TIME: 17:10:38,819 - root - INFO: Attempting to create API instructions. Sat Aug 3
17:10:38 2024
TIME: 17:10:40,38 - LOGGER - INFO: Attemping to fetch list and dict of zip files.
TIME: 17:10:40,38 - LOGGER - INFO: Fetch list and dict operation success.
TIME: 17:10:40,39 - root - INFO: Github Api instructions have been fetched
TIME: 17:10:40,39 - root - INFO: Attempting to create api.json.
TIME: 17:10:40,39 - root - INFO: Creating api.json file..
TIME: 17:10:40,39 - root - INFO: Adding API time to config_file. Sat Aug 3
17:10:40 2024.
TIME: 17:10:41,95 - LOGGER - INFO: Detected a Windows based SYSTEM!
TIME: 17:10:41,95 - LOGGER - WARNING: qt-config.ini not found, the script will
assume default appdata directories, please reopen Legacy for consistency and make
sure TOTK is present..!
TIME: 17:10:41,688 - LOGGER - INFO: main
TIME: 17:10:41,718 - LOGGER - INFO: No Benchmarks detected.
TIME: 17:10:41,721 - LOGGER - INFO: Checking for Updates!
TIME: 17:10:42,60 - LOGGER - INFO: No Updates Found. Your app is up to date.
TIME: 17:11:01,99 - LOGGER - INFO: Starting TASKs for Normal Patch..
TIME: 17:11:01,253 - LOGGER - INFO: Couldn`t detect if Legacy.exe is running.
TIME: 17:11:01,254 - LOGGER - INFO: Downloading: UltraCam
TIME: 17:11:01,825 - LOGGER - INFO: Downloaded: UltraCam
TIME: 17:11:01,825 - LOGGER - INFO: Checking for Settings...
TIME: 17:11:01,826 - LOGGER - INFO: Saving user choices in TOTKOptimizer.ini
TIME: 17:11:01,828 - LOGGER - INFO: User choices saved in Memory,Attempting to
write into file.
TIME: 17:11:01,828 - LOGGER - INFO: Successfully written into log file
TIME: 17:11:01,829 - LOGGER - INFO: Starting Mod Creator.
TIME: 17:11:01,831 - LOGGER - INFO: Generating mod at C:\Users\emili\AppData\
TIME: 17:11:01,840 - LOGGER - INFO: Config has not been able, identify
config_title_id: 72324500776771584,the manager will continue but the mods may not
be turned off as expected.
TIME: 17:11:08,611 - LOGGER - INFO: Tasks have been COMPLETED. Feel free to Launch
the game.
TIME: 17:11:09,566 - LOGGER - WARNING: Game not found in None
Please select your game file.
TIME: 17:11:41,565 - LOGGER - INFO: Launching game C:/The Legend of Zelda -
TIME: 17:11:41,691 - LOGGER - INFO: Couldn`t detect if yuzu.exe is running.
TIME: 17:12:06,267 - LOGGER - INFO: Saving user choices in TOTKOptimizer.ini
TIME: 17:12:06,268 - LOGGER - INFO: User choices saved in Memory,Attempting to
write into file.
TIME: 17:12:06,269 - LOGGER - INFO: Successfully written into log file
TIME: 17:12:06,269 - LOGGER - INFO: Successfully selected Legacy.exe! And a
portable folder was found at C:/The Legend of Zelda - TotK!