Impact of Molecular Weight on Anti-Bioadhesion Efficiency of
PDMS-Based Coatings
Mama Aïssata Bangoura 1, * , David Mimeau 2 , Eric Balnois 3 , Karine Réhel 1 , Fabrice Azemar 1
and Isabelle Linossier 1
1 Laboratoire de Biotechnologie et de Chimie Marines (LBCM), EMR CNRS 6076, Université Bretagne Sud,
IUEM, CS7030, 56321 Lorient, France; (K.R.); (F.A.); (I.L.)
2 Nautix, Parc d’activités Les 5 Chemins, 56520 Guidel, France;
3 Laboratoire de Biotechnologie et de Chimie Marines (LBCM), EMR CNRS 6076, Université de Bretagne
Occidentale, 29000 Quimper, France;
* Correspondence:
Abstract: Silicone elastomer coatings have shown successful fouling release ability in recent years. To
further enhance the design of silicone coatings, it is necessary to fully understand the mechanisms that
contribute to their performance. The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between
the molecular weight of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and antibioadhesion efficiency. PDMS-based
coatings were prepared via a condensation reaction, with a controlled molecular weight ranging
from 0.8 to 10 kg·mol−1 . To evaluate changes in surface wettability and morphology, contact angle
experiments and atomic force microscopy (AFM) were performed. Finally, the antibioadhesion and
self-cleaning performance of PDMS coatings was carried out during in situ immersion in Lorient
harbor for 12 months. Despite small variations in surface properties depending on the molecular
weight, strong differences in the antibioadhesion performance were observed. According to the
results, the best antibioadhesion efficiency was obtained for coatings with an Mn between 2 and
4 kg·mol−1 after 12 months. This paper provides for the first time the impact of the molecular weight
of PDMS on antibioadhesion efficiency in a real marine environment.
of hard foulants such as barnacles [5,6] under shear forces during navigation. Silicone-
based coatings are generally prepared via a hydrosilylation reaction or a condensation
reaction [7]. Hydrosilylation describes the addition reactions between two types of PDMS,
one containing vinyl groups and the other silane groups, in the presence of a platinum-
based catalyst [8]. On the other hand, a silicone crosslinker with many alkoxysilane
groups, and a polysiloxane precursor with silanol end-groups can undergo a condensation
reaction [9].
The first use of crosslinked silicone to prevent the adhesion of barnacles was patented
by Robbart Edward in 1961 [10]. He pointed out that siloxane polymers such as methyl poly-
dimethylsiloxane, methyl phenyl polydimethylsiloxane, and ethyl polydimethylsiloxane
were particularly suitable for silicone coatings. He had already claimed that the efficiency of
silicon resins in preventing the accumulation of marine organisms could be at least related
to the smoothness of the silicone surface. Many studies have reported on the efficiency of
silicone coatings. Truby et al. showed that the incorporation of free polydimethyldiphenyl-
siloxane (PDMDPS) oil in a cured polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) network decreased the
adhesion of barnacles and certain species of oysters [11]. Wynne et al. carried out a study
to compare the fouling-release performance of filled condensation-cured room-temperature
vulcanizing (RTV) silicone rubber coatings [9,12] with that of an unfilled hydrosilylation
system (with the same molecular weight of PDMS macromonomers). They demonstrated
that all hydrosilylation-cured coatings released barnacles (Balanus eburneus) more readily
than filled RTV. The surface roughness observed for filled RTV may certainly improve the
adhesion of foulants [9]. In addition, Stein et al. have tried to fully understand the effect
of the filler (coating composition) of both condensation-cured and hydrosilylation-cured
silicone coatings on barnacle attachment strength. They showed that barnacle adhesion
increased as the filler loading increased in both systems [13]. They also tried to understand
the relationship between the molecular architecture (crosslinking density) and the adhesion
of barnacles in hydrosilylation-cured systems. They observed no significant effect of the
crosslinking density on the adhesion strength of barnacles, but some change on the failure
mechanism of barnacles were noticed. They have suggested that lower crosslink density
was better for stable (durable) coating. In another study, the influence of the elastic modulus
on the release of the soft foulant alga (Ulva linza) from hydrosilylated PDMS coating has
been investigated. No significant effect of elastic moduli ranging from 0.2 to 9.4 MPa was
observed for the settlement of Ulva sp. zoospores. However, more detachment of sporeling
was observed for the softer materials with lower moduli (0.2 and 0.8 MPa): the sporeling
were readily detached on these coatings [5]. In another study, Gray et al. showed that the
settlement of larvae could be positively correlated with elastic modulus [14].
The literature states that several specific parameters can contribute to the antibioad-
hesion performance of silicone-based coatings. We identified molecular weight as one of
these parameters. To date, few studies have reported the relationship between the network
characteristics of PDMS coatings and their antibioadhesion performances. In particular,
there is a need to examine the impact of molecular weight on efficiency. Most of these
studies were performed on silicone coatings obtained via hydrosilylation. In this work, the
focus was on condensation reactions. The successive mechanism of alkoxysilane hydrolysis
and condensation reactions enable the formation, by aggregation, of a three-dimensional
network at room temperature. The material thus formed presents intermolecular chemical
bonds ensuring the mechanical cohesion of the material. To study the relationship between
chain size and antibioadhesion efficiency, different PDMS-based coatings were prepared via
condensation reaction, with a controlled molecular weight ranging from 0.8 to 10 kg·mol−1 .
In contrast with other methods usually used, the PDMS coatings studied were obtained via
self-condensation without a precursor, in the presence of a catalyst at room temperature.
Indeed, PDMS used in this study were modified using thiol-ene click chemistry to obtain
crosslinkable methoxysilane end groups. In the presence of humidity and a catalyst, a tridi-
mensional network could be formed [15]. The polymeric solutions obtained were applied
on different surfaces to be characterized after curing. The Soxhlet extraction method was
Coatings 2024, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 15
Coatings 2024, 14, 149 humidity and a catalyst, a tridimensional network could be formed [15]. The polymeric 3 of 15
solutions obtained were applied on different surfaces to be characterized after curing. The
Soxhlet extraction method was employed to study crosslinking efficiency. The key prop-
erties for fouling
employed to studyrelease such as surface
crosslinking roughness
efficiency. The keyand elastic modulus
properties were
for fouling studied
release with
such as
atomic force
surface microscopy
roughness (AFM),
and elastic and surface
modulus energywith
were studied wasatomic
forceusing contact(AFM),
microscopy angle
and surface energy
measurements. was calculated
Finally, the influence using contact angle
of molecular measurements.
weight Finally, the influence
on the antibioadhesion of PDMS
of molecular
coatings weight on the
was investigated antibioadhesion
during the immersionof PDMS coatings
of samples in thewas investigated
Atlantic during
Ocean (Lorient
the immersion
harbor) in staticofconditions
samples in forthe
months. Ocean (Lorient harbor) in static conditions for
12 months.
2. Materials and Methods
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Materials
2.1. Materials
Three vinyl-terminated polydimethylsiloxanes (Mn: 800 g·mol−−11, PDMS-V0.8K; Mn:
Three −1vinyl-terminated polydimethylsiloxanes (Mn: 800 g·mol , PDMS-V0.8K; Mn:
6000 g·mol , PDMS-V6K; Mn: 9400 g·mol−1, PDMS-V10K) were acquired from Gelest Inc.
6000 g·mol−1 , PDMS-V6K; Mn: 9400 g·mol−1 , PDMS-V10K) were acquired from Gelest
(Morrisville, NC, USA). Polydimethylsiloxane and bis(3-aminopropyl)-terminated (Mn:
Inc. (Morrisville, NC, USA). Polydimethylsiloxane and bis(3-aminopropyl)-terminated
2500 g·mol−1, PDMS-N2.5K) were purchased from Sigma Aldrich® (Taufkirchen, Ger-
(Mn: 2500 g·mol−1 , PDMS-N2.5K) were purchased from Sigma Aldrich® (Taufkirchen,
many). Linear, trimethoxysilane-terminated polydimethylsiloxane (Mn: 4010 g·mol−1
Germany). Linear, trimethoxysilane-terminated polydimethylsiloxane (Mn: 4010 g·mol−1
PDMS-TMS4K) was kindly offered by our industrial partner. The zinc complex catalyst
PDMS-TMS4K) was kindly offered by our industrial partner. The zinc complex catalyst
was purchased from King Industries Inc. (Norwalk, CT, USA). The 2,2-dimethoxy-2-phe-
was purchased from King Industries Inc. (Norwalk, CT, USA). The 2,2-dimethoxy-2-
nylacetophenone (>99%
phenylacetophenone (>99%DMPA)
DMPA) was purchased
was purchasedfrom
MA, USA). The N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide
′ (>98% DCC),
MA, USA). The N,N -dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (>98% DCC), 4-dimethylaminopyridine4-dimethylaminopyridine
(>99% DMAP),
(>99% DMAP), (3-mercaptopropyl)-trimethoxysilane
(3-mercaptopropyl)-trimethoxysilane (>96% (>96% HS-TMS),
HS-TMS), and 4-pentenoic
and 4-pentenoic
acid were
acid werepurchased
purchasedfrom fromTCITCI Chemicals
Chemicals (Zwijndrecht,
(Zwijndrecht, Belgium).
Belgium). Chloroform,
Chloroform, hexane,
hexane, ace-
acetonitrile, toluene, and glass microscope slides (76 × 26 × 1 mm) were
tonitrile, toluene, and glass microscope slides (76 mm × 26 mm × 1 mm) were purchased purchased from
from International (Radnor,
International PE, USA).
(Radnor, Deuterated
PE, USA). chloroform
Deuterated chloroform (CDCl 3) for Eurositop 1H
(CDCl 3 ) for Eurositop
H NMR analysis waswas
analysis acquired from
acquired (Hadfield,
from UK).
(Hadfield, All All
UK). products
products were used
were as received.
used as received.
Figure 1. Synthetic pathwayofofmodification
polymers with
with crosslinkable
crosslinkable groups.
groups. (a) (a) Steglich
Steglich es-
terification to to
esterification obtain vinyl-terminated
obtain PDMS
vinyl-terminated PDMS(PDMS-V-MW).
(PDMS-V-MW). (b) (b)
Thiol-ene coupling
Thiol-ene to obtain
coupling tri-
to obtain
methoxysilane-terminated PDMS
trimethoxysilane-terminated PDMS(PDMS-TMS-MW).
2.4. Characterization
2.4.1. Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
The 1 H NMR spectra of the modified polymers were recorded at room temperature
on a Brucker (Billerica, MA, USA) 500 MHz spectrometer using deuterated chloroform
(CDCl3 ) as the standard. Peak shifts were calibrated from residual solvent peaks. The
1 H NMR of Steglich esterification was monitored via the following peak shift δ (ppm):
apparition of allyl protons peak at 6–5 ppm (m, 2 H, CH2 -CH=CH2 ) and 5–4 ppm (m, 4 H,
CH2 -CH=CH2 ), and the shift of the proton close to amide function, 3 ppm (m, 4 H, CH2 -
NH-CO-CH2 ). The 1 H NMR of thiol-ene coupling was distinguished by the decrease in
allyl protons peaks and the apparition of trimethoxy groups at 3.5 ppm (s, 9 H, Si-(OCH3 )3 ).
T3000 series columns (org GPC/SEC 300 × 8 mm) and a guard column (Org Guard, 10 ×
4.6 mm) from Malvern (Malvern Panalytical, Palaiseau, France) were used. Polystyrene
standards (PolyCAL UCS-PS) from Malvern were used for the molecular weight calibration
curve. The samples were dissolved in HiPerSolv CHROMANORM® HPLC grade THF
(VWR International, Radnor, PE, USA) and filtered through 0.45 µm PTFE syringe filters.
The filtrate was then analyzed at a flow rate of 1 mL·min−1 . Data were collected and
analyzed using Cirrus Software (version 2.0) from Aligent technologies.
W0 − Wex
Weight loss(%) =
Coatings 2024, 14, 149 5 of 15
Figure 2. 1 H NMR spectra of PDMS polymers
Figure 2. polymers after modification
modification and purification.
purification. (Black) amine-
PDMS.(Blue) vinyl-terminated
(Blue) vinyl-terminatedPDMS
Steglich esterification.
Steglich (Red) trimethoxysilane-
esterification. (Red) trimethox-
ysilane-terminated PDMS after thiol-ene
terminated PDMS after thiol-ene reaction. reaction.
AFMheight images
height (0.5(0.5
images µmµm× 0.5×µm) showing
0.5 µm) topography
showing of PDMS
topography coat-
ing of PDMS-0.8K, PDMS-2.5K, PDMS-4K, PDMS-6K and PDMS-10K.
coating of PDMS-0.8K, PDMS-2.5K, PDMS-4K, PDMS-6K and PDMS-10K.
solvents. Unsurprisingly, all PDMS coatings showed a hydrophobic character, with high
contact angle values comparable to what is found in the literature (θwater ≥ 100◦ ). PDMS-
2.5K was slightly more hydrophobic than other PDMS-based coatings (θwater = 108◦ ). There
was no change in hydrophobicity as function of molecular weight of the PDMS coatings.
Figure 6b illustrates the surface energy (SE) calculated from the water contact angle (WCA),
Coatings 2024, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 15
methylene iodide (MICA), and formamide (FCA) values using the Owen–Wendt method.
Surface energies of the PDMS coatings were between 18 and 23 mN/m. Gevaux et al. found
similar values for the surface energy of PDMS coatings (γs ≈ 18 mN/m) [28]. Lower surface
18 mN/m) was[28].
Lowerfor the PDMS-0.8K
surface energy was coating withfor
observed lowthemolecular
PDMS-0.8K weight. Despite
coating with this,
there was no
molecular correlation
weight. Despitebetween surface
this, there was energy and molecular
no correlation betweenweight.
surfaceThis implies
energy and that
no chemical changethat
This implies at the surface
there is no of the coating
chemical change depending on the
at the surface sizecoating
of the of the
macromolecules at this scale.
depending on the size of the macromolecules at this scale.
Figure 6.
Figure 6. Contact
solvents(a)(a) and
and surface
surface energy
energy calculation
calculation (b)(b)
of PDMS-based coatings.
PDMS-based coatings.
sponges, or bryozoans. After five months in seawater, all samples were colonized, but
covered less than the control. The best antibioadhesion efficiency for panels under solar
exposition was observed for PDMS-2.5K and PDMS-4K. For panels immersed in the absence
of solar exposition the PDMS-2.5K did not exhibit the same AF efficiency. The self-cleaning
properties of PDMS-6K were observed after three months, as organisms were removed
during immersion without any intervention, indicating their weaker adhesion to the surface.
The same property was observed for PDMS-4K. An image of this phenomenon can be
seen in the supplementary data (Figure S2). The efficiency of fouling release coatings
is estimated by the strength of adhesion of settled fouling organisms [4,5,31]. Hence,
PDMS-4K and PDMS-6K seemed to display a fouling release efficiency because of their
self-cleaning capacity.
The antibioadhesion efficiency of all PDMS-based coatings after 12 months can be
seen in Figure 8. After 12 months of immersion, the PDMS-6K sample started to lose its
antibioadhesion efficiency while the PDMS-2.5K and PDMS-4K coatings still exhibited the
best efficiency under solar radiation, being only covered by a brown film of algae. The
PDMS samples with the highest molecular weight, PDMS-6K and PDMS-10K, exhibited
less antibioadhesion efficiency. The poor performance of the lowest molecular weight,
PDMS-0.8K, could be attributed to its poor film-forming properties. The coating exhibited
cracks before immersion which created heterogeneity on the surface and anchor points
for the biofouling. In the absence of solar exposition, all the surfaces were completely
covered after 12 months of immersion, with no significant difference between the PDMS
surfaces (Figure 8). However, the biovolume of fouling settled on surface was found to
be greatly lower after 12 months compared to 5 months. These results showed that in
terms of efficiency, two groups of molecular weight could be distinguished, with better
efficiency for lower molecular weight. It is difficult here to make a correlation between
surface energy and the settlement. Different reviews reported that lower surface energy
contributed to decreased bacterial settlement. In the present case, no significant change was
observed for PDMS coatings in terms of surface energy measurement, and the observed
surface energy values were consistent with the minimum range defined by Baier [4] for
best fouling release properties. Despite that, differences in antibioadhesion efficiency have
been observed. It’s also known that surface roughness plays an important role in the
adhesion process: lower surface roughness can reduce bacterial adhesion [20]. However,
this observation remains controversial, as in certain studies the opposite result has been
observed. In fact, Liu et al. studied the adhesion of Escherichia coli (Gram-negative)
and Staphylococcus aureus (Gram-positIve) on nanostructured PDMS surfaces, and found
that increasing the nanoscale roughness on PDMS surfaces alone can inhibit bacterial
adhesion and growth for both bacteria [32]. In a recent review on the effect of surface
structure on bacterial adhesion [33], Yang et al. plotted the adhesion of cells as a function
of the roughness parameters (RMS or Ra) for various substrates. Above a critical Ra
value, estimated to be approximately 6 nm, their plot demonstrated a generally positive
correlation between the number of cells adsorbed on the surface and the roughness, while
a negative, or no correlation, is noted below the Ra value. They concluded that microscale
roughness generally encourages bacterial adhesion and nanoscale roughness provides the
best antibioadhesion efficiency [33].
In our work, we can see that our films have a nanometer size RMS (1–6 nm), even
if a small variation in nanoscale roughness with the molecular weight can be observed.
The nanometer RMS of our films (below the critical Ra value defined by Yang et al. [33])
is thus likely to have no impact on the adhesion of micro or macroorganisms, and this
parameter is probably not determinant in our experiments, as revealed by the bioadhesion
test in a real marine environment. Indeed, low long-term efficiency was observed for the
PDMS-6K and PDMS-10K coatings, which presented high roughness at the nanoscale as
compared with the PDMS-2.5K and PDMS-4K (low surface roughness), which showed
better efficiency. It appears that the RMS parameter alone cannot explain this difference,
Coatings 2024, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11
Coatings 2024, 14, 149 12 of 15
Figure 7. Macrofouling
Figure 7. development
Macrofoulingobserved on PDMS-based
development observed oncoatings × 3 cm). (4 cm × 3 cm).
(4 cm coatings
months in
in Lorient
Lorient Bay
Bay (5
(5 cm
cm ××55cm).
In our work,
Stiffness waswe can see
found to bethat our films
another have a nanometer
parameter size RMS
which can affect (1–6 nm),
bacterial even in
adhesion if
small variation in nanoscale roughness with the molecular weight can be observed.
studies [24,34], even if it is less well understood. Song et al. reported that a The
Young’s modulus
nanometer RMS ofofourPDMS
(below theranging between
critical 0.1defined
Ra value and 2.6 by
MPa notetonly
Yang affected
al. [33]) the
is thus
likely to haveofno
impact but alsoadhesion
on the the morphology
of micro and antibiotic susceptibility
or macroorganisms, and this of attached
iscells [24]. More
probably biofilm growth
not determinant wasexperiments,
in our observed onasa revealed
soft PDMS bysurface (0.1 MPa)test
the bioadhesion thaninona
a stiff
real PDMSenvironment.
marine (2.6 MPa). Similar
Indeed,results were reported
low long-term by Valentin
efficiency Escherichia
et al. onfor
was observed the PDMS- coli
adhesion under dynamic condition [34]. It should be noted that the coatings obtained
in these previous studies were prepared in the presence of precursors. The PDMS-based
coatings prepared in this work were obtained via a self-condensation process, by varying
the molecular weight and some network properties. Our hypothesis is that in PDMS
coatings with higher molecular weight, the network is less dense due to the long distance
between crosslinking nodes compared to a network with a short chain. For example, this
spacing between meshes could change the mechanical properties. However, the preliminary
studies on PDMS surfaces prepared here showed surface stiffness between 0.3 and 3.2 MPa,
with no correlation with the molecular weight. Another property impacted by chain size is
the chain mobility between cross-linking nodes and the associated free volume. Indeed, in a
network of long chains, there is more free volume which could lead to different interactions
with organisms.
Finally hydrodynamic forces and shear stress may be responsible of the release of
organisms when it concerns a fouling release coating [31]. In these conditions, the smoother
the surface, the easier it is to release the organisms [35]. In our study, except for sample
PDMS-0.8K, the samples with lower surface roughness showed better antibioadhesion
activity than the samples with higher nanoscale surface roughness. Nevertheless, further
studies are needed to understand the network structure related to the molecular weight. It
is important to note that due to the complexity of the marine environment, other parameters
may be relevant during the adhesion process.
4. Conclusions
In this work, we investigated the impact of the molecular weight of PDMS on the
antibioadhesion efficiency of corresponding coatings. By varying the molecular weight,
we prepared five PDMS-based coatings via a condensation process. Soxhlet extraction
results confirmed that the PDMS networks were well crosslinked and showed there was
no significant free polymer chains. Homogenous PDMS coatings were obtained and
all PDMS-based coatings showed a low surface energy, low elastic modulus and low
surface roughness, making them suitable for marine applications. From contact angle
measurement, no correlation between the molecular weight and the surface energy was
observed. Moreover, changes in surface roughness were observed via AFM, with the
RMS increasing with the molecular weight due to the growth of network free volume.
Overall, PDMS-based surfaces showed good antibioadhesion activity and self-cleaning
Coatings 2024, 14, 149 14 of 15
abilities compared to the control after 12 months. The best antibioadhesion efficiency was
obtained for coatings with an Mn between 2 and 4 kg·mol−1 . This result is explained by
the chain mobility in the network. In situ immersion results showed that in the presence
or absence of solar radiation, different communities of organisms adhere on the surface,
leading to differences in antibioadhesion performance. This work provides evidence that
some network properties, depending on the size of the polymer chains, contribute to
antibioadhesion and self-cleaning efficiencies. However, further characterization is needed
to focus on the crosslinking density, the chain mobility, and the network structure of
PDMS-based coatings.
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