std 49 - Fresh Fish Processing
std 49 - Fresh Fish Processing
std 49 - Fresh Fish Processing
DOC 49
October 2017
Company Licence for TSL Projects - Kate Hancock - order 419135
Developed with support from the European Commission and in co-operation with 3-A and NSF International.
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 5
1 Objectives and scope................................................................................................................... 5
2 Normative References.................................................................................................................. 5
3 Definitions of terms ...................................................................................................................... 6
4 Conditions and hazards during the processing of fresh fish .................................................. 9
4.1 Product properties ....................................................................................................................... 9
4.2 Processing conditions ............................................................................................................... 10
4.2.1 Processing .................................................................................................................................. 10
4.2.2 Water consumption and humid processing environment...................................................... 10
4.2.3 Salty environment ...................................................................................................................... 10
4.3 Steps in fish processing ............................................................................................................ 11
5 General Considerations ............................................................................................................. 14
6 Special Considerations .............................................................................................................. 14
6.1 Equipment ................................................................................................................................... 14
6.1.1 Materials and surfaces ............................................................................................................... 14
6.1.2 Hygienic design .......................................................................................................................... 15
6.1.3 General procurement recommendations for the fish industry .............................................. 16
6.1.4 Specific requirements according to the type of the equipment ............................................ 17
6.2 Installation and environment .................................................................................................... 34
6.2.1 Processing plant......................................................................................................................... 34
6.2.2 Drainage in the plant .................................................................................................................. 36
7 References .................................................................................................................................. 37
Annex A .................................................................................................................................................... 38
Annex B .................................................................................................................................................... 40
Mr. Grigori Badalyan Armenian Society of Food Science and Technology, Armenia
Mr. Hans-Werner Bellin † Bellin Consult, Germany
Mr. Elvin Bugge Aquatic Concept Group, Norway
Prof. Karina Grigoryan Yerevan State University, Armenia
Mr. Thorkell H. Halldorsson Marel Food Systems, Iceland
Mr. Stefan Hamacher Interroll Foerdertechnik GmbH, Germany
Dr. Tadeusz Matuszek Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
Mr. Torsten Rusko Baader GmbH, Germany
Mr. Roger Scheffler Commercial Food Sanitation LLC, an Intralox company,
Mr. Hein Timmerman Diversey, Belgium
Mr. Ray Tomsett Wire Belt Co Ltd, United Kingdom
Mr. Peter Uttrup Volta Belting, Spain
Dr. Sanja Vidaček** Faculty of Food Technology & Biotechnology, University of
Zagreb, Croatia
* Report prepared by the Working Group “Fish Processing” of the European Hygienic Engineering &
Design Group (EHEDG)
** Chair
This document includes information on vacuum systems kindly provided by Frank Moerman.
The guideline is intended to provide guidance on hygienic design criteria for equipment manufacturers (when
designing the equipment) and the plant for the fish industry (during the procurement process and installation,
plant design and microbiological sampling). It stresses the current best practices in design of fish processing
equipment and plant to highlight typical hazards and challenges of fish processing and emphasizes the
importance of control of the environment.
This guideline does not cover other sources of hazards (air, water, personnel).
Microbial contamination of fish during processing may arise from various sources including processing
equipment and plant that has not been hygienically designed or adequately cleaned and disinfected. All surfaces,
whether in direct contact with product or not, may harbour sources of contamination of fish. Fish processing
equipment reported as sources of pathogenic bacteria (particularly Listeria) include conveyors, washing tanks,
trimming tables, gutting machines including vacuum systems, filleting, trimming, skinning and pin-boning
machines, refrigerated water systems and ice-machines. Floors and drains are also important sources of
pathogenic and spoilage bacteria in the plant.
To ensure safe product through adequate cleaning and disinfection programs, both the equipment and plant
used for processing and handling food (fishery) products must be designed, fabricated, constructed and installed
according to sound hygienic design principles.
Although different stages of processing and manufacturing may demand different risk based hygienic design
solutions, the fundamental principle of the design of equipment must be to reduce the probability that relevant
microorganisms may concentrate or be allowed to hide and increase.
This document applies to the processing of salmon, white marine fish and freshwater fish during grading/sorting,
stunning, gutting, deheading, slicing, filleting, trimming, deboning, pin-boning, skinning (including its ice
producing system) until packaging in boxes with ice but excluding further processing. It includes the processing
of fish on the fishing vessels as well.
In this guideline, the final product is defined as packed chilled gutted/filleted fish or chilled fish portion. Hygienic
requirements for modified atmosphere and vacuum packaging, cold stores and other storage facilities are not
Fish processing equipment should meet the requirements outlined in several EHEDG Guidelines which may be
found on the EHEDG website and are cited at the end of this document.
2 Normative References
The following documents contain rules that, by way of reference, constitute provisions of this EHEDG Guideline.
At the time this guideline was finalised, the editions listed below were valid. All documents are subject to revision,
and parties are encouraged to ensure that they refer to the most recent edition.
3 Definitions of terms
The EHEDG definitions according to the EHEDG Glossary apply to this guideline (download from
Organic film that is formed due to interaction of microorganisms and organic substances on surfaces, covered
with an extracellular matrix, in which the cells tend to have high resistance to chemicals,
compared to freely-suspended cells.
Unwanted materials (skin, heads, gills, intestines, fins, trims) which are removed from the fish during the
The removal of soil, food residues, dirt, grease or other objectionable matter (Codex).
CIP (cleaning-in-place)
System that cleans solely by circulating and/or flowing chemical detergent solutions and water rinses by
mechanical means onto and over surfaces to be cleaned, without dismantling (adapted from ISO 22000).
Note: CIP efficiency depends on 5 T's – time, temperature, titration, turbulence and technology.
Any biological or chemical agent, foreign matter or other substance not intentionally added to food, which may
compromise food safety or suitability (Codex).
The introduction or occurrence of a contaminant in food or food environment (Codex).
A device for separating (discharge) solid and liquid particles from the air stream.
The reduction, by means of chemical agents and/or physical methods, of the number of microorganisms in the
environment, to a level that does not compromise food safety or suitability (Codex).
Note 1: The destruction of microorganisms, but not usually bacterial spores (BSI 5283). Disinfection reduces
the microorganism population to a level acceptable for a defined purpose e.g. a level which is harmful neither
to health nor to the quality of food
Note 2: Specifically in USA the term sanitization is more commonly used in the food industry
Infrastructure used for the drainage of one building and associated buildings or yards.
Expanded polystyrene, a rigid and tough, closed-cell foam, usually white and made of pre-expanded polystyrene
beads. EPS is moulded to sheets for building insulation.
Difference in level between a higher and lower point of an inclined surface.
A biological, chemical or physical agent in, or condition of, food with the potential to cause an adverse health
effect (Codex).
Hazard analysis
The process of collecting and evaluating information on hazards and conditions leading to their presence to
decide which are significant for food safety and therefore should be addressed in the HACCP plan (Codex).
Note 1: Hazard analysis is a crucial step in the implementation of an HACCP plan.
Note 2: Hazard analysis must not be confused with risk analysis.
Hygienic design
Design of equipment and premises to assure the control of food safety hazards, to maintain product quality and
to enhance cleanability.
Labyrinth seal
A labyrinth seal is a type of mechanical seal that provides additional protection for a sealing system.
Gram-positive, non-spore-forming, motile, facultatively anaerobic, rod-shaped pathogenic bacteria that cause
infection listérioses.
Parallel cleaning
In parallel cleaning 2 or more objects are cleaned by a split flow in order to clean the objects simultaneously.
The result is that due to different hydraulic resistance and pressure drops, imbalanced flows will occur and CIP
conditions will be uncontrolled.
Pathogenic bacteria
Pathogenic bacteria are the certain groups of bacteria that can cause disease.
Food that when purchased, does not require a pathogen “elimination step” (e.g. cooking) prior to consumption.
A function of the probability of an adverse health effect and the severity of that effect, consequential to a
hazard(s) in food (Codex).
Note 1: In Codex terminology 'risk' relates to food safety and not to quality related matters. It is expressed as
the probability or frequency of an adverse health effect caused by a specified hazard e.g.” the risk of disease D
in Country X is n for 100 000 persons per year”.
Note 2: In non-Codex context, risk is synonymous to probability or likelihood.
Note 3: In hygienic design context, it is about the prevention of spoilage as well as adverse health-effects.
A spacer is a fastener that is used to ensure sufficient distance between two parts (mainly stainless steel part
and plastic one) that the area between them is accessible for cleaning. The fastener can be special made
threaded item or simply a bolt going through a spacer (i.e. a shaft material with a centerline hole through it).
Spoilage bacteria
Spoilage bacteria belong to the group of bacteria that cause food to deteriorate and develop unpleasant odors,
tastes, and textures. These microorganisms can cause meat, fish, fruits and vegetables to get mushy or slimy,
and to develop a bad odor and taste.
Spray bars for belts are mechanical components that are usually installed on the belt conveyor frames and are
used to clean the inside and outside surfaces of conveyor belts. Also known as ACS (Automatic-Cleaning-
The physical or visual division of the plant into sub-areas, leading to the segregation of different activities with
different hygiene levels.
In order to prolong shelf-life, fish processing should be conducted quickly and at low temperature.
Processing equipment and lines should therefore be designed and installed in a way that allow fast and
uninterrupted passage of fish through the plant.
To avoid the contamination of edible parts from by-products, the processing plant should be arranged in hygienic
zones separated one from another (see Figures 1 and 2; heavy separating bars represent zones.).
By-products should be handled in a way that does not create a hazard to the edible parts of fish.
Equipment should be designed and installed in a way that does not physically damage fish.
Specific characteristics
Fish present a hygienic design challenge because the various species have different properties to consider
including the size and shape, fat content, skin texture, scales and the number and size of bones.
The amount of fat in fish varies, not only between species, but also depending on their life-cycle stage. Fat on
surfaces is generally removed by cleaning at higher temperatures. Fish also have a lot of protein to be removed
(proteins in blood and muscle). These are more easily removed by cleaning at lower temperatures.
Some fish species require de-scaling. Scales are difficult to remove during cleaning and disinfection. The
presence of scales has an impact on the cleaning procedures and design of the drainage in the plant.
Some species are easier to process while others need additional operations that prolong the time for processing
(for example – removal of pin bones in carp or salmon).
4.2.1 Processing
During processing, fish and food contact surfaces are usually exposed to the environment around the equipment.
To achieve safety of the final product, complex control measures are put in place that involve not only the
equipment, but also correct installation within the plant, control of the environment (air-ventilation, water, ice,
packaging, other equipment and parts, boxes) and good hygienic practices by the workers.
Cleaning and disinfection is often performed as COP procedures, with appropriate types and concentrations of
chemicals, mechanical force and time of exposure at adequate temperatures. The majority of processing is
conducted in open systems and equipment. EHEDG Documents 8, 13 and 44 provide important guidance for
hygienic design.
Some areas of the equipment may be closed systems, for example pipes and cyclones that require CIP
procedures. EHEDG documents including 9 and 16 provide important guidance for closed systems.
A wet and humid environment that without suitable control has the ability to support rapid microbial growth is a
significant challenge when considering hygienic safety.
In a wider perspective, excessive water consumption contributes not only to the hygienic safety, but to the
economic and ecologic challenges of the fish processing. The reception and transportation of live fish,
transportation and cleaning of fish after stunning and gutting, cleaning and disinfection of surfaces, ice
production and different non-product related processes are operations where water is used in large amounts.
For example, average water consumption for processing salmon is 0.45 m3 of fresh and 4.2 m3 of seawater per
ton of the processed fish. The average consumption during the processing of white fish is lower, 0.3 m3 of fresh
and 2.5 m3 of seawater per ton of the processed fish.
Wherever possible the amount of water used and consumed should be reduced. From the economic and
ecologic point of view, clean seawater may be used as alternative source of water (EFSA, 2012) for example in
the reception and transportation of live fish, the transportation and cleaning of fish after stunning and gutting
and also in ice production. It is important to aknowledge that poor-quality sea water is a source of microbiological
hazards. Nonetheless, there is currently not sufficient data on microbiological hazards to estimate the public
health risks associated with the uses in on-land establishments for handling and washing fishery products or for
the production of ice used for chilling. According to EFSA, when seawater is used for purposes that do not
involve a direct contact with fish (physical cleaning operations of utilities, surfaces, floors, equipment in food
facilities such as fish markets, auctions, fishery ports) or for the cleaning of whole raw fishery products the
exposures associated with those operations are low. Higher exposure to microbiological hazards will occur
where seawater will be in contact with prepared, processed, and/or ready-to-eat fishery products. For these
uses it is recommended that the hygienic quality of seawater is assured by source water protection combined
with actions resulting from a more comprehensive sanitary survey and mandatory water treatment (EFSA, 2012).
It is important that fish processing equipment is designed to use water efficiently and where applicable efficiently
collect water. The design should minimise the amount of water for efficient cleaning and disinfection.
Measures to reduce humidity include efficient ventilation and drainage plus efficient drying of equipment.
EHEDG Doc. 44 provides guidance.
Where possible, management should promote the operation of a dry-floor policy (waste and run-off captured at
source, no hosing/jetting during production, hoses locked during production, solid waste scraped and scooped
up) which will minimize microbial contamination.
When processing marine species, the environment is salty, particularly when fish are processed on the fishing
vessels, and sea water is used. Some fish are also mixed with salt immediately after being caught to prolong
shelf life.
Salts are comparatively corrosive and encourage biofilm formation (mucus in combination with sea water results
in the fast formation of biofilms). Therefore, the materials used in processing equipment must be corrosion
resistant plus the salty environment must be considered when selecting chemicals for cleaning and disinfection
together with the cleaning processes that must be regular, proper and efficient.
Various steps are required to process fish depending on the species, their origin (wild or farmed), pre-rigor or
post-rigor and the required finished product. Steps typically include receiving, evisceration (gutting), deheading,
filleting or cutting, trimming and packing with limited washing steps and grading/sorting in between. Additional
steps may involve stunning, skinning, scaling and pin-boning. Processing machines are normally connected by
These operations are separated by (physical) barriers in order to prevent contamination. The number and types
of hygienic zones depend on many factors and each food processor should conduct a risk assessment when
designing processing plant. Generic flow diagrams of the pre-rigor salmon and cod processing to fillets with the
examples of the hygienic barriers involved are presented in Figures 1 and 2.
The following steps and operations are excluded from the Figures 1-2, but are included in the guideline:
(from live fish tank)
(bleeding tank)
/ GUTTING by-product removal
(washing tank) whole gutted fish
deheaded gutted fish
heads removal
by-product removal
Figure 1 – Generic flow diagram of salmon processing starting from the receiving step of live fish
(in bold are automated operations, in brackets are operations that may be undertaken dependent on the final
product, horizontal lines between steps denote barriers between the hygiene zones in the plant)
In many factories, however, the processing starts post-mortem and includes grading following by gutting,
washing, deheading, filleting, trimming, final trimming, pin-boning, (skinning) and packaging.
/ GUTTING by-product removal
(washing tank) whole gutted fish
deheaded gutted fish
heads removal
by-product removal
5 General Considerations
General hygienic design requirements that are of major importance for fish processing are described in EHEDG
Documents 8, 13, 23, 32, 43 and 44. To address the specific and stringent requirements found in fish processing
(outlined in chapter 4) special considerations for materials, equipment and installations are listed below.
6 Special Considerations
6.1 Equipment
Several materials (mainly stainless steels and plastics) are used in the production of the fish processing
equipment. EHEDG Doc. 32 provides the recommendations for the materials for food processing equipment.
Stainless steel
The majority of equipment is made from stainless steel. The selection of the most appropriate stainless steel
grade will depend on the conditions of intended use, as well as the stresses to which the steel will be subjected
and the demands of machinability, formability, weldability, hardness and cost. Product contact surfaces should
be constructed of 1.4301 (AISI 304), 1.4307, 1.4306 (AISI 304L), 1.4401 (AISI 316), 1.4404 (AISI 316L), or at
least equally corrosion-resistant metal that is non-toxic and non-absorbent as recommended.
Stainless steels of the austenitic family are used in a very wide range of fish processing equipment. From the
austenitic stainless steel grades (Cr-Ni steels) for basic corrosion resistance, the equipment in the fish industry
is mainly manufactured from 1.4301 (AISI 304). Where more corrosive environments are expected (for example
on board fishing vessels or in other very salty conditions) requirements include the choice from austenitic
stainless steel grades (Cr-Ni-Mo steels) for higher corrosion resistance. In the fish industry, these are mainly
from 1.4401 (the AISI 316 types). Austenitic stainless steel grades for better machinability include stainless
steels which contain sulphur, lead or selenium to improve their machinability like 1.4305 (AISI 303) are not
recommended. This grade will not withstand corrosion well due to blood, salty conditions and corrosive cleaning
For knife blades, cutters or other applications where hardness is required, martensitic stainless steels are used
(AISI series 400).
Excessive heat tinted (discoloured) zones on machine parts from welding; straightening by heat or flame-cut
surfaces shall be avoided. If not avoidable, it must be removed, or they will be susceptible to corrosion.
Appropriate chemical treatment such as pickling and passivation or mechanical treatment such as polishing,
electro polishing, sublimation, of these zones should be applied to avoid corrosion.
The majority of the parts of fish processing equipment are made of HDPE (high density polyethylene, PEHD300,
PEHD500 and PEHD1000) and POM (polyoxymethylene/acetal). The selection of the material will depend on
the conditions of intended use. For example, when manually trimming fish fillets transparent acryl plates are
used as trimming tables to allow backlighting through.
Plastic materials for food contact must fulfil the EU regulation 10/2011 (Part of the EU 1935/2004).
Ideally all points requiring lubrication should be positioned outside the food product area, to minimize probability
of contamination. For incidental contact with food, the lubricants must meet the requirements of ISO 21469 and
are minimal registered category H1.
Lubricants are often sources of bacteria in fish processing, because of very wet environment. The presence of
water in lubricants, in combination with a temperature conducive to the formation of bacteria, is a source of risk.
It is advisable to carry out regular checks on lubricants to determine whether they contain bacteria. EHEDG
Documents 13 and 23 apply.
Surface roughness
Many different finishes are used in the fish processing industry depending on the function and purpose.
Product contact surfaces should have a maximum surface roughness of 0.8 μm (Ra).
Parts in the non-product zone should have a maximal roughness of Ra 3,2 µm. If the surface needs to be
improved, it is possible with etching, grounding, polishing and electro-polishing.
Equipment should be designed, constructed and maintained in a cleanable condition to prevent the ingress,
survival and growth of microorganisms. The basic (general) requirements include the following:
— All surfaces should be smooth, without ridges or crevices. This applies to the materials of construction
(6.1.1) and to the joining of different components. Bolted contact surfaces (dismountable joints) should be
avoided when good quality welding is a possible alternative. If dismountable joints cannot be avoided, the
available hygienic solutions should be used (bolts with a washer covered by an elastomeric seal).
— The equipment should be designed without sharp corners; minimal radius is 3mm, preferably equal to 6 mm.
— The equipment should be self drainning. In order to have maximal drainability of horizontal surfaces,
equipment should have a minimum slope of 3°. In the fish industry however, a larger slope - between 5°
and 15° - is more effective because of the large amount of water during production; attention should be paid
to bottom surfaces.
Cleanability has to be validated and verified after installation of the processing lines. All surfaces should be
cleanable as measured by total viable bacterial count (TVC) and, if applicable, absence of pathogens, when the
item is rinsed. Acceptable RLU (device specific Relative Light Unit) when measured by residual ATP, and/or
negative for residual protein or carbohydrate when using swabs to detect residual protein or carbohydrate
(measured post installation).
All surfaces in the product zone should be accessible for cleaning and inspection.
When used in the product zone components with inaccessible surfaces that do not allow the penetration of
detergent and access to mechanical cleaning must be designed to be easily disassembled without tools to allow
COP. Preferably, equipment should be CIP-able and have a CIP system installed.
The equipment manufacturer should supply a cleaning operation manual to the user (cleaning personnel). The
manual should describe how to dismantle the equipment and clean the parts.
Equipment for fish processing is usually very complex. The fundamental principle is that design of any element
of equipment or assembly of joined elements should not allow any increase in the concentration of relevant
microorganisms. Various EHEDG guidelines are available on the hygienic design of the single elements. Joining
them should follow the same basic principles for cleanability. General recommendations include:
— The equipment should be as open as possible. Available time for cleaning in the processing of fresh
fish is limited. Open design of the equipment means better access for cleaning.
— The construction should be designed without dead (or hidden) areas where water, detergents or dirt may
collect and accumulate and cannot be easily removed. As the processing operations in the fish industry
are performed under constantly wet conditions, hidden areas inside the machines which are difficult to
reach and clean, are often sources of contamination.
For example, a large proportion of machines will have many plastic components connected to the steel
surface without an elastomer seal. The plastic is often considered as a seal in itself, but this is not a
barrier against bacteria growth and biofilm formation. There are several solutions of avoiding this problem:
• Removable plastic parts for easy cleaning
• Inserting a spacer, so it is possible to clean and disinfect behind the plastic parts.
• Use elastomer to seal the plastic components.
— Although the equipment is very often complex, simple hygienic design principles such as reducing the
number of different product contact surfaces or parts can reduce the quantity of possible hazard
transfer vectors to the product.
Figure 4 – Example of reducing the number of parts on the fish processing machine
An inter-disciplinary management group should be set up early in the procurement process to consider and
specify the equipment. This will protect the investment from faults which is especially important with regard to
hygienic design and cleanability. The management group may include the production manager, hygiene shift
manager, engineering manager, quality manager, procurement manager and external consultancy.
— When buying new equipment, it is important to consider and specify all the aspects that affect hygienic
design and how easy the equipment is to clean and disinfect.
— Hygienic design principles must be used as a basis during evaluation of the equipment with regard
to hygiene / cleaning.
— The group should inspect prospective equipment (or equivalent equipment) during the procurement
— The equipment must be specified using technical specifications and drawings / diagrams.
— An installation procedure must be developed and reviewed together with external fitters in order to
prevent undesirable cross-contamination during installation.
— All equipment must satisfy the regulations in the country in which it is installed.
— Documentation, delivery and follow-up must be in accordance with the requirements in ISO 14159.
(compliance with the Machine Directive is a minimum for CE marked equipment). Documentation for such
aspects must be requested during the procurement process.
— Ensure adequate follow-up / commissioning of the equipment following installation. Preferably one
to several weeks on large lines.
— Dismantling and sampling must be carried out three months after commissioning to check that the
equipment is being correctly cleaned and sanitised. This must be done in collaboration with the equipment
A signed, written agreement must exist between the supplier and the purchaser, which specifies all the
aforementioned aspects and which includes drawings / specifications of the agreed equipment.
The collection tanks and system should have suitable lids or manhole to allow cleaning and inspection. If
possible, connections to CIP should be made.
Specific fish processing equipment is designed for each process, e.g. to eviscerate and dehead the fish, cut
fillet, remove pin-bone, skin or trim the fish. These pieces of equipment are very complex and consist of many
of the same elements. They should be hygienically designed and installed. These elements include:
Tool (knife)
The knives are made from appropriate material (stainless steel) with suitable surface roughness. For knife
blades where hardness is required, martensitic stainless steels are used. Knife attachments shall be hygienically
designed and allow for easy removal for cleaning and replacement of blades. Knives will become blunt over
time. Blunting influences the quality of cutting and increases the amount of debris on the surface of equipment.
Debris from the cutting operation should be constantly removed from the equipment. There is available data on
acceptable blunting limits for different knives. The operation or running time for different knifes should be given
in the operation manual from the machine supplier. The machine supplier should describe in the operation
manual how to sharpen the knifes.
Components required to move and control the knife (motor with gearbox, coupling and power
Electrical connection boxes are not recommended in the product contact area.
Standard electric drives (electric motor with gear box) can contaminate the product. These drives are often not
cleanable, made of material with limited corrosion resistance and have an open air cooling (spread microbes).
These kinds of drives should be covered by housing in a hygienic way (EHEDG Documents 13, 43 and 44).
It is possible to use electric drives without additional housing if these drives are designed to the following rules:
— Surfaces of the motors should be smooth. Screws or sharp corners and recesses have to be avoided as
dirt, slime and bacteria can accumulate on these design elements. If recesses are needed, follow minimum
radius recommendation from EHEDG Doc. 13, R≥ 3 mm.
— Material should be corrosion resistant.
— Complex geometries or features (such as cooling ribs, grooves in the gear assembly, unused or threaded
holes, screw heads) that prevent proper cleaning or that may give rise to build-up of unhygienic
substances, must be avoided.
— The high demand on cleaning and the very wet environment in a fish processing plant requires a high
ingress protection rate of minimum IP66 or NEMA 6 which is normally enough when the cleaning pressure
is around 20 – 40 bar. An ingress protection of IP69k (max. allowed water jet cleaning pressure up to 100
bar) or NEMA 6P for motors is recommended if higher cleaning pressure is required.
— Gear boxes need to be executed with H1 food grade lubricants (for incidental food contact).Regular
inspection of seals to avoid possible oil leaks is recommended. If oil less motors are used, a regular
inspection is not required.
— Advanced hygienic design of an electrical motor includes additional water cooling. The water cooling will
avoid warm motor surfaces.
Conveyor system
The conveyors on these machines follow the same recommendations as the complete systems (
Cleaning installation
Medium pressurized water systems 20-40 bar are generally recommended in the fish industry. For white fish 20
bar allows a good cleaning result, for fatty fish such as salmon, minimum 40 bar will be required. The use of
higher pressure rinse guns (>80 bar) in the food industry should be eliminated in high risk/high care food
processing sectors due to the significantly increased risk of cross-contamination. A disadvantage of a high
pressure system is that it causes atomisation since water droplets are a lot smaller in comparison to those
generated by low and medium pressure systems. After impact on a surface, these contaminated water droplets
are dispersed into the local atmosphere and will remain there for several hours before descending onto already
cleaned surfaces or product, thereby leading to cross-contamination.
Because water droplets generated from low and medium pressure systems are a lot larger, the risk of
atomisation is significantly reduced. However, it does not matter what pressure is used for the cleaning process,
overspray will always occur and contaminate nearby surfaces. Therefore, cleaning methods should be designed
such that operators are aware of this happening and procedures are put in place to ensure that the risk is
Some equipment may have internal or external spray bars (or automatic cleaning systems) installed.
Recommendations listed in apply.
Electric installations should be cleanable, adequately installed, with no dead spaces and should be drainable
(recommendations given in EHEDG Documents 43 and 44).
In very wet environment of the fish processing, electric installations should have a minimum ingress protection
category as high as possible. The choice of the IP protection depends on the cleaning pressure (see above).
Using hot water to regularly clean equipment that is in a wet environment and at temperatures below +5°C
may cause condensation (moisture) to form inside electricity connection boxes, especially if the box is made
from stainless steel. The moisture may raise the risk of electrical failure through shorting and also encourages
bacterial growth. Therefore, electric connection boxes are not recommended in the product contact area.
Vacuum systems
Vacuum systems are among the main contaminators within processing factories. In the fish processing industry,
vacuum systems are used in different ways for example:
Figure 7 – Example of a vacuum system for transportation of by-products in the fish industry with
critical points
When used, vacuum systems should be properly designed, installed and cleaned. Two main requirements are:
— A vacuum system should be cleaned all of the way through the system.
CIP is a recommended technology to clean and disinfect the closed pipeline system including the cyclone,
valves and clamps.
Materials of construction
Stainless steel is a recommended material for pipeline and a cyclone. Plastic pipes are not recommended.
Plastic pipes and hoses are normally not suitable for CIP cleaning.
Vacuum source
The vacuum pump should be installed away from the product contact area and outside the production area to
keep the motor and the pipe system behind the cyclone. The pumps normally do not conform to hygienic
design requirements, see EHEDG Doc. 17. It is recommended that they are housed in a technical room that
is not too cold.
The exhaust pipe must be installed in a way that it is not possible for the exhaust to re-enter the production
room. The exhaust of the vacuum source must be ventilated to the outside of the factory and should be
designed to prevent any source of contamination (e.g. insects) from entering (should have a louver and
The cyclone should be installed outside the production area and should be connected to the CIP. The cyclone
must be designed for easy cleaning:
— big covers and openings are recommended (Figure 9)
— conical bottom with the outlet
— spray devices to enable CIP cleaning
The vacuum piping system contains many connections. The process must be laid out in a way that no product
or liquid from the pipe can drip on the product (back flow prevention). Especially in processes where the
vacuum work is synchronized, special care is needed.
All pipework should be installed inclined at a small angle for the water to drain towards the cyclone (from the
pump and from the machinery). The pipe that goes from the equipment should be installed to the lower part of
the machine
The pipe system has to be designed and installed according the existing rules:
— Welding of pipes and pipe couplings should follow the requirements set in EHEDG Doc. 16 and 35
— Installation of pipework should be according to the requirements of EHEDG Doc. 44. For example:
clearances between pipes and supporting elements (walls or ceilings) must be adequate, routes for pipes
through walls and ceilings must be hygienically designed and maintained, the pipework should be simple
and straight where possible with few joints, drainable and free of dead legs with adequate insulation to
prevent of condensation forming.
— Equipment should be connected with fixed couplings. If this is not possible due to vibrations or other
technical concerns, hygienically connected flexible hoses may be used.
Valves should be easy to clean and meet hygienic design criteria.
Due to the existence of solid parts of different shapes in the waste, hygienic valves used in processes for liquids
or gas cannot be used in most of the applications. Ball valves are typically used for this kind of application.
Traditional ball valves are not designed for CIP (EHEDG Doc. 14).
Special care needs to be addressed to the area between the housing and the outside surface of the ball. This
cavity needs to be cleaned frequently (dismantled, flushed through separate connection, hermetically sealed).
A common method to flush ball-valves, is at least to “flip” the valves during the flow of rinsing water, cleaning
chemicals and sanitation. Regular inspection can validate this approach.
Recommended technology is CIP. Depending on the type of product the vacuum system is handling, the
hygiene level needs to be specified for that process.
The entire vacuum system should be designed in a way that parallel cleaning is avoided. The diameter of the
piping used for the vacuum system should be kept constant to allow the required minimum CIP flow velocity.
The minimum flow velocity in a circuit should be calculated to obtain the minimum velocity in the section with
the largest diameter. The flow in the pipes should reach a minimum of 1,5 m/s . A vacuum system is build out
of piping with larger diameters then generally used in liquid processing. This will result in a CIP system with a
relatively large footprint and high capacity pumps.
CIP cleaning of all internal surfaces of the vacuum system should be done daily.
Figure 10 – The pipework between pump, cyclone and machinery is designed as a loop for enabling
Although frames and supporting structures are indirect product contact surfaces, they are a well-documented
source of bacteria in wet environments and therefore should be constructed from appropriate materials,
cleanable, corrosion resistant, drainable and maintenance free.
Hygienic recommendations are described in details in EHEDG Doc. 44 and 13, here are listed the most
important points:
— Frames should be free of pits, cracks, corrosion, recesses, open seams, small gaps, lap seams,
protruding ledges, inside threads, bolt rivets and dead areas
— Frame should be designed without horizontal surfaces and should be self-drainable
— Solid profiles are preferred where possible, but for cost and for weight reasons when hollow sections are
used they should always be sealed (preferably by welding which should be hygienically reliable; plastic
end caps/plugs should not be used)
— All parts of a frame should be easy cleanable using round profiles or profiles in diamond design so that
product debris can easily be washed down
— Feet of the frame, castors and hangers should be hygienically designed
— Installation requirements listed in chapter 6.2.1 apply
EHEDG published a Guideline on belt conveyors in the food industry (EHEDG Doc. 43). In Doc. 43, the
following major components of conveyors are described in detail in terms of their function, construction,
cleanability and service/maintenance:
— Belts
— Frames, sub-frames and legs
— Belt support systems
— Belt and product guides
— Drive stations and motors
— Sensors
The conveyor supplier of the fish processing industry should prove the cleanability of aforementioned parts of
the system.
The conveyor system for the fish industry should comply with the following conditions:
— Conveyor systems for use in a typical fish processing line must be constructed to function safely and
hygienically within a wet, damp and cold environment.
— The conveying system design and construction should be sympathetic to delicate nature of fish tissue, the
slippery and sometimes greasy texture of the skin and the presence of fish scales.
— When included in a process line handling chilled fish the conveying system should operate at
temperatures between 0 - 4°C.
— The product parameters (size, shape and numbers) and the processing requirement at each stage along
the process line will influence the selection of the type of conveyor belt and the general conveyor design
and configuration.
A suitable type of conveyor belt must be selected to meet the transporting and environmental requirements
for each stage of the process line and the type, size and shape of the fish. Many types of conveyor belting are
approved for use with foodstuffs and are suitable for the transportation of fish.
Belts may be full faced to provide maximum product support (homogenous belts, some metal belts) or of
open or modular structure to allow wash through and drainage (modular belts, wire belts, some metal belts,
round and V-profile belts). Acceptable belting materials include stainless steel and approved polymeric materials.
The surfaces of homogenous belts may be textured to provide purchase or grip for the slippery product. Such
textured belts must comply with the requirements for cleanability.
Conveyor belts should be endless. Conveyor belts can be made endless by means of welding or mechanical
joining. Mechanical joining allows easier dismantling but can form a trap for bacteria any joining should be
carried out in a hygienic manner (EHEDG Doc. 43)
Conveyor belt must not deteriorate or the surfaces degraded/damaged by the cleaning process and/or
the process (knives). When, for example, open mesh wire belting is used, one should avoid the use of
hypochlorite cleaners and peroxide disinfectants that reduce belt life through surface pitting.
Any damaged belt is a hygienic hazard. All belt surfaces should be regularly examined for damage. Any
damage found should be quickly repaired or replaced to reduce the hygienic hazard (in a hygienic manner;
EHEDG Doc. 43).
All types of belts described in details in EHEDG Doc. 43 can be recommended for direct fish contact during the
fresh fish processing. Here are presented some constructional and cleanability considerations.
Plastic Modular Belts are normally low tension systems which cater for easy access for cleaning and easy
maintenance. Special care has to be followed when cleaning and it is recommended to follow the cleaning
procedures of the manufacturer.
Toothed Homogenous Belts are “solid and flexible” versions of the Plastic Modular Belt. By being solid, these
belts eliminate cavities of the Plastic Modular Belts, and are as such easier to clean. Cleaning procedures of
the manufacturer have to be followed.
Timing Belts are always positively driven. When correctly tensioned, they have no slippage and are often used
to transfer motion for indexing or timing purposes (hence their name). Ordinary Timing belts may prove almost
impossible to clean thoroughly due to their inherent design using a traction layers as well as very narrow flights
in the tooth design.
Synchronous Homogenous Belts use embedded cords as a traction layer, and are normally flight free for much
easier cleaning. These belts types are recommended when a positioning or indexing function is required.
Ordinary Timing Belts may not have the sufficient width, and normally incorporate "flights" in the belt design,
rending them almost impossible to clean thoroughly. Cleaning procedures of the manufacturer have to be
Homogenous Flat Belts are “solid and flexible”, some with reinforcing members that are either cords or fabric.
Cleaning procedures of the manufacturer must be followed.
The complete belt surface, including the underside of homogenous and modular belting, must be
accessible for cleaning. Modular, round and V-profile belts, wire belting and some metal belts may be cleaned
through the open structure.
Cleaning can be carried out manually and additionally by spray-bars. The spray-bar system cleans the belt
and some other parts of the conveyor system (sprockets), but not the frame (Doc 43).
Spray-bars clean conveyor belts quickly, effectively, and consistently while minimizing water usage. Spray bar
should be optimally located to increase and expedite debris removal, plus a spray pattern designed to
thoroughly clean the belt top surface and underside, and in particular hinges if modular plastic belts are being
Water pressure for belt cleaning is commonly recommended at 20 to 40 bar, depending on the soil and
application environment (in the salmon industry, for example, water pressure for belt cleaning is 40 bar).
Spray-bars can be used to apply chemicals as well. In some cases, it requires the detergent not necessarily
being applied as a foam but in liquid form. Same applies to the disinfection agent. Spray bar systems are
generally recirculation systems and therefore particulates of product debris can gain access into the spray
bars which must then be cleaned. In order to design the right system, it is recommended to ask a spray-bar
supplier who is able to determine the best set up, water flow, nozzle size, spray pattern, etc. One important
point is to have the nozzles turned a bit ensuring overlap of the sprays in order to have full spray coverage of
the belt surface, as shown in figure 11.
Multiple Cleaning Systems can be connected to a PLC control and pump station. Figure 12 shows a principle
of such a complete system:
Figure 12 – Example of a spray-bar cleaning system including water pressure booster unit,
automated mix unit to mix water & chemicals, zone/segment valves & piping, controller
to handle the cleaning programs application components, spray-bars & nozzles. Pump unit and
chemicals are preferably located in a technical room, outside production.
Spray-bars cleaning system can also be used to spray water on the belts ensuring a continuous removal of
proteins, blood or fish slime during fish processing. This procedure can be done continuously during processing
or in regular intervals depending on the application and process environment. All efforts to reduce the presence
of soil on conveyor belts during production help to reduce risk of cross contamination. Spraying water on belts
for debris removal during production normally happens at low pressure between 3 to 5 bar. This is applied
mainly for skin-on products in order to remove slime and scales.
Drive stations
Due to the open structure of many belts, allowing cross contamination between drive elements and belt surface,
the drive elements are considered product contact surface. They need to adhere to food contact legislation and
General requirements earlier listed apply (section: “components required to move and control the knife”)
Materials used for construction of pulleys, drums, profiles on drums, sprockets and shafts should follow EHEDG
Doc. 32 – Materials of construction for equipment in contact with food. End housings or shells from aluminium
are not suitable to the mix of salt water and cleaning agents as the aluminium will corrode with time (Figure 13).
Any painted or plated steel is not recommended as well.
Recommended drive stations for the open fish processing are therefore hygienically designed stainless steel
drum and gear motors (EHEDG Doc. 43). Non-stainless steel motors should not be used for product contact
Drum motors
Drum shell shapes differ for friction and positive drive belt as shown in Figure 14.
Any soft rubber materials such as NBR, XNBR or similar, are not recommended for open and wet fish processing
as the surface of such materials is in general very rough and can contain little bubbles and micro holes where
slime and dirt can get caught, which is a risk for bacteria to grow. Instead premium hygienic PUR profiles for
positive driven belts are preferred. a (Figure 15).
Crowned stainless steel drums for friction driven belts can be used, as long as the belt tension limit is not
For open food and fish processing it is recommended to use maintenance free stainless steel drum motors (as
well as idlers), which are lifetime lubricated and where the bearings and the gears do not need to be re-greased
after every cleaning process or wash-down. This eliminates the possibility that lubricants may come into contact
with the food product or contaminate other areas. However, regular inspection is recommended.
External bearing mounted idlers or pulleys or drum motors which need to be re-greased are not recommended
in the open fish food processing, as the grease can be washed out and can contaminate other areas and may
also come in contact with the food product (Figure 16).
Figure 16 – Drum motors requiring lubrication versus sealed and lubricated for life versions
Labyrinth seals are not recommended as they are difficult to clean inside between rings (Figure 17) and
therefore present an opportunity for the growth of harmful bacteria. Water and dirt may be caught in the voids
between the sheet metal inside the labyrinth and in any chamber between the labyrinth and sealing system.
Screw should be avoided if Labyrinths contain many gaps and Smooth surface + tight zero
possible. hollow voids gap outer sealing
Figure 17 – Hygienic risks with screws and labyrinth sealings; recommended solution
A hygienically designed drum motor will have a hygienic seal between the drum shell and end housing that
eliminates metal to metal contact (Figure 18).
Stainless steel idlers can be executed in the same hygienic way as the drum motor with integrated and
capsuled bearings and the same ingress protection degree and hygiene benefits.
Gear motors
Gear motors are used in applications where a higher torque requirement or belt tension excludes the use of
drum drives.
The gear should be a closed unit with seal rings keeping oil or grease inside. Fan cooled gear motors can blow
bacteria into the air and are difficult to clean (Figure 19).
Figure 19 – Fan cooled gear motors can blow bacteria into the air and are difficult to clean; smooth,
closed and rust free gear motors with IP66 or higher, insure a hygienic production
Conveyor drives or idlers which need regular maintenance and re-greasing should be generally avoided. If they
are used, they should follow the recommendation outlined in Doc. 43.
General requirements earlier listed apply (section: “components required to move and control the knife”)
Washing tanks are often used for the marine fish processing where refrigerated sea water is used to chill the
fish. These chill tanks are connected to a circulation pipeline and the compressor.
These pipelines are difficult to clean, and biofilm formation may occur. The use of hot water in the pipes is
restricted as there are chill compressors incorporated. A CIP-unit is recommended to clean and disinfect the
The tanks should be ideally connected directly to the water treatment facility with appropriate sized pipes to
avoid flooding the floors.
Fish fillets or portions are often packed in boxes with ice and this process may affect the hygienic status of fish.
As the fish come into direct contact with the boxes and ice it is important that the ice making equipment, boxes
plus the handling and packing systems and processes be hygienically designed, installed, handled, inspected
and cleaned regularly.
Ice is recognised as a significant potential source of contamination in fish processing. It is used in the
transportation of raw fish to the processing facility and following processing when the final product is packed in
boxes with ice.
There are different types of ice but the most often used are flake ice, plate, tube and block ice. There are many
aspects (cooling rate, volume, economics and maintenance) that may play a role in deciding the type of ice
used and the fish technologist should analyse these different aspects when deciding the appropriate type of ice
used. Ice machines differ in design in relation to the different forms of ice produced.
Contaminants may be introduced into ice in many different ways, by dust from the floors, by reusing soiled
containers, through human hand contact etc. The hazards should therefore be controlled at different levels:
during the machine manufacturing, the installation in the factory, by preventive maintenance, use of adequate
cleaning protocol and frequency of cleaning, water quality (a safe, potable water supply shall be used to produce
ice), and during the ice transportation, storage and handling.
Ice machine
Unhygienically designed ice machines favour formations of biofilm made of bacteria and associated slime of
mould that accumulates on surfaces of the machines. The inner surfaces of ice machines are particularly prone
to the growth of moulds if not cleaned thoroughly and regularly. A cleaner ice machine minimizes microbiological
risks, but also prolongs the shelf-life of the machine, and produces harder, better-quality ice. When water is
frozen, minerals from the water are left behind and often become attached to the surface areas of the ice
In general, ice machine, as any other, should be designed and manufactured to prevent the ingress and growth
of microorganisms and to permit the inspection, maintenance, servicing and cleaning of the equipment and its
components. Ice machine manufacturers should therefore follow general recommendations described before
and in EHEDG Doc. 8 and 13. Basic hygienic recommendations include:
When ice is made from clean seawater (see below recommendations for water) it is recommended that EN
1.4404, EN 1.4432 or 1.4435 (AISI 316L) type stainless steels are used for construction as they are more
resistant to corrosion and attack by chloride ions.
The ice machine should be connected to the main water supply, not to a water storage tank. There should be
an air-break or mix-proof valve, to prevent back-contamination of the water-supply.
It is recommended that the supply water and ice quality is regularly examined. The ice sample should be
collected directly at the point of output. Regularly scheduled preventive maintenance checks including cleaning
and disinfection of the ice machines should be performed. It is important as the attached minerals can act as a
medium for microorganisms to accumulate, grow and disseminate. The maintenance checks should be
performed at a frequency specified by a manufacturer.
When performing cleaning and disinfection of the machine, the correct chemicals should be used and the
manufacturer’s recommendations should be followed. Machines must be cleaned at a frequency specified by
the manufacturer, or at a frequency that preclude accumulation of soil or mould. An automated cleaning system
of the machine is recommended.
Ice should be produced using potable water or clean water (CA, 2012). Making ice out of seawater is often a
practice in fish industry and although acceptable, it is not recommended. Contaminated water/ice is the main
cause for pathogen-loading of fish, posing a serious health hazard to consumers. Seawater is suitable for ice
making provided it is not contaminated.
Disinfection of water before entering the ice machines (for example by UV-system) is recommended.
Suitable ice trolleys, silo systems and chute should be used for transport and storage of ice. These components
should be hygienically designed. For saving time and to store ice in a hygienic way, the use of ice storage
systems with automatic extraction is recommended.
Equipment used for the storage and handling of ice should be routinely cleaned and disinfected before use, and
maintained in a hygienic condition during use.
Regular training of the personnel on the cleaning of the machine and other utensils, on the cleaning chemicals’
usage, and on the hygienic handling of ice should be performed.
If ice has already been used to chill fish or fish products, it should not be re-used for any other hygienic purpose.
It may be contaminated with bacteria and is no longer considered food-grade.
Polyethylene and expanded polystyrene are commonly used materials. General hygienic design criteria apply,
e.g. they should be cleanable, without crevices, sharp corners, edges, and drainable (melted water should drain
away – it is often a source of bacteria). Drain water from melting ice should not be allowed to drain/drip down
into lower boxes of stacked boxes.
Boxes should be regularly inspected for damage, and easily and regularly cleaned.
Polyethylene trays and boxes are often used. They withstand rough handling (when compared to polystyrene
boxes). The dimensions of the trays and boxes are varied and can hold from 1.5kg to 15-20kg of fish
Polyethylene boxes have been reported as source of contamination of a product when damaged and welded.
When damaged, the boxes should be replaced.
a b
Figure 20 – Large polyethylene box produced by rotational moulding (a); Polyethylene box produced
by injection moulding (b)
Large polyethylene boxes are mainly present on the market in two types.
Boxes constructed by rotational moulding process are recommended. Their double wall filled with foam
(normally PE in food industries) acts as an insulator (helps to keep the fish products cold) and a stabilizer to
ensure extra durability and high impact strength of the box, this helps to avoid cross contamination by foreign
matters if a box is damaged.
Boxes produced by injection moulding are normally made out of one single wall construction. These boxes are
more susceptible to breakages and chipped off parts due to its fragile material In order to increase the stability
of the injection moulded boxes, stabilizing bars and profiles may be added to the exterior of the box. From the
cleanability and sanitation perspective these profiles with added corners and faces are disadvantageous making
boxes more difficult to clean. Rotational moulded boxes do not require these bars and profiles and therefore
have a smooth surface.
Both technologies are used in the fish industry. There are economic criteria that drive the purchase of either
technology. The major differences are in price and life time. The boxes produced by rotational moulding process
may cost more than the boxes produced by injection moulding process, but last longer.
Expanded polystyrene boxes can be easier to break, but the thermal performance is very good. For storage,
packaging and transportation of fresh fish the recyclable EPS (expanded polystyrene) boxes with round corners
are preferable. For transportation of iced fresh fish for long distances EPS boxes with drainage holes should be
used, in order to avoid cross contamination by spoilage bacteria.
In open processing, the control of the environment is crucial. Hygienic zones, building design, correct installation
of the equipment for easy access for cleaning, air and personnel control are important.
The building site and design should follow the existing recommendations (EHEDG Doc 44). Inside the building,
internal structure is defined by the number of different hygiene areas/zones. Each zone has different
requirements for the level of hygienic design which are listed in EHEDG Doc. 44.
Food manufacturers should undertake a hazard analysis to determine how many processing areas/zones are
appropriate for the safe manufacture of their product. Fresh fish fillets or portions can be categorized as lower
or higher risk products depending on whether they will be further processed by consumers (cooked) or not
(ready-to-eat products - sushi). An example of zoning during the processing of fresh fish is presented in Figures
Processing lines should be installed in a way that allows easy access for cleaning and efficient drainage.
Additional to the recommendations presented in Documents 13 and 44, important aspects of design and
installation in the fish processing plant are presented in Figure 22.
1 processing level,
2 drainage channels,
3 grid: at least one at the floor area between 35 to 40 m 2,
4 any unit, for example chilling unit, that could create a higher risk, should not be located over the open fish
processing equipment,
5 tap water points,
Most fish processing plants have limited space between the processing lines which can influence the efficiency
of cleaning. Lack of space is also the reason for overlapping the equipment, processing lines or conveyors one
over the other. This can result in dropping the soil and/or water to the product beneath. Overlapping should be
In semiautomatic or automatic processing, fish is transported through many different machines connected with
the conveyor belts. The more machines and belts a fish has to pass, the greater the possibility to accumulate
bacteria. Therefore, reduction of the number of different parts of equipment is recommended.
Ventilation system must have sufficient capacity to dry the equipment after cleaning and disinfection, and
control the formation of condensate during processing.
Data on water consumption, capacity of production and amount of processing lines on the surface area should
be taken into account. The main requirement for drainage in fish processing plant is to reduce as much as
possible the surface water. For this expected result, adequate longitudinal fall with multiple centre channels
should be considered for the area (square meters) where the processing equipment is located (Figure 22).
Relevant to that, centre channels saucer falls to outlets have also to be taken into account. The amount of water
collected from the processing area depends on the type of floor material used and also on the bottom channel
design with appropriate shape, volume and proper flexible seals joints between floor finish and channel edge.
When designing a drainage system for a fish processing plant the high soil load and corrosion potential due to
sea water should be considered in addition to the requirements outlined in EHEDG Doc. 44.
Specifics of every processing line should be taken into account. In salmon processing for example, there is a
wide use of large bleed and chill tanks (50-100 m3). These tanks should ideally be connected directly to the
water treatment facility with appropriate sized pipes to avoid flooding the floors. If this is impossible, the
maximum draining speed from these tanks should not exceed the drain system capacity (this is to avoid flooding
the floors).
7 References
1) Codex Alimentatius, Code of Practice for fish and fishery products (2012), 2nd edition, FAO and WHO.
2) CAC/GL 61 (2007) Guidelines on the application of general principles of food hygiene to the control of
Listeria monocytogenes in foods
3) Carpentier, B., Barre, L. (2012) Guidelines on sampling the food processing area and equipment for the
detection of Listeria monocytogenes. Anses, EURL Lm, Version 3-20/08/2012.
4) EFSA (2012) Scientific Opinion on the minimum hygiene criteria to be applied to clean seawater and on
the public health risks and hygiene criteria for bottled seawater intended for domestic use EFSA Journal
2012;10(3): 2613.
5) EHEDG Doc. 8, Hygienic design criteria, 2nd edition, April 2004.
6) EHEDG Doc. 9, Welding stainless steel to meet hygienic requirements, July 1993.
7) EHEDG Doc. 13, Hygienic design of open equipment for processing of food, 2nd edition, May 2004.
8) EHEDG Doc. 16, Hygienic pipe couplings, 1997.
9) EHEDG Doc. 23 – Part 1, Use of H1 registered lubricants, 2nd edition, May 2009.
10) EHEDG Doc. 32, Materials of construction for equipment in contact with food, August 2005.
11) EHEDG Doc. 34, Integration of hygienic and aseptic systems
12) EHEDG Doc. 43, Hygienic design of belt conveyors for the food industry, April 2016.
13) EHEDG Doc. 44, Hygienic design principles for food factories, 1st edition, September 2014.
14) Guðbjörnsdóttir, B., Einarsson; H., Thorkelsson, G. (2005) Microbial Adhesion to Processing Lines for Fish
Fillets and Cooked Shrimp: Influence of Stainless Steel Surface Finish and Presence of Gram-Negative
Bacteria on the Attachment of Listeria monocytogenes. Food Technol. Biotechnol. 43 (1) 55–61.
15) Meliani, A., Bensoltane, A. (2015) Review of Pseudomonas Attachment and Biofilm Formation in Food
Industry. Poult Fish Wildl Sci 3 (1), 1-7.
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Annex A
Several issues can occur which require specific attention when designing cleaning protocol in the fish industry
such as:
Allergens: validated cleaning regimes and ongoing verification should be implemented to ensure effective
removal of allergens and minimize the risk of cross-contamination.
Fat content: different species of fish will require different concentrations of detergent for soil removal
Ex: salmon has a high content of fat, so it needs high concentrations of causticity and high strict frequencies of
Fish Scales: Fish scales will stick to surfaces; a lot of manual work is needed to remove them. When the surface
is wet one hardly can see the scales. They appear when the surface dried.
Salt content: Some fish is delivered with salt as conservative agent. In case of fish containing high
concentrations of salt for preservation, acid cleaning will be a must
Cold environment: the process environment is mostly kept at very low temperature. Due to the cold
temperature and high humidity, the risk of the prevalence of psychrophilic pathogens, like Listeria spp., is
high and requires specific disinfection measures.
The detergents are the most important type of cleaning agent, and are usually mixed with water before use.
They can be divided into three broad groups, dependent on the kind of solution they form, whether acidic, neutral
or alkaline.
— For organic soil removal: NaOH (caustic soda), KOH (potash). Alkaline detergents can vary in strength from
those that are only a little stronger than the neutral types to ones that are strongly alkaline, consisting almost
entirely of caustic soda, and requiring extreme care in use.
— For inorganic soil removal: H3PO4 (phosphoric acid), HNO3 (nitric acid). Their use is rather limited. They
are extremely effective in removing salts precipitated from water in hard water areas, and in cleaning
aluminium where the acids readily remove the white scale that forms on the surface of the metal.
— Neutral detergents comprise a wide range of materials that are mainly suitable for light duty cleaning. They
are generally similar to household detergents, and their good wetting ability makes them ideal for the
dispersal of grease and oil.
— Chlorine is the most common disinfection agent. It is used in solid form either as a powder or tablets, and
in liquid form, like the domestic bleaches, containing up to 15 per cent chlorine. Chlorine-based disinfectants
are cheap, but their main disadvantage is that the chlorine is easily freed and will fairly quickly disappear.
Chlorines in a salty environment will be highly corrosive.
— Quaternary ammonium compounds, QUATS, have the advantage of possessing a residual action. They not
only kill the bacteria they come in contact with, but remain active on the cleaned surface for a day or so,
thus discouraging further bacterial growth. They are more stable than chlorine and under normal storage
conditions show no loss of activity. In general, the products are easy to handle and working solutions are
odourless, noncorrosive and non-irritant.
— Peroxides such as peracetic acids and hydrogen peroxide are more expensive than chlorine but have the
advantage of being odour free or have a distinct vinegar smell. It breaks down into oxygen and water and
leaves no residual contamination. Its present use in the food industry is as a sterilizer for packages and
machinery which come into constant and direct contact with foodstuffs, for example the sterilization of long
life packaging materials. Its action is very suitable for some specific operations, like CIP. Peroxides and
peracetic acids are replacing QUATS and chlorine in most factories due to its environmental benefits.
The selection of a cleaning agent and a disinfectant must be guided by a specialized hygiene supplier, in order
to select a well suitable solution. The disinfectants should be registered and approved by local authorities, and
suitable for use in a cold environment against the targeted micro-organisms.
Annex B
Sampling and environmental monitoring program
Risk-based sampling will contribute to cost-effective surveillance for increased food safety.
A risk assessment of the production process should be conducted based on the principles of hazard analysis
Guidelines on the application of general principles of food hygiene to the control of Listeria monocytogenes in
foods (CAC, 2007) and guidelines on sampling the food processing area and equipment for the detection of
Listeria monocytogenes (Carpentier and Barre, 2012) should be followed.
Type of samples
— Environmental samples should be taken from food contact and non-food contact surfaces. Food (fish)
contact surfaces have a higher probability of directly contaminating the product, while for non-food contact
surfaces the likelihood will depend on the location and practices, especially the presence of
water (CAC, 2007).
— Raw materials may serve as a source of environmental contamination and may therefore be included in the
monitoring program.
— Product samples should be limited to a minimum, but within regulatory and customer requirements. Product
samples are unsuitable for monitoring (because absence of detection does not prove absence in the whole),
but can be included as part of the sampling program to verify that production procedures and control
program do help to lower Listeria occurrence in products. Sampling is performed on pre-packed final product.
Assessment of hygienic levels of product contact surfaces as well as non-product surfaces should be done one
time per week (at the beginning and at the end of processing). In case of detection of high levels of
contamination of surfaces, intensified control should be performed i.e. sampling of all surfaces should be carried
out from 1 to 3 times per day (before starting of production, after cleaning and washing and disinfection,
at the end of processing).
Monitoring of the equipment, fish contact and non-contact surfaces should be performed according to the
sampling plan. The sampling should be performed during the machine operating (and not on dry equipment)
appropriate for cracks and crevices or scrapers for hard residues. . A good surfaces pressure must be applied
to ensure to swab adhered micro-organisms.
The total sampled area during a sampling campaign should be as large as possible to increase the probability
to detect L monocytogenes. In this regard, it is advised to sample between 1000 cm2 and 3000 cm2 when
possible i.e. when the areas are open and flat (conveyors, shelves, etc.).
Analytical methods
The analytical methods used to analyse environmental samples should be suitable for the detection of L.
monocytogenes and of other defined target organisms. Considering the characteristics of environmental
samples, it is important to validate (by the inclusion of positve challenges/controls) that the methods are able to
detect, with acceptable sensitivity, the target organisms.
Very useful information about the source(s) of L. monocytogenes and pathway(s) that lead to contamination of
the food may be isolated by fingerprinting using one or more of the available genetic techniques (e.g., pulsed
field gel electrophoresis, ribotyping, multiple locus variable number of tandem repeats analysis (MLVA)). It is
important to use the same technique (verified by ring-tests on identical blind control-samples) to be able to
compare the results between factories.
Table 1 - Sampling plan for pathogenic and spoilage bacteria in a fish processing plant
Level of contamination
Environmental samples Normal level Increased level
Gutting machine
Bleeding tank
Scaling machine
Filleting machine
Skinning machine
Plastic boxes
Tables 1x/per week 1-3x/per day
Conveyor belts
When findings are positive, the same sample point should be included at the next sampling. An expanded
sampling should be considered based on risk of contamination to product. The sampling plan should be revised.
In sampling points where Listeria rarely or never is detected sampling frequency can be reduced. Increased
frequency should be considered in the area showing high or increasing incidence of Listeria, this is possibly a
new potential Listeria niche.
It is desirable to create the standard growth curve for pathogenic and spoilage bacteria contaminating the
equipment or fish contact surfaces using the same specific washing and disinfection techniques. Development
a new standard curve of quantitative growth of bacteria is recommended in case of change of the cleaning
technology or when using a new disinfection agent. Example of such growth curve is shown in Figure 23.
Figure 23 – Growth dynamic of Staphylococcus aureus on working tables in fresh fish packaging area
During creation of sampling plans and procedures, special attention should be paid to opportunistic pathogenic
and spoilage bacteria (Coliform bacteria, Aeromonas spp., Pseudomonas spp., Vibrio spp) inherent in the fish
processing environment. The formation of a biofilm by mentioned bacteria on the surface of fish processing
equipment increases the threat of a cross-contamination of fish products. Microbiological sampling and
enumeration of these bacteria on fish contact surfaces, non-food contact surfaces, and fish products coupled
with an auditing system, is of vital importance for food safety. Additionally, it was noted that the presence of
Pseudomonas spp. and Aeromonas spp. would significantly enhance the colonization of L. monocytogenes on
stainless steel surfaces (Guðbjörnsdóttir et al., 2005; Meliani and Bensoltane 2015).
fish portions
Cleaning and
disinfection* FILLETING*
-(skinned) fish fillets
Figure 24 – Flow diagram of freshwater fish processing with critical points and potential sampling
sites of fish contact surfaces
(*sampling sites; in bold are critical points; in Italic are obligatory steps for controlling the cross-contamination
by opportunistic pathogenic and spoilage bacteria (Coliform bacteria, Aeromonas spp., Pseudomonas spp.,
Vibrio spp.) inherent to fresh fish microflora