Self-Evaluation Manager’s Evaluation Second-Level Manager’s Evaluation
Employees and Managers may use the template below to track comments for ratings above or
below Consistently Meets (a rating of 1, 2, 4 or 5). Second-level Managers may use the template
to note discrepancies for each performance descriptor or comments.
N/A Does Not This measure does not apply to this individual.
1 Does Not Work output is consistently low, regularly fails to meet required outcomes, and error
Meet rate is high requiring repetition of duty completion by others. The employee may
require constant supervision, and show an indifference to job responsibilities.
2 Sometim Employee displays inconsistency in the performance of the job factor under review
es Meets and output frequency falls below acceptable levels. Tasks may be significantly late
at times or incomplete, with serious or potentially serious consequences.
3 Consisten Employee displays and maintains an effective and consistent level of performance of
tly Meets the job factor under review. Work output regularly achieves desired or required
outcomes or expectations. Problems or errors are reported and corrected quickly.
4 Sometim Employee displays a high level of factor related skills, abilities, initiative, and
es productivity, exceeding requirements in some areas, but not consistently or not
Exceeds without exception.
5 Exceeds Employee displays at all times, without exception, a consistently high level of factor
related skills, abilities, initiative, and productivity. All assignments / responsibilities
are completed beyond the level of expectation. Initiative and self-direction are
Knows and complies with established control systems and standard operating
procedures. Demonstrates accuracy, thoroughness, and reliability in performing
nt toAnalyzes problems/procedures/situations, evaluates alternatives, and selects the
Qualitybest course of action.
Identifies potential/existing risks, takes swift action to resolve problems, and
communicates to appropriate parties timely.
Thoroughly checks work to ensure a quality final product or outcome.
Embraces LEAN concepts, practices, and tools.
& Creativity Continuously seeks to improve current processes, questions
conventional approaches, and encourages new ideas and
When conditions change or obstacles emerge, demonstrates agility
by quickly generating and evaluating new solutions.
Actively listens to and supports the ideas of others in driving long-
term solutions/efficiencies.
Builds a case for and effectively communicates the purpose for change by
Manag connecting it to the department/organization goals and objectives.
Elicits employee feedback and participation where feasible and encourages open
es expression of differing ideas and opinions.
Change Distils complex issues related to change and ensures that solutions which are
generated, considered and applied align with organizational direction.
Brings key stakeholders together to plan and execute change.
Demonstrates a commitment to change and innovation by proactively addressing
behaviors and barriers that threaten change initiatives.
Use the section below to document progress toward goals and objectives (explanation if not met,
met ahead of schedule, etc.)
Use the section below to summarize employee’s overall performance with ratings of 4 or 5