Sajib Acharjee

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An Assignment ON

Organizational Development and change in Bangladesh


Submitted To
Samiha Sanjana
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
North East University

Submitted By
Sajib Acharjee
ID : 0562410004083802
Course Code : GED 00315202
Course Title : Organizational Development And Change.

Date of Submission
December 07, 2024
Introduction :

This discuss will pay particular attention to the role of the Organizational
development practitioner and how organizational development and change
help and organizations to establish technical systems to achieve greater
performance. Because Organizations are run by systems and processes.
Organizational development (OD) is a planned, big-picture perspective effort to
steer an organization through adaptations to its operations, structures, or
strategies for improved performance and effectiveness. It introduces the
reader to theoretical frameworks underpinning organizational change from
different perspectives.

Study Objectives :

The objectives of study is focused on the impact of organizational development

and change. These are some of the key objectives of this study :

 Explore what are the Impact of organizational development and change

in Bangladesh.
 To discuss the suitable leadership approach for Bangladesh.
 Evaluate which is the suitable motivational theory for Bangladesh.
 Identify what are the problems related to organizational development in

Limitations of the study :

 Organizations in Bangladesh try to hide their organizational activities so
it is difficult to collect information on this issue.
 It was not possible to collect practical information about organizational
development of the country.
 Collecting such a large amount of data in such a short period of time is
time consuming due to the diverse organizational structure.
Importance of organizational development and change
Organizational change and development are essential to make an organization
grow and adapt to its given market. Below is a discussion of why organizational
development and change is necessary in the context of Bangladesh.

Improving the work environment and people experience : Forecasting a

positive workplace culture and enhancing employee engagement and

Becoming more productive, cost-effective, and competitive : Implementing

strategies to improve operational efficiency, reduce cost, and strength market

Redefining Organizational Structures and Reducing Bureaucracy: Streamlining

processes and removing unnecessary layers of management to enhance
decision-making and agility.

Expanding or Altering the Reach of a Product or Service: Innovating and

adjusting the product or service offerings to meet changing customer needs
and market demands.

Embracing Digital Transformation: Integrating digital technologies into

business processes to improve performance and drive innovation.

Adapting to Internal Shifts or Market Changes: Proactively responding to

changes within the organization or in the external business environment to
maintain relevance and effectiveness. Organizational development focuses on
the company, but many of its interventions directly involve people practices.
Because HR oversees the implementation of these, the two functions overlap.
OD goals cannot be accomplished without working through employees. The
need for collaboration means that OD teams are often positioned within the
HR function. At the very least, the two must have a strong working
relationship. In organizations that don’t have a formalized OD function, HR
professionals should appreciate OD techniques and recognize when they can
apply them. Integrating an OD approach augments HR’s strategic role in the
Suitable motivational theory for Bangladesh
To me Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs theory fits in the context of Bangladesh.
There are five needs to be fulfilled under Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory.
This theory suggests that each level in the needs hierarchy must be
substantially satisfied before the next need becomes dominant. From the
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory we can that this approach to motivation
holds considerable facts that companies in Bangladesh must take into concern
if they expect better performance and productivity from the employees. The
reason behind this argument is justified below

Physiological needs: As Maslow’s theories suggest that individual will be

initially motivated to fulfill his first need which is Physiological needs. This is
the biological needs that human requires for survival such as food, drink,
shelter etc.
Safety needs: When physiological needs are completely satisfied the
safety needs get precedence and dominate behavior. Proper safety at work is
another major need for the people of Bangladesh. The safety needs the
employees’ needs for security and protection from physical and emotional

Social needs: When physiological and safety needs are fulfilled human beings
feels the need of love or belonging. Human beings are social animals and
working as social animals, when they join organizations, they want to develop
relationships with others. There might be two types of relationships

Esteem needs: Everyone wants to be accepted, respected and valued by

others. They need some activity or activities that give them a sense of
contribution, a feeling of being recognized and having self-value. Such activities
could be within and/or outside professional life.

Self-actualization needs: The last level of Maslow’s hierarchy and the peak of
achievement are the self-actualization needs. Self-actualization is a level of
need that pertains to what a person’s full potential is and realizing that
potential. This is a person’s need for growth, achieving one’s potential and self
-fulfillment. Almost all people have some aim at some point in their life, only a
few of them achieved their aim.
Suitable leadership approach for Bangladesh :

To me participative leadership is suitable for Bangladesh because participative

leader will engage the entire team to get their feedback and knowledge.

Advantages of a participative leader :

They will solicit input from all the employees at various levels. Emily owned her
own company and tried to include the whole team in her decisions and what
was going on with the company. She let her team vote on policy changes for
her small firm. This helped her team feel ownership and empowered them to
take initiative and solve many of the problems before she had to get involved.
Emily felt that using this approach brought quicker acceptance than previous
changes that she did not allow a vote on.

The team morale seemed to pick up as Emily used a more participative

leadership style. Her people seemed to come together to achieve the goals she
set. They collaborated more than before to create great solutions for their
clients. They also lowered turnover as each employee felt a stake in the overall

Disadvantages of a participative leader :

One issue that can come from this is that a participative approach can take
longer to reach a decision. The leader needs to take the time to hear
everyone’s input but, in the end, it is their decision. It can be helpful to
alleviate some of these issues if we are careful with the words we use. Make
sure the team knows if they get to vote or we just want to find out some
opinions on the topic.

The team needs to be collaborative and ready to give and take in discussions. If
a person is very competitive or wants to steer the conversation the
participative leader must put in checks and balances so they can share but not
push. A few years ago I worked for a participative leader and he really had a
challenge with one girl on our team. She tried to ram her decisions through by
trying to find allies. She eventually had to leave the group and the organization
as she wore out her welcome.
Problems related to organizational development in Bangladesh :

To me there are 5 challenges in organizational development that come with

these opportunities.

1. Balancing operational and strategic demands Between Covid-19 and Brexit,

there are still many immediate, operational issues for most businesses to work
through. This may prevent stakeholders from thinking ahead. Many
Organization Development guide professionals either hold some operational
HR responsibilities or will have them on during the pandemic.

2. Dealing with inertia It might seem a strange thing to say when so many
people responded well to the immediate challenge of COVID-19, but I believe
that there is a real risk of inertia. Initially, people may find it difficult to engage
with the uncertainty that lies ahead and be more comfortable ‘fixing problems’
in the present .

3. Embracing healthy conflict You’ll already appreciate that a healthy conflict is

essential for creativity and progress. We may need to challenge our
stakeholders, raising unaddressed issues or barriers to making things ‘better’.
For example, where work and home lives have become blurred this needs to
be addressed. Bringing issues to the surface and creating necessary conflict can
be uncomfortable for (internal) service providers in large organisations that
value conformity.

4. Engaging carefully but confidently Given the above challenges in

organizational development, OD practitioners may have to tread lightly to
avoid being perceived as pushing an agenda or diverging from HR priorities in
2024, but must step up with confidence when needed. This means investing in
relationships and building trust with stakeholders, taking confidence from OD
interventions, and being well prepared when opportunity knocks.

5. Gathering quality evidence It goes without saying that as Organization

Development guide professionals, we’re evidence-based practitioners. During
the pandemic we can’t help but have become a little detached and less able to
get a feel for what people are thinking or feeling through direct contact with

Organizational development in Bangladesh is essential for the growth and

success of businesses in the country. As a graduate student studying
organizational development, I have observed several key recommendations
that could help organizations in Bangladesh improve their efficiency,
productivity, and overall performance. First and foremost, it is crucial for
organizations in Bangladesh to invest in the development of their employees.
This can be achieved through training programs, workshops, and mentorship
opportunities..Additionally, investing in employee development can help
organizations retain top talent and reduce turnover rates, ultimately leading to
long-term success. Secondly, organizations in Bangladesh should focus on
fostering a positive work culture that values diversity, inclusivity, and
collaboration. A strong organizational culture can help improve employee
morale, motivation, and job satisfaction, which in turn can lead to higher levels
of productivity and innovation. By promoting open communication, teamwork,
and respect within the workplace, organizations can create a supportive
environment where employees feel valued and engaged. Furthermore,
organizations in Bangladesh should embrace technology and innovation to stay
competitive in the rapidly evolving business landscape. By implementing digital
tools, automation, and data analytics, organizations can streamline processes,
improve decision-making, and drive growth. Additionally, leveraging
technology can help organizations adapt to changing market dynamics and
meet the evolving needs of customers, ultimately leading to sustained success.


Organizational development is a critical aspect of business growth and success

in Bangladesh. By investing in employee development, fostering a positive
work culture, and embracing technology and innovation, organizations can
position themselves for long-term success in the competitive business
environment. As a graduate student studying organizational development, I
believe that implementing these recommendations can help organizations in
Bangladesh achieve their strategic goals and drive sustainable growth in the

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