No explosion or
Short-Circuit Test
No explosion or
Abnormal Charging Test
No explosion or
Forced-Discharge Test
No explosion, fire,
Shock Test
or leakage
No explosion, fire,
Vibration Test
or leakage
No explosion or Our expert application engineers will work with you to select
Heating Test the right chamber and features to meet your specific testing
needs safely and efficiently.
No explosion or The safety standards for lithium-ion batteries under
Temperature Cycling Test
fire EUCAR, UL, CSA, or IEC describe the requirements for the
construction and testing of lithium-ion batteries. Testing of
Low Pressure Test batteries involves potentially destructive tests, which can
No leakage lead to hazards like fire and explosions, compromising the
(Altitude Simulation)
safety of the test engineers.
EUCAR HAZARD LEVELS define the outcome of cell level safety testing. However, you also
need to understand the capacity of the cells being tested and likely hazard level to determine
if the chamber can contain a cell failure. A large capacity cell being tested with a likely hazard
level 4 result can create an overpressure in a small test chamber, which could cause a failure of
the test chamber itself, endangering testing personnel.
Passive protection No defect; no leakage; no venting, fire or flame; no rupture; no explosion; no exothermic reaction or
activated thermal runaway. Cell reversibly damaged. Repair of protection device needed.
No leakage; no venting, fire or flame; no rupture; no explosion; no exothermic reaction or thermal
2 Defect/damage
runaway. Cell irreversibly damaged. Repair needed.
Leakage, mass No venting, fire or flame; no rupture; no explosion. Weight loss < 50% of electrolyte weight
change <50% (electrolyte = solvent + salt)
Venting, mass No fire or flame; no rupture; no explosion. Weight loss ≥ 50% of electrolyte weight
change ≥50% (electrolyte = solvent + salt).