Difference between AlexNet, VGGNet, ResNet, and Inception

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Towards Data Science

Aqeel Anwar

Jun 7, 2019

9 min read

Difference between AlexNet,
VGGNet, ResNet, and Inception

In this tutorial, I will quickly go through the details of

four of the famous CNN architectures and how they

differ from each other by explaining their W3H (When,

Why, What, and How)



● The Alan Turing Year

● The year of Sustainable Energy for All

● London Olympics
Why? AlexNet was born out of the need to improve the

results of the ImageNet challenge. This was one of the first

Deep convolutional networks to achieve considerable

accuracy on the 2012 ImageNet LSVRC-2012 challenge with

an accuracy of 84.7% as compared to the second-best with

an accuracy of 73.8%. The idea of spatial correlation in an

image frame was explored using convolutional layers and

receptive fields.

What? The network consists of 5 Convolutional (CONV)

layers and 3 Fully Connected (FC) layers. The activation

used is the Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU). The structural

details of each layer in the network can be found in the table

Alexnet Block Diagram (source:oreilly.com)

The network has a total of 62 million trainable variables

How? The input to the network is a batch of RGB images of

size 227x227x3 and outputs a 1000x1 probability vector one

corresponding to each class.

● Data augmentation is carried out to reduce over-

fitting. This Data augmentation includes mirroring

and cropping the images to increase the variation in

the training data-set. The network uses an

overlapped max-pooling layer after the first, second,

and fifth CONV layers. Overlapped maxpool layers

are simply maxpool layers with strides less than the

window size. 3x3 maxpool layer is used with a stride

of 2 hence creating overlapped receptive fields. This

overlapping improved the top-1 and top-5 errors by

0.4% and 0.3%, respectively.

● Before AlexNet, the most commonly used activation

functions were sigmoid and tanh. Due to the

saturated nature of these functions, they suffer from

the Vanishing Gradient (VG) problem and make it

difficult for the network to train. AlexNet uses the

ReLU activation function which doesn’t suffer from

the VG problem. The original paper showed that the

network with ReLU achieved a 25% error rate about

6 times faster than the same network with tanh non-


● Although ReLU helps with the vanishing gradient

problem, due to its unbounded nature, the learned

variables can become unnecessarily high. To prevent

this, AlexNet introduced Local Response

Normalization (LRN). The idea behind LRN is to

carry out a normalization in a neighborhood of pixels

amplifying the excited neuron while dampening the

surrounding neurons at the same time.

● AlexNet also addresses the over-fitting problem by

using drop-out layers where a connection is dropped

during training with a probability of p=0.5. Although

this avoids the network from over-fitting by helping it

escape from bad local minima, the number of

iterations required for convergence is doubled too.


● International Year of Family Farming and


● First Robotic Landing on Comet

● Year of Robin Williams’ death

Why? VGGNet was born out of the need to reduce the # of

parameters in the CONV layers and improve on training


What? There are multiple variants of VGGNet (VGG16,

VGG19, etc.) which differ only in the total number of layers

in the network. The structural details of a VGG16 network

have been shown below.

VGG16 Block Diagram (source: neurohive.io)

VGG16 has a total of 138 million parameters. The important

point to note here is that all the conv kernels are of size 3x3

and maxpool kernels are of size 2x2 with a stride of two.

How? The idea behind having fixed size kernels is that all

the variable size convolutional kernels used in Alexnet

(11x11, 5x5, 3x3) can be replicated by making use of

multiple 3x3 kernels as building blocks. The replication is in

terms of the receptive field covered by the kernels.

Let’s consider the following example. Say we have an input

layer of size 5x5x1. Implementing a conv layer with a kernel

size of 5x5 and stride one will result in an output feature

map of 1x1. The same output feature map can be obtained

by implementing two 3x3 conv layers with a stride of 1 as

shown below
Now let’s look at the number of variables needed to be

trained. For a 5x5 conv layer filter, the number of variables

is 25. On the other hand, two conv layers of kernel size 3x3

have a total of 3x3x2=18 variables (a reduction of 28%).

Similarly, the effect of one 7x7 (11x11) conv layer can be

achieved by implementing three (five) 3x3 conv layers with a

stride of one. This reduces the number of trainable variables

by 44.9% (62.8%). A reduced number of trainable variables

means faster learning and more robust to over-fitting.


● Discovery of Gravitational Waves

● International year of soil and light-based


● The Martian movie

Why? Neural Networks are notorious for not being able to

find a simpler mapping when it exists.

● For example, say we have a fully connected multi-

layer perceptron network and we want to train it on

a data-set where the input equals the output. The

simplest solution to this problem is having all

weights equaling one and all biases zeros for all the

hidden layers. But when such a network is trained

using back-propagation, a rather complex mapping is

learned where the weights and biases have a wide

range of values.

● Another example is adding more layers to an existing

neural network. Say we have a network f(x) that has

achieved an accuracy of n% on a data-set. Now

adding more layers to this network g(f(x)) should

have at least an accuracy of n% i.e. in the worst case

g(.) should be an identical mapping yielding the

same accuracy as that of f(x) if not more. But

unfortunately, that is not the case. Experiments have

shown that the accuracy decreases by adding more

layers to the network.

● The issues mentioned above happens because of the

vanishing gradient problem. As we make the CNN

deeper, the derivative when back-propagating to the

initial layers becomes almost insignificant in value.

ResNet addresses this network by introducing two types of

‘shortcut connections’: Identity shortcut and Projection


What? There are multiple versions of ResNetXX

architectures where ‘XX’ denotes the number of layers. The

most commonly used ones are ResNet50 and ResNet101.

Since the vanishing gradient problem was taken care of

(more about it in the How part), CNN started to get deeper

and deeper. Below we present the structural details of


Resnet18 has around 11 million trainable parameters. It

consists of CONV layers with filters of size 3x3 (just like

VGGNet). Only two pooling layers are used throughout the

network one at the beginning and the other at the end of the

network. Identity connections are between every two CONV

layers. The solid arrows show identity shortcuts where the

dimension of the input and output is the same, while the

dotted ones present the projection connections where the

dimensions differ.

How? As mentioned earlier, ResNet architecture makes use

of shortcut connections to solve the vanishing gradient

problem. The basic building block of ResNet is a Residual

block that is repeated throughout the network.

Residual Block — Image is taken from the original paper

Instead of learning the mapping from x →F(x), the network learns the

mapping from x → F(x)+G(x). When the dimension of the input x and

output F(x) is the same, the function G(x) = x is an identity function and

the shortcut connection is called Identity connection. The identical

mapping is learned by zeroing out the weights in the intermediate layer

during training since it's easier to zero out the weights than push them to


For the case when the dimensions of F(x) differ from x (due

to stride length>1 in the CONV layers in between), the

Projection connection is implemented rather than the

Identity connection. The function G(x) changes the

dimensions of input x to that of output F(x). Two kinds of

mapping were considered in the original paper.

● Non-trainable Mapping (Padding): The input x is

simply padded with zeros to make the dimension

match that of F(x)

● Trainable Mapping (Conv Layer): 1x1 Conv layer

is used to map x to G(x). It can be seen from the

table above that across the network the spatial

dimensions are either kept the same or halved, and

the depth is either kept the same or doubled and the

product of Width and Depth after each conv layer

remains the same i.e. 3584. 1x1 conv layers are used

to half the spatial dimension and double the depth by

using stride length of 2 and multiple of such filters

respectively. The number of 1x1 conv layers is equal

to the depth of F(x).

● International Year of Family Farming and


● First Robotic Landing on Comet

● Year of Robin Williams’ death

Why? In an image classification task, the size of the salient

feature can considerably vary within the image frame.

Hence, deciding on a fixed kernel size is rather difficult.

Lager kernels are preferred for more global features that are

distributed over a large area of the image, on the other

hand, smaller kernels provide good results in detecting area-

specific features that are distributed across the image frame.

For effective recognition of such a variable-sized feature, we

need kernels of different sizes. That is what Inception does.

Instead of simply going deeper in terms of the number of

layers, it goes wider. Multiple kernels of different sizes are

implemented within the same layer.

What? The Inception network architecture consists of

several inception modules of the following structure

Inception Module (source: original paper)

Each inception module consists of four operations in parallel

● 1x1 conv layer

● 3x3 conv layer

● 5x5 conv layer

● max pooling
The 1x1 conv blocks shown in yellow are used for depth

reduction. The results from the four parallel operations are

then concatenated depth-wise to form the Filter

Concatenation block (in green). There is multiple version of

Inception, the simplest one being the GoogLeNet.

How? Inception increases the network space from which the

best network is to be chosen via training. Each inception

module can capture salient features at different levels.

Global features are captured by the 5x5 conv layer, while the

3x3 conv layer is prone to capturing distributed features.

The max-pooling operation is responsible for capturing low-

level features that stand out in a neighborhood. At a given

level, all of these features are extracted and concatenated

before it is fed to the next layer. We leave for the

network/training to decide what features hold the most

values and weight accordingly. Say if the images in the data-

set are rich in global features without too many low-level

features, then the trained Inception network will have very

small weights corresponding to the 3x3 conv kernel as

compared to the 5x5 conv kernel.

In the table below these four CNNs are sorted w.r.t their

top-5 accuracy on the Imagenet dataset. The number of

trainable parameters and the Floating Point Operations

(FLOP) required for a forward pass can also be seen.

Several comparisons can be drawn:

● AlexNet and ResNet-152, both have about 60M

parameters but there is about a 10% difference in

their top-5 accuracy. But training a ResNet-152

requires a lot of computations (about 10 times more

than that of AlexNet) which means more training

time and energy required.

● VGGNet not only has a higher number of parameters

and FLOP as compared to ResNet-152 but also has a

decreased accuracy. It takes more time to train a

VGGNet with reduced accuracy.

● Training an AlexNet takes about the same time as

training Inception. The memory requirements are 10

times less with improved accuracy (about 9%)

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