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CHAN Yuen Ching (1155232464)

Dr. LAI Chi Wai, Kevin
UGFN1000 In Dialogue with Nature
28 Nov 2024
Topic 1: [The Power and Responsibility of Genetic Engineering]
1. Introduction

As the technology grows at the faster pace, the scientist try to cross the limit and take more

challenges. For instance, they cloned organisms, manipulate genes, and growing bio artificial

organs. The studies in genetic engineering are in the prophecy of solving burning issues in health

sector, food production and conservation. Yet, they also set before them the question of moral

rights and duties that come with such force. This essay is a making an effort to expose on the

techniques of genetic engineering and then comment on the ethical aspects as well as or the

duties on it.

2. The Promise of Genetic Engineering

Firstly, genetic engineering has changed the medicine, which is offered the solutions for

some of the most critical challenges of humanity. As Penn Medicine (2023) mentioned, at least

one hundred thousand patients are on the transplant waiting list. Thus, the genetic engineering

was employed to develop the technique to cope with the acute shortage of donor organs. For

instance, there are case that human transplant of genetically modified pig kidney was done

( Stein.R.,2024). Even more dissimilar, genetic engineering provided the technical that organs

are to be transplanted without provoking immune rejection. Therefore, the genetic engineering

not only reacts the immune rejewwwction but also responses to the chronic shortage of donor

organs. Further, the gentle touch of genetic engineering is also aiding to overcome the

problematic diseases. For instance, cystic fibrosis, a sickness that could be characterized as pro-

aggressive and dangerous, has had no significant cure for its treatment while it could be fully
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treated with the help of selective gene splicing. More importantly, the genetic engineering is

serving as a tool in the scientific research to come up with the requisite therapies for the disease

such as liver cancer within the stipulated year of National Gene technology Scheme 2024. As

witnessed from the extracts above, the technology of genetic engineering brought lifesaving

remedies to many patients.

The second prospect of genetic engineering is a variety of opportunities given by the ability

to enhance yields in view of the increased vulnerability to pests, diseases and climate change

thus minimizing hunger in agriculture. Mass farming is a major problem in many components of

the world today since they experience difficult conditions to produce food such as droughts and

the pest. Thankfully the scientists came up with GM food which is genetic engineering. Selective

breeding takes a long time as compared to the genetic modification technique that will give the

same results within a short duration. This technique will first determine the genetic details and

reproduce that detail from the organism which possesses the trait. be more resistant to pests,

diseases, and changing climate conditions, thereby reducing food insecurity. In many parts of the

world, food production faces significant challenges due to environmental stressors such as

droughts and the pest. Luckily, the scientists developed GM food which is genetic engineering.

Genetic modification is a faster and more efficient way of getting the same results as selective

breeding. This technique will first identify the genetic information and copy that information

from the organism that has the trait. Then, they will place that information into the gene of

another organism and cultivate that new organism. This technique can more fast to rise crop

yields (World Health Organization,2024) . Also, insect and pest resistance can be developed and

inserted into the plants under genetic engineering ( BBC,2024). For instance, the plants will

synthesize poisons that will keep insects from attacking the crop. In other words, it also cuts on
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the application of pesticides. It can therefore assist in increase the yields for crops or the quality

of crops for humans. This could go along way towards feeding the hungry of the world. Also, the

center for food safety said that the process of genetic engineering is effective in making crops to

be more resistant to unfavorable growing conditions such as draught. Self-watering ability is

another important feature of the crops that are being able to sustain their yields and growth in

areas of constrained water supply. Therefore, we argue that genetic engineering can be used to

enhance agriculture.

3. The Ethical Dilemmas of Genetic Engineering

However, I found that there are serious ethical concerns even with application of the

principle of genetic engineering. Some people are worried about potential consequences for

human health and for the general genetic diversity of organisms. Secondly genetic

engineering can lead to the formation of antibiotic resistance. Some of the most common

selective markers used in genetic engineering are antibiotic resistance genes, termination

genes and origins of replication ( Bakshi.A.,2003). A majority of GM plant foods contain

functional antibiotic resistance genes for example, most genetically modified plant foods

have intact Agrobacterium tumefaciens tumor-inducing T-DNA genes. Eating these foods

could inhibit the ability of these antibiotics to fight diseases if taken together with them when

taken in meals. Antibiotic resistance genes therefore synthesize enzymes which break down

antibiotics. If the consumed tomatoes contain antibiotic resistance genes, then consuming

them together with the antibiotics will destroy the antibiotic in the stomach. Therefore,

resistance genes can be translocated to normal human or animal pathogens which may be

impervious to antibiotics (Down to Earth, 2024). Nevertheless, there are those who can

develop an opinion that a genetic engineering will be dangerous to the people’s health. While
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there are those who may also test on the different propositions that the development of

genetic engineering shall improve the human traits and bring about the possibility of human

cloning. Despite the cloning’s possible benefits in the medical field, including generation of

same genetic material as transplant tissues and organs, there are keyed-down issues over

identity, individuality, and the right to life. Concerns that humans should not be cloned

because such experiments bring into society a regime where people are valued for mere

monetary value as a means of cloning other human beings. For the same reason, the

application of biotechnology that aims at elevating human characteristics including

intelligence, vigor and beauty results to “genetically modified organisms.” Hence, while

some may regard genetic engineering as a solution to a problem of public health and


4. Conclusion

While some may pose concerns to genetic engineering that it may have adverse effects on

health or the rights or freedom of individuals, then wonderful it is to embrace this technology

when caution is observed. For instance, it is similar to the double helix was discovered ( Text

2, n.d.) . Some of the criticism made to genetic engineering include the menace of misuse of

the technology for instance to produce “designer babies and the prospect of strengthening

social inequalities through genetic improvements, in addition to long term consequences

among human beings and the environment. However, these risks are manageable if proper

ethical and legal frameworks guide to its uses are put in place. Thus, under the right

supervision society will ensure that genetic engineering becomes a positive influence and not

the otherwise. For example, the government can restrict the use of gene-editing technologies

for enhancement, for therapeutic uses for instance eradicating diseases, would go a long way
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in preventing their misuse. Likewise, much supervision is necessary to prevent those

modified genes and organisms from causing harm to the environment or the entire world

population. As much as I have a tendency to override Spiderman’s Uncle Ben’s philosophy

that ‘with great power comes great responsibility’ when it comes to ethical dilemma, it is the

perfect statement given the progression of genetic engineering. The scientist have more

power and talent, they can develop more technology to help the society ( Text 5,n.d.). As

science and politics try and develop new and more varied methods of genetic engineering it

is imperative that we use this power for the betterment of all mankind, to fight disease,

famine, and climate change. Such technologies carry promise, not just for addressing the

current problems, but also for addressing future emergent problems as well. Whenever the

technique of genetic engineering is advance, the society can apply this genetic engineering in

solving this problem (Text 5 ,n.d.). We also require this technology to solve other emerging

issue in the future. Consequently, it is my belief that we can proceed to foster this powerful

technology if we bear it in mind and respond adequately to the moral, social and

environments issues that surround it.

( 1391words)
Works Cited (26 words)
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Reference list

BBC. (2023, March 30). Benefits and risks of genetic engineering - variation - aqa - GCSE

biology (single science) revision - AQA - BBC bitesize. BBC News.

Center for food safety.(n.d.).Know more- genetically modified food. Centre for food safety.

Down to Earth.(n.d.).Risks of Genetic Engineering. Down to Earth.

Food and Drug Administration.(n.d.). Science and history of gmos and other food modification

processes.U.S. Food and Drug Administration.


National Gene Technology Scheme. (2024, May 13). Gene technology and human health.

Poincare.H., Our Understanding of Human Understanding. In Dialogue with Nature.Tex5

Newton.I.,(n.d.). Our Understanding of Human Understanding. In Dialogue with Nature.Text2

Olthoff.K.,(2023).6 Quick Facts About Organ Donation. Penn medicine.

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Stein, R. (2024, March 21). First human transplant of a genetically modified pig kidney

performed. NPR.


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