This study presents an in-depth evaluation of Photo Finish: Automatic Timing [1], an innovative sports
timing app developed for Android smartphones. The primary focus was on assessing the accuracy of
this system for various starting modes and a wide array of different phone models. We also included a
comparison with an ordinary light barrier system, where Photo Finish demonstrated significantly higher
accuracy due to its chest detection algorithm. In all tested configurations, three-quarters of all
measurements of Photo Finish were accurate within 10 milliseconds or less. Furthermore, 95% of the
measurements fell within a 15-millisecond margin, and all recorded times were consistently within 20
milliseconds of the times obtained through manual video evaluation. Thus, we conclude that the Photo
Finish system offers a highly accurate, cost-effective, and accessible solution for timing in sports,
demonstrating an accuracy level of less than 0.02 seconds under the test conditions.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 3
1.1 Setups 3
2 Analysis Setup 5
References 17
Photo Finish performs automatic detection of the exact position of the athlete's chest, using the
phone's camera. This approach aims to address the timing inaccuracies commonly found in traditional
systems such as light barriers, which may be inadvertently triggered by non-target parts of an athlete's
body like the knee or hands.
The focus of this study is to rigorously evaluate the accuracy of the Photo Finish app. Through a series
of multiple experiments, we aim to establish not only its effectiveness in accurate timing but also to
compare its precision against a commercial light barrier system, the SpeedTech S-003 Wireless Laser
Timing System [2].
1.1 Setups
Four distinct experiments have been selected for their direct relevance to real-world applications.
These scenarios were chosen due to their common occurrence in training for competitive sports and
their ability to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the timing app’s accuracy across a range of setup
conditions. The tests were conducted on a track and field course during daylight to ensure optimal
lighting conditions for Photo Finish.
Manufacturer Model
Samsung Galaxy S8
Huawei P8 Lite
Google Pixel 3 XL
Xiaomi Poco
Realme C3
2 Analysis Setup
In each of the setups discussed in this chapter, we tested seven phone pairings. For every pairing, 8
measurements were conducted, totaling 4x7x8 = 224 individual measurements. In Flying Start Mode,
we also compared Photo Finish against a commercial light barrier timing system, the SpeedTech S-003
Wireless Laser Timing System [2], for which we also determined the measurement error.
The study was performed on two consecutive days. Two male test subjects aged 30 and 32 alternated
in performing the runs for the required measurements. We used Version 3.3.1 of Photo Finish:
Automatic Timing which was installed on all phones before the experiments. The tests were conducted
from around 11 am to 4 pm with overcast weather intermixed with occasional sunshine.
To analyze the experiments, we used a high-speed smartphone camera capable of continuous audio
and video capture at 240 frames per second to analyze the Photo Finish app's performance. On day
two of the study, we also adjusted the font size on the phones to be extra large, ensuring that the times
recorded by Photo Finish were visible in the high-speed camera's video feed. This enables interested
readers to independently verify the measurements using the original video material which can be
requested via email. The video footage was then analyzed using the Da Vinci Resolve Video editing
software [3].
Note that the Start and Finish Phones are close by in the setups described below. In practical scenarios,
they would typically be placed further apart, such as in a 30m flying sprint test. However, for this
experiment, we positioned the Start and Finish Phones on the same line to allow for the use of a single
high-speed camera that captures both the start and the finish of each run. This arrangement does not
impact the app's precision, as the times are transmitted over the internet and the phones synchronize
their clocks upon initial connection. Further technical details are discussed in Section 3.
The alignment of the whole setup for Photo Finish, the laser timing system, and the camera evaluation
was thoroughly checked to allow for a measurement accuracy of one millisecond. The alignment was
rechecked after every phone swap.
This means, that at an expected speed of 5m/s or higher of the passing test subjects, the laser beam
must be aimed precisely perpendicular to the track and the end of the laser beam and may deviate at
most 5m/s * 1/1000 s = 5mm from the exact middle at both ends. To be able to precisely determine
the vertical plane of crossing on the high-speed camera image, a rectangular wooden triangle was
constructed and placed in the background at the measurement line (Figure 1).
The camera has a resolution of 1280x720 pixels at a 35° horizontal field of view. The total distance
between the laser sensors is kept at 4m. This results in a theoretical timing resolution of the camera at
a running pace of 5m/s or higher of
π 4𝑚
35/720 × 180 5𝑚/𝑠
≈ 0. 7𝑚𝑠
The almost perfectly linear movement of an athlete in 2 consecutive frames of 240fps video footage
allows for frame interpolation from 240 to 1000fps using the built-in frame interpolation algorithm of
The Da Vinci Resolve video editing software to allow for easy and precise analysis, see Figure 2:
Figure 1: Flying Start Measurement Setup. A wooden triangle is placed at the starting line to enable precise
video analysis. Two timing gates are placed opposing each other on the same measurement line. An
Additional Smartphone films the complete setup at 240fps for later video analysis.
Figure 2: 1000fps video analysis. The timestamp of the frame where the chest is exactly at the height of the
wooden beam is evaluated for every run. The right 3 images show detail views 1ms before, at, and 1ms after
the crossing, showing both the need for precise alignment of the equipment as well as the large influence of
triggering on the legs or the arms when assessing runs with millisecond precision.
2.1 Flying Start Measurement Setup
The Flying Start mode in Photo Finish starts the clock when an athlete passes a starting phone after a
runup and finishes when it passes the last measurement line. With additional phones, as many
measurement points as desired can be added. This mode therefore allows for direct comparison with a
laser timing system.
The experimental setup is depicted in Figure 3. For a single measurement, the test subject, acting as an
athlete, runs past the Start Phone and the Start Light Barrier, triggering the start of the timer. They
then turn around and sprint past the Finish Phone and the Finish Light Barrier, which stops the timer
and completes the measurement.
We used the following seven phone pairings, with eight measurements per pairing (See Appendix 1):
Figure 3: Two Smartphones are connected in Flying Start mode and placed back to back on a single line. The
light barrier timing system is placed on the same line. The high-speed camera is also placed on the same line
and aligned such that it can accurately monitor the passing of an athlete on both sides.
2.2 Touch Start Measurement Setup
Photo Finish's touch start mode allows for low start sprint measurements without reaction time, for
example, the 40-yard dash. The athlete places his thumb on the phone and the timer is started as soon
as the thumb is lifted from the touchscreen.
The setup for the Touch Start experiment is shown in Figure 4. In this test, first, a finger is placed on the
touch screen of the Start Phone. The measurement then begins once the touch screen is released by
lifting the finger. The test subject then starts his run and the measurement once again concludes as he
crosses the measurement line of the Finish Phone.
We used the following seven phone pairings, with eight measurements per pairing (See Appendix 2):
Figure 4: Two smartphones are connected in Touch Start mode. The Start Phone is mounted on a tripod
within the field of view of the high-speed camera. This setup allows for precise determination of the moment
when the finger is released from the screen. The Finish Phone is aligned along the same line as the high-speed
2.3 Beep Start Measurement Setup
Photo Finish has several starting sequences that end with a 3 kHz beep sound initiating the start. This
can either happen after a random delay ("Ready-Set-Go!" mode) to test the athlete's reaction or after a
predictable fixed delay to eliminate reaction time ("3-2-1-Go!" mode). Photo Finish uses a beep signal
instead of imitating a gunshot sound for two reasons: The small smartphone speakers are able to play
a beep sound at a much higher volume, and the beep sound allows for frequency analysis of the
microphone input to robustly determine the exact moment the sound was played independent of
possible delays (i.e. through Bluetooth speakers) and loud wind noises.
The setup for the Beep Start experiment is shown in Figure 5. In this test, a single measurement begins
with the press of the start button on the Start Phone, which then emits a beep sound signaling the start
of the run. The athlete runs past the Finish Phone, at a distance of approximately 1.5 meters. The
measurement concludes as the runner crosses the measurement line of the Finish Phone.
We used the following seven phone pairings, with eight measurements per pairing (See Appendix 3):
Please note that the last measurement is missing for the Pixel 3 XL / P30 Pro combination due to an
Figure 5: In Beep Start mode, two smartphones are connected. The Start Phone is placed within 0.5 meters of
the high-speed camera, its specific location being less critical as long as it is close to the high-speed camera
to make sound travel time irrelevant. The Finish Phone is aligned on the same line as the high-speed camera.
2.4 Sound Detection Start Measurement Setup
Photo Finish can also trigger on a loud external sound, such as a starting clapper, a starting gun, or
simply a clap with the hands.
The setup for the Sound Detection Start experiment is shown in Figure 6. In this test, a single
measurement begins when two metal rods are struck against each other. This emits a loud sound
which is detected by the Start Phone, which then starts the timer. The athlete then runs past the Finish
Phone, again at a distance of approximately 1.5 meters. The measurement concludes as the runner
crosses the measurement line of the Finish Phone, upon which it takes the final time.
We used the following seven phone pairings, with eight measurements per pairing (See Appendix 4):
Figure 6: In Sound Detection Start mode, two smartphones are connected. The Start Phone is placed within
0.5 meters of the high-speed camera, its specific location being less critical as long as it is close to the
high-speed camera to make sound travel time irrelevant. The Finish Phone is aligned on the same line as
the high-speed camera. To start a measurement, two metal bars are struck against each other. The emitted
sound is detected by the Start Phone, which then starts the timer. The two metal rods also allow for a precise
alignment of the audio and video tracks of the high-speed camera.
2.5 Audio and Video Synchronization
For the analysis of the Beep and Sound Start modes, accurate audio and video synchronization is
paramount. The high-speed camera already captures an audio signal at a 48khz sampling rate during
video recording. However, the audio and video signals are not accurately synchronized by default. A
starter clapper was intended to be used for accurate synchronization: During the video analysis, the
audio track is aligned such that the peak of the clap sound happens precisely at the frame when both
halves of the clapper touch. Preliminary tests, however, showed that a typical start clapper is unsuitable
for the desired precision, as it bends during the clapping movement and emits several sound waves
over the span of roughly three to five milliseconds (See Figure 7). Therefore, two iron rods were used
instead. At the end of each run, the iron rods were triggered a second time to verify that the tracks
were still synchronized and apply a potential offset correction.
The speed of sound at ground level is roughly 34cm per millisecond [6]. Since the phone and the
clapper are positioned at roughly the same distance from the camera, the synchronization offset
cancels out and the synchronized audio and video tracks of the high-speed camera can be directly used
for measuring the time between the Photo Finish start sound and the athlete finish crossing for an
overall measurement accuracy of ±1 millisecond.
Figure 7: A typical start clapper is unsuitable for precise audio and video alignment as it bends during
clapping and emits sound over several milliseconds. We therefore used two metal rods.
3 Results and Discussion
The video analysis shows very high accuracy of Photo Finish across all tested modes of less than 0.02
seconds and notable performance benefits in comparison to the laser timing system. In Flying Start
mode, 75% of Photo Finish measurements were within 10 milliseconds or less of the manual video
evaluation time, 95% were within 14 milliseconds, and all measurements were within 19ms of the video
evaluation time. In contrast, the laser timing system exhibited 75, 95, and 100 Percentile errors of 26,
43, and 47 milliseconds respectively, which are further discussed below. In total, Photo Finish is about
two and a half times more accurate than the laser timing system (See Appendix 1).
In the Touch Start mode, the results were similar with 75% of Photo Finish's measurements differing by
less than 7 milliseconds, 95% by less than 10 milliseconds, and the maximum error being 19
milliseconds (See Appendix 2). The laser timing system does not have a comparable mode which we
were able to evaluate. It's important to note that our evaluation accuracy was slightly lower in Touch
Start mode, as even with quick movement of the finger the exact moment of the finger lifting from the
touchscreen is hard to determine in the video footage because the finger accelerates from rest instead
of a linear movement like the chest on the finish line. During the first 2milliseconds, the finger typically
still touches the screen somewhat to its elasticity but with less pressure. Therefore, in this mode, our
video analysis measurements themselves are subject to up to 3 millisecond error.
In the Beep- and Sound Start modes, the results are similar with 75% being within 10 milliseconds and
all measurements equal or less than 20 milliseconds off from the video evaluation time. (See Appendix
3 and Appendix 4). The Laser timing system does also have an additional Loudspeaker which can be
triggered by a button and start the clock. We tested this mode and saw a very large timing offset of
around 450 milliseconds (See first phone pairing in Appendix 4) which was even noticeable during the
measurements without any video evaluation tools. We did contact the manufacturer about this and
were informed that the timing system automatically subtracts 150ms from the measurements in this
mode to eliminate the reaction time. This, however, was nowhere mentioned in the manual and also
does only explain less than half of the offset, so we assume that there is some calibration error
internally. We therefore excluded the speaker mode of the laser timing system from further
In the Flying Start measurements, the comparatively lower accuracy of the laser timing system can be
primarily attributed to its mechanism of triggering: Any part of the athlete's body rather than just their
torsos can trigger the laser- typically a runner's knee or hand. This detection method introduces
variability, as the exact moment an athlete's torso crosses the finish line—the relevant measure in
sprinting events—is not directly measured. This is also clearly visible in the video evaluation footage,
see Figure 8.
These resulting measurement errors are also relevant for training environments. As shown by the video
analysis, these errors can be up to 0.05s, which are significant for short sprint measurements such as
30m flying, where Chu (1996) for example divides athletes into sprinting ability categories and where
the width of categories is as low as 0.20s in total.
Figure 8: Early triggering of the Laser timing on the thigh instead of the torso. The left image and middle
image show the moment the laser was broken and the clock was started, visible as the laser light dims
significantly because it is not being reflected by the mirror anymore. When the chest of the passing runner
has reached the measurement line/wooden beam, the timer on the Laser timing system already shows 34
milliseconds even though there is an additional screen latency.
Despite all the possible error sources that a smartphone-based timing system using wireless
connection faces discussed in Section 4, Photo Finish manages to surpass the accuracy of light barrier
timing due to its chest detection algorithm, offering a more precise, accessible, and cost-effective
solution for amateur and professional sports timing as well as performance evaluation.
At this point, we also want to emphasize that despite its primary intended use for running sports, Photo
Finish can also be used in a variety of other athletic disciplines such as mountain biking and skiing. The
chest detection algorithm has been calibrated specifically for running, such that for example it also
detects the chest of a cyclist instead of triggering on the frontmost part of the front wheel. This leads to
slight, but mostly constant differences in timing, which depending on the application can either be
ignored or just added or subtracted from the measurements to still get automatic timing results that
are vastly more accurate than manual timing in a variety of sports.
Male <2.6 secs 2.6 - 2.9 secs 2.9 - 3.1 secs 3.1 - 3.3 secs >3.3 secs
Female <3.0 secs 3.0 - 3.3 secs 3.3 - 3.5 secs 3.5 - 3.7 secs >3.7 secs
Since the quartz oscillator of the smartphone camera used for the high-speed analysis is equally
subject to these fluctuations, all individual runs were kept to a length of fewer than 20 seconds so that
the clock drift was negligible for the analysis.
4.3 Camera Timestamps
Every time the smartphone camera captures an image, the time at the beginning of the exposure is
noted down. This timestamp can however be off by a significant margin due to different delays and
interruptions in the Android operating system. Our investigation into the timestamp accuracy of
smartphone cameras encompassed over 15 different models spanning various release years. We found
that models released within the last 8 years generally maintained timestamp accuracy within less than
10 milliseconds. An outlier, the Huawei P8 Lite from 2015, demonstrated a video timestamp deviation
of approximately 20 to 30 milliseconds which did significantly impact this phone's accuracy. The table in
the appendix contains the measurements with this phone, showing an overall error of up to 30ms. We,
therefore, excluded this phone from the analysis and recommend using more recent phone models.
Note that the achieved accuracy still excels the light barrier system even on this outdated smartphone.
Figure 10: Typical recording of Photo Finish. The white markers show where the chest detection algorithm
triggered. The final time on the top right is calculated by linear interpolation of the frame timestamps and the
distance of the chest marker from the measurement line (wooden beam in the background).
1. Photo Finish: Automatic Timing,
2. Chu Luo et al. "Rapid clock synchronisation for ubiquitous sensing services involving multiple
smartphones." Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and
Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Symposium on Wearable
Computers (2017).
5. CHU, D.A. (1996) Explosive Power and Strength. Champaign: Human Kinetics
Appendix 1: Flying Start Measurements
Phone Photo Finish Laser Timing High-Speed Error Error
Pairing Run Measurement System Measurement Camera Manual Photo Finish Laser Timing
(seconds) (seconds) Evaluation (ms) System (ms)
1 7.623 7.613 7.612 11 1
2 7.410 7.411 7.398 12 13
3 9.301 9.333 9.296 5 37
Samsung Galaxy S20 4 6.634 6.650 6.630 4 20
FE /
Huawei P30 Pro 5 8.489 8.476 8.484 5 -8
6 9.648 9.653 9.648 0 5
7 9.946 9.930 9.944 2 -14
8 11.081 11.114 11.089 -8 25
1 7.753 7.741 7.748 5 -7
2 8.704 8.721 8.699 5 22
3 9.412 9.385 9.402 10 -17