TVS Motor Company

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TVS Motor Company Limited

Regd office: "Chaitanya", No. 12, Khader Nawaz Khan Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai 600 006 Telephone No. (044} 28332115 TVS �
(Rs. In Crores}
Standalone Consolidated
As at 31.03.2024 As at 31.03.2023 As at 31.03.2024 As at 31.03.2023
Non-Current Assets
(a) Property, Plant and Equipment 3,442.18 3260.17 4,294.12 4,177.40
(b) Capital work-in-progress 329.73 274.12 338.01 315.81
(c) Investment Properties - - 137.70 137.70
(d) Goodwill on consolidation - - 597.05 597.05
(e) Other Intangible assets 329.67 335.72 861.95 835.88
(f) Intangible assets under development 600.41 353.61 694.94 427.64
(g) Financial Assets
i. Investments 6,828.07 5,491.95 482.75 364.10
ii. Loans (Receivable from financing activity) - - 12,054.55 10,321.42
iii. Other Financial assets 152.69 482.54 195.52 192.93
(h) Investments accounted using equity method - - 477.25 411.23
(i) Non-current Tax assets (net) 22.34 26.72 23.55 27.60
U) Deferred Tax assets - - 394.28 305.73
(k) Other non-current assets 139.33 83.01 148.78 94.14
Total non-current assets 11,844.42 10,307.84 20,700.45 18,208.63
Current Assets
(a) Inventories 1,370.80 1,236.36 2,248.40 1,921.51
(b) Financial Assets
i. Trade receivables 1,302.14 979.29 1,839.42 1,256.42
ii. Investments 163.19 191.92 163.19 191.92
iii. Loans (Receivable from financing activity) - - 13,417.26 10,225.16
iv. Cash and cash equivalents 485.83 234.35 2,355.80 1,851.19
v. Bank balances other than (iv) above 45.13 7.61 69.93 27.92
vi. Other Financial assets 77.25 62.83 202.66 241.26
(c) Current Tax Assets (net) - - 23.89 4.56
(d) Other current assets 773.48 972.19 1,199.46 1,304.34
Total current assets 4,217.82 3,684.55 21,520.01 17,024.28

Total assets 16,062.24 13,992.39 42,220.46 35,232.91


(a) Equity Share capital 47.51 47.51 47.51 47.51
(b) Other Equity 7,683.53 6,000.34 6,736.00 5,457.49
Equity attributable to owners 7,731.04 6,047.85 6,783.51 5,505.00
Non-controlling interest - - 727.60 404.85
Total equity 7,731.04 6,047.85 7,511.11 5,909.85
Non-current liabilities
(a) Financial Liabilities
i. Borrowings 986.91 1,211.54 12,629.32 9,064.08
ii. Lease liability 313.07 313.24 503.68 563.51
(b) Provisions 205.87 175.88 270.18 231.26
(c) Deferred tax liabilities (net) 187.05 198.20 196.46 208.37
(d) Other Non Current liabilities 31.50 37.13 31.50 37.14
Total non-current liabilities 1,724.40 1,935.99 13,631.14 10,104.36
Current liabilities
(a) Financial Liabilities
i. Borrowings 526.53 1,033.04 12,657.30 12,562.15
I ii. Lease liabilities 137.11 105.54 215.40 185.84
iii. Trade payables
a. Total outstanding dues of micro and small enterprises 34.80 45.42 62.38 75.83
b. Total outstanding dues of other than (iii) (a) above 5,077.37 4,085.14 6,575.84 5,020.84
iv. Other financial liabilities 126.95 121.65 459.58 355.60
(b) Other Current Liabilities 526.63 513.29 906.49 886.65
(c) Provisions 143.60 98.54 166.64 115.74
(d) Current Tax Liabilities (Net) 33.81 5.93 34.58 16.05
'Total Current liabilities 6,606.80 6,008.55 21,078.21 19,218.70
'Total liabilities 8,331.20 7,944.54 34,709.35 29,323.06

Total eQuity and liabilities 16,062.24 13,992.39 42,220.46 35,232.91

For TVS Motor Company Limited

Date: 08-05-2024
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Prof. Sir Ralf Dieter Speth
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TVS Motor Company Limited
Regd office: "Chaitanya", No. 12, Khader Nawaz Khan Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai 600 006 Telephone No. (044) 28332115

(Rs. In Croresl
Standalone I Consolidated

S.No, Particulars For the year ended

31.03.2024 31.03.2023 31.03.2024 31.03.2023

A Cash flow from operating activities:

Profit before tax 2,780.66 2,003.37 2,702.92 1,936.03
Depreciation and amortisation for the period 700.35 631.23 975.12 858.86
(Gain)/ Loss on lease preclosure (4.75) (0.01) (4.75) (0.01)
(Profit)/ Loss on sale of property, plant and equipment (net) (2.63) (2.82) (3.38) (2.65)
(Profit)/ Loss on sale of investments (net) (145.39) (22.01) (89.47) (45.56)
(Gain) on fair valuation/ sale of investments (net) 26.93 (61.69) 26.93 (61.84)
Unrealised exchange (gain)/ loss (net) 10.82 0.63 10.82 0.63
Net (profit)/ loss from Associate using equity method - - 43.47 40.73
Dividend income (2.61) (2.25) (0.65) (0.02)
Interest income (18.88) (6.21) (22.10) (10.99)
Finance cost [excluding relatable to financial enterprise] 181.63 140.66 274.08 199.61
Provisions 52.98 2.60 61.40 15.74
Operating profit before working capital changes 3,579.11 2,683.50 3,974.39 2,930.53
Adjustments for:
Loans given by Financial enterprise (Net) - - (4,925.23) (6,530.88)
Trade receivables (329.85) (11.01) (590.00) (95.16)
Inventories (134.44) (113.68) (326.89) (313.99)
Other current assets 198.71 (248.24) 104.88 (334.61)
Other financial assets (24.68) (23.23) 15.54 (155.08)
Trade payables 977.79 104.82 1,537.73 517.35
Other financial liabilities 5.14 (3.72) 49.00 (11.55)
Other current liabilities 15.46 79.64 36.88 161.07
Other non - current assets (53.76'J 7.39 (169.55) 35.38
Cash generated from operations 4,233.48 2,475.47 (293.25) (3,796.94)
Direct taxes paid (Net of refund received) (616.19'J (482.61] (959.42) (607.87)
Net cash from operating activities 3,617.29 1,992.86 (1,252.67} (4,404.81}

B Cash flow from investing activities:

Purchase of property, plant and equipment
and Intangible ·assets after adjusting capital advance (1,088.81) (1,015.56) (1,145.17) (1,340.77)
Proceeds from Sale of Property, Plant and Equipment 33.31 18.74 34.63 21.94
Share application money paid (121.19) (445.41) - -
Purchase of Investments in subsidiaries / associates (1,338.15) (745.48) (387.59) (87.17)
Purchase of other investments (31.65) (131.26) (223.25) (265.58)
576.82 - 168.59 317.01
Proceeds from Sale of Investments in subsidiaries/ associates
Proceeds from Sale of other investments 54.06 - 47.82 -
Consideration paid towards business combination - - - (34.63)
Contribution from non-controlling Interest - - 480.00 68.80
Dividend received 1.98 2.25 - -
Interest received 17.37 4.92 23.61 12.64
Net cash from/ (used in) investing activities (1,896.26) (2,311.80)
- (1,001.36) (1,307.761

C Cash flow from financing activities :

Non-current borrowings availed/ (repaid) (289.49) 347.59 3,844.07 5,467.90
Current borrowings availed / (repaid) (440.00) 310.00 (182.03) 1,119.78
Other bank balances (39.47) 65.03 (43.96) 62.27
Finance cost paid (213.73) (137.10) (283.67) (112.08)
Repayment of lease liabilities (106.79) (69.17) (195.70) (127.98)
Dividend paid (380.07) (291.81) (380.07) (291.81)
Net cash from/ (used in) financing activities (1,469.55) 224.54 2,758.64 6,118.08

Net change in cash and cash equivalents (A)+ (B)+ (C) 251.48 (94.40) 504.61 405.51
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 234.35 328.75 1,851.19 1,445.68
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 485.83 234.35 2,355.80 1,851.19

Note: The above statement of cashflow is oreoared usina indirect method.

For TVS Motor Company Limited


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Date : 08-05-2024
Prof. Sir Ralf Dieter Speth

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