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Instructor: Dr. Aiea Elhabak

• Springs are elastic
bodies (generally
metal) that can be
twisted, pulled, or
stretched by some

• They can return to their

original shape when the
force is released.

• In other words, it is also

termed as a resilient

• To absorb energy (i.e. shock

absorbers, dampers, etc.)

• To store/release energy (i.e. clock, toys,


• To exert force (i.e. safety valves, cam

and follower)

• To return or displace a component.

Types of springs
1. Helical compression springs

Conical coiled
coiled spring

2. Helical tension springs

Double conical

Cylindrical coiled T. spring

3. Torsional springs
Ft Ft

Mt Mt

4. Spiral springs:
5. Leaf springs
Helical Compression Spring
Do= spring coil outer diameter Di
Di= spring coil inner diameter
Dm= mean coil diameter Ψ

= (Do+Di)/2
dw= spring wire diameter
F.L.=free length
PF.L.=pitch at free length
Ψ= helix angle
PF.L dw
na= active no. of coils
N=total no. of coils Do

Spring Characterization curve
Spring Force

K (stiffness coefficient) Spring Deflection (y)
0 δin δw
Safety margin (0.3 S.L.)
δ max
Solid length (S.L.)

Initial spring length (setting)

Free length (F.L.)

Design of compression spring

Kw, curvature correction


C, Spring index (4-12)

Design of compression spring

𝛿 = 8 𝑃𝐷3 𝑛𝑎 /𝐺𝑑4
𝛿, axial elongation (deflection)

𝐾 = = 𝐺𝑑4 /8𝐷3 𝑛𝑎
K, Spring stiffness
Types of spring ends

𝑁 = 𝑛a 𝑁 = 𝑛a+1 𝑁 = 𝑛a + 2 𝑁 = 𝑛a + 2

Plain end Ground end Squared end Squared &

Ground end
 Solid length (Ls)=N dw

 Free length (Lf) = Ls + δmax (< 4𝐷𝑚)

 K (stiffness coefficient)= Fin/ δin

=(Fmax-Fin)/ δw
Solved Example

Design a helical compression spring to fit over a

25 mm rod and to exert a force of 178 N when it is 89
mm long, and a force of 1246 N when it is 51 mm
long. Spring should be as small as possible.

Spring coil inner diameter (Di) can

be assumed = 26 mm (greater than
rod diameter)

F1 = 178 N L1=89 mm

F2 = 1246 N L2=51 mm

ΔF= 1068 N  = 38 mm

ΔF 1068
Ks = = = 28.1 N/mm
Δδ 38
Gdw 4 Gdw
but Ks = 3
= 3
8D m n 8c n
Put the spring index C = 5

Dm Di + dw 26
c= = =1+ → dw = 6.5mm, Dm = 32.5 mm
dw dw dw

Check for max shear stress induced in the spring


8Fmax Dm 4c − 1 0.615 8x1246x32.5 2

τ = kc = ( − ) = 400N/mm
πdw 3 4c − 4 c π(6.5)3

Choose spring material: Music wire A228

From table 1: Sy=0.7 Sult G= 82.7 GPa
From table 2: A=2211 m= 0.145
A 2211
Sult = m = 0.145 = 1741MPa
d w 5 .2
Ssy 0.5  0.7 Sut 609.31
[ ]allow. = = =
F.S. F.S. F.S.

τ ≤ [τ ]allow

F.S.= 1.5 which is safe

𝐺 𝑑𝑤
𝐾𝑠 = 3
8𝑐 𝑛
∴ Active number of coils n = 19.1 turns
Total number of coils N = n ≅ 20 turns (assume ground
plain spring)
Solid length Ls= N dw = 130 mm
Free length Lf = 1.3 Ls + δmax
= 1.3 Ls + (Fmax / Ks)
= 169 + ( 1246 /28.1) = 213.34 mm

So, the spring specifications are:-

Spring index =5
Wire diameter = 6.5 mm
Coil inner diameter = 26 mm
Coil outer diameter = 39 mm
Free length = 213.34 mm
Table 1: Spring materials
Table 2: A, m constants

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