Enhanced Analysis on Image Enrichment Methods
Enhanced Analysis on Image Enrichment Methods
Enhanced Analysis on Image Enrichment Methods
ABSTRACT— is improved by emphasizing its high frequency
content, which corresponds to edges and
The objective of Image enrichment is to process an discontinuities in the image, to enhance the fine
image so that result is more suitable than original details in the image. The underlying principle in such
image for specific application. Digital image techniques is based on the sensitivity of the human
enrichment techniques provide a lot of choices for visual system to discontinuities present in the scene.
improving the visual quality of images. Appropriate Thus, emphasizing the high frequency content would
choice of such techniques is very important. This necessarily improve the image quality. One popular
paper will provide an overview and analysis of technique that adopts such approach is the classical
different techniques commonly used for image linear unsharp masking (UM); in which contrast
enhancement. Image enhancement plays a enhancement is achieved by adding the original
fundamental role in vision applications. Recently image to a scaled highpass-filtered version of the
much work is completed in the field of images image itself. The highpass-filtered version of the
enhancement. Many techniques have previously been original image is either computed in the spatial
proposed up to now for enhancing the digital images. domain using derivative masks or in the frequency
Image enrichment is the task of applying certain domain using highpass filters [1,2].
alterations to an input image like as to obtain a more
visually pleasing image. Many images such as Several approaches have been proposed to extend
medical images, remote sensing images, electron the basic UM technique by manipulating the edge
microscopy images and even real life photographic image before it is added back to the original image.
pictures, suffer from poor contrast. Therefore it is The simplest extension is based on scaling the edge
necessary to enhance the contrast. The purpose of image by a constant value [3]. However, there are no
image enhancement methods is to increase image guidelines on how to specify the gain value.
visibility and details. Two major classifications of Additionally, this approach applies equally to all
image enhancement techniques are spatial domain regions in the image without any consideration to the
enhancement and frequency domain enhancement. level of activity. This in turn results in noise
However, these techniques bring about tonal changes amplification in smooth regions and ringing artifacts
in the images. Number of enhancement techniques near edge regions. To address the ringing artifacts
available for sketches are very few in comparison problem, the authors in [4] specify the gain scale
with the techniques available for images. The scope values that are proportional to the local activity in
of enhancement in case of composite sketches and the image regions. Basically, for a pixel in the edge
forensic sketches is left out. Therefore, it would have image, the scale value is assumed to be inversely
been better if an in-depth research work is proportional to the local standard deviation (LSD) in
undertaken. a small neighborhood around that pixel. In this
approach, ringing artifacts are significantly reduced
KEY WORDS- Image processing; Image enrichment; since edge pixels are characterized with relatively
Unsharp Masking; Nonlinear filtering high LSD values. However, amplification of noise in
smooth regions is significantly increased since
smooth regions are of low LSD values.
I. INTRODUCTION: Alternatively, the technique proposed in [5] attempts
to tackle noise amplification and edge ringing
Image contrast enhancement plays a vital role in artifacts by using a nonlinear contrast gain function
almost any image-based application. Numerous that is defined by deriving a transformation function
contrast enhancement techniques have been that maps the LSD histogram into a desired
proposed in the literature [1,2]. In one category of histogram obtained through an extension Hunt’s
these techniques, the visual quality of a digital image image model. It was proven that such gain function
Journal Publication of International Research for Engineering and Management (JOIREM)
Volume: 10 Issue: 07 | July-2024
solving a weighted least square optimization into groups: Histogram Equalization (HE),Tone
problem. In [11] , H. Badri, H. Yahia et al. proposed an Mapping.
accelerated iterative shrinkage algorithm to Histogram Equalization is one of the most commonly
decompose and enhance image. In [14], the L0 norm used methods for contrast enhancement. It attempts
based smoothing algorithm is introduced to a detail to alter the spatial histogram of an image to closely
enhancement scheme for fusion of differently match a uniform distribution. The main objective of
exposed images by F. Kou, Z. Li, C. Wen. In [15], it is this method is to achieve a uniform distributed
used in a visual enhancement algorithm for low histogram by using the cumulative density function
backlight displays. of the input image. The advantages of the HE include
it suffers from the problem of being poorly suited for
retaining local detail due to its global treatment of
Enrichment Methods the image small- scale details that are often
Image enrichment is the process of modifying digital associated with the small bins of the histogram are
photos so that the desired info is far better eliminated. The disadvantage is that it is not a
pertaining to show or maybe for further image suitable property in some applications such as
analysis. Image enrichment techniques can be consumer electronic products, where brightness
divided into two broad categories :- preservation is necessary to avoid annoying artifacts.
Spatial domain methods Tone Mapping is another approach of contrast
Spatial domain techniques directly deal with the enhancement techniques. In this method if we want
image pixels. The pixel values are manipulated to to output high dynamic range (HDR) image on paper
achieve desired enhancement. Spatial domain or on a display. We must somehow convert the wide
techniques like the logarithmic transforms, power intensity range in the image to the lower range
law transforms, histogram equalization are based on supported by the display. This technique used in
the direct manipulation of the pixels in the image. image processing and computer graphics to map a
Spatial techniques are particularly useful for directly set of colours to another, often approximate the
altering the gray level values of individual pixels and appearance of high dynamic range images in media
hence the overall contrast of the entire image. But with a more limited dynamic range. Tone mapping is
they usually enhance the whole image in a uniform done in the luminance channel only and in
manner which in many cases produces undesirable logarithmic scale. It is used to convert floating point
results .It is not possible to selectively enhance edges radiance map into 8-bit representation for rendering
or other required information effectively. Techniques applications. The two main aims of tone mapping
like histogram equalization are effective in many algorithm: Preserving image details and providing
images. enough absolute brightness information in low
The approaches can be classified into two categories: dynamic range tone mapped image.
Point Processing operation (Intensity transformation
function). Frequency domain systems
Spatial filter operations. Transformation or frequency domain techniques are
Point processing operations (Intensity based on the manipulation of the orthogonal
transformation function) is the simplest spatial transform of the image rather than the image itself.
domain operation as operations are performed on Frequency domain techniques are suited for
single pixel only. Pixel values of the processed image processing the image according to the frequency
depend on pixel values of original image. It can be content . The principle behind the frequency domain
given by the expression g(x,y) = T[f(x,y)] , where T is methods of image enhancement consists of
gray level transformation in point processing. They computing a 2-D discrete unitary transform of the
are especially useful for bringing out detail in Fourier image, for instance the 2-D DFT, manipulating the
transforms. transform coefficients by an operator M, and then
Direct methods define a contrast measure and try to performing the inverse transform.
improve it. Indirect methods on the other hand, The orthogonal transform of the image has two
improve the contrast through exploiting the components magnitude and phase. The magnitude
underutilized regions or the dynamic range without consists of the frequency content of the image. The
defining a specific contrast term. Contrast phase is used to restore the image back to the spatial
enhancement techniques can be broadly categorized domain. The usual orthogonal transforms are
discrete cosine transform, discrete Fourier
Journal Publication of International Research for Engineering and Management (JOIREM)
Volume: 10 Issue: 07 | July-2024
transform, Hartley Transform etc. The transform to enhance color images by performing the
main enables operation on the frequency content operations on their multiple intensity
intens components or
of the image, and therefore high frequency content on their luminance component, where image detail
such as edges and other subtle information can easily and edge information are encoded.
be enhanced.