0254c16f533e0-mensuration 2D

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Maths by Ramdev Bhati

1. There horses are tethered at 3 corners of 5. A square and a regular hexagon are drawn
a triangle plot of land having sides 20 m, such that all the vertices of the square
30 m and 40 m each with a rope of length and hexagon are on a circle of radius r
7 m. The area (in m2) of the region of this cm. The ratio of area of the square and
plot, which can be grazed by the horses
the hexagon is-
20 30 40

(a) 3 : 4 (b) 4 : 3 3
= 22/7 (c) 2: 3 (d) 1: 2
(a) 77/3 (b) 75
(c) 77 (d) 80 6. A circular wire of diameter 42 cm is folded
2. In a equilateral triangle of side 24 cm, a in the shape of a rectangle whose sides
circle is formed to touch the sides of the are in the ratio 6 : 5. Find the area
triangle. What is the area of remaining  22 
part of the traingle? enclosed by rectangle.  Take  
 7
 3  1.732 
(a) 98.55 cm2 (b) 100 cm2
(c) 101 cm2 (d) 95 cm2 (a) 540 cm2/ 2
(b) 1080 cm2/ 2

(c) 2160 cm2/ 2

(d) 4320 cm2/ 2
3. The two sides of a field are 32 m and 24 m
and angle between them is right angled. 7. A took 15 sec. cross a rectangular field
The length of other two sides is 25 m and diagonally walking at the rate of 52mmin.
othere three angles are not right angled. and B took the same time to cross the
Find the area of the field is square meter.
same field along its sides walking at the
32 24
rate of 68mmin. The area of the field is
A 15
52 B
(a) 768 (b) 534 68
(c) 696.5 (d) 684
4. Perimeter of an equilateral triangle is
equal of the circumference of a circle. The
ratio of their area is- (a) 30 m2/ 2
(b) 60 m2/ 2

(c) 40 m / 2 2
(d) 50 m / 2 2

(= 22/ 8. A path of uniform with runs round the

7 inside of a rectangular field 38 m long and
(a) 22 : 21 3 (b) 21: 22 3 32 m wide. If path occupies 600 m2, then
the width of the path is
(c) 21: 22 2 (d) 22 : 21 2
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38 32 (a) 24 cm/ (b) 18 cm/
(c) 12 cm/ (d) 9 cm/
600 2
14. In a triangular field having sides 30 m,
(a) 30 m/ (b) 5 m/ 72 m and 78 m, the length of the altitude
to the side measuring 72 m is:
(c) 18.75 m/ (d) 10 m/
30 72
9. A street of width 10 metres surrounds 78 72
from outside a rectangular garden whose
measurement is 200 m × 180 m. The area
of the path (in square meters) is (a) 25 m/ (b) 28 m/
200 180 (c) 30 m/ (d) 35 m/
10 15. ABC is an equilateral triangle of side 2
cm. With A, B and C as centers and radius
(a) 8000 (b) 7000 1 cm three arcs are drawn. The area of
(c) 7500 (d) 8200
the region within the triangle bounded by
10. A lawn is in the form of a rectangle having the three arcs is
its length and breath in the ratio 3:4. The
ABC 2 A, B
area of lawn is hectare. The length of C 1
the lawn is

1 (a) (3 2  ) cm2/
12  3 
(b)  3   cm2/
 2 
(a) 25 metres/ (b) 50 metres/  
(c) 75 metres/ (d) 100 metres/ (c)  3   cm2/
 2
11. The length and breath of a rectangular
field are in the ratio 7 : 4. A path 4 m wide  
(d)   3  cm2/
running all round outside has an area of 2 
416 m2. The breath (in m) of the field is : 16. In an equilateral triangle ABC of side 10
7:4 cm, the side BC is trisected at D and E.
4 Then the length (in cm) of AD is
416 10 ABC D
(a) 28 (b) 14
(c) 15 (d) 16 AD
12. If area of a triangle is 1176 cm2 and base (a) 3 7 (b) 7 3
: corresponding altitude is 3 : 4, then the 10 7 7 10
attitude of triangle is: (c) (d)
3 3
1176 17. If the numerical value of the perimeter
3:4 of an equilateral triangle 3 times the
? area of it, then the length of each side of
(a) 42 cm/ (b) 52 cm/ the triangle is
(c) 54 cm/ (d) 56 cm/
13. The side of a triangle are in the ratio
1 1 1
: : . If the peremeter of the triangle (a) 2 unit/ (b) 3 unit/
2 3 4
is 52 cm, the length lf the smaller side is: (c) 4 unit/ (d) 6 unit/
1 1 1 18. An isosceles right angled triangle is
: :
2 3 4 inscribed in a semi-circle of radius 7 cm.
52 The area enclosed by the semi-circle but
exterior to the triangle is

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7 ABCD AB=24
AD = 16 AB DC 10
(a) 14 cm/ (b) 28 cm/ (a) 16 cm/ (b) 18 cm/
(c) 15 cm/ (d) 26 cm/
(c) 44 cm/ (d) 68 cm/
25. One of the four angles of a rhombus is 60°.
19. The altitude drawn to the base of an If the length of each side of the rhombus
isosceles triangle is 8 cm and its is 8 cm, then the length of the longer
perimeter is 64 cm. The area (in cm2) of diagonal is
the triangle is 60° 8

8 64 (a) 8 3 cm/ (b) 8 cm/

(a) 240 (b) 180 (c) 4 3 cm/ (d) cm/
(c) 360 (d) 120
26. The area of a rhombus is equal to the area
20. The diagonals of rhombus are 24 cm and of a square whose diagonal is 40 2 cm. If
10 cm. The perimeter of the rhombus (in
the lengths of the diagonals of the rhombus
cm) is :
are in the ratio 8 : 9 then longer diagonal
24 10
(in cm) is
(a) 60 (b) 65 40 2
(c) 54 (d) 52
21. The perimeter of a rhombus is 40 cm. If 8 : 9,
one of the diagonals be 12 cm long. What
is the length of the other diagonal? (a) 30 (b) 60
40 (c) 20 (d) 40
12 27. Each side of a regular hexagon is 1 cm.
The area of the hexagon is
(a) 12 cm/ (b) 136 cm/
(c) 16 cm/ (d) 44 cm/
22. The length of one side of a rhombus is 10
cm and its altitude is 6.5 cm, if the length 3 3 3 3
(a) cm2/ 2 (b) cm2/ 2
of its diagonal is 26 cm, then the length 2 4
of the other diagonal will be : (c) 4 3 cm2/ 2 (d) 3 3 cm2/ 2
10 28. The diameter of a circular wheel is 7 m.
6.5 26 How many revolutions will it make in
travelling 22 km?
(a) 5 cm/ (b) 10 cm/ 7 22
(c) 26 cm/ (d) 6.5 cm/
(a) 100 (b) 400
23. A parallelogram has sides 15 cm and 7 (c) 500 (d) 1000
cm long. The length of one of the diagonals
is 20 cm. The area of the parallelogram 29. The area of the ring between two
concentric circles, whose circumferences
are 88 cm. and 132 cm. is:
15 7
88 132
(a) 780 cm2/ (b) 770 cm2/
(a) 42 cm2/ (b) 60 cm2/ (c) 715 cm /
(d) 600 cm2/
(c) 84 cm2/ (d) 96 cm2/ 30. A can go round a circular path 8 times in
24. A parallelogram ABCD has sides AB=24 40 minutes. If the diameter of the circle
is increased to 10 times the original
cm and AD = 16 cm. The distance between diameter, the time required by A to go
the sides AB and DC is 10 cm. Find the round the new path once travelling at the
distance between the sides AD and BC. same speed as before is:

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A 40 8 (a) 28 (b) 20
10 (c) 15 (d) 24
A 1 36. Three circles of diameter 10 cm each, are
bounded together by a rubber band as
shown in the figure. The length of rubber
(a) 25 minute/ (b) 20 minute/
band, in cm, if it is started as shown, is
(c) 50 minute/ (d) 100 minute/
31. Three circles of radius 3.5 cm each are
placed in such a way that each touches
the other two. The area of the portion
enclosed by the circle is:

(a) 1.905 cm2/ 2

(b) 1.985 cm2/ 2

(c) 9.67 cm2/ 2

(d) 21.21 cm2/ 2

32. The area of a circle is increased by 22 (a) 30 (b) 30 + 10 

cm2, then its radius is increased by 1 cm. (c) 10  (d) 60 + 2 
The original radius of the circle 37. A 7 m wide road outside around a circular
22 park, whose circumference is 176 m. The
1 22
area of the road is: (use (   )
(a) 6 cm/ (b) 3.2 cm/
(c) 3 cm/ (d) 3.5 cm/ 7
33. The wheel of a motor car makes 1000 176
revolutions in moving 440 m. The
diameter (in metre) of the wheel is (a) 1386 m2/ (b) 1472 m2/
(c) 1512 m /2
(d) 1760 m2/
38. A circular road runs around a circular
1000 ground. If the difference between the
circumference of the outer circle and the
(a) 0.44 (b) 0.14 inner circle is 66 metres, the width of the
(c) 0.24 (d) 0.34 22
road is: (use   )
34. The circumference of circle is 11 cm and 7
the angle of a sector of the circle is 60°.
22 66
The area of the sector is (Use   )?
11 (a) 10.5 metres/
60° (b) 5.25 metres/
29 29 (c) 7 metres/
(a) 1 cm2/ (b) 2 cm2/ (d) 21metres/
48 48
27 27 39. A person observed that he required 30
(c) 1 cm2/ (d) 2 cm2/ seconds less time to cross a circular
48 48 ground along its diameter than to cover it
35. A gear 12 cm in diameter is turning a once along the boundary. If his speed was
gear 18 cm in diameter. When the smaller 30mminute, then the radius of the
gear has 42 revolutions, how many has  22 
the larger one made? circular ground is:    
 7 
12 18
30 30 

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(a) 5.5 meres/ (b) 10.5 meres/ 46. The cost of cultivating a square field at
(c) 7.5 meres/ (d) 3.5 meres/ the rate of Rs. 160 per hectare is Rs.1440.
The cost of putting a fence around it at
40. The area of the largest circle, that can be
drawn inside a rectangle with side 18 cm the rate of 75 paise per metre is:
by 14 cm, is: 160
18 14 1440
(a) 49 cm2/ (b) 154 cm2/ (a) 900 (b) 1800
(c) 378 cm2/ (d) 1078 cm2/ (c) 360 (d) 810
41. The side of a triangle are 6 cm, 8 cm and 47. The length of a rectangle is twice its
10 cm. The area of the greatest square breadth. If its length is decreased by 5 cm
that can be inscribed in it, is and breadth is increased by 5 cm, the area
6 8 10 of the rectangle is increased by 75 cm2.
Then the length of rectangle is:

(a) 18 cm/ (b) 15 cm/ 5 5

2304 576 75
(c) cm/ (d) cm/
49 49
42. The radius of the in-circle of a triangle (a) 20 cm/ (b) 40 cm/
is 2 cm. If the area of the triangle is 6 (c) 40cm/ (d) 50 cm/
cm2, then its perimeter is:
48. The dimensions of the floor of a
rectangular hall are 4 m × 3 m. The floor
6 of the hall is to be filed fully with 8 cm × 6
(a) 2 cm/ (b) 3 cm/ cm rectangular tiles without breaking
(c) 6 cm/ (d) 9 cm/ tiles to smaller size. The number of tiles
require is:
43. A circle is inscribed in an equilateral
triangle and a square is inscribed in that 4 ×3
circle. The ratio of the area of the triangle 8 ×6
and the square is:
(a) 4800 (b) 2600
(c) 2500 (d) 2400
49. A square lawn with side 100 long has a
(a) (b) 3 3 : 2 circular flower bed in the centre. If the
3 :4
area of the lawn, excluding the flower bed
(c) 3 :8 (d) 3 3 :1
is 8614 m2, the radius of the circular
44. The perimeter of a rectangle is 160 metre flower bed is:
and difference of two sides is 48 metre.
Find the side of a square whose area is
equal to the area of this rectangle?
160 8614
(a) 31 metre/
(a) 32 m/ (b) 8 m/ (b) 21 metre/
(c) 4 m/ (d) 16 m/ (c) 41 metre/
(d) None of these/
45. If the radius of a circle is increased by
50% its area is incresded by: 50. A paper in the form of a square of side 20
50% m. Semi-circles are drawn inside the
square paper on two opposite sides as
(a) 125% (b) 100% diameter. The semi-circular portions are
(c) 78% (d) 50% cut off. The area of the remaining paper
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20 AB = 4 BD = 4 3

(a) (40 – 2 ) m2/

(b) (400 – 100 ) m2/
(c) (400 – 200 ) m2/
(d) 200  m2/ A C
51. The area of a circle be equal to that of a (a) 48  (b) 24 
square, then the ratio of the side of the (c) 16  (d) 12 
square and the radius of the circle is: 56. The length of diagonal of a rhombus is 80%
of the length of the other diagonal. Then,
the area of the rhombus is how many
(a)  :1 (b) 1:  times the square of the side of the longer
(c) 1 :  (d)  : 1 diagonal?
52. The area of an arc to the centre of circle
is 12.4 sq.cm. If this arc subtends an 80%
angle of 60° at the centre, what will be
the area of the remaining part of the 4 2
circle? (a) (b)
5 5
3 1
60° (c) (d)
4 4
57. The area of the shaded portion in the
(a) 70 sq. cm/
given figure is:
(b) 80 sq. cm/
(c) 62 sq. cm/
(d) 85 sq. cm/ 5
53. In the given figure, the area of the shaded
region (in cm2), is

(a) 77 sq. units/
14 cm (b) 89.5 sq. units/
(c) 72 sq. units/
7cm (d) 69 sq. units/
58. The boundary of the shaded region in the
28 cm given diagram consists of three semi-
(a) 324 (b) 428 circular arcs, the smaller ones being
(c) 462 (d) 500 equal. If the diametre of the larger arc is
54. A circle of radius a is divided into 6 equal 10 cm, the area of the shaded region is
sectors. An equilateral triangle is drawn (  3.14)
on the chord of each sector to lie outside boundary
the circle. Area of the resulting figure is
'a' 6 10
(  3.14)

3 3a 2 3 3a 2
(a) (b)
2 2
(c) 3 a2 (d) 3 3 a 2
55. Let AB = 4 cm & BD = 4 3 cm, then the O B
area bounded (shaded) by the semi-circles
are shown in the figure, in square cm, is:
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(a) 39.25 cm2/ (b) 46.45 cm2/ (a) 281.5 m2/ (b) 276.4 m2/
(c) 46.45 cm2/ (d) 37.95 cm2/ (c) 265.6 m2/ (d) 264.8 m2/
59. A bed of roses is like the adjoining
diagram. In the centre is a square and on 62. In the given figure, the diameter of the
each side there is a semi-circle. The side biggest semi-circle is 56 cm and the
of the square is 21 metres. If each rose radius of the smallest circle is 7 cm. The
plant needs 6 m2 of shape, the number of area of the shaded portion is:
plant is

(a) 482 cm2/ (b) 462 cm2/
(c) 654 cm2/ (d) 804 cm2/

(a) 176 (b) 163 63. The perimetres of five squares are 24 cm,
(c) 168 (d) 189 32 cm, 40 cm, 76 cm and 80 cm
60. Four horses are tethered at four corners respectively. The perimetre of another
of a square plot of side 63 metres, so that square equal in area to sum of the areas
they just cannot reach one another. The of these squares is:
area of ungrazed is:
5 24 32 40

R (a) 31 cm/ (b) 62 cm/

D C (c) 124 cm/ (d) 961 cm/
64. The area of a circle proportional to the
square of its radius. A small circle of
S O radius 3 cm is drawn within a larger circle
of radius 5 cm. Find the ratio of area of
the annular zone to the area of the larger
circle (area of the annular zone is the
A B difference between the larger circle and
(a) 675.5m2/ (b) 780.6 m2/ that of the smaller circle)
(c) 785.8m /2
(d) 850.5 m2/
61. A rectangular piece is 20 m long and 16
m wide. From its four corners, quadrants
of radii 3.5 metres have been cut. The
area of remaining part is
16 3.5 (a) 9 : 16 (b) 9 : 25
(c) 16 : 25 (d) 16 : 27
65. The difference between the areas of the
circum circle and incircle of an
equilateral triangle is 44 cm2, then the
 22 
16 cm

16 cm

area of the triangle is  Take   

 7 

 22 
20 m   
 7 
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(a) 28 cm2/ (a) Rs. 5000 (b) Rs. 2950
(c) Rs. 4500 (d) Rs. 4950
(b) 7 3 cm /

71. A circular swimming pool with a diameter

(c) 14 3 cm /
of 28 ft has a deck of uniform width built
(d) 21 cm2/ around it, If the area of the deck is 60 
66. The perimeter of a square and a circular sq. ft, find its width.
field are same. If the area of the circular 28
field is 3850 sq. metres, what is the area
(in m2) of the square?
60 
(a) 3 ft/ (b) 2.8 ft/
3850 (c) 2 ft/ (d) 2.5 ft/
72. Length of a rectangular blackboard is 8 m
(a) 4225 (b) 3025 more than that of its breadth. If length is
(c) 2500 (d) 2025 increased by 7m and breath is decreased
67. The area of a square and rectangle are by 4m, its area remains unchanged. The
equal. The length of rectangle is greater length and breadth of rectangular ground
than the length of any side of the square is:
by 5 cm and breadht is less by 3 cm. Find 8
the perimeter of the rectangle? 7
3 (a) 24 m , 16 m
(a) 17 cm/ (b) 34 cm/ (b) 20 m , 24 m
(c) 30 cm/ (d) 26 cm/ (c) 28 m , 20 m
68. Four equal sized maximum circular plates (d) 28 m , 16 m
are cut off from a square paper sheet of 73. A rectangular farm has to be fenced on
area 784 sq. cm. The circumference of one long side, one short side and the
 22  diagonal. If the cost of fencing is Rs. 100
each plate is  Take    per m. the area of the farm is 1200 m2
 7 
and the short side is 30 m long. How much
784 4
would the job cost?
 22 
   30
 7 
(a) 22 cm/ (b) 44 cm/
(c) 66 cm/ (d) 88 cm/ 100
69. A cow is tied on the corner of a rectangular
field of size 30 m × 20 m by 14 m long (a) 14000 (b) 12000
rope. The area of the region, that she can (c) 7000 (d) 15000
 22  74. A lawn is in the form of an isosceles
graze, is:  Take    triangle. The cost of turfing it came to
 7 
30 × 20 1200 at Rs. 4 per m2. If the base be 40 m
long. Find the length of equal side?

 22 
   4 1200
 7 
(a) 350 m2/ (b) 196 m2/
(c) 154 m2/ (d) 22 m2/ (a) 25 m/
70. A roller 150 cm long has diameter 70 cm. (b) 24 m/
To level a playground, it take 750 complete
(c) 26c m/
revolutions. The cost of leveling the
playground at the rate of Rs. 2 per m2 is (d) None of these/
150 70 75. The length and breadth of a playground
750 are 36 m and 21 m respectively, poles are
required to be fixed all long the boundary
at a distance 3 m apart. The number of
poles required will be:

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36 (a) 19 m/ (b) 21 m/
21 3 (c) 20 m/ (d) 22 m/
80. In the given diagram, two circles pass
(a) 39 (b) 38 through each other's centre. If the radius
(c) 37 (d) 40 of each circles is 2, then what is the
76. Four sheets 50 cm × 5 cm are arranged perimeter of the region marked B?
without overlapping to form a square
having side 55 m. What is the area of
inner square so formed? 2 B
50 ×5

(a) 2500 cm2/ A B C

(b) 2025 cm2/
(c) 1600 cm2/
(d) None of these/
(a) (8/3)  (b) (4/5) 
77. Four horses are tied on the four corners
of a square field of 14 m length so that (c) 4  (d) (5/3) 
each horse can just touch the other two 81. In the figure, ABCD is a square with side
horses. They were able to graze in the 10. BFD is an arc of a circle with centre
area accessible to them for 11 days. For C. BGD is an arc of a circle with centre A.
how many days is the ungrazed area What is the area of the shaded region?
sufficient for them?
(a) 3 days/ (b) 4 days/
(c) 5 days/ (d) 2 days/ F
78. The circumference of a circular ground 10
is 88 m. A strip of land, 3m wide, inside
and along circumference of the ground is
to be levelled. What is the budget D C
expenditure of the leveling cost is Rs. 7 (a) 100 – 50  (b) 100 – 25 
per sq m? (c) 50 – 100 (d) 25  – 100
82. The cross section of a canal is in the form
of a trapezium. If the top is 10 m wide,
Rs. 7 3 the bottom is 6 m wide and the area of
the cross section is 72 m2, then the depth
(a) 1050 (b) 1125 of the canal is
(c) 1325 (d) 1650 Cross section)
79. A ladder 15 m long reaches a window which 10 6
is 9 m above the ground on one side of a 72
street. Keeping its foot at the same point,
the ladder is turned to the other side of (a) 10 metre/
the street to reach a window 12 m high. (b) 7 metre/
Find the width of the street is: (c) 6 metre/
15 (d) 9 metre/
9 83. Semi-circular lawns are attached to both
the edges of a rectangular field measuring
42 m × 35 m. The area of the total field is
42 × 35

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(a) 3818.5 m2/ (b) 8318 m2/ 60 20
(c) 5813 m2/ (d) 1358 m2/ 3 ×2
84. In given figure, ABC is a right triangle in 100
which A is right angle. Three semi-circles
are drawn on diameter AB, BC and AC.
The area of triangle ABC is 37 sq. unit, (a) Rs. 20,000 and 200
then the area of shaded portion? (c) Rs.15,000 and 150
ABC (d) Rs. 18,000 and 180
A AB, BC AC 88. Certain number of paving stones each
ABC 37 measuring 3 m × 2 m are required to pave
a rectangular courtyard 40 m long and 13.5
A m wide. What amount need to be spent, if
the tiles of the a fore-said dimension are
available at Rs. 3 per piece ?
40 13.5

3 ×2 3 1
(a) 24 sq. unit/ (a) Rs.270 (b) Rs.275
(b) 37 sq. unit/ (c) Rs. 370 (d) Rs. 240
(c) (18.5  sq. unit/ 89. A rectangular field is (25m × 15m). Two
(d) 18.5 sq. unit/ mutually perpendicular passages of width
85. A circle and rectangle have the same 2m have been left in its central and grass
perimeter. The sides of the rectangle are has been grown rest of the field. The area
26 cm and 18 cm. The area of the circle
under the grass is:
 22 
is  Take    25 × 15
 7 

26 18
(a) 295 m2/ (b) 299 m2/
 22 
   (c) 200 m2/ (d) 375 m2/
 7 
(a) 125 cm2/ (b) 230 cm2/ 90. The area of a rectangle is 4 times of the
(c) 550 cm2/ (d) 216 cm2/ area of a square. The length of rectangle
is 90 cm and the breadth of the rectagle
86. A playground is in the shape of rectangle.
A sum of 1,000 was spent to make the 2
is rd of the side of the square. What is
ground usable at the rate of 35 paise per 3
sq. m. The breath of the ground is 50 m. If
the side of the square?
the length of ground is increased by 20
m, what will be the expenditure in rupees 4
at the same rate per sq. m? 90
25 Rs.1000 3
50 (a) 10 cm/
20 (b) 15 cm/
(c) 20 cm/
(a) 1,250 (b) 1,000 (d) Can't be determind/
(c) 1,500 (d) 2,250
87. It is proposed to do marble flooring of a 91. In the given figure when the outer circles
showroom of dimensions 60m long and
20m broad. The marble blocks are all have radii 'R' then the radius of the
available in the size 3m × 2m at the rate inner circle will be:
of Rs. 100 per piece. Find the number of 'R'
marble blocks required and the total cost:

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(a) square units/
(b) square units/
2 1 (c) square units/
R 83
(a) (b) 7
( 2 +1) R 2
(d) square units/
(c)  2 1 R (d) 2R
94. In the given figure ABCD is a square. Four
92. In the given figure ABCD is a square and equal semi-circles are drawn in such a
PQRS is also a square made by joining
mid-points of the sides of the larger square way that they meet each other at 'O'. Sides
ABCD. There is a inscribed the circle in AB, BC, CA and DA are the respective
PQRS and an equilateral triangle XYZ diameters of the four semi-circles. Each
inscribed in the circle. Find the ratio of
the side of the square ABCD to side of the of the side of the square is 8 cm. Find the
eqilateral triangle XYZ. area of the shaded region.
DA 4
O 8

Y Z (a) 32(  2)cm
(b) (2  8)cm 2
A P B (c) 16(  2)cm 2
(a) 2 : 3
3 2
(b) 2 2 : 3 (d) (   4)cm
(c) 2 2 : 3
(d) None of these/ 95. The diagonal of a square is 4 2 cm. The
93. In the following figure PQRS is a rectangle diagonal of another square whose area is
with PS and RS equal to 1 and 2 units double that of the first square is:
respectively. Two quarter circles are 4 2
drawn with centres at Q and P
respectively. Now a circle is drawn
touching both the quarter circles and done (a) 8 2 cm/ (b) 16 cm/
of the sides of the rectangle. Find the area
(c) 32 cm/ (d) 8 cm/
of the shaded region?
PQRS PS RS 96. If the diagonals of two squares are in ratio
1 2 P Q of 2 : 5, their area will be in the ratio of
1/4 (quarter circle) 1

(a) 2 : 5 (b) 2 : 5
S R (c) 4 : 25 (d) 4 : 5
97. If the ratio of areas of two squares is 225
: 256, then the ratio of their perimeter is:
225 : 256

(a) 225 : 256 (b) 256 : 225

1 A 1 (c) 15 : 16 (d) 16 : 15

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98. From four corners of a square sheet of side 8 6
4 cm. pieces, each in the shape of arc of
a circle with radius 2 cm are cut out. The
4 ?
area of remaining portion is:
(a) 1200 (b) 1260
(c) 1280 (d) 1300
100. A piece of wire 132 cm long is bent
successively in the shape of an
(a) (8  ) sq.cm/ equilateral traingle, a square and a circle.
Then area will be longest in shape of-
(b) 16  4π  sq.cm/
(c) (16  8) sq.cm/
(d) (4  2) sq.cm/
99. How many tiles, each 4 decimeter square, (a) Corcle
will be required to cover the floor of a room (b) Equilateral triangle
8 m long and 6 m broad? (c) Square
(d) Equal in all the shape


1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (b) 7. (b) 8. (b) 9. (a) 10. (a)
11. (d) 12. (d) 13. (c) 14. (c) 15. (c) 16. (c) 17. (c) 18. (b) 19. (d) 20. (d)
21. (c) 22. (a) 23. (c) 24. (c) 25. (a) 26. (b) 27. (a) 28. (d) 29. (b) 30. (c)
31. (b) 32. (c) 33. (b) 34. (a) 35. (a) 36. (b) 37. (a) 38. (a) 39. (d) 40. (b)
41. (d) 42. (c) 43. (c) 44. (a) 45. (a) 46. (a) 47. (c) 48. (c) 49. (b) 50. (b)
51. (a) 52. (c) 53. (c) 54. (d) 55. (a) 56. (b) 57. (b) 58. (a) 59. (d) 60. (d)
61. (a) 62. (b) 63. (c) 64. (c) 65. (c) 66. (b) 67. (b) 68. (b) 69. (c) 70. (d)
71. (c) 72. (c) 73. (b) 74. (a) 75. (a) 76. (b) 77. (a) 78. (d) 79. (b) 80. (a)
81. (c) 82. (d) 83. (a) 84. (b) 85. (d) 86. (a) 87. (a) 88. (a) 89. (b) 90. (b)
91. (c) 92. (c) 93. (b) 94. (a) 95. (c) 96. (c) 97. (c) 98. (b) 99. (a) 100. (a)

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