Tensile and fatigue behaviour of self-piercing rivets of CFRP to aluminium for automotive
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Abstract. In this study, the tensile and fatigue behaviour of self-piercing rivets (SPRs) in
carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) to aluminium 6111 T82 alloys were evaluated. An
average maximum lap-shear tensile load capacity of 3858 N was achieved, which is
comparable to metal-to-metal SPR lap-shear joints. The CFRP-Al SPRs failed in lap-shear
tension due to pull-out of the rivet head from the CFRP upper sheet. The CFRP-Al SPR lap-
shear specimens exhibited superior fatigue life compared to previously studied aluminium-to-
aluminium SPR lap-shear joints. The SPR lap-shear joints under fatigue loads failed
predominantly due to kinked crack growth along the width of the bottom aluminium sheet. The
fatigue cracks initiated in the plastically deformed region of the aluminium sheet close to the
rivet shank in the rivet-sheet interlock region. Scatter in fatigue life and failure modes was
observed in SPR lap-shear specimens tested close to maximum tensile load.
1. Introduction
The mandatory fuel efficiency requirements established in the Corporate Average Fuel Economy
(CAFE) standards compel every auto manufacturer in the US to build new cars and light trucks that
meet the minimum fuel efficiency targets. One way to achieve improved fuel efficiency is vehicle light
weighting, wherein aluminum and magnesium alloys, high strength steels, and polymer composites are
used extensively in structural members. With the advancement in research, fiber reinforced polymer
composite materials have shown a number of advantages over other lightweight alloys due to their
high strength-to-weight and stiffness-to-weight ratios[1]. Studies have shown that the introduction of
fiber reinforced plastics in automotive body structures could achieve weight savings up to 50-60%
when compared to other lightweight metals, such as aluminum (which can only obtain weight savings
up to 40-55% over the baseline steel structures) [2,3].
The use of lightweight fiber reinforced composites in automotive structural members yet faces a
new challenge in terms of joining. Resistance spot welding (RSW), as a conventional joining method
which has been widely used in automotive industry, is not feasible if one of the materials in use is a
fiber-reinforced polymer composite. Instead, commonly-used joining process involving polymer and
metallic materials include adhesive bonding and mechanical fastening [4]. Self-piercing riveting (SPR)
is a high speed mechanical fastening technique where a tubular rivet is pierced through the top sheet
and partially through the bottom overlapping sheet which are held against a die of asymmetrical
cavity[5]. SPR is widely used by several automotive manufacturers as an economical and effective
technique to join aluminum vehicle bodies [6–9]. SPR joints of aluminum to aluminum [6,10–14],
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2016 Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM 2016) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 137 (2016) 012025 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/137/1/012025
magnesium to magnesium [15], and aluminum to steel [16–18] alloys have shown superior peel and
fatigue strength compared to RSW joints. Unlike welding, SPR does not involve any heating or
melting of material, nor does it require additional manufacturing processes, like pre-drilling holes,
which could add additional manufacturing time and cost [5]. Therefore, it is feasible to use this
technique when joining polymer-based fiber reinforced composite materials. Studies have shown that
SPR technique can be effectively used in joining fiber reinforced composites to metals like steels [19]
and aluminum alloys [1,20–24]. A majority of the studies on SPR in fiber-reinforced composites to
metals focus on the influence of the process parameters on joint quality, including die geometry [25],
distance between rivets [21], and oil pressure in the riveting system [1,26,27]. Very few studies have
been conducted on the fatigue performance of SPR in composite to metal joints [1,21,23]. During the
SPR process, the piercing of rivets through the composite panel causes localized damage by cutting
the fibers; it also brings about deformation of the bottom aluminum sheet which results in a stress
concentration and causes local changes in the material properties around the rivet shank. These
changes in material properties can influence the mechanical property and the structural integrity of the
SPR joint overall.
In the present study, the effort is focused on determining the mechanical properties, including the
quasi-static and fatigue performance, of SPR joints in dissimilar CFRP-to-aluminum alloys for
potential automotive applications.
Figure 1. Geometrical dimensions of the representative SPR lap-shear CFRP-Al 6111 T82 test
2016 Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM 2016) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 137 (2016) 012025 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/137/1/012025
After testing, fractography was performed on the SPR lap-shear specimens using an FEI Nova
Nano 650 scanning electron microscope (SEM). Some of the tested and untested SPR lap-shear
specimens were then cut parallel to the loading direction along the center of the specimen width.
These were cold mounted, ground using standard metallurgical techniques, and finely polished using a
0.5 μm colloidal silica solution. The macrographs of the mounted samples were taken under a Zeiss
digital optical microscope.
Figure 2. Representative cross-section of an untested SPR CFRP-Al test specimen; (a) macrograph
showing the CFRP and aluminium sheet interlocked by a steel rivet; (b) and (c) magnified view of the
rivet and aluminium surface interface under SEM showing the presence of a thin layer of CFRP.
2016 Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM 2016) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 137 (2016) 012025 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/137/1/012025
Figure 3. Lap-shear tensile test plot of the SPR CFRP to aluminium 6111 T82 joint. The inset picture
shows the bearing failure of the CFRP in the two test specimens.
2016 Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM 2016) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 137 (2016) 012025 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/137/1/012025
Figure 4. Fatigue test plot comparing the fatigue life of CFRP to aluminium 6111 T82, and AA6111
to AA611 [10] SPR lap-shear joint (R=0.1).
Figure 5. Fracture surface analysis of aluminum sheet that failed due to kinked cracks (a) macrograph
of the fractured aluminum sheet (loading direction out of the page); (b) and (c) SEM images of the
crack initiation region on the left and right side of the rivet respectively, the bold black arrows indicate
the crack propagation direction; (d) and (e) magnified SEM images region R1 and R2 showing the
fatigue striation in the crack propagation region.
2016 Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM 2016) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 137 (2016) 012025 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/137/1/012025
The superior fatigue life performance of the CFRP to aluminium 6111 T82 SPR lap-shear joints
compared to AA6111-to-AA6111 lap-shear joints may be attributed, in part, to the absence of fretting
damage in the former. In several studies of metal-to-metal SPR lap-shear joints, fretting has been
observed to be one of the dominant causes for crack initiation and significantly accelerated the crack
growth in these SPR lap-shear joints [8,10,28–30]. Even though fretting was also observed in SPR
lap-shear joints of aluminum to glass-fiber reinforced thermoplastic composite [23], no traces of
fretting were observed in any of the SPR lap-shear test specimens tested in this study. Absence of
fretting in this study may be attributed to the presence of a thin layer of CFRP sandwiched between the
interfaces of the rivet and the aluminum sheet, as seen in Figure 2(b) and 2(c). The friction coefficient
between the CFRP and the aluminum sheet is around 0.2, while the friction coefficient between two
faying aluminum sheets is around 1.2 [31]. Hence the low friction coefficient between the CFRP and
aluminum sheet produced no fretting which otherwise could reduce the fatigue life of the CFRP-Al
SPR lap-shear specimens.
Figure 6. Top view of the damaged CFRP panel in (a) fatigue test; (b) tensile test; (c) and (d) are the
magnified view of the region R3 and R4 showing the carbon fibre breakage and matrix damage in
SPR lap-shear specimens tested under fatigue and quasi-static load respectively.
In quasi-static lap-shear tension, significant damage to the CFRP panel close to rivet head was
observed which led to bearing failure. It is interesting to observe a similar failure mode also occurred
in some SPR lap-shear specimens that were fatigue tested close to maximum static tensile load. In the
two SPR lap-shear specimens that were fatigue tested at a maximum load of 3664 N (95% of the
maximum tensile load), bearing failure was observed in one of the SPR lap-shear specimen that failed
at 689 cycles, while the other suffered failure in the bottom aluminum sheet at 159,730 cycles. Figure
2016 Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM 2016) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 137 (2016) 012025 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/137/1/012025
6 shows the SEM pictures comparing the bearing failure due to the damage in the CFRP panel in
fatigue and tensile tested specimens. Comparison of Figure 6(a) and Figure 6(b) shows that the
damage of the CFRP panel in an SPR lap-shear specimen tested close to the maximum quasi-static
load is very similar to that observed in the quasi-static tensile specimens, respectively. Magnified
views of the regions R3 and R4 show severe damage to polymer matrix and fiber breakage in both the
fatigue and quasi-static tested SPR lap-shear specimens. In addition, once the top ply of carbon fibers
and the polymer matrix are damaged, the compacting or locking mechanism between the rivet and
CFRP panel can be released. The significant disparities in fatigue failure mode and fatigue life at this
load level may be due to manufacturing variation of the joints. Further researches should be done to
understand the impact of possible differences in the manufacturing process on the fatigue performance
of the CFRP to aluminium 6111 T82 joints at both high and load low levels.
In SPR lap-shear specimens that were fatigue tested at a maximum load of 2778 N (72% of the
maximum tensile load), different failure modes were observed as well (Figure 7). Rivet pull-out
resulted in the lowest fatigue life could count for the failure of the SPR lap-shear specimen, while the
two sided fracture of the bottom aluminum sheet resulted in the highest fatigue life. Figure 8 shows the
comparison of two SPR lap-shear specimens, i.e. #3 and #20 that failed due to rivet pull-out (#3) and
one-sided fracture of the aluminum sheet (#20). Delamination of the top CFRP panel close to the rivet
head interface was observed in SPR lap-shear specimen #3 (Figure 8(b)) and no delamination was
observed in SPR lap-shear specimen #20 (Figure 8(c)). The probable reason for delamination and rivet
pull-out failure still needs to find. It is expected that variations in the manufacturing process may lead
to the observed scatter in fatigue life, as well as the failure mode.
4. Conclusions
Tensile and fatigue properties of dissimilar CFRP to aluminium 6111 T82 alloy SPR joints were
evaluated in this study. A comprehensive failure analysis was performed to study the failure modes
and factors influencing the mechanical properties. The following conclusions can be drawn from this
2016 Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM 2016) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 137 (2016) 012025 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/137/1/012025
The SPR technique can be used to effectively join dissimilar CFRP and AA6111 T82 alloy for
automotive structural applications. The average maximum lap-shear tensile load capacity of
the CFRP to aluminium 6111 T82 SPR lap-shear joints in this study is 3858 N, which is
comparable to the metal-to-metal SPR lap-shear joints studied earlier.
In quasi-static lap-shear tensile tests, damage to the top ply of the CFRP panel around the rivet
head interface could lead to bearing failure. No further damage to CFRP panel was observed
either in static or fatigue tests.
In fatigue tests, the dominant mode of failure was crack growth along the width of the bottom
aluminium sheet. Fatigue cracks initiated at the high stress concentration region in the
plastically deformed area close to the rivet-aluminium interlock.
The CFRP to aluminium 6111 T82 SPR lap-shear joints in this study exhibited superior
fatigue life compared to AA6111 to AA6111 SPR lap-shear joints studied earlier. The absence
of fretting may have contributed to the improved fatigue life.
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