to know each
 Exhibit
awareness and
appreciation of
the College
Vision, Mission,
and Goals.

 Demonstrate
of the
policies, course
and grading

Week 2 I. The Family, Home and 1. What do you Short Quiz

Society mean by family
 Explain the Lecture Comprehension and society?
 Philosophy, Role to cultural and
Societal development economic Interactive Curiosity 2. What is the role Seat work:
influences of a Discussion of the family in the Checklist of daily
Initiative routine
 The structure of family family to the society?
Group Activity
units society Patriotism and
3. Why do you
Universal Outlook
 Identify the role think the family is
Reflection Paper
 Cultural and economic of a family in the foundation of
on “Infographic:
influences of family societal the society?
Shift in Parenting
units development Roles from 1965 to
4. What is a
healthy lifestyle 2011”
 Positive attitudes for the
promotion of healthy  Display positive for a family?
lifestyles. attitudes in
promoting a 5. How can you
healthy lifestyle promote healthy
lifestyle in your
family and

Week 3- 4 II.A. Food and Nutrition

 Food in relation to  Identify the Lecture/ Discussion Comprehension 1. What are foods Group
health principles and nutrition? Presentation
underlying the Group Discussion Curiosity
 Factors affecting food retention of 2. What is the Short Quiz
choices and habits and nutrients when importance of food
their effect on health storing, and nutrition?
and the environment preparing,
3. What are the 7
cooking and
nutrition in food?
 The functions and serving food.
sources of nutrients 4. How does food
and nutrition
 The digestion of food impact on health?
 Relate the
and absorption of
effects on our
nutrients 5. Why nutrition is
health and the
important for
environment of
our food
 Principles underlying
the retention of
nutrients when storing,
preparing, cooking and
serving food  Identify the
relationship of
food to our

II.B. Food and Nutrition

Comprehension Group
 The causes and  Identify the Presentation
prevention of causes and Group Reporting Communication 1. How do you
contamination, spoilage prevention of interpret data
Initiative from food labels?
and food poisoning contamination,
Short Quiz
spoilage and Fishbone Diagram Creative Thinking 2. How do you
 Interpretation of food food poisoning
describe food
Case Study on
 Explain the Group Discussion Nyankena’s Story:
3. What are the
Week 5 Fighting
 Choice, use and care of components of causes of food
kitchen equipment for food labels spoilage and food malnutrition and
the preparation, cooking contamination? hoping for a
and storage of food peaceful future in
 Apply the 4. How can you South Sudan
concept of prevent the
preventing causes of food
contamination, contamination and
spoilage and poisoning?
food poisoning
to real life 5. What are the
situations types of spoilage?

Week 6 III. Cooking

and 7
 Flameless Cooking  Prepare food Lecture Expertise and Life- 1. What is Short Quiz
using the long Learning flameless cooking?
 Strategies to cook a flameless Demonstration Return
balanced meal 2. Which food can Demonstration
Application be prepared
without cooking? Cooking/food
 Demonstrate
 Properly setting a dining safety/table
the proper
table table setting. 3. How do you setting/Hosting a
prepare a meal
 Hosting a meal  Practice hosting balanced meal?
a meal.
4. What are some
strategies you can
implement in
order to consume
well balanced

5. How to properly
set a dining table?

6. What does it
mean to host a

7. How do you
host a meal?

Week 8 and IV. Sewing and Textiles

 Sewing clothes,  Demonstrate Lecture Expertise 1. What does Short Quiz
Mending, Ironing the sewing, sewing mean?
clothes, Embroidering, mending, Video Presentation Initiative Return
Weaving & Knitting, Art ironing, folding 2. Why do we use Demonstration
Commitment to sewing?
and Craft, Drawing, and arranging
Social Portfolio: stitches
Painting, Folding & clothes
Transformation 3. What is the and embroidery
arranging the clothes efficiently
importance of
sewing? Actual Cloth
 Demonstrate sample: art and
different kinds 4. How can sewing craft/ painting on
of stitches impact the world clothes
of fashion?
 Create an art
and craft, 5. How important
drawing or is sewing in your
painting on daily lives?
Week 10 Mid Term Exam

V. Budgeting and
 Identify the parts Lecture/Discussion Problem Solving 1. Why budgeting Short Quiz
 Budget, family of an income is important in
shopping, spending statement Group Report Critical Thinking economics? Group
money wisely, saving, Presentation
Creative Thinking 2. What is
balance and invest  Explain the
Week 11
income importance of budgeting in
saving economics?

3. What is the
 Prepare a simple
income statement
between budget
of the family
and economy?

VI. Home Management

 Identify the
 Decorate and care for importance of Lecture/Discussion Critical Thinking 1. What is meant Short Quiz
their homes, cleaning cleaning and by home
and organization, Demonstration Creative Thinking management? Portfolio: Event
organization and
gardening decoration/
gardening at Return Initiative 2. What is the role organization plan
home. Demonstration
 Decoration used in of a home with Color
Week 12
celebrating different manager? schemes
and 13  Use appropriate
occasions colors in 3. How to decorate
decorating home?

 Decorate 4. What is the

appropriately importance of
from simple to decoration in an
special events. occasion?

5. How do you
manage your

VII. Health and Hygiene

 Explain the
 Proper care for sick proper health, Lecture/Discussion Initiative 1. What is health Short Quiz
family members, hygiene and and hygiene in
sanitation, keeping Group Report Persistence home economics? Group
herbal meditation
the sick family Presentation
for the sick Collaborative Collaboration
member fed, 2. Why hygiene is
Grouping important in home Project: Herbal
Week 14- quarantined from the  Identify the
economics? Garden in School
15 healthy, at-home proper care for a
treatments for sick person at 3. Why is it
common illnesses, home. important to
Herbal Gardening and
maintain hygiene?
remedies  Create a simple
herbal garden in 4. Where is
school. hygiene

5. What is the
most important
part of hygiene?

Week 16- VIII. Child Development

 The significance of  Explain the Lecture/Discussion Critical Thinking 1. What is child Short Quiz
good health in importance of development?
preparation for creating a safe Group Report using Leadership Group
parenthood environment for Venn Diagram 2. What are the 5 Presentation
Collaboration stages of child
a child
Collaborative development? Case Study on
 Balancing family life  Compare and Grouping Paul Callum and
and leisure activities contrast single 3. What is the William’s Story
with work outside the life to family life. most important
home. stage of child
 Evaluate the development?
 Emotional and importance of
4. How can you
intellectual understanding
describe a safe
development the individual
needs of a child.
 A safe environment for 5. Why is inclusion
children, within and important for the
outside the home children with
special needs?
 The inclusion of
children with special

Week 18 Final Examination


Coram Family and Childcare. (2015). Paul Callum and William’s Story. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BidB7XTuf94

Ledner, N. (2017). Nyankena’s story: Fighting malnutrition and hoping for a peaceful future in South Sudan.
SecureTeen. (2013). Inforgraphic: Shift in parenting role from 1965 to 2011.

Trontz, J. M. (2010). Home Economics: Vintage Advice and Practical Science for the 21st-Century Household.

Prepared by: Checked and Reviewed by: Recommending Approval: Approved by:

Faculty Associate Dean, College of Education College Dean City College President

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