BCDS061 - Image Analytics

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Course Outcome (CO) Bloom’s

Level (KL)
At the end of course , the student will be able to:

Infer the basics and fundamentals of digital image processing and Apply the various K1, K2
techniques for intensity transformations functions. Implement Color image Smoothing
CO 1
CO 2 Illustrate Morphological operation and Apply Some Basic Morphological Algorithms. K2, K3

Apply image segmentation techniques such as Optimum Global Thresholding using K3, K4
CO 3 Otsu’s Method, Active Contours: Snakes and Level Sets for various real-time
Analysis various Feature Extraction methods and Implement for various real-time K3, K4
CO 4
Apply and Analysis various Image Pattern Classification methods such as K3, K4
CO 5 MinimumDistance Classification, Optimum (Bayes) Statistical Classification, and Deep
Convolutional Neural Network.

Unit Topic Proposed

Introduction – Fundamental steps in Image Processing Systems – Image Acquisition –
Sampling and Quantization – Pixel Relationships – Mathematical Tools Used in Digital
Image Processing. Some Basic Intensity Transformation Functions: Image Negatives, Log
Transformations, Power-Law Transformations – Histogram Processing. Color Fundamentals
I – Fundamentals of Spatial Filtering – Smoothing Spatial Filters – Sharpening Spatial Filters. 08
Practical Component: Use Python/ MATLAB
1. Apply various intensity transformations functions.
2. Computing and plotting image histograms and use standard image processing toolbox
Spatial filters.
3. Implement color image Smoothing and Sharpening.
Morphological Image Processing:
Morphological Image Processing: Fundamentals – Erosion and Dilation – Opening and
– Hit or Miss Transform – Some Basic Morphological Algorithms – Morphological
Reconstruction – Grayscale Morphology
II 08
Practical Component: Use Python/
MATLAB 1. Implement Morphological
2. Implement Morphological Reconstruction.
3. Implement Grayscale Morphology.
Colour Image Processing:
Colour fundamentals, colour models, pseudo colour image processing, basics of full colour
image processing, colour transformation, smoothing and sharpening. Image Segmentation
based on colour, Active Contours: Snakes and Level Sets, noise in colour images, colour
image compressions.
Thresholding: Foundation, Basic Global thresholding, Optimum Global Thresholding using
III Otsu’s Method, Multiple Thresholds, Variable Thresholding –Segmentation by Region 08
Growing and by Region Splitting and Merging.
Practical Component: Use Python/ MATLAB
1. Implement Optimum Global Thresholding using Otsu’s Method.
2. Implement Image smoothing and sharpening.
Implement Image Segmentation by Active Contours using anyone method Snakes and
Level Sets.
Feature Extraction
Background – Representation – Boundary Preprocessing – Boundary Feature Descriptors:
Some Basic Boundary Descriptors, Shape Numbers, Fourier Descriptors, Statistical
Moments –
Regional Feature Descriptors: Some Basic Descriptors, Topological and Texture Descriptors,
IV Moment Invariants – Principal Components as Feature Descriptors – Whole-image Features 08
Object – Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT).
Practical Component: Use Python/ MATLAB
1. Implement Boundary Feature Descriptors
2. Implement Topological and Texture Descriptors
3. Implement Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT)
Image Pattern Classification
Background –Patterns and Pattern Classes – Pattern Classification by Prototype Matching:
Minimum-Distance Classifier, Using Correlation for 2-D prototype matching, Matching
SIFT Features, Matching Structural Prototypes – Optimum (Bayes) Statistical Classifiers –
Neural Networks and Deep Learning: Background – The Perceptron – Multilayer
V Feedforward Neural 08
Networks – Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Practical Component: Use Python/ MATLAB
1. Implement Minimum-Distance Classification Algorithm.
2. Implement Optimum (Bayes) Statistical Classification Algorithm.
3. Implement Deep Convolutional Neural Network.
Text Books:
1. Rafael C Gonzalez, Richard E Woods, “Digital Image Processing”, 4th Edition, Pearson,
2. Kenneth R. Castleman, Digital Image Processing Pearson, 2006.
3. Anil K.Jain, “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing”, Person Education, 2003.

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