Special Study TMA Bannu
Special Study TMA Bannu
Special Study TMA Bannu
Most of the observations included in this report were finalized in the light
of written replies of the department. However, DAC meeting was not convened
despite repeated requests.
It is recommended that:
i. Planning and proper survey of existing sources to find the actual income
potentials as well as new sources of income in the jurisdiction of TMA to
overcome the financial deficit.
ii. Ensuring provision of accurate budget information and appointment of
internal auditor to carry out the tasks required of him.
iii. Ensuring approved accounting system in revenue collection of TMA and
appointment of internal Auditor.
iv. Recovery of the outstanding amount and action against the persons at fault
under intimation to audit.
v. Recovery of the amount from contractor.
vi. Recovery of dues from the concerned and record the same in D&C register
vii. Recovery of rent from the concerned and record the same in D&C register
viii. Inquiry into the matter and fixing of responsibility on the person(s) at fault.
ix. Recovery of Rs.5,075,422 to be made from the contractors under intimation
to Audit.
x. Recovery from the person(s) at fault.
xi. Preparation of Appropriation Account, Finance Account and Financial
Statement for the year 2019-20 on the approved form and format as
prescribed by the AGP.
Tehsil Councils are given key positions in the devolved system where
they are entrusted with multiple responsibilities among which revenue collection
is very important as without revenue no entity can exist. TMA used their revenue
for the well-being of the society.
3. The TMAs are given enough liberty to impose multiple taxes in their
respective territories on various subjects as stipulated in the Local Government
Act 2013. Despite the fact that Provincial Government frames a revenue
collection policy on yearly basis and gives baseline to TMAs for revenue
generation from each of its budget components. The TMAs are facing shortage of
funds due to weak financial and administrative control. There is no proper
accounting mechanism for reporting of collected revenue, taxes and fees etc. This
badly affects performance.
5. Keeping in view the factors narrated above, this Directorate felt the
need to conduct a Special Study “Revenue Collection and Accounting
Mechanism at TMA Bannu”.
1.1 Purpose
1.1.1 The purpose of the special study is to examine and identify issues of the
Tehsil Municipal Administration Bannu with reference to Revenue collection and
accounting Mechanism. The aim is to find out the shortcomings and lapses in the
collection of revenue if any and its accounting/reporting and to recommend
remedial actions to the Tehsil Municipal Administration Bannu in order to
improve the process. It also makes suggestions to the stakeholders for further
1.1.2 In order to achieve the purpose of the study, a formal questionnaire was
developed to obtain responses from Tehsil Municipal Administration Bannu
authorities and analyze these responses for meaningful assessment and
stocktaking of existing practices enabling us to suggest some practical solutions.
1.2 Scope
1.2.1 The study determined the horizontal and vertical policy coherence among
various stakeholders to avoid duplication of taxation and determination of correct
jurisdictions. The study covered the requirements of uniformity of taxation
pattern among the TMA and inclusion of relevant revenue head of accounts in the
profit centers of PIFRA. Moreover, Study suggested various areas where proper
legislations were required for streamlining policies and procedures requisite for
monitoring, reporting and accountability of receipt collection, realization and
accounting respectively.
1.3 Methodology
of TMA was scrutinized in order to determine the overall potential of TMA in
revenue generation and efforts made till then to achieve it.
1.3.2 For data analysis, desk audit was performed and subsequently a detailed
questionnaire was prepared. The results were compiled in TMA Bannu covering
major stakeholders under Local Government Act 2013, highlighting
recommendations to resolve issues and hurdles in revenue collection.
2.3 This study is intended to cover all those activities associated with
Revenue Collection, Realization and its Accounting Mechanism at TMA Bannu.
When pointed out in April 2021, management stated that matter would be
discussed with higher authorities.
Request for DAC meeting was made in April 2021 which could not be
convened till finalization of this report.
Audit recommends planning and proper survey of existing sources to find
the actual income potentials as well as new sources of income in the jurisdiction
of TMA to overcome the financial deficit.
Section 37(4) of the Local Government Act 2013, provides for the
appointment of internal auditor in the TMA, and rules 51, 52 of the TMA Budget
Rules 2016 provide for accurate budget information.
When pointed out in April 2021, management stated that matter would be
discussed with higher authorities for internal audit of receipts.
Request for DAC meeting was made in April 2021 which could not be
convened till finalization of this report.
Section 37(4) of the Local Government Act 2013, provides for the
appointment of internal auditor in the TMA, and rules 51, 52 of the TMA Budget
Rules 2016 provide for accurate budget information.
During special study for Revenue collection and its accounting
mechanism in TMA Bannu for the year 2019-20, it was observed that there was
no proper accounting mechanism of revenue receipts and collection in TMA. No
computerized accounting system was introduced by the TMA till date. The
finance section played only the role of book keeping by recording entries in
Demand and Collection Register and cash books. The D&C registers were not
signed by any single responsible officer of TMA.
When pointed out in April 2021, management stated that matter would be
discussed with higher authorities for development of accounting mechanism.
Request for DAC meeting was made in April 2021 which could not be
convened till finalization of this report.
As per para 03 of the contract agreement states that all the amount of the
contract shall be deposited in 11 monthly installments.
During scrutiny of the record of TMA Bannu for the 2019-20 it was
observed that TMA Bannu awarded Contracts to various contractors as detailed
below during financial year 2019-20. The contractors deposited Rs 28,335,079
during the contracts period, whereas Rs 8,583,384 was still outstanding against
the contractor.
Total Bid Outstanding
Name of Deposited
S.No Name of Contract 2019-20 2019-20
Contractor (Rs)
(Rs) (Rs)
1 Akbar Nawaz Cattle Fair Bannu City 27,900,000 21,098,330 6,801,670
Khan Urban
2 Sultan Khan Goat and Sheep Market 6,340,000 5,036,000 1,394,000
3 Mr Ameer Dad Group letreenBannu 420970 334194 38,270
4 Sultan khan The BazariBannu 960000 851600 108,400
5 Akbar Nawaz Cattle Fair Ghoriwala 230,000 100,000 130000
6 Mr Sultan Slaughter house 525000 465,955 59045
7 Akbar nawaz Khan Mall GodamBannu 520999 469000 51999
Total Outstanding 28,355,079 8,583,384
The loss occurred due to poor financial management which put TMA to
financial losses.
The irregularity was pointed out and conveyed to the department in the
month of April 2021 to which department replied that concerned contractor
would be requested to deposit the outstanding amount.
Request for DAC meeting was made in April 2021 which could not be
convened till finalization of this report.
TMO Bannu awarded contracts to various contractors during financial
year 2019-20. According to condition contractors were bound to deposit monthly
installments up to end of each month. However, the contractors failed to deposit
the amount of monthly installments with in stipulated period of time. As per
condition of the agreement TMA was required to penalize the contractor @ 2%
per day which action was not taken, and the TMA was put to loss of Rs 1,044,482
(Detail in Annexure 1).
The loss occurred due to poor financial management which put TMA to
financial losses.
The irregularity was pointed out and conveyed to the department in the
month of April 2021, the department replied that effort would be made to recover
the outstanding amount.
Request for DAC meeting was made in April 2021 which could not be
convened till finalization of this report.
During the course of special study of TMA Bannu it was noticed that Teh
Bazari fee of Rs.327,180 was recoverable besides lapse of considerable period.
The detail of recoverable Teh Bazari fee is as under:
TMA Bannu collected Teh Bazari fee only from car stand in front of
Zanana Hospital and vegetable market Bannu. Rest of the city was left and not a
single rupee collected as Teh Bazari which showed the negligence of the staff
deputed for collection, which resulted in loss to TMA.
The loss occurred due to poor financial management which put TMA to
financial losses.
When reported in April 2021, the department replied that penalty would
be calculated and recovery made from the persons responsible.
Request for DAC meeting was made in April 2021 which could not be
convened till finalization of this report.
Audit recommends recovery of dues from the concerned and record the
same in D&C register immediately.
When reported in April 2021, the department replied that penalty would
be calculated and recovery made from contractor.
Request for DAC meeting was made in April 2021 which could not be
convened till finalization of this report.
Audit recommends recovery of rent from the concerned and record the
same in D&C register immediately.
As per Para 2 of the policy of Govt of KP Local Govt Elections and Rural
Development Department for streamlining the affairs in the interest of Local
Councils property circulated vide No. AO-V/LCB/4-1/99 dated 21 July 1999, the
occupant of the property will be given an option to keep the property with him as
a lessee at the 70% of the market rate. Moreover according to Para 1 of the policy
of Govt of KPK Local Govt Elections and Rural Development Department for
streamlining the affairs in the interest of Local Councils property circulated vide
No AO-V/LCB/4-1/99 dated 21 July 1999 “the Local Council will assess the rate
of annual lease money for each unit at the prevailing market rate in the locality”.
TMA Bannu has commercial property and vacant plots on various prime
locations of District Bannu. It was observed during audit that leases of all the
shops and plots has expired and neither the lessees were paying the rent as
required under the law nor the TMA staff is making any effort to vacate the
property of TMA and allot the property to new lessors with new rent under the
law as a result of confusion between the TMA staff and the lessees due to this
TMA Bannu sustained a heavy loss of millions of rupees every year.
When pointed out in April 2021 management replied that detailed reply
on case to case basis would be given after checking record.
Request for DAC was made in April 2021 which could not be convened
till finalization of this report.
3.1.9 Non-recovery of Income Tax on auction of contracts-Rs. 5.075
Request for DAC meeting was made in April 2021 which could not be
convened till finalization of this report.
TMA, Bannu auctioned contracts of Fire Wood and Sign Board for the
year 2019-20 and M/S Muhammad Mushtaq & M/S Ameer Muhammad Khan
offered highest bids of Rs.5,275,000 & Rs.4,490,000 respectively. But later on,
the said contractors refused to execute agreements and taking charge of contracts
within specified period. The local office re-auctioned the contracts on low bids
which resulted into a loss of Rs.5, 439,000 due to refusal of contractor as per
detail given below:-
Highest Bid Re-auctioned
Name of Loss
S.No. Name of Contractor offered Bid
Contract (Rs.)
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Fire Wood M/S Muhammad 5,275,000 706,000 4,569,000
2. Sign Board M/S Ameer Muhammad 4,490,000 3,620,000 870,000
Total 5,439,000
The local office failed to recover the loss from the highest bidder who
refused to take over the charge of contract as per Para-26 of model terms &
conditions of contracts.
The loss occurred due to poor financial management which put TMA to
financial losses.
When reported in April 2021, the department replied that bid was
according to rules and no loss given to TMA.
Request for DAC meeting was made in April 2021 which could not be
convened till finalization of this report.
3.1.11 Non preparation of appropriation, finance and financial
statements of funds-Rs 754.512 million
Section 37(1) of the LGA 2013 lays down that The Auditor General of
Pakistan shall, on the basis of such audit as he may consider appropriate or necessary,
certify the accounts compiled and prepared by the respective accounts officials of local
governments for each financial year, showing annual receipts and disbursements for the
purposes of each local government and shall submit certified accounts with such notes,
comments or recommendations as he may consider necessary to the Government and
Nazim of the respective local council.
Budgetary and expenditure position of TMA Bannu for the year 2019-20 is
given as under:
Head of Accounts Revised Budget for 2019-20
Opening Balance on 1st July, 2019 Rs. 3,803,022
Receipts during the year 651,655,14
Total Receipts 655,458,164
Total Expenditure 754,512,311
Closing Balance on 30th June, 2020 Rs. 99,054,147
Irregularity was pointed out in the mount of April 2021, the department
replied that the notice for future compliance.
Request for DAC meeting was made in April 2021 which could not be
convened till finalization of this report.
The survey conducted for the study has revealed there was no proper
accounting mechanism of revenue collection in TMA of District Bannu. TMA
failed to achieve receipt target. No action was taken against the defaulting
contractors. There was no proper planning to secure revenue resource from
wastage. Personal Force of TMA was not empowered in revenue collection.
There was decreasing trend of revenue collection due to departmental execution
of revenue resources.
Survey Questionnaire for Revenue collection, realization and accounting
mechanism at selected TMAs
Annexure 1
Detail of Haved Gate Shops Annexure 2
(Amount in Rs)
Sr. Name of Allottee No. of Shop Monthly Rent Outstanding
1 Khisroon Khan 1 3960 Nil
2 Mir Wali 2 2079 7560
3 Saad Ayaz 3 2079 13230
4 Muhammad Jalal 4 2079 2835
5 Noor Ayaz 5 2079 Nil
6 Sher Anjam 6 2288 Nil
7 Abdur Razzaq 7 2080 1890
8 Umar Ali 8 2080 Nil
9 Umar Ali 9 2080 Nil
10 Muhammad Ghani 10 2080 Nil
11 Said Rehman 11 2080 11340
12 Shaheen Badshah 12 2080 Nil
13 Afraz Khan 13 3120 Nil
14 Imtiaz Khan 14 3120 34020
15 Muhammad Hassan 15 3120 22680
16 Muhammad Akram 16 2080 52574
Total 109274
Detail of GPO Shops
Sr. Name of Allottee No. of Shop Monthly Rent Outstanding
1 Mir Hatim Shah 1 1857 Nil
2 Gul Riaz 2 1857 Nil
3 Mir Hatim Shah 3 1857 Nil
4 Nadir Shah 4 1857 116780
Total 116780
Detail of Cantt Plaza Shops
Sr. Name of Allottee No. of Shop Monthly Rent Outstanding
1 Ahmad Ali 1 2421 153968
2 Mir Ahmed Khan 2 2421 153968
3 Sajda Begum 3 2421 153968
4 Muhammad Ali Shah 4 2421 153968
5 Sajda Begum 5 2421 153968
6 Dost Muhammad Khan 6 2421 153968
7 Dost Muhammad Khan 7 2421 153968
8 Muhammad Javed 8 2421 153968
9 Sardar Muhammad Shah 9 2421 153968
10 Gul Sharif 10 2421 153968
11 Sher Dil 11 2421 153968
12 Nazif Ullah 12 2421 153968
13 Iqbal Ayaz 13 2421 153968
14 Haji Rahim Dil 14 2421 153968
15 Abdul Jalil 16 2421 153968
16 Jahan Zeb 15 2421 127556
17 Akhtar Ali 17 2421 119424
18 Rafi Ullah 18 2421 153968
19 Muhammad Rehman 19 2421 153968
20 Noor Dar Ali 20 2421 153968
21 Nasir Ahmed 21 2421 153968
22 Ghulam Manzoor Shah 22 2421 153968
23 Sher Afzal 23 2421 153968
24 Ashraf Ali Shah 24 2421 153968
25 Ijaz Rasool 25 2421 153968
26 Faiz Rehman 26 2421 153968
27 Jahan Zeb 27 2421 153968
28 Waqas Ali Shah 28 2421 59664
29 Munawar Khan 29 2421 153968
30 Khurshid Khan 30 2421 135824
31 Safina Ijaz 31 2680 50124
32 Abdul Nasir 32 2421 93968
33 Altaf Hussain 33 2680 58464
34 Altaf Hussain 34 2680 58464
35 Altaf Hussain 35 2680 58464
36 Altaf Hussain 36 2680 58464
37 Shah wazir 37 2421 143324
38 Maqbool Rehman 38 2421 153968
39 Balqiaz 39 2421 153968
Total 5,274,844