• Now old routes came under Turkish control in 1453 Indian spices
and moreover the merchants of Venice monopolised it
and refused other new European states to share the
route, specially Spain and Portugal.
• On other hand, the demand of spices was very
pressing and the wealth of India was also an
attraction for Europeans.
• Now these new states started searching for new
routes to east to break the monopoly of turkey, Venice
and others.
• Luckily till 15th century they came to know ship
building and science of navigation.
• First step was taken by Portugal and Spain, they sent govt.
sponsored seamen to nd the new sea routes. Landing of
• First voyage was : in 1494 by Columbus of Spain ( originally vasco in calicut
Italian) but found America instead of Asia.
• In 1498, Vasco da Gama set out to nd India through the
cape of good hope and reached at Calicut in India.
Beginnings of European
settlements in India
The story of starting of a new era
Part 2 of lesson 3 - Portuguese and Dutch east India company in
Portuguese east India company ( rise )
• They ruled the east west sea trade route for over 100 years and established
their factories at coachin, Goa, Daman and Diu.
• They used force with trade, their ships were armed, by which they threatened
the land powers.
• They intervened in state con icts between two and took bene ts.
• Portuguese also destroyed Arab shipping and by threatening the Mughal
shipping, secured concessions from Mughal emperor.
• Portuguese established their control on trade from Persian gulf to Indonesia.
• They seized Indian territories on the coast and waged constant wars for
more control against their European rivals.
• Portuguese were religiously intolerant, tried to convert peoples religion to
Christianity by sword.
• They hated the people of India for their religious tolerance in the rule.
Portuguese east India company ( decline )
• However they did a mistake, they clashed with the Mughal power in Bengal in
1631 and were driven out of their settlement at Hugli.
• Their hold on Arabian Sea was already weekend by growing English eic.
• By now, Portugal became incapable of maintaining their monopoly reasons were:
It was a small country of less than a million.
It’s court and govt. were autocratic and corrupt, so merchants enjoyed less
power and prestige.
Policy of religious intolerance in India.
By now English and Dutch became more powerful and they all set to rule this
trade route via cape of good hope.
By 1580 it became dependent on Spain’s protection, on the other hand
Spain’s most powerful eet called Spanish Armada was defeated by English and
the dream of Spain and Portugal for an empire in India shattered.
In the end, Dutch gained control on Indonesia and England on India, Ceylon
and Malaya.
Dutch ( Netherlands ) east India company
• Before direct trade, Dutch used to purchased
eastern goods from Portugal and sold it over Europe,
by doing this they earn good money and business
• But, relation with Spain and Portugal became bitter
and now they made their own eic and Dutch govt.
gave them charter for trade in 1602.
• Their main interest was Indonesia and its spice
islands and not the India, however they built many
factories at India. They export cotton and silk etc
from here and treated Indians badly like Portuguese.
• They defeated Portuguese and English eic in 1623,
over the trade monopoly for Indonesia.
• But later, they con ned themselves to Indonesia
more and very less in India on other side Britishers
leaved all claims on Indonesia, as a part of treaty.
Beginnings of European
settlements in India
The story of starting of a new era
• However, this success was short lived, the House of Commons passed a
resolution in which everyone from England got the right to trade with east.
• Now the rival merchants found a company called “new company” and
gave a loan of 20 lakh euros to the govt. and the eic could o er only 7 lakh
• Consequently the new company got the monopoly on trade, both new
and old company fought for long time, but in 1702 both company joined
together and formed a united company.
East India
The government and the organisation of the company Factory
company’s factories in India.
• These factories were generally a forti ed area with
warehouses, o ces and houses of the o cials.
• O cials were divided into 3 ranks : writers, factors
and merchants and they got low salaries.
• Still they were very interested to get posted in
India, because they got the permission to do inland
private trade, but trade between Europe and east
remained company’s monopoly.
• The factories were administered by governors and
council members on majority vote basis.
Beginnings of European
settlements in India
The story of starting of a new era
Part 5 of lesson 3 - French east India company and Anglo French
The Anglo French struggle.
• The ambitions of eic for political powers, which were
suppressed by aurengzeb in late 17th century, were
now again emerging after the death of aurengzeb and
nadir shah’s invasion.
• But in west Marthas and in east nawabs of Bengal
were at their peak power, so no chance their.
• However, Hyderabad and south became a disturbed
and weak land by know, specially after nizam’s death
and plundered by Marathas, British eic found their
opportunity here.
• But British eic was not a single contender in south
India, now French was their new rival and to decide
the domination both fought from 1744-1763.
But before this lets see the history.
French east India company
• Founded in 1664, but progressed after its reorganisation in 1720.
• It established factories at Calcutta, Pondicherry in east coast and some
others on west coast as well and soon competed with British eic.
• But this company was bounded with its government in France, which was
highly Corrupted, ine cient and traditional, instead of forward looking. The
govt. o cials were narrow minded for short term bene ts and had no vision of
company’s lasting success.
• Company was dependent on this government for help, grants and subsidies,
also the directors of the company were recruited by the government and these
things were injurious for the company.
War between France and England in Europe
• War started between France and England over the controls of
America, India and specially over the opportunity to establish their
control over the India under declining Mughal empire.
• British eic was superior in money and force due to their better
settlements of factories in India and wealth earned by trade and also in
naval strength.
• This war spread to India and British eic captured French ships.
• Dupleix, the French governor of Pondicherry a genius commander fought
back and occupied madras ( which was in carnatic control ) in 1746.
• Now, Britishers played the game, they appealed to the nawab of Carnatic
to took back his territory from French.
• Nawab sent an army of 10,000 to show that he was still the master of his
• Though, French army was below 1000, they were well trained on western
lines and disciplined, so they defeated nawabs army at Adyar river.
• This showed that, Indian troops had no match against technologically
advanced western armies, by this new ambitions aroused in both
companies to gain territory and power.
• These wars came to end with the treaty of Paris in 1763, some French
factories were restored to them and they lived under British protection.
• By now, French dreams of empire in India ended and British faced no
rivals from Europe.
• Now Britishers set about to conquer Indian kingdoms.
A sepoy in 1900
Some lessons learnt by Britishers in this long
• India lacks feeling of nationalism, and they
could take the bene t of internal quarrels.
• Indian style traditional army could be easily
defeated by modern western army.
• Indian soldier, if trained could be as good
as an European soldier, moreover they
lacked nationalism, so could be used or
employed by paying well.
• As a result, British created a new army of
Indian soldiers called “sepoys” under English
o cers and used it for their dreams.