Baseline General Xray Technique Chart Espan & Eng (1)

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ANATOMY (Anatomia) kVp Range mAs Range

Chest (Thorax) PA 110-125 3 - 20
Lateral 115-125 10 - 40
Abdomen 80-90 25 - 60
Skull ( Craneo) AP 80-85 20 - 30
Lateral 75-80 12 - 20
C –Spine (Cervical) AP 75-80 12 - 25
C –Spine (Cervical) Lateral 80-85 25 - 60
T-Spine (Columna Dorsal) AP 75-80 15 - 35
Lateral 80-85 60 - 100

L-Spine (Columna Lombar) AP 80-90 25 - 60

Lateral 90-115 90 - 250

L5-S1 95 - 115 100 - 250
Pelvis & Hip (Cadera) 80 -85 15 - 40
X-table Lateral 85-95 90 - 200
Femur 70 - 75 12 - 20
Knees (Rodilla) (Bucky) 65-75 8 - 20
Tibia/Fibula (Tib/Fib) 65-70 5 - 12
Ankle (tobillo) 65-70 4 - 12
Foot (Pies) 60 -65 4-8
Shoulder (Hombro) AP (Bucky) 65-70 8 - 20
Humerus (Brazo) (Bucky) 65-70 6 - 15
Elbow (Codo) 60 - 65 3-6
Wrist (Muneca) 62-65 2-4
Hand (Mano) 58-60 1.5 - 3

This is a basic technique chart. It is necessary to develop a more

comprehensive one that works for your department.
(Esto es una carta tecnica basica. Es necesario desarrollar una m as am plia
que trabaja para su departam ento.)

Example: Lateral Lumbar Spine:

(Ejemplo: Columna Lumbar Lateral):

Small patient (100lbs) 90kVp about 80 - 100mAs

(Paciente pequeno (100 libras) 90 kV cerca de 90 – 100 mAs)

Medium patient (120-180lbs) 95-100kVp about 110 to 180mAs

(Paciente mediano (120-180 libras) 95-100 kV cerca de 110 – 200 mAs)

Large patient (200+ lbs) 110kVp about 160 to 250mAs

(Paciente grande (200 o mas libras) 110kV cerca de 160-250mAs)

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