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Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 209 (2021) 105180

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Measurement of aggressive behavior in early

childhood: A critical analysis using five informants
Kristin J. Perry a,⇑, Jamie M. Ostrov a, Dianna Murray-Close b,
Sarah J. Blakely-McClure c, Julia Kiefer a, Ariana DeJesus-Rodriguez a,
Abigail Wesolowski a
University at Buffalo, State University of New York, Buffalo, NY 14260, USA
University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405, USA
Canisius College, Buffalo, NY 14208, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Measurement of aggressive behavior in early childhood is unique

Received 30 October 2020 given that relational aggression is just developing, physical aggres-
Revised 10 March 2021 sion is still prevalent, and both forms of aggression are relatively
Available online 1 June 2021
overt or direct. The current study had three aims. The first aim
was to examine the internal reliability, validity, and correspon-
dence of five different assessments of aggressive behavior in early
Relational aggression
Physical aggression childhood: parent report, teacher report, observer report, child
Early childhood report, and naturalistic school-based observations. The second
Factor analysis aim was to test a one- and two-factor model of early childhood
Methods aggression using confirmatory factor analysis. The final aim of
Aggression the study was to investigate gender differences among different
reports of aggression. Observations, teacher report, and observer
(research assistant) report were collected in the children’s school,
and parent report and child report were collected in a lab session
at one time point (N = 300; 56% male; Mage = 44.86 months,
SD = 5.55). Observations were collected using a focal child sam-
pling with continuous recording approach, and previously vali-
dated measures were used for the remaining four informants.
Results demonstrated that all measures were reliable with the
exception of child report of relational aggression, and there was
small to strong correspondence among the various informants. In
addition, a two-factor structure of aggression provided the best
fit to the data, providing evidence for divergence among relational
and physical aggression. Finally, there were robust gender

⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: kperry5@buffalo.edu (K.J. Perry).

0022-0965/Published by Elsevier Inc.
K.J. Perry, J.M. Ostrov, D. Murray-Close et al. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 209 (2021) 105180

differences in physical aggression, but gender differences in rela-

tional aggression varied by method. The implications of different
types of measurement are discussed.
Published by Elsevier Inc.


The study of aggression has a rich history, including distinguishing different forms and functions of
aggression and identifying developmental changes in aggression (e.g., Hartup, 1974). Aggression,
defined as behaviors intended to hurt or harm an individual, can be enacted using distinct means,
including via physical harm (e.g., verbal threats of harm, hitting, kicking) and through damage to rela-
tionships (e.g., exclusion, gossiping, verbal threats of withdrawing) (Crick & Grotpeter, 1995; Eisner &
Malti, 2015). The majority of early research on aggressive behaviors in childhood focused on elemen-
tary school children, with less research among early childhood samples (Landy & Peters, 1992). In
addition, studies of aggression in early childhood tended to focus on physical forms of aggressive
behavior across a variety of assessment methods, including peer nomination, self-report, and teacher
ratings (e.g., Behar & Stringfield, 1974; Johnston, DeLuca, Murtaugh, & Diener, 1977) and, perhaps
most commonly, observations (Johnston et al., 1977). Use of these various methods often leads to
divergent conclusions about the independence among subtypes of aggressive behavior, gender differ-
ences in aggressive behavior, and the various contexts in which aggressive behavior occurs (Card,
Stucky, Sawalani, & Little, 2008). The current study evaluated the internal reliability and validity of
five different measures of relationally and physically aggressive behavior in early childhood. The abil-
ity to distinguish among different informants of aggressive behavior, draw conclusions about the
methodological rigor of these various methods, and evaluate the structure of aggressive behavior
using multiple methods is critical to accurately conceptualizing aggression in early childhood.

Physical and relational aggression in early childhood

In the research literature, there has been a focus on physical and relational forms of aggression in
part because of the historical interest in between- and within-group gender differences in aggression
and gender differences in longitudinal studies linking aggression and social-psychological adjustment
outcomes (e.g., Crick & Grotpeter, 1995; Crick et al., 2006; Lagerspetz, Björkqvist, & Peltonen, 1988;
Murray-Close, Han, Cicchetti, Crick, & Rogosch, 2008). In fact, in early research on the development
of aggression in early childhood, the focus on physical and verbal forms of aggression led researchers
to conclude that boys were more likely than girls to exhibit aggressive behaviors (e.g., Behar &
Stringfield, 1974; Hartup, 1974). However, this conclusion was challenged by research conducted dur-
ing the 1980s and 1990s, when the study of nonphysical forms of aggression, such as indirect aggres-
sion (Lagerspetz et al., 1988), social aggression (Cairns, Cairns, Neckerman, Ferguson, & Gariépy, 1989;
Galen & Underwood, 1997), and relational aggression (Crick & Grotpeter, 1995) gained prominence.
The developmental period of early childhood (3–5 years) serves as a critical period for studying the
development of physical and relational aggressive subtypes for several reasons. First, forms of aggres-
sion may have different correlates and prevalence rates across development (Sijtsema & Ojanen,
2018), highlighting the need for research focused on distinct developmental periods, including early
childhood. Second, although both physical and relational aggression are commonly expressed during
this period, key developmental changes occur among typically developing children. For instance, chil-
dren exhibit an increase in physical aggression after the onset of expressive language and then rapid
declines as they transition to kindergarten (National Institute of Child Health, Human Development
Early Child Care, & Research, 2004; Tremblay et al., 2005). As this developmental shift occurs, rela-
tional aggression appears to increase (see Fite & Pederson, 2018).
K.J. Perry, J.M. Ostrov, D. Murray-Close et al. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 209 (2021) 105180

Third, relational aggression appears to be qualitatively different in early childhood compared to

other periods of development (see Casas & Bower, 2018). Specifically, relational aggression in early
childhood tends to be direct, the identity of the perpetrator is known, and such aggression is based
on the ‘‘here and now” and typically does not reflect retaliation for a prior hostile exchange that took
place days or weeks earlier (Casas & Bower, 2018). For these reasons, the focus of the current study
was on physical and relational aggression during the developmentally salient early childhood period.
Given previous research and conceptualizations of physical and relational aggression as related but
distinct, it was hypothesized that a two-factor (i.e., physical and relational) model of aggressive behav-
ior with a moderate correlation between the two factors would fit the data better than a one-factor
aggression model.

Methods for studying aggression

A critical question for researchers investigating forms of aggression in early childhood is what
methods are best suited to capturing these behaviors and whether results differ when different meth-
ods are adopted. The most common measures of physical and relational aggression in early childhood
include observations, self-report, and other report (e.g., teacher, peer, parent, and observer reports).
Importantly, children may behave differently within the various settings they encounter; therefore,
assessing behavior in a single setting (e.g., school) might not capture a child’s overall aggressive

One of the most rigorous methods for studying aggression is using behavioral observations. Typi-
cally, observations in early childhood are conducted within schools because preschool-age children
most frequently interact with peers in this setting. Children have low reactivity to observers, partic-
ularly when observers are in the classroom for a period of time before the observations (i.e., reactivity
period; Ostrov & Keating, 2004) and are trained to be minimally reactive to the children. In the current
study, we used a focal child sampling with continuous recording observation procedure (Juliano,
Werner, & Cassidy, 2006; Ostrov & Keating, 2004), in which a trained observer conducts an observa-
tion on a selected focal child and notes each interaction that the focal child has with other children.
Observations are recorded over a set period of time, and the trained observer records interactions
within a short distance of the child but does not interact with the child (Juliano et al., 2006; Ostrov
& Keating, 2004). Close proximity between observers and focal children allows for the trained observer
to differentiate between physical aggression and rough-and-tumble play (Pellegrini, 1989). Observa-
tions using the focal child sampling approach have been shown to have good reliability (e.g., Ostrov,
Ries, Stauffacher, Godleski, & Mullins, 2008), providing support for the utility of behavioral observa-
tions of aggression in early childhood.

Child reports are designed to collect children’s unique perspective about their own aggressive
behaviors across multiple contexts (Godleski & Ostrov, 2020; Phares, Compas, & Howell, 1989) and
may be administered within an interview format for young children (e.g., Godleski & Ostrov, 2020).
However, there has been some debate about whether young children are able to reliably and validly
report on their own behavior (McLeod, Southam-Gerow, & Kendall, 2017). Specifically, they might not
have insight into their own behavior, may respond with extremes, or might not report on behavior
that is socially undesirable because they want to please adults (Chambers & Craig, 1998; Chambers
& Johnston, 2002). Notably, not much work has used child report in early childhood. Previous work
examining concordance rates during later developmental periods has found that there are often dis-
agreements among informants. For example, reports from one study found that cross-rater correla-
tions ranged from .10 to .65, with the largest disagreements being between peer assessments and
self-reports (Pakaslahti & Keltikangas-Jarvinen, 2000).
Given the limited use of child self-report, particularly in early childhood, further investigation into
this methodology is important to evaluate the utility of young children’s perspective on their aggres-
sive behavior. Prior work in early childhood using the same child report method used in the current
K.J. Perry, J.M. Ostrov, D. Murray-Close et al. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 209 (2021) 105180

study has found support for the reliability and validity of this method (Godleski & Ostrov, 2020).
Specifically, when using a developmentally appropriate child interview, there was acceptable reliabil-
ity for relational and physical aggression (Cronbach’s a > .68) and evidence of validity, such that child
reports of relational and physical aggression were correlated (Godleski & Ostrov, 2020).

Other reporters
Given the challenges of relying on young children as reporters of aggressive behavior and the time-
intensive nature of observations, many researchers have used other reporters as informants of a child’s
aggressive behavior. These include parent, teacher, peer, and observer informants.

Parent. Parent report has historically been a commonly used index of children’s behavior problems,
including aggressive behavior (Achenbach & Edelbrock, 1978). Parent reports of their children’s rela-
tional and physical aggression, rated on a Likert-type scale (Casas et al., 2006; Ostrov & Bishop, 2008),
may provide details on children’s aggressive behavior in a novel context that teachers and observers
are not privy to (e.g., with peers on play dates). In addition, parents may be able to recognize more
private displays of aggressive behavior, which are harder for teachers and observers to notice
(Ostrov & Bishop, 2008; Pellegrini & Bartini, 2000). However, parents might not be as objective as
teachers and other observers when reporting on their own children’s behavior with peers. In previous
studies, parent measures have shown acceptable internal consistency and, in some work, moderate
correlations with teacher reports of physical and relational aggression (Ostrov & Bishop, 2008). How-
ever, in other studies, parent report was not significantly associated with teacher or observer report,
potentially indicating that parents are reporting on aggression outside of the classroom setting
(Ostrov, Gentile, & Mullins, 2013).

Teacher. Teacher reports are used to examine the frequency of aggressive behavior displayed within
the classroom. Many researchers have used teacher reports of children’s aggression (e.g., Johnson &
Foster, 2005; McEvoy, Estrem, Rodriguez, & Olsen, 2003; McNeilly-Choque, Hart, Robinson, Nelson,
& Olsen, 1996). Previous studies have found teachers to be reliable reporters of relational aggression
(Estrem, 2005; Juliano et al., 2006), with weak to strong overlap with observer reports, observations,
and peer reports (Crick, Casas, & Mosher, 1997, Crick et al., 2006; Johnson & Foster, 2005). Teachers are
also reliable reporters of physical aggression (Crick et al., 1997; Hawley, 2003), with weak to strong
correlations with observer reports, behavioral observations, and peer reports (Casas et al., 2006;
Estrem, 2005; Ostrov et al., 2008).
One limitation to the use of teacher reports is that they reflect children’s behavior in the school
environment. In addition, teachers do not always witness the behaviors that occur during peer-to-
peer interactions. Despite these limitations, teacher reports of aggressive behavior are one of the most
commonly used methods for assessing young children’s aggression. Teachers witness more daily peer-
to-peer interactions than parents, which may make them better informants of peer-directed aggres-
sion than parents. In addition, teachers are generally experienced with children’s peer interactions
and therefore have an idea of what ‘‘typical” behavior is for preschool children. Finally, teachers have
consistently been reliable and valid informants of children’s aggressive behavior (Estrem, 2005;
Johnson & Foster, 2005; Juliano et al., 2006), providing support for the utility of this method.

Other reporter. Other reporters have also been used to examine aggressive behavior in children such as
camp counselors and observers (Murray-Close et al., 2008; Ostrov, 2008). For instance, after complet-
ing the observations in a classroom where observers are around children for an extended period of
time (e.g., 2 or 3 months; Ostrov & Keating, 2004), observers may be randomly assigned to complete
‘‘teacher report” measures for students within that classroom (Ostrov, 2008). This method has been
reliable in several studies for both physical and relational aggression and has shown small to strong
correlations with teacher reports and naturalistic school-based observations of aggressive behavior
(e.g., Murray-Close & Ostrov, 2009; Ostrov, 2008). Observer reports of aggressive behavior allow for
an objective reporter trained to efficiently identify specific acts of aggression to assess children’s
aggressive behavior in a classroom context.
K.J. Perry, J.M. Ostrov, D. Murray-Close et al. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 209 (2021) 105180

Correspondence of measures of aggression

A large extant literature focuses on identifying informant discrepancies, why they exist, and the
meaning of such discrepancies (e.g., Achenbach, McConaughy, & Howell, 1987; De Los Reyes, 2013).
Recent meta-analytic work has demonstrated that informant agreement is generally larger for more
observable behavior when informants are reporting within the same context (e.g., mothers and
fathers) and when using continuous measurements (see De Los Reyes et al., 2015). One theoretical
model that addresses the interpretation of informant discrepancies is the operations triad model
(OTM; De Los Reyes, 2013). The OTM is composed of three parts: converging operations, where stronger
confidence in results is drawn when there are similarities in relations between target constructs and
outcomes, diverging operations, where differences in outcomes based on informants are theorized to be
meaningful, and compensating operations, where differences in informants are due to measurement
errors or structural measurement differences (De Los Reyes, 2013). The current study is a precursor
to an OTM study with a focus on similarities and differences across informants rather than associa-
tions with outcomes.
Specifically, the first aim of the study was to examine the internal reliability and validity of five
different methods of aggressive behavior in early childhood: child report, naturalistic observations,
observer (research assistant) report, parent report, and teacher report. Based on previous research, it
was expected that cross-informant agreement (e.g., converging operations) would be stronger for
physical aggression compared with relational aggression because physical aggression is more overt,
and therefore more observable, among informants. In addition, it was expected that there would be
more agreement among informants in the school context (i.e., teacher report, observations, and
observer report) compared with the home context (i.e., parent report) and self-report. Consistent
with compensating operations, the reliability was examined for each measure of aggressive behavior
and was expected to vary by informant. There was expected to be more convergence for informants
using the same measure (i.e., teacher report and observer report) compared with informants using
different measures or assessments (i.e., parents vs. teachers, parents vs. observations). Additionally,
the second aim of the current study was to evaluate whether a one or two-factor model would fit
the data better. Given previous research that has found that the two forms of aggression are related
but distinct, it was hypothesized that a two-factor model of aggressive behavior would fit the data
The third aim of the study was to evaluate the role of gender in assessments of aggression. In
contrast to the common conception of girls as nonaggressive, meta-analytic findings and cross-
cultural research suggest that boys and girls engage in similar levels of relational aggression
(Card et al., 2008; Lansford et al., 2012). However, gender effects vary by informant; for instance,
studies using parent and teacher reports are more likely to report that girls exhibit more relational
aggression than boys (Card et al., 2008). Consistent with the extant literature (Card et al., 2008), we
hypothesized that between-group analyses would demonstrate higher physical aggression scores
among boys than among girls across all measures of aggressive behavior. Prior to evaluating mean
gender differences in latent variables of physical and relational aggression, the measurement invari-
ance of the model was tested to evaluate whether the assessments functioned differently for boys
and girls in predicting latent factors. Prior research has found mixed evidence for the measurement
invariance of different measures across gender, with items functioning differently for boys and girls
when using general measures of aggressive behavior (Kim et al., 2010) but with items functioning
similarly when evaluating a bifactor model of aggressive behavior (Perry and Ostrov, 2018). There-
fore, it was hypothesized that a two-factor confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of physical and rela-
tional aggression would demonstrate strong factorial invariance across gender. In addition, we
expected no gender difference in the relational aggression factor but potential gender differences
on individual measures of relational aggression such as parent and teacher reports. We further
expected that within-group analyses would demonstrate higher relational aggression scores than
physical aggression scores among girls across all measures of aggressive behavior. For boys, it
was hypothesized that there would be no difference in physical and relational aggression scores
or that physical aggression scores would be higher.

K.J. Perry, J.M. Ostrov, D. Murray-Close et al. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 209 (2021) 105180

The current study

The current research drew on a large multicohort study (N = 300) to examine the reliability and
inter-method correspondence for five different methods of assessing aggressive behavior in early
childhood: child report, naturalistic observations, observer report, parent report, and teacher
report. Classroom-level nesting of different measures of aggressive behavior was also examined.
The second goal was to evaluate the structure of aggressive behavior using these different meth-
ods. A CFA was conducted to test the factor structure of aggressive behavior (i.e., physical and rela-
tional aggression). It was hypothesized that a two-factor structure, with a moderate correlation
between the two factors, would fit the data better than a one-factor model. The third aim of
the study was to examine the role of gender in aggression by considering the measurement invari-
ance of the final model across gender, between- and within-group gender differences in different
measures of aggression, and between-group gender differences in the latent factors of aggression.
We hypothesized that there would be within- and between-group gender differences in physical
and relational aggression.



A total of 300 children (44.0% girls; Mage = 44.86 months, SD = 5.55) from four cohorts participated
in the current study, which is part of a larger study. The sample was somewhat diverse (3.0% African
American/Black, 7.6% Asian/Asian American/Pacific Islander, 1.0% Hispanic/Latinx, 11.3% multiracial,
62.1% White, and 15.0% missing/unknown). Parental occupation was gathered at enrollment and
was coded using Hollingshead’s (1975) four-factor index 9-point scoring system (e.g., 9 = executives
and professionals, 1 = service workers). Parents had the opportunity to enter two occupations, in
which case the higher occupation code was taken. Parents’ education was not taken and thus was
not included in the total factor score. Values ranged from 2 to 9 with a 7.72 average, indicating that
a typical family in our sample was from the second to third highest occupation groups (i.e., 7 = small
business owners, farm owners, managers, and minor professionals; 8 = administrators, lesser profes-
sionals, and proprietors of medium-sized businesses), which suggests that our sample is on average
middle to upper-middle class. Children were recruited from 10 NAEYC (National Association for the
Education of Young Children) accredited or recently accredited early childhood education centers.
Four of the schools were university affiliated, and six were community based. Education centers par-
ticipated during different cohorts, providing centers with an opportunity for a break in order to main-
tain research enthusiasm and minimize teacher and parent burnout throughout the project.
Specifically, two schools participated in data collection for all four cohorts, six schools participated
for three cohorts, two schools participated for two cohorts, and one school participated for one cohort.
There were complete data for observations and teacher report of aggressive behavior, whereas par-
ent report was available for 155 individuals, observer report was available for 174 individuals, and
child report interviews were available for 94 individuals. Analyses of variance (ANOVAs) were run
to examine whether missing data were related to any demographic variable (i.e., gender, age, ethnic-
ity, school socioeconomic status [SES], or cohort), observation, or teacher report of aggression. Results
demonstrated that children who had missing observer reports were older, F(1, 294) = 7.07, p = .01,
R2 = .02, and had higher physical aggression observation scores, F(1, 292) = 11.77, p = .001, R2 = .04,
and relational aggression observation scores, F(1, 292) = 11.31, p = .001, R2 = .03. Children who had
missing child report data were younger, F(1, 294) = 4.39, p = .04, R2 = .01, and had higher scores on
teacher reports of physical aggression, F(1, 292) = 4.85, p = .03, R2 = .01. Children who had missing par-
ent report data did not differ on any aggression or demographic variable from children who had parent
report data. In addition, due to study design, the cohort that children were in was related to whether
data were missing. Therefore, the data were likely missing at random (MAR), and age and cohort were
included in the final structural model to help facilitate the full information maximum likelihood
(FIML) process (Little, 2013).
K.J. Perry, J.M. Ostrov, D. Murray-Close et al. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 209 (2021) 105180


Data collection occurred when children were 3 years old in the spring and summer of one academic
year. Teacher and observer reports occurred toward the end of the spring, when teachers had been the
children’s teachers for approximately 8 to 9 months (M = 8.32 months, SD = 2.89, based on 157 chil-
dren where length of the teacher–child relationship was available) and observers spent 2 to 3 months
within the classroom. Parents and children who were involved in the spring data collection were then
invited to participate in a summer lab session, where parent and child reports were collected. Parents
were also given the option to complete the parent report in the early fall if they were unable to par-
ticipate in the summer. For participation in the school-based portion of the study, a consent form was
distributed to parents in the spring. Parents were compensated $30 to $40 for their time in the lab or
for completing a parent report, and children received a small educational toy. Parental consent and
child verbal assent were obtained for the lab session. Teacher consent was obtained prior to teacher
report completion. Teachers received $5 to $30 based on the number of enrolled children in their
classrooms. All procedures in the study were approved by the local institutional review board.


Early childhood observation system

Trained undergraduate and graduate research assistants collected naturalistic observations using a
focal child sampling with a continuous recording procedure (Ostrov & Keating, 2004). Prior to class-
room entry, consistent with prior procedures (see Ostrov & Keating, 2004), observers underwent
extensive training to identify physical and relational aggression. Typically, there were two or three
observers per classroom. Observations were undertaken during a 2-month period, with the goal of
completing eight 10-min observation sessions per child. On average, each child had a total of 7.75
(SD = 0.77) 10-min observation sessions. Children were included only if they had at least four obser-
vation sessions. The sum of physical and relational aggression observations was divided by the num-
ber of sessions to get an average aggression score per session to control for any differences in the
number of sessions children had. Reliability sessions were collected for 16.5% of all sessions spread
across collection, which is within an acceptable range of inter-rater reliability sampling percentages
(e.g., Ostrov & Hart, 2013). These sessions demonstrated that observations of relational aggression (in-
traclass correlation coefficient [ICC] = .78) and physical aggression (ICC = .81) were reliable. In addi-
tion, reactivity (i.e., the frequency with which focal children commented, looked, or asked questions
to observers) per observation session was low (M = 0.36, SD = 0.36) and was comparable to previous
studies (Ostrov et al., 2008; Perry & Ostrov, 2018).

Preschool Social Behavior Scale–Teacher Form

The Preschool Social Behavior Scale–Teacher Form (PSBS-TF) was used to assess teacher reports of
children’s aggression (Crick et al., 1997). This measure includes 6 items that assess physical aggression
(e.g., ‘‘This child hits or kicks others”) and 6 items that assess relational aggression (e.g., ‘‘This child
tells others not to play with or be a peer’s friend”). This measure uses a 5-point Likert scale ranging
from 1 (never or almost never true) to 5 (always or almost always true), and a weighted sum was used
to get an index of aggressive behavior. Prior work has supported the reliability of the PSBS-TF (e.g.,
Crick et al., 1997; Ostrov, 2008; Ostrov & Keating, 2004; Perry & Ostrov, 2018) and overlap with nat-
uralistic observations and observer reports (Crick et al., 2006; Ostrov, 2008; Ostrov & Keating, 2004;
Perry & Ostrov, 2018). In addition, factor analyses have supported a delineation among the relational
and physical aggression factors (Crick et al., 1997; Perry & Ostrov, 2018). In the current sample, the
physical and relational aggression subscales were reliable, with Cronbach’s as of .87 and .92,

Preschool Social Behavior Scale–Observer Report

The Preschool Social Behavior Scale–Observer Report (PSBS-OR; Ostrov, 2008) was used to assess
observer reports of children’s physical and relational aggression. The observer report version of the
PSBS is a parallel version of the PSBS-TF and was used by the same trained research assistants who
K.J. Perry, J.M. Ostrov, D. Murray-Close et al. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 209 (2021) 105180

conducted previous naturalistic observations of the children. After completing the observations in a
classroom, observers were randomly assigned to complete measures for students within that class-
room. The PSBS-OR has been shown to have good reliability and moderate to high correlations with
teacher reports of the PSBS and naturalistic observations (Murray-Close & Ostrov, 2009; Perry &
Ostrov, 2018). In the current study, the measure demonstrated good reliability for relational aggres-
sion (Cronbach’s a = .90) and physical aggression (Cronbach’s a = .86).

Children’s Social Behavior–Parent Report

The Children’s Social Behavior–Parent Report (CSB-PR) is a 13-item parent report that assesses chil-
dren’s physical aggression (4 items; e.g., ‘‘Hits or kicks other kids”) and relational aggression (5 items;
e.g., ‘‘When mad at other kids, gets even by excluding those kids from his/her play group or friendship
group”), with responses ranging from 1 (never true) to 5 (almost always true). Positively toned items
are also included in this measure (prosocial behaviors; 4 items) but were not used in the current study.
Previous research has found acceptable reliability and validity for both subscales (Ostrov & Bishop,
2008; Ostrov et al., 2013). In this study, for the paired-samples t tests, the items were averaged for
both subscales of physical and relational aggression so that they would be on the same metric. How-
ever, for the CFA, the sums of the items were used. This study found acceptable reliability for both
relational aggression (Cronbach’s a = .72) and physical aggression (Cronbach’s a = .83).

Child Social Behavior Scale–Revised

The Child Social Behavior Scale–Revised (CSBS-R) was used to assess child-reported aggression.
This initial measure was developed from the original CSBS reported by Crick and Grotpeter (1995) that
was used for children in middle childhood. The CSBS-R is a 12-item interview that asks children about
their aggressive and prosocial behaviors (Godleski & Ostrov, 2020). In this study, both the physical
aggression subscale (4 items) and relational aggression subscale (4 items) of the measure were used.
Each item was asked using a developmentally appropriate response scale within the context of an
individual interview with a graduate research assistant who had first established rapport with chil-
dren. Rapport was built prior to the interview by introductions with children, followed by a non-
interview activity such as coloring with children while discussing their interests. Children were pre-
sented with a board that had a race track and stoplight on it. They were then instructed what each
light meant (red light: ‘‘no”; yellow light: ‘‘yes, a little”; green light: ‘‘yes, a lot”). Children used a
toy car or pointed to the color to provide their answer. Children could also provide their answer ver-
bally, and the interviewer always verbally confirmed children’s answers. Previous research has found
acceptable reliability for the aggression scales (Godleski & Ostrov, 2020). In the current study, the rela-
tional aggression subscale was not reliable (Cronbach’s a = .53). Given the low reliability, removing the
first item of the measure was considered because previous work had demonstrated that this improved
reliability (Godleski & Ostrov, 2020). However, further analysis showed that removing any item would
reduce the reliability. Therefore, the relational aggression subscale was included in preliminary anal-
yses but was not included in the CFA. For physical aggression, acceptable reliability was found (Cron-
bach’s a = .71).

Data analysis

First, descriptive data and correlations of the measures were obtained. Outliers were modified by
adjusting the value to ± 3 standard deviations from the mean, and for key study variables skew values
(0.79–2.02) and kurtosis values (0.10–5.33) were within accepted ranges for normally distributed
variables (Kline, 2016).
To address the first aim of this study, bivariate correlations were examined to determine the cor-
respondence among different measures of aggressive behavior. ICCs were examined for each measure
to determine whether there was variance at the classroom level.
To evaluate the second aim, a CFA was used to test the one- and two-factor models of aggressive
behavior. First, a one-factor model was tested where all indicators of aggressive behavior loaded on an

K.J. Perry, J.M. Ostrov, D. Murray-Close et al. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 209 (2021) 105180

overall aggressive behavior factor. Second, a two-factor model was tested where the relational aggres-
sion indicators were specified to load on a relational aggression factor and physical aggression
indicators were specified to load on a physical aggression factor with a correlation between the two
factors. Error correlations between physical and relational aggression indicators within method were
then estimated. It was expected that the first two models would provide a poor fit to the data given
that high overlap between relational and physical aggression within each measure was expected.
Next, two models were run to check the robustness of the overall model given missing data for parent
and observer reports, namely (a) a CFA was conducted using the sample with full parent report
(n = 155) to evaluate whether missing data played a role in model fit and (b) a CFA was evaluated
using only observer report, observations, and teacher report (n = 174) to determine whether including
parent report changed results.
To test the third aim of the study, repeated-measures ANOVAs were used to determine whether
differences between relational and physical aggression varied across gender. Between-group gender
differences were examined using ANOVAs to determine whether girls or boys had higher aggression
scores for each measure. In addition, the measurement invariance of the final CFA was tested across
gender. Finally, a structural model was tested where gender was added as a predictor of the final mea-
surement model.
SPSS was used for preliminary analyses, reliability, and bivariate correlations. Mplus Version 8.6
(Muthén & Muthén, 1998) was used to run the CFAs and ICCs as well as the structural model. Max-
imum likelihood estimation with robust standard errors (MLR) was used due to a slight skew in
some of the variables. Missing data were accommodated by using FIML. Demographic covariates
were included in the model only if they were related to outcomes at p < .05. School SES, age, and
cohort were included in the model to accommodate the FIML process and serve as covariates. To test
the measurement invariance of the model across gender, three models were run: (a) a configural
model where all paths were freed across gender, (b) a metric model where factor loadings were con-
strained to equivalence across gender, and (c) a scalar model where factor loadings and intercepts
were constrained to equivalence across gender. Methods developed by Satorra and Bentler (2010)
were used to calculate the v2 difference test statistic using the MLR estimator. Children were clus-
tered within classrooms (n = 50), which was controlled for in the measurement and structural
A likelihood ratio v2 test was used to test overall model fit where p > .05 indicated good model fit.
The following alternative fit indices were also considered: (a) comparative fit index (CFI), where values
greater than .95 suggest good fit, (b) standardized root mean square residual (SRMR), where values
less than .08 represent mediocre fit and values less than .05 indicate close fit, and (c) root mean square
error of approximation (RMSEA), where values less than .08 suggest mediocre fit and values less than
.05 indicate close fit (Hu & Bentler, 1999).


Measure characteristics

Inter-method correspondence
In regard to relational aggression, observations, observer reports, and teacher reports were posi-
tively correlated (rs = .21–.40, p < .01) (see Table 1). Parent and child reports of relational aggression
were not significantly correlated with the other informants but were significantly correlated with each
other (r = .31, p < .001). In regard to physical aggression, observations, observer reports, and teacher
reports were positively correlated (rs = .40–.41, p < .001). Parent reports were significantly associated
with observer and teacher reports (rs = .43 and .37, respectively, ps < .01). Parent reports were not
associated with observations (r = .07), and child reports were not related to any other report of phys-
ical aggression. See the online supplementary material for paired-samples t tests that demonstrate
whether physical or relational aggression scores were higher for each measure and for information
about correspondence among observations and teacher reports for children demonstrating high levels
of aggressive behavior.
K.J. Perry, J.M. Ostrov, D. Murray-Close et al. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 209 (2021) 105180

Table 1
Full sample descriptive statistics and correlations.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. Ragg TR – .54** .14+ .12* .16*  .07
2. Ragg OR .25** – .07 .51** .16* .27**  .08
3. Ragg Obs .21** .40** – .10+ .16* .27**  .07  .15
4. Ragg PR .16+ .09 .06 – .09 .02 .08 .37** .10
5. Ragg CR .03 .05 .12 .31** – .01 .08 .16 .18+ .45**
6. Pagg TR –
7. Pagg OR .41** –
8. Pagg Obs .41** .40** –
9. Pagg PR .37** .43** .07 –
10. Pagg CR .17 .13 .09 .13 –
M 9.82 8.29 0.13 8.48 1.67 8.85 8.11 0.26 5.63 0.71
SD 4.61 3.43 0.17 2.95 1.84 3.48 2.98 0.31 2.14 1.45
Range 6.0– 6.0– 0.0– 5.0– 0.0– 6.0– 6.0– 0.0– 4.0– 0.0–
23.88 19.95 0.70 17.50 7.00 20.04 17.70 1.83 12.08 5.40

Note. Ragg, relational aggression; TR, teacher report; OR, observer report; Obs, observations; PR, parent report; CR, child report;
Pagg, physical aggression. Inter-rater correspondence within each subtype of aggression is shown below the diagonal; corre-
lations between relational and physical aggression are shown above the diagonal, with the correlation between physical and
relational aggression by method bolded.
p < .10.
p < .05.
p < .01.

Intraclass correlation coefficients

ICCs were used to examine the amount of variability in each measure that was attributable to the
classroom level (see Table 2). ICCs for measures of relational aggression ranged from .04 to .33, and
ICCs for measures of physical aggression ranged from .00 to .22.

Confirmatory factor analysis

A CFA was conducted examining a one-factor model of aggressive behavior, where parent report,
teacher report, observer report, and observations were used as indicators, controlling for classroom
membership. Child report was not included due to low sample size and poor correspondence with
other methods. The model provided a poor fit to the data, v2(20) = 389.62, p < .001, CFI = .00,
RMSEA = .25, SRMR = .11. Next, a two-factor model was estimated, where the four physical aggression
indicators loaded on one factor and the four relational aggression indicators loaded on a second factor
with a correlation between the two factors, controlling for classroom membership. The model pro-

Table 2
Intraclass correlation coefficients by classroom.

Intraclass correlation coefficient

Relational aggression
Teacher ratings .33
Observer ratings .29
Parent ratings .04
Observations .19
Physical aggression
Teacher ratings .22
Observer ratings .12
Parent ratings .00
Observations .19

Note. Child report was not included because of a low number of individuals. The number of clusters ranged from 33 to 50, and
the average number of children per cluster ranged from 3.23 to 5.88.

K.J. Perry, J.M. Ostrov, D. Murray-Close et al. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 209 (2021) 105180

vided a poor fit to the data, v2(19) = 294.06, p < .001, CFI = .01, RMSEA = .22, SRMR = .10, but was a
better fit to the data than the one-factor model, Dv2(1) = 95.56, p = .001. Factor loadings ranged from
.18 to .81 on the relational aggression factor and from .42 to .86 on the physical aggression factor, with
a strong correlation between the two factors (r = .70, p < .001). Next, the error correlations between
indicators from the same method were allowed to correlate to account for shared method variance.
This model provided a good fit to the data, v2(15) = 17.67, p = .28, CFI = .99, RMSEA = .02, SRMR = .05
(see Fig. 1). Factor loadings ranged from .18 to .75 on the relational aggression factor and from .49 to
.68 on the physical aggression factor, with a moderate correlation between the two factors (r = .35,
p = .03), suggesting that once accounting for shared method variance, the correlation between physical
and relational aggression is attenuated. Parent report of relational aggression did not significantly load
on the relational aggression factor, but all other loadings were significant. There were significant cor-
relations between the errors for each method, with the smallest correlation for observations (r = .24,
p < .001) indicating that there is the least amount of shared method variance when using observations.
There were higher error correlations for parent report (r = .40, p < .001), teacher report (r = .64,
p < .001), and observer report (r = .65, p < .001).
Two models that tested the robustness of the overall model were examined. The two-factor model
of aggression with correlated errors was rerun in the subsample with full parent report (n = 155) and
provided an acceptable fit to the data, v2(15) = 21.10, p = .13, CFI = .97, RMSEA = .05, SRMR = .06. Factor
loadings were similar, with relational aggression loadings ranging from .17 to .94 and physical aggres-
sion loadings ranging from .47 to .78. Next, the same model was run with full observer report and
without the parent report indicators (n = 174). This model provided a good fit to the data,
v2(5) = 1.83, p = .87, CFI = 1.00, RMSEA = .00, SRMR = .03. Loadings were similar, with observer report
having the highest loading on both factors.

Gender differences

Measurement invariance
First, the measurement invariance of the model across gender was tested. The configural invariance
model, v2(30) = 46.20, p = .03, CFI = .95, RMSEA = .06, SRMR = .08, and the metric invariance model,
v2(36) = 44.69, p = .15, CFI = .97, RMSEA = .04, SRMR = .08, provided an acceptable fit to the data, with
no difference in model fit between the two models, Dv2(6) = 2.12, p = .91. A scalar invariance model
provided an acceptable fit to the data, v2(42) = 52.55, p = .13, CFI = .97, RMSEA = .04, SRMR = .09, and

Fig. 1. Two-factor model of aggressive behavior. This model shows the final best-fitting two-factor model of aggressive
behavior in the full sample. A dagger (y) indicates that the loading was not significant; all other loadings were significant at
p < .05. Ragg, relational aggression; Pagg, physical aggression; TR, teacher report; PR, parent report; Obs, observations; OR,
observer report; E, Error term. Child report was not included in the model because of poor reliability and poor
correspondence with other raters.

K.J. Perry, J.M. Ostrov, D. Murray-Close et al. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 209 (2021) 105180

provided no difference in model fit with the metric invariance model, Dv2(6) = 7.84, p = .25. Therefore,
the two-factor model of aggressive behavior demonstrated strong factorial invariance across gender.

Differences in measures across gender

Repeated-measures ANOVAs were used to determine whether the magnitude of within-group gen-
der differences was significant across genders. A main effect of aggression (relational vs. physical), a
main effect of gender, and their interaction (which is of interest in the current analyses) were tested.
For child report, both girls and boys were significantly more likely to endorse relational aggression rel-
ative to physical aggression, and this effect did not differ by gender, K = .99, F(1, 91) = 0.68, p = .41. For
parent report, K = .95, F(1, 152) = 8.61, p = .004, teacher report, K = .85, F(1, 292) = 52.90, p < .001,
observer report, K = .90, F(1, 172) = 20.19, p < .001, and observations, K = .96, F(1, 292) = 12.01,
p = .001, there was a significant type of aggression by gender interaction. Specifically, parents reported
that relational aggression was significantly more prevalent than physical aggression, particularly
among girls. Teachers rated girls as higher in relational aggression compared with physical aggression
and reported that boys engaged in similar levels of physical and relational aggression. Observers rated
girls as exhibiting higher relational aggression scores compared with physical aggression scores,
whereas they rated boys as having significantly higher physical aggression scores compared with rela-
tional aggression scores. Finally, physical aggression observations were higher than relational aggres-
sion observations for both genders, but this difference was larger for boys relative to girls.

Between-group gender differences

Univariate ANOVAs were used to examine between-group gender differences in aggressive behav-
ior (Table 3). In regard to physical aggression, boys had significantly higher scores than girls when
using teacher report, observer report, parent report, or observations (R2 values ranged from .01 to
.07). There was no difference in physical aggression when using child report. In regard to relational
aggression, girls had significantly higher scores than boys when using teacher report or observations.
There was no difference in scores when using child report, parent report, or observer report.

Structural model
A path analysis was tested where the latent factors were regressed on gender and the covariates
(i.e., school SES, age, and cohort), controlling for classroom membership. The robust v2 could not be
estimated with the dummy-coded cohort variables in the model, so these were dropped. This model
provided an acceptable fit to the data, v2(33) = 75.35, p < .001, CFI = .89, RMSEA = .07, SRMR = .075.
Gender (1 = boys, 2 = girls) was associated with physical aggression (b =  .35, p < .001), such that boys

Table 3
Between-group gender differences in aggression by rater.

Informant F df p Adjusted R2
Relational aggression
Teacher ratings 8.83 1, 291 .003 .03
Observer ratings 1.35 1, 172 .45 .002
Parent ratings 0.02 1, 151 .88 .00
Child report 0.38 1, 91 .54 .00
Observations 3.81 1, 291 .05 .01
Physical aggression
Teacher ratings 15.71 1, 291 <.001 .05
Observer ratings 11.20 1, 172 .001 .06
Parent ratings 12.37 1, 151 .001 .07
Child report 0.04 1, 91 .83 .00
Observations 4.56 1, 291 .03 .01

Note. p < .05 indicates a significant between-group gender difference. Univariate tests were used to test unique gender effects.
See text for interpretation of gender differences.

K.J. Perry, J.M. Ostrov, D. Murray-Close et al. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 209 (2021) 105180

had higher physical aggression scores than girls, but it was not associated with relational aggression
(b = .18, p = .12).


There were three aims of the current study. The first aim was to examine the internal measurement
characteristics of different measures of aggressive behavior. Results demonstrated that all methods
were reliable with the exception of child report of relational aggression. In addition, as expected,
inter-rater correspondence of aggression was weak to strong, with greater correspondence when
using physical aggression and the weakest correspondence between parents and other raters. The sec-
ond aim of the study was to evaluate the structure of aggressive behavior using these different meth-
ods. A CFA demonstrated that a two-factor structure of physical and relational aggression best
represented the data, with error correlations accounting for shared method variance consistent with
hypotheses. The third aim was to examine the role of gender in aggression by considering the mea-
surement invariance of the final model across gender, between- and within-group gender differences
in different measures of aggression, and between-group gender differences in the latent factors of
aggression. In the final structural model, boys had higher physical aggression scores than girls, but
there was no difference in relational aggression scores, consistent with hypotheses. There were robust
within-group differences for girls, such that they generally demonstrated higher relational aggression
scores relative to physical aggression scores across method.
In general, the measurement characteristics of the various methods were favorable with the excep-
tion of child report of relational aggression, although it has been reliable in past studies (i.e., Godleski
& Ostrov, 2020). The development of executive functioning, self-development, or theory of mind may
play an important role in a child’s ability to report on more complex behaviors such as relational
aggression (Karabenick et al., 2007; Woolley, Bowen, & Bowen, 2016). Despite the lack of reliability,
child self-report may be particularly important when trying to understand the function of a child’s
aggressive behavior. How a young child thinks about aggressive behavior, regardless of accuracy of
frequency reports, may be important to consider for intervention. Further work should investigate
why young children might not report their aggression and how measurement approaches can mitigate
social desirability (Pakaslahti & Keltikangas-Jarvinen, 2000). Efforts to build rapport with children by
engaging them in their natural environments prior to assessing their behavior may mitigate social
desirability and lead to increased reliability and validity.
Inter-rater correspondence of aggression across the measures was weak to strong, with greater cor-
respondence when using physical aggression and the weakest correspondence between parents and
other raters. The greater correspondence for physical aggression compared with relational aggression
is consistent with prior meta-analytic work demonstrating that more observable behavior (i.e., exter-
nalizing vs. internalizing behavior) has greater informant correspondence (De Los Reyes et al., 2015).
In addition, given safety concerns, physical aggression incidents at school may be communicated more
frequently to parents relative to relational aggression. Furthermore, teachers and parents have a lower
level of tolerance and are more likely to intervene when physical aggression is being displayed relative
to relational aggression (Coplan, Bullock, Archbell, & Bosacki, 2014; Swit, McMaugh, & Warburton,
2018; Werner, Senich, & Przepyszny, 2006). Findings underscore potential strengths and limitations
of approaches to measuring both physical and relational aggression in early childhood and suggest
that measurement is likely to be strengthened by the inclusion of multiple informants and approaches.
The weaker correspondence between parents and other raters may have occurred for two reasons.
First, as hypothesized in the diverging operations portion of the OTM (De Los Reyes, 2013), the absence
of associations across informants may in part reflect the context in which aggressive behavior is
displayed (e.g., school-based peers, neighborhood friends, siblings). Indeed, each informant may be
privy to different displays of aggressive behavior. Public and private assessments often provide unique
insights regarding children’s behavior, and objective behavioral observations might not converge with
child interviews or parent reports for this reason (Pellegrini & Bartini, 2000). In addition, given the
shared context, school-based behavioral observations of aggression are likely to be more strongly
related to teacher reports than to parent reports (De Los Reyes, 2013; Ostrov & Bishop, 2008). In fact,
K.J. Perry, J.M. Ostrov, D. Murray-Close et al. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 209 (2021) 105180

prior research has found that when using the same observational paradigm in different contexts, pre-
school children display context-specific disruptive behavior, suggesting that there are likely real dif-
ferences in behavior in the home and school contexts (De Los Reyes, Henry, Tolan, & Wakschlag, 2009).
Second, consistent with the compensating operations facet of the OTM (De Los Reyes, 2013), which
encompasses measurement error and differences in measures, it was expected that parents would
have lower convergence because they had a different aggression measure than teachers or observers.
Therefore, contextual differences, measurement differences, and other sources of error all are likely
contributing to informant differences.
Finally, results from the clustering analysis (i.e., ICCs) demonstrated that there was classroom clus-
tering for all raters except for parent report of physical aggression. Classroom effects were larger for
relational aggression than for physical aggression for parent, teacher, and observer reports, whereas
classroom effects did not differ for observations of physical and relational aggression. Therefore, even
when a different rater is used for each participant (i.e., parent report), there is still some meaningful
variability at the classroom level for relational aggression, perhaps highlighting how classroom norms
and behaviors may foster engagement in relational aggression relative to physical aggression. These
results suggest that it would be beneficial to control for classroom variability when possible.
The second aim of the study was to examine a CFA of aggressive behavior. Results indicated that a
two-factor structure of aggressive behavior best represented aggression in our early childhood sample.
This is consistent with prior factor analyses finding that aggression items load on two factors (e.g.,
Crick et al., 1997; Perry & Ostrov, 2018). This study expands that prior work by confirming a two-
factor structure using multiple informants of aggressive behavior. All assessments significantly loaded
on their respective factors with the exception of parent report of relational aggression, demonstrating
that parents may be reporting on aggression in situations outside of the school environment and
might not be the best reporters of peer-based relational aggression (Pellegrini & Bartini, 2000). In addi-
tion, results demonstrated that once accounting for shared method variance, the correlation between
physical aggression and relational aggression was moderate, indicating that shared method variance
may be one of the main driving factors in high correlations between the subtypes of aggression.
The final aim of the current study was to evaluate between- and within-group gender differences in
aggression. In the final structural model, boys had higher physical aggression scores than girls, but
there was no gender difference in relational aggression. When evaluating gender differences within
each method, gender differences were fairly robust for physical aggression, which is consistent with
meta-analytic work (Card et al., 2008). Gender differences were more variable for relational aggres-
sion; specifically, girls had higher scores when using observations or teacher report, but not when
using child, parent, or observer report, suggesting that methodology and informant may be driving
gender differences of relational aggression. This is consistent with reviews and meta-analyses of the
literature that have found null or mixed results for between-group gender differences in relational
aggression with the exception of certain informants such as teachers (Archer & Coyne, 2005; Card
et al., 2008). More work is needed to determine why gender differences in relational aggression occur
when certain raters are used.
In addition, within-group gender differences are often ignored in discussions of gender differences
in aggressive behavior. Prior work has found that girls tend to use relational aggression (and other
nonphysical forms of aggression) more than physical aggression (see Archer & Coyne, 2005). Evidence
to support this assertion was found in the current study. Specifically, for girls, relational aggression
was rated as more frequent than physical aggression for all raters, including observers. For observa-
tions, physical aggression scores were higher than relational aggression scores for both genders, but
this difference was smaller for girls than for boys. Overall, results from these analyses underscore
the importance of considering gender in developmental models of aggressive behavior.


Despite a number of strengths to the current study, such as a large sample size and a comprehen-
sive examination of the measurement characteristics of multiple methods, there are also several lim-
itations. First, although five methods were used to assess aggression, additional assessment
techniques are available that were not included in the current study. For instance, alternative obser-
K.J. Perry, J.M. Ostrov, D. Murray-Close et al. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 209 (2021) 105180

vational paradigms, such as the scan sampling approach (Ladd, Price, & Hart, 1988; McNeilly-Choque
et al., 1996) may also be useful for observing aggressive behavior. In addition, there was no assessment
of peer report of aggressive behavior. Peer nominations and ratings are used to examine the percep-
tion of children’s aggressive behavior by their peers. Researchers have generally found that young chil-
dren provide reliable peer reports of overt/physical aggression and that these reports are generally
moderately correlated with teacher reports and observations (Crick et al., 2006; Johnson & Foster,
2005) but that peers are less reliable informants of relational aggression (Crick et al., 1997;
McNeilly-Choque et al., 1996). Nonetheless, peer reports may offer a unique perspective on children’s
aggressive behavior when developmentally appropriate assessments are used.
Second, because the sample was focused on early childhood, it is not clear whether similar patterns
of findings would emerge during other developmental periods. Similarly, participants were from a
limited number of schools from one area in the northeastern United States. Prior work has found that
there are mean levels of difference in aggression across cultures (Lansford et al., 2012), and therefore
the results might not be generalizable to other geographic regions or cultures.
In addition, the current study focused on physical and relational aggression and did not include
other subtypes of aggression such as verbal aggression (e.g., insults, mean names) and nonverbal
aggression (i.e., aggressive gestures and nonverbal hostile behaviors but not malicious ignoring, which
is a part of relational aggression) (Ostrov & Keating, 2004). It is less common to examine the separate
construct of verbal aggression because verbal threats of physical harm are often included in the def-
inition of physical aggression (Crick et al., 2006), verbal threats are common exemplars of relational
aggression (e.g., ‘‘You can’t come to my birthday party”), and boys and girls engage in relatively equal
amounts of the behavior during this period of development (Ostrov & Keating, 2004). Nonetheless,
future research should explicitly examine additional subtypes of aggression.
Finally, the study focused on evaluating the internal reliability, validity, and structure of aggression
using a cross-sectional design. Future work should address the longitudinal measurement character-
istics of various measures of aggressive behavior and the broader reliability and validity of latent con-
structs of aggressive behavior.

Future directions

Overall, results from this study support the utility of multiple methods for studying aggressive
behavior in early childhood. Specifically, parent, teacher, and observer reports, as well as observations,
all significantly contributed to the physical and relational aggression factors with the exception of par-
ent report of relational aggression, which did not significantly load on the factor. This suggests that
having informants from different contexts may provide a more accurate understanding of children’s
aggression across multiple contexts (i.e., children’s aggression with peers at school and with peers
in the home). However, it is not always feasible for researchers to use multiple methods. When
researchers are able to use only one method, we encourage them to think about the context they
are interested in studying and how their chosen informant may affect the interpretation of the results.
For example, if researchers are interested in examining peer relations outside of schools, parent report
may be most beneficial, whereas if they are interested in evaluating the impact of a classroom inter-
vention where teachers are the interventionists, observations or observer report may be most useful to
obtain objective measurements of classroom behavior.
Moreover, consistent with the OTM (De Los Reyes, 2013), future research should examine how
cross-informant differences in aggression incrementally predict social-psychological outcomes. The
OTM offers a framework for meaningfully studying and understanding informant discrepancies, and
there is a variety of statistical methods that allow researchers to parse apart informant differences.
For example, the rater trifactor model is a useful way to parse apart measurement differences within
an individual while also accounting for differences between raters who have evaluated a set of indi-
viduals (see Shin, Rabe-Hesketh, & Wilson, 2019). The next step in aggression methodology research
should examine how informant differences contribute to the prediction of outcomes for different
forms of aggression. Results from this study suggest that there are measurement differences in phys-
ical and relational aggression. For example, gender differences vary by method, raters are more likely
to endorse relational aggression compared with physical aggression, and clustering at the classroom
K.J. Perry, J.M. Ostrov, D. Murray-Close et al. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 209 (2021) 105180

level is generally stronger for relational aggression compared with physical aggression. These results
emphasize that the characteristics of the measures or constructs may vary for the different subtypes of
aggressive behavior, underscoring the importance of examining both aggressive subtypes. It is also
critical that researchers include measurements of the function of aggressive behavior in future work
to evaluate how proactive or reactive relational and physical aggression (see Eisner & Malti, 2015) may
change informant agreement and discrepancies. Researchers should also strive to be aware of these
measurement issues and address them in analyses if possible (e.g., accounting for clustering within
classrooms). Future research should examine how measurement differences change over time by
examining the measurement invariance of these measures across time as well as how the impact of
raters changes as children get older.
In conclusion, a number of different methods demonstrated favorable measurement characteris-
tics. In general, the different informants had moderate to high levels of convergence, with greater con-
vergence among measures of physical aggression. When examining the structure of aggressive
behavior, results supported a two-factor model of aggressive behavior, once again demonstrating
the uniqueness of physical and relational aggression in early childhood. Notably, the relation between
physical and relational aggression was attenuated when accounting for shared method variance.
Finally, results suggest that in early childhood there are robust between-group gender differences
in physical aggression, but between-group gender differences in relational aggression vary by method.
These results expand prior work by testing these differences by rater and using a latent variable
approach. There was also evidence of within-group gender differences for physical and relational
aggression, underscoring the importance of including gender-informed models of relational aggres-
sion. Overall, results from this study demonstrate the utility of multiple methods in the study of
aggressive behavior in early childhood, emphasize the importance of considering both physical and
relational aggression when studying aggressive behavior, and illustrate the multiple ways in which
gender may play a role in the forms of aggressive behavior.


We thank the PEERS project staff and the participating families, teachers, and schools for their con-
tributions to and support of this project. We thank Dr. Kimberly Kamper-DeMarco, Lauren Mutignani,
Sarah Probst, Samantha Kesselring, and many research assistants for data collection and coordination.
In addition, we acknowledge Erin Dougherty for reference checking. Research reported in this publi-
cation was supported by a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant (BCS-1450777) to the second and
third authors. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not represent the official
views of the NSF.

Appendix A. Supplementary material

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2021.



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