180°-inverted installation
1 General
1.1 Product description 1.2 Advantages
These patented dual-purpose SAE by inverting the valve. · High pressure rating
check valves are centred between the · Virtually zero leakage
shafts of the four SAE flange bolts. Seal plates and insert plates are · Compact construction
This results in a compact, easy-to- available as required – see also series · The same valve body is used for
install assembly. RVSAE3/6DS.... with O-rings on both 3000 psi and 6000 psi ports
faces (Data Sht. 170-P-060100-E-00). · Same valve body is used for no-
The valves can be used without modi- flow directions A à B and B à A
fication on both 3000 psi (210 bar) The valve design is based on a guided · Optional orifice for metered flow in
and 6000 psi (420 bar) SAE flange poppet that is hardened and ground. the no-flow direction
In the no-flow direction, the valve
The no-flow direction can be reversed closes with no leakage.
2 Main characteristics
Designation SAE check valve
Design guided spherical-poppet design
Mounting method fits between port and flange
Size for SAE ¾“ to 2“ flange ports
Dimensions see Table in section 5, Dimensions
Mounting attitude unrestricted
No-flow direction reversible by inverting the valve (see symbols)
Operating pressure range ...6000 psi (420 bar)
Opening pressure 0.5 bar (standard)
0.2 bar / 1 bar / 2 bar / 4 bar (7 bar) options
Flow rate, Q max. ...1000 l/min
Fluid HL and HLP hydraulic oils to DIN 51524. Other fluids, contact Bucher Hydraulics
Temperature range -30°C... +80°C
Viscosity range 10 ... 500 mm²/s (cSt)
Min. fluid cleanliness 18/14 to ISO 4406 / CETOP RP70H, 8…9 to NAS 1638
4 Components
Item Qty. Description
1 1 Body
2 1 Guide bush
3 1 Spherical poppet
4 1 Spring
5 1 O-ring
6 - Insert plate (if required, order separately)
7 - Seal plate (if required, order separately)
8 - Metering orifice (optional model: RVSAE...-D-...)
5 Dimensions
5.1 Dimensions – valves
H A B ØD X O-ring
3000 / 6000 psi
(210 / 420 bar)
Check valve RV
for SAE flange port (fits between port and flange) SAE
Dual-purpose body 3000 psi / 6000 psi 3/6
O-ring on one face only (blank)
Nominal size
¾“ 34
1“ 11
1 /4“ (Note – on 3000 psi port, M10 bolts only) 114
1 /2“ 112
2“ 21
Opening pressure
0.5 bar (standard) (blank)
0.2 bar 02
1 bar 1
2 bar 2
4 bar 4
Metering orifice
Without orifice (blank)
With orifice (by consultation) D
Design no. 01
Nitrile (standard) (blank)
Viton V
Model code key – seal plate (complete with O-ring and retaining ring) Ex. DPSAE - _____ - _
9 Application notes
The maximum operating pressure must In applications such as accumulator Buyers bear the sole responsibility for
not be exceeded and any pressure circuits, where sudden pressure can ensuring that the selected products are
peaks must be taken into consideration. be applied to the valve in the free-flow suitable for their applications. Buyers
direction, ensure that the specified normally establish this by undertaking
The specified nominal flow rate must flow ratings are not exceeded. qualification programs on test stands,
not be exceeded. or by evaluating the performance of
prototype machines or systems.
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Fax: +49 7742 7116 Fax: +33 389 65 28 78 Fax: +31 7934 26 28 8 Fax: +44 2476 35 35 72 Fax: +1 262 605 82 78