Abstract—Preventing and controlling grape diseases is essen- manage diseases effectively. Early detection enables timely
tial for a good grape harvest. With the help of “single shot multi- interventions, minimizing potential damage and crop losses.
box detectors”, “faster region based convolutional neural net- Different grape leaf diseases require specific treatments, and
works”, & “You only look once-X,” the study improved grape leaf accurate identification helps growers implement targeted con-
disease detection accuracy with effective attention mechanisms, trol measures. This optimizes the use of pesticides, reduces
which includes convolutional block attention module, squeeze &
excitation networks, & efficient channel attention. The various
environmental impact, and ensures effective disease manage-
attention techniques helped to emphasize important features ment.
while reducing the impact of irrelevant ones, which ultimately
Grape leaf diseases can significantly impact the yield and
improved the precision of the models and allowed for real-time
performance. As a result of examining the optimal models from quality of grapevine production. Some diseases cause defolia-
the three types, it was found that the Faster (R-CNN) model had tion, reducing the vine’s ability to photosynthesize and produce
a lower precision value, while You only look once-X and SSD energy, leading to decreased fruit quality, delayed ripening,
with various attention techniques required the fewest parameters and reduced yield. Early disease detection enables growers to
with the highest precision, with the best real-time performance. In protect the crop and implement measures to minimize yield
addition to providing insights into grape diseases & symptoms in losses. Early identification of grape leaf diseases is essential
automated agricultural production, this study provided valuable for preventing their spread within vineyards. Prompt isolation
insights into grape leaf disease detection. and treatment of infected vines help prevent diseases from af-
Keywords—Grape leaves; faster region-based convolutional fecting healthy plants. Additionally, preventive measures such
neural networks; you only look once (x); single shot detection as pruning, canopy management, and cultural practices can be
attention techniques implemented to reduce the likelihood of disease occurrence
and spread. Economically, grapevines are valuable crops, and
detecting diseases in grape leaves allows growers to make in-
formed decisions on disease management, optimizing resource
Preventing and controlling crop diseases is crucial for utilization, and reducing unnecessary costs. This helps preserve
producing safe and healthy vegetables, minimizing losses, and the economic viability of vineyards and sustain profitability in
reducing the use of pesticides in the production of crops [1]. grape production.
Thus, early detection & prevention of diseases are crucial.
Grape plants can be affected by various diseases, such as Efficient disease detection and management practices also
powdery mildew, brown blotch, and anthracnose, which can contribute to sustainable agriculture. Early identification min-
significantly impact the yield and quality of the fruit. Tradi- imizes the use of broad-spectrum pesticides, reducing their
tional methods of detecting grape diseases rely on the expe- negative impact on the environment and non-target organ-
rience of the growers or the guidance of experts, which can isms. Targeted treatments based on accurate disease detection
be slow, inefficient, and lack real-time performance. Images of help reduce chemical inputs, promote ecological balance, and
grape leaves are used to detect, identify, and provide guidance support sustainable cultivation practices for grapevines. In
about diseases infected with grape leaves [2] because disease- summary, grape leaf disease detection is vital for crop health
infected grape leaves often have visible spots. monitoring, disease management, yield protection, disease pre-
vention, economic considerations, and sustainable agriculture.
Grape leaf disease detection is crucial for several rea- Early detection allows for timely interventions, optimization
sons. Firstly, it allows growers to monitor the health of of disease control measures, minimization of crop losses, and
their grapevines and take appropriate actions to prevent or the long-term sustainability of grapevine production.
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Due to the rapid development of artificial intelligence paper are to enhance the accuracy and speed of grape leaf
technologies, a wide variety of vision approaches are utilised disease detection, improve the efficiency of feature extraction
in the processing of photos for various crop diseases [3][4][5]. networks, validate the performance improvements on a grape
Research into classifying agricultural diseases uses a wide disease dataset, and provide a foundation for future grape
range of approaches, including “genetic algorithms” [6], “sup- disease control measures.
port vector machines” [7],“K-means clustering” [8], “ensemble
learning” [9], “Bayesian classification” [10], “radial basis However, the existing literature lacks research on incor-
functions” [11], & “filter segmentation” techniques [12]. Un- porating attention mechanisms, such as the ”convolutional
fortunately, conventional approaches to crop disease classifica- block attention module,” ”efficient channel attention,” and
tion and identification rely on labour-intensive, environment- ”squeeze & excitation attention,” into grape detector models
dependent manual feature selection. In particular, the develop- like ”Faster(R-CNN),” ”SSD,” and ”YOLO-X.” There is a
ment of deep learning’s Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) gap in knowledge regarding the potential impact of attention
has led to vast improvements in the field of autonomous mechanisms on improving detection accuracy and processing
detection and identification of agricultural diseases. speed for grape leaf diseases. The main objectives of the paper
An object detection system that uses a convolutional neural
network (CNN) has made great strides recently. Several appli- • Enhance the accuracy and speed of grape leaf disease
cations make use of this technique, including recognition of detection: The purpose of this work is to enhance
faces [13], navigation [14], detection of road obstacles [15], the efficiency of previously developed grape detection
detection of pedestrians, abnormal activity recognition[16], models by incorporating attention mechanisms such
monitoring of physical activity[17][?],[18] detection of fruits, as ”convolutional block attention module,” ”efficient
and detection of weeds [19]. Despite complex backdrops, crop channel attention,” and ”squeeze & excitation atten-
leaf diseases can be detected using object detection algorithms tion” into the models of ”Faster(R-CNN),” ”SSD,” and
due to CNN’s ability to extract high-dimensional properties ”YOLO-X.” The objective is to achieve higher detec-
from object images. tion accuracy and faster processing speeds, addressing
the limitations of slow operation and low detection
As a result, scientists in China and others have studied precision in existing models.
object detection algorithms to develop models for detecting
crop diseases. For instance, Some authors have applied various • Improve the efficiency of feature extraction networks:
models for object detection to the tomato disease dataset, By integrating attention methods into the models, the
including the Faster(R-CNN), and the Single Shot Multibox paper aims to enhance the efficiency of the feature
Detector. Faster (R-CNN) as well as VGG16, produced the extraction networks. The attention mechanisms help to
best disease detection results. Dynamic identification of grape prioritize relevant features and emphasize health issues
leaf illnesses was accomplished by using Faster (R-CNN) related to grape leaf diseases, leading to more effective
on time-series images of grape leaves. Using an enhanced and accurate detection.
Faster (R-CNN) model, the authors of [20] detected diseases • Validate the performance improvements on a grape
in bitter gourd leaves with excellent results. Using an in-house disease dataset: The research conducts experiments
dataset, The authors of [21] trained the SSD model to identify using a dataset specifically focused on grape diseases.
agricultural diseases with an overall accuracy of 83.90%. By evaluating the models based on diverse attention
An enhanced model based on MobileNetv2 & YOLOv3 was mechanisms, such as ”Faster(R-CNN),” ”SSD,” and
proposed by the authors [22], which allowed for the early ”YOLO-X,” the paper aims to demonstrate significant
detection of grey speck disease in tomatoes. This refined improvements in detection accuracy and operation per-
model benefits from a number of desirable characteristics, formance. The experiments involve minimal parameter
including a low memory size, outstanding detection accuracy, tweaks, ensuring that the observed enhancements are
and lightning-fast identification. primarily attributed to integrating attention mecha-
Previous studies have shown that using object detection
technology to detect grape leaf diseases is feasible. Existing • Provide a foundation for future grape disease control
grape detector models, however, operate slowly and have low measures: The findings of this study serve as a basis
detection precision, which severely limits their application. for future work on grape disease control measures.
This research included the attention methods of “convolu- By demonstrating the effectiveness of attention mech-
tional block attention module,” “efficient channel attention,” & anisms in improving detection accuracy and speed, the
“squeeze &excitation attention” into the models of “Faster(R- paper offers valuable insights and guidance for the
CNN),” “SSD,” & “YOLO-X” to boost their accuracy and development of advanced and efficient techniques for
speed. The goal was to boost the feature extraction network’s managing and controlling grape leaf diseases.
efficiency and put more emphasis on health issues. Experi-
ments were run on a plant village dataset of grape diseases, and II. R ELATED W ORK
the findings revealed that models based on diverse attention
mechanisms, such as “Faster(R-CNN),” “SSD,” & “YOLO- Detecting plant diseases in a timely manner is crucial
X,” significantly improved detection accuracy and operation for effectively managing plant losses. However, relying on
performance with only little parameter tweaks. The findings manual diagnosis by humans is a time-consuming process
of this study can be used as a foundation for future work on that is prone to errors and can be costly. To address these
grape disease control measures. The main objectives of the challenges, researchers have been actively exploring automated
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TABLE II. I NFORMATION ABOUT THE DATASET Attention Module” attention mechanism is introduced to take
into account the importance of pixels in different places. All
Class No of images No of images with three attention methods contribute significantly to improving
without augmenta- augmentation
tion the model’s efficiency and precision.
Healthy 423 3000
Esca 1383 3000 2) ECA Attention Module: It uses local cross channel
measles interaction methods without reducing the magnitude of the
Leaf spot 1076 3000
Black rot 1180 3000
dimensionality can be accomplished without using reduced-
Total 4062 12000 dimension SE. The functionality of the attention module is
enhanced while its complexity is decreased thanks to this
mechanism. In Fig. 4 we can observe the construction of the
the selected grape leaf disease images. Next, classification efficient channel attention mechanism.
features are extracted from the input images. Output is then
3) CBAM Attention Module: The “CBAM Spatial Atten-
derived from the findings of disease identification using the
tion Module” is made up of 2 modules, first one is the
faster-rcnn, YOLOx, and SSD models.
“spatial attention module”, second one is the “channel attention
A loss function is used throughout to quantify the degree module” and is designed to optimize input feature maps by in-
to which the projected disease species deviates from the true ferring attention maps on both channel and spatial dimensions.
disease species. This enables the models to learn and improve These attention maps are then multiplied with the input fea-
their detection accuracy over time. The optimization of the ture map, resulting in self-adaptive feature optimization. The
final output result is achieved through the utilization of the CBAM mechanism is effective in enhancing useful features
Adam optimizer, a widely used optimization algorithm in deep while suppressing those that are not useful, making it a popular
learning. tool in practical applications. Fig. 5 illustrates the network
structure of CBAM.
By following this approach, the study aims to leverage the
capabilities of faster-rcnn, YOLO:x & SSD models to detect
grape leaf diseases effectively. The training flow chart provides E. Dection Models for Disease Detection in Grape Leaves
a systematic framework for the feature extraction and disease with Attention Mechanism
detection process, facilitating the accurate identification of CNN-based object detection can be categorized into two
different disease species in grape leaves. main types. The first type uses a regional proposal to detect
objects. This involves identifying candidate regions in the
D. Attention Mechanism Models image, which are then divided to detect objects. This two-
stage approach is exemplified by methods such as “R—CNN”,
The study utilizes three attention mechanisms: “Squeeze & “Fast(R-CNN)”, & “Faster(R-CNN)”. The second type of
Excitation”, “efficient channel attention”, and “Convolutional object detection does not use a regional proposal and is referred
Block Attention” spatial attention mechanism. We chose the to as one-stage object detection. An image is analyzed based on
SE attention mechanism because it is simple and adds only a CNN prediction of an object’s position & properties. There
a few new parameters. With ECA attention, models become are a variety of algorithms available for this type of detection,
more accurate without significantly increasing model complex- such as SSDs and YOLOs.
ity. It is an enhanced version of the SE attention mechanism.
Finally, the CBAM attention mechanism is useful because it The study used three models, namely the “Faster R–CNN
connects the spatial domain and the channel domain, leading model”, “YOLO-X model”, & “SSD model” for detecting
to more effective improvement in network performance. grape leaves disease. The input of the selected grape leaf
disease images, extraction of classification features, and use
1) Squeeze & Excitation Attention: In order to extract of the three disease detection models were involved in the
features, the SE channel attention mechanism employs the process. The output was an analysis of the disease detection
CNN channel. It requires re-calibrating features so that the results. For optimizing the final output, an Adam optimizer
model can pick up and remember relevant details from all of was used to predict the difference between reality and the
the available feature channels. Fig. 3 depicts the two steps prediction of disease species.
involved in this mechanism: squeezing and excitement. After
the feature image has been spatially compressed using the Researchers found that the ” Faster(R-CNN)” model boosts
squeeze technique, the feature channel’s relative relevance high detection accuracy and can detect targets end-to-end.
can be determined using the excitation technique; a model However, its running speed is relatively slow. On the other
is created based on the correlation between the channels. In hand, the “YOLO-X” model runs quickly, but it doesn’t detect
doing so, the original feature images are excited into matching small objects. The “SSD” technique has faster running speed
channels. The SE mechanism has few additional parameters and higher detection accuracy than the “YOLO-X” model, but
and is computationally simple. its training process heavily relies on prior experience, and its
performance in detecting small targets is not as good as the
The “efficient channel attention” attention mechanism is “Faster(R-CNN)” model. The characteristics of these models
utilized to enhance cross-channel interaction and reduce model are elaborated as follows:
complexity, while the Squeeze & Excitation attention mech-
anism is used to prioritize the most informative channel fea- 1) Grape Leaves Disease Detection using Faster (R-CNN)
tures for disease identification. For end-to-end training of the Model: This model is comprised of three main components:
grape leaf disease detection model, the “Convolutional Block the “Extraction of features”, the “Region Proposal Network”
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, and the “Region with Convolutional Neural Network Fea- attention module”, “efficient channel attention” and “squeeze
tures”. Fig. 6 depicts the Faster (R-CNN) model with attention & excitation attention mechanisms.
techniques. A Faster (R-CNN) method is used to detect grape
3) Grape Leaves Disease Detection using SSD Model::
leaf diseases in four primary steps: generating candidate dis-
Using a tiny convolution kernel and multi-dimensional feature
ease regions, extracting disease characteristics, categorizing the
prediction, the model combines the anchor mechanism of
disease, and performing bounding box regression. The Faster
Faster (R-CNN) with the regression mechanism of “YOLO”
(R-CNN) model utilizes convolutional neural networks for the
for fast and accurate detection. Fig. 8 depicts the SSD model
extraction of features and then generates feature maps for cor-
that includes attention mechanisms. The first component is
responding images. However, the convolution kernel’s inherent
an enhanced capability for disease detection based on the
locality means that only local information of disease images
deep learning network model used to collect baseline disease
is retained, leading to information loss and reduced detection
features. The multi-scale feature detection network is the
accuracy. To address this issue, the study introduced attention
second part, and it uses cascaded-neural-networks to categorize
mechanisms, namely SE, ECA, and CBAM, without changing
features at various scales in order to learn about the disease’s
the feature extraction network’s structure or backbone features.
category and location, as well as low-layer convolutional layer
As a result of forward propagation after the last identity block,
features to enhance detection precision and Non–Maximum
these mechanisms were introduced to enhance the model.
suppression to generate the final detection results. Using a
2) Grape Leaves Disease Detection using YOLO-X Model:: multi-dimensional prediction strategy, the SSD model is able
The YOLO-X with Darknet53 network is a model with high to distinguish between small and large objects; the front-end
operational speed and flexibility. It includes four primary deep-learning models are responsible for the former, while
components: the input end, Backbone network, Neck, and Pre- at the back-end multi-dimensional feature detection models
diction. Fig. 7 illustrates the YOLO-X model based on various handle them. Although the front-end network delivers precise
attention mechanisms. In the YOLO-X model, the YOLO Head coordinates and geometry, it has a limited range of perception
has been changed to a decoupled head in the prediction section, and isn’t great at representing abstract concepts. Whereas
the anchor-based approach has been replaced with an anchor- the frontal network has a narrow receptive field and poor
free method, and the SimOTA method has been introduced representational capacity for geometric data, the posterior net-
for dynamic matching with positive samples. The model’s work has a wide receptive field and excellent representational
detection accuracy and speed have both been enhanced by ability for semantic data. Because of this, the SSD model
these revisions, and the models’ parameter sizes have been may overlook some diseases or incorrectly identify others.
significantly decreased. The YOLO-X model is known for its Six feature images of varying sizes were collected from the
high detection speed and precision, but it has some limita- “SSD” model and supplied into the various attention modules
tions when applied directly for disease detection in different in order to better represent critical feature information and
environments. For instance, its backbone lacks the ability to identify disease object features. With this method, the SSD
extract features and integrate high-quality contextual feature model is better able to recognize diseased items.
information, leading to a reduction in the model’s detection
precision. Therefore, in this study, the Darknet53 network IV. R ESULTS AND E XPERIMENTS
structure of the YOLO-X model remained unchanged, allowing
A. Evaluation Metrics
pre-training weights to be directly loaded into model training.
The YOLO-X model can selectively strengthen key features Results were evaluated based on standard measures for
while suppressing irrelevant ones based on the branches of the evaluating target detection. One class of targets will be eval-
backbone network, namely “Darknet53”, “convolutional block uated using ”Precision,” ”Recall,” ”Average Precision,” and
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Vol. 14, No. 6, 2023
”Mean Average Precision,” while all targets will be evaluated In Eq. 4, the variables P, TP, FP, R, FN, and F1 represent
using ”Mean Average Precision.” However, in this study, we various metrics used to evaluate the performance of a model.
evaluated the grape leaf disease detection model’s performance P is the precision, which measures the percentage of correct
on a wider set of metrics, including the mean absolute per- positive predictions. The probability that grape disease leaves
centage (mAP), the frame rate (FPS), the parameters, and the are accurately detected is denoted by true positives (’TP’),
precision (P) and recall (R) values. The Eq. 1,2 and 3 were whereas the probability that they are mistakenly categorised
used to calculate P, R, and F1. as positive is denoted by false positives (’FP’). Recall, or
the proportion of true positives that were correctly detected,
T rueP ositives
P recision = ∗ 100 (1) is denoted by the letter R. The likelihood of mislabeling a
T rueP ositives + F alseP ositives positive sample as negative is known as the ”Fasle negatives”
(T rueP ositives) (’FN’) rate. F1 is a measure of accuracy that is the harmonic
Recall = ∗ 100 (2) mean of two other metrics, recall and precision.
(T rueP ositives + F alseN egatives)
(2 ∗ P recision.Recall)
F 1score = (3) P RdR (4)
(P recision + Recall) 0
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Model Precision Recall F1-Score mAP Model Precision Recall F1-Score mAP
Faster (R-CNN) model 75.06 74.42 74.74 79.12 YOLO-X model 82.35 74.85 78.42 83.22
Faster (R-CNN) with SE At- 79.80 84.23 81.96 85.39 YOLO-X with SE Attention 82.46 82.21 82.33 84.02
tention YOLO-X with ECA Attention 87.77 86.07 86.91 88.66
Faster (R-CNN) with ECA 76.54 78.71 77.61 81.93 YOLO-X with CBAM Attention 85.81 77.91 81.67 84.21
Attention YOLO-X with SE, ECA,CBAM Attention 89.77 86.97 85.91 88.96
Faster (R-CNN) with CBAM 75.75 75.89 75.82 79.65
Faster (R-CNN) with SE, 84.52 86.32 80.79 84.31
ECA,CBAM Attention speed of detection are achieved through the attention mech-
anism for grape leaves images. Among the various models,
“Faster (R-CNN) with SE, ECA, CBAM Attention” displayed
A higher value for TP indicates a more accurate prediction the best detection effect when compared with “Faster (R-CNN)
& better performance of the model. A model’s performance with SE Attention”. The “Faster (R-CNN) with SE Attention”
can be measured using mAP, which is a metric that averages model demonstrated a 3.26%, 5.52%, and 4.35% increase in
the average precision of all diseases. Eq. 5 defines mAP as P, R, and F1 values, respectively, with an increase of 3.46%
the average of all AP values. FPS stands for the number in mAP. In comparison with ” Faster (R-CNN) with CBAM
of pictures handled each second. The algorithm’s ability to Attention”, ” Faster (R-CNN) with SE Attention” increased P,
recognize items improves as the FPS increases. R, and F1 by respectively 4.05%, 8.34%, and 6.14%. When
N precision is considered, the ” Faster (R-CNN) with SE, ECA,
1 X and CBAM Attention” model shows optimal results. It focuses
mAP = AP (5)
N m=1 on channel features with the most significant information while
suppressing un-important features, making it ideal for detecting
A computer with 16 GB of RAM is used for this research, grape diseases in the dataset.
which runs Windows 10. Model parameters and hardware
configuration are considered in Pytorch 1.10.1. 2) YOLO-X Result Analysis: The YOLO-X model has been
enhanced with different attention mechanisms: SE, ECA, and
B. Experiment Results and Analysis CBAM. To compare their performance, all the models (includ-
ing the original YOLO-X model) were tested on the dataset
The grape disease dataset was utilized to compare the under the same configuration. The results are shown in Table
Faster(R-CNN), YOLO-X, and SSD models with the classical IV and in Fig. 10. Table IV shows that the “YOLO-X with
versions based on different attention mechanisms. The models SE Attention” model has improved performance compared to
were all trained and detected with the same configuration the YOLO-X model. Specifically, the precision, recall, and F1
information and training platform. values of the “YOLO-X with SE Attention” model increased
1) Faster (R-CNN) Result Analysis: The “Faster(R-CNN)” by 0.11 %, 7.36 %, and 3.91 %, respectively, while the
model can be combined with different attention mechanisms to mAP increased by 0.8%. Similarly, the “YOLO-X with ECA
create different versions. Also we have combined the three at- Attention” model also outperformed the YOLO-X model, with
tention mechanisms i.e. Faster (R-CNN) with SE, ECA,CBAM increases of 5.42%, 11.22%, and 8.49% in precision, recall,
Attention. To test their performance in detecting grape dis- and F1 values, respectively. The mAP also increased by 5.44%
eases, all these versions were used in the same experimental respectively. The “YOLO-X with CBAM Attention” model
setup, and the results are presented in Table III and in Fig. 9. also showed improvements, with increases of 3.46%, 3.06%,
Table III presents a comparison between the Faster (R-CNN) and 3.25% in precision, recall, and F1 values, respectively, and
model and four modified versions: “Faster (R-CNN) with SE a 0.99% increase in mAP. Based on the analysis above, it was
Attention”, “Faster (R-CNN) with ECA Attention”, and “Faster found that the detection performance of the YOLO-X model
(R-CNN) with CBAM Attention”. The results indicate that was improved with the introduction of attention mechanisms,
the Faster (R-CNN) with SE Attention model outperformed despite a slight increase in the parameters of the “YOLO-
the original model with an increase in P, R, and F1 values by X with SE Attention” and “YOLO-X with ECA Attention”
4.74%, 9.81%, and 7.22% respectively, and an increase in mAP models. Models were able to identify disease objects more
by 6.27%. Similarly, the Faster (R-CNN) with ECA Attention accurately due to the attention mechanisms that allowed them
model showed improvements over the original model with an to extract more comprehensive and rich features.
increase in P, R, and F1 values by 1.48%, 4.29%, and 2.87% Out of all the models, the “YOLO-X with SE, ECA,CBAM
respectively, and an increase in mAP by 2.81%. Finally, the Attention” model had the best detection performance. Com-
“Faster (R-CNN) with CBAM Attention” model showed slight pared to the “YOLO-X with SE Attention” model, the “YOLO-
improvements over the original model with an increase in P, X with ECA Attention” model had a 5.31%, 3.86%, and
R, and F1 values by 0.69%, 1.47%, and 1.08% respectively, 4.58% increase in P, R, and F1 values, respectively, a 4.64%
and an increase in mAP by 0.53%. increase in mAP, a 4.8 increase in FPS value, and a 0.49
MB expansion in parameters. Compared to the “YOLO-X with
Based on the analysis above, it is evident that the per- CBAM Attention” model, the “YOLO-X with ECA Attention”
formance of Faster (R-CNN) improved after the inclusion of model had a 1.96%, 8.16%, and 5.24% increase in P, R, and F1
attention mechanisms, despite a slight increase in parameters values, respectively, a 4.45% increase in mAP, a 1.8 increase in
for “Faster (R-CNN) with SE Attention and Faster (R-CNN) FPS value, and a 0.66 MB expansion in parameters. Compared
with CBAM Attention”. Enhanced precision and accelerated to other models YOLO-X with SE, ECA,CBAM Attention
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Vol. 14, No. 6, 2023
Fig. 9. Comparison analysis of Faster (R-CNN) models with different attention techniques.
Fig. 10. Comparison analysis of YOLO-X models with different attention techniques.
models had outperformed than previous models. In conclusion, Compared to the SSD model, the SSD with SE Attention
even though the “YOLO-X with SE, ECA,CBAM Attention” model showed significant improvements in P, R, and F1 values
model had more parameters than the other three models, it by 2.72%, 15.23%, and 9.45%, respectively.
achieved the best detection results with fast operation speed on
the grape disease dataset, partially due to its ability to achieve The SSD with ECA Attention model also showed improve-
cross-channel interaction. ments over the SSD model, but to a lesser degree. A relative
increase of 1.35%, 8.77%, and 5.47% in P, R, and F1 values
3) SSD Result Analysis: Under the same experimental was experienced, while a relative increase of 6.67% was seen
conditions, all the models were utilized to detect diseases on in mAP.
the plant village dataset, & the results of the experiment can
be found in Table V and in Fig. 11. The SSD with CBAM Attention model showed the smallest
Table V displays the results of various different models. The improvements over the SSD model. There is an increase
comparison is based on various metrics, including precision of 0.94 %, 3.61 %, and 2.48 % in P, R, and F1 values,
(P), recall (R), and F1 values, mean average precision (mAP). respectively, as well as a 4.91% increase in mAP and a
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Vol. 14, No. 6, 2023
TABLE V. C OMPARISON ANALYSIS OF SSD MODELS WITH DIFFERENT ”SSD” model was found to be ideal for monitoring field
ATTENTION TECHNIQUES FOR DETECTING GRAPE DISEASES grapes in real time. The ”YOLO-X” models demonstrated the
highest detection accuracy with the fewest parameters, and
Model Precision Recall F1-Score mAP
SSD model 80.74 68.87 74.33 76.23
they performed well while recognising both small objects and
SSD with SE Attention 83.46 84.10 83.78 86.96 items that were partially obscured.
SSD with ECA Attention 82.09 77.64 79.80 82.90
SSD with CBAM Attention 81.68 72.48 76.81 81.14
SSD with SE, ECA,CBAM Attention 85.46 84.90 84.78 83.96 R EFERENCES
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