CS001 Project Specification 1.1
Boxes [can now include figures, tables, mml and lists as required when tagged as below] .......................................... 13
Quotes ............................................................................................................................................................................ 14
Taxonomy [sec-type="taxonomy" has specific formatting rules] ................................................................................... 14
Nomenclature ................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Back matter......................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Author statements .......................................................................................................................................................... 17
Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................................................ 17
References ...................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Journal (element) citations with page range .............................................................................................................. 17
Journal (element) citation with elocation ID (article number) ................................................................................... 17
Journal (element) citation (with URL instead of DOI) ................................................................................................. 17
Mixed citations – Book chapter (with doi) Harvard .................................................................................................... 18
Mixed citations – Web (with URL) Harvard ................................................................................................................ 18
Mixed citations – Book (with URL) Harvard ................................................................................................................ 18
Mixed citations – Conference (with URL) Harvard ..................................................................................................... 18
Mixed citations – Book Vancouver ............................................................................................................................. 18
Mixed citations – Web (with URL) Vancouver ............................................................................................................ 18
Appendices ..................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Footnotes ........................................................................................................................................................................ 19
This document contains all the elements we support from the JATS1.3 DTD.
General rules
• Order of content in the XML must match the order in the PDF
• All id="X1" attributes must be in order within the XML from the top down
• Reference list must be in the correct order so id= order is maintained
• <label> tags cannot contain formatting
Front matter
CS001 project <article-type> supported tags for articles – this will be what gets sent to the aggregators [a full mapping
document will be provided]
CS001 Project Specification 1.1
research-article all variants of research paper, including research notes, communications, etc.
review-article review type articles, including perspectives, viewpoints and named reviews
editorial editorials, forewords, introductions etc.
letter letter to editors, vertical transmission (MA)
article-commentary comment
reply response
book-review book review
news obituaries, news and views (PC), focus paper (CH)
abstract the article is an abstract only (such as IETS abstracts)
<journal-id journal-id-type="publisher-id">XX</journal-id>
<journal-title>Journal Title</journal-title>
<abbrev-journal-title abbrev-type="pubmed">J. Abbrev.</abbrev-journal-title>
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<issn pub-type="epub">XXXX-XXXX</issn>
<publisher-name>CSIRO Publishing</publisher-name>
<addr-line content-type="street">36 Gardiner Road</addr-line>
<addr-line content-type="suburb">Clayton</addr-line>
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<addr-line content-type="state">Victoria</addr-line>
Article information
<article-id pub-id-type="publisher-id">XXXXXXX</article-id>
<article-id pub-id-type="doi">10.1071/XXXXXXX</article-id>
<subj-group subj-group-type="paper-type"><subject>Research Paper</subject></subj-group>
<subj-group subj-group-type="series"><subject>Turner Review No. 26</subject></subj-group>
<subj-group subj-group-type="collection"><subject>Name of special issue/research front here</subject></subj-group>
CS001 project <subj-group-type> tags for articles, these will be used to drive the paper type display on our website and
will match what is shown on the PDF [NOTE they may be different to the ‘article-type’ above]
paper-type By paper type: Research Paper, Review, etc. All types permitted as values
collection To indicate if paper is part of a special collection of papers (i.e. special issue)
series To indicate if paper is part of a known named paper series (i.e. Turner Review)
CS001 Project Specification 1.1
Handling editor
<corresp id="cor1"><label><sup>*</sup></label><bold>Correspondence to:</bold> Name Surname Full
author affiliation Email: <email>email@email.com</email></corresp>
<fn-group><fn id="FN1" symbol="#"><p>These authors contributed equally to this work and should be
considered co-first authors.</p></fn></fn-group>
CS001 Project Specification 1.1
Author biographies
<bio content-type="Author Name" xlink:href="XXXXXXX_B1.gif" id="bio1"><p><bold>Author Name</bold> bio text bio
text bio text bio text bio text bio text bio text bio text bio text bio text bio text bio text bio text bio text bio text bio text
bio text bio text bio text bio text bio text bio text bio text bio text.</p></bio>
<aff id="aff1"><institution content-type="university">The University of Western Australia, School of Agriculture &
Environment</institution>, <addr-line>35 Stirling Highway, Crawley</addr-line>, <city>Perth</city>,
<state>WA</state> <postal-code>6009</postal-code>, <country>Australia</country>.</aff>
CS001 Project Specification 1.1
Copyright information
Open Access
<copyright-statement>© 2023 The Author(s) (or their employer(s)). Published by CSIRO Publishing. This is an
open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0
International License (<ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
xlink:href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/">CC BY-NC-ND</ext-link>)</copyright-statement>
<copyright-holder>The Author(s) (or their employer(s)).</copyright-holder>
<ali:license_ref start_date="YYYY-MM-DD">https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/nc/nd/4.0/</ali:license_ref>
<license-p>CC BY-NC-ND</license-p>
Not OA
<copyright-statement>© 2023 The Author(s) (or their employer(s)). Published by CSIRO Publishing.</copyright-
<copyright-holder>The Author(s) (or their employer(s)).</copyright-holder>
Funding information [data that get sent to aggregators but is not displayed on website]
<award-group award-type="grant" id="AG1">
<funding-source id="GS1">
<institution>Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, State Government of Victoria</institution>
<institution-id institution-id-type="open-funder-registry">http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100009675</institution-id>
CS001 Project Specification 1.1
With subheadings and cultural warning (if required – remove grey if not needed)
<p><i>Warning text warning text warning text</i></p>
<p>Abstract text abstract text abstract text.</p>
<p>Abstract text abstract text abstract text.</p>
<title>Key results</title>
<p>Abstract text abstract text abstract text.</p>
<p>Abstract text abstract text abstract text.</p>
<p>Abstract text abstract text abstract text.</p>
Without subheadings but with warning text (if required – remove grey if not needed)
<p><i>Warning text warning text warning text</i></p>
<p>Abstract text abstract text abstract text.</p>
TOC abstract with warning text (if required – remove grey if not needed) and TOC image
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<alt-text>Alt text less than 120 characters</alt-text>
CS001 Project Specification 1.1
<kwd-group kwd-group-type="author" xml:lang="EN">
<kwd>citrate soluble</kwd>
<kwd>water soluble</kwd>
Heading level 1
<sec-type> tags for H1
conclusions Conclusions/Comment
discussion Discussion/Interpretation
discussion|conclusions Discussion and conclusions
intro Introduction/Synopsis
materials Materials
methods Methods/Methodology/Procedures
materials|methods Materials and methods
results Results/Statement of Findings
results|discussion Results and discussion
supplementary-material Supplementary materials
taxonomy Taxonomy
other Any other H1
<sec disp-level="1" sec-type="intro">
<p>Paragraph text</p>
<sec disp-level="2">
<title>Heading level 2</title>
<p>Paragraph text</p>
CS001 Project Specification 1.1
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<p>Paragraph text</p>
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<title>Heading level 4</title>
<p>Paragraph text</p>
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<title>Heading level 5</title>
<p>Paragraph text</p>
Permitted <list-type> tags
order Ordered list. Prefix character is a number.
bullet Unordered or bulleted list. Prefix character is a bullet.
alpha-lower Ordered list. Prefix character is a lowercase alphabetical character.
alpha-upper Ordered list. Prefix character is an uppercase alphabetical character.
roman-lower Ordered list. Prefix character is a lowercase roman numeral.
roman-upper Ordered list. Prefix character is an uppercase roman numeral.
simple Simple or plain list (no prefix character before each item).
CS001 Project Specification 1.1
NOTE: align=”char” is NOT supported by most browsers. Therefore, we do not recommend using this in the XML and
would prefer left/right/center only for the align attribute
CS001 Project Specification 1.1
<p>Table footnote - a general note about the whole table</p>
<fn id="TFN1" symbol="A"><p>Footnote specific to one cell that has an id.</p></fn>
<fn id="TFN2" symbol="B"><p>Another footnote specific to a different cell.</p></fn>
Note table shading and coloured text permitted if necessary, only using named colours from list here
If a table contains coloured shading that can’t be rendered using named colours RGB or hex values are permitted as
noted. This is not the preferred option.
NOTE that both color (text) and background-color (shading) are required for the colours to display correctly in our
<p>Here is a figure (<xref ref-type="fig" rid="F1">Fig. 1<italic>a</italic></xref>) that shows some information.</p>
<fig id="F1" fig-type="figure" position="float">
<label>Fig. 1.</label>
<p>Caption text caption text caption text caption text.</p>
<graphic xlink:href="XXXXXXX_TOC.gif">
<alt-text>Alt text less than 120 characters</alt-text>
CS001 Project Specification 1.1
<mml:math display="inline">
CS001 Project Specification 1.1
Boxes [can now include figures, tables, mml and lists as required when tagged as below]
<p>Here is a box feature (<xref ref-type="box" rid="B1">Box 1</xref>).</p>
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<label>Box 1. </label>
<title>This is the box title</title>
<p>Box text first para text para text box para text.</p>
<p>Second para text box text box text.</p>
<p>Here is a figure that appears in the box (<xref ref-type="fig" rid="F2">Fig. 2</xref>).</p>
<p> <fig id="F1" fig-type="figure" position="float">
<label><bold>Fig. 2.</bold> </label>
<p>Caption text caption text caption text caption text.</p>
<graphic xlink:href="XXXXXXX_F2.gif">
<alt-text>Alt text less than 120 characters</alt-text>
<p>Here is a display equation inside the box</p>
<p><disp-formula id="E2">
<mml:math display="block">
CS001 Project Specification 1.1
<p>Here is a list that appears in the box.
<list id="L3" list-type="order">
<list-item>Numbered list text</list-item>
<list-item>Numbered list text</list-item>
<p>Here is a quote. Note the placement of the p tags.
<p>Quote text quote text quote text quote text. [Name of quote author]</p>
CS001 Project Specification 1.1
CS001 Project Specification 1.1
<term id="G1">X</term>
<def><p>Definition for X</p></def>
<term id="G2">Y</term>
<def><p>Definition for Y</p></def>
<term id="G3">Z</term>
<def><p>Definition for Z</p></def>
CS001 Project Specification 1.1
Back matter
Author statements
<sec disp-level="1" sec-type="other1">
<title>Data availability</title>
<p>Data is available on request.</p>
<sec disp-level="1" sec-type="other2">
<title>Conflicts of interest</title>
<p>The authors declare no conflicts of interest.</p>
<sec disp-level="1" sec-type="other3">
<title>Declaration of funding</title>
<p>This research did not receive any specific funding.</p>
<p>Acknowledgement text acknowledgement text acknowledgement text acknowledgement text.</p>
Journal (element) citations with page range
CS001 Project Specification 1.1
<ref id="R8"><mixed-citation publication-type="book">Hair JF, Ortinau DJ, Harrison DE. Essentials of marketing
research. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin; 2010.</mixed-citation></ref>
CS001 Project Specification 1.1
<label>Appendix 1.</label>
<title>Title of appendix</title>
<p>Where present, appendices can contain the same elements as the body section. For example:</p>
<table-wrap id="TA1" position="float">
<label>Table A1.</label>
<title>Table title table title table title.</title>
<table frame="hsides" rules="groups">
<col width="X"/>
<col width="X"/>
<col width="X"/>
<td align="left" valign="top">Text</td>
<td align="center" valign="top">Text</td>
<td align="center" valign="top">Text</td>
<td align="left" valign="top" style="color:white;background-color:navy;">Table text</td>
<td align="center" valign="top" style="color:black;background-color:red;">Table text</td>
<td align="center" valign="top" style="color:white;background-color:green;">Table text</td>
<p>Table footnote</p>
<fn id="FN1" symbol="†"><p>Preprint version <ext-link ext-link-type="uri"
xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-