50097 7 days
50097 7 days
50097 7 days
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1I I I Iil l1 1 1 11 1 1 1
Notes: 1.The test results In this report relate only to the test sample as received and tested by the laboratory. 2.Unless otherwise stated In Remarks, all samples were
received In acceptable condition. 3. Sampllng activities Included In this report, If any, are not Included In the scope of our accreditation. 4.Thls report shall not be reproduced
Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated, Cllent and project details as well as sampllng and sample Identification Information Included In this report are provided by the Client.
ACES shall not be Hable for any Incorrect results arising from unclear, erroneous, Incomplete, misleading or false Information provided by the Client.
Form : RT-3001-01 - END OF REPORT·
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