Bcom General
Bcom General
Bcom General
Undergraduate Programme
Bachelor of Commerce
Faculty of Commerce
(With Effect from Academic Year 2024-25)
A. Regulations
B. Course Matrix
C. Curriculum of Courses
Chairman, BoS
Dr. Muralidhar S
Professor, Department of Commerce, GFGC, Kolar
The B. Com program is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills essential
for thriving in the fields of commerce and business. B. Com program provides gateway to
a plethora of opportunities in the field of Accounting, Finance, Taxation, Marketing,
Human Resources, Data Analytics, E-commerce, Retail, Logistics, Banking, Insurance
and other allied areas. It also provides financial acumen, and a versatile skill set that sets
tone for today’s competitive, dynamic and challenging world. The Board of Studies –
Commerce, Bengaluru North University has taken utmost care in framing the syllabus, so
that the students are given broad directions that shall meet the needs of the students and
also ensure students are employable.
I, on behalf of the Members, Board of Studies – Commerce, Bengaluru North University
assure that proper care is taken while framing the syllabus and also enhance critical,
analytical, problem-solving and creative thinking skills amongst students in the learning
At the outset, I extend my gratitude to the Hon. Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Niranjana Vanalli
for having faith in me and giving me the responsibility of Chairman, Board of Studies –
Commerce, Bengaluru North University. He has initiated the discussion with his presence
at the BoS meeting and has guided us at every step of progress.
I take this opportunity to thank Hon. Registrar – Administration, Dr Kumuda D for her
fullest co-operation in the process of syllabus framing and her guidance and constant
support has been instrumental in this task. She has appraised the SEP norms and insisted
that the norms shall be strictly adhered.
I also take this opportunity to thank Hon. Registrar – Evaluation, Dr. Thippeswamy K for
his unconditional support and guidance that has been influential in successful completion
of the task. He has extended expert advice in Credit Framework and Examination related
pattern designing.
I whole-heartedly thank Hon. Dean, Faculty of Commerce, Bengaluru North University,
Dr. Muninarayanappa, who has been a guiding force and his valuable inputs and
contributions at every stage is of immense worth in completion of this task.
I extend my fullest gratitude to all the Hon. Members of Board of Studies & Co-opted
Members for their sincere efforts in framing the syllabus. The main aim was to ensure
critical thinking, problem-solving and decision making which are the three major graduate
attributes. Every member has contributed significantly and have successfully completed
the assigned task within the stipulated time and their expertise, inputs, suggestions,
feedback were of immense help in framing the syllabus.
I also thank all the support staff of the Bengaluru North University for their support in
successful completion of the syllabus framing.
I once again thank each and every one for their invaluable time and service in their own
possible way for successful completion of the assigned task.
The graduate attributes in B.Com. are the outline of the expected course
learning outcomes mentioned in the beginning of each course. The
characteristic attributes that a B. Com. graduate will be able to demonstrate
through learning various courses are listed below:
• Disciplinary Knowledge
Capability of executing comprehensive knowledge and understanding
of one or more disciplines that form part of commerce.
• Communication Skills
Ability to communicate long standing, unsolved problems in
commerce; Ability to show the importance of commerce as precursor
to various market developments since the beginning of civilization.
• Critical Thinking
o Ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking by
understanding the concepts in every area of Commerce, Business
and Industry
o Ability to examine the results and apply them to various problems
appearing in different branches of Commerce, Business and
• Problem Solving
Capability to reduce a business problem and apply the classroom
learning into practice to offer a solution for the same; Capabilities
to analyse and synthesize data and derive inferences for valid
conclusion; Able to comprehend solutions to sustain problems
originating in the diverse management areas such as Finance,
Marketing, Human Resource, Taxation and so on
• Self-directed Learning
Capability to work independently in diverse projects and ensure
detailed study of various facets of Commerce, Business and
M.Com graduates with B. Com, B.B.M, BBA & BBS as basic degrees from a
recognized University are only eligible to teach and to evaluate the Courses
(except Languages & Constitutional Values) mentioned in this regulation.
Languages and Constitutional Values shall be taught by the post-graduates
as recognized by the respective Board of Studies.
The CIE and SEE will carry 20% and 80% weightage respectively, to enable
the course to be evaluated for a total of 100 marks, irrespective of its credits.
The evaluation system of the course is comprehensive & continuous during
the entire period of the Semester. For a course, the CIE and SEE evaluation
will be on the following parameters:
B. Internal Assessment Tests (IAT): The IAT will carry a maximum of 10%
weightage (10 marks) of total marks of a course, under this component.
Two tests will have to be conducted in a semester for 20 marks each and
the same is to be proportionately scaled down to 10 marks.
TOTAL 80 Marks
● One Hour of Lecture is equal to 1 Credit
● One Hour of Tutorial is equal to 1 Credit (Except Languages)
● Two Hours of Practical is equal to 1 Credit
Acronyms Expanded
CC Compulsory Course
DSC Discipline Specific Course
DSE Discipline Specific Elective
DSS Discipline Specific Specialization
SEE Semester End Examination
EC & CC Extra-Curricular & Co-Curricular
CIE Continuous Internal Evaluation
L+T+P Lecture + Tutorial + Practical
IAT Internal Assessment Test
CCE Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation
EC & CC Extra-curricular & Co-curricular
Semester IV
Sl. Course Category Hrs per Total
No. Code Title of the Course of Courses Week SEE CIE Marks Credit
1 Lang.4.1 Language-I CC – 9 As decided by Respective 3
2 Lang.4.2 Language–II CC - 10 As decided by Respective 3
3 B.Com.4.1 Advanced Corporate DSC – 13 4+0+0 100 4
80 20
4 B.Com.4.2 Marketing DSC – 14 4+0+0 100 4
80 20
5 B.Com.4.3 Cost Accounting DSC – 15 4+0+0 80 20 100 4
6 B.Com.4.4 Computer DSC – 16 4+0+0 80 20 100 4
Applications in
7 B.Com.4.6 • E-Commerce DSE – 2 4+0+0 80 20 100 4
• Entrepreneurship
& Start-ups
(Any one of the above)
Sub–Total 26
Physical Education – Yoga/ Health & Wellness/NCC/NSS/R&R (EC&CC)
Semester VI
Sl. Course Category Hrs per Total
No. Code Title of the Course of Courses Week SEE CIE Marks Credit
1 B.Com.6.1 Business Taxation DSC – 21 4+0+0 80 20 100 4
2 B.Com.6.2 Income Tax - 2 DSC – 22 4+0+0 80 20 100 4
3 B.Com.6.3 Management DSC – 23 4
4+0+0 80 20 100
4 B.Com.6.4 Mercantile Law DSC – 24 4+0+0 80 20 100 4
5 B.Com.6.5 Specialization - 1 DSS – 3 4+0+0 80 20 100 3
6 B.Com.6.6 Specialization - 2 DSS – 4 4+0+0 80 20 100 3
7 CC Business Research CC - 12 4+0+0 80 20 100 3
Sub–Total 25
Name of the Program: Bachelor of Commerce (B. Com)
Course Code: B.Com. 1.1
Course Credits No. of Hours per week Total No. of Teaching Hours
Course Description
The Course enables the students to learn various aspects of accounting right from
preparing the final accounts of Sole Trading Concern to the Non-Profit
Organisations, as well as to learn special routine accounting entries in case of
Departments and Branches
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
Classroom Lectures, Tutorials, Group Discussion, Seminar, Case Studies, Lab &
Field Work etc
Insurance Claims: Introduction & Need – Loss of Stock – Steps for ascertaining Fire
Insurance Claim – Treatment of Salvage – Average Clause – Treatment of Abnormal
Items – Computation of Fire Insurance Claims
Not for Profit Organizations: Meaning, Features – Capital & Revenue: Receipts,
Expenditure and Losses, Deferred Revenue Expenditure – Preparation of Receipts
and Payments A/c, Income and Expenditure A/c and Closing Balance Sheet (when
Opening Balance Sheet is given)
Course Description
Management Dynamics and Applications is a field of management studies, which
involves the study of various management concepts and their applicability and
enabling students to understand the basic concepts of management such as
planning, organizing, directing and controlling and their impact
Course Objectives
1. To provide knowledge about basic concepts of management
2. To impart knowledge about various theories of the Management
3. To impart knowledge and awareness about the applicability of the management
4. To provide knowledge about the factors that influences various management
Course Outcomes
Class Room Lectures, Videos, Case Studies, Role Play, Group Discussions, Field
Course Description
The course aims at understanding different legal obligations required to start a
company to be aware of the corporate personality and also the powers and
liabilities of a KMP in a company and the concepts of Corporate Social
Course Objectives
The objective of this Course is to expose the students to understand various
theoretical aspects of Company Formation and its Governance. It is an academic
discipline in its own right, bringing together the concepts of Company Law and its
Governance. The subject offers comprehensive understanding of establishment
and management of companies
Course Outcomes
Class Room Lectures, Videos, Case Studies, Role Play, Group Discussions, Field
Course Description
This paper provides an overall introduction to business economics as dealing with
the problems of allocation of scarce resources in optimum manner. It aims to
build a familiarity with the basic tools of consumer and producer theory, the
operation of markets and optimisation in an economic context. In order to explain
economic issues and solutions in a practical manner, the concepts are to be
discussed with case studies and numerical problems wherever applicable
Course Objectives
• The Objective of this Course is to introduce students to the basic elements
of business decision and market structure.
• The students need to identify various market structures relevant for
commercial transactions and their impact on business decisions
• To illustrate what elements are considered while policy and decision making
at the strategic level
• To analyze operations of markets under varying competitive conditions and
make optimal business decisions
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1: Understand the market structure to become a skilful financial manager
CO 2: Comprehend the economic variables in general business atmosphere
CO 3: Comprehend the relationship between various policies of business
CO 4: Understand the dynamics of various market situations
Class Room Lectures, Videos, Case Studies, Role Play, Group Discussions, Field
Business Decision and Economic Problems – Scarcity and Choice: Nature and Scope
– Positive and Normative Science – Micro and Macro aspects – Central Problems of
an Economy – Production Possibility Curve – Opportunity Cost – Working of
Economic Systems – Business Cycles
Basic Characteristics of the Indian Economy – Major Issues of Economic
Development – Recent Trends in Indian Economy
Course Description
The Course enables the students to learn accounting for Joint Venture and
Partnership Firm & to understand the concept of Royalty Accounting
Course Objectives
• Make the student understand the accounting for Sole Trading Concern.
• Understand the Joint Venture Business and recording joint venture
• Gain the knowledge about the preparation of final accounts of partnership
• Gain the knowledge on special entries in case of conversion of firm into a
limited company
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, the student will be able
CO 1: Ascertain the Profit or Loss and the Financial Position in case of incomplete
accounting records
CO 2: Ascertain the Profits or Loss from Joint Venture Business
CO 3: Prepare the final accounts of Partnership Firm
CO 4: Understand the accounting procedure involved in conversion of Partnership
Firm into a Limited Company
CO 5: Understand how to record the transactions in respect of Royalty in the books
of lessor and lessee
Class Room Lectures, Videos, Case Studies, Role Play, Group Discussions, Field
Course Description
The Human Resource Management (HRM) course enables the learner to understand
the key concepts of managing people of the organization in various facets. The
course enables in evaluating HRM related social, economic, environmental and
ethical responsibilities and issues in a global context.
Course Objectives
• To understand the important concepts and principles of HRM
• To understand the criticality of human resources in the development of an
• To gain knowledge of HRM practices in the workplace locally and globally
• To develop skills in leading the organization to success
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, the student will be able to,
CO 1: Acquire conceptual knowledge of managing people-based function in an
CO 2: Demonstrate proficiency in understanding the challenges and opportunities
of the industry in the context of human capital
CO 3: Systematically plan, implement and evaluate the HR processes for smooth
functioning of the organization
CO 4: Provide innovative solutions to problems in the domain of HRM
Class Room Lectures, Videos, Case Studies, Role Play, Group Discussions, Field
HRM: Meaning, Nature and Scope of HRM (Objectives and Functions) – Evolution of
HRM – Concept of Human Capital Management – HRM and Personnel Management
– Process of HRM Changing role of HR officials – Emerging issues in managing
Human Resources
Course Description
The Course incorporates historical practices and current system of Indian
Financial System and gives thorough understanding of various issues pertaining
to different Financial Markets, Institutions, Services and Regulatory Bodies
Course Objectives
To familiarize the students with the concepts of Indian Financial System and
develop their analytical skills, conceptual skills and substantive knowledge in the
said field
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of the course, the student will be able to,
CO 1: Understand the process of Indian Financial System and its functioning
CO 2: Trace the Origin and Growth of Indian Financial Sector
CO 3: Understand Various Financial Markets and its Functioning
CO 4: Understand the role of Regulatory Institutions & protection of Investors
CO 5: Explore various Investment Avenues in the Financial Market
CO 6: Understand the procedure followed in the process of Credit Rating
Class Room Lectures, Videos, Case Studies, Role Play, Group Discussions, Field
Mutual Funds – Introduction and their role in capital market development. Types of
mutual fund schemes (Open Ended vs Close Ended, Equity, Debt, Hybrid schemes
and ETFs
RBI - Organisation, Objectives, Role and Functions, Monetary Policy of RBI, Impact
of Credit Policy of RBI on Financial Markets, Inflation Index, WPI, CPI
AMFI: Organization, Objectives & Role
SEBI: Role of SEBI and Investor Protection
• Visit Virtual Trading Platforms and Trade Virtually (Understand Real Time
Market Data and Trading Functionalities).
• List out the Non-Banking Financial Services provided by NBFCs
• Prepare a Chart Showing Components of Indian Financial System
• List out the role of Payment Banks and UPIs
• List out Pre and Post Issue Management Services
• Visit AMFI website and record the NET ASSET VALUES of top ten Mutual
Fund Companies
• Write the Rating Procedure followed by CRISIL
Course Description
The Course is designed to impart basic knowledge about fundamental
mathematics and statistics and its application in business
Course Objectives
• To familiarize the students with basic concepts of the Business Mathematics
& Statistics and a hands-on practice of the various mathematical & statistical
tools and techniques
• It will enable them to improve their logical reasoning ability and interpretation
of various business results
• The course aims at acquainting the students with the emerging issues in
business, trade and commerce regarding analyzing business facts
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1: Familiarize with the basic concepts of Business Mathematics and hands on
practice of the various mathematical tools and techniques
CO 2: Boost quantitative thinking and develop numerical abilities
CO 3: Acquaint with the emerging mathematical and statistical issues in business,
trade and commerce
CO 4: Improve their logical reasoning and interpretation of various business results
Class Room Lectures, Videos, Case Studies, Role Play, Group Discussions, Field