Modified Skills Test Guide 7.01.20
Modified Skills Test Guide 7.01.20
Modified Skills Test Guide 7.01.20
Division of
Motor Vehicles
Modified Driver
Skills Testing
A guide to non-commercial
operator’s license road test preparation
July 2020
Preparation Guide Modified Testing
In accordance with Rhode Island General Law, prior to issuance of a first
license, residents are required to pass a skills test aka “road test” in or-
• Modified Testing der to demonstrate that they have acquired the skills necessary to be
deemed a safe driver. These tests are normally proctored by means of a
motor vehicle operator examiner (MVOE) accompanying an applicant in a
• Closed Course Testing
vehicle and directing them through a predefined route and set of maneu-
• Scheduling / Rescheduling
With the outbreak of the COVID19 pandemic in mid-March of 2020, be-
ing confined in a vehicle, for an extended period, with numerous individ-
• Vehicle Requirements uals presents health concerns for the applicants and examiners.
The Rhode Island Division of Motor Vehicles, Road Test Office has devel-
• Arrival at the Testing Location oped this modified testing process based on the following key pillars:
Scheduling / Rescheduling
• First License Issuance
Beginning in June of 2020 DMV will be scheduling at two closed course loca-
tions, first at Providence and later in the month Cranston. Priority shall be
given to any customers that have had appointments cancelled due to the
COVID-19 Pandemic.
DMV will be contacting all applicants that have been cancelled due to the
COVID-19 pandemic to assist with rescheduling.
Any tests scheduled at branch locations (Middletown, Wakefield, or Woon-
socket) may be rescheduled to one of these two closed course locations.
Three-Point Turnabout
• Signal your intent with your left directional signal or with the four way hazard lights.
• Check for on-coming traffic in both directions.
• Turn the steering wheel fully to the left and slowly drive forward, crossing the street.
• At a point before the left side curb, stop, again check for traffic in all directions.
• Turn the steering wheel fully to the right and begin to back up. When you have reached a
point where the front of the car is in the middle of the street, stop.
• Again check for traffic in all directions, turn the steering wheel to the left and proceed in the
opposite direction.
• Remember to turn off your directional signal or hazard lights.
Backing Maneuver
• Applicants will be asked to back up from a fixed point for approximately 50 feet.
• Applicants will be expected to demonstrate the ability to control the vehicle and maintain a reasonable fixed distance from the curb.
• Back slowly; Your vehicle is more difficult to control when you are back-
Examiner will be watching for:
• Looking over the right shoulder, while partially turning the body
• Maintaining proper control of the vehicle in a straight line within lane
• Periodically check all mirrors to be sure that no other vehicles, pedestri-
ans, or obstacles are in your path of travel.