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Design and fabrication of metallic piping supports -

Standard for piping supports

08 10/2015 General review

07 10/2012 Update following the EP reorganization, March 2011
06 01/2011 General review & addition of standard drawings
05 10/2008 General review
00 02/2001 First issue
Rev. Date Purpose of the revision

Owning entity: DSO/TEC Managing entity: DSO/TEC/PVV

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General Specification GS EP PVV 119

Design and fabrication of metallic piping supports - Standard for

piping supports

Rev.: 08 Effective date: 10/2015 Page: 2 of 53


1. Scope ....................................................................................................................... 4

2. Reference documents ............................................................................................. 4

3. List of Support Standards ...................................................................................... 6

4. Definitions................................................................................................................ 6

5. General information ................................................................................................ 7

6. Design ...................................................................................................................... 9
6.1 General rules .................................................................................................................. 9
6.2 Selection of proper supports ......................................................................................... 10
6.3 Pipe movements ........................................................................................................... 10
6.4 Forces, loads and moments .......................................................................................... 10
6.5 Allowable stresses ........................................................................................................ 11

7. Types of supports ................................................................................................. 11

7.1 Clamped supports ......................................................................................................... 11
7.2 Welded supports ........................................................................................................... 11
7.3 Hanger supports ........................................................................................................... 12
7.4 Spring supports ............................................................................................................. 12
7.5 Snubbers ...................................................................................................................... 12
7.6 Supports on non-insulated lines .................................................................................... 12
7.7 Localized loads: Valves, filters, etc................................................................................ 13
7.8 Supports in marine atmosphere .................................................................................... 14
7.9 PTFE sliding plates ....................................................................................................... 14
7.10 Supports on insulated lines ........................................................................................... 15
7.11 Supports on cryogenic lines .......................................................................................... 15

8. Fabrication, Material and welding ........................................................................ 16

8.1 Materials ....................................................................................................................... 16
8.2 Welding ......................................................................................................................... 17

9. Installation ............................................................................................................. 17
9.1 General information ...................................................................................................... 17

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General Specification GS EP PVV 119

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piping supports

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9.2 Instructions for acceptance of the installation ................................................................ 18

10. Marking and Painting ............................................................................................ 18

Bibliography................................................................................................................. 20
Appendix 1 Spans for lines resting on more than two supports .......................................... 21
Appendix 2 Help to the selection of supports ..................................................................... 24
Appendix 3 Summary of support standards........................................................................ 25
Appendix 4 Piping resting directly on supporting structure ................................................. 26
Appendix 5 Welded pipe shoe............................................................................................ 30
Appendix 6 Clamped pipe shoes........................................................................................ 34
Appendix 7 Gussets ........................................................................................................... 39
Appendix 8 Stanchions ...................................................................................................... 41
Appendix 9 Brackets .......................................................................................................... 44
Appendix 10 Hanger elements ............................................................................................. 46
Appendix 11 Trunnions ........................................................................................................ 49
Appendix 12 Material for plates/doubler plates directly welded on pipe ................................ 53

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General Specification GS EP PVV 119

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1. Scope
This General Specification covers the requirements for the design, fabrication of cryogenic and
non-cryogenic pipe supports, including secondary structures fixed to main structures or concrete
pipe-racks (see Figure 1).
It is applicable to onshore or offshore project development.
It does not rule the design of piping supports installed in process or utilities packages that are
not under the responsibility of the managing entity identified on the front page.
This General Specification also gives schematics for typical supports in Appendix 4 to Appendix
This General Specification application is mainly for metallic piping, not addressing non metallic
piping of any kind.
The project specification shall follow requirements of this general specification, be limited to the
related scope of work. It shall consider both the construction and operational environmental
conditions, and also any potential effect of in-between long haul transportation.

2. Reference documents
The reference documents listed below form an integral part of this General Specification.
Any divergence between any of the Contractual Reference Documents, or between this
specification and any other Contractual Reference Document, shall be reported to the Company
for decision. In such a case, and unless otherwise agreed or decided by the Company, it is
understood that the more stringent requirement shall apply.
Exceptions to, or deviations from this specification are not permitted unless previously accepted
in writing by the Company. For this purpose, requests for substitutions or changes of any kind
shall be completed with all pertinent information required for the Company assessment.

External Documents
Unless otherwise stipulated, the applicable version of these documents, including relevant
appendices and supplements, is the latest revision published at the effective date of this
Reference Title
ASTM A240 Standard Specification for Chromium and Chromium-Nickel
Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Pressure Vessels and
for General Applications
ASTM A36 Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel
ASTM A387 Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel,
ASTM A516 Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel,
for Moderate- and Lower-Temperature Service

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General Specification GS EP PVV 119

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Reference Title
ASTM B443 Standard Specification for Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-
Columbium Alloy(UNS N06625) and Nickel-Chromium-
Molybdenum-SiliconAlloy (UNS N06219) Plate, Sheet, and Strip
Energy Institute 2008 Guidelines for the Avoidance of Vibration Induced Fatigue Failure
in Process Pipework
MSS SP-58 Pipe Hangers and Supports - Materials, Design, Manufacture,
Selection, Application, and Installation

If the country of installation has its own regulation, it must be applied wherever more stringent
than the Basic Code.
Any Construction Code or Government Regulations, which may be listed in the Project
Specifications or in the contract, shall have precedence except where this Specification is more

Total General Specifications

Unless otherwise stipulated, the applicable version of these documents, including relevant
appendices and supplements, is the latest revision published in the applicable yearly collection.

Reference Title
GS EP COR 350 External protection of offshore and coastal structures and
equipment by painting
GS EP COR 351 External protection of structures and equipment by painting.
Floating structures
GS EP COR 354 External protection of onshore structures and equipment by
GS EP COR 356 Corrosion Protection of Fasteners for Subsea and Topside
GS EP PVV 107 Piping Stress Analysis
GS EP PVV 112 Piping material classes
GS EP PVV 142 Valves
GS EP PVV 149 Spring hangers and supports
GS EP PVV 171 Steel piping fabrication
GS EP PVV 611 Welding of pressure containing piping and equipment
GS EP STR 301 Fabrication of offshore steel structures

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General Specification GS EP PVV 119

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piping supports

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3. List of Support Standards

Standard support drawings are given in Appendix 4 to Appendix 11 as listed in table below.
These standards do not represent finalised elements and are only schematic.
Contractors shall define in detail (calculation, finite element modelling, etc.) the supports
according to the loads (operation, fabrication, transportation ...) and environmental conditions.
Summary of support standards Appendix 3
Piping rested directly on • Guide / U-Bolt / Flat collar Appendix 4
supporting structure
Welded pipe shoes • Free / Longitudinal guide / transverse guide / Appendix 5
• Special design
Clamped pipe shoes • Pipe shoe with pipe clamps: Free / Longitudinal Appendix 6
guide / Fixed
• Special design for pipe shoe with pipe clamp
Gussets on vertical piping • Free / Longitudinal guide / transverse guide Appendix 7
Stanchions • Free / Longitudinal guide / transverse guide / Appendix 8
• With or without pipe clamps
Brackets Appendix 9
Hangers elements Appendix 10
Trunnions Appendix 11

4. Definitions
The definitions relating to pipe hangers and supports are as per MSS SP-58.
In addition to the definitions selected from MSS SP-58, some additional definitions are listed
Anchor As per MSS SP-58
Clamp As per MSS SP-58
Guide As per MSS SP-58
Hanger or Pipe Hanger As per MSS SP-58
Hanger rod As per MSS SP-58
Jacket As per MSS SP-58
Marine Atmosphere As per GS EP COR 351
Pipe shoe As per MSS SP-58
Pipe Support As per MSS SP-58

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General Specification GS EP PVV 119

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Protection Shield or doubler plate As per MSS SP-58

Restraint As per MSS SP-58
Shear lug As per MSS SP-58
Sliding Support As per MSS SP-58
Snubber As per MSS SP-58
Supporting Structure Supporting structure is defined as the main structure of
the installation.
Support - Standard Standard supports are those commonly used, and
which are defined and detailed on standard
construction drawings.
Support - Special Special supports cover all other supports not included
in the standard supports and defined for specific cases,
due to heavy loads or conceptual detail.
Support - Cryogenic Cryogenic supports are categorised as supports for
lines which the minimum operating range is in the
range -196°C to -46°C and able to operate up to
Support - Cold Cold supports are categorised as supports for lines
operating at temperatures between 0° and - 45°C.
Support - Hot Hot supports are categorised as supports for lines
operating at temperatures 0°C and above.
Support - Suspended As per GS EP PVV 149.
Spring hanger As per MSS SP-58
Spring support a spring loaded assembly or device, supporting the
pipe from underneath.
Stanchion (or base support) As per MSS SP-58
Trunnion (or dummy leg) a tubular supporting device, branching-off horizontally
from a vertical line, and resting on, or suspended from,
the supporting structure.
U-bolt As per MSS SP-58

5. General information
The piping supports study shall be carried out at the same time as the study of routing and
piping stress analysis (as defined in GS EP PVV 107), at the very least for the position and type
of support.
The Contractor shall prepare as minimum a specification for standard piping supports, a
specification for special piping supports and a material take off.

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General Specification GS EP PVV 119

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The specification for Standard piping supports shall contain:

• A description of the standard piping supports identification numbering system
• An index of the identification of the standard piping supports
• Dimensional sketches of the standard piping supports with materials of construction and
surface protection
• The maximum distance allowable between two consecutive supports, consistent with the
piping stress calculation
• The maximum allowable loading of the standard piping supports
• The criteria to define the split of work between piping support design by piping group and
design by structure group (i.e. based on loads, based on frame height or cantilever length,
The specification for Special piping supports shall contain:
• Each support identified in accordance with the manufacturer catalogue at its last
published edition
• A description of the special piping supports identification numbering system
• An index of the identification of the special piping supports
• Dimensional sketches of the special piping supports with materials of construction and
surface protection
• The maximum distance allowable between two consecutive supports, consistent with the
piping stress calculation
• The maximum allowable loading of the special piping supports.
The Material Take off for piping supports shall contain:
• A summary of the standard piping supports
• A summary of the special piping supports
• Material summary designation.
Supports shall be standardised as far as possible and shall bear an identification number.
Special support identification numbers shall include line number, area location, etc.
A set of Standard Drawings is available in Appendix 3 of this General Specification which
includes the most commonly applied piping supports. These Standard Drawings shall be
considered as a guideline given for information. Other solution may be proposed by Contractor.
Common centre-to-centre distances of supports for straight steel pipes and for bent steel pipe
are available in Appendix 1. However, these distances are indicative and shall not replace the
piping stress study.

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General Specification GS EP PVV 119

Design and fabrication of metallic piping supports - Standard for

piping supports

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6. Design
6.1 General rules
Piping and accessories shall be adequately supported and provided with suitable anchorage to
prevent excessive loads on connected equipment, and to prevent undue movements caused
either by expansions or by vibrations.
Supports shall be designed so as to meet all static, operating and occasional loads (earthquake,
surge, etc.) to which the piping may be subjected. The design shall be based on all concurrently
acting loads transmitted into such supports. The concurrently acting loads are those derived
from the relevant piping stress analysis of the related line.
For piping containing gas and not subject to a hydrostatic testing, weight of liquid shall not be
considered provided that precautions against liquid entrance into the piping have been taken.
Support points shall be adequately located and spaced for optimum load distribution and weight
Guides and direction restraints shall be so as to allow lines to expand and contract freely
relative to the anchor, and must be designed to be structurally suitable to withstand loads
Piping entering vessels will preferably be supported from brackets attached to the vessel which
shall be designed accordingly.
All support components to be welded on pipes and fittings shall be of the same material as the
relevant pipe; welding shall be by qualified welders in accordance with qualified procedures and
shall comply with the Company specification GS EP PVV 611 for welding. Those welds shall be
continuous, made of two runs minimum, and shall comply with GS EP PVV 171 for minimum
clearance against piping welds, welding process selection and non destructive examination.
Supporting one line from another should be avoided as much as possible and is forbidden for
cryogenic lines.
Reinforcements to be welded to the pipe during prefabrication shall be shown on isometric
drawings and positioned.
The loads applied onto supports shall be included in the structure’s calculation or at least the
structure has to be verified after the final supports sizing.
Where concrete or steel pipe-rack is not located immediately above the point of support, it will
be necessary to provide supplementary secondary steel structures to obtain a point of support.
These secondary steel structures shall be designed to cope with main structure design, and
provision will be taken to eventually reinforce the main structure (gussets, etc.).
Loads (permanent and temporary) induced by these secondary structures shall be considered
in main structure design.
The systems of anti-uprising of lines are not accepted.
The supports shall be designed to facilitate maintenance painting (no areas that are impossible
or difficult to reach).
Supports shall be located as close as possible to changes of direction of the piping (lateral or
vertical), taking into account flexibility requirements.

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General Specification GS EP PVV 119

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As far as possible, each layer of piping shall share a common support, regardless of the
diameters of the piping making up the layer.
No piping support shall be done on flange assemblies.
Dummy legs on elbow are prohibited. Their individual acceptance shall be subject to a specific
derogation request.
Piping for anti surge lines, and those that are risk to flow induced vibration (FIV) and other form
of vibrations shall be designed as stiff as possible together with the frame supports and
structures to avoid resonance. Criteria of the stiffness shall be defined from the beginning of
each projects; this will include the criteria of support span arrangements, maximum height of
frame supports, and bracing requirements.

6.2 Selection of proper supports

The method of supporting depends on:
• Pipe Size
• Pipe movements
• Forces and loads at points of support
• Pipe insulation
• Existing structure.

6.3 Pipe movements

At points of support subject to vertical movements, spring supports of suitable design shall be
used to prevent excessive load variation. All springs shall be provided with devices preventing
misalignment, eccentric loading and excessive spring stresses.
When piping stress is critical, the use of constant load supports shall be imposed.
At points of support subject to horizontal movements, the displacements shall be taken by the
use of sliding supports (with adequate length to take into account pipe displacements, etc.) or
by the swing of long hanger rods (in any case, maximum angular displacement shall not exceed
5 degrees).
Selected pipe hangers shall be of an adjustable type.
Pipes installed with axial bellows shall be guided from each side in order to maintain correct
alignment, and anchors for bellows shall be designed to withstand the pressure thrusts.
Piping installed with cold spring (only applicable for non-cryogenic lines) shall be shown on
drawings in the pre-stressed cold position. Clearances shall be kept free for both construction
and hot conditions.
Except otherwise stated, construction allowances shall be ± 2 mm.

6.4 Forces, loads and moments

For each support, the Contractor shall define a combination of loads and moments respectively
for permanent loads and occasional loads not exceeding the allowable stresses of support

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Other combinations of loads and moments shall be checked with the support design by the

6.5 Allowable stresses

Allowable stresses for materials commonly used in the design of pipe hangers and supports are
listed in Tables 2 and A1 of MSS SP-58.
Allowable stresses for materials not listed in Tables 2 and A1 of MSS SP-58, with known
physical properties shall be determined as the lower of the following values:
• 1/4 of minimum tensile strength at service temperature
• 5/8 of minimum yield strength at service temperature.
Allowable stresses for castings shall be multiplied by a casting quality factor of 0.8.

7. Types of supports
Support piping can be classified according to different criteria:
• Their function (rigid, elastic)
• The conditions of use (hot, cold)
• The continuity of employment (temporary, permanent)
• The operability (clamped, welded).

7.1 Clamped supports

Clamped supports are susceptible to corrosion because water may be trapped between the
support and the pipe. If clamped supports are used in situations where corrosion may be
expected, precautions shall be taken to protect the pipe and the supports against corrosion prior
to clamping the pipe. To prevent galvanic corrosion, carbon steel clamps on pipes of other
metallic materials shall be separated from the pipe by using a system as defined in section 7.8.2
for CRA piping in marine atmosphere.
Clamped supports require more maintenance than welded supports.
For piping systems where only small forces on supports can be expected (e.g. instrument air
systems) the use of U-bolts may be considered. The use of U-bolts is allowed only for pipe
diameter up to 4 inches. U-bolts shall be avoided for lines with vibration risks (i.e. reciprocating
machines system, lines with risk of flow induced turbulence, etc), in that case Hold down Clamp
supports with anti vibration washer and nuts shall be used.

7.2 Welded supports

Welded supports are less susceptible to corrosion than clamped supports.
Welded pipe supports shall not be used on the following piping (in this case clamp supports are
• Piping lined with glass, rubber, plastics, etc.
• High grade materials such as titanium, Hastelloy, monel, etc.

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• Piping with corrosion-resistant coating (e.g. galvanised piping)

• Coated carbon steel (coating: PTFE, rubber, etc.).
Welded pipe supports shall be attached to the matching piece of pipe or fitting by means of a
doubler plate in order to avoid direct welding of the piping component to its support.
Welded pipe shoe/saddle shall be avoided for lines that having a risk of acoustic induced
vibration. Full encirclement pipe shoe/saddle shall be used instead to avoid asymmetric
discontinuity between pipe and pipe shoe/saddle and to damp-out the level of shell vibration.
Clamp shoe/saddle may be used as an alternative (depend on the size of the pipe and loads
that need to be validated by piping stress).

7.3 Hanger supports

Hanger supports shall not be used in systems with multiphase flow or where excessive vibration
may be expected (e.g. near reciprocating compressors).
Suspending a line from another line is prohibited.
When a line is supported by pipe hangers, longitudinal guides shall be provided at regular
intervals to absorb stresses due to the wind and to prevent vibration of the piping.
Hanger rods for lines subject to thermal displacement should be set out of plumb to an amount
equal to one-half of the anticipated displacement of the pipe at the point of support.
Pipe clamps of hanger assemblies shall have their rod attachment outside the insulation.

7.4 Spring supports

At points of support subject to vertical movements, spring supports of suitable design shall be
used to prevent excessive load variation.
When piping stress is critical, the use of constant load supports shall be imposed (i.e. designed
such that the supporting effort is relatively constant over the total travel of the support).
GS EP PVV 149 provides more details about this type of supports.

7.5 Snubbers
Snubber is PROHIBITED.

7.6 Supports on non-insulated lines

Non-insulated pipes should rest on the supporting structure, except for the following which
should be supported on pipe shoes in order to avoid damaging the pipe wall:
• Pipes with sizes larger than 24”; larger than 4’’ in marine atmosphere
• Carbon steel pipes with a wall thickness less than schedule 20
• Stainless steel pipes with a wall thickness less than schedule 10S
• Surface condensation is likely (i.e. the operating temperature of the pipe is below ambient
temperature) and therefore access will be needed for painting and repair

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• The pipe may operate (even temporarily) at such a low temperature that this may cause
Embrittlement of the supporting member

• When needed to avoid unacceptable pipe corrosion in corrosive atmospheres (e.g. due to
coating damage caused by pipe movement and water collection on top of the supporting
structure). Be careful, in these situations, pipe shoes do not alleviate corrosion problems
of the supporting members themselves.
When the pipes rest on supporting structures without pipe shoe, a protective sheet, as GRP
sheet or neoprene sheet or Teflon, shall be inserted between the piping and the supporting
structure to avoid direct contact that can cause corrosion and fretting damage on pipe. The
selection of the material for protective sheet shall be subject to the Company approval.
Hanger rods for lines subject to thermal displacement should be set out of plumb to an amount
equal to one-half of the anticipated displacement of the pipe at the point of support.
On galvanised carbon steel pipes, a rubber sheet shall be placed between the clamp and the
pipe. The selection of the material for rubber sheet shall be subject to the Company approval.
Supports for lines NPS 1”½ and smaller shall be designed by the Contractor.

7.6.1 Supporting of small bore piping

Supports for lines 1½” and smaller shall be designated on site during construction except the
supports of any connecting line to equipment subject to vibrations or cyclic loading
(reciprocating compressor, flow induced turbulence, acoustic induced turbulence...). The
support for such lines shall be defined and detailed by study (i.e. based on Energy Institute
Guideline 2008) by the Contractor.
Supports should be from the main pipe, to ensure that the small bore connection moves with the
main pipe during transients and vibration.

7.6.2 Supporting of vertical lines

If the weight of a vertical pipe is supported by a clamp, it is recommended to prevent slippage
that the clamp be located below a flange, fitting, or support lugs welded to the pipe.

7.7 Localized loads: Valves, filters, etc.

Localised concentrated loads (valves, filters, instruments mounted on piping, etc.) shall be
studied separately.
Design and fabrication of the support structure shall be carried out in accordance with the
following recommendations:
Supports in the vicinity of flanges shall not interfere with the tightening of bolting.
• Valve supports are not intended to be line support unless otherwise specified. More
details are provided in GS EP PVV 142
• Supports shall be provided for sections left overhanging when valves, pipe sections, etc.
are removed.

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7.8 Supports in marine atmosphere

7.8.1 General
Supports in marine atmosphere shall be designed to avoid potential corrosion built-up. To this
end metal to metal sliding contact which may damage the pipe coating shall be avoided as well
as any potentiality of water accumulation between pipe and support.
Lines shall not directly rest on supporting structure. All lines shall be supported by cradles and
shoes welded to the pipe to raise piping from supporting structure by a minimum of 100mm to
allow for inspection and paint maintenance.
However, exceptionally (typically for small bores pipes up to 4 inches), U-bolts may be used if
polyethylene, polypropylene or PTFE sheets are inserted between U-bolt and Pipe, and
between Pipe and Support. U-bolts shall be protected by coating in accordance with
GS EP COR 356. Polyolefin sheathed U-bolts may also be used.

7.8.2 Supports for corrosion resistant alloy (CRA) piping

To avoid potential crevice corrosion at supports, corrosion resistance alloy piping shall
mandatorily have external surface protected by either:
• A doubler plate directly welded to the pipe wall by a continuous weld, the welding gas vent
shall be plugged by screwed or welded metallic plug or plastic materials). The doubler
plate shall be of the same material as the pipe onto which it is welded, the rest of the
support being made of carbon steel
• A stratified shell composed of laminated epoxy resin reinforced with fibreglass glued to the
• A coating of a vinyl-ester paint reinforced with glass flakes. The coating shall be applied in
accordance with GS EP COR 350.

7.9 PTFE sliding plates

The following lines shall be supported with special PTFE sliding plates in order to minimise
horizontal forces caused by frictional resistance:
• All cryogenic lines
• All process lines NPS > 12”
• All cold insulated lines NPS > 3”, when support clamps are tightened around insulation
PTFE sliding plates must be purchased from an experienced Manufacturer who can prove
successful operation during five years minimum of devices supplied by him and fabricated
according to the same procedure.
PTFE sliding plates shall be prefabricated and shall be embedded in steel substrate.
The best design shall be selected taking into account the actual working conditions, with the
following particular emphasis:
• PTFE sliding on PTFE, or on stainless steel (polished), depending on vertical loads and
on allowable axial friction loads

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• With an insert in neoprene or not, depending on parallelism of surfaces

• The PTFE area shall be selected based on vertical loads and on maximum allowable
contact pressure.

7.10 Supports on insulated lines

Weather jacketing on insulated piping and especially vapour barrier on cryogenic pipes shall be
protected from damage at all support points. On hot insulated lines for personnel protection, the
insulation may be interrupted.
Pipe clamps of hanger assemblies shall have their rod attachment outside the insulation.
Insulated pipes shall not rest directly on their insulation but pipe shoes shall be used.
The clearance between the insulation and the supporting structure shall be at least 100 mm to
enable for inspection and paint maintenance.
Supports designed with wooden blocks (as stops, etc.) shall have a good finish of its insulation.
If the wooden block is outside the insulation, it shall be covered by a weather resistant mastic.
For clamp fastening on insulation cradles, a bolt tensioning torque procedure shall be defined
by the Contractor for pre and after cool-down and submitted to the Company prior to any use.
At support location, insulation material shall be reinforced as follows:
• High density foam for resting and guide (160 kg/m3 or higher)
• Wooden blocks for stops.
A maximum deflection of 1% on insulation cradle shall be respected.

7.11 Supports on cryogenic lines

7.11.1 Forces, loads and moments

Allowable forces, loads and moments combination shall be defined in accordance with
paragraph 6.4, for support components (plates, welds, etc.). Insulation cradles shall be high
density foam with strength based on Ultimate Compressive Strength using a minimum safety
factor of 5 or that which result in 1% deflection, whichever is less.

7.11.2 Design
Cryogenic supports shall be designed to minimise thermal conduction which could adversely
affect the fluid in the pipe and/or the surrounding structure.
Cryogenic supports shall be designed taking into account warm-up and cool-down conditions.
Adequate systems shall be used in order not to induce additional stresses on insulation
Clamps will be installed around insulation. Tolerances on clamps shall be compatible with
insulation cradle tolerances to have the maximum contact between clamp and insulation for the
best distribution of loads.
Clearances between upper and bottom part of clamps shall be sufficient taking into account
warm-up/cool-down procedures and erection tolerances.

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For cryogenic anchor supports, trunnions design shall be preferred. Trunnions shall be of
sufficient length to allow a minimum of 300 mm of bare metal between termination of insulation
and support/structure.
Legs on trunnions to be welded to the product line shall be of the same material as the line.
In order to reinforce the trunnion, gussets shall be used and shall be welded to the pipe or to the
Cryogenic anchor supports shall be adequately designed taking into account the following,
where applicable:
• Resultant forces and moments
• Stress level in the weld between anchor and pipe
• Stress level in the anchor
• Rigidity of the anchor foundation
• Strength of the anchor foundation
• Strength of the load bearing insulation.
Differential movements between a pipe component and its welded-on anchor can produce high
stresses in the pipe, leading to wall damage or failure (buckling).
For thin wall pipes, reinforcing saddles (where required) shall be avoided and shall be replaced
with higher pipe schedule/thickness.

7.11.3 Welds on cryogenic supports

All welds shall be 100% radiographed (x-rays) or checked by calculation.
Allowable stresses in full penetration welds shall be same as for the plate material.
Allowable stresses in fillet welds shall be the allowable stress for the plate material multiplied by
a joint factor of 0.8.
For fillet welds, the design throat thickness shall not be less than 0.7 nor greater than 0.8 times
the leg length.

8. Fabrication, Material and welding

8.1 Materials
All parts of support elements in contact or directly welded on the piping or supporting the
gradient of temperature will have to be made of the same material as the supported line.
Doubler Plate, directly welded to the pipe wall (100% welding), shall be made from the same
type of material as the pipe onto which it is welded and shall have a vent hole. The vent hole
shall be plugged by screwed or welded metallic plug. The doubler plates shall be welded in the
Galvanised supports shall not be used on austenitic stainless steel, duplex stainless steel,
nickel alloy, or 9% nickel steel piping.

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8.2 Welding
Welding of supports shall be completed prior to flushing, chemical cleaning, blowing and PWHT
if necessary.

8.2.1 Welding requirements for welds onto the structure

Welding requirements for welds onto the structure are as per GS EP STR 301 unless otherwise
For permanent attachments, the use of doubler plates is required for fixing any permanent non-
structural component less than 100 mm high to Special and First Category components (e.g.
deck legs, primary girders, etc.) and welded and inspected as structural items. Non-structural
components such as all supports of piping, cable trays, lights, etc. higher than 100 mm shall be
addressed and welded as structural items.
When welding of attachment directly onto the structure is permitted, the location of such welded
attachments shall be selected so as to avoid interference with the principal weld seams of the
structure. Minimum acceptable clearance between welds shall be two (2) times the thickness of
the structure with minimum of 100 mm.
Any welding made directly onto the structure shall be performed according to the same
requirements and care, including qualification and inspection that govern the structural part onto
which welding is made.

8.2.2 Welding requirements for welds onto the piping

Welding requirements for welds onto the piping are as per GS EP PVV 171 and
GS EP PVV 611.
In a preferential way, the elements of support being welded directly on the piping or on a welded
doubler plate on the piping have to be of “open profile” type.
Welds for supports (doubler plate, shoe, etc.) shall be continuous welds and not cover welds of
piping (circular or longitudinal). Minimum acceptable clearance between welds shall be two (2)
times the thickness of the piping with minimum of 50 mm.
All the elements directly welded on piping for whom the class requires a PWHT will necessarily
have to be welded before the PWHT at the prefabrication stage.

9. Installation
9.1 General information
Field-welded supports shall be set correctly in place and adjusted to the final position before
welding to the pipe.
Tie rods shall be locked in their proper position before testing, and re-adjusted as necessary
after testing in accordance with the installation instructions.
The length of pipe shoes shall be sufficient to prevent pipes moving off their supports when
subjected to thermal expansion or contraction.

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9.1.1 Pipe hangers

Pipe hangers used to support piping that is liable to considerable movement shall be offset from
the point of support by half the movement distance in the opposite direction. These details shall
be indicated on the support drawing or on the piping drawing and/or the isometric drawing.

9.1.2 Sliding supports

In order to allow sliding supports to move freely, the contact surfaces shall be completely
smooth and free of irregularity. Sliding supports shall be positioned on piping supports so as to
remain in contact irrespective of line expansion.

9.1.3 Spring-loaded supports

Spring-loaded supports shall be delivered to the site with springs compressed to the cold load
(cold load is defined as the spring load when the line is at ambient temperature but filled with its
actual service fluid, on the opposite hot load is defined as spring load in operation conditions)
calibrated in the workshop.
Spring-loaded supports shall be installed in the locked position. These spring locking devices
(plates or pins) shall not be removed until hydrostatic testing and insulation of the piping system
has been completed and shall only be removed once the Company has given his approval.
Springs shall not be de-blocked while the pipe is still empty.
Spring-loaded supports shall be avoided as far as possible in marine atmosphere.

9.1.4 Temporary supports

The supports temporarily installed for specific operations e.g. towing shall be sized according
the different loading cases, removable and removed before the commissioning.
It may be necessary to provide temporary supports for protecting the piping against shocks,
vibrations, stresses, due to on-shore or off-shore handling until the final erection. Temporary
supports are particularly necessary for hanger supports and for large diameter piping.

9.2 Instructions for acceptance of the installation

Piping shall be properly anchored and guided before pressure testing.
The pipe supports for lines subject to hydrostatic test shall be able to sustain the hydrostatic test
load without causing permanent deflection that lead to overstress more than 0.9 Yield Strength
(Sy) of the pipe material.
All construction aids such as spring locks, temporary supports, welding tacks, etc. shall be
removed prior to commissioning.

10. Marking and Painting

Painting shall be in accordance with GS EP COR 350 or GS EP COR 354 and as per the
painting systems selected by the Project.
The Contractor shall mark the piping supports with their identification numbers as they appear
on the support drawings in such a way that the mark cannot be erased or obscured either by
sanding or by the application of successive coats of paint.

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Figure 1 - Secondary steelwork structures

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Reference Title of the publication
49 CFR 193 Liquefied Natural Gas Facilities: Federal Safety Standards
ASME B31.3 Process Piping
MSS SP-69 Pipe Hangers
NFPA 59 A Production Storage and Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas
GS EP PVV 111 Piping Design Specification

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Appendix 1

Appendix 1 Spans for lines resting on more than two supports


The data below are applicable to:
• Carbon steel pipes, schedule STD wall and greater, with a maximum temperature of
• Austenitic stainless steel pipes, schedule 40S and greater, NPS less than 16”, with a
maximum temperature of 350°C.
• Duplex stainless steel pipes, schedule 10S and greater, with a maximum temperature of
Table 1 - Maximum spans for carbon steel and heavy wall stainless steel lines
(1, 2)
Maximum Span (meters)
NPS Vapor service Liquid service
(3) (3)
Bare Insulated Bare Insulated
1” 3.850 2.300 3.450 2.250
1”1/2 4.750 3.000 4.100 2.800
2” 5.350 3.600 4.550 3.300
3” 6.550 4.600 5.450 4.200
4” 7.500 5.550 6.100 4.900
6” 9.150 6.800 7.100 5.800
8” 10.500 8.050 7.950 6.700
10” 11.800 9.050 8.700 7.400
12” 12.900 9.800 9.150 7.800
14” 15.150 11.850 10.850 9.300
16” 16.250 12.850 11.200 9.750
18” 17.250 13.750 11.500 10.150
20” 18.200 14.450 11.750 10.400
24” 18.950 16.050 12.150 10.950

This table does not apply where span calculations are made or where there are concentrated
loads between supports such as flanges, valves, specialties, etc.
1. Spans are based on straight pipe, other configurations shall be multiplied by a shape factor (see
sketch below).
2. Free draining pipes with a slope less than 1.5 mm/m require an additional check of the span.
3. The weight of insulation and sheeting is based on insulation thickness varying from 70 mm for 1” to
200 mm for 24” and a density of 190 kg/m .
4. Spans limited by deflection. All other spans are limited by longitudinal bending stress.

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Appendix 1


The data below are applicable to austenitic stainless steel pipes, schedule 10S with a maximum
temperature of 350°C.
Table 2 - Maximum spans for stainless steel schedule 10S lines
(1, 2, 3)
Maximum Span (meters)
NPS Vapor service Liquid service
(4) (4)
Bare Insulated Bare Insulated
1” 3.900 2.200 3.450 2.100
1”1/2 4.850 2.800 4.000 2.600
2” 5.450 3.300 4.300 3.000
3” 6.700 4.050 4.950 3.500
4” 7.650 4.800 5.300 4.000
6” 9.400 5.750 5.950 4.600
8” 10.750 6.800 6.450 5.200
10” 12.000 7.600 6.950 5.650
12” 13.000 8.250 7.350 6.050
14” 13.750 8.700 7.600 6.300
16” 14.700 9.450 7.750 6.550
18” 15.650 10.150 7.850 6.750
20” 16.450 11.000 8.400 7.300
24” 18.050 12.700 9.050 8.050

This table does not apply where span calculations are made or where there are concentrated
loads between supports such as flanges, valves, specialties, etc.
1. Spans are based on straight pipe, other configurations shall be multiplied by a shape factor (see
sketch below).
2. Free draining pipes with a slope less than 1.5 mm/m require an additional check of the span.
3. Spans are limited by longitudinal bending stress.
4. The weight of insulation and sheeting is based on insulation thickness varying from 70 mm for 1” to
200 mm for 24” and a density of 190 kg/m .
Pipe spans table shall be developed for others ferrous material and non ferrous material which
correspond to GS EP PVV 112 (i.e. Cu-Ni, Inconel 625, etc) based on stress basis or deflection
criteria. Those span tables shall be included in the project specification for piping support

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Appendix 1

Table 3 - Kr factor for specific geometries

Note: This table does not apply where span calculations are made or where there are
concentrated loads between supports such as flanges, valves, specialties, etc.

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Appendix 2

Appendix 2 Help to the selection of supports

The logigram below is only a help in order to choose the correct support depending on the
context. It is necessary to report to the main text of this General Specification which details all
particularities to properly design adequate support.













SC < SCH 20





* Except for anchors and

line stops

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Appendix 3

Appendix 3 Summary of support standards

All following sketches are illustrative only. Sketch numbering is for reference only, it is not
applicable to the detailed engineering phase.

Description Standard N°
Appendix 4: Piping resting directly on supporting structure STD 011 - 012 - 013
Standard U-bolt Pipe size ≤ 4" STD 011 A/B
Lean direct 2" ≤ Pipe size ≤ 24" STD 012 A
Flat clamp 1" ≤ Pipe size≤ 24" STD 013 A/B
Appendix 5: Welded pipe shoe STD 021 - 022 - 023
Pipe shoe with doubler plate 1" ≤ Pipe size≤ 8" STD 021 A/B/C/D
Pipe shoe with doubler plate 10" ≤ Pipe size ≤ 24" STD 022 A/B/C/D
Special pipe shoe 2" ≤ Pipe size ≤ 24" STD 023 A/B/C
Appendix 6: Clamped pipe shoes STD 031 - 032 - 033
Pipe clamps on pipe shoe 1" ≤ Pipe size ≤ 8" STD 031 A
Pipe clamps on pipe shoe 1" ≤ Pipe size ≤ 8" STD 031 B
Pipe clamps on pipe shoe 10" ≤ Pipe size ≤ 12" STD 032 A/B
Pipe clamps on special pipe shoe 2" ≤ Pipe size ≤ 8" STD 033 A/B
Appendix 7: Gussets STD 041
Gusset with doubler plate 2" ≤ Pipe size ≤ 24" STD 041 A/B/C
Appendix 8: Stanchions STD 051 - 052
Stanchions for pipe supports 2" ≤ Pipe size ≤ 8" STD 051 A/B/C/D
Stanchions for pipe supports 10" ≤ Pipe size ≤ 24" STD 052 A/B/C/D
Appendix 9: Brackets STD 061
Bracket on pressure vessel 2" ≤ Pipe size ≤ 24" STD 061 A
Appendix 10: Hanger elements STD 071 - 072
Hanger elements - Hanging from structures 1" ≤ Pipe size ≤ 8" STD 071 A/B/C/D
Hanging from pipes 10" ≤ Pipe size ≤ 24" STD 072 A/B/C/D
Appendix 11: Trunnions STD 081 - 082 - 083
Trunnions (prohibited) 2" ≤ Pipe size ≤ 24" STD 081 A/B/C/D
Trunnions (prohibited) 6" ≤ Pipe size ≤ 24" STD 082 A/B
Trunnions 6" ≤ Pipe size ≤ 24" STD 083 A

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Appendix 4

Appendix 4 Piping resting directly on supporting structure

Material: All steel grades (Carbon steel, stainless steel and alloyed steel)
Insulation: Non insulated
Type of supporting structure: Steel structure

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Appendix 4

Standard U-Bolt
All materials
Non-insulated steel piping installed on steel structure
Pipe Size ≤ 4"

Notes: U-bolts can only be used for piping with Nominal Pipe Size lower than 4" in the following
1. U-bolts shall not be used for lines with vibration risks (i.e. reciprocating machines, etc.).
2. U-bolt shall be in the same material than pipe.
3. A protective sheet
a. In Neoprene with thickness of 5 mm shall be inserted between the pipe and the U-bolt.
b. In GRP or Teflon with thickness 5mm shall be inserted between the pipe and supporting structure.
c. With an elastomer strip between U-bolt and galvanized steel pipe (within the limit of piping

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Appendix 4

Lean direct
All materials
Non-insulated steel piping installed on steel structure
2" ≤ Pipe Size ≤ 24"

Guide detail

1. A protective sheet as GRP sheet, or Teflon sheet with thickness 5 mm shall be inserted between the
pipe and the supporting structure.

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Appendix 4

Flat clamp
All materials
Non-insulated steel piping installed on steel structure
1" ≤ Pipe Size ≤ 24"

1. A protective sheet
a. In neoprene with thickness of 5 mm shall be inserted between the pipe and the clamp.
b. In GRP or Teflon with thickness 5mm shall be inserted between the pipe and supporting structure.
c. With an elastomer strip between the clamp and galvanized steel pipe (within the limit of piping

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Appendix 5

Appendix 5 Welded pipe shoe

Material: Carbon steel

Insulation: Insulated or non insulated
Type of supporting structure: Steel structure

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Appendix 5

Pipe shoe with doubler plate

Carbon steel
Insulated or non-insulated steel piping installed on steel structure
1" ≤ Pipe Size ≤ 8"

Shoe may be welded or bolted

1. The clearance between the insulation and the supporting structure shall be at least 100 mm.
2. The vent hole shall be plugged by screwed or welded metallic plug.
3. The fixed type is also used for piping in stainless or alloyed steels.
4. Material of doubler plate shall be identical with the parent pipe material.

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Appendix 5

Pipe shoe with doubler plate

Carbon steel
Insulated or non-insulated steel piping installed on steel structure
10" ≤ Pipe Size ≤ 24"

Shoe may be welded or bolted

1. The clearance between the insulation and the supporting structure shall be at least 100 mm.
2. The vent hole shall be plugged by screwed or welded metallic plug.
3. The fixed type is also used for piping in stainless or alloyed steels.
4. Material of doubler plate shall be identical with the parent pipe material.

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Appendix 5

Special pipe shoe

Carbon steel
Insulated or non-insulated steel piping installed on steel structure
2" ≤ Pipe Size ≤ 8"

1. The vent hole shall be plugged by screwed or welded metallic plug.
2. Material of doubler plate shall be identical with the parent pipe material.

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Appendix 6

Appendix 6 Clamped pipe shoes

Material: Stainless steel, alloyed steel and galvanised steel

Insulation: Insulated or non insulated
Type of supporting structure: Steel structure

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Appendix 6

Pipe clamp on pipe shoe

Stainless steel, alloyed steel and galvanised steel
Insulated or non-insulated piping installed on steel structure
1" ≤ Pipe Size ≤ 8"

1. The clearance between the insulation and the supporting structure shall be at least 100 mm.
2. Up to 6" diameter clamps are in 30° or 45° position.
3. A protective sheet such as neoprene sheet with thickness of 5 mm shall be inserted between the
piping and the pipe clamp.

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Appendix 6

Pipe clamp on pipe shoe

Stainless steel, alloyed steel and galvanised steel
Insulated or non-insulated piping installed on steel structure
1" ≤ Pipe Size ≤ 8"

1. The clearance between the insulation and the supporting structure shall be at least 100 mm.
2. Up to 6" diameter clamps are in 30° or 45° position.
3. A protective sheet such as neoprene sheet with thickness of 5 mm shall be inserted between the
piping and the pipe clamp.
4. For the fixed type, use welded pipe shoes.

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Appendix 6

Pipe clamp on pipe shoe

Stainless steel, alloyed steel and galvanised steel
Insulated or non-insulated piping installed on steel structure
10" ≤Pipe Size ≤ 12"

1. The clearance between the insulation and the supporting structure shall be at least 100 mm.
2. Up to 6" diameter clamps are in 30° or 45° position.
3. A protective sheet such as neoprene sheet with thickness of 5 mm shall be inserted between the
piping and the pipe clamp.
4. For the fixed type, use welded pipe shoes.

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Appendix 6

Pipe clamp on special pipe shoe

Stainless steel, alloyed steel and galvanised steel
Insulated or non-insulated piping installed on steel structure
2" ≤ Pipe Size ≤ 8"

1. The clearance between the insulation and the supporting structure shall be at least 100 mm.
2. Up to 6" diameter clamps are in 30° or 45° position.
3. A protective sheet such as neoprene sheet with thickness of 5 mm shall be inserted between the
piping and the pipe clamp.
4. For the fixed type, use welded pipe shoes.

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Appendix 7

Appendix 7 Gussets

Material: All steel grades (Carbon steel, stainless steel and alloyed steel)
Insulation: Insulated or non insulated vertical piping
Type of supporting structure: Steel structure

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Appendix 7

Gusset with doubler plate

Carbon steel, stainless steel and alloyed steel
Insulated or non insulated vertical piping
2" ≤ Pipe Size ≤ 24"

1. Same material and thickness than pipe for gussets and saddles.
2. Stainless steel pipe requires stainless steel clamps and gussets.
3. The vent hole shall be plugged by screwed or welded metallic plug.
4. For 10” ≤ Pipe Size ≤ 24”, it is mandatory to have a double gusset supports with 120 degree angle
doubler plate.

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Appendix 8

Appendix 8 Stanchions

Material: All steel grades (Carbon steel, stainless steel and alloyed steel)
Insulation: Insulated or non insulated
Type of supporting structure: Steel structure

1. Clamped stanchions could be used for stainless steel and alloyed steel with Company approval.

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Appendix 8

Stanchions for pipe supports

Carbon steel, stainless steel and alloyed steel
Insulated or non insulated piping installed on steel structure
2" ≤ Pipe Size ≤ 8"

Plate may be welded or bolted

1. The vent hole shall be plugged by screwed or welded metallic plug.

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Appendix 8

Stanchions for pipe supports

Carbon steel, stainless steel and alloyed steel
Insulated or non insulated piping installed on steel structure
10" ≤ Pipe Size ≤ 24"

Plate may be welded or bolted

1. The vent hole shall be plugged by screwed or welded metallic plug.
2. Special stanchion for 10” ≤ Pipe Size ≤ 24” shall be designed for lift up force and over turning
moment of the pipe in that case bracing might be required.

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Appendix 9

Appendix 9 Brackets

Material: All steel grades (Carbon steel, stainless steel and alloyed steel)
Insulation: Insulated or non insulated installed on pressure vessel
Type of supporting structure: n/a

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Appendix 9

Bracket on pressure vessel

Axial vertical guide
Carbon steel, stainless steel and alloyed steel
Insulated or non insulated piping installed on pressure vessel
2" ≤ Pipe Size ≤ 24"

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Appendix 10

Appendix 10 Hanger elements

Material: All steel grades (Carbon steel, stainless steel and alloyed steel)
Insulation: Insulated or non insulated
Type of supporting structure: Steel structure

1. Clamped hangers could be used for stainless steel with Company approval.

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Appendix 10

Hanger elements - Hanging from structures

Carbon steel, stainless steel or alloyed steel
Not insulated

1. All elements shall be manufactured product unless agreed by Company.

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Appendix 10

Hanger elements - Hanging from pipes

Carbon steel, stainless steel or alloyed steel
Not insulated

1. Same material and thickness than pipe for saddles.
2. Same material than pipe for lugs.

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Appendix 11

Appendix 11 Trunnions

Material: All steel grades (Carbon steel, stainless steel and alloyed steel)
Insulation: Insulated or non insulated
Type of supporting structure: Steel structure

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Appendix 11

Carbon steel, stainless steel or alloyed steel
Insulated or non insulated piping installed on steel structure
2" ≤ Pipe Size ≤ 24"

Shoe may be welded or bolted

1. The vent hole shall be plugged by screwed or welded metallic plug.

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reproduced, stored or transmitted without the prior written consent of TOTAL S.A.
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Appendix 11

Carbon steel, stainless steel or alloyed steel
Insulated or non insulated piping installed on steel structure
6" ≤ Pipe Size ≤ 24"

1. The vent hole shall be plugged by screwed or welded metallic plug.

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reproduced, stored or transmitted without the prior written consent of TOTAL S.A.
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Appendix 11

Carbon steel, stainless steel or alloyed steel
Insulated or non insulated piping installed on steel structure
6" ≤ Pipe Size ≤ 24"

1. The vent hole shall be plugged by screwed or welded metallic plug.
2. Material of doubler plate and trunnions shall be identical with the parent pipe material.
3. Trunnion thickness shall be in accordance with piping material class of the supported parent pipe
(max 12.7 mm).

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Appendix 12

Appendix 12 Material for plates/doubler plates directly welded on pipe

Components Material Grade

Carbon Steel ASTM A36
Stainless Steel ASTM A240 Gr.316L
Duplex UNS S31803

Plates/Doubler Alloy Steel to 2.5% Cr ASTM A387 Gr.11

Plates Alloy Steel 3% to 9% Cr ASTM A387 Gr.5
Killed Carbon Steel for Low Temperature ASTM A516 Gr.60 (1)
Inconel ASTM B443 Gr.1 UNS N06625
Cuppro Nickel UNS7060X

(1) Impact test at -46°C.

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