P.O. Box 1370, Jefferson City MO 65102, (800) 392-8660, www.mec.mo.gov Office Use:
Statement of Committee Organization
1. Statement Information
Date: 12/19/2022
Type: New Amended (if amending, enter MEC ID & section changed )
2. Committee Information
Friends of Kyle Kerns
Name of Committee
Committee Type: Campaign Candidate Continuing(PAC) Debt Service Exploratory Political Pary
3. Treasurer/Deputy Treasurer Information
Cynthia Taylor [REDACTED]
Treasurer's Name (First & Last) Treasurer's Email Address (optional)
Deputy Treasurer's Name (if one appointed) Deputy Treasurer's Email Address (optional)
Deputy Treasurer's Mailing Address, City, State, & Zip Phone 1 Phone 2
Additional Committee Officer's Name & Title (if any) Additional Committee Officer's Mailing Address, City, State, & Zip
Connected Organization's Name (if any) Connected Organization's Mailing Address, City, State, & Zip
CANDIDATES: Do you have more than one candidate committee? Yes (refer to instructions on back) No
5. Official Bank Account Information (required by all committees)
Name & Mailing Address, City, State, & Zip of Financial Institution Account Name Account Number
7. Ballot Measure Supported or Opposed (campaign committees must complete this section)
Name of Ballot Measure Election Date & Political Subdivision Support or Oppose
MO 300-1308
Packet (Rev. 10/2019)