CMS Class 6 Syllabus
CMS Class 6 Syllabus
CMS Class 6 Syllabus
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Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. –Emerson Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. -Emerson
ENGLISH (Grammar): 1. To develop the power of reasoning.
1. To provide knowledge and understanding of the various aspects of grammar. 2. To develop the power of understanding, interpreting and leading to conclusions.
2. To enable the students to use the rules of grammar in speaking and in writing 3. To develop the ability of problem solving.
4. To create a broader outlook in the life of the learner.
3. To develop linguistic abilities among students and use it for their own expression.
5. To develop the art of observation and experimentation.
6. To develop the power of impartial judgement.
7. To develop curiosity towards the natural phenomenon.
ENGLISH (Composition):
8. To develop the ability of rational thinking and decision making.
1. To develop the ability to speak a coherent set of sentences correctly and
9. To develop an aversion towards superstitions.
continuously on a particular / given topic.
10. To impart training in scientific method and develop a scientific attitude and
2. To enable the students to arrange their ideas logically and express them clearly.
3. To enable the students to develop phonetics, pronunciation and voice modulation
4. To develop an elegant cursive handwriting.
1. To provide an understanding of the government which is necessary to grow into a
responsible enlightened citizen in a secular democracy.
2. To enrich the understanding of those aspects of Indian historical development
HINDI: which are crucial to the understanding of contemporary India.
1. To impart the knowledge of the structure of the language. 3. To awaken a desirable understanding of the various streams which have
contributed to the development and growth of the Indian nation and its civilization
2. To enable the student to use idioms and phrases appropriately through their
and culture.
regular use and practice.
4. To develop a world historical perspective of the contributions made by various
3. To develop the ability to use difficult literary terms appropriately and pronounce
cultures to the heritage of mankind.
them correctly.
4. To enable the student to speak flawlessly and fearlessly and give and understand
speeches. GEOGRAPHY:
1. To develop love for nature and capacity to understand and appreciate natural
beauty and physical forces.
2. To give the knowledge of the land – both Indian and foreign.
3. To develop the ideals of world citizenship, universal brotherhood, co-operation
1. To develop the skills in mathematical computation and calculation.
among human beings and sympathetic attitude towards others.
2. To develop a scientific attitude to analyse any situation logically.
4. To help in adjustment of human life in accordance with geographical
3. To develop the ability of presenting a thought with exactness and brevity. circumstances.
4. To enable the pupils to put forth arguments when convinced about their 5. To give the correct idea of the geographical references as found in books and
correctness without hesitation. newspapers.
5. To help the child to appreciate the geometrical and symmetrical shapes of the 6. To inculcate in the student the desire to take to travelling and tourism.
natural objects.
3 4
Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. –Emerson Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. -Emerson
1. To develop logical and analytical thinking.
October 9 A Special Place 43-47
2. To enable the student to comprehend the concepts and practices of computer
studies. November 10 Fixing the Bicycle 49-54
3. To help the student to comprehend and be able to apply the fundamental concepts 11 Godwin the Mechanic 55-59
of programming.
4. To develop a detailed insight on applications of the computer. December 12 Helping Chishimba 61-66
5. To develop the ability to solve problems using both structured and modular January 13 Confirmation 67-72
6. To create an awareness of ethical issues related to computing. 14 Promising Futures 73-78
7. To appreciate the implications of computer use in contemporary society. February SERVICE PROJECT
8. To acquire knowledge of theoretical concepts, application and programming REVISION
aspects of computer studies.
JUNIOR YOUTH EMPOWERMENT PROGRAMME (JYEP) For Service projects, it is important for teachers to consult with the students,
plan the project and implement it.
Name of the Textbook: Breezes of Confirmation
Author: William Mmutle Masetlha Foundation
Publisher: BPT 5 prayers to be memorised from Prayer Assembly Guidelines.
Suggested Chapter
Name of the Chapter Page
Month Number
April-May 1 Let’s Meet Musonda 1–3
2 Meeting Rose at the Bus 5–9
July 3 Dinner 11-14
4 Whispering at Night 15-18
August 5 Prefer Your Brother 19-24
6 Chishimba 25-30
September 7 The Football Match 31-35
8 The Clinic 37-41
5 6
Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. –Emerson Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. -Emerson
Name of the Textbook: New Mulberry English Course Workbook6 October – Punctuations (Revision)
Author: Ashima Bath, Saswati Dasgupta November
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Direct and Indirect Speech
APRIL – SEPTEMBER Comprehension (Workbook) - (*Integrated with other Vocabulary
Suggested Name of the Chapter Building Topics – Synonyms, Antonyms, One Word Substitution,
Month Phrasal Verbs, Idiomatic Expressions, Homophones and Homonyms)
April – May Sentences (Revision)
December Essay – Narrative (200-250 words)
Nouns / Pronouns (Revision)
Informal Letter
Tenses (Simple Past, Present and Future)
Comprehension (Workbook) - (*Integrated with other Vocabulary
Building Topics – Synonyms, Antonyms, One Word Substitution, Second Mid Term Assessment
Phrasal Verbs, Idiomatic Expressions, Homophones and Homonyms)
July Articles
Poster Making
Informal Letter Writing
January Adverbs
Picture Composition (200-250 words)
Story Writing (200-250 words)
February Formal Letter
Comprehension (Workbook) - (*Integrated with other Vocabulary
First Mid Term Assessment
Building Topics – Synonyms, Antonyms, One Word Substitution,
August Verbs Phrasal Verbs, Idiomatic Expressions, Homophones and Homonyms)
7 8
Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. –Emerson Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. -Emerson
The Language topics mentioned in the ‘Language syllabus’ along with the integrated
‘Grammar and Writing’ topics (in Literature syllabus) should be taught by the
teachers specifically taking Language classes.
The vocabulary building topics may be taken up in the Literature as well as in
Language periods.
The corresponding page numbers for the Writing topics-(Essay, Letter, etc.)
reflected in Language integration section (in Literature syllabus) may be considered
ONLY for reference.
Minimum one comprehension question based on Infographics should be taken up
in each term.
Minimum two comprehension passages should be taken up in each term from the
prescribed workbook.
Grammar exercises from the Coursebook and Workbook should be used for
additional practice / homework (as per the topics).
No fixed number has been prescribed for Homonyms but such words will be
examined in general.
Please note the following suggestions for a formal letter addressed to
‘The Editor’.
(i) ONLY Sir / Madam to be written in salutation. Use of ‘Dear’ should be
(ii) Subscription to be written as ‘Yours truly’.
Students may be trained not to change the tense of the word while attempting
exercises based on sentence formation.
The question paper will be of 80 marks and shall include questions based on
Knowledge, Application and Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS).
The learners will be tested on their previous knowledge of functional grammar (of all
the levels) in the Half Yearly and Annual Examinations.
9 10
Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. –Emerson Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. -Emerson
11 12
Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. –Emerson Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. -Emerson
One Space
One Space
Issued in the public interest by -
The Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India
Name of the authority
13 14
Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. –Emerson Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. -Emerson
15 16
Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. –Emerson Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. -Emerson
17 18
Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. –Emerson Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. -Emerson
fganh Hkk"kk
Name of Textbook : cky fganh O;kdj.k rFkk jpuk
Author : Jherh jkt vxzoky
Publication : xks;y cznlZ izdk'ku
Suggested Chapter
Name of the Chapter Page
Month Number
'kCnksa ,oa okD;ksa dk v'kqf+)'kks/ku ¼uo Hkkjrh
April – May
rFkk cky fgUnh O;kdj.k½
i= & vkSipkfjd
fuca/k & o.kZukRed
foykse 'kCn ¼uo Hkkjrh½
thou] mft;kjs] [kq”kcw] Jksrk] futhZo] vehj]
nksLr] 'kgj] iwoZ] lqanj] lqyHk] ;ksX;rk] vijk/k]
lEeku] funZ;h] vkns”k] Åij] xehZ] ckgj] la;ksx
vusd 'kCnksa ds fy, ,d 'kCn
July 5 laKk 28
First Mid Term Assessment
9 loZuke 46
i;kZ;okph 'kCn ¼uo Hkkjrh½
fpfM+;k] unh] izd`fr] lqcg] buke] fon~;ky;]
vkneh] nqfu;k] uxj] xjhc] jktk] O;kdqy]
vkuan] rkdr] igkM+] xk¡o] ?kj] nksLr] diM+k] /kwi
August Ekqgkojs] vifBr x|ka”k]
i= & vukSipkfjd
10 fp= v/;;u] fo'ks"k.k 52
Jqfrle fHkUukFkZd 'kCn] lwpuk ys[ku 135,
19 20
Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. –Emerson Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. -Emerson
21 22
Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. –Emerson Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. -Emerson
23 24
Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. –Emerson Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. -Emerson
fganh lkfgR;
Name of Textbook : 1. uoHkkjrh Author: 1. MkW0 Hkkjrh ikaMs
2. ,sls Fks gekjs iwoZt 1. d`".k xksiky vkfcn
Publication : 1. dkjMksok
2. U;weSu ifCyds'kUl
Suggested Chapter
Name of the Chapter Page
Month Number
April-May 1 ubZ lqcg ds rkjs ge ¼dfork½ 9
2 nks dykdkj 13
September iqujko`fRr
14 vkRefo”okl 91
25 26
Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. –Emerson Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. -Emerson
27 28
Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. –Emerson Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. -Emerson
Name of the Textbook: World of History and Civics
'kSys 'kSys u ekf.kD;a] ekSfDrda u xts xtsA
1 Author: Vinita Kumar
lk/koks% u fg loZ=] pUnua u ous ousAA Publisher: Cordova Publications PVT. LTD.
29 30
Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. –Emerson Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. -Emerson
August - 4 North America- Location and Physical 38 Please Note: The learners will also be tested on the previous knowledge of the
September Features (along with the map work) political map of India in Annual Examination also.
5 Case Study – Lumbering in Canada 49 Map Work
POLITICAL MAP (INDIA) States & Union Territories with Capitals
Mountains and Plateaus- Brazilian Highlands, Andes Mountains, Bolivian Plateau,
Please Note: The learners will also be tested on the previous knowledge of the Guiana Highlands, Plateau of Mato Grasso, Plateau of Borborema
political map of India in Half Yearly Examination also. Mountain Peaks - Aconcagua, Cotopaxi, Chimborazo
Map Work Rivers- Amazon, Parana, Uruguay, Orinoco, Sao Francisco
POLITICAL MAP (INDIA) States & Union Territories with Capitals Lakes - Patos, Poopo, Titicaca
Strait, Gulfs and Bay- Strait of Magellan, Gulf of San Jorge, Gulf of Panama, Gulf of
North America - Map Guayaquil, Gulf of Venezuela, Grande Bay
Mountains and Plateaus- Rocky mountains, Appalachian Mountains, Denali Deserts - Atacama, Patagonia
(Mt. McKinley), Colorado Plateau, Canadian Shield Places - Rio De Janeiro, Belem, Brasilia, Falkland Island, Cape Horn, Lima, La Paz,
Buenos Aires
Seas - Caribbean, Labrador, Beaufort, Bering Note:
Bays, Gulfs and Straits - Hudson Bay, Gulf of Mexico, Gulf of Honduras, Gulf of UNIT PROJECT – Term 2
California, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Gulf of Alaska, Hudson Strait, Strait of Florida, Bering Month Topic Sub-Topic Date of
Strait Submission
Rivers - Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas, Ohio, St. Lawrence, Yukon, Colorado, Rio December Minerals Iron, copper, coal and 15th January
Grande. - January petroleum 2025
Lakes - Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, Ontario, Winnipeg, Gt. Slave Lake, Salt Lake, Previous knowledge of the students will also be tested in the examination.
Gt. Bear Lake, Lake Athabasca The question paper shall include a fair mix of questions based on
Knowledge, Application and Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS).
Peninsulas – Yucatan, Florida, Alaska
The topic of the Unit Project will also be tested in the examination.
Places - Washington D.C., New York, Chicago, Ottawa, San Francisco Semester system will be followed.
31 32
Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. –Emerson Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. -Emerson
33 34
Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. –Emerson Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. -Emerson
Name of the Textbook: Living Science Physics for Class VI 1. The guidelines and the latest edition of the textbooks should be followed.
(Term 1 and Term 2) 2. All the activities prescribed by the Council for each chapter may be conducted in
Author: Rajen K. Agarwal
the class/laboratory while teaching the chapter.
Publisher: Ratna Sagar
3. Some evidence may be reflected in the notebooks of the learners and in teachers’
lesson plans for the activities conducted.
Suggested Term 1
Chapter 4. Previous knowledge of the student may also be tested in the examination.
Month Name of the Chapter Textbook
Pages 5. Semester system will be followed.
April 2 Physical Quantities and Measurement 13
May 2 Physical Quantities and Measurement
July First Mid Term Assessment CHEMISTRY
July 3 Force and Friction 36 Name of the Textbook: Dr Dalal’s New Simplified Middle School
August Simple Machines 3 Chemistry- Class VI (Term I, Term II)
Author: Dr Viraf J Dalal
(Term 2
Textbook) Publisher: Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
35 36
Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. –Emerson Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. -Emerson
August- 2 Elements, Compounds and Mixtures 20 BIOLOGY
September [Excluding page 21: Physical Name of the Textbook: Living Science Biology VI Term 1 and Term 2
Properties of substances
Author: D K Rao
page 31: 3.Important-Chemical
Publisher: Ratna Sagar
page 32: 4.Representing-A
pages 37 to 47: Unit 2-Mixtures]
Suggested Term 1
Revision Chapter
Month Name of the Chapter Textbook
37 38
Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. –Emerson Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. -Emerson
Textbook 1. The guidelines and the latest edition of the textbooks should be
Pages followed.
October 3 Health and Hygiene [Excluding sub 26 2. The latest guidelines and textbooks should be followed.
3. All the activities prescribed by the Council for each chapter may be conducted
Table 3.2 and 3.3 in the class/laboratory while teaching the chapter.
Types of Arthritis (Pg 34)
4. Some evidence may be reflected in the notebooks of the learners and in
Atherosclerosis given in the teachers’ lesson plans for the activities conducted.
box (Pg 34)
5. Previous knowledge of the student may also be tested in the examination.
November 3 Health and Hygiene (Contd.)
6. Semester system will be followed.
December Second Mid Term Assessment
amylase, pepsin, trypsin and lipase Name of the Textbook: Tekie Accelerate
to be taught, not the other enzymes. Publisher: UOLO Ed Tech Pvt. Ltd.
Table 5.2 to be used for the APRIL – SEPTEMBER (FIRST SEMESTER)
enzymes mentioned above. TERM I BOOK
Assimilation: only definition to be Suggested Chapter
Name of the Chapter Page
taught) Month Number
January 1 Respiratory system in Humans 3 April – May 1 Computer Languages and Types 1
of Computers
(Excluding subtopics: Types of 2 File Management 17
Respiration and Exchange of Gases)
First Mid Term Assessment
February 1 Respiratory System in Humans
July 3 Tables in Google Docs 34
August 5 Introduction to HTML 96
39 40
Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. –Emerson Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. -Emerson
December Second Mid Term Examination ART
* including Introduction to HTML
Name of the Textbook: It’s Time to Learn ART – 6
January 2 More Features of Google Slides 17
Author: R N Malhotra
February 4 AI – Computer Vision 62 Publisher: Eupheus Learning
(* Including Introduction to HTML)
Pages 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,20,22,24,26,27,28 and 29
Note: Semester system will be followed except for programming topics (HTML).
1. The question paper in the Half-yearly and Annual Examination will be of 50 marks
and shall include questions based on Knowledge, Application and Higher Order Pages 32,33,34,36,38,40,43,44,46,50,52,54,56,57,58 and 66
Thinking Skills (HOTS).
2. Previous knowledge of the students may also be tested in the examination. Holiday Winter Break
Homework 1. Worksheet 1
3. Exercises are to be done in the Textbooks.
2. Worksheet 2
4. Written work in the notebooks may be covered in the form of Competency /
Programming based questions and Formative assessments. ANNUAL EXAMINATION
41 42