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Industrial Management: 4.cep define the term scientific ranagement With an example scientific Management Aheory war developed by Feedelick Tayler, \A emphasize incentivizing employ, petformanes veing Wis and Arial 4 yeducing actice. W focuses an minimzing waste and reducing production tire Ex- A bicycle factory implemen}s. scientific management Worwers are Specialized In x apecific tasks like Frame or wheelassembly stordardired foals and procedures are used for each model -Thme & motion studies optimize the assembly proces. So procluctivitly Were fey 20% and labor costs decrease by (27+ (ey Wher do you mean by dele gation of authority? 4 Delegation of authority means the right Ae 46 (GU petlor Foy directing and quiding action 40 his subordinates to extract work From them 4 CedPefine planning with a svitable example. ‘ Planning, is the process of defining qoals,cbjectiver and sirategion ho achieve them. \nvalva identifying and evaluating altermaiver - Selecting best course efactlon and allocating rescurces 40 Implement the plar Ea- A componsy plant toincrease pradudtarr by 26% wi thi 6 mariifis So they Cee information evaluate alternative and select be st action plan. They allocate resources and fund Cd) Define MRP MRP -Material Requitements Planning ,is a software-based integrated inventory and supply management system designed for business MRP Is Used 48 estimate quantities of roiw materials maintain invent! y levels and schedule production and deliveries COwrite the difference between fixed cost and wariable cost . Fired east remain Fixed Cost Variable cost =Remains same even tf level of Change in proportion 40 the levelaf m production or sales change preduction or sale, . Doesn't vary with the quantity —Variex with the quaniitles preduoed produced or sold or sold. @x- rent, salarl@ ,insurance,intreaton ex-rawmatertal, tabour cost, loans morketing expenses Cf) Write two benefits of Advertisement in morketing ? Ci Advertisement help create and maintain brandiawatehoss (i) Peravade customers 10 boy fhe pro ductor service Chl) Advertisement help a businey differentiate self from campetttas and establih unique market positionCapWhat is depreciation cost of aproduct ox the ¢ edios she reductions ov! Depreciation coat | Zaite manner ont pee recat tent cha wired aaa ee 1? gece Mctdqieisk Kseerecometzerovor rege” © opeice equipments. «tae example of fived asses - buildings gurnitore off cone mochinery €t can “nat Ch) Wheat is meant ly ration analysis? lysis of the o OOK stody or analysis cere Rosle analysis Is regerred too8 the st e company - a i Be Mell et oh Nha. giocpial Rte aS. Ska sae Ee aio ee ark cash factors of a busine ss such ? wert) 2 un: eon ok the compar s profitabitity ,tiquidily ysolvency and efficiency of ‘i sociale 1 empl CG) Mention two channels of distribution ‘ Soe C) Direct Channel - Manvfactere? cet customer ned 5 Cee, sahenasamPenyi Re eee eagle =item Ww ie ehurer
mo J) Whotis time value of money rerien bea ce + Time value of money te CTVM) referste the concept Mo received today 18 worth mere dhanthe SOMS ameunt weceWved ah a i a Rinmoncy received, today can beinvested 19 carn intetaBe OF FEIU Sy “a MELEE iy it's value over time cere 2. (a) Expioin In detail about the evolution of management Anoughis: re. The evolution of management thevghts.can be explained by the =e frtlowing 8 theories s- , , pre Tay G) classical Management Theory 4 CMT centres around execution and moximizing productions Kb foruse on operational and creation of standards to increase product output * Amanager practising CMe would focus on improving o/pand rewarding Berl high performing employees thraigh wages or bonused - Y They are subdividied 40 3 thearieyt— Ci)Selemtific Management theary Developed by Feedrick Tayler this 3-0 theory emphasizes on incemtivizing employee performance andreducing hit and trial practice. 11 alms at minimizing waste & reducing product Hime 4 (i) Administrative Managment theary = Developed by Henry Fayal this theery considers’ all of the Many acilvitic, that abusiness mist conduct.'Y-Developed by so \st Weber Mara. i Arise management! decisions rather Ahan nepar ism pn Benovioural cet) gH focoter ont on hur an elements and Viewing workspace a8 a soclal 5 compl and wierpet er practising BMT might motivate teamwork though fostering ex Indusitter.and organisation ave emphartzing human sallsfactier pal needs of employee y Aware caliaborave atmosphere » theories of BMTare + 3 2 rele enecrovicural Sclence Theoryz- \ combine elements of psychology, seciology & anthtopolegy to provide a Sclentific basi! Wexamines why employees are MAARSIEA by social needs, conflicts Keelf-actualizatler cad Homan Relation Theory: \W cansiclers the arganizatlon a8 a social eniity: Morale 1s considered to be integral to employee perfermanr (3) Modern Management Theory + (MMT) ‘carter 40 lechnology Ao improve emplaye¢ MMT combiner the above tivo th performance » \¥ has 3 major theone + aims to solve the issue arounct integrating, ort military decision making @) Quantitative Theor man and material and sepp: Ci) System Theory: [1 considers the management as an integral component 7 ef an organization consisting other important blacks « CM Contingency Theory t This theory recognizes nateffective management most be adaptable te eUnique s\tuatlon and circumstance. Cb) Describe Taylor's principle of scientific management Frederick Taylor's principles of scientific management aimed to provide imprave indusitial efficiency by applying scientific methads to work process Taylor's 4 main prineiplen are B-Sctence; Not Rule af Thomo: e : =Replore traditional smiuitive work methods with sclent{fically determined Pe procedures to optimiza efficiency and productiWity ahs R- Harmony, Nat Discord *- Foster cooperation between management and workers by providing. incentivities, training sand clear cemmunicatten to achieve, common goal 3. Cooperation ,Not Individualism: Encourage calleboratin betwecn workers and management to idenify . and implement best pacactice vather than relying on individual ef felt 4. Develapment of Each and Every person! y Providing training, development epportuntiia, and promatéans based onmerits dohelp workers grow professionally anc contribute 10 Ahe organization's success. . ard adding attr S. Maturity Stage se) TAt this stage (ewes 5 2 é : aR lal te oveial AD oN ™ Vith developmento€ new technclogia and innovative products old i ene eventually subsida , a © At this Stage,businen Tan continue te over the produc atredece d ' € onto new vents if margin oFobjectives Helps \n effective force forecasting Frevide, certainity in acivitia performance standard Help organization 40 tone, with envitenment Giver qeats and objective Helpful in Preparing budget 2 organizing: *\ means 40 bring resources i.e men, material and machine together anch use them properly for achieving the objective. F ies plans and poli s\rincludes determination of objective State poratien and greuping of acriviste = Deleqatlen of authority aradres ponsibili4Y = WW invalves erganizailenal structure which depends on- i) Sieg of organization WY nature of product being manufacivied » Wcomplesity *f problem Incing faced $-sioffing:- a\Wiefers to assigning task b< abilitier $V incl of mane gertal persennel S Right man for right Job Is the baste principle sf staffing Aon each member's Knowledge skills & a de recruitment, selection ,appraisal ,remunodicn and development 4, Dicectings- #1815 & managerial function which deals with guiding and insivcting People, 4¢ do the werk In tight manner © involves communicating leading and sretivadtng|- * The entire organisation shovid tuork Mike awell-ciled mie to achieve Foals ma time-effective monne:Mtraliing += : dale imegailon of actlvitles ordination and alse Y cee: SS rapa eS eaPeRe NIG Maa ae f 40 as per pon a cy ven AE P ae * controlling involves ensuring each step 9 one if Avoid potenttal problems by making tmely nore anager mot ~Motivading 18 a managerial fonction In which manag their worker to give their best te the o > Organisation prospers when employee © are SffPrts including: provision of facil#te, and T.Coordinating Effective coardination and integration of clepartments 1¢ essential for orderly working ofan orga! of moragemen nisaaton : a motivated through SPecIa? Ingentive activitien af dipferent niganyan eecinenlcat igs Wy for exchange of facts opinions, ideas WbeAween individual and departments nck infor mat ian 28 neces ind inform “41s crucial to provide quidane ~Maragers shoutd be ged communicators 4-(0) What \s job evaluation ? What are its objectives? ¥ Tob evaluation is the process of comparing jobs with other jobs in terms of wager a werker should be pald for performing the task. Thos It is arating of the job Objectives of Tab Evaluation: 1.11 main objective 1s to estimate the correct wages for work performed 9.1+ Ip means to reduce wage imbalance In the forctory'er . 3.Itean be used to sone wage dispute . alt helps In standardization S-lt helps te establish a methad for Ferure promotion of workeu Procedure + WIdentify job 40 be evaluated HN) Analyze requirement , SkiN set ond responsibilty of the job “compare Jol with existing Key job & decideits level. * iY) Decide proper wage situcture of joh , ens Tonrat IS MEE TANG and Hou = Foe tenes ww helps the tndustrten? Merit Hating ad Gicinel crallerly cmmrbaci 4 erative worth OFAN emplovee working in ‘ ; ‘r ae performance Integrity = an ar maewe oy is ee P : ‘ SMY Teader chip, Intel genre astern Ms prectomns tcoeianty used Vo Wee iu aike Inerer ner ov W MAT Supe esrb ee he whieh pertan 1s: t0 be given thich tan merit rating MeIPS JUALIN the following ; wnysy “ pair Compensation ~{tehaoren that emp + AR >that employees are pald based on abeir pert Fabaher Son yur} Yel job Mile ot sentor My oved Pet formance- Requiare. ae : ora a nce- Requlare evaluations and feedback help, employees Identif'y areas of im pravemens leading te enhanced performance and productivity er Developme er\t rating helps tder asearese § naa Ww rating helps Identify employees with high Po reHabeling organizatten to Invest In thelr develo, ana succession plannin : [ae a Reduced Turnover W promoter fair ancl tans parent evaluattar process reducing the likelihood af employee dissatls factton and gurnover 5. Better- Decision Making- \\ provide valuable \nsignts for manage, tomoke \nformed decisiens aboot promotion Araining & resource allocation 6. Hpretects employees fram ciscrimination ,favouritiams ¢4c Methods of meritrating= 1) Straight Ranking Method 9 9 I )Description /Essay Type merit raaihg 41) Forced choice methed 3 '¥) Graphic rating plan 5. (a) What (s Incentive? What are different dypers of incenaiv-er? Anincentive \@ a reward or mativation that encourage employes to achieve specific goals, Improve performance or exhiblt desired} behaviours -Primarily there are Q4yper af incentlvers- 1.Monetary or Financial Incentive, > The reward er incentive that can be calculated in terms of money As known as monetary tncentive» —The commen monetary incent(ver are ~ U)Pay and allowancer-requior increment in salary every year anol Brant ef allowance actias qood motivators : ~In some organizations , pay hikes andallewances ave directly linked With performance of he employee __ a ee a eleSom of money added 49 ¢ easonal bas| O°) Commision twit Price lower than market tate 2. Non-Financial /Non-Manetary Incentlves ~ twarmih tolerance ,confiler and supper facras Cw) Career Advancement opurtunity Civ) Tob security “future stability ta) Employee Recognition program Ch) Name and describe the various buyin. The Following are some OF the important bu’ 1.Forwaral buying: usually fora year is declded. 2. Speculative buying *- auctithat the surplus can then be sold oft profit = Same compania affer & commision en top of employ Pialary for success folly hitting targets over & pertod : ON organisailonal climate- arganiza\tdnal structive individual 4 within company are Key falary or Wal asa reward for qood performance Ch) Pradwettvity Nnwed wage incentives “THs fefers 4e Pet formance Moked compensation given to increase productivity GV) Profit sharing 14 is an incentivized compensation program Ka Which anemplayee receiver a clirect Share of company'spro ft t* GdReteriments benetits- Assurance for the future makeemplosies “oer properly during theic term of service: Cw ) Perquisites “come organizatlon provide free accomadation , medical jrecreational Pacilitte , car allowance etc additionto salary \Co-partnership/Steck apitan~ employe, are of fered share ot cannot ba measured in monetary terms OY Status- social and professional pesition.Status t eelPesteem , Confidence and paychslogical needs of individual « techniques ig techiquey — Forward buying or committing an organization far into the future,’ ~ Depenaling upon availability of items Financial pellicle ,economi¢, arder quantity quantitative discounts €4¢. future commitment = 1h case when manufacturers prefer to perchase materials in large quantities than required: in manufacturing process 11.18 planned at higher price foreorning ves ponsibi qeReS Ano ENA ae @. SYS _\e on 6.0) Ago’ com A. Fe -e *.F\ a‘ dertaxing g wanker order System: quantity of specified ite year at ar ro stock ~ ene Fims OF buyer and seller are raw material ef one is the finished a, “ane price per Hem tn thts supplier will Inclede invent eed ed price each ot} rer ater Ightly higher a Y canny + eperation man wou g. Rote contract - Cquyers and Suppliers agree miised voice & Bervice FoF & Specitted feriad ea se ek _ suppliers, ways demand hi F me eRe JNIQh price for prampt dettw g. Reciprocity La means purchasing fiom < ett WY What dhe rs in preference to urers and dlsttibuter ¢ ~\tis often sound that les ain By reeler Y are unable te gain by price & quallt ¢. Systems contract = Ro \e helps Buyer and seller to recluce adminis tratlve expences and at the Same Aims € settable 6. (0) Explain the characteristics of a good wage system compensation fer empleyeer while aligning, with organizational goal 1. Fairness and Equity -Empleyees In am Similar roles with similar qualificattons and Performance levels receive cet able wage ~ Wages are wnpetitive with market standards to attract and retoir talent 2.Transperar structore should y Should be maintained:-The « The be clearly cammuntc ated. 4e employee reducing misonderstanding and grievances : B.Perfermance Based ~ «Re wards and Incentives are. linked to individual team ar egarganiza sHonal performance encouraging productivity ar oh accountability 4 Flexibility aThe system adapts changes in market conditte @nd organizational needaensuring ibremains competittveand sustainableAges should be compe and market tates 4 do enaure they ner al am = Wages should be regularly review!* ee compe sitive Aik 6 s Legali+y and Compliance oh ain 8 Se sralieyions fame Picante mnerant len Fee an! ~The wage system shovid comply us ge ey yy ies oh TequiaHens ‘ € we wage requirement cope “ANagey snavid meetor erceed maloimun J cos ond : ngagement B°° ov F. Employee Motivation and Engage Heian purer? Wager shovid motivate employees to perform © itiaien BN Ne to organizations success awa ¥ z ss 4 rettes Ce)Describe 'on-the -job training with its advantage and ) ne Nenitations pee + *On the Job trainings are given ts employees atthe workplace one ieelf by their superior and bossa: : # by their sup Sie 5 gular bests, Mmpv) att o eats ough’ te alt with their team members on ares a nls frainthem new technologia Skill seis to help them cope we eyinthe &| change ith Aheir jobs rromotic ¥ On the job trainings are given teemployee> along wit J v Usel¢ and make them capoble to handle blager responsibilitt sayy cos* ¥On the job training are imparted by Ihe followings ways = Pe AD Coachings It 1s defined ax learning, by doing and handling r elves ee (2) Arar + Im this methed team monager assigns certain jeb responsibill a eos\t ac te team pemters pea ee tiie performance. ,polnt out their piecer k mistote, and qive feeclbacks eel })Tob Rotatiant- In this methad emplayeen move: From one postition Gnor Jo oncther acquiring new skills and learnings . ’ BE Cin term Advantagen 1D 4 provides practical hands-on experience ; Marg i!) eliminates the need for separate Araining facillty and equipmen NO Trainees can apply new skills Immediately rinereasing productivity W) Allows mentorship & Guidance from expertenced colleague BET Limitations i- i) Wheavily relian on seperers: supervisor's teaching ability Lavalsilly a Hcan be Fme consuming and may net provide astand arcized learning experience in) Trainees may not receive constivetive feedbackthe differen marketing concept SELLING concepT ness MeMON LhIeh states somers and besiness unattended When there will amp Sales Of product MARKETING Cones OYA beste ter taMton ute Aatks about a a\ goals by be ompiiahing ar Ing bette thor WY providing eee its concerned With in iNts related te directing qoods compelting consomer's mind tewards and servicm tewords the mind of great and services Dockets os gud Factory 18 the Starting point MH)IE aims at Understanding and wy Ahe target markers = ¥ gu) Wt ermphasize on enlisting predic 6 4 Hy and Large production: e GW) 1N focuses on consumer's Heed G)ireller en transfer oF 4itle and Eitt gives (mpofdance Ao customer PID ipesseaston of product From eneicaneitin, Saris factor term bu a lang term business ploming te) Khas short Bw) ys orlented Awards sales monimisation tenn The Ffords involv premotion and pe Anctud a ty) Cost of productten forms the basis of determining the price of procluct \ness planning (vi)M y n brand loyalty tuhichconcenttates MDW objective 1s profit maxim qulD)integrated marketing efforts are used which encompars varie: srategie Gn) The price ts determined by demand and supply of Ahe commodity (b)A manufacturing firm incurs a fixed cost of T1¥,000. The variable picces tg be produced 19 break-even eosts accounts JB per unit and Selling price 8 ZB. Find number of Fixnedcost TT Eontribo tier BEP (went), a SPipstonit, Ve perontt BED =_Eizedcost _ 4 GRR") Re Cin termiof mumuy value) SP per — VER" Profit yaite ok nn valine ; P_- Vx 100 Margin of safely sactvol sale - Break Ry 7 . = Bogue Thre 1x00 3600 unit STerationship® coakretationships bi! feat Mi dmncious riqnis onde ge! , of sectal sem eM deals, with the Interest afd the sta felated #5 tome Hype our law He ¥ In carly phase of development the scape sf toe a yant industries efien limited to developed & impor %-Ca) Labour law hance rineipts that Vt refers to the set of roles srequiations and princip! é nd employees overn’ jhe relatlanship beiween emplovers and employ) Givnin industrial sector eiceas © lt provider a framework for managing workforce Vela maintaining armenia ensuring compliance with legal standards and Industrial velattons XM addreasa mainly the following ES wages -benefiss working howd CH Employee rights —pretectton - and safe working condtt ior 12s for tracke unian activites ;cellectl¥e bargaining £ conplict resctuttane @)Industrial relattens~ | Gil\Werkpince safety-etandards 4e enture a sofe & hazord free | environment for woikers | W)Camplianre~etiployers must adhere to-statuatory requirements, , suchas factoria act ,indusitial dispute ag etc Vin early phase 1+ tar only 9 lintited 4o develaped and importa nt industne. * Bet further the scape of the lawwas extended 4o include handicrafts, Feral industtia and agrisilue Arnall undertakings ,office worker sets * Labour low help in achieving productWvity ,reducing workplace eengiicis and festering @ stable and meilvated’ work force while ensuring legal & ethical practices Ce)Industtial Dispute - * An industrial dispute refers 46a disagreement or conPliet Between employers and emplayeo over work related iasver ¥ These disputes may arise due te di fferences In wager work! barren ey lon activities or disciplinary actions, Ase g. erievane e.indwidud civecd Wve 4.o Reson meatasion arb Gnadressiog *h* grdvetrio’ harm af alt partes caroctery Ac etre Factory og United King athe early A welfare ef ¥° a Tye Ack wo Factory Insy wThe reguic! Rev eg ee 2 The Factors 1250 and 18 chemand bY 4 The Factory children wor qporcing.f ® The tenho: dire conse Successful ’atrial claput AUN tees Stor ts ay thine lemiley mon endl mie Pay benefits or work hour 4 2: Griewanse disper arlaing From varicut V S*sing agreements or urork pines cenditler os Tondo liniutm —conbitats inyalving aaingle «mniayes and EMPlover often over termination or Unfas realment 4. Collective dieputes-invelve group ar. : Pures-nvelve group of workers often represents MORE concerning broader workplace |tsU gindvatrial dispete Hignignt underiying workplace save ence raatia improvements tn conditions & polteie " ; a Reselving Indusinial dispoier eften involves mechaniams like negotlat tar e mediation arbitration er itervention courts or tribunals ‘ oie Addressing these ca ee ee Sconfilets effectively ts crecial for maintatnt > indvetrial harmory /ensoring productivity and protecting rights andint crest Prat parties wvsived. te ele teenies 8 urs * (OFactory Act ; 4 The Faclory Acl were a scives of arid passed by the Partlament of United Kingdom to requiate the, conditlant of Industrial employm=nt 4 The early Acts concentrated en regulating ther Sf werk and mera) tucltare of young childven employed inectton mills , a Tye Act wan effectively «vforced with Act of 1933 @ prossional v4 Factory Inspectorate - The regulation of working hovrs! was theinekiendéditentiomery _ Act of (S44. a The Factories Act 1849-Cknown on Ten hour Acd) together swith acts Io , 1850 and 1853 eliminating clefects of \34F Act ,met.aleng-standing demand by millworkets for aten~hevr aday _ 4 The Factory Act also sought 46 improve the conditions under whten mill Children worked with requirements enventelation ,santiat\an and | machine'y ; ae @ The 4en-hour day introduction deesw didn't wen* thiough any dire consequenra as predicted by its opponent's and. was rother Successful Including more Industries Prom 1860s onwards ‘esr weneretate de (a) Trade Union 4 MArade union Is same trade or gan't wThey collectively aim’ Rvontibateenatilensy wager =a management In ene ve oclation ef th sdusttye gheir rq) commen! atten or 40 protect ons and, yiies) OR oat ire «tanh manager ent H Ib alma to give barqaning af the Fives or government in abel WiWacts asa bilge be At conveys the potley’ decision Bees eecaitnions veocneys Oren” favour a mana.qemen ‘ igenatcrt ee Gal oniens Jou a have power #0 of workers jweeh the worker and sand abjecttons J tabour yer’s unlea teac tout unio? pehal n legal status in many count They don't work under management PY accept or reject any terms and renditions oO 15 ¥Labsour onions have been give Vike us 2 UK reemert, y binding union 2g} , yers muaimake o legal a for fined duration ¥ \L means emplo eomen+ (OBA) namely collective bargaining 94° ©. Preciac defination of management : wheather Management is the administration of 4% organization? body ta ek and science a it isa business oF NGO oro aor? . af managing resources ef besindl : ee @.Degine Break Even Analysis (BEA t ysis 1s a financial ¢ siness ; service ing Abe point at wh! alculatton *net or product against eh you will A break, even an anal the Gos blof anew bu: weighs WW price Fo determ Ahe unit’ S© break even- MU reveals the point at to cover all your coats @. What are the objectlver of 4r Ci) Impreve thee indi vidual’s le {increase ah Individuals skill inong or mere areas of whieh you will have sold enough units ining and development fonction vel of awarene(t expertire in) Increase an indvidualsmotivatton 40 perform thelr pb well,
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Betty Smith
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (1934)
A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
Dave Eggers
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (233)
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
Doris Kearns Goodwin
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (235)
On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
Naomi Klein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (75)
Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
Jay Sekulow
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (140)
Fear: Trump in the White House
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Fear: Trump in the White House
Bob Woodward
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (805)
Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
Jennifer Egan
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (883)
The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
George Packer
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (45)
John Adams
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John Adams
David McCullough
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (2520)
The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
John le Carré
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (109)
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Transformer Protection-1
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UEE assignment-1
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Static- Relay
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Static- Relay
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Adobe Scan 07-Nov-2024 (2)
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Adobe Scan 07-Nov-2024 (2)
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HVE_Assignment 7th Sem-2024
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DocScanner 29-Nov-2024 11-28 pm
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DocScanner 29-Nov-2024 11-28 pm
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Little Women
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Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (105)