Ethical-Hacking Question Paper

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Haldia Institute of Technology

Subject: Computer Science & Engineering (Data Science)

Semester: B.Tech 3rd Semester

Attempt All Questions

Paper Name: Ethical Hacking

Paper Code: VAC-DS-102

Answer the following questions

1. What is the ethics behind training how to hack a system?

a) To think like hackers and know how to defend such attacks
b) To hack a system without the permission
c) To hack a network that is vulnerable
d) To corrupt software or service using malware

2. Performing a shoulder surfing in order to check other’s password is

ethical practice.
a) a good
b) not so good
c) very good social engineering practice
d) a bad

3. ____________has now evolved to be one of the most popular automated tools for
unethical hacking.
a) Automated apps
b) Database software
c) Malware
d) Worms

4. Leaking your company data to the outside network without prior permission of senior
authority is a crime.
a) True
b) False

5. is the technique used in business organizations and firms to protect IT

a) Ethical hacking
b) Unethical hacking
c) Fixing bugs
d) Internal data-breach
6. The legal risks of ethical hacking include lawsuits due to----------------of personal data.
a) stealing
b) disclosure
c) deleting
d) hacking

7. An ethical hacker must ensure that proprietary information of the firm does not get
a) True
b) False

8. helps to classify arguments and situations, better understand a cyber-crime

and helps to determine appropriate actions.
a) Cyber-ethics
b) Social ethics
c) Cyber-bullying
d) Corporate behaviour

9. In which year the first popular hacker conference took place? a)

b) 1995
c) 1993
d) 1992

10. Which is the legal form of hacking based on which jobs are provided in IT industries and firms?
a) Cracking
b) Non ethical Hacking
c) Ethical hacking
d) Hacktivism

Answer any three questions

Group B

1. List the types in information gathering ?

2. Write the tools used in traceroute?
3. Define DNS server
4. Write the use of Nslookup in information gathering.
5. What is port scanning? Investigate about port scanning techniques.

Answer any three

Group C

1. Defend sniffing ?
2. List out the vectors in ARP attacks ?
3. Explain about preventing session hijacking?
4. What is session hijacking? Write its importance with explanation.
5. Summarize purpose of DOS

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