Screenshot 2024-12-06 at 7.40.55 AM
Screenshot 2024-12-06 at 7.40.55 AM
Screenshot 2024-12-06 at 7.40.55 AM
Time Allotted: 2 Hours Full Marks: 60
(iv) Debtors and cash of Y Ltd. are to be retained by the liquidator and
creditors to be paid out of the proceeds. Compute the basis on which
shares of Rs. 10 each in XY Ltd. will be issued to the shareholders of
existing companies. Show the Journal entries in books of XY Ltd.
2. Mr. Das a shareholders of Reliance Ltd. hold 100 shares of `10 each and 12
50 shares of `4 each, wants to sell all the shares.
You are required to ascertain fair value of all shares held by Mr. Das after
considering the following information:
(i) Capital Employed `12,80,000
(ii) Dividend paid for the last three years 11%, 12% and 13%, whereas normal
rate of return is 10%.
(iii) Goodwill is to be considered 4 years of purchases of average super profit
last 3 years.
(iv) Profit of last three years were `1,05,000, `2,40,000 and `2,00,000.
(v) Company‟s paid up Share Capital as 1,00,000 equity shares @ `10 each
fully paid up and 1,25,000 equity shares @ `10 each `4 paid up.
3. Following are the Balance Sheet of A Ltd. and B Ltd. as at 31st December 12
Balance Sheet of A Ltd. and B Ltd. as at 31st December 2020
Equity and Liabilities A Ltd.(`) B Ltd.(`)
Share Capital:
Equity Shares of `10 each 2,50,000 1,00,000
Reserve and Surplus:
General Reserve 75,000 30,000
P/L Account 70,000 60,000
Current Liabilities:
Creditors 50,000 20,000
Bills Payable 5,000 2,000
Total 4,50,000 2,12,000
5181 2
5. Answer any four questions from the following: 6×4 = 24
(a) What is a bonus share? What are the advantages and disadvantages of issuing
bonus shares?
(b) Discuss the logic behind the creation of Capital Redemption Reserve.
(c) Calculate the managerial remuneration from the following of B. Company Ltd.
due to the managing directors of the company at the rate of 5% of the net profit.
Also determine the excess remuneration paid in any.
Net profit during the year 2,05,000
Net profit calculating after considering the following:
Depreciation of Fixed Assets 40,000
Provision for Taxation 3,10,000
Preliminary Expenses 10,000
Director‟s Fees 8,000
Bonus 15,000
Provision for Doughtful Debts 9,000
Expenditure for setting up new machinery 20,000
Managing Directors Remuneration paid 30,000
Profit on Sale of Fixed Assets 6,500
Bonus liability as per Bonus Act. 18,000
(d) What is Goodwill? State the factors affecting valuation of shares.
(e) Distinguish between equity shares and preference shares.
(f) What are the different methods of redemption of debentures?
6. Answer any four questions from the following: 3×4 = 12
(a) N. Company Ltd. purchased a building `1,41,000. It issued 15% debenture of
`100 each at discount of 6% in satisfaction of the purchases price. Pass the
necessary Journal Entries.
(b) What do you mean by buyback of shares?
(c) What are the advantages of depository system?
Answer any two questions from the following 12×2 = 24
1. Discuss in detail the 7P‟s of Service Marketing Mix. 12
3. “Customer Satisfaction and Service quality are closely related.”– Explain. Also 7+5
discuss the various gaps in service quality that can affect the service quality
4. Why do customers complain? Discuss how the different types of consumer 4+8
complaints can be handled effectively.
Answer any four questions from the following 6×4 = 24
5. Briefly discuss the characteristics of services. 6
10. What are the different levels of service package? Discuss with examples. 6
Answer any four questions from the following 3×4 = 12
11. Define Stand-alone service products. 3
5181 4
Answer any two questions from the following 12×2 = 24
1. Discuss in brief the provisions regarding the health of workers under the 12
Factories Act, 1948.
2. What are the restriction in the Factories Act, 1948 relating to employment of 12
women workers?
3. What is a „trade union‟ under the Trade Unions Act 1926? What is the 4+8
procedure for registration of a trade union under the Act?
4. Explain the genesis and applicability of the Employees State Insurance Act 6+6
1948. Describe various benefits payable under the Act.
5. Answer any four questions from the following: 6×4 = 24
(a) Define and explain the term “layoff” and distinguish it from “retrenchment”. 6
(b) Discuss the essential elements of a “factory” under the Factories Act, 1948. 6
(c) Write short note on „lockout‟ and „strike‟. 6
(d) Trace the origin and development of labour law in India. 6
(e) What do you mean by „committee‟ as per Mines Act 1952? 6
(f) What are the obligation of a person employed in a mine? 6
6. Answer any four questions from the following: 3×4 = 12
(a) What are benefits under Maternity Benefit Act.? 3
(b) Explain “employment injury” under the Employees State Insurance Act, 1948. 3
(c) What are roles of certifying surgeons under Plantation Act 1951? 3
(d) What are provisions relating to employment of female workers in a factory? 3
(e) Who is „Adolescent‟ and „Young person‟ as per the Factories Act 1948? 3
(f) Distinguish “individual dispute” and „industrial dispute” under IDA 1947. 3